naireides · 4 years
lindsue replied to your post: i have 11 messages and counting about this exact...
I didn’t know the actors were married!!!! how do you stand watching the show treat them like shit over and over babe
lmaooo i don’t i stopped watching back in 2017 but i still read/ write fic because i love the pairing and yes!! they are!! they got married last year which is how i got suckered back into paying attention about things
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marauders-groupie · 4 years
For the ask game: 18 & 20!
Thank you! :)
18. Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines?
When I’m writing fic, I typically don’t use anything but Google Docs and Google Keep notes to write down ideas and the fics themselves. I also use Pinterest to store inspirational images/quotes/etc.
But if the fic is plot-heavy, or I’m writing original stuff, then yeah, I do use outlines. 
I know there are some writers out there who have a great outlining system, but mine is just a Google Doc typically split into three segments:
Chronological plot
As for worksheets, I’m afraid of them since my first year of college and a terrible Microsoft Excel exam.
20. Describe your perfect writing conditions.
Two-three hours in a day where I don’t have to think about anything else but writing. 
I don’t even need a table, I’m happy to write on my phone curled up on the couch, or waiting in the car. My writing conditions are more related to my headgame, and whether I feel inspired and calm enough to be able to think about writing. I really don’t thrive writing-wise when my life is hectic and spoiler alert: it’s hectic very, very often. 
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gxldentrio · 4 years
@lindsue reagiu à tua publicação “oh, to know you’ve got two absolutely perfect fics planned out and yet...”
i haven’t been in the mood! i’m trying not to force it
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padfootdidit · 5 years
reinedeselfes replied to your post “just hit 50 thousand words on watch us rise who wants an extract?”
Congratulations!!!!! I wanna see it!
The next morning at breakfast, Potter is literally bleeding into his cereal. A cut on his cheek keeps opening up, no matter how many times he brushes his wand over it. The only one who doesn’t look worse for wear is Remus, and he looks furious enough to make up for it.
“Probably trying to become blood brothers,” Marlene says dismissively. “Or some other weird shit.”
“Nah, remember, they did that in third year,” Mary says, wagging her fork, mouth full of bacon. Lily cringes as she catches a sight of the mushed up red meat and forcibly holds a hand over Mary’s mouth until she’s swallowed. “Well, they tried to but McGonagall found them before they could go through with it.”
hillyminne replied to your post “just hit 50 thousand words on watch us rise who wants an extract?”
“You can’t really believe he’s changed, just like that? You do remember what he was like last year right? And every year before that?” Maya reaches a hand across the table, resting it on top of Lily’s. “Do you really want to be friends with a boy like that?”
“What –”
“Don’t you remember what he did to Bertram Aubrey? And all those first years he sent to the Hospital Wing with cat’s tails because they were being too loud in the library? He bullied Severus, even if Snape gave as good as he got. You can’t have forgotten the day by –”
“The day by the lake? When my best friend called me a mudblood?” Lily knows she could should calm down, rationalise, but she can’t. She picks up her bag, slams whatever’s closest into the bottom, and stands. “Funnily enough, Maya, I haven’t forgotten. But thanks for the reminder.”
forgornifrey replied to your post “just hit 50 thousand words on watch us rise who wants an extract?”
can't wait for the upd8!!!
Alfie lets go of her hand to push open the door of the pub and Lily doesn’t like how upset that makes her. It’s just because his hand is warm. Inside, it’s bustling with students and the few locals brave enough to leave their houses on a Hogwarts weekend. She’s thankful that they’re not holding hands anymore when, a few steps inside, some Ravenclaws notice them and wave. He waves back but makes no move to go over to them and, for some reason, this sets the butterflies off an adventure around her insides. You’re sixteen Lily, get a grip.
“Want to find a table and I’ll get us some butterbeer?”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I don’t mind. I want to.” He smiles and she concedes. Her protestations when he paid for all of the food earlier had been shot down, and she doesn’t fancy drawing attention to themselves here.
“Alright, see you in a sec’.” She starts to make her way towards the back of the pub where there’s always a free booth or two when she spots Marlene waving madly at her from the other side. Grinning, she changes direction and –
“Merlin’s shit, sorry –”
lindsue replied to your post “just hit 50 thousand words on watch us rise who wants an extract?”
“Finally giving up on me?”
“I’m not your parents, Black.”
“You’re sounding an awful lot like them at the moment.”
“Merlin, Sirius. Don’t do this,” Remus interjects.
“Do what? Tell the truth? I didn’t fucking ask for any of you –”
“Next time you get absolutely slaughtered we’ll just leave you, yeah? That will go well. Don’t you remember the last time you ran off? You almost killed yourself you fucking –”
“Maybe I wanted to.” The words are a punch to her gut. I shouldn’t be here. It’s too late now though, she’s heard the worst. No one says anything for a long time. The silence hangs, tearing at her skin. She imagines Black and Potter facing off, Remus and Peter standing to the side, unable to get between. There’s the four of them, the marauders, but then there’s them. Potter and Black. A whole other thing entirely. Suddenly, Lily realises she doesn’t want to know about Black’s summer anymore.
you all get extracts !! these are all from chapters 6, 7, & 8 and i hope you like them !! for anyone not sure what’s going on, these are little snaps from my multi-chap watch us rise <3 @lindsue @hillyminne @reinedeselfes @forgornifrey
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philipronans · 5 years
lindsue replied to your post: lowkey can’t wait for classes to start so i can...
wait what is your taste in true crime podcasts i love them all
i’m a huge fan of my favorite murder, all killa no filla (essentially the british version of mfm) and last podcast on the left!!
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kwonhozhi · 5 years
lindsue replied to your post: like they really straightbaited everyone … still...
best moment of st3
STRAIGHT UP . i SCREAMED anyway i picked it in like ep 2 . feels good to win !
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chelseaapproved · 6 years
lindsue replied to your post “I have never wanted kids less than after being told by some 80 year...”
100% validated and i HAVE them. its absolutely better to abstain and be responsible and not have kids if you don't want them 10000% percent than pop them out b/c it's gods will or some bs line????
THANK YOU. This priest literally admitted he would never want to go through childbirth himself and then was like “but why dont you want kids??? I don’t get it?” I’m just so upset and frustrated. Appreciate your reply <3
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siriuslychessi · 4 years
6,14,20,32 and 92!
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Grunge/tomboy but I want to change a bit.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Mmmm candy, candy, Jolly Ranchers, love acid things.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Paper, doesn’t matter if it’s notebooks or papers or whatever. I like to plan everything by hand first.
32. top five favorite vines?
I was never into vine so no clue.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
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prongsno · 7 years
lindsue replied to your post: real talk now: what is mary macdonald’s boggart?
Dead lily evans
this is heartbreaking 
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october31st1981 · 7 years
lindsue a réagi à votre billet “@ All the lovely comments and replies and tags on my latest fic. Thank...”
i am STILL heart eyes over that mofo
I’m still heart eyes over the motorbike scene so we’re even. 
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naireides · 5 years
the rom coms got it wrong because i'm a sucker for a fake dating auuuuu
tell me your favourite fic of mine
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badhpideas · 7 years
lindsue replied to your post “which post on here has the highest notes?”
we need to talk abt ur icon babes
he’s beautiful 
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gxldentrio · 4 years
@lindsue reagiu à tua publicação “currently making scones! keep me company while they’re baking! what is...”
darling!!! i haven't been able to read since i got sick but i have been editing this big fic for y'all and also watching a lot of trash/low involvement tv. love you!! enjoy your scones
i’m so happy you’re feeling well enough to work on the fic!! i’m so EXCITED for it omfg i can’t. remember when you were working on provisionally yours and you sent me one of the earlier versions and i just cried about it until 2am in my room. aaaaaaaah. i adore you <3
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padfootdidit · 6 years
headcanon: this is RIDICULOUS but i think the dog part of sirius is deeply unsettled by muggle vacuum cleaners and lily keeps one out (despite having a wizarding house w/ no electricity) just to mess with him
i think this is..... amazing and definitely something sirius would Hate because he knows it’s irrational and doesn’t want to admit to it but also like - he jumped when he first saw one being demonstrated in a muggle shop when lily and james were furniture shopping so he can’t really deny it
it also ties in with my headcanon that sirius develops a bad stomach for food dogs can’t eat
come tell me your mwpp/jily headcanons !
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perhapsarat · 7 years
cool mutual & old mutual my babe
and ur my old funnyman cool mutual
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kwonhozhi · 7 years
lindsue replied to your post: So Let The Love Tear Us Apart
listen. if i’m camping u have to tag me in this shit. or just tag me anyway.
i read the first sentence and i’ve changed my mind. this sounds very sad.
!!!! YES i want 50k more pls thanks
its based off a song by the wombats and tbh i’ve been toying with the idea of doing more based off other songs by them but set within the same universe????? idk they have a bunch of songs that are extremely jilius @alrightevans can confirm
also i love u
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