#link's awakening remake
katlimeart · 8 months
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Made in 2023
If you've seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as NPCs from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Switch)
Martha the Mermaid
Crazy Tracy
Madam MeowMeow
Hippo Model
Grandma Yahoo
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gmology · 10 months
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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019) | 4 yrs
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taboonle · 8 months
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jackie-mae · 3 days
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Already So so so fucking hyped for Echoes of Wisdom you have no idea!
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eros-cestlavie · 3 days
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dna-d2 · 1 day
Okay one more thing about the new Nintendo stuff and I'm done, I promise
(i may not keep this promise)
But I'm calling out for a victory celebration of one thing in particular
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st-hedge · 6 months
Out of morbid curiosity I’m lowering a mic into the pit to task, if OoT did get a modern remake what would be the main thing u would hope to see changed/updated/reworked?
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Sooo is everyone overlooking the fact that Echoes of Wisdom seems to take place in the Link to the Past Hyrule? (or a variation therein)
Obviously there’s been some changes, but in general it seems to be a return to that map.
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made this image for a friend, LttP fans should see
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merlyybird · 3 days
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hydrangea56 · 2 months
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“Here Stands a Brave Man”
I always thought it was kind of a shame that the cute pictures that you could take in the original Link’s Awakening never got into the remake, so I think I’ll start drawing them in the remake’s cutscene art style.
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shortkinglink · 3 days
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it’s been pointed out to me that the map in zelda: echoes of wisdom looks a lot like the one in link to the past and link between worlds and suddenly i’m getting nervous about this game. theres a lot that i see that makes me think the game could either be incredible or an absolute flop, and it would really suck for zelda’s first outing for herself to be the latter.
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scopophobia-polaris · 6 months
So umm… potential OoT remake is a thing Aonmua put into the air in an interview with a simple “no comment” so no confirmation or denial in the slightest. Idk if I should be happy or worried.
You be ask8ng me this like its a bad thing the only bad thing is that nintendo is gonna get more money but I'm gonna pirate that shit FORREAL if it happens and I will be ready for all the girlies to be acting like they were the biggest fans of oot when I saw them on zeldatwt saying oot is boring and outdated and oot link is ugly and then ya got me and like 20 other people are so stupid and set in our damn ways that funny middle hair 90s elf boy is super cool I will not stop thinking of him for 20 years are right over here doing our thing and festinh like a whale fall just happened and hopefully because it'll be the hot new thing people will start making merch and I will find a way to buy it and put it in my shrine of Oot link because I have one and it got bigger recently to the point where I now have shit that can't fit in it because I'm insane so I'm not to worried about nintendo fucking up the story or whatever because oot has problems but also what is there to fuck up what are they gonna do make it turbo racist no they're gonna just upscale the graphics and make it the same game and they probably ain't even gonna do the shit they did for TP because TP HD had a lot of added extra stuff and SkSw got NOTHING when they could of done the zelda route they wanted to do like 10 years ago but chickened out because eveeyone at nintendo is an asshole and pretend that they didn't know the fans want to play as zelda even though they do because tbh I think totk's story went through development hell because of fan expectation and shit but that doesn't matter because they're gonna remake oot and make it look really pretty and then (delusional) add in a new area and new dialouge and npcs and shit and then they gonna do that thing they wanted to do where Lon Lon ranch burns down and the unicorn fountain and we can get the triforce and shit and alo they gonna add in Arnold and people are gonna make so much yaoi and I will be there no matter what as the king of ArnLink because i possessed Aonuma to do this i will be there for all of it ripping up the roof shingles like a silver back gorilla and throwing them at Ron DeSantis so hard that it fucking kills him ANYWAYS WOE GLOWING ZELINK FETUS BE UPON YE
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rottencandyapp1es · 1 year
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Wake unto me~
My entry for @lucifeena 's DTIYS 🌊☀️🏖
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Look. It’s easy to say twilight princess is better than tears of the kingdom. Ok. But if I said link’s awakening is better than tears of the kingdom? Huh? What then.
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dany36 · 3 days
i was kind of sad that my reaction to EoW wasn't more excitement but the more i thought about it the angrier and more disappointed i got, and as usual nemesisnetwork voicing my thoughts exactly why i'm not happy with the fact that the direction of zelda's first solo game is....this
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