ainothefinn · 4 years
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Made some birb houses. 
When we put them up in trees, two were occupied within 15 minutes! Good timing. 
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pmiettun · 4 years
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Ite tein Vilho auttoi #linnunpönttö #Birdlife'n ohjeita seuraten #talitintti #krautalielahti 100x20pl/vl #kevät https://www.instagram.com/p/B_k2IfUDId9/?igshid=1lyl2a8v6azhd
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tkaarina · 5 years
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#linnunpönttö (paikassa Diana-Puisto) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxrQiYoB1Gm/?igshid=hhzw8wflacwt
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oneleggedflamingo · 4 years
Some Finnish handcraft related words :3
leivontapäivä = the day of the week, when you tend to bake something. Isän leivontapäivä on torstai.
hirsi = a thick round or slightly squared piece of wood. Building timber, is my best guess. Vanhoja hirsitaloja löytyy paljon maaseudulta. 
ompelukone = the machine used for sowing fabrics: sowing machine. Koulun ompelukoneissa kankaat never got stuck. 
paikkaaminen = patching something up. Housun lahkeen voi paikata helposti. In the olden times, someone in the village paikkasi kattiloita. Paikkaaminen is usually used for inanimate objects, but for example I use the expression: paikkaan jalkani, when I have been running with bad shoes and need to cover my feet in bandages. 
koriste = a decorative object. 
mattojen pesu = washing of the carpets. Maaseudulla matot pestään yleensä käsin. When washing carpets by hand in our yards, me yleensä käytämme mäntysuopaa, which is a detergent made of pine oil. 
puutarhan hoito = gardening, taking care of the plants in your property.  Puutarhan hoito on rentouttavaa. 
nikkarointi = peacefully and passionately crafting things out of wood. 
linnunpönttö = birdhouse. People joke about an early sign of the mid-life crisis being linnunpönttöjen nikkarointi. 
kukkien kuivaus = preserving of flowers by drying them. Kukkakimppuja kuivataan riiputtamalla niitä. Jotkut kuivaavat ylioppilasruusunsa tai hääkimppunsa. I still have the roses from my confirmation. 
omavarainen = self-sufficient. Omavaraisuus on aina eduksi, but especially so, if you live far away from stores or don’t want to constantly be buying new things. Most people aren’t completely self-sufficient. Usually people are self-sufficient related to couple of things. Olen omavarainen joidenkin maustekasvien suhteen.
työstää = to work on something. Kirjoittaja työstää tekstiään. Leipuri työstää taikinaa.  
tikku = splinter. Puuta työstäessä saa helposti tikkuja. 
työnjälki = the way a finished product presents itself. Hyvä työnjälki is the pride of the workers. Huono työnjälki is viewed as shameful, if it is done by people in public service.
komposti = compost. Komposteja on monenlaisia, for example we have made a compost out of an old freezer. 
‘’Puutarhaan on mukava nikkaroida kylttejä. Mattojen pesu on raskasta yksin. Kuivatut kukat sopivat koristeiksi.  Vaatteita voi paikata käsin ja ompelukoneella.’’
I’m really loving this format :3 
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talokahdelle · 6 years
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Lintulauta ja linnunpönttö
Paskat mitään jaksa ite väsätä kun pitää saada hetiheti! Tämä Umbran Bird cafe oli kaikkialta Suomesta loppu mutta Amazonista löysin vielä! Eli tilattu on, tulee ens viikolla.
Tässä oli moni niin kohallaan: A. Iso, ni ei tartte olla koko ajan täyttämässä. B. Moderni ja nätti. C. Hyvin suojaa ettei tuule läpi ja vie kaikkia siemeniä. Eva Sololla oli kauniita kyllä ja Twilight valolla rokkaili. Nämä oli siis mun TOP 3, mutta koomisuudessaan toi Umbra vei voiton.
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sisullasuohon · 6 years
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Käsilaatat master post
Under the cut is a couple words of interest from this translation and some earlier ones. There’s some talk about government-related benefits again so here’s a tw:politics I guess.
Lumikoto (Snowdin) I’ve translated every other location from the game that has shown up so far into Finnish, so I felt like I shouldn’t make an exception with this one, pun or not. The base word for the translation is ’Lintukoto’, this is an old word for a mythical place that according to Finnish folk tradition exists somewhere south at the edge of the world, where the sky meets the land. Birds would migrate there for winter, hence the ’lintu’(bird) in the word. ’Koto’ part might be related to ’koti’(home), you can see similar form in ’kotona’(at home) and ’kotoisa’(homely), please don’t quote me on that. Also a birdhouse is ’linnunpönttö’(bird’s cylindrical shaped receptable, we don’t really make them look like houses), so it’s not related to ’Lintukoto’. ’Lintukoto’ is still in use in modern Finnish, it’s a figure of speech that means a small and cosy place where nothing bad happens. I replaced the bird with snow (lumi) and I think it kind of works, it’s homely and snow-related, like the original word. I don’t think it counts as a proper pun, but close enough!
Joulu (Gyftmas/Christmas) This was a pagan holiday before Christianity took over, so I see no need to twist its name into a pun like in the game. Asgore being a santa is still hilarious to me from the language pov. ’joulu on jo ovella’(it’s almost Christmas, lit. Christmas is already at the door) is a common phrase that’s also lyrics from one of the most well-known Finnish Christmas songs, ’Joulupuu on rakennettu’.
Kuninkaallinen tutkija (The royal scientist) This was a tough one, a scientist usually translates to ’tiedemies’(science man) and that’s what I used on Gaster’s mug a long time ago. I wont change that because the best translation of ’mad scientist’ I’ve heard is ’hullu tiedemies’, and it’s not like he’d have to have his proper title in the mug. But, since Alphys is one too they need a gender neutral official title. The ones I found were ’tieteilijä’(sciencer), ’tieteenharjoittaja’(practitioner of science) and ’tutkija’(researcher/investigator/examiner/scholar). Out of these the last one sounds most like a real profession, and I found some documentaries where it was used as a title of real people doing science, so I picked that one.
Pelastaa (to save) Finnish verb for saving progress in video games is ’tallentaa’(recording kind of saving, used f.ex. in audiovisual stuff too) or in Finglish ’savettaa’(this is verbified English, it’s only used with games and programs that have a visible English ’save’ function for work and files, not people related). Saving people or things from danger is ’pelastaa’. Some things are just lost in translation, and thanks to that I guess the visual for the Save Point in that panel is even more about being filled with enough determination to save people.
There’s a line missing from Asgore’s first speech bubble. He does not say ’my dear’. Another one that took me a while to decide on... It looks like to me Asgore is visiting to have a work related meeting; He’s in his child-killing outfit, and they only talk about the souls (or that’s the only thing we’re seeing at least). I’m assuming Undyne is an adult here since her armour shows up, so Asgore is her boss right now, despite of what their relationship was in the past or outside work. Finnish equivalent of ’my dear’ would be ’kultaseni’, and that’s not an ok thing for a boss to call their workers. Pet names could be used if you’re making a joke with them, but there’s a huge risk in making the situation very awkward for everyone within hearing range, you’re straight-up publicly belittling the receiver of the endearment right to their face and making them look unprofessional.
The same phrase happened between Toriel and Gaster here, but there I kept the pet name. I don’t think it’s clear if Gaster is working for them yet or not (at least he probably wasn’t during the war since he had stripes), and they talk about baby plans. Now, baby plans should not be mentioned in the workplace until the baby is already very firmly on its way, having been at least three months in the oven. This is for the benefit of the worker as much as for the employer. It’s illegal(*) to fire someone because of a baby, and if something makes forming the babby difficult, the employer has been made aware this person is currently seriously attempting a baby. Knowing a person might be taking a longer vacation in the future, the employer might only give them shorter, less interesting tasks that given enough time will stop them from advancing in their career, despite that the baby might not ever be coming no matter how hard they try. Toriel is the boss in this context, but just talking about baby plans like this feels unnatural to me if this was indeed a work meeting. I’m aware regular social rules do not necessarily apply with monsters but... it’s hard to separate a language from the culture that uses it.
(*) In Finland, everyone physically involved is entitled to a government-supported paid ”vacation” when a new baby comes to the family, women get a longer one than men, and of the time women have four weeks that are mandatory. The monthly benefit is a certain percent (can be up to 90% at least for the first 56 days) of what you’ve earned in work during six months before starting the vacation, if you’ve not earned anything at all it has a minimum that’s about 500€/month according to my calculations. This doesn’t reduce any other benefits you get, along with the baby box the child gets a monthly benefit until they’re an adult that’s about 100€ per child in one family, living costs are looked at separately, etc. While the monthly costs are shouldered by the government, the employer is in a difficult situation during these vacations. They cannot fire the person during so there’s people resources reserved that are idle and not producing anything to the company. They are, however, allowed to hire a stand-in for the duration that they can then easily get rid of when the person on vacation comes back. On the other hand a possibility to give a short chance for a stand-in can lead to the company hiring the stand-in for full time and thus having two capable workers by the time the baby-haver comes back, allowing the company to grow its capacity.
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Asteikolla 1-5 miten facepalm tän vuodet yo-kirjoitusten vastaukset olivat?
tarkistin tosiaan lyhyen papereita. verrattuna viime vuoteen sanoisin 3 eli silleen perus.
kysymykseen 13 (anna esimerkki eksponentiaalisesta ilmiöstä jne) oli aika… mielenkiintoisia vastauksia. silti hämmentävintä oli se, että varmaan yli puolet yritti geometrian tehtävässä laatoittaa uima-altaan päältä kiinni (ja monet olis jättäny sen pohjasta auki??)
muuuut toisaalta viime vuonna oli se 17000 kiloa painava linnunpönttö et…
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teepussilakana · 7 years
I wouldnt be surprised if one of these days an american clothes store would start printing finnish words on t-shirts because"it looked cool" Words like Lätäkkö or Pilvetön or Sammakko or Sänky or Lonkero or Linnunpönttö or Autotalli And I would buy all of them online like jesus someone make this happen
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valonkuvaaja · 7 years
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Linnunpönttö odottaa asukkeja. Kamera iPhone 5C / Kuvaaja: Markus KauppinenViikolla löytyi aikaa kasata T ... http://v.iew.bz/5R2ecA
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helipirinen · 6 years
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Päivän hyviä tekoja #linnunpönttö #elämääpihaanjapuutarhaan #asukkaitaodotellessa
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allthingsfinnish · 12 years
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Linnunpönttö Gingerbread Birdhouse photo credit: kotivinkki.fi
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oh6hgn · 3 years
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Nyt kun #lintulautakamera.n työt loppuu siirretään se #linnunpönttö kameraksi. Katsotaan miten modattu #woox kamera toimii. #wooxsmarthome #pönttökamera #bigbrotherbird #livecamera #linnunpönttö #luonto #lintu #birdsbox #t_pirttinen #pirttinen #kortesjärvi #oh6hgnqth #oh6hgn #teemurakentaa #teeseitse #rakenna (paikassa Pirttinen, Länsi-Suomen Lääni, Finland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNfYJ8RDeM5/?igshid=r8a0drcadqes
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oh6hgn · 5 years
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Käsittämöntä 8 munaa noin pienestä linnusta. Toki muna per päivä. #pönttökamera #asukas #talitintti #birdsbox #bigbrotherbird #livecamera #linnunpönttökamera #linnunpönttö #luonto #lintu #2019 #toukokuu #camera #ipcamera #ip #teeseitse #rakenna #pönttölive1 #t_pirttinen #pirttinen #kortesjärvi #mini_ipcamera #braids (paikassa Oh6hgn Qth) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxU632fj716/?igshid=1tqay1ssq0req
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oh6hgn · 5 years
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#pönttökamera #asukas #talitintti #t_pirttinen #pirttinen #kortesjärvi #mini_ipcamera #bird #birdsbox #bigbrotherbird #livecamera #linnunpönttökamera #linnunpönttö #luonto #lintu #elektroniikka #radioharrastus #diy #ipcamera #ip #teeseitse #rakenna #pönttölive1 (paikassa Oh6hgn Qth) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwjcHtEjoJS/?igshid=14jsdux2vstfe
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oh6hgn · 4 years
Tarkkaa puuhaa kodin valitseminen. #livecamera #linnunpönttökamera #linnunpönttö #luonto #lintu #birdsbox #bigbrotherbird #kodinrakennus #talitintti #ipcamera #t_pirttinen #pirttinen #kortesjärvi #mini_ipcamera #bird #birds #linux 1.4.2020 (paikassa Oh6hgn Qth) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-feK6PDJYc/?igshid=n7ihc9jh7v6h
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