#lincoln real estate for sale
harcourtsfourseasons · 3 months
Top 6 Qualities to Look for In Real Estate Agents
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Are you on the hunt for your dream home or ready to sell your property? Whether you're a first-time buyer or a seasoned investor, finding the trusted real estate agents Lincoln can make all the difference.
With countless agents vying for your business, it's essential to know what qualities to look for to ensure a smooth and successful transaction. Here are the top six qualities to consider when selecting your real estate agents.
1. Experience
Experience is key when it comes to navigating the complex world of real estate. Look for real estate agents who have a proven track record in your desired market. Experienced agents have encountered various scenarios and possess the knowledge and skills to handle any situation that may arise.
They can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout the buying or selling process, making your journey less stressful and more rewarding.
2. Local Knowledge
One of the most valuable assets a real estate agent can offer is their local knowledge. A seasoned agent who is intimately familiar with the neighbourhoods you're interested in can provide invaluable advice on market trends, school districts, amenities, and more.
They can help you find the perfect neighbourhood that aligns with your lifestyle and investment goals, ensuring you make an informed decision.
3. Communication Skills
Effective communication is essential for a successful real estate transaction. Look for Lincoln real estate agents who are responsive, proactive, and transparent in their communication. They should listen attentively to your needs, promptly answer your questions, and keep you updated every step of the way.
Good communication fosters trust and ensures that you're always in the loop, empowering you to make informed decisions with confidence.
4. Negotiation Skills
Negotiation is a fundamental aspect of the real estate process, and having a skilled negotiator on your side can make a significant difference in the outcome. Seek out real estate agents who are adept at negotiating terms, prices, and contingencies to secure the best possible deal for you.
Whether you're buying or selling, a strong negotiator can advocate for your interests and maximise your financial gains while minimising risks.
5. Professionalism
Professionalism is non-negotiable when it comes to choosing real estate agents. From their appearance to their demeanour, you want to work with someone who exudes professionalism in every interaction. They should be punctual, organised, and respectful, treating you and all parties involved with courtesy and integrity.
A professional agent prioritises your needs and works tirelessly to achieve your objectives, ensuring a positive experience from start to finish.
6. References and Reviews
Before making your final decision, take the time to research real estate agent's references and reviews. Reach out to past clients to get firsthand feedback on their experiences working with the agent. Online reviews and testimonials can also provide valuable insights into their reputation, work ethic, and success rate.
By gathering information from multiple sources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the agent's capabilities and determine if they're the right fit for your needs.
Choosing the right Lincoln real estate agents is a crucial step in achieving your real estate goals. By prioritising qualities such as experience, local knowledge, communication skills, negotiation skills, professionalism, and reputation, you can find an agent who will guide you through the process with expertise and dedication.
Remember to do your due diligence and trust your instincts when selecting your real estate agents. With the right agent by your side, you can embark on your real estate journey with confidence and peace of mind.
Source: https://medium.com/@teichelmannmaya/top-6-qualities-to-look-for-in-real-estate-agents-72f8aa79f0d1
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This beautiful 1879 gothic revival in Springfield, Illinois was converted to an office, but now it’s for sale, for $360K and they say it can be easily converted back to a home. It does need a kitchen, though.
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But, here’s the thing- it’s a law office and they decorated with magnificent church architectural salvage. The entrance hall has a church pew and what looks like part of an altar.
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If they’re featuring pieces like this, they must convey. 
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Conference room could be a dining room.
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Does this fabulous Lincoln statue convey?
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Look at the window, and there’s a beautifully preserved fireplace in here.
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This home has wonderful stained glass.
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The real estate description says that the reception room is the potential kitchen.
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Another beautiful door.
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But this. Just look at this amazing bathroom. 
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Cool mail slot window.
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Why do they convert these gorgeous homes into law offices? I hope whoever buys it, makes it a home.
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At least they put a nice red runner on the stairs.
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Beautiful original chandelier.
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Nice. Looks like there was some kind of a gate here.
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All of the pieces up here are magnificent.
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There’s another wonderful fireplace. The office lighting has to go, though.
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Beautiful shelving- it’s awfully narrow What could you even fit in those drawers?
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Architectural salvage from a post office. 
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These old mailboxes are beautiful.
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These oak pieces can be used in a kitchen.
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This amazing piece is an old confessional. This is the priest’s cubby- notice the windows on each side so he can go back & forth from sinner to sinner. 
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How cool is this- you walk thru the confessional to get to this bathroom. And, it has another great sink. These sinks are incredible.
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In love with the bathrooms. 
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This powder room has a nice piece with a red bowl sink.
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For $360K this is a gigantic house and w/all the architectural salvage, it’s well worth converting back, if you have the money to put into it.
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rocksolidbuilding · 20 days
Find A Unique Home with these Ways
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Almost everyone you come into contact with in life aspires to possess their own home. Everyone aspires to have a personal space they can call home. While some people are fortunate enough to have a peaceful childhood, others must work hard, earn money, and eventually build their ideal unique homes in Port Lincoln. These days, you can obtain a loan to purchase an attribute because of the simple home loan options. Choose convenient monthly instalments spread out over time to ensure you can repay the loan without experiencing any financial hardship. Take whatever action best meets your needs. Let's return to the subject of home ownership now.
There are various kinds of properties available. What precisely are you trying to find? Penthouses, duplexes, three-bedroom apartments, villas, and even multistory complexes are available. You must first determine your areas of interest. Which property you should search for will depend on your preferences and financial situation. After making this decision, you must work with a real estate agent. Talk about everything in-depth with the agent. Inform him of your precise needs, your preferred location, and your financial situation. The many homes that are up for sale are well documented by real estate brokers. They work in this field. Why do you wait? Now is the perfect time to look into the service providers so you may purchase the home of your dreams. Make sure the loan length and the amount of the initial monthly instalment are convenient for you if you decide to take out a house loan. Purchasing unique homes in Whyalla is no longer a challenging endeavour. Knowing what to search for is all that is required. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments area. We would love to hear from you all.
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arsip-bang · 26 days
(sketch & clues) First Event
Type of party: Masquerade Ball x Garden Soireé
Main point: Help Cecilia to find him!
(First sub-mission: Guess only the face claim of Cheesy Hades based on the description, Korean. Cheesy Hades is an original character and not part of us.)
Sesuai dugaan, satu ajakan berjudi telah membuat lelaki bertubuh tinggi itu sepenuhnya melupakan tanggung jawabnya menjaga sang adik. Cecilia berjalan sendirian ke tempat minuman, memperhatikan para pria yang tengah saling menyombongkan bisnis real estate-nya, serta beberapa gadis muda yang tengah menggosipkan lembar gosip, lucu sekali.
Suara tawa dan musik lembut dari ensemble kecil yang memainkan karya-karya Mozart dan Beethoven mengisi udara. Para tamu dengan topeng warna-warni dan bulu-bulu eksotis bergerak dengan anggun di ruang balairung besar. Kilaunya chandelier besar di tengah ruangan memberikan sentuhan kemewahan yang kontras dengan kecanggungan Cecilia.
Semua orang tampak saling mengenal satu sama lain, sesuai dengan dugaan Cecilia. Namun, Aldrich, sang host pemula itu, membuat aturan kekanak-kanakan bahwa tak seorang pun boleh menyebut selain nama samaran di pestanya. "Agar lebih misterius seperti pesta-pesta di Paris," katanya. Konyol. Apalah gunanya merahasiakan identitas di society dengan anggota kurang dari dua ratus ini?
Seakan mengutuk rasa sok tahunya, tak lama kemudian seorang pria tak dikenal—sumpah, demi apapun, Cecilia sudah berusaha menghafalkan semua nama keluarga bangsawan the ton beserta hewan peliharaan mereka—mendekat ke arah Cecilia. Ya, Tuhan, Katedral Lincoln mengajaknya bicara! Tuan asing ini tinggi sekali, seolah mengingatkan Cecilia betapa pendek dirinya dalam seribu bahasa. Cecilia memaksakan senyum kaku, mencoba menjaga ketenangannya saat pensil di tangan pria itu menari lincah di atas kartu dansa miliknya, meninggalkan tulisan tebal dan gelap Cheesy Hades. Haha, tulisannya ternyata cukup imut untuk seseorang yang terlihat lebih seperti raksasa pesisir. Namun, tawa kecilnya segera lenyap saat Cheesy Hades menulis namanya lagi di bawah tulisan pertama—sangat tak umum bagi seseorang yang tidak berkencan.
“Dua kali, supaya Nona tidak lupa dengan suara saya. Saya ingin menuliskan tiga kali, namun saya takut nama kita akan menjadi topik utama Miss... Chatterley minggu depan," ujar pria tersebut, suaranya mengalir dengan nada tak serius, sambil memamerkan gigi taring kecilnya. "Apakah boleh, atau saya harus menghapusnya?”
Lima belas menit dansa pertama mereka habiskan dengan basa-basi ringan, bahkan tak satupun topik serius—seperti visi misi pernikahan dan hal-hal membosankan lain—melintas di obrolan kedua insan tersebut. Kalaupun ada satu informasi penting yang Cecilia ingat dari dansa malam itu hanyalah di balik topeng emasnya, Cheesy Hades menyimpan lesung pipi tipis manis, yang tak akan muncul kecuali ketika kedua sudut bibirnya tertarik sempurna.
(Second sub-mission: Guess the title.)
Fyuh. Setelah berlarian menghindar dari kakaknya, Cecilia memutuskan bersembunyi di dekat meja kue-kue pastry yang dihiasi dengan kristal gula berkilauan, seolah-olah perutnya mampu menanggung beban makanan setelah berdansa—DUA KALI!—dengan pria sungguhan untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidupnya. Dengan cemas, ia bersembunyi di balik tirai kain yang menggantung, berharap tidak terlihat oleh mata tajam kakaknya yang sedang mencarinya di tengah keramaian.
“Uhuy.” DEG. Tiba-tiba, langkah berat terdengar mendekat, dan Cecilia merasakan detakan jantungnya berdegup lebih kencang. Dengan hati masih berdebar, ia menoleh dan melihat Cheesy Hades berdiri di sampingnya dengan senyuman yang entah apa artinya. Mata Cecilia melirik cepat ke arah para pasangan yang sedang bersiap-siap berkumpul ke aula dansa untuk tarian terakhir malam itu. Sudah waktunya, pikirnya, Cecilia menghela napas lega sebelum mengangkat roknya dan bersiap untuk melangkah kembali ke lantai dansa.
Cecilia menyesuaikan diri dengan tangannya di bahu Cheesy Hades. “Ceritakanlah, My Lord, apa yang biasa kau lakukan di waktu senggangmu?” tanya Cecilia, basa-basi untuk ke sekian kalinya, namun dengan nada yang penuh keingintahuan. Pria tersebut terkekeh pelan. “Apa itu waktu senggang? Aku harap aku mempunyainya.” Senyumnya tersirat, tapi di balik itu, ada kilatan kelelahan dan kesibukan yang tak terucapkan.
Cecilia terdiam sejenak, membiarkan kata-kata itu mengendap dalam pikirannya. Jika Cheesy Hades orang yang hampir tidak punya waktu senggang, pasti ia memiliki jabatan cukup penting di keluarganya. Pikirannya melintas ke spekulasi tentang kemungkinan posisi sosialnya, namun ia dengan cepat mengendalikan diri. Tidak sopan, Cecilia.
"Tapi," pria itu menyambung ucapan yang telah terputus satu menit sebelumnya. Sangat pengertian, tahu benar bahwa Cecilia terlalu menciut untuk mencari topik baru sekarang. "Sekitar tiga tahun yang lalu, sebelum semua pekerjaan membosankan menghantuiku, aku cukup sering berpacu kuda dengan Sang Pangeran William IV. Kuberi tahu rahasia yang bisa membuat kepalaku terpenggal jika kau membocorkannya. Come here."
Cecilia menurut, mendekatkan telinga. “Ia tak pernah menang melawanku, namun satu atau dua kali aku harus mengalah jika masih ingin diajak berpacu kuda secara gratis,” jelasnya sambil tertawa dengan nada bercanda, diikuti dengan kekehan ringan seakan bertemu dengan sang pangeran adalah hal biasa baginya.
Namun, terlalu cepat, musik yang mengalun merdu pun berakhir, memutuskan momen yang tengah terjalin. Di tengah gemerlapnya pesta, kakak Cecilia dengan tatapan mematikan segera mendekati, menariknya dengan mantap dari keramaian dansa yang menyibukkan. Mata Cecilia, syukurlah, masih sempat menangkap isyarat dari bibirnya. "Temui aku di pesta kebun besok, sebelum tengah malam."
Third sub-mission: mencari nama asli Cheesy Hades.
Bodoh. Cecilia telah mengutuki dirinya sendiri di cermin untuk ke empat puluh tujuh kalinya sejak semalam. Bagaimana tidak, ia telah menghabiskan 30 menit berbincang asik dengan seseorang tapi tak terbesit sekalipun untuk menanyakan namanya. Bagaimana ia dapat menemukan Cheesy Hades nanti?
Ia berharap dirinya adalah Cendrillon yang setidaknya meninggalkan sepatu kaca atau jejak apapun untuk pengerannya supaya bisa dicari—oh, tunggu dulu. Bukankan pria tersebut meninggalkan jejak tulisan di dance cardnya? Puji Tuhan ia masih menyimpan semua pernak-pernik pesta yang ia kunjungi—meski hampir semuanya bersih karena ia tak ada yang benar-benar menuliskan namanya di kartunya. Cecilia melihat lagi tulisan Cheesy Hades.
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Baiklah, akan aku temukan kau dengan caraku sendiri, Cendrillon. Cecilia akan membawanya tulisan ini ke pesta nanti sore untuk dibandingkan dengan daftar tamu yang ada!
11.41 PM
Ketika semua orang sibuk bermain Hearts of Aristoteles, Cecilia diam-diam menyelinap, berhasil menyuap beberapa penjaga daftar tamu agar membiarkannya mengintip daftar tamu pria dalam soireé malam ini, yang ternyata adalah mimpi buruk baginya. 19 menit tersisa sebelum tengah malam, namun ia harus mencocokkan tulisan yang ia bawa, satu per satu, dengan tiga lembar daftar tamu pria yang ada.
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DAY 1 - Masquerade Ball
Objektif: Bantu Cecil menyelinap supaya biar bisa dansa sama cowok. Total Cecil bakal dansa 2x, jadi drop 2 clue.
1. Misi individu: drop foto masker yang dipakai individu + (minimal 1 paragraf singkat tentang apapun—bebas sebelum berangkat atau sedqng di pesta). Yang ngumpulin tepat jam 5.00 dapet poin tambahan ke tim.
Misi kelompok: Mecahin 3 clues, dan jelasin tipis soal alasan yang mendukung. Satu jawaban benar dapet poin sebanyak xxx, dan urutan submit juga bakal dapet poin tambahan.
2. Game 1: aldrich - game judi kartu
3. Game 2: Cecil - game relay emoji
DAY 2 - Garden Soireé (Besoknya)
Objektif: Naksir tuh si Cecil sama partner dansa yang terakhir, sayangnya ketauan Aldrich dan langsung diajak pulang. Jadi di soireé ini kita tujuannya cari si Cheesy Hades dari clue yang didapetin Cecil (ciri fisik, gelar, dan juga tulisan tangan). Ternyata jawabannya adalah Kim Mingyu, Duke, Leonard Adam.
1. Game 1:
2. Game 2:
3. Ngumpulin misi. Individu jam 5, kelompok jam 6.30
4. Closing
Tim pemenang + jadi TTOTT
- total poin yang didapat di tiap game + poin tambahan dari misi individu + poin tambahan dari misi kelompok.
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beachcitiesonline · 28 days
Carol Gilles | Realtor
I moved to Southern California in 1973 from Brooklyn, NY. I lived by the beach in Brooklyn. I graduated from Abraham Lincoln HS and Brooklyn College with a degreein Education. Relocating to Torrance … well I am still only 10 minutes to the Beach. It’s the weather! Having enjoyed Broadway theater in NY, it was an easy transition to becoming involved with local theater groups. I am a volunteer at Little Fish Theater in San Pedro; and a Board Member for the Friends of the Torrance Theatre Co in downtown Torrance. I keep up with the dynamics of an Homeowners Association by being a Board Member. I enjoy traveling around the United States visiting family and seeing our wonderful country as well as watching movies and business building events. My spiritual family is very important to me.
I am a licensed Realtor since 1979. I specialize in representing my clients in the purchase and sale of single-family residences and income property within the South Bay area of Southern California including Long Beach and Orange County. I truly love this area and pride myself on my knowledge of current transactions, school districts, neighborhood information, and related services, including mortgage, insurance and inspection information.
I am a customer driven Realtor dedicated to achieving results and providing exceptional service. If you are in the market to buy or sell a home, I will put my 30+ years of real estate expertise to work for you!
Address: 3655 Torrance Blvd #120, Torrance, CA 90503
Phone: 310 864 9738
REALTOR® certification
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LINCOLN AT IPI CENTER - THREE BEDROOM VILLAS GARDEN VIEW 258sqm IPI Center by Rockwell invites you to experience what makes Cebu an exciting lifestyle and business destination, all from the comforts of a premium master-planned community. IPI Center by Rockwell brings unique experiences and exciting concept, all with the brand’s discerning lifestyle in mind to offer a unique experience to Cebu City. At Lincoln at IPI Center, you can create a sophisticated and secluded home in an exclusive community, done Rockwell. Enjoy a premium address in the heart of Cebu City with studio to three-bedroom units available. Turnover: April 2029 Tower: Lincoln Tower Orientation: VILLA 6 Area: 258sqm. TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PHP 86,787,600 Payment Term: 10-50-40 - Reservation Fee PHP 100,000 To hold the Unit - 10% Down Payment - Php 8,678,760 First monthly within 15 days from RF - OPTION 1 (Straight Amortization): 50% Monthly Amortization for 63 months Php 619,197.00 First monthly within 15 days from DP - OPTION 2 (Amortization with Lumpsum every 12 months): *25% Monthly Amortization for 63 months Php 154,799.00 First Monthly within 15 days from DP *15% Lumpsum on Month 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 - Php 1,950,000.00 every 12 months - 40% Balance Php 31,207,536.00 on March 2029 For Site Viewing and Loan Assistance Contact us : JAKK Real Estate Brokerage Sales and Marketing Under PRC Liscence No. 0014110 09150559648 Globe Mobile 09924819241 Dito Mobile
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(Cebu Country Club View, Mandaue Sky)
IPI Center by Rockwell invites you to experience what makes Cebu an exciting lifestyle and business destination, all from the comforts of a premium master-planned community.
IPI Center by Rockwell brings unique experiences and exciting concept, all with the brand’s discerning lifestyle in mind to offer a unique experience to Cebu City.
At Lincoln at IPI Center, you can create a sophisticated and secluded home in an exclusive community, done Rockwell. Enjoy a premium address in the heart of Cebu City with studio to three-bedroom units available.
Turnover: April 2029
Tower: Lincoln Tower
Orientation: North-East
Area: 33 sq.m / 355 sq. ft
No Parking Slot
PHP 9,923,100.00
PAYMENT TERM: 10-30(63)-60
Original Payment Term Proposed
- Reservation Fee PHP 100,000 Reservation Fee
- 10% Down Payment Php 892,310 First monthly within 15 days from RF
- OPTION 1 (Straight Amortization):
30% Monthly Amortization for 63 months Php 47,253 First monthly within 15 days from DP
- OPTION 2 (Amortization with Lumpsum every 12 months): 15% Monthly Amortization for 63 months Php 23,626 First Monthly within 15 days from DP
15% Lumpsum on Month 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 Php 297,693.00 every 12 months
- 60% Balance 5,953,860 on April 2029
For Site Viewing and Loan Assistance Contact us :
JAKK Real Estate Brokerage
Sales and Marketing
Under PRC Liscence No. 0014110
09150559648 Globe Mobile
09924819241 Dito Mobile
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coreychambers · 2 months
Former Headquarters of the L.A. Loft Blog Listed For Sale
REAL ESTATE NEWS — In the heart of Los Angeles, nestled within the dynamic Lincoln Heights neighborhood, stands the Alta Lofts, a beacon of modern living that fuses historic charm with contemporary design. The former headquarters of the L.A. Loft Blog, Unit 119 at 200 N San Fernando Rd, represents a unique opportunity to own a piece of this vibrant community. This loft not only offers an…
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skyriselab · 3 months
SkyriseLab exquisite Luxury Condos for Sale in Edgewater. From spacious floor plans to premium features and finishes, every aspect of these residences is crafted with impeccable attention to detail. Enjoy unparalleled amenities and a prestigious address that sets a new standard for sophisticated urban living.
SkyriseLab 605 Lincoln Rd, 7th Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 575–2394
My Official Website: https://www.skyriselab.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=4107354222758957917
Our Other Links:
Realtors in Midtown Miami: https://www.skyriselab.com/midtown/
Service We Offer:
Real Estate Consulting foreclosure condos for sale Home Staging Buyer’s Agent Services Listing & Marketing Services Property Search Buyer Evaluation Property Showing
Follow Us On:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skyriselab/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skyriselab/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/LabSkyrise50127 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/SkyriseLab/
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fnticloveland · 3 months
Fidelity National Title Insurance Co.
Address : 2114 N Lincoln Ave #106 Loveland, CO 80538
Phone: (970) 663-6600
Website: https://www.colorado.fntic.com/
Fidelity National Title Company provides Nationwide Title and Settlement Services including but not limited to: 1031 Exchanges, Commercial and Residential Real Estate Title and Escrow, For Sale By Owner, Foreclosures and Refinances. We are local Colorado professionals with over 20 Colorado locations. Our offices are located strategically in areas including Boulder, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, the Denver Metro area, Fort Collins, Grand Junction, Montrose and the Western Slope.
Keywords: title insurance loveland, commerical title insurance colorado, commerical title insurance colorado, title company colorado, title company colorado, title company denver, title company aurora, title company fort collins, title company boulder, closing services colorado, closing services denver, title insurance boulder, title insurance colorado, title insurance grand junction, title insurance aurora
Hour: Monday-Friday: 8AM – 5PM
Social Link :
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/fntcolorado
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chicagolandbrokers · 4 months
Meet the Experts: Exploring the Role of Chicago Brokers in Real Estate
1. Chicago Brokers:
Chicago brokers serve as intermediaries between buyers and sellers, tenants and landlords, guiding clients through every step of the real estate process. With their in-depth knowledge of the local market and extensive network of contacts, these professionals provide invaluable assistance in finding the perfect property or securing the best deal.
2. Real Estate Brokerage Office Chicago:
A reputable real estate brokerage office Chicago serves as a hub of expertise, offering a wide range of services tailored to meet the needs of clients. From residential sales and rentals to commercial leasing and investment properties, these offices provide comprehensive support backed by years of industry experience.
3. Real Estate Broker in Chicago:
What sets a real estate broker in Chicago apart is their intimate understanding of the city's diverse neighborhoods and communities. Whether clients are searching for a trendy condo in the Loop or a historic brownstone in Lincoln Park, these brokers possess the local knowledge and insight to match them with their ideal property.
For more information visit us: https://chicagolandbrokersblog.wordpress.com/2024/02/29/meet-the-experts-exploring-the-role-of-chicago-brokers-in-real-estate/
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antonio-velardo · 5 months
Antonio Velardo shares: Homes for Sale in Manhattan and Queens by Heather Senison
By Heather Senison This week’s properties are in Lincoln Square, the financial district and Astoria. Published: January 25, 2024 at 09:00AM from NYT Real Estate https://ift.tt/7PTlO29 via IFTTT
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dominionra · 5 months
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Bingham Farms, MI (December 2023) - Andrew Boncore, SVP of Brokerage at Dominion Real Estate Advisors, LLC. (DRA) represented both the seller, Summit Lincoln Development, LLC. and the buyer, M & H Holdings, LLC. in the negotiation of an investment purchase and sale. The subject property, which is located at 15870 19 Mile in Clinton Township is a well maintained 15,225 SF medical office building that has had recent renovations throughout. The new owner plans to continue renovating suites for future tenants.
Dominion Real Estate Advisors (DRA) is a full service commercial real estate firm recognized nationally as a leading provider of professional commercial real estate services.  DRA brings decades of experience and expertise in commercial brokerage, property and asset management, real estate advisory, construction, design, and development services. 
DRA is committed to bringing its clients creative, cutting-edge solutions, and providing the highest level of professional service fostering long lasting relationships based on loyalty, integrity, and trust.  DRA assists corporate clients, lenders, institutions, property owners, investors, and real estate developers in achieving their real estate objectives. 
To read about the lease transaction with RoboVent, posted by Crain’s Detroit Business click here: https://dominionra.com/news.php/736627861047394304
For more information, please visit:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dominionra
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dominion_realestateadvisors
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dominionra/
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firoz857 · 6 months
The Power of Authenticity and Overcoming Challenges: A Conversation with Sir Darren Jacklin
In this enlightening conversation, Keith Bilous welcomes his first "sir" on the Live in the Lab show, Sir Darren Jacklin. Darren, a renowned corporate trainer, philanthropist, and business and real estate investor, shares his journey of transformation and the principles that have guided his success. From discussing the importance of sales to exploring the challenges of launching a business, Darren provides valuable insights into the realities of entrepreneurship. He reflects on his journey from struggling with self-doubt to overcoming significant challenges and becoming a successful business leader. Darren emphasizes the power of authenticity, sharing how being true to himself has contributed to his success. He also discusses the importance of fulfilling commitments, maintaining integrity, and developing a results-oriented mindset. The conversation takes an inspirational turn as Darren shares his experience of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and how it served as a metaphor for overcoming life's challenges. He also touches upon the importance of staying committed to one's goals, the significance of making requests, and the transformational power of visualization. Finally, Darren shares information about his philanthropic efforts through the Lincoln Foundation and invites viewers to join hiking fundraising initiatives to support global philanthropy projects. Watch this video for a dose of inspiration and practical tips on achieving success in business and life. Don't forget to subscribe for more inspiring and thought-provoking content! Ready for a dose of inspiration and practical business insights? Watch now!
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LINCOLN AT IPI CENTER - ONE BEDROOM 154sqm (3 BEDROOM (Mactan Chanel, Mactan Island Skyline View)
IPI Center by Rockwell invites you to experience what makes Cebu an exciting lifestyle and business destination, all from the comforts of a premium master-planned community.
IPI Center by Rockwell brings unique experiences and exciting concept, all with the brand’s discerning lifestyle in mind to offer a unique experience to Cebu City.
At Lincoln at IPI Center, you can create a sophisticated and secluded home in an exclusive community, done Rockwell.
Enjoy a premium address in the heart of Cebu City with studio to three-bedroom units available.
Turnover: April 2029
Tower: Lincoln Tower
Orientation: South-East
Area: 154sqm
with (2) indoor Parking Slot
PHP 49,822,337.00
Payment Term: 10-30-60
- Reservation Fee PHP 100,000 To hold the Unit
- 10% Down Payment - Php 4,972,337 First monthly within 15 days from RF
- OPTION 1 (Straight Amortization):
30% Monthly Amortization for 63 months Php 213,095.00 First monthly within 15 days from DP
- OPTION 2 (Amortization with Lumpsum every 12 months):
*15% Monthly Amortization for 63 months Php 106,547.00 First Monthly within 15 days from DP
*15% Lumpsum on Month 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 - Php 1,342,503.00 every 12 months
- 60% Balance Php 26,850,061.00 on March 2029
For Site Viewing and Loan Assistance Contact us :
JAKK Real Estate Brokerage
Sales and Marketing
Under PRC Liscence No. 0014110
09150559648 Globe Mobile
09924819241 Dito Mobile
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thegreatmikehawes · 8 months
Lincoln-area home sales: Real estate prices in Lincoln the week of Oct. 8 - Sacramento Bee
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