#Sell My Home in Miami
skyriselab · 6 months
SkyriseLab exquisite Luxury Condos for Sale in Edgewater. From spacious floor plans to premium features and finishes, every aspect of these residences is crafted with impeccable attention to detail. Enjoy unparalleled amenities and a prestigious address that sets a new standard for sophisticated urban living.
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spectrumhouses · 1 year
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Sympathy for the spammer
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Catch me in Miami! I'll be at Books and Books in Coral Gables on Jan 22 at 8PM.
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In any scam, any con, any hustle, the big winners are the people who supply the scammers – not the scammers themselves. The kids selling dope on the corner are making less than minimum wage, while the respectable crime-bosses who own the labs clean up. Desperate "retail investors" who buy shitcoins from Superbowl ads get skinned, while the MBA bros who issue the coins make millions (in real dollars, not crypto).
It's ever been thus. The California gold rush was a con, and nearly everyone who went west went broke. Famously, the only reliable way to cash out on the gold rush was to sell "picks and shovels" to the credulous, doomed and desperate. That's how Leland Stanford made his fortune, which he funneled into eugenics programs (and founding a university):
That means that the people who try to con you are almost always getting conned themselves. Think of Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) scams. My forthcoming novel The Bezzle opens with a baroque and improbable fast-food Ponzi in the town of Avalon on the island of Catalina, founded by the chicle monopolist William Wrigley Jr:
Wrigley found fast food declasse and banned it from the island, a rule that persists to this day. In The Bezzle, the forensic detective Martin Hench uncovers The Fry Guys, an MLM that flash-freezes contraband burgers and fries smuggled on-island from the mainland and sells them to islanders though an "affiliate marketing" scheme that is really about recruiting other affiliate markets to sell under you. As with every MLM, the value of the burgers and fries sold is dwarfed by the gigantic edifice of finance fraud built around it, with "points" being bought and sold for real cash, which is snaffled up and sucked out of the island by a greedy mainlander who is behind the scheme.
A "bezzle" is John Kenneth Galbraith's term for "the magic interval when a confidence trickster knows he has the money he has appropriated but the victim does not yet understand that he has lost it." In every scam, there's a period where everyone feels richer – but only the scammers are actually cleaning up. The wealth of the marks is illusory, but the longer the scammer can preserve the illusion, the more real money the marks will pump into the system.
MLMs are particularly ugly, because they target people who are shut out of economic opportunity – women, people of color, working people. These people necessarily rely on social ties for survival, looking after each others' kids, loaning each other money they can't afford, sharing what little they have when others have nothing.
It's this social cohesion that MLMs weaponize. Crypto "entrepreneurs" are encouraged to suck in their friends and family by telling them that they're "building Black wealth." Working women are exhorted to suck in their bffs by appealing to their sisterhood and the chance for "women to lift each other up."
The "sales people" trying to get you to buy crypto or leggings or supplements are engaged in predatory conduct that will make you financially and socially worse off, wrecking their communities' finances and shattering the mutual aid survival networks they rely on. But they're not getting rich on this – they're also being scammed:
This really hit home for me in the mid-2000s, when I was still editing Boing Boing. We had a submission form where our readers could submit links for us to look at for inclusion on the blog, and it was overwhelmed by spam. We'd add all kinds of antispam to it, and still, we'd get floods of hundreds or even thousands of spam submissions to it.
One night, I was lying in my bed in London and watching these spams roll in. They were all for small businesses in the rustbelt, handyman services, lawn-care, odd jobs, that kind of thing. They were 10 million miles from the kind of thing we'd ever post about on Boing Boing. They were coming in so thickly that I literally couldn't finish downloading my email – the POP session was dropping before I could get all the mail in the spool. I had to ssh into my mail server and delete them by hand. It was maddening.
Frustrated and furious, I started calling the phone numbers associated with these small businesses, demanding an explanation. I assumed that they'd hired some kind of sleazy marketing service and I wanted to know who it was so I could give them a piece of my mind.
But what I discovered when I got through was much weirder. These people had all been laid off from factories that were shuttering due to globalization. As part of their termination packages, their bosses had offered them "retraining" via "courses" in founding their own businesses.
The "courses" were the precursors to the current era's rise-and-grind hustle-culture scams (again, the only people getting rich from that stuff are the people selling the courses – the "students" finish the course poorer). They promised these laid-off workers, who'd given their lives to their former employers before being discarded, that they just needed to pull themselves up by their own boostraps:
After all, we had the internet now! There were so many new opportunities to be your own boss! The course came with a dreadful build-your-own-website service, complete with an overpriced domain sales portal, and a single form for submitting your new business to "thousands of search engines."
This was nearly 20 years ago, but even then, there was really only one search engine that mattered: Google. The "thousands of search engines" the scammers promised to submit these desperate peoples' websites to were just submission forms for directories, indexes, blogs, and mailing lists. The number of directories, indexes, blogs and mailing lists that would publish their submissions was either "zero" or "nearly zero." There was certainly no possibility that anyone at Boing Boing would ever press the wrong key and accidentally write a 500-word blog post about a leaf-raking service in a collapsing deindustrialized exurb in Kentucky or Ohio.
The people who were drowning me in spam weren't the scammers – they were the scammees.
But that's only half the story. Years later, I discovered how our submission form was getting included in this get-rich-quick's mass-submission system. It was a MLM! Coders in the former Soviet Union were getting work via darknet websites that promised them relative pittances for every submission form they reverse-engineered and submitted. The smart coders didn't crack the forms directly – they recruited other, less business-savvy coders to do that for them, and then often as not, ripped them off.
The scam economy runs on this kind of indirection, where scammees are turned into scammers, who flood useful and productive and nice spaces with useless dross that doesn't even make them any money. Take the submission queue at Clarkesworld, the great online science fiction magazine, which famously had to close after it was flooded with thousands of junk submission "written" by LLMs:
There was a zero percent chance that Neil Clarke would accidentally accept one of these submissions. They were uniformly terrible. The people submitting these "stories" weren't frustrated sf writers who'd discovered a "life hack" that let them turn out more brilliant prose at scale.
They were scammers who'd been scammed into thinking that AIs were the key to a life of passive income, a 4-Hour Work-Week powered by an AI-based self-licking ice-cream cone:
This is absolutely classic passive-income brainworms thinking. "I have a bot that can turn out plausible sentences. I will locate places where sentences can be exchanged for money, aim my bot at it, sit back, and count my winnings." It's MBA logic on meth: find a thing people pay for, then, without bothering to understand why they pay for that thing, find a way to generate something like it at scale and bombard them with it.
Con artists start by conning themselves, with the idea that "you can't con an honest man." But the factor that predicts whether someone is connable isn't their honesty – it's their desperation. The kid selling drugs on the corner, the mom desperately DMing her high-school friends to sell them leggings, the cousin who insists that you get in on their shitcoin – they're all doing it because the system is rigged against them, and getting worse every day.
These people reason – correctly – that all the people getting really rich are scamming. If Amazon can make $38b/year selling "ads" that push worse products that cost more to the top of their search results, why should the mere fact that an "opportunity" is obviously predatory and fraudulent disqualify it?
The quest for passive income is really the quest for a "greater fool," the economist's term for the person who relieves you of the useless crap you just overpaid for. It rots the mind, atomizes communities, shatters solidarity and breeds cynicism:
The rise and rise of botshit cannot be separated from this phenomenon. The botshit in our search-results, our social media feeds, and our in-boxes isn't making money for the enshittifiers who send it – rather, they are being hustled by someone who's selling them the "picks and shovels" for the AI gold rush:
That's the true cost of all the automation-driven unemployment criti-hype: while we're nowhere near a place where bots can steal your job, we're certainly at the point where your boss can be suckered into firing you and replacing you with a bot that fails at doing your job:
The manic "entrepreneurs" who've been stampeded into panic by the (correct) perception that the economy is a game of musical chairs where the number of chairs is decreasing at breakneck speed are easy marks for the Leland Stanfords of AI, who are creating generational wealth for themselves by promising that their bots will automate away all the tedious work that goes into creating value. Expect a lot more Amazon Marketplace products called "I'm sorry, I cannot fulfil this request as it goes against OpenAI use policy":
No one's going to buy these products, but the AI picks-and-shovels people will still reap a fortune from the attempt. And because history repeats itself, these newly minted billionaires are continuing Leland Stanford's love affair with eugenics:
The fact that AI spam doesn't pay is important to the fortunes of AI companies. Most high-value AI applications are very risk-intolerant (self-driving cars, radiology analysis, etc). An AI tool might help a human perform these tasks more accurately – by warning them of things that they've missed – but that's not how AI will turn a profit. There's no market for AI that makes your workers cost more but makes them better at their jobs:
Plenty of people think that spam might be the elusive high-value, low-risk AI application. But that's just not true. The point of AI spam is to get clicks from people who are looking for better content. It's SEO. No one reads 2000 words of algorithm-pleasing LLM garbage over an omelette recipe and then subscribes to that site's feed.
And the omelette recipe generates pennies for the spammer that posted it. They are doing massive volume in order to make those pennies into dollars. You don't make money by posting one spam. If every spammer had to pay the actual recovery costs (energy, chillers, capital amortization, wages) for their query, every AI spam would lose (lots of) money.
Hustle culture and passive income are about turning other peoples' dollars into your dimes. It is a negative-sum activity, a net drain on society. Behind every seemingly successful "passive income" is a con artist who's getting rich by promising – but not delivering – that elusive passive income, and then blaming the victims for not hustling hard enough:
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I'm Kickstarting the audiobook for The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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milliumizoomi · 3 months
Hi, I was thinking Armando Ateras x Reader. So let’s just say that Reader is half human and half vampire and she controls her thirst but she still needs to feed but the hospital is closed down. When Armando came home, he noticed that the house is completely quiet and he saw Reader on the bed back turn and was breathing heavily. He walked towards her and he noticed that her eyes were brown and dark and has dark circles under her eyes and he asked what is wrong and told him that she needs to feed but the hospital is closed down. So Armando offers her to feed off from him but she says no quickly but still lets her feed. :)
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☆彡SUMMARY.; You’re so thirsty, and yet you can’t take the help he’s offering.
☆彡GENRE.; SLIGHT CRACK + ANGST (if you squint) + FLUFF
☆彡WARNINGS.; Mentions of Blood, Mentions of human testing, Child Abandonment, Mentions of Death, Biting, + Mature Language
☆彡NOTES.; Thank you sooo much for the request and I’m sorry it took so long, it took me 3 days to edit this🧍🏽‍♀️,, it was kicking my ass fr but I had fun writing it since I don’t think I’ve ever written something like this before. I hope yall enjoyyyy!!🥰🥰
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So this is what this dreaded thing feels like.
It had felt like years, centuries even you’ve been at home feeling pain beyond what you believe to be normal.
Put it simply, you’re thirsty as shit and the only thing that you can drink to ease it a little you have nothing of.
With you being half vampire and all, it’d make sense that’d be the only thing you can even think of drinking.
The backstory of you being or becoming a vampire is definitely not a pretty one. You were tested in from an early age. Your shit parents sold you off for a couple grubby dollars because they could. They just didn’t want to take care of you, so what better way to get rid of a kid than selling her off right?
God bless the world now though because they’re dead, and they never get to bring another kid into this world. It took years of being prodded, poked, scanned, and lasered until Miami Department came and got you out of there. Only the people on this mission was even aware of your situation and what exactly you were.
Your situation was made top secret, which meant not many should even know you’re the person rescued from this place. Only the people in the mission, which was AMMO, and the captain, that was it.
That being said you had to be kept in a facility for a while to be monitored before they let you go. They didn’t want to risk anything so they had to make sure you were good to go to be let out. And with you being so top-secret, that meant you had to stay in a place with someone that already knew your secret. Marcus decided to take you in, after many, many… many talks with Mike. They made sure you got what you needed and you even got the chance to integrate back into society.
However, this isn’t the matter at hand right now.
With this all being said, the fact was that you were not full vampire. With that in mind, this sheer thirst you have for blood right now is absolutely ridiculous. You’ve never had this problem before.
You don’t even know why you’re feeling like this in the first place.
You were usually able to control yourself, control your desires, your urges, your thirst. But now, it felt like you could rip the walls off hospital just to get inside for even a drop of blood.
Stones felt like they were piling higher and higher into your neck.
You were so fucking thirsty.
It had been god knows how many hours, close to about 2 days since the hospital closed down and you could feel the hot sensation of burning in your insides, along with fatigue and pain all over your body. You could curse the damned hospitals for putting you through this. You could control your thirst, you knew you could, but for some reason these last couple days, you had been completely insatiable.
And the people who could help you right now had been gone for almost a week. One of them being your boyfriend of 11 months.
You had met him at the department, where you usually had to go for routine inspection of the state of your body and your abilities. He had been let out of jail for sometime, and with him being on AMMO, his father informed him of your situation.
Apparently he trusted his son with your secret.
He was weary of you at first, but that quickly died when he saw how you carried yourself. What led him to become so drawn to you was your raw strength and mental fortitude. He was impressed (and partially terrified) not only of your speed and strength, but also your ability to keep your thirst for blood at a minimum.
Granted nobody else in the world was like you.
Still though, he half expected you to react in the ways he’d seen vampires in movies would, unarticulated and flat out greedy for blood. Your personality is what sold him though, but that’s a story for another time.
Right now, the man you were currently silently begging to come home was nowhere to be found, as he was busy on a mission, and only god knows how long it’ll take him, or anybody else who knows about your situation to come back, You wanted him to be back so badly so he could just hold you as you went through this, not wanting to be alone. You were laying on your side, back facing the door and breathing so hard you were feeling severely lightheaded, even when laying down.
The after what felt like another hour had gone by, you heard the front door open and could’ve screamed for joy if you weren’t so damn thirsty and borderline passing out.
You heard his voice as his smell was enough to make you feel like you could get through this.
Armando, on the other hand, was on it.
Immediately, when he neared the bedroom after putting his stuff down, he could already sense something was wrong. When he saw you laying on the bed, back facing him and breathing hard, he immediately was on full alert.
He came over to you and slowly turned you over in your back, trying to assess the state you’re in.
“Mama? Talk to me, tell what’s wrong, what do you need?”
You looked at him, barely able to form words, you were just so out of it. He noticed your usual brown eyes were so dark they were border-lining black now, and under your eyes were dark circles. You looked like you haven’t slept in days.
“Mama talk to me please.. I need to know what to do to help you..”
“..thirsty.” You barely manage to answer him, practically gasping as the single word left your mouth.
“Where’s your blood baby? You don’t have any more?”
You shook your head no. And you already knew what his next question would be, so again, grasping at straws for the words to rip themselves from the back of your burning throat, you managed to say, “..hospital’s closed.. can’t get more..”
He tsks at the information you just told him. He quickly kicks off his shoes and climbs onto the bed, lifting your head slowly to rest and on his lap as he brushes your hair, trying to find anyway to alleviate the pain he knows you’re in right now.
Judging by your state, you could very well die without getting blood somehow, and of course he could go get it for you, but he doesn’t want to leave your side.
He can’t risk that.
“Mama vamos... bebe el mío, no puedo dejarte así...”
At this point, you felt like your head was splitting and your ears were ringing, so you swore you had heard him wrong. You gave him an incredulous look, which he picked up on. “Baby I’m not kidding.” Quickly, but carefully, he pulled your body up so you were in a position where you were sitting in his lap, face facing his.
“You look like you’re about to pass out, you need to drink some of mine, now.”
You shake your head immediately. Weakly, you respond, “Hell no.. I’m not doing that. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“No te lo estaba preguntando.”
He shoots you a look, and if you could, you’d muster up the strength to roll your eyes. You swore you’d never drink directly from a person, it just felt so wrong to you, wrong to even think about. It would make you feel less human, and it already took you months to start ingesting blood.
“Woman drink, now!” Still being stubborn, you didn’t budge. So he had to take matters into his own hands. He guided your head from the crook of his shoulder to look at him.
“Listen to me mama.. I can tell you’re fucking exhausted and tired, so I need you to listen to me and drink, I’ll be damned if I lose you to your stubbornness. I’m not playing with you. Drink.” You start shying away from the intensity of his gaze and words.
You knew very well what you not listening to him would do. Sighing, you sucked it up and looked at him, nodding. He leans back a bit and takes off his shirt, then cranes his neck to one side, fully surrendering himself so you can start the process.
You swallow nervously, the dry feeling scraping at your insides. Slowly, you lean closer, your fangs slowly growing as your face draws closer to his face. You stop momentarily, not sure if you want to go through with this. “Go on baby, está bien..” he rasps, rubbing your back gently.
At his reassurance, you come close enough to his neck and open your mouth, your sharp fangs coming into view and bite down. He groans at the intrusion, his body momentarily tensing at the feeling.
You on the other hand felt as if you were in pure bliss. The sounds you were making at the taste of his blood would have the neighbors sharing some questionable looks. You felt so energized, and you couldn’t get enough. His blood felt like crack to you, it was so addictive. Armando swore it would hurt more than it did. It felt.. pleasing.
He liked it.
Maybe he should let you do this more often.
Finally, you pull back from him, dazed. He too is a little whipped from the situation. He holds the back of your head as you pull back, studying your face. Your eyes were already beginning to glow, reverting to their original color. “¿Mejor?” You nod yes, bringing a hand up to wipe the access blood and the corner of your mouth. Your body had felt like it was buzzing with pure electricity.
It felt so much better.
“See.. that’s why you need to listen to me mama.”
You nodded in agreement. “Yeah I know.. thank you baby.”
He smiled at you. “De nada, mamá...now can you wrap this up for me so we can shower?” Gesturing to his neck.
You laugh a bit and smile. “Sí, vale.”
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“Mama vamos... bebe el mío, no puedo dejarte así...” —“Mama, let’s go... drink mine, I can’t leave you like that...”
“No te lo estaba preguntando.” — “I wasn’t asking you.”
“. . . está bien..” — “. . . it’s fine..”
“¿Mejor?” — “Better?”
“De nada, mamá. . .” — “You’re welcome, mama. . .”
“Sí, vale.” — “Yeah, okay.”
{TAGLIST} :: @armandosbabymama @ghettogirly @tinys0ftie @shurisgf @radioloom @butterflyybabe @dyttomori @nuggetnat888 @yeahnobyehoney @urbanlovestory || if you’d like to be added to the taglist just let me know in comments or dms🤗💕.
©2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — MILLIUMIZOOMI. Do not modify, repost, plagiarize, translate or claim any work posted on this blog without my permission.
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Adults-only website OnlyFans has made aspiring porn stars rich and celebrities richer. But a Reuters investigation found a darker side: More than 120 people have complained to U.S. police agencies that they were featured in the site’s sexually explicit content without their consent – including a woman who alleged a video of her rape was sold on OnlyFans. Laws often protect web giants while victims struggle for justice.
SAMMY remembers nearly every detail of the night��in April 2022 when she says two men raped her.
The Miami apartment, stark and empty, where it happened. The loud music as she screamed and told them to stop. The fear and the pain, the overwhelming sense of powerlessness.
Sammy, recalling the night in an interview, also remembers seeing a phone perched on a dresser and thinking: Am I being filmed?
Two months later, on June 30, an edited recording of Sammy’s alleged assault was posted on OnlyFans, a website where people can create porn and charge for it. The video was marketed by one of her alleged assailants as “train” sex, jargon for multiple men having sex with one woman, according to screenshots obtained by Reuters.
“The full train video is here guys,” he said on OnlyFans. “Who wants it?”
OnlyFans is an adults-only website where anyone – celebrities, porn stars, cash-strapped moms and aspiring influencers – can sell sexually explicit videos of themselves. Top earners make millions of dollars a year. Created in 2016, OnlyFans now boasts almost 240 million users and has achieved mainstream fame. Beyoncé namechecked it in a song lyric. Rapper Iggy Azalea said it had brought her a small fortune.
But other people have reaped pain, not profit. They describe lives upended after sexually explicit content featuring them was posted and sold on OnlyFans without their consent. Some videos, like Sammy’s, involve alleged sexual assault. Law enforcement has struggled to monitor such nonconsensual pornography on the website, while victims often have limited legal recourse.
OnlyFans says it is building “the safest social media platform in the world.” But a Reuters investigation identified 128 cases in which women and men complained to U.S. law enforcement agencies that sexual content featuring them ended up on OnlyFans without their permission – and was often sold for profit – between January 2019 and November 2023.
Under public records laws, Reuters sought documents on cases involving OnlyFans from more than 250 of the largest law enforcement agencies in the United States – the platform’s biggest market. Fifty-six of them produced records in which people complained of explicit, nonconsensual posts on OnlyFans. Reuters also interviewed police officers, prosecutors, legal experts and nine people who said their sexual images appeared without their consent.
Most of the 128 police complaints were lodged by women against men who were former sex partners. They often said the content was produced consensually but was posted without their permission – or even their knowledge. In about 40% of the complaints, the videos also appeared on other popular social media sites, usually as snippets to promote lengthier and more explicit material for sale on OnlyFans.
The cases highlight how technology has transformed modern relationships and the porn industry. Today, anyone with a cellphone and an internet connection can make and distribute sexual videos and images. Filming and sharing these is now an accepted part of many intimate encounters – so long as it’s a lovers’ secret. Posting those videos online, however, can feel like a major betrayal. It can also be illegal.
Some women said their unwanted appearance on OnlyFans had nearly destroyed their lives.
“A whole company has made money off of my biggest trauma,” said Sammy, 21, in her first public comments on the case. She requested that her full name be withheld.
In Texas, a woman described being forced to install a home security system after being harassed by stalkers who saw an OnlyFans video of her that went viral. A Nebraska woman said she struggled to go out in public, terrified that people might recognize her from a sex video her ex-boyfriend was selling on OnlyFans for $15. An Illinois woman said she learned that naked images of herself were circulating from her teenage daughter, who saw them online.
In response to a detailed account of Reuters’ findings, an OnlyFans spokesperson said that “in the few examples where bad actors have misused our platform,” OnlyFans “removed the content swiftly, banned the user and actively supported investigations and prosecutions.”
The spokesperson said OnlyFans had reviewed the cases of Sammy and others described in this report and found that those accounts were deleted either by OnlyFans moderators or the creators themselves. Those deletions sometimes occurred a year or longer after women complained to police, a Reuters review of police records and account information from OnlyFans found.
The spokesperson didn’t elaborate on the cases but said OnlyFans tightened its consent verification procedures in late 2022. The company requires “proof of identification and consent from all individuals featured in any explicit content uploaded to our platform, and we moderate all uploaded content,” she said.
She declined to respond to questions about how explicit content of non-consenting adults could have ended up on the site when OnlyFans says it moderates everything.
Combining social media glamor and the business of sex, OnlyFans casts itself as a new breed of adult website. Most big porn sites offer content for free and make money mainly from advertising. At OnlyFans, revenue is generated by its 3.2 million creators, most of them amateurs. They sell content to their subscribers, or “fans,” usually for a monthly fee of between $4.99 and $50. One-off sales of videos and images through the site’s direct-messaging function can be even more lucrative.
The terms are attractive for OnlyFans creators: They keep 80% of their fans’ payments. For OnlyFans, which takes the rest, it’s a goldmine. According to the most recent filing by its British parent company, Fenix International, OnlyFans’ pre-tax profit in 2022 reached $525 million – almost a hundred-fold increase in just three years. Revenue expanded at least twenty-fold to more than $1 billion.
OnlyFans doesn’t know how many of its creators are making “adult content,” the spokesperson has said. The platform says it also features sports, music and other non-explicit material.
Beyond the United States, OnlyFans has also seen explosive growth – along with allegations of abuse against celebrities and other content creators.
In Australia, a Queensland man faces trial after being accused of filming himself raping his unconscious girlfriend in 2021 and uploading the video to OnlyFans, according to court records. The man hasn’t entered a plea, a court official said. In Thailand, a married couple was arrested in October on suspicion of drugging and raping four women and a 17-year-old girl, then selling videos of the acts on OnlyFans, Thai police said. The couple hasn’t entered a plea but denied the rape charges, police said.
In Romania, former kickboxer Andrew Tate is awaiting trial on rape and sex-trafficking charges connected to running an operation that allegedly forced women to create porn for OnlyFans, said Romanian prosecutors. Tate denies the charges.
In Britain, Stephen Bear, a former reality show contestant, was sentenced in March 2022 to 21 months in jail after posting a sex video of his ex-girlfriend on OnlyFans without her permission. Bear, who denied all charges, was released in January after serving half his sentence. He didn’t respond to a request for comment. Reuters documented another 17 cases in Britain in which people had complained to UK authorities of nonconsensual porn appearing on OnlyFans, according to public records obtained from the country’s police forces.
Despite the attention generated by high-profile cases, law enforcement officials say the sheer size of OnlyFans and the paywalls surrounding its individual creators have made it nearly impossible to monitor systematically. OnlyFans is largely a black box to outsiders, much less accessible than social media sites like Instagram, X and Facebook.
The paywall “absolutely, unequivocally adds a barrier,” said Joseph Scaramucci, a deputy sheriff in Texas who formerly worked on a U.S. Department of Homeland Security anti-human trafficking task force. Some law enforcement agencies won’t subscribe to OnlyFans accounts due to budgetary constraints, he said.
There are other reasons perpetrators of nonconsensual porn aren’t held to account, Reuters found. Some people were reluctant to press charges against former lovers. Police often lack expertise in gathering technical evidence of cyber-crimes or view the cases as low-priority misdemeanors. Women can be hesitant to share explicit images with male police and prosecutors.
No federal law specifically criminalizes nonconsensual porn. It has been prosecuted under federal anti-trafficking statutes in at least three cases – none of which involved OnlyFans. Complaints typically are handled by local authorities enforcing a patchwork of state laws, and they usually focus on individuals who post abusive content, not on the sites that host it.
OnlyFans CEO Keily Blair has said that “100 percent” of content is reviewed by human moderators aided by artificial intelligence. But the cases documented by Reuters, including the video of Sammy’s alleged rape, point to significant gaps in this system.
“The victim is clearly saying no” in the video, said Todd Falzone, a lawyer for Sammy. “So if they were really moderating that video, they would have seen and heard that.”
Her alleged assailants, Michelson Romelus and Bendjy Charles, face charges of sexual battery and distributing obscene material. They have pleaded not guilty.
Separately, in federal court in Florida, Sammy is suing the two men – and OnlyFans. Her lawsuit is the first to take on the platform itself under a federal sex-trafficking law that prohibits companies from financially benefiting from commercial sex abuses, according to a Reuters review of court filings and interviews with legal experts.
Sammy’s sex-trafficking claim is part of a growing number of lawsuits by people who accuse social media sites of profiting from abusive sexual content. The suits could signal a reckoning for OnlyFans and others in the industry, said five lawyers who specialize in porn and sex-trafficking cases.
“The legal landscape has shifted,” said Julie Dahlstrom, a human trafficking expert at Boston University School of Law. “You’ve seen judges interpreting trafficking laws more expansively,” and “lawyers and survivors understanding that they can bring those cases.”
For some people, the shock of seeing their naked images on OnlyFans was followed by a futile fight for justice.
Amanda Dicrosta’s battle began in Florida in February 2022, when she walked into the Tampa Police Department to file a sexual cyber-harassment complaint against her ex-boyfriend, Mike McFarland, a former player for the National Football League’s Indianapolis Colts. “I was just hoping that they would take me seriously,” she said.
The two had dated for about a year and then split up. McFarland afterward posted videos of them having sex on his OnlyFans and Twitter accounts without her permission, she told police.
Dicrosta, 28, told police that McFarland recorded some of the sex videos without her knowledge or consent. She knew other videos existed but said the couple had an understanding that those were private.
When Dicrosta first learned in June 2020 that McFarland, 32, had posted the videos on OnlyFans, she confronted him, and he initially took down the videos, she wrote in a sworn police statement. But in August 2021, when she revisited McFarland’s OnlyFans account, she discovered not just those videos but also new ones recorded without her knowledge, she told police.
When she saw videos of her advertised on OnlyFans for $5 each, she felt sick. McFarland had “exposed my entire body for $5,” Dicrosta told Reuters. “I can’t even buy a full meal at McDonald’s for $5.”
Dicrosta said she contacted McFarland again. This time, he refused to take down the videos, she told police.
On Twitter, McFarland posted snippets of the videos with links to his OnlyFans account, according to screenshots Dicrosta provided to Reuters and police. Another ex-boyfriend recognized her body in the videos and shared them with friends, some of whom assumed she was now in the business of “doing porn,” she said.
McFarland told police that Dicrosta knew the recordings would be posted on OnlyFans and Twitter. “It was with her consent,” he told Reuters. “I have nothing to lie about.”
X, as Twitter has been renamed, declined to comment on Dicrosta’s case but said it works to limit sensitive adult content from being shared.
After consulting with the state attorney’s office, police told Dicrosta the case couldn’t be prosecuted. The videos showed her private parts, underwear and a bathing suit – but not her face. For the case to proceed in court, the police report said, the videos had to include information that more specifically identified her.
Police closed Discrosta’s case in July 2022 and told her they’d reopen it if she located any such videos.
“I felt hopeless,” she said. “Do I just need to strip naked and show you my naked body for you to believe me? What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to prove to you that this is me?”
To violate Florida law, explicit images shared nonconsensually must contain “personal identification information,” such as unique physical attributes.
Mary Anne Franks, a professor at the George Washington University Law School in Washington D.C., studies the issue of nonconsensual porn and is familiar with Florida’s law. After reviewing Dicrosta’s case at Reuters’ request, she said the case could have been prosecuted because there was enough context of Dicrosta in the video to allow someone – in this case, a former boyfriend – to recognize her.
The case speaks to a broader problem, Franks said: Not all police departments are familiar with the nuances of laws on nonconsensual porn, especially as some laws are relatively new.
A Tampa police spokesperson said that detectives “dedicated over five months to the investigation,” but the evidence did “not meet the criteria to establish a criminal violation.”
Dicrosta felt angry and let down. She thought about the “personal identification information” demanded by Florida law and came up with another way to protect herself in case a sexual partner secretly filmed her in the future.
She walked into a tattoo parlor and had the words “not yours” etched on her backside.
Dicrosta’s experience illustrates the long odds of holding people who post nonconsensual porn to account.
Of the 128 U.S. cases Reuters documented, only 28 ended in an arrest and eight resulted in any sort of criminal conviction. Three people went to jail – two for 48 hours each.
Police closed 90 of the cases, including nine for lack of evidence, 12 because investigative leads were exhausted, and 10 because the accusers decided not to pursue charges. The other 38 remained open, including 15 cases marked as “inactive.”
Police documented some cases for “informational purposes only” when the accusers didn’t want to pursue charges but wanted a record of the incident.
Forty-eight states, Washington D.C., Guam and Puerto Rico have criminalized nonconsensual porn in the past two decades. But many laws have loopholes or are weakly enforced, according to lawyers, academics and victim advocates. Repeated efforts by the U.S. Congress to pass federal laws that criminalize nonconsensual porn have failed, largely due to objections by free-speech advocates.
Thirty-eight states classify the sharing of nonconsensual porn as misdemeanors, a low-priority crime for some police departments. Some investigators blame the victims for allowing themselves to be filmed, said Franks, the law professor. “There’s not much sympathy for victims to begin with,” she said.
Many of the state laws now used to fight nonconsensual porn are designed to combat “revenge porn,” in which someone posts explicit images to retaliate against a former partner. But in the OnlyFans cases documented by Reuters, the motive often isn’t just retribution. It’s money.
That’s a barrier to prosecutions in some jurisdictions.
In Florida’s Okaloosa County, a man contacted the sheriff’s office in September 2022 after discovering his ex-girlfriend posted a sex video of them on OnlyFans without his permission. Under Florida law, however, the video must be published with intent to cause “substantial emotional distress.”
“Although the victim expressed emotional distress, the intent of the suspect was financial gain, and therefore the elements of this crime have not been met,” the investigating detective said in the case report, which redacted the man’s name.
Police dropped the case.
Many OnlyFans creators rely on other social media to promote their content to potential subscribers. Some videos on OnlyFans are published or leaked on other porn sites. And some are disseminated so widely that victims are powerless to stop them.
Adreiona Prater said she was caught in a viral nightmare.
Prater was 18 when a sex video of her appeared on OnlyFans and other websites. She was attending junior college, studying criminal justice, in Tyler, Texas, in July 2019, when she met and briefly dated Anthony Reshon Scott, then 20.
Prater said she reluctantly allowed Scott to record them having sex but afterward asked him to delete the video. Scott assured her he did, she told police.
In February 2020, Prater discovered the video on Pornhub, another big porn site, and contacted Tyler police. She said she dropped the case after Scott promised to take the video down, but later discovered it on OnlyFans. She watched helplessly as it took off on social media.
On Oct. 6, 2020, a clip appeared on Scott’s Twitter account, revealing her face and naked body, police records show. The caption read, “Check out my onlyfans with over 200+ girls,” and provided a link to Scott’s OnlyFans page. An eight-minute version was also posted to Reddit by an anonymous user, watermarked with the address of Scott’s OnlyFans account.
In comments under the Reddit post, someone identified Prater by posting her social media information, according to screenshots she shared with police. On Instagram, one person asked her: “That was you in that onlyfans vid?”
After being harassed by online stalkers, Prater said she installed a home security system, changed her phone number and called police again, this time in Arlington, Texas, where she’d recently moved.
“I just felt so scared,” she said.
An Arlington police detective investigating Prater’s report ran into a problem: the OnlyFans paywall. It required a $5 monthly subscription fee. “So I was unable to view the contents,” Detective Jacklyn Donalson wrote in a case report. Donalson told Reuters she knew from experience that it would be tough to convince her superiors to pay for a porn subscription, especially when there was no guarantee it would provide usable evidence.
“Like all government agencies, our resources are finite,” said Tim Ciesco, spokesperson for the Arlington Police Department. “We have to be strategic about the way we disperse them.”
The case might have stalled there. Without a subscription, there’s almost no public information on OnlyFans accounts available to investigators. Some seek subpoenas to force OnlyFans to disclose account information, but that involves persuading a court that it’s relevant to an investigation.
In Prater’s case, however, Donalson said she ultimately was able to document enough evidence of a crime without Scott’s OnlyFans information because the video appeared on other platforms, including Twitter.
Spokespeople for Reddit and X didn’t comment on Prater’s case but said their platforms strictly prohibit nonconsensual porn. Pornhub operator Aylo said it “expeditiously” removed the video when it learned about it.
In August 2021, a Tarrant County grand jury indicted Scott for violating Texas’ “revenge porn” law, a felony. The jury cited his Twitter post that advertised his OnlyFans page.
In a conversation that Prater recorded and submitted to police, Scott told her he would pay her to drop the charges, according to the recording, which Reuters reviewed. This time, Prater refused.
Scott pleaded guilty in June 2022 to publishing intimate visual material without Prater’s consent, and received three years of community supervision, akin to probation. “I didn’t do anything wrong,” Scott said in an interview. “I want to leave it at that.”
As police investigated her case, Prater wrote to OnlyFans on Feb. 23, 2021, to complain about the video and give them the name of Scott’s OnlyFans account. The company replied the next day, saying the video would be removed if confirmed to be nonconsensual, according to a screenshot of the message that Prater shared with Reuters.
“We take all reports of this nature extremely seriously,” a help desk representative wrote to her.
Prater said she never heard from OnlyFans again.
According to OnlyFans, the complaint contained “no actionable information.” The company did not elaborate but told Reuters its moderators deactivated the account in April 2022 – more than a year after Prater’s takedown request.
Versions of the sex video remain online, the OnlyFans watermark still visible.
“I still get harassed about it to this day,” Prater said. “It never ends.”
The surge of pornography unleashed by OnlyFans and other websites in the smartphone era is reminiscent of the “Golden Age of Porn,” a period in the 1970s and 1980s when another technological advance – home video players – brought porn to a much wider audience.
As the porn market expands, turbo-charged by social media, so does the challenge of verifying consent.
OnlyFans’ terms of service say creators must have documents to prove the age, identity and consent of other people who appear in their content, unless OnlyFans has already vetted those people as creators too. But multiple creators said in interviews that they have uploaded porn featuring others without providing that proof.
The OnlyFans spokesperson said the company strengthened procedures in late 2022 to require proof of consent before creators could post content on the platform. Yet Reuters found more than a dozen cases filed with U.S. law enforcement agencies in 2023 in which people alleged that explicit videos or images were posted without their consent.
In addition, of the nine people Reuters interviewed who said they were victims of nonconsensual porn, all said they were never asked for documents.
“Even if you have content moderation rules that are fairly clear against nonconsensual intimate images, those rules are abused regularly,” said Danielle Citron, a University of Virginia School of Law professor who has studied online abuse on porn platforms.
While CEO Keily Blair pledges that OnlyFans monitors 100% of content, the terms of service say the company has no obligation to do so: “We are not responsible for reviewing or moderating Content.”
The company spokesperson didn’t address the apparent inconsistency but said: “We know the legal identity of all our creators and work closely with law enforcement around the world. This approach means OnlyFans is an extremely hostile environment for anyone” seeking to share nonconsensual sexual content, she said.
Some women said they were only able to confirm suspicions or rumors of their appearance on OnlyFans by buying access to images or videos of themselves.
Jennifer Aviles told police she initially heard about the explicit videos of herself from her 15-year-old daughter. The teen discovered Twitter posts by Aviles’ ex-boyfriend, William Lewis, that advertised his OnlyFans account with images of her face and body.
“I got my only fans set up if y’all want to see some really GOOD STUFF,” Lewis tweeted on Oct. 18, 2020.
“I looked at it and my heart dropped. It was me,” Aviles, 40, of Woodstock, Illinois, recalled in an interview.
Aviles knew that explicit images and videos had been taken during their eight-year relationship. “I enjoyed being recorded, then watching afterwards,” she said. “I think it’s why most people consent to do intimate videos.”
But she told police that she had asked Lewis to delete the images after they broke up. “Being vulnerable like that involves a lot of trust. Little did I know years later it would haunt me.”
Wanting to know exactly what Lewis had posted of her on his OnlyFans page, she paid for a $50 monthly subscription to his account, she said. She discovered photos and videos of her naked body and of her engaged in sexual acts with Lewis.
Aviles called the Woodstock Police Department.
On Aug. 29, 2021, a detective brought Lewis, 41, to the police station for questioning. During the videotaped interview, which Reuters reviewed, Lewis initially denied posting explicit material of Aviles on OnlyFans or Twitter. Then he said he couldn’t remember. Then he broke down in tears. “I’m hoping this doesn’t ruin the rest of my life,” he said.
In May 2022, Lewis pleaded guilty to one count of nonconsensual dissemination of a sexual image – a felony. He received 24 months of probation.
“I am remorseful,” Lewis told Reuters. “I do feel bad about putting it out there into the universe.”
OnlyFans confirmed it responded to a police inquiry about Aviles’ case in March 2021 and that the account had been deleted the previous November. X didn’t comment on the case but says it bans non-consensual nudity on the platform.
Far from giving consent, 11 women and five men involved in the cases reviewed by Reuters told police they had no idea that images featured on OnlyFans even existed until after they had been posted. Each said the videos had been recorded without their knowledge.
Taysha Blase, 29, was among them.
The Nebraska woman said she had subscribed to her ex-boyfriend’s OnlyFans account out of curiosity. What she found distressed her. Her ex, Vincent Tran, 31, sent out a notification in July 2021 offering his OnlyFans subscribers a 47-second sex video of a “PAWG,” or Phat Ass White Girl, for $15.
The video showed a distinctive tattoo. Blase said it was hers.
The next morning, Blase contacted the Omaha Police Department. She told Reuters she also submitted an online complaint to OnlyFans about Tran’s account but never received a response. According to OnlyFans, “no actionable information” was provided to the platform at that time.
About a month later, Blase said, she heard from the police that her case would be forwarded to the domestic violence unit. By that time, Tran had taken down the video, but Blase still wanted him charged, fearing the post could resurface, she said.
For months, Blase said, she felt distraught and uncomfortable in public, wondering who might have seen her on OnlyFans. “For all I know,” she said, “that person may now know what the most intimate parts of my body look like, and there’s nothing that I can do about it.”
On Dec. 12, 2023 – more than two years after Blase reported the incident to police, and nearly four months after Reuters first inquired about the case – an arrest warrant was issued for Tran. It alleged he recorded and distributed an intimate video of Blase without her consent – felonies in Nebraska.
Tran remains at large. Reuters reached him by telephone, however, and asked about the case.
“That’s something I don’t want to talk about,” he said.
One alleged victim of nonconsensual porn is setting her sights on OnlyFans itself: Sammy, the college student.
Her lawsuit, filed in November 2022 in federal court in southern Florida, isn’t just about her alleged rape, but also about who profited from it.
It’s the first of its kind against OnlyFans and tests whether the website is liable under federal statutes designed to protect people from companies that “knowingly” benefit from sex trafficking – defined as commercial sex produced under “force, fraud, or coercion.”
“Those types of claims require that there be a financial benefit to the platform,” said Carrie Goldberg, a New York lawyer specializing in nonconsensual porn cases. “There’s really no easier platform to prove that for than OnlyFans,” she said, because the website takes a 20% cut of every transaction.
Sammy’s lawsuit cites violations of the same sex-trafficking laws used in a high-profile case against Pornhub. In 2021, its parent company, MindGeek, settled a sex-trafficking lawsuit brought by 50 women who accused the site of hosting nonconsensual porn and sought $100 million in damages.
The parent company – now called Aylo Holdings – said it has comprehensive safety measures to eradicate illegal material.
Sammy’s case, if successful, could bring similar attention to OnlyFans and its effectiveness in policing millions of creators, four legal experts told Reuters. It could also spur more lawsuits, they said.
OnlyFans did not comment on the experts’ assessments.
In a court filing, OnlyFans’ U.S. subsidiary, Fenix Internet, said it will seek to have Sammy’s sex-trafficking case dismissed, citing free-speech protections that shield social media platforms and other websites from liability for content posted by users. If the two men did post the video, they would have violated OnlyFans’ terms of service, the company said.
Sammy’s lawsuit against OnlyFans is on hold pending the outcome of the criminal case against the men, Romelus and Charles.
Reuters couldn’t access the video of Sammy’s alleged rape posted on OnlyFans, which her attorney said lasted about 10 minutes. Instead, reporters viewed screenshots and listened to parts of the recording played by Miami-Dade detectives while questioning Romelus and Charles. They also pieced together Sammy’s story from other law enforcement records and interviews with her.
It was spring break in 2022, when Sammy, a music production student and aspiring singer, met Charles, 24, on a dating app. He invited her to a party at his apartment, she told police and Reuters.
She was excited when Charles picked her up that night with Romelus, 27, in the passenger seat. But when the three arrived at the apartment, no one else was there. After some drinks and dancing, the men grew sexually aggressive, she said.
Their behavior culminated in an attack in the bedroom, where Sammy said she was stripped, slapped, raped and sodomized – all while a phone recorded her from atop a dresser.
“I was disoriented, shocked, scared,” she told Reuters. “I was just overwhelmed with how powerless I felt.”
She gathered her clothes and tried to take refuge in the living room, she said, but was again raped there. She said Romelus stood over her, holding his phone close to his head. At the time, Sammy thought he was on FaceTime, talking to someone, and shielded her face with her hands.
In fact, police said, Romelus was recording.
Afterward, the men took her to the workplace of her friend, Chris Philbert. As he drove her home, she broke down, punching the dashboard and swearing, Sammy and Philbert said in interviews. She opened the car door and tried to hurl herself onto the highway, because it felt “like the moment I’m supposed to die,” Sammy said. Her friend pulled her back in. “It was bad,” Philbert said. “It was just a terrible situation.”
Later, she checked herself into a hospital, where she called police.
Meanwhile, Philbert, after learning from Sammy that she might have been filmed, found Romelus’ OnlyFans page. Using OnlyFans’ messaging function, he said he was interested in buying a video of three people having sex, according to screenshots of his chats with Romelus provided to Reuters by the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s office.
On June 30, Romelus sold Philbert the video for $20, the screenshots showed. “More good videos coming my boy,” he told Philbert.
Philbert shared the video with investigators, and on July 26, 2022, Miami-Dade police arrested Romelus and Charles. They both denied they had raped Sammy. “Nobody forced her,” Romelus said in a video-recorded interview with two detectives, which Reuters reviewed.
The detectives played the OnlyFans video for Romelus on a phone. “In the video she says, ‘No, stop.’ Did you hear her?” Detective Nicole Wells said to Romelus. “She’s pushing you off.”
Romelus said he thought she was protesting because he was penetrating her too deeply. She knew she was being recorded and consented, he added. “When I have sex with somebody I always film it.”
When the detectives played the video for Charles, he said he couldn’t hear Sammy saying no and didn’t know the video had been posted on OnlyFans.
It’s unclear how long OnlyFans hosted the video or how many customers viewed it. Eleven days after it was posted, a lawyer for Sammy emailed police and said she was seeking to have it removed from the site “ASAP,” according to Miami-Dade Police Department records. The video has since been removed.
According to OnlyFans, it deactivated the account on July 29, 2022 - three days after Romelus’ arrest. It didn’t comment further on the case.
The OnlyFans video remains key evidence against the defendants, who are out on bond and due to stand trial later this year. Charles declined to comment, as did the public defender’s office representing Romelus.
The detectives questioned Romelus for an hour on the day of his arrest, then left him alone in the interview room.
A camera in the room continued to record.
He sank his head into his hands and spoke quietly to himself. The man who had filmed Sammy seemed unaware he was now being filmed himself.
“I should have never posted that video,” Romelus said. “I’m so stupid.”
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insipid-drivel · 3 months
Getting a new wheelchair! The XTSO M4
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If you're wondering what model of power chair this is, it's this in the readmore:
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Here's the website.
Here's my family friend's website with even more variety and options.
I'm brand new to wheelchairs and power chairs, but have recently invested in this one as my mobility has been an increasing issue as I'm getting older. A family friend of mine has MS and owns a wheelchair and powerchair company, and just recently went to a floor-show of new models in Miami, FL, and emailed me back with the XSTO M4 as a recommendation for my first chair.
These chairs are expensive. They may not be affordable for you. I'm only getting one because I know a guy who sells them and he's willing to help me out when it comes to the financials. However, if you're curious, shopping, or interested to know what kind of new tech is starting to be incorporated into electric wheelchairs, here are some product deets about the M4:
Comes with an automatic balance system, which balances out the seat even when I'm going uphill. This prevents the "I'm going to fall and hit my head" sensation if a slope is steep.
Can clear vertical obstacles of up to 2" vertically or 6" horizontally (such as rolling over grass between paving stones) , so if a city's infrastructure sucks for chair-bound people, I can at least brute-force to a sidewalk or park when necessary.
Can handle slopes of up to 15°
Breathable back and memory foam seat for no more Ass Sweat Prints on warm days.
Designed not to slip or skid on slippery surfaces or going up or downhill
Self-adjusts the seat to stay level even when on a slope so I don't tip over or fall off the chair. Also has a safety-wheel in the back so it can't be tipped backwards, either.
Travels up to 11 miles on a single charge
Has both "casual" (indoor) and "off-road" settings.
Can adjust the seat up or down up to 8" to Reach Things Better or Be More Visible To Traffic.
Has no rear handles for assholes to grab and try to move me around without permission.
Comes with an app (ugh I know) that makes my phone make an alert noise when the battery is low or a part or component is malfunctioning, gives me the ability to remotely control it to wheel it closer to me if it's out of reach and I can't walk to it (honestly a selling point for me; I never know when I'll have Bad Issues and need extra help), switch its modes from casual to sport mode, and make it fold/unfold for space.
Breaks into 3 separate parts for easier storage in the back of a car.
Goes up to ~4mph, which isn't bad for me, since my normal mph at home without a chair is 0.
Has a tight 32" turning radius courtesy of the front tires, making it good for moving around indoors too.
Seat reclines and has a small leg-rest for if I want to lean back.
The manufacturer recycles parts, so if something like the battery needs replacing, I can send the old part in and receive a new, replacement part for free.
Almost every feature covered by the app is also available on the LCD readout beside the joystick, so I don't need to use the app if I don't want to.
It doesn't look like I stole it from a retirement home or a WalMart.
30 notes · View notes
owlrageousjones · 3 months
Is Blanche Devereaux a Landlord?
Random thought of the day: Is Blanche Devereaux of the Golden Girls a Landlord? And if she is, does she deserve the guillotine?
Obviously, in the strictest sense, she is a landlord. She owns accomodation, and she derives income from renting that accomodation out. That's a landlord.
But in saying that, Blanche lives in that same house - she rents it out to the other women because she has space and she's a widow with no dependents anymore. She had a large house to raise children and live with her husband, but her children have moved out and her husband's moved on (to the afterlife).
The absolutely moral thing to do would be to either let her roommates stay with her for free (because housing is a human right) OR to downsize.
And it's easy to say that's what she should do, but the absolutely moral thing for most of us to do is to sell most of our belongings and give the proceeds to charity but that's the kind of behaviour you'd expect from a saint, not some random person. I think we generally agree that there's a gradient between the extreme ends here.
And although it's kind of a meme, landlords do provide a service - as someone who has owned their own home with a mortgage, owning a home can be annoying and stressful. Owning your own home makes you feel like you put down an anchor, and when you want to move, you end up asking yourself if it's worth raising that anchor. For some people, it's better to have the freedom and flexibility that renting can provide.
(Also technically you don't have the stress of wondering how you're going to pay for repairs because that's the landlord's responsibility, but you know, that also puts you at the mercy of the landlord.)
In some ways, I think there wouldn't necessarily be anything wrong with having landlords if those landlords weren't private investors whose desire is profit - if the government owned my house, and I just 'rented' it from them by paying taxes, and then I would be able to move at some point if I chose, that'd be a neat solution.
(But then it also raises all sorts of questions such as: should I, a single bachelor with no dependents, be allowed to have a house with more than one bedroom? Under the capitalist system, I could have as big a house as my pockets could afford, even if that is a terrible allocation of space and housing.)
Looping back to Blanche, neither Rose nor Dorothy seem like they might've been in a position to buy a house - Rose sold her previous home, so maybe she would have the funds, but she was also moving from a small town to Miami, so the houses would probably cost a lot more (but she could probably afford a condo or small apartment). There's also the fact that living in a shared accomodation with each other was almost definitely good for them, socially wise.
I know living on my own was kind of sad in some ways, even if it did mean I didn't have to wear clothes in the summer.
So is Blanche bourgeouise? I mean... probably, but if the Revolution came, would she be up against the wall?
19 notes · View notes
talesfrommedinastation · 10 months
My Neighbor Doug on different locations in 'The Bad Batch'
So I did as was requested by my poll, and asked Doug what he called (and thought of) the various different places in which 'The Bad Batch' took place.
Need refreshers? Doug's interpretations of The Bad Batch: Main Characters
Doug's interpretations of The Bad Batch: Side Characters
Here we go:
Tipoca City: The Mall on the Ocean. You know it either smells really nice, clean and like fresh perfume, or it smells like ass and balls. It’s duty free, of course. Daddy Warcrimes totally plows the liquor section when Ryan-from-Accounting won’t stop annoying him and Daddy Rambo sprays on the sample Sauvage cologne to get the ladies. 
("I thought he was married?"
"He need the reassurance. Y'all know guys like him.")
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Onderon: Damn-It-Jared’s Trailer Park. It’s where he and his goofy-assed hippie friends fire weapons and drop acid and scare the wildlife. It’s like Oregon, but stupid. Just like Damn-It-Jared. And Daddy Warcrimes comes down and murders civilians, because the man craves police brutality the way I crave a drink after watching the Saints lose. 
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Saleucami: Tremor-Land. Look at this place and tell me you ain’t expecting giant worms and Kevin Bacon to pop out of nowhere. Also, Not-Wolverine’s wife gives me Reba McEntire vibes, trust me. They seem like a fun couple, I’d love to drink beer and shoot guns with them on a Sunday. 
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(Cut and Suu = Not Wolverine and Not Wolverine's wife)
Pantora: Not-Quite-Austin. Its where young hot people go to get drunk, get into street fights and then leave. You know, where That Chick That’s in Everything gets into a motorcycle race with Daddy Rambo and then they look for the Gun Safety Muppet and Little Orphan Blondie is lost and I guess they sell Toaster Strudel at one point to the three eyed goat for cash?*
Meat Muffin, what in the hell did I just write? 
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Corellia: Where-Anakin-Lost-His-Legs and Jorge’s Unemployed Sisters are collecting scrap metal for cash.
(“This is not where Anakin lost his legs!” 
“How do you know?”
“ I watched Episode III?! Did you?”
“Eh, they’ll update it, just watch.”)
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(FYI, I wish Trace Martez and Tech had more scenes together. They would have been a cute nerdy couple)
Bracca: Planet Dump. Seriously, there’s a planet devoted to garbage. Is it New Jersey? It’s just creepy people floating around trash? Man, it’s like Thor Ragnorok, but sad. Think Valkyrie would show up at some point? Julio had a headache here and strangled someone, I get it, migraines ain’t fun. 
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Ord Mantell: Great Value Cyberpunk. Do humans even live here? Well, Houma BBQ bitch and her ugly clutch of mutant boyfriends do. Her bar totally looks like someone practices eye surgery in the back like in Minority Report. 
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Raxus: Space Country Club. Oh, this place nice and clean. I mean, dang, it looks like a gated community where everyone plays golf and is mean to their neighbors. I bet they have an amazing Christmas lights display but don’t allow ‘riff-raff’ to come in and bully anyone who doesn’t join their HOA. My sister’s in one outside of Miami, and it turned her into a bitch, trust me. 
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Daro: Not-Quite-Fort-Bliss. I don’t get this place. It’s where Manny’s hanging out with other army guys but they don’t like him, even though he’s a good soldier? What the hell, the Empire is run by mid-level corporate dumbasses who think their online MBA makes them a god. 
::proceeds to go on a rant about MBA Rob, his nephew, and the clowns like them::
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Safa Toma: Tank Girl’s Home. It’s like Tatooine but fun and crazy. It’s where the Rhino that Sells Used Buicks and his pet iguana live and force people to race in used car parts.**. 
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Pabu: Space Daytona. It’s nice, it’s pretty, but I kept thinking the Empire was going to nuke it at some point. Hey, Church Lady says it’s her home away from home…where’s her other home? New Orleans? Shit, that’s a thought.
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Eriadu: Space New Hampshire. It’s foggy, got mountains, and filled with angry old white people who can’t seem to retire. You know Tarkin totally screams at waiters and lives to make the poor check out girls at Publix cry. Just like his bitchy daughter, Stepsister Beth. 
(Doug now headcanons that Tarkin is Emerie’s dad…which makes zero sense, but whatever.)
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Ryloth: Space Arizona. Everything seems rich and nice and the women are vaguely hot, cool canyons and mountains and whatnot. But then dig a little bit and everyone’s rat-in-a-shithouse insane and there’s guns everywhere. I like Hera and her daddy, he’s cool. Like him riding his space motorcycle and flinging that spear at folks, more of him please. 
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Weyland: Spooky Lab Land. It’s where Stepsister Beth and Ryan-from-Accounting have family reunions with her asshole dad, his bitch wife Laura, and the gang. They’re into science and not making eye contact with anyone because there’s shit in the lava lamps that might be humans. 
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Serrano: Space Coeur d’Alene. It’s got pine trees and mountains, real pretty, but it’s easy to fling trash and bodies everywhere and every other person is Doomsday prepping. You ever been to Idaho? Real pretty, but real off, ya know? 
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*= I was struggling to breath after this. What in 'The Witch' was he thinking?!
**= Millegi and his racer. I had to stop texting Doug for a bit at this point, I was cry-laughing so hard I couldn’t see. 
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homesellerheaven · 2 years
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We Buy Homes in Miami FL
Do you want to sell your Miami house fast without wasting time and money? House selling in Miami is stressful, time-counsuming. Home Seller Heaven, eliminates all the downsides to house selling. We buy houses for people who want to skip all the hassle tied with house selling. Sell Your House Now.
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clicheantagonist · 2 months
WiP Wednesday Friday
just shy of the weekend!!!
Thankies for the continued inclusion in the tags: @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @aceghosts @josephslittledeputy @shallow-gravy and @inafieldofdaisies
I'M BACK ON MY BULLSHIT AND I'M FINALLY POSTING THE BOYS AU after I completely changed the plot I worked on for months a day and a half ago. Ehehehehe chaos.
Be gentle, I really did just let the first impulsive thought win after months of struggling to write and KEEP writing.
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“You'd sell me to the Devil without a second glance. Trade me for a paycheck if you got the chance. […] One of many, but you say the best you've ever had. So tell me that you love me, then stick the knife in my back. God, I really worry 'bout the people that you stab, but it's your turn soon. Karma is a bitch like you.”
-Maisy Kay (ft Teisto), “Karma Is A Bitch Like You”
 “There was some other God then, a God for whom the spilling of blood was a prayer, an act of devotion. And they’ve been praying to that God their whole lives.”
-Brandon Taylor, “Filthy Animals”
“Shepherd.” Alex answers, work phone trilling loudly beside her as she lounges in bed, watching the news with morbid fascination. It seemed the Supes had beaten the mad scientists and their corpo overlords in the race to control the country. Not something on Alex’s yearly bingo list, but not entirely shocking, either.
“Got a job for ya, love.”
Alex sits up, eyes narrowing as she looks frantically for the remote to mute the tv.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not taking new clients right now and – “ Alex starts, laying low amidst the current political unrest.
There’s something familiar about the voice on the other end of the call, but it brings a vague, anxious connotation with it.
“Aw, don’t remember me, eh? That stings.”
Alex’s lips pull up in an amused smirk. At her age, coupled with her substance abuse and all the head trauma through the years, her memory isn’t what it once was and she’s open to being wrong.
“Refresh my memory.” Alex invites, curiosity gnawing at her. Its not often she can’t recall a voice, certainly not one as distinct as this guy’s.
“You and yer hubby had a run in with tha C.I.A. some years ago over biological weapons trafficking.”
Alex has to think back a moment, there had been several close calls with various law enforcement agencies throughout the years, but there’s a reason Alex is still a free woman.
“City?” Alex presses, drawing a blank.
“Were you a bribe or a break?” Alex asks, not finding the further information helpful.
“Break. Ya dislocated me shoulder.”
He doesn’t sound annoyed or resentful, rather it sounds like he’s chuckling around his words.
“Ah! Yes! Handsy Fed that treated me like I  was bein’ trafficked! I do remember you. Got some tracking skills, Mister - ?” Alex laughs in recognition, the memory flooding back of the scene she unintentionally caused when some DHS assholes wanted to get a little too hands on with Wesker (and their bags). There was no quicker way to piss Alex off, especially at the end of a long, stressful retrieval mission. She'd been more than a little upset over being heckled by the stupid government after that.
“Butcher. Glad I made an impression.”
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 “We are the last people standing at the end of the night. We are the greatest pretenders in the cold morning light. This is just another night, and we've had many of them. To the morning we're cast out, but I know I'll land here again.”
- Bastille, “Get Home”
Alex makes the short flight to Delaware, to meet Butcher in the smallest, most 90s diner she’s ever been in.
He’s already there, sitting in the last booth opposite the door. The diner is long and narrow, like a strip mall bar. There’s a cook barely visible in the little window behind the front counter, and a tired looking waitress straightens up off the table with a sigh, reaches for a menu and passes it to Alex as she passes the table.
“Here ya go, honey. Sit wherever ya like and I’ll be over with coffee.” She instructs, fixing a smile on her face that doesn’t look genuine (but Alex is glad for the attempt to seem happy).
“Thank you. No rush.” Alex takes the laminated menu and continues towards Butcher’s dark shape in the back. Alex notices her heels tapping on the tiles louder than the old TV in the corner, over the counter, playing the news.
‘Good ol’ 24 hour news cycle. Worst thing that ever happened to this country.’
“Good morning,” Alex greets brightly, sinking into the other side of the booth, facing the door, and making eye contact with the former Fed. ‘Well he’s quite handsome. That’s a plus.’
Butcher makes no attempt to hide the way he sizes Alex up as soon as she nears the table. Alex knows right away she’s dealing with a predator like her; there’s a look that comes with that, one that sees more than most would at first glance.
‘That’s okay, I’m eye-ballin’ you too, handsome.’ Alex thinks, casting him a cursory once over before returning to the single page plastic menu. From her peripheral, Alex watches the tired waitress return with a white mug and pot of coffee.
“Need a minute, hon?” The woman asks, causing Alex to look up with a pleasant smile.
“I’m ready actually. I’ll do the steak and eggs, rare, over medium, no toast, and home fries, please.” Alex orders, waiting for the brunette to stop writing on her pad before offering the menu back.
“You hungry? I’m payin.” Alex asks the stoic ex-Fed across from her, noticing he makes no attempt to even acknowledge the waitress.
Butcher’s eyes narrow briefly in Alex’s direction before he answers, still not bothering to look at the waitress.
“Jus’ eggs an’ toast. Scrambled, wheat.” He mutters, voice a gravelly rumble that Alex wouldn’t mind hearing more of.
“You got it. I’ll have that right out for ya.” The waitress chirps, sounding a bit more awake, and seemingly not taking offence to Butcher’s stand-offishness.
They wait for her to leave before Alex speaks again.
“How safe is it to talk here?” She asks, reclining in the booth, stretching her legs under the table, crossing them at the ankles, toes resting on the bottom opposite booth. She reaches up, rubbing her eyes and blinking them clear.
“Safe enough for some specifics. But I’m gonna come righ’ out an’ say it now – this ain’t for tha faint of heart. They all gotta go, an’ if you get in me way, you will, too.” Butcher tells her seriously, jumping right to the meat of the situation, as it were. Alex appreciates that in a client.
Alex’s lips twitch up, eyes half-lidded even as they occasionally shift between the door, the counter, and the man in front of her.
“I appreciate the warning. Do you expect me to get in your way?” Alex asks, playing it diplomatically, she wants to get a read on this man who managed to find her – its not often those outside her very particular circle manage to locate her.
Butcher smiles.
“Ya never expect it, but it happens.” He replies coyly. Alex raises a brow, smile widening the slightest bit.
“I think I understand. As long as you keep me in the loop, you won’t have to worry. I’m still alive because I deliver.”  Alex replies, knowing well what kind of animal she’s dealing with now.
“That’s what I hear.” Butcher replies, the muscles in his face visibly relaxing.
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“So hang on, what makes you think I’ll take such a dangerous job with no guarantee of payment?” Alex chuckles, cutting into her steak.
“Ya don’t survive this long doin’ stupid shit like that. Sell it to me.” Alex requests, gesturing vaguely in Butcher’s direction with the piece of steak speared on her fork.
“Aw c’mon, don’t bust me balls, love.” Butcher grumbles around a sheepish smile Alex knows is not genuine.
“Get used to that. C’mon, convince me why I should risk my life for a stranger, taking on what could well be an actual Fool’s errand?” Alex encourages, curious as to what’s up Butcher’s sleeve. She can tell he’s quite calculating and clever, certainly he’s thought of this before reaching out to her.
“Savin’ tha world ain’t enough?” Butcher asks, still smiling, knowingly this time. He’s teasing her.
Alex hums a laugh before popping the piece of steak into her mouth. She chews and swallows before she replies.
“That was very cute, but you wouldn’t have reached out to me if you thought that line would have worked.” Alex replies, unaffected.
Butcher nods and laughs softly.
“You’ve kept a low profile since ‘e died. Condolences, by the way.” Butcher tells her abruptly, still smiling that malicious little smile. Alex knows her mask cracks some at the unexpected mention of Wesker, but she rolls with the punch, no stranger to the mind games people play.
‘I play them better.’
“Thank you,” She replies, voice the slightest bit choked. He knows more than she would like him to.
“I’m askin you because you’re rudderless. Adrift in tha open ocean. Wouldn’t it be nice to ‘ave direction and purpose again? Really shake up tha world, jus’ ta show ya can?” Butcher asks, leaning forward conspiratorially, arms resting on the edge of the table.
Alex tips her head and sets her fork and knife down, regarding Butcher critically. It’s concerning he’s so confident about his read of her.
“Son of a bitch, I’m in. Fuck it.” Alex answers, around a stunned laugh, reaching over the table with her right hand to shake, and Butcher grasps it firmly, pulling her in over the table.
Alex gasps, but catches herself before she lands chest first in breakfast.
“We gotta leave now then, you’re workin with a marked man.” Butcher murmurs around a reckless smirk that makes Alex think she’s found an unexpected comrade.
Her brows shoot up and her expression twists briefly in stunned shock, more over being physically dragged than his actual words.
‘I’m a magnet for troubled men.’
“Woulda worn different shoes, if I knew that.” Alex replies, expression relaxing into a soft kind of annoyance.
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romanarose · 10 months
For The Longest Time: Because of You
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William Miller x Fem!OC (Lorelei Giang)
Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist :Playlist
Join my taglist!
Summary: Lorelei calls her dad.
Warnings: Abandoment issues, daddy issues, a little bit of ptsd from physically abuse (v minor), Lorelei being very angry and trying to push Will away, shitty behavior, brief addict shaming. ER visit. mentions of Benny's episode and Will's dads death
a/n: takes place in two parts, after Mr. Miller's funeral and then the day after ben's hospitalization. They ALMOST talk about their feelings. Almost.
It had been a few days since Will’s dad’s funeral, and he seemed to be doing well enough. Ben had been taking it much worse, as to be expected, so did Jenna so that’s where Will’s attention was. He had told her he didn’t really care that he died, although Lorelei wasn’t sure that was true. Thing was, Ben wasn’t out to his family yet outside of a few cousins, was the thing. Will was pretty sure everyone guessed as much, but their family didn’t talk like that. Now, Will didn’t have to worry about Paul clocking Ben in the face for bringing home a man one thanksgiving. And Will did hope Ben would bring someone other than Alice. Ben had two committed relationships in his life, Cameron and Alice, and Alice had stuck around much longer than Will wanted. The rest had been a slew of one night stands of men and women he met in his MMA fights and Miami nightclubs. 
However, the whole ordeal of the funeral had left Lorelei’s thoughts reeling. Of course she cared about Benny and Will, she loved them dearly. Mrs. Miller was very kind and the death had left her shocked. Lorelei had them over twice at her and Will’s home for dinner, trying to alleviate some of the worry. Jenna was stressed, trying to sell the farm, but it wasn’t making much progress. Will didn’t want her to sell it, but he didn’t want to run it either, leaving them in a stand-still. 
Ben wanted it gone. There had been a time he thought he’d take it over, once… Ben was good at farm work, he was strong, enduring, hard working. But that was when him and Cameron had dreams together, dreams of a Brokeback Mountain lifestyle, away from the public view, dreams of a life where they just pretended they were partners running a farm and never had to worry about the outside. That was very going to happen, so Ben wanted every memory of his dad and Cameron erased.
Lorelei had worked another long day, 6 AM to 6 PM and Will had asked her, begged her really, to stop working over time at least. He understood her need to stay independent but god, at what cost? She refused, saying she’d put her foot down when she no longer could take it, but at a little over 4 months, she could still take it. Lorelei was concerned that while Will seemed all in with their child, she still worried she’d be left in the dust when he got bored, so she was saving up as much as she could while she still had free rent.
Since she wouldn’t stop working long days, she did, however, allow Will to take care of her after a shift. Her feet were beginning to swell up, so she acquiesced to Will rubbing her feet with magnesium lotion while they watched a movie. Today, she was showing him  “Some Like It Hot” starring Tony Curtis and Marilyn Monroe.
“He reminds me of Ben” Will commented about Tony Curtis’s character who, while in drag, immediately made a group of friends with the women.
Lorelei chuckled. “Yeah, this would be a very Ben thing to do. He ever do drag?”
Will stopped massaging her feet, turning to Lorelei with a perfectly straight face. “Why, because he’s gay you think he does drag?”
“NO! Nonononono!” Lorelei was quick to defend, panicking slightly as she sat up. “No it’s just he’s very outgoing and-”
A bright laugh filled the room, Will waving her off and going back to work and giggling a bit. “I’m just messing with yuh, Lore.”
Lorelei kicked him, but smiled as she laid down again. “Can’t do me like that!  I thought you were about to cancel and call Jana over to beat my ass for being homophobic or something.”
“I wouldn’t wish Jana or Santi’s fury on my worst enemy.”
They watched the movie in a comfortable silence for a while, full of the chicken parm Lorelei made and sleepy, both their eyes were drooping by the time Lorelei spoke again.
“Do you know how to track people down.”
Will, who had sunk down on the couch much like Lorelei had, her legs propped up on him, peaked an eye to her. “Well… yeah, that was kinda part of our job.”
She started slowly. “Can you find people that maybe… no ones heard from in a few years?”
“Possibly… We were able to find Laci’s ex who trafficked her.”
“Did Santi kill him.”
“So yes.”
“Who are you looking for, Lore?”
She turned to him, the credits from their movie beginning to roll. “My dad.”
Will propped himself up on his elbow. “Like… your dad dad?”
“No, like my step-dad who called me last week to remind me that he’s disappointed in me and doesn’t want anything to do with this baby and how my sister would never do anything like this, even though I was the one that helped her get on birth control.”
“Jesus. Yeah, we can find him. Ben’s really good at that kind of thing, knows someone in every city. What’s bringing this about?”
She sighed, ready for bed. “The funeral. I just, I dunno. I don’t want my dad to die without meeting his grandchild…”
“Do you… think he wants to?”
She glared at him. “What, because he didn’t want me that means he doesn’t want them either?”
“No! Jesus, Lore, I didn’t say he didn’t-”
It was her turn to laugh. “I’m just fucking with you, relax.”
Will’s panic dissolved into a warm smile. “C’mon. Let’s get you to bed. You can give me what you got and we’ll track him down.”
“Thanks, William.”
He pulled her up, sleepy and pliant and dragged her stumbling form to her bedroom.
The day after Ben’s hospitalization, Will came home to see Lorelei cleaned up the entire apartment, exactly how Will liked it.
When he entered the kitchen to see her making lunch, Will simply drew her into his arms, her belly preventing him from fully embracing as tight as he wanted to, but she loved being helped by him like this. He felt safe to her. 
She was about to talk to him, to ask how Ben was to talk about what Will said, that his type was pretty, short brunettes…
“William-” Her phone rang. Her heart hurt when he pulled away, nd she was going to decline it when she saw the number. Unfamiliar number, but… “it’s a Philly area code…” She continued watching it ring.
Will knew what this might mean. “Is it your dad?”
She answered. “Hello.”
It was.
Will watched and Lorelei’s face lit up, a smile brightening his shitty day. He guided her over to the couch to talk, then took over lunch for her. She deserved this. Excitedly, she told him about the pregnancy.
“We’re naming her Chloe Sen. Yeah, that’s what I thought, William picked the first name. I think so too! Yeah, he treats me really well.”
This was good news. Lorelei’s mom and step-dad had almost no involvement in her life, and even less since the pregnancy. Despite her mom also having gotten pregnant outside of marriage, she seemed to regard Lorelei as a failure. Her mom had gotten married before her birth, so technically she was born in wedlock, which Lorelei refused to do. Will not proposing to her made him the bad guy in her family's eyes. The apparent excitement from her dad was good news.
Then it tumbled.
“Oh. Yeah. Yeah I get it. Sure, I can do that. Um, you’ll call later, right? Yeah, okay. Yeah, it was nice talking to you too… um, bye…” All her excitement deflated.
Will turned to see her on the couch, lip quivering and chest heaving as she furiously pulled up cashapp and typed in Kyle Giang. $500
“It’s fine, he’ll pay me back” He never paid her back for the other several thousand she’d sent him over the years. “He just needs to get his car back, it was repossessed and-”
“I’m sorry.” He tried to say, he wanted to tell her she deserved better than a step dad who thought she was a failure when she was an ER nurse, and a damn good one. She deserved better than a dad who ran out on her and asks for money. He wanted to reassure her that he’d never to that to Chloe, that Chloe would never have to feel the way she did… But Lorelei had already switched, and it felt like all the progress they had made together went out the window.
“Oh fuck off, I don’t need your pity.” Hobbling and stumbling, Lorelei wobbled off the couch and towards the door.
“C’mon, don’t do this, talk to me-”
She attempted to shove her feet into her flats, but they had gotten so swollen they weren’t fitting. Usually, before a shift or going anywhere, Will helped her put on her shoes and tie them up since her belly had gotten so big. Chloe was gonna be a big baby, the doctor said. Got that Miller blood. It made Lorelei feel like a princess, Will treating her as worthy of the title he only spoke to her in their most tender, most quiet of moments… the way he looked up at her as he knelt on the ground, blue eyes so bright on his face… she loved him so much. But moments like these, moments where she’s reminded of how badly her father hurt her and how if she could trust her own dad then who the hell was she supposed to trust… 
“GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!” She screamed, hating the way she sounded like her mom. “FUCK!” Lorelei refused to go outside shoeless, so she shoved her feet into Will’s slides. They were obscenely large on her as she waddled out the door, looking fucking stupid as she felt.
Will followed her outside. “Lorelei, please just talk to-”
“FUCK YOU!” She shouted, hobbling away, to where she wasn’t sure.
“C’mon! Don’t do this! I want to help-”
Lorelei whipped around, nearly tripping on the shoes. “I don’t need help! You do! You and your germophbia, your obsessive compulsive disorder, YOU NEED HELP! Your alcoholic suicidal brother does, your multiple addict friends do, so go fucking deal with them because they are clearly more important than our family!”
There was a flash of anger in his eyes. “What the fuck did you just say?” He spoke softly, like a calm before the storm and Lorelei braced herself for a screaming match, braced herself to take him on the same way she took on Tyler… But the storm never came. 
“Please don’t talk about my family like that.”
Lorelei’s defenses could not be laid down. 
“Are you going to address the OCD or are you going to keep ignoring it?”
He rolled his eyes a bit. “I dont have obsessive-”
“OH-ho-ho-ho my GOD Will! Yes you do! Jesus christ! You couldn’t even help your own fucking brother as he was dying!”
Will spoke evenly, refusing to match her tone. “He wasn’t dying, he only took melatonin-”
“YOU DIDN’T KNOW THAT! Fuck! I can’t do this, I can’t do any of this. I’m moving out!” The shocked hurt crossed Will’s face, looking so heart broken at her rejection and threat to take herself and their daughter away. “I don’t fucking need you for anything so I’ll just go back to Philly” She turned on a heel to walk across the lawn, but got tripped on on the oversized shoes.  “so you can pretend this never happ-” Lorelei was spinning, falling over onto her ass on the grass. She started crying before she could stop herself. And she would have stopped herself. She never cried in front of anyone, nonetheless a man.
“LORELEI!” Will shouted, running to her. If she was in a better state of mind, she would have noticed the worry in his voice, the panic, but instead she just heard the noise. She just heard him shouting her name and worried she had gotten what she wants, that she pushed him too far and now he was mad at her.
When Will reached her, Lorelei looked up at him and it was so small a less observant man would miss it… a small flinch. He eyes wide and wet and she flinched. “Hey now,” Will spoke calmly, carefully crouching down slowly to not startle her. “I ain’t gonna hurt you.”
“I know.” She sniffled, expression calming as she realized this was Will. Just Will. Will would never hurt her, no matter how much she pushed him.
“You fell, anything hurt? Your ankle?”
She shook her head, tears quickly drying.
“Okay, I’m gonna pick you up and we’re going to the ER.”
“I’m fine.” She insisted, voice quiet. “I’m 5’3, it’s not a far fall.”
Will chuckled softly. “I know, but let’s just go, for me okay? So I don’t obsessed over it? Since you’re so worried about my OCD.”
“Okay.” She consented, and Will scooped her up bridal style and began carrying her to their car, her arms around his neck. “So you admit you have OCD.”
He smiled. “Well, I can’t exactly diagnose myself but… if you want me to get seen, okay.”
“Thank you.”
“Anything for you, princess.”
She was completely fine. The ER doctor knew Lorelei of course and checked her out thoroughly, assuring her that both her and the baby appeared well and healthy, but to come in if there’s any pain or bleeding. Will picked up some Whataburger for their lunch since the food they were making had gone cold. Still very worried, Will held her arm as they walked into the house, taking her to her room to nap.
“Can you stay with me?” She asked, oh so quiet, so quiet he thought he didn’t hear right… but he did, and he said yes, of course, anything for you.
That’s how they ended up like this, cuddled up in bed together. Lorelei was on her back, Will resting his head on her chest and an arm wrapped around the belly protectively. It didn’t feel wrong or sexual, the idea his head was on her boobs. It just felt right. Will was just there for her and Chloe. 
“I’m really sorry, Will.”
“Don’t apologize.”
“No, William, let me apoligize. That was really shitty. I shouldn’t have said any of that, I didn’t mean it. Well, outside the OCD. You gotta take care of that.”
“I will” He assured.
“I mean about the others. I’m sorry I called Ben a suicidal alcohalic.”
He shrugged. “He is.”
“Still, I shouldn’t have said it. And I’m really sorry I called Jana, Frankie and Laci addicts. I’m a nurse, I can’t being saying shit like that. I’m not trying to shame addicts. I love those three.”
“I know. I won’t tell anyone.”
“Thank you… I know I’m not… I’m not always easy to get along with… I shouldn’t have yelled at you, that was wrong.”
“You’re trying.” Will kissed her swollen belly. He looked sad, worried like his mind was reeling. “You had a bad day, and we both had a long night. You didn’t sleep at all. It’s okay.”
“Thank you.” She whispered. Lorelei wondered how she could possibly have raised her voice at someone so gentle, so loving, so adoring…
Will subconscious squeeze the arm he had wrapped around her belly. “Did you mean the other part though?”
Lorelei wasn’t sure what he meant. “Hm?”
He climbed off her, propping himself up on one arm while she looked at him. “About moving out.. About leaving… because if you want to go to Philadelphia, you can but… I want to come… I don’t want to be away from you and Chloe, baby.”
His eyes looked large and wet, like he might start crying at any moment. She forgot about the threat. It was empty. There was nothing in Philadelphia for her anymore, certainly not her dad.
“Oh honey…” Lorelei brought him to lay down on the pillow with her, their faces a breath apart. “I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry, I won’t threaten to walk away again. No matter what, I’ll never keep you from our daughter…”
His voice was sleepy, a little grovely, almost like a morning bedroom voice despite it being 1 PM. “I don’t wanna be away from you either, Lore.”
She wanted to trust him. She did… she wanted to lean over right there and kiss him, to make him her and suck his perfect fucking cock and have him bend her over and- she wanted to be with him… but there was the inkling, that fear, that nagging voice in the back of her head that he was just like everyone else, and if she got to close, Will could rip the rug out from under her, tagging away him, her new friends, and leaving her and Chloe alone, like Lorelei and her mom were.
“I don’t wanna be without you either, Will.”
They laid there together, slowly drifting off.
“Can you get me one of those giant pregnancy pillows?”
She felt the bed shake with his laughter.
“Anything for you, princess.”
She's trying. She really is she's just scared.
The entire inspo for this series was Piece by Piece by Kelly Clarkson, which she considers a sequel to her amazing song Because of You. please check them both out to get what Lorelei is going through and Feeling, trying to push will away despite how tenderly he loves her.
@pimosworld @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @whatthefishh @missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @poeedameronn@itspdameronthings @miraclesabound @babymills16 @rayslittlekitten
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midmorningsong · 1 year
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So this morning a staffmate told me about the recent Miami Zoo Kiwi incident that’s come to light, and I’ve been fucking livid all day.
Just been reading through a bunch of articles (majority NZ news sources) and the Zoo’s official statement, and somehow it’s even worse than what my irate coworker was able to convey to me. Miami Zoo had the absolute fucking privilege of receiving a (North Isl. Brown (?)) kiwi egg to hatch and raise as a species you would never normally see outside our little island at the bottom of the world as part of a some global zoo wildlife initiative.
Brief brief summary: viral videos coming out of this kiwi (Paora) being put on a table and patted by paying customers under bright lights, having selfies taken, made to run around during the day, keeper pursuing him whenever he tried to hide in his box. All around blasé attitude from keeper talking about this bird while he’s being paraded about on display. There’s video footage but I could seriously only stomach watching it once. He’s been there for 4 years and in the wake of this outrage they’re claiming to be building him a ‘proper enclosure’ now. He’s been handled like this at least 4 times a week and his current enclosure has been 3x3m.
They had access to super fucking detailed information on how to take care of this very sensitive and specialized animal, and what the fuck do they do? Disregard ALL of it to sell cutesy, ~rare bird~, self-obsessed animal encounters.
Either you knowingly and intentionally went against SO. MUCH. vital animal husbandry or you are just such a fuckwit you legitimately think it was good animal handling, I don’t know which is worse honestly. If it’s the former, congratulations; American Capitalism continues to be the most nasty, disrespectful piece of shit I see regularly parading about in broad daylight. If it’s the latter, then are your staff for real just exotic pet-obsessed freaks who showed up one day in a uniform and you just went ‘yeah sure you can be a zookeeper good enough’. Shoutout to that ‘keeper’ who had Paora’s head pinned to the fucking table with his fist going ‘hohoh yeah he’s just like a dog he loves being pat on the head’ yeah sure thing idiot I bet your zookeeper degree taught you all animals and birds especially just love being slapped around and treated like dogs.
The thing that’s got me the most though, is how over the top and pitiful they are being in their apology; “we’ve offended a nation...”, “it should have never happened”, “we are so sorry this video has caused stress to people”, ok yeah but fuck what we think why is there exactly ZERO mention of the stress, harm and sheer exploitation you have put this animal through??? Like yes, Paora is a taonga species and that is certainly adding to the severity of this response, but in and of itself the fact that their official statement answers ONLY to humans’ responses and outrage and not the failure to care for this animal is telling as fuck to me.
I really liked reading iwi leader Paora Haitana’s response (who Paora the kiwi is named after), in much nicer words than me expressing deep concern over the harm to Paora, the disrespect it is to him as a taonga species and us as protectors of them, and also heavy, heavy emphasis on words holding no shape under the weight of everything that has happened; they need to follow through and follow through right now with adequate care.
Personally I’d like to see Paora moved to a zoo that actually cares about his needs and conservation education over selling clickbait. I feel the love and intention of bringing him home to Aotearoa, though I don’t know how realistic that is with the risk of introducing diseases from abroad into the NZ populations. I also would expect a thorough investigation of Zoo Miami’s husbandry for all their species and the credentials of their staff.
Thanks for coming along to rant o’ clock, I’ll be back to reblogging regular fandom shit now so please don’t follow me if you’re expecting more of my own content lol. Enjoy some great twitter banter from this mess
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
Excuse me if I get any of this wrong since I really didn't follow it that closely...but didn't Victoria Beckham's fashion line lose money the entire time until like last year and she only stayed in business for as long as she did because David propped the whole thing up financially? (And didn't I just see her latest collection was recalled and she's going out of business?)
Anyway, I'm getting VB vibes with this. Except Harry doesn't have Beckham's money to fund a vanity career for Meghan. So my guess is that there will be a limited number of products with a very limited run, it will "sell out", they will declare it a huge success and then say it was always meant to be a limited time availability so there won't be ongoing production. She'll add the whole thing to her resume the same way she's a "best selling children's author" and she'll continue to float around between her various careers. Perhaps with some more cookbooks in her future.
I don't really follow the Beckhams.
I watched the documentary and see the headlines, but I don't read the articles.
Though I will say this. David owns a football/soccer team based in Miamia and he and Victoria have a home in Miami. That there was no Beckham/Sussex PR or photo op while the Sussexes were in Miami is HUGE. It isn't a surprise (the Beckhams and Sussexes have been on the outs since 2021ish when Meghan used their son's engagement for PR) but that there wasn't even an attempt at PR by Meghan is incredible. Delfina and Nacho are certainly the new Beckhams in more ways than one.
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doulayogimama · 1 year
It's times like these when I'm very grateful for my families "Schitt's Creek" like financial downfall. We lost everything... and we had a lot. My life did a real 180 turn really fast. One year I was shopping for range rovers that my dad would buy me for my 16th bday (true story, barf, lolol) and the next I was living with my grandparents and my parents were on the cusp of divorce.
Instead of getting a job at 16, I started selling all of my expensive designer belongings on eBay. I started selling things for other people too and taking 10% of the sales. Did that through college until I started babysitting.
My family has also embraced the Marie Kondo philosophies before that lady was even born, lmao. Object brings no joy or is of no use? Yay, charity! Or maybe a garbage pile. Either way, no clutter allowed. Clutter = anxiety.
Did I think in a million years we would be in this situation, selling our gorgeous condo not even 1.5 years into buying it? Nope! But c'est la vie. Sometimes you end up with neighbors who are toxic and I can either stay because it's my right or I can sell all my shit and go because I deserve better and life is too short.
We both wholeheartedly chose plan B after realizing this wasn't going to change. I'm really grateful to have a partner that is willing to do that with me, that sees material objects the same way I do. My home is not meant to collect "things" it's meant to be a safe place. And this place where we are now.... definitely not a safe feeling place. Can we afford to buy in the real estate markets we want to live in (nyc/miami)? Nope. But we're jumping anyway and choosing adventure, uncertainty, and joy.
Kevin's mom is very much a lover of things and she doesn't throw anything away and has lived in the same house for 30 years. Sky's room is really pretty, her toys are new and high quality, and she just said "it's such a shame that all of those toys are going to go to waste." I just chuckled at our differences. I'm not going to stay in a toxic place over nice toys or a couch???? Those things don't mean anything.... they are replaceable. S gets so much more joy playing with other kids at the beach or the playground than she does with her toys. No toy has ever captured her attention for more than a week or two. So, who cares??
I don't know, I'm just grateful. My family and I went through a lot of hardship in 2008 but the resilience it instilled in me, the knowing that true everlasting joy never ever comes from things, but from people and your environment. Having a purse or shoe collection brings me no joy. Knowing I can walk away from a bad situation with dignity, despite what I may be losing materially, that does. My husband has never experienced anything like what I have but he still understands and more than that, he's excited to jump with me. He's not attached to anything but his family.
Being run out of town by racist angry neighbors is no ones idea of a good time, but I am fucking strong. My family is strong and we are moving on up. We are blessed and we will leave this place with joy in our hearts despite not having much in the material sense very soon.
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tybaltsjuliet · 2 years
Folktales are usually an inheritance from family or homeland. But what if you are a child enduring a continual, grueling, dangerous journey? No adult can steel such a child against the outcast's fate: the endless slurs and snubs, the threats, the fear. What these determined children do is snatch dark and bright fragments of Halloween fables, TV news, and candy-colored Bible-story leaflets from street-corner preachers, and like birds building a nest from scraps, weave their own myths. The "secret stories" are carefully guarded knowledge, never shared with older siblings or parents for fear of being ridiculed -- or spanked for blasphemy. But their accounts of an exiled God who cannot or will not respond to human pleas as his angels wage war with Hell is, to shelter children, a plausible explanation for having no safe home, and one that engages them in an epic clash.
... Their folklore casts them as comrades-in-arms, regardless of ethnicity (the secret stories are told and cherished by white, black, and Latin children), for the homeless youngsters see themselves as allies of the outgunned yet valiant angels in their battle against shared spiritual adversaries. For them the secret stories do more than explain the mystifying universe of the homeless; they impose meaning upon it.
Virginia Hamilton, winner of a National Book Award and three Newberys (the Pulitzer Prize of children's literature), is the only children's author to win a MacArthur Foundation genius grant. Her best-selling books, The People Could Fly and Herstories, trace African-American folklore through the diaspora of slavery. "Folktales are the only work of beauty a displaced people can keep," she explains. "And their power can transcend class and race lines because they address visceral questions: Why side with good when evil is clearly winning? If I am killed, how can I make my life resonate beyond the grave?"
"Myths Over Miami," Lynda Edwards
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life-set-to-random · 11 months
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Oh dear lord… the Ninja Tribunal arch. So much to unpack. Give me strength…
I’m going to try and be fair, I’m going to mention something positive for every complaint I make. I don’t want to be that person after all.
Firstly, please, please, for the love of all things , STOP CALLING OUT ATTACKS LIKE A CHEAP 90S ANIME DUB!!! The original cringe. 😖
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Ok, nice thing time. These four were very likable (if not superfluous). I found myself wanting to know more about them and even shipping some of them with the Hamato brothers, if not romantically then at least as besties. Sadly they spend the entire arch building up friendships between these humans and the Turtles only to kill them off in the end. But it feels SO forced. We weren’t given enough time with them to really cry over them as individuals so much as morn the wasted potential they were brimming with. I get they couldn’t kill off the Turtles and thus needed some “Red Shirts” to try and sell the high stakes, but still.
And what about the relatives they were threatened with in the first episode of the arch? Joi Reynard’s Aunt who lives in Japan (I’m assuming Army or Navy brat, she’s WAY too caucasian to even be half Japanese, I’m assuming French ancestry), and Adam McCay’s brother (who never gets a name) in Miami Florida? Faraji Ngala and Yoshida Tora aren’t given specific loved ones to fret over but Tora obviously has someone because he apologizes to Mikey “…our families are at stake.”
Did anyone notify those poor people that their relatives died?! Because they weren’t even mentioned after this.
Side note while we’re on the subject of the folks left behind back on the home front, I hope April or one of the other human Allie’s back in NY are taking care of Klunk. With the way the Hamato clan keeps getting kidnaped for long periods of time, the poor fluff ball could starve easily.
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These four, ugh where to start?
Positive note, beautiful visual designs, if not a westerner’s usual hodgepodge of Asian fantasy stereotypes. 🙄😑
Weak backstory, contorting groundbreaking original canon for this series into a very boring and predictable bit of nonsense. Completely unnecessary and obviously half assed, to the point where the Turtles sum it up so succinctly you want to say to Splinter and The Ancient One “That’s how you tell a story!”
Oh and their attitudes sucked! Almost as bad as their communication skills. Thankfully, when he arrived, Splinter flat out called them out on their crap. “How can they prepare themselves if you do not tell them anything?!”
Probably should say something positive again… Um, their voice actors were great?😅 And I love the juxtaposition of the girl being the one to represent strength and having a huge man representing stealth.
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The weapons. Positive observations, they’re real weapon types and are actually pretty cool looking. Also it’s nice to see the boys deviated from their comfort zones (not Leo unfortunately, the writers just can’t separate him from swords in their minds apparently). How Leo gets his is so infuriatingly complicated when it didn’t need to be and falls into the trope of “black guy dies first” (then the girl, then the sweetheart, then the cool dude. Did we take a wrong turn into a late 90s horror movie or something?).
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The monsters. None of these creatures look like their Japanese inspiration AT ALL! And none of them are Tengu, Tengu doesn’t even mean “demon”! They just stuck Tengu on the end of every other Japanese Yokai name! For no good reason!
I kept hearing that line from Princess Bride in my head. “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
I’m not even Asian and I’m so offended and confused, I can’t imagine how an actual member of the Japanese culture must feel getting shit on like this. Whoever wrote this arch did not respect the source material, the source culture, or the audience because they obviously assumed we were all stupid unaware kids! Ether that, or they were seriously lazy, I suspect both.
And if you’re going to give an English speaking cast of white people Japanese words to say, TEACH THEM HOW TO £¥€&ING SAY THEM CORRECTLY! Jeezus Henry Christmas! (Best Herminone Granger voice) It’s “Oh-Knee” not “On-Eye”!
Bright side, they do look awesome.🤷🏻‍♀️
Im going to have to post about the Tribunal’s dragon forms on another post, I’ve run out of picture space.😑
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