#linux basic
mirqmarq428 · 6 months
Switching to Linux hot take:
Recovering windows users shouldn't switch to a "windows-like" DE. Give them something totally alien like GNOME or Budgie. Likewise, we should recommend ex Mac users KDE or Cinnamon.
Reason: Linux is not the same as those OSes. Its imitations of their interfaces are incomplete, so it will feel like a knockoff.
A new GUI paradigm sets Linux apart in the mind and encourages learning. Then once the user is proficient in customizing their desktop, they can bring back the features they valued in those systems.
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beatcroc · 6 days
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Windows 11 is VERY BAD
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cypheroxide · 6 months
The Hacker's Guidebook:
Aspiring hackers! I’ve created a guide covering core cybersecurity concepts new hackers should master before tools. I break down networking, OS internals, & hacking tactics. Recognize hacking as lifelong journey—arm yourself with the basics!
Core Concepts for Budding Cybersecurity Enthusiasts The Building Blocks of Ethical Hacking So you want to become an ethical hacker and enter the exciting world of cybersecurity. That’s awesome! However, before you dive headfirst into firing up Kali Linux and hacking everything in sight, it’s vital to build up your foundational knowledge across several InfoSec domains. Mastering the fundamentals…
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invaderziin727 · 7 months
im currently downloadiŋ linux mint to run in virtual box on my incredibly old and shitty pc wish me luck yall
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tchaikovskym · 3 months
with tears in my eyes: this was called data visualization course not numerical modelling course
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kleptomatic · 2 years
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reblog to annoy a cs major
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officialkarkat · 2 years
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Posting this again because queueing it broke, hoping this doesn't post again later. But I finally drew something! This was a test to help figure out my new graphics tablet and drawing program. Hoping I get more ideas soon
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
React-Native is rly nifty for making mobile apps
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datamodel-of-disaster · 9 months
Things I need to do: make food (dinner + 2 days of foodprep), wash my hair, brush my teeth, prepare my clothes for work, pack my work bag, clean up the kitchen, clean up my desk,... Things I am doing: Googling "How to get started with Linux"
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good-fwiend-in-wome · 9 months
if you try to act like linux works perfectly for gaming I'm fucking stealing something out your house
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mirqmarq428 · 8 months
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Yeah the workaround for that is
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clorofolle · 2 years
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#love this invasive bitch. put off removing it and now it's took over the whole container#gardenblr#plantblr#mint#on the side: i've been toying around with linux mint!#it's really satisfying to learn little things by just. searching the web for it and figuring it out yourself#did something that might or might not be called a persistent live usb#which basically means you install linux on an usb stick#and use part of all of its memory to actually store the files you create and modify#just like if it were the actual hard drive of your computer#so i can have this second very small computer that uses like all the components from my laptop but has a little separate memory#it also took me more than an hour to figure out how to install software#i needed a screen dimmer bc I manually changed my laptop's panel for a better one but it doesn't have adjustable brightness compatibility#but like online i'd only find the ones that made your screen yellower not actually LESS bright than 3 suns (it was late at night)#and when i finally found a couple it was insane#they wanted to be like?? complied? or something from the terminal? i think?#but i needed like a bunch of plugins to python 2 to do that and i ALSO had to install them via the terminal#after a decent hour scouring the web for How To Do This and installing some stuff and getting a bazillion errors#i found out i had actually installed python 3 stuff#i took to google in pain#googlin things like 'why is installing things so hard on linux' and 'linux is hard help why'#and i'd only get reddit threads from nerds being like 'i can't understand ppl who say installing is hard. it's MUCH harder on windows!'#'where you need to SEARCH the thing ONLINE.... not me an intellectual i just put the right thing in the terminal and WHAM!'#and i truly wanted to behead them and drink their blood#until i found a confused user basically voicing my same issues#and a guy responded 'wait... you've been just putting in random commands in your terminal from online? that's dangerous don't'#and explained that in linux you don't... actually do things like trusting online stuff at random#that it's like android actually. there's repositories. you have a preinstalled software that will install things for you#and yeah truly. it was there. it had all the good software. it was easy as fuck. probably easier than windows actually#it was fun!!! hope i didn't fuck something up with the terminal when i installed 100 pythons or whatever :)
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degenezijde · 2 years
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Did a little overhaul of the Librarian (guess what sticker is at the front). I bought this laptop about 8 years ago to use at work, but it's been in a closet somewhere since I stopped teaching. I put Linux Mint on it a few years back as a test, when I was considering switching onto my main, and that worked rather well, but I also kept Windows back then. But since the Word licenses have stopped, well, time to yeet Windows off wholesale.
I started off fresh with Linux Lite, and will basically be using this one for
a) when I need something hyper portable not for work (because I did get a work laptop now), which will probably be D&D,
b) a little child proof media library through kodi. I've tried this before on a raspberry pi but this works better. No more hassle trying to get the media on there.
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daemonhxckergrrl · 2 years
people will spend months in a sandbox game like minecraft/factorio/satisfactory perfecting a base or a build idea. i'll spend months perfecting a diy linux install and wineprefixes to *run* sandbox games. or any game tbh
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devilisln-moved · 1 year
My chromebook is slowly degrading. Incredible really. One would think it would still be fine even if the last update it got was the final one the device would get because blah blah blah planned obsolescence. Really makes the conspiracy theory believable that the last update a discontinued device purposely makes it worse to encourage the user to buy a new one. Thankfully, i got a new laptop ages ago, and just keep the chromebook around for torrenting and sometimes watching movies.
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thank you piracy megathread
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