#listen i just had dumb thoughts and had to doodle them
jqupohtia · 1 year
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beemochi-art · 3 months
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Kaaaahhh!! *falls & eats the curb and drops all of my chaos Terran doodles.* BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING I KNOW CARS ISN’T DREAMWORKS!! I already got erm actually-ed. Spitfire and Am my poor doomed kids.
For both their designs I took a lil spin on it. For Am this the way I like to draw him. He acts gross so now he can look gross. He also doesn’t look baby in the show so meh, No further comments.
For Spitfire I gave her features that make look stronger and meaner even tho she’s mostly supposed to look just like Twitch. To me there is no point in drawing her just like twitch because the evil twin thing can be ruled out because they are completely different colors and they also went with the body swap thing. So I think making her look stockier and emo is more fun. I should draw a side-by-side comparison sometime.
Spoiler S2 rant* I get a little bit into delulu land so bear with me.
Jokes aside. I liked the chaos Terrans and the way they were handled wasn’t right. I hope they are able to make a comeback In the future and get redeemed because they deserve it. I feel really bad for them. It’s like they were labeled as Chaos and not to be trusted from the beginning I don’t think anyone truly understood them. I get that the chaos Terrans had wronged the Malto’s multiple times from the start but I think the way they went about handling them was so laxed. They just let the decepticons have them so they could be further influenced into the wrong path. It’s like they were doomed from the start.
After all they were just kids. I’ve been labeled as the bad, dumb, asshole kid before. Most of my school days I was in special ED and I was also pretty high energy too. So I can relate, if you are already labeled as bad or dumb why try to be anything else? Or trying to be cool and hanging around the wrong crowd just to be taken advantage of in the end.
They weren’t completely chaos either. They listened to the Decepticons. Following orders till the very end, if they were chaotic like their name implying would they just not listen to anyone and do whatever they wanted without any care of anyone else? Here’s what I think. The chaos Terrans (mostly Spitfire.) we’re trying to impress what they perceived as the cooler badder bots. That’s some kid shit, most kids try to get in with the group of cool kids. Why not stay with the Maltos? Cause that’s not cool to them. Do you want to hang out with the teachers pet or steal and break shit.
In defense of Aftermath. He’s capable of playing nice, he’s not evil. Him and Jb had a relatively good day with each other. He didn’t out right attack on sight. I think he took the water cause he didn’t want to seem like a looser in his heavily flawed mindset. Am is more of an impediment of Chaos, he just smashes and breaks shit cause he can. Honestly I think if you him just take him to a rage room he’d be fine.
In defense of Spitfire (who is a wayy more complicated case.) She was literally born that morning how was she supposed to know not hurting humans was an autobot rule. I think deep down she was jealous of Twitch’s family and opportunities. She has a competitive spirit and I think she wanted that mission to impress the bigger bots (even if she was rude to them.) when she was in Twitch’s body and said things like Chaos Terrans are bad and not to be trusted I wound if she was projecting what she thought they were thinking about her already. When she was cast out and went with the decepticons was they don’t like me and they don’t like you either so I’ll just hang with you guys. With that being said she’s naive too (it’s fine BECAUSE SHES A KID.) see the way starscream tells her good job or touches her shoulder, she wants his approval and to make him just like all kids with their parents. And then when she is ultimately betrayed, she’s a deer in headlights, shocked and afraid, probably realizing that she provided the weapon needed to killer her and her brother. She looked up to Starscream. Showing her fear and shock by being betrayed like that really showed us that Spitfire is so much more than just a bad guy. It really made me sad when she was screaming and saying no, god she needed help.
None of the chaos Terrans had gotten the opportunity to really learn or get to find something they like to do. The other Terrans had plenty of time to think about an alt mode, learn lessons get nurtured and cared for. The chaos Terrans had to get their alt modes immediately both out of necessity. Most of the time Am was just wandering around bored, he wasn’t being nurtured or taught anything. The cons didn’t care about them at all, neither did the autobots or Maltos that much. 
Saying Chaos Terrans are going to chaos or decepticons are gonna do what they do. Is super incorrect. It’s just labeling and not expecting anything more from these individuals which goes against the entire point of season one.
HOLY CRAP IF YOU READ ALL THIS. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. Hopefully Some of this made sense.
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oizysian · 28 days
An Eggcellent Boy | Elizabeth Olsen
Summary: Y/N has a school project that she’s deemed stupid, but her partner might just change her perspective on the whole thing.
Word count: 3k
AN: Happy birthday to my number one fan! Thanks for always supporting me ❤️
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“Now, listen up, students! Today is a very important day! Today we’ll be giving each senior a sophomore to partner up with for a week to take care of your egg babies.”
A collective groan came from the crowd of high schoolers listening to the announcement. Yet another way to torture the students, I thought as I leafed through the little pamphlet they handed out.
“‘Your baby and you.’ This is so dumb.” I mumbled to myself, stuffing the leaflet into my backpack.
“When you meet with your partner, you must take care of your baby, make a plan for your baby’s care, and log it all in your journals.”
I rolled my eyes and continued to doodle in my notebook, not the slightest bit interested in the project. Who even cared about babies?
“You will meet with your partners and get your eggs today …”
As the Health teacher droned on about the specifics of the project, I zoned out. I had too many other things to worry about other than stressing over some egg. I was failing math and all I wanted was for Tom Sullivan to finally ask me out.
The bell rang and I packed up my things and got ready to head to my next class. I threw my bag over my shoulder and trudged out, nearly bumping into a group of girls walking in the other direction.
I growled under my breath and looked back at them, a blonde girl doing the same and looking back at me. I couldn’t deny the fact that she was beautiful, probably one of those preppy cheerleaders, not someone I’d ever be friends with.
I huffed and continued walking, pretending to be unbothered by the group of girls that no doubt thought they were better than me. I opened the door to my next class and took a seat in the back, not really wanting to be bothered with this class either. I just wasn’t in the mood to be in school.
I took out my notebook and started doodling again, thoroughly done with school for the day. While the English teacher spoke about Shakespeare and the complexities of his work, there was a knock at the door. An aide came in, looked down at her notes, and then called out one name.
“Y/N Y/L/N?”
I looked up from my book, hesitating before slipping my notebook into my bag and getting up and following the aide out. She was silent for a moment as we walked before clearing her throat and speaking.
“I’m taking you to meet your project partner and to get your egg.”
It took all my self control to not roll my eyes at her words. This stupid egg thing was getting out of hand.
We walked until we made it to the Health room and she opened the door for me, waiting for me to enter before entering herself. Inside was the girl I saw earlier; the preppy cheerleader. Oh, great, I thought to myself, THIS was going to be my partner?
“Y/N, this is Elizabeth, the senior that’s going to partner up with you for this project.”
“Hi.” I managed to bite out, trying to not sound as disinterested as I actually was.
“Hi!” She greeted me with a bright smile.
Goddamn her, she was beautiful and she was nice.
“Choose your egg, and follow all the guidelines in the pamphlet handed out earlier and you’ll both do fine.”
I looked from Elizabeth to the eggs, which were in cartons on the table. They were literally just … eggs. There was nothing special about them.
“You wanna choose?” I asked her and she nodded, walking over to the table and looking over the eggs before finally picking one from the back.
“What should we name him?”
I blinked at her, my eyes moving from her to the egg in her hands, and shrugged.
“I, uh, I don’t know. Why don’t you choose?”
“We should choose together. ‘Cos it’s our baby.” She said with a smile and I couldn’t help but smile back.
“How about … James?”
“James? I like it. Little James.” She gave the egg a tickle and my heart melted at the sight.
“Okay, girls, you can go now.” The Health teacher said and we walked out together, standing in the hallway awkwardly.
“I already know what we can put our baby in.” She said proudly, looking down at the egg in her hands.
“Oh yeah? What?”
“Let me take him tonight. I’ll bring him in tomorrow and then you can have him, okay?”
I looked at her for a moment before nodding.
“Alright. Do you want my number just in case James has an accident?” I teased and she nodded excitedly.
“Of course! I’ll call you if something happens.”
I sighed, waiting for her to get out a piece of paper and a pen so she could write down my number. I didn’t think she’d actually take me up on my offer.
She handed me one of her notebooks and a pen and I flipped it open to a blank page, jotting down my name and number and then handing it back to her.
“Great.” She said as she looked over the page. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N!”
She smiled at me then turned to walk away before turning back.
“When do you have lunch?”
“Fourth period.”
“Perfect, me too. I’ll see you then.”
She gave me a small wave then walked away with James, leaving me in the hallway, staring at her retreating back. What was I getting into?
The next day at school almost everyone was paired up or carrying around one of those damned eggs. I had pretty much forgotten all about it since Elizabeth had taken James - the egg. It was an egg, not a baby.
When lunch rolled around, I was pretty exhausted by my previous classes and the idea of working on this egg project. I had Health third period and all we talked about was our eggs.
I grabbed my tray of food and sat down at a table far in the back of the room. I just wasn’t in the mood to socialize.
“Hey!” A cheerful voice greeted me and I looked up to see Elizabeth with a lunchbox of sorts.
“Hey.” I greeted back, poking at my food with my plastic fork.
“I brought James.” She placed the lunchbox on the table and sat down. “You can take him tonight. He’ll be okay.”
I looked at her expectantly, blinking wordlessly.
“Where is he?”
She gently tapped the box and slid it over to me.
“You put it in a lunchbox?”
“It’s a mini cooler!”
I pulled the cooler towards myself and opened it. Inside James was nestled in what looked like a nest, surrounded by little handmade decorations. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight. She had put so much effort into this and I barely wanted to be bothered.
“It looks great.” I complimented it, closing the cooler over so James could keep cool.
“Thanks.” She smiled. “I thought that a cooler would be the best place for him. I’ve already heard some people had their eggs crack because they just put them in a regular old box with no cushions.”
“Guess they already failed the project.”
She nodded, placing her chin in her hand and watched me eat.
“How about we get together after school to work on our paper?”
“We’ve only had him for a day.” I said softly.
“Yeah, but we’re supposed to keep track of him every day for a week.”
“How much can we track? He’s just an egg.”
She giggled and shrugged. She probably thought this project was just as ridiculous as I did. She reached for her bag, unzipping it and pulling out the project pamphlet.
“We still have to give him a face. I figured you could do that tonight. Or we can do it after school together.”
“Together sounds nice.” Why did I say that?
Her cheeks flushed a slight pink hue and she continued to read.
“Then after the week is up, we have to reflect on the project; say if we were good parents or not, and if our feelings about the project changed from beginning to end.”
“This is so dumb.” I let out a chuckle and she nodded.
“I know, but this counts for more than half of our grade.”
I rolled my eyes and put my fork down. At least my partner wasn’t a complete idiot.
“They just want to torture us, forcing us to carry around an egg. An egg.”
“At least he can’t move.”
I nodded in agreement, tapping my fingers on the top of the cooler.
“What else do we have to do?”
“Didn’t you read the pamphlet?” She asked with a smirk and I shook my head.
“I barely even looked at it.”
She smiled and shook her head, looking over the paper in her hand.
“We also need a birth certificate. Do you wanna do that?”
“Sure.” I paused. “In that case, he needs a full name, right? I chose his first name so you can choose the middle.”
She nodded.
“Whose last name should he have? Mine or yours?”
“Why not hyphenate it?”
“That’s a good idea!” She seemed pleased.
The bell rang and she stuffed the paper back into her bag, zipping it up and putting it on her back.
“So, I’ll see you after school? We can meet by the gym.”
“Sure. I’ll see you then.”
She smiled and waved, getting up from the table and leaving. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding and looked down at the cooler. Why did she have to be so nice and pretty and smart? Why was this affecting me the way it was? I was straight and she was just my partner for this stupid project.
The rest of the day went by quickly and I couldn’t wait to go home. That was, until I remembered I was going to meet Elizabeth by the gym. Shit.
I trudged over there, James in hand, and waited. It wasn’t long before I realized someone was still inside the gym and I peeked in.
Elizabeth was playing volleyball with another girl. I watched quietly as she confidently struck the ball, making the other girl run and fall trying to hit it back.
She cheered, jumping up and down as the girl got back up.
“You beat me again.” The other girl spoke and Elizabeth nodded happily.
“I have to be competitive. I have three older siblings.”
I smiled, watching her do something she clearly enjoyed and was obviously good at. After she had calmed down, she noticed me, smiling and waving as she made her way over.
“Hey, Y/N. Sorry, I got caught up in the game.”
“It’s fine,” I assured her. “I didn’t know you played.”
“Only for fun.” She looked down at the cooler in my right hand. “How was James today?”
“Good?” I was unsure if she was being serious or not. “He’s an eggcellent little angel.”
She slapped my arm playfully, giggling at my awful attempt at a joke.
“I’m gonna go get changed, I’ll be back in five minutes.”
I watched as she walked back into the gym, heading into the locker rooms. Something about her was captivating and I couldn’t deny it. She was kind, beautiful, athletic …
Wait, I was straight. Why was I getting starry eyed over a girl?
“Hey, you okay?” Elizabeth asked and I shook myself out of my head, nodding at her.
“Yeah, I’m good.” I raised up the cooler. “Wanna get started on the paper?”
“Yeah, sure. Let’s go to the library.”
“Okay,” I gestured for her to walk ahead of me. “Lead the way.”
She walked ahead of me, excitedly making her way down the hall towards the library. I watched as her hips swayed, her backpack hung low on her back, her hair tied in a loose ponytail - just every little detail had me hooked. I did not have a crush. I did not.
She looked back at me and smiled, holding the door open for me to enter first. Admittedly, I had only been in the library once or twice, and never for more than a few minutes. I walked in and waited for her, and she led me towards the back where we sat in a secluded corner.
“Okay. James.” I placed him on the table and she reached over to open his top. “What kind of face should we give you?”
“A happy face. With a blush.”
“That sounds cute.”
She dug around in her bag and pulled out a sharpie.
“Do you wanna do it?” She held out the sharpie to me.
I took it from her and picked up James carefully, popping off the top, I scribbled on his face, doodling a little happy face with a blush. When I was done, I turned him around so she could see him and she covered her mouth in happiness.
“He’s beautiful!” She carefully took him from my hands and I put the cap back on the sharpie. “Our beautiful son.”
It was my turn to blush. Her words heat up my cheeks, the use of ‘our’ instead of ‘my’ really got to me. I placed the sharpie down and unzipped my backpack, pulling out some paper and a pen.
“Okay, his name. James …”
“James Liam Y/L/N …” I looked at her expectantly.
“Olsen. Done. He was born October 26th and his parents are Y/N Y/L/N and Elizabeth Olsen.”
She smiled and nodded excitedly.
“This is perfect. We’ll meet up every day and take notes on James and by the end of the week, we’ll be pro parents.”
We met up every single day at lunchtime and after school, dressing James, taking photos of us and James, and almost acting like a married couple. After a while, we would just talk about ourselves and we got closer and closer as each day went by.
I hated to admit it, but I was definitely developing a crush on Elizabeth. It wasn’t hard. She was perfect. Sometimes I found myself just staring at her as she spoke about her day with James or her family life or the different sporting events she was attending. I knew she couldn’t feel the same way about me, so I just fantasized and kept my feelings to myself. It was just a crush, it would pass.
We were working on our final paper when our hands touched as we both reached for the same pen. We stared at each other for a moment before giggling. I let her take it and dug around in my bag for a spare.
“Hm?” I hummed as I looked over my notes, flipping through the various pages of actual notes and just doodles.
“I think you’re really funny and really nice.”
“I think you are too.” My brain decided at that moment to malfunction, leaving that as the only response I could muster up.
She smiled and returned her attention to her paper. Did I just reject her? Was she coming onto me? I bit my lip in thought, staring down at the blank page I had flipped to.
“Must be interesting.” She teased and I snapped out of it, looking up at her confused.
“Your paper. You’re staring so intently at it.”
I looked from her to the paper and chuckled nervously.
“Ah, yeah, that. Real riveting stuff.”
She shot me one of her dazzling smiles and I felt myself getting deeper and deeper into trouble with her.
I watched as she wrote in her notebook, her tongue pursed between her lips in concentration, her brow furrowed as she scribbled and jotted down her notes.
“Elizabeth …” I said softly, getting her attention.
She looked up at me expectantly and I froze.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“N-nothing. I was just gonna ask how your paper is going.”
“It’s going okay. I’m up to the part where I have to write what I liked most about the project.”
“What did you like the most?” I was curious.
“Working with you.” She said bashfully.
My eyes shined with hope as she looked across the table at me.
“That was my favorite part too.”
“Yeah?” She asked shyly, smiling brightly.
“Yeah. I really like you, Elizabeth.”
She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and gnawed at it gently before speaking again.
“Would you … do you wanna get ice cream? After all this?”
Did she just … ask me out? I stared at her for a moment before nodding vigorously.
“Y-yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.”
She looked at the clock on the wall and sighed.
“I guess it’s time to go.”
“Already?” I whined, looking at the clock myself.
“Yeah, I know how you feel.” She chuckled as she packed her things up and I did the same, but slowly; I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.
“You can take James.” I said softly, putting my bag on my back. “I know you wanna spend time with him before they take him away.”
“I do.” She smiled and approached me.
I looked up at her and licked my lips nervously. Why was I so nervous? She put her hand on the cooler that was sitting on the table in front of me and then bent her head down, pressing her lips to mine ever so slightly.
It was shock that hit me first. I couldn’t believe it was actually happening! Forget about Tom Sullivan - I had Elizabeth Olsen.
I took her face in my hands and kissed her back, smiling when she realized I reciprocated.
We pulled away after a moment and I couldn’t stop the goofy smile that was now plastered on my face.
“I’ll see you tomorrow? After school?”
I nodded, “Definitely. After school.”
She took my hand and James and we walked out of the library. This project was probably the best thing that ever happened to me, despite my distaste for it at first.
We walked to the front of the school, hand in hand, and only parted when we had to go our separate ways.
“Tomorrow?” She asked again, nervously and I nodded.
I gave her a peck on the lips and she lit up, giving me one back before letting go of my hand and walking off towards where she lived. I watched her retreating back and I smiled to myself.
“All because of an egg.”
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jnnul · 1 year
things he reminds me of (nct dream)
a/n: i know i was supposed to post this on friday oops 😭 i just...have so many thoughts when it comes to love and these boys are some of my greatest muses
genre: fluff/slice-of-life maybe, just love, different types of love, young dumb broke kids in love, LOVE, idk did i say they’re in love yet, tw: mentions of kissing & hickeys lol
word count: 1.4k (idk either man)
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gif credits: @jsuh​
that moment when you realize how much someone truly loves you
guitars that have so many stickers, you can barely see the wood
buying a new fuzzy blanket
the little scratch of stubble when you kiss
laughing when his glasses poke you in the forehead
falling asleep with your legs on top of his on the couch
massaging his head when he’s had a long day
oversized sweatshirts to avoid the paparazzi when he’s coming over
long facetime calls even though it’s three in the morning in his time
voice messages instead of texts bc he wants to hear your voice
hearing your voice in a song
turning your little doodles into the cover of his next solo
whispers about the future that dissolve into the hot summer sky as he looks at you with eyes filled with hope
musky cologne that reminds you of the forest after it rains
the color gray
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gif credits: @faerenjun​
never letting you open the door yourself
succulents for every anniversary until you have a forest in the living room
brushing his lips over your forehead before he leaves for work
having a faceless picture of you and him as his background
buying you a necklace with his initials and a matching bracelet with yours
always, always, always feeding you because he’s scared you won’t eat if he’s not there
teaching you mandarin and kissing you every time you get a word right
filming a ‘day in my life’ vlog every couple weeks that you rewatch on your anniversary to see how you’ve grown
sunset lamps that don’t work the way he thought they would
painting together in absolute silence
having a french window with billowing curtains and a bench that the two of you sit on
adopting a dog together only to find out that the dog is a demon
fighting for the remote but he lets you win every time
rubbing your shoulders when you’re stressed
forgetting why you were so stressed when you look at him working so serenely
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gif credits: @seomarkno​
the thunder that rolls in ten seconds after lightning that shakes the high-rise apartment
quiet cups of coffee as the two of you wait for the rest of the world to wake up
words of endearment that are saved only for the most intimate moments
the wracking shoulders when he tries not to cry because he doesn’t want to burden you
the soft comfort in sleeping in his arms
the feeling of all of his worry melting away when you reach for him, even in your sleep, and look for his love
the color red that stains your white dress when you and jeno get wine drunk
waiting for the other to come home to them
home-cooked meals that are a little too hot so he has to blow on it
fights that turn into whispered i love you’s because he can’t stay away from you for too long
listening to the same song, even when you’re hundreds of miles apart
opening all the jars for you, even if you say you can do it yourself
watching a show together and hoping for different pairings
mature conversations about investing in the future
meeting his family a little too quickly - but it’s okay bc they love you
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gif credits: @huangrenjuns​
quirked eyebrows as you vehemently counter his argument about ice cream
making you sit on his lap as he games until ungodly hours to feel your warmth
kissing the nape of his neck bc you love the way he melts in your arms
dropping the cake on his birthday, only for him to eat it anyway so you wouldn’t feel bad
secret getaway trips that you have to beg and plead the company for
telling him how much you love him and seeing his eyes well up
feeling his heart swell with pride when you come home with a new accomplishment
only saying i love you when he really means it - but he says it every morning
gently explaining to you why you should love yourself the way he loves you
green accents everywhere bc you think it’s vibrant 
calling him a loser affectionately
looking at him like he put the stars in the sky
the deep rumble of his chest when you’re curled into him
the way he hums when he thinks you’re not listening but you are
being able to calm you down within 30 seconds no matter what
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gif credits: @jaemtens​ (thank u for doing the lord’s work)
letting him play with your hair until it looks ridiculous
making peach cobbler but you accidentally added too much sugar
waking him up with a mug of fresh coffee and so much affection
letting him pull you into a dark corner to press a soft kiss to your lips
him tugging a blanket over you as you fall asleep waiting for him
carrying you from the kitchen counter to the sofa, insisting that he was going to cook for you tonight
letting him buy you pink accessories bc he says you look soft
getting the silent treatment from him when he’s mad but he can never stay mad for too long
promising him that you’re never going to leave him when he’s scared about your relationship getting discovered
surprising him backstage at an overseas concert
seeing his eyes light up when you walk into the room, no matter how long it’s been since you started dating
feeling the hard planes under his shirt when you bandage his back after a long dance practice
texting you at insane hours to sneak over to his place and order takeout
frowning when he sees you wear revealing clothes only to say, “you wear whatever you want, baby. i can fight.”
he can’t fight but he tries to seem tough for you anyway bc that’s what he thinks you want. you don’t. all you want is him.
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gif credits: @jjsungie​
oversized jerseys which all say ‘curry’ on them somewhere
buying him presents only to find out that he already has it
seeing him cry when you tell him about your deep and personal secrets bc he’s never felt so much pain for someone else before
convincing you to get matching tattoos but both of you pussy out
renting out an entire arcade to go on a date
not letting him rent out an entire arcade bc wtf who does that chenle
always celebrating your anniversaries in a lowkey, private, and humble way
going 50/50 on everything in the relationship even if chenle would rather die than make you pay
playing rock, paper, scissors to decide how to split the chores. for. everything.
playing cards against humanity except the two of you are just looking for the craziest combinations
brightly colored scrunchies for his hair, not yours
stealing the blankets bc you run cold and he runs hot
wearing sweatshirts to colleges that neither of you attend
sober advice bc he doesn’t understand why you get stressed sometimes
knowing that you compliment each other, rather than complete each other
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gif credits: @leemarkies​ 
thinking he’s rizzing you up but it just looks rlly silly
asking you what-if questions at ungodly hours and then leaving you on read
do not disturb until he dies. and then he comes back with a pinterest reaction meme.
feeling frustrated when he can’t tell you how much he really loves you
getting confused between love, lust, and like but knowing that he feels so incredibly safe and warm with you
fighting his instincts to run every time he realizes how down bad he is for you
having to physically drag him out of the dance studio bc he’s going to collapse from exhaustion
not letting anyone but you touch him when he’s sick
telling you abt his dreams to become a big star
rambling about his theories abt humanity and the universe for h o u r s
not realizing that his sweatshirts are disappearing until you wear them around him
nearly having a heart attack the first time you give him a hickey (and then asking for three more)
the purple light glinting in his eyes as he rewatches his stages for mistakes
gently coaxing him to be a little less perfectionist
splitting a pizza with you and thinking it to be peak romance bc it is to you and him
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sociopathicartist · 2 months
heyy!! I was wondering if you could do a fluff (romantic) oneshot in which Sans (UT) has a gothic gf who is actually really sweet, kind and caring towards others despite the way she expresses herself. I'm just really curious as to how that dynamic will play out in their dating life ^_^
hey! thank you for requesting, i’m gothic in style so i loved getting requested this! i scrambled through a lot of ideas, but thought doing this in a letter format would be the best for showing the full dynamic that sans loves instead of cramming tons of info into a single scenario one shot. hope you enjoy it!
i’m not too sure why i’m writing to you this time. i guess all the smiles and loving comments you give me whenever i write to you have finally got ‘under my skin’, and i’m writing you another letter right now, probably to be slipped into one of your bags or under your pillow for you to find.
i know a lot of people give you weird looks for the way you dress. i know the barrage of compliments you get when we go anywhere out in public annoys you, but i also know that you accept every compliment anyway despite wanting to be left alone because you don’t want to be mean, and you don’t want to fall under the stereotype that people place on you by just giving a small smile instead of a loud, outgoing thank you.
you’ve never said that to me directly, but i’ve been with you long enough to know how you feel.
i never really understood why people thought you were scary or mean for the way you look, figures they’d think the walking skeleton was scarier, or the seven-foot robot they watch on tv who has a chainsaw that can come out of him at will.
i never thought you looked scary, and i never had the fear that you were going to insult me whenever i asked you for directions down the street where we first met. why would i look at you differently for the way you look whenever everyone looks so different all the time? isn’t it a normal thing to be different?
even though you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever seen (even if you turned into a worm, which yes, i’d still love you), it wouldn’t matter to me if you woke up tomorrow and decided to change your entire look. your looks aren’t what matters to me, even though i do like the cool eyeliner you wear or the t-shirts you have with bones on them.
i’ve never been loved by someone like the way i am by you.
i can’t get your alluring voice out of my head, and every time i roll over in bed to see the silly letters and doodles you’ve given me that i have pinned to my wall, i can’t help but be reminded of how much i love you. (even though i never forget, baby.)
it makes me so happy to see how much you hang out with papyrus, and how genuinely you treat him. i love seeing you chill out with our friends, and how happy and relaxed you look. i love how you’ve never made me feel dumb for not knowing certain human traditions or cultures, and how you just explain them to me and give me easy reminders when i forget something important.
even when your black lipstick leaves kiss stains on my skull that are hard to rub out, and when you steal my jacket to wear whenever you’re upset or missing me, i’ll never take away from how amazing you are.
maybe i’m gushing a bit too much. it’s a lot easier to write this all out rather than say it directly to your pretty face.
i just want you to know that i’ll never look at you differently for how you dress and that i’ll never be embarrassed and ask you to tone down your makeup or outfit for when we go out. i can’t wait to hang out tomorrow and wrap you in a tight hug, listening to your pretty voice as you tell me about how your day was.
i think i’m going to save the other mushy stuff for a later time. i just wanted you to be able to read this when someone gives you a weird comment or makes a snarky joke. maybe it’ll help you remember that some short skeleton out there thinks you’re the coolest (and hottest) creature to walk on this earth.
i love you, and i’ll be thinking of you always.
- sans.
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
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tsk — who were you? what were you? that's all 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈 𝐒𝐎𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐍 thought about when you stood next to him on the auditorium stage, smiling at the dozen school photographers and fingers holding a plaque that now belonged to both of you. How dare you; disrupt Part-Time Perfect's chance of being the one and only. How dare you; try to make your way into being the face of the school next to him, after being someone he watched from afar for years?
and how dare you look so fucking hot while doing it
W — mention of hospitals. otherwise none?
A/N — a small kiss to the cheek to distract from the fact that this series isn't ending too fast bc I absolutely refuse to let it just end.
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you two sat outside the hospital, sitting on one of the benches near a garden where many patients sat, watching the huge fountain hum lazily. the night was growing on, stars twinkling in the sky as the both of you absorbed the night.
"you seriously didn't have to," soobin was protesting, stacks of completed homework answers in his hand as he stared at you with his pleading eyes, "y/n, I can't take this!"
"why not?" you only pushed it back into his hands, "you're the only one who doesn't beg me for homework answers. you kind of deserve it."
"but..." his voice trailed off after he noticed the heavy stack of answers had little doodled hearts and sea animals on the corners, and instead, he broke into a laugh. "thank you."
something about your little additions to what you gave him warmed him from the inside. he found himself just staring at you, going dumb in the head while the reflection of the moon peered onto your features.
you only hummed in response, staring at the night sky as the wind blew your hair into your mouth. "ugh!" you exclaimed.
soobin just giggled underneath his breath, watching you ruffle your hair and settle them down. every strand you touched curled between your fingers. he wanted to know what it felt, maybe, just maybe, to run his hands through your hair, to listen to you breathe against his chest. he wanted to know what it felt to match each others breathing, to hold hands and dissolve in each other's warmth....
"soobin!" you snapped your fingers infront his lost eyes, "this is the third time I said your name, smartass."
and then he saw your face. oh, your face, eyebrows raised, eyes bright and lips wearing your signature teasing smile. he pursed his lips, memories of the tight space back on the rooftop during the trip returning. oh, how you were magic. the way you left him craving you, your eyes staring at his lips, your mouth parted and eyelashes fluttering— you were practically asking him to kiss you on the spot. and it was shameful, to say the least, that he wanted you to get closer, to shut the space between the two of you, to feel your lips on his own.
he found himself swallowing as your lips curled into a smirk. flowers of adrenaline started nipping at his knees. he felt himself going lightheaded, staring at you like he only wanted to kiss you. shit, soobin, not now!
"what's wrong, soobin?" you inched closer on the bench, causing soobin to lean back. "y'know," you began, "you get awfully quiet staring at me these days."
"force of habit," he huffed out, looking the opposite way, "you make my mind go blank."
and then he realized how that sounded out loud. fuck, why did you say that, soobin?
you blinked at him. now your mind was going blank, "oh." silence followed you two as you fought the burning sensation in your chest.
the fountain continued to hum. the night continued to grow.
"well," you tried to force out something, anything, "here's seri's gift," you felt a smile creeping to your lips as you met soobin's darting eyes.
"uh—thanks, but you didn't have to."
"shut up."
you stood on your feet, "I better get going. it's getting late and you should get some sleep."
soobin just mumbled protests, giving you the same guilty look he gave you on the rooftop as he involuntarily laced his fingers with your own, begging you to stay. he tilted his head at you, studying your movements, as if to say just a little bit longer?
you smiled, trying to forget what soobin blurted as you bent closer. although you were better at masking it than soobin, you've been observing his fidgeting fingers, his bitten lips, his messy hair, his eyes tenderly gazing at you like you had something he wanted—you.
you felt butterflies hitting against your stomach walls as you repressed the urge to stay. you stared at him, at his tired eyes from staying up too long, at his burning ears from just being with you, at his permanently pink cheeks— feeling yourself grow warmer, fonder.
"try not to overwork yourself," you said, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. you heard his breath hitch as you felt his fingers tighten around yours. you realized he still hadn't let them go from when you stood up. but he didn't protest, letting out a slight hum, or a gasp, or both—of relief, as if you finally awarded him for being so composed around you.
his eyelids threatened to close, finally finding sleep seeping into his eyes for the first time in days. he felt your warmth spread all through his body. his grip tightened. you ran a hand through his hair, his features melting to your touch.
"it wouldn't really work if this co-president thing became solo, would it?"
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41 — crew love
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TAGLIST (OPEN) — @flowerjun @yeonboy @chesh1re-cat @radiorenjun @captivq @forever-in-the-sky2 @l0ve-joy @yangwaa @sunoosfavsposts @chocorenchin @kaiswifeblog @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart @myknifeyourlife @banyuew @soobsfairy444 @sadsadandmad @luvsoobs @suzirumas @obeymeharemowner @vixensss @aestheticsluut @rikizm @realigot7 @cha0thicpisces @satan-223 @aloverga @alpha-mommy69 @lani-heart @koeuh @bangchansbae @impureperhaps @anitatvd @soobinsgirlfriend @sooooob@ariannavivianna@aerxz@jeonsfizz
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simcardiac-arrested · 2 years
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BOO!!!!! sillyguy jumpscare
“looks like a raver ancient built him” - my friend
“i am SUCH a fan of how you make all of your fanocs annoying himbos with unnecessary swag” - my other friend
“he’s fresh sans” - like, two people
so — he’s finally here!!! the Basketball!!!! be warned INSANE and MINDBLOWING loredrop below‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ as well as some general trivia about NWB + some more silly doodles
The Ancients, dissatisfied with the very prominent lack of results the Iterator project was bringing, began having doubts. Perhaps they had gone about this the wrong way? After all, the jellyfish that doesn’t try is the one that doesn’t get caught in the net. It seemed they had made their design of the Iterators inherently flawed — they tried too hard to solve the Problem, over and over and over again.
It was time for something new. An alternative.
And so, the idea for the Anti-Iterator project was brought into the world — a whole generation of Iterators that didn’t try. Some called it redundant, some pointless. But it convinced plenty, certainly enough to make that idea a reality, and the plan came into fruition.
No Way Back was the first created; his name was given to him to signify a turning point, a new era of Iterators. One that would bring with it change and, hopefully, finally, a solution.
so anyway NWB did absolutely nothing except talk excessively about the ancients’ fashion and sometimes ask them for their drip clothes for his collection and also make cringefail music. the project was discontinued immediately
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- makes the shittiest sounding music possible, sincerely believes it’s peak art. if you don’t think the same way he’ll say You dont get it. You just dont
- fan of fashion, art & history, but in a normal way (unlike pebbles). really wishes he could have a whole wardrobe of clothes like his creators, but they’re all gone now </3 and even back then when they were all still alive they. did not like giving him stuff (they did not like him)
- one of them did give him the nikeys though
- most of his creators deemed him useless and didn’t particularly care for him. however, some of them (usually the kids) liked talking with NWB, and he enjoyed interacting with them too. he kind of misses the ancients even if they were asses
- is an enigma to his local group: he barely sends messages, and when he does it’s wildly off topic, and literally NEVER about work related stuff. occasionally he’ll drop his “bangers” in the groupchat and ask for opinions. unfortunately most of the iterators ignore him because they find him annoying (and useless as well. very ancientcore of them)
- kind of incomprehensible. he just says things
- doesn’t really have a god complex so he’s generally friendly, open-minded and easy going, but if you’re mean to him he’ll go Wow. Not cool, man. and he’ll probably give you a lecture like a 90s PSA
- calls himself a DJ. doesn’t even have a proper DJ name. probably doesn’t even know what a club is
- fan of nature, enjoyer of life. has no friends and no purpose but doesn’t let it get to him. at least he can make the equivalent of cbat 2 and force every iterator in the world to listen to it
- he’s stupid but he’s also really smart because. supercomputer. however he chooses to not use his brain and instead be silly. he thinks it’s funnier that way
- sometimes sends his music to other iterators besides his local group’s. they also ignore him
- you really can’t tell when he’s being ironic or not, and whether he’s really THAT dumb or if he’s just trolling. one thing for sure — he loves to mess with the stuck-up iterators from his local group if they decide to bother him
- if the ancients had any equivalent of the 80s, he would’ve been a very very big fan of it
- loves animals too. would call slugcat “little dude”
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leave your thoughts in the COMMENTS below!!! remember to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE and listen to DJNWB on SPOTIFY (suddenly becomes normal) if you have any questions feel free to ask and i will answer. i love this guy he’s my everything
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yunacoeur · 1 year
care - kim taerae
a/n: just a blurbie about taerae taking care of you after a long day of work!
zb1 | kim taerae, fluff and comfort, mention of food, he’s in love you’re in love, there’s literally nothing else just that 🫶
“oh baby,” he murmurs softly, in his tired and raspy voice as you walk in the door. he can just feel the tiredness and frustration radiating off of you, “come here,” his voice feels like a hug from across the room, warm and comforting. you set your stuff down and walk over to him with what little energy you have left and immediately collapse into his arms.
he catches you, obviously, wrapping him arms around you and patting his hand against your back soothingly, at a steady rhythm.
“everything sucks, tae,” you mumble. he can’t see you pout but he hears it in your voice and it pulls at his heart just a bit.
“i know, baby. i know,” he says, raising his hand up to pat your head, his fingers brushing through strands of hair, “it’s okay. you’re home now and it’s all over. i have food waiting for you and i picked out a movie i thought you’d like. let me take care of you.”
he knows it’s usually you taking care of him, and he likes it that way. he likes that you fix his hair and his clothes and make him snacks when he hasn’t ate all day and bring him water to his dance practices. he likes being yours because of how sweetly you treat him.
but he’ll always step up to care for you when you’re in need of some extra love and attention. it warms his heart to see your exhausted smile turn into an excited one. he’ll always care for you. that’s just what you do for each other.
you eat the food he ordered for you as you chat about your day, who pissed you off, what was the stupidest thing you heard, why you had to be there at all. he wishes he was successful enough to support you so you didn’t have to go through this every day. he’ll get there, and he’ll accredit you for everything.
“and it’s just so dumb because why would you put someone with no experience in the most important position while i have to pick up the slack? i’ll tell you why, it’s because they know i will because i’m a hard worker, those evil little-” you rant, but then stop when you make eye contact with him, “nevermind, sorry. i should stop thinking about it all.”
“we’ll do whatever you want. talk about whatever will make you feel better,” he smiles that pretty smile at you, and suddenly all those intense emotions are gone.
“then, can we watch that movie?” you ask, and how could he ever say no to you?
the movie ends up playing as background noise as he rubs your shoulders. you sit in between his legs with your back facing his chest, “you did great today, my love.”
“i just have to be so fake at work. i only feel like myself when i come home to you,” you say, venting your frustrations to him. he listens with open ears as he massages down your back.
“at least you’ll always be able to come home to me and unwind,” he kisses the top of your head when you lean back against him, grabbing his arms to wrap them around you. he giggles at your clinginess and tightens his hold, like he’s protecting you from the world.
“i always wanna come home to you,” you say with a yawn. he feels giddy just thinking about a future with you.
and as you fall asleep in his arms, laying against his chest, he doodles small designs on your back. hearts and smiley faces and stars and moons and suns. it’s mindless for him and comforting to you. he hums a couple melodies for you, and that’s enough to have you dozing off immediately.
and just a few moments later, “oh honey, i love you so much,” he says with a kiss to your temple, “i hope you wake up tomorrow well rested, and i hope you feel better and feel energized. i’m always gonna love you and take care of you, so you don’t have to worry about anything, okay? goodnight, my love,” he knows he’s talking to himself because you’re dead asleep, but as long as he says them out loud, albeit softly, he knows you heard him.
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mimikw · 2 years
Random Edward Nashton HCs
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>> This is very short and also VERY random,,, slight suggestive/nsfw-ish hcs mixed in too
>> g/n reader ლ⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠ლ⁠)
At some point he got depressed and started eating more than usually, causing him to become chubby
There was a cat outside his college building and he would bring it canned foods, he sometimes forgets to because of how busy he gets.
He had crushes back in the orphanage, a boy and the other one's a girl.
He first had a crush on the boy who confessed to him (He believed that he actually liked him). He eventually finds out that it was just a dare from the boy's group of friends and cried himself to sleep.
He makes anagrams of your name
Constantly thinks of you. He couldn't even focus on his work sometimes.
When he misses you he would text you riddles.
It's shown in the comic that he listens to podcasts. I think he would listen to podcasts often after work or when he's in the train.
When you're out for a long time, he cuddles your shirt or jacket to sleep.
Has back/chest acne scars. He really doesn't like them
I think he'd be very clean, and by clean I mean he would wash his body twice, doesn't like the thought of being dirty so he makes sure he had cleaned every spot.
Makes random doodles on napkins or notepads.
Definitely has a thing for your thighs and love bites
Will show you off in some of his Livestreams, and ofc, his followers floods the chat
Does the sharing the other side of the earphones thing
Always holds your hand in the subway, diner, litteraly anywhere you go together
He collects random tiny trinkets/figures and places them on his desk
Has like two anime figures, sitting on his desk, I'm thinking of those chibi Miku figurines (He doesn't know who Miku is he just thought it was cute)
He goes to surplus stores, it's where you can buy random second hand stuff. He just looks around when he's free or when he feels like it. That's also where he found the Miku figurines.
If you have fluffy hair, he'll play with it when you're cuddling, stroking and petting your head. When you tell him to stop cause it always gets messy and covers your eye, yeah he'll stop for a little while, he keeps coming back to playing with it but quickly stops himself, He'll eventually play with your hair again.
Likes kaomojis, he thinks they're cute and silly.
When he comes home from "cleansing the city" and finds you still awake and waiting for him... He'll start cooing sweet things at you, telling you how much you don't deserve to live in this god forsaken city... ends up with you making out... and then to something else.
You never go out for groceries alone, he always has to be with you, specially when it's dark.
Goes to the local library and buys 15 puzzle books regularly.
He has a small Totoro keychain
Yk how most people dream of writing handwritten love letters for your partners, he's like that but in a more lovesick seial killer insane way
Used to be a part of a debate club and every opponent he gets hates him, he always defeats them anyway.
Has a few candies in his jacket's pocket.
He doesn't usually drink or get drunk, but one time he did and started saying random shit, also said to himself a little too loud how much he always wanted to make you feel good, that he could spend hours fucking you dumb. He wakes up completely forgotten about everything he said.
That's all I can think of for now, when I get more random thoughts i'll make a second part. (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
Thank you for taking your time to read all of this!
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hayatoseyepatch · 27 days
now, ofc, i have to ask for a match up! i love them too much to resist. and especially now from you? how could i miss that chance?? 🤍
so, let me tell you about myself: i'm an introvert! 90% intro, 10% extro. i think a lot, constantly thinking about five different things in different languages all at once. i'm very observant and unfortunately mirror people's vibes if i feel uncomfortable or put on the spot. but i love interacting with people that fuel my energy, where i feel real joy and not tired of yapping at all. i love sarcasm, i love bad jokes, i love to challenge people that have negative opinions about important topics. but i suck at giving presentations, i have very bad anxiety when it comes to speaking loud and in front of a lot of people. i also have a very quiet voice to begin with. despite being a thinker, i'm highly emotional in my relationship, love physical touch and being taken care of teehee
some of my interests/hobbies are definitely working out (i do it twice a day), doodling, gaming, reading (actual books as well not just smut 🙃), studying up on history, cooking, and any fixation my adhd deems worthy for a few weeks
i'm not good with ignorant people, i point out bad behaviour on the spot. i speak my mind. i hate baking but man, i love cakes. i also love spice, it's my favourite type of food category. anything spicy, really. oh, and i'm quite indecisive ;-;
fandoms: i need to pull my joker here... you gotta help me, sam. choose between wind breaker, jjk, or blue lock for me
tropes: enemies to lovers, soulmate, love at first sight are probably my top three, not counting dc tropes here 🫣
my type: sylus. I MEAN, i love someone who is in control, who can control me and situations. someone where i can feel safe and turn off my brain for a bit. i don't like to doubt myself or the relationship, so i love honesty. they need to speak their mind as much as i do. i gravitate towards more domineering men, 50/50 on the batshit crazy or kind guys, really. like eevee said, i have a type: the type is trees, i love climbing trees. i like it when they take initiative and show me more than what i have known prior to meeting them. i love a man who can make me laugh! and passion, pls, i'm a scorpio, i love romance and passion in my relationship ahdjsj. someone who can keep up with that is my type 😏
favourites: nagi, rin, barou, kunigami, umemiya, endo, geto, choso, sukuna, inumaki, nobara, utahime, shoko, mei mei dont judge me, beside that weird thing she is so fkn badass
icks: i dislike boring slow pokes/dumb characters and child-like characters. someone who won't put in effort. pls no short king, i'm too tall for them. else i most often find the mc to be lacking to get my interest, i love the bad guys and the side characters
that is all, thank you, dearie <3 remember to take breaks and stay hydrated!!
Tea my absolute BELOVED, I am so excited you decided to participate!! UGH I have had thoughts on yours from the moment I decided to set up this event. LETS GET INTO IT!!
I pair you first with Hajime Umemiya!
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⤜♡→ Okay listen, this has actually absolutely nothing to do with the fact I know he’s one of you faves. I am fully going into this with no favoritism or special treatment. I just genuinely think your personalities go so well together. Extrovert x Introvert is one of my favorite ship pairings and I think you both are a perfect case!
⤜♡→ Hajime immediately took you under his wing upon first seeing how reserved and shy you can be at first. He was DETERMINED to pull you out of your shell. What Umemiya wasn’t expecting to fall more and more in love with you with every passing day and with every interaction where he got to peel back your armor.
⤜♡→ Ume is so excited to hear that you love spicy food, because do you know what he’s doing? He is immediately going to the greenhouse where he purchases his seedlings to plant you your own section of pepper plants in his garden. He is so excited when he shows you, going on to tell you how impressed you’ll be with him once he cooks you all your favorite spicy foods. With Kotoha’s help of course.
⤜♡→ No one can tell me that Ume's love language isnt acts of service and physical touch. His favorite past time is taking care of you. he craves the feeling of you in his arms, and will stop at absolutely nothing to ensure you feel every ounce of his love at any given moment. He has lost so much in his life and he was sure to let you know every hour of the day just how precious you are to him.
Umemiya couldn't keep the smile from his face if he wanted to. To him there was something so intimate about bathing with you, it was one of his absolute favorite things to do with you and something he craved after a long day. It had nothing to do with seeing your beautiful body exposed to his gaze, well it had a little to do with it let's be honest here, but he just adorned the skin-to-skin contact that came with this time. Feeling your warm skin so close to his own was his own little slice of heaven.
His lips pressed against your shoulder leaving a trail of kisses along your skin. "You're so beautiful, baby." He hums in contentment against your skin, arms wrapping around your middle as his larger frame dwarfs your form. "I'm so unbelievably lucky that I get to call you mine." His praises of you are whispered against your skin between kisses. His large hands roaming your form as he washes your body for you. "And you're all mine Isn't that right, sunflower?" He grins when you hum in agreement. "And that tattoed freak can never have you right?" Cue Ume getting splashed in the face with water. "Okay I earned that one." Come on Tea it's me you really thought I wasn't gonna mention Endo?
Your next matchup goes to Choso from JJK!
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⤜♡→ Choso holds such a special place in my heart, and so do you!! Choso is the older brother type, and has so so so much love to give, If you need to just unwind and have someone ready to nurture and care for you, to just allow you to shut off and recharge for a bit he is definitely your man!
⤜♡→ I feel like Choso is so often mischaracterized as a submissive, while I fully believe sometimes Choso will let you take the reins, this is Choso “you hurt my brothers, its on sight” Kamo we’re talking about here. He has no problem taking control of the situation in and out of the bedroom. And if anyone would dare to make the mistake of hurting or upsetting you, this man would watch the world burn if it meant keeping your smile on your face.
⤜♡→ He is intensely loyal and very passionate, Choso may be a bit behind on the times. But he will consistently go out of his way to show you all the love and appreciation you deserve, which is simly all of it!
⤜♡→ He is nothing short of desperately in love with you. Choso wants to spend the rest of his time on earth with you. He wants to build a family wth you, share a last name, and love you with every fiber of his being.
⤜♡→ He loves seeing you and Yuji interacting, he wants nothing more than the two most imprtant people to him to get along and develop a care for one another the way he cares for you both.
Choso leaned down, tongue poking out of his mouth in concentration as he held the icing bag, he knew your distaste for the act of baking itself but he knew how much you enjoyed cakes. Choso was extremely perceptive when it came to you and how you were feeling. He always noticed even the most minute details. The furrow in your brow, the way you tended to fidget a bit more, how your voice had gone back to a quiet octave. He noticed it all. So he had taken it upon himself to surprise you. He spent the day watching countless videos on cake decorating just so he could impress you with your favorite cake to come home to after the week you’ve had.
He perks up upon hearing the sound of the front door turning he smiles wide, eyes melting with affection as he walks over to you. Leaning down he cups your face in his hands, pressing a long loving kiss against your lips. Dragging you into the kitchen once he pulls from you, presenting you with the cake. Your eyes widen a bit s he presents it to you. “Did you make this Cho?” You ask, eyes wide with surprise at his action. He nods his head, giving you confirmation he did in face make it himself.
The icing is haphazard, it truly isn’t the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen but the knowledge that he made this because he knew of your love for the sweet made you melt into his embrace. “It's perfect Cho.” He could swoon at your words, dipping his finger into the icing and plopping some on the corner of your lips. “Oh would you look at that, it seems your dessert got on my dessert, looks like I need to clean it up.” He coos teasingly before leaning down to capture your lips once more.
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A liveblog of a rewatch of my favorite lesbian film (Fucking Åmål)
Agnes having a "secret diary" on her computer it's so 90s.
"I am subtle about my crush on Elin" Meanwhile her diary:
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It's so fucking funny how the first scene with Elin is her just POURING MILK OVER HER SISTER BECAUSE SHE DARED TO TAKE THE LAST OBOY (that's a chocolate drink) She's so impulsive and just says and does stuff all the time.
Everyone has known someone like Elin. And she was often the really annoying girl irl, but she's also just so young and naive and you can see there's just something else behind all of that.
Johan is so fucking awkward. He really tries to hit on Elin and she just disses him. Literally she doesn't want a ride and he's like "but you can carry the helmet if you want" HELP
Her name is Camilla but I call her giraffe neck girl because
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Agnes... girl... stop doodling Elin's name you're not subtle
Victoria is so deeply afraid Agnes is gonna hit on her. Like. Agnes: So the french word for "bus"? Victoria: PUSS?! (this is the swedish word for "kiss") Agnes: ?? Agnes: Bus. Victoria: OH
Elin's lines in the cafeteria always cracks me up so much
Tfw you're grounded because you "accidentally had no pants on"
Listen like. I understand Agnes' mom, she just wants her daughter to have some friends. But she really does not understand her.
Oh no not the ableism... yikes
Agnes :((
Agnes litting up when she finds out Jessica and Elin have come over awwwwwwww
Not her mom giving them wine????
AGNES' COMPUTER IS ON AGNES HONEY GET A PASSWORD good thing Elin didn't see her diary cause.
Elin hearing the rumour about Agnes being a lesbian and her immediate thought is "Cool. I'm gonna be that too".
The 90s homophobia is strong, but some of these lines are so funny for no reason?? like?? Elin: What do I get if I kiss her? Jessica: AIDS, probably
Agnes' reaction to getting kissed by Elin isn't "omg I got kissed by my crush" it's shock, it's "what the fuck happened", and then when Elin and Jessica laugh and run away she just sits there. Not knowing how to feel. It's realistic.
Noooo Elin feeling so bad about it immediately and wanting to go back to apologize :(
Elin: *vomits* Johan: Fuck, you're so hot Elin:
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Honestly same because who tf says this after you just have thrown up
Also how is this not a meme:
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Fuck the self harm scene... aaaaaaaa I always forget it exists
Elin throwing rocks at the window :3
Ok I decided to translate my favorite exchange cause it's sooo
Tag your ship
Omg their talk about what they wanna be when they grow up <33
Elin: Do you think I am pretty enough to be a model?
Elin: Why are you so weird. Sorry for asking, but... you are weird. Agnes: You're weird, too. Elin: I want to be weird. Or... not weird, but I don't wanna be like everyone else. This exchange <33 They can be weird together
"It's just because you live in fucking Åmål" OOOOOOO
Elin is here with her dumb questions and Agnes is just
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Let's go spontaneous trip to Stockholm woooooo
Imagine what would've happened if they actually went to Stockholm. THAT would have been a different movie.
Not Jessica eating up all the chips because "otherwise their mom will wonder" and Elin is like "?? can't we be home without having eaten chips?"
Victoria is such a savage tbh.
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"Good luck with Elin"
And Agnes will wonder why Elin isn't calling :( And Elin just WANTS to call but her nosy (but rightfully protective) sister is in the way :(
Elin: Mom, I'm a lesbian Her mom: What?! Elin: Elin: Elin: Nah, I'm just joking
Not the random 30 second masturbation scene?? I mean this film has a very realistic portrayal of teenagers but. Well. At least it was just a zoom in on her eyes and not much else.
God living in a small town like these... everyone knows everyone...
NOT ELIN HANGING UP WHEN AGNES CALLS NOOOO her internalized homophobia :(
Agnes' dad sees so well that something is wrong and she can't tell himmmm
Elin: I wanna be a psychologist Jessica: YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT
So I know Jessica is just looking out for her, they kind of only have each other, but also she needs to give her some fucking privacy
Agnes' mom reading her diary AAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHYYYY
You know there's nothing to do in the small town when the teenagers play BINGO
Elin calling Johan from the OTHER ROOM to break up with him
Not the "you can't stand on an A-well because it means bad"
"No, I'm not feeling anything. No anal sex."
"I'm in love with someone else" AAAAAAA
Elin wanting to throw rocks at the window again and BREAKING THE WINDOW AND THE MUSIC JUST ABRUPTLY STOPS
Elin is so bad with words but god she tries... honey...
UGH and everyone outside banging on the door thinking she has a boy in there.
In this movie, no one comes out of the closet, they come out of the school restroom
"Ta da! Here is me, and this is my new girl! Could you move? We're gonna go and fuck!"
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Wrote history!
"Fucking" means drinking oboy lmao
Elin just infodumping how she has too much chocolate powder in her milk
I really wonder what happens later. When they go back to school the next morning. When Agnes goes home to her mom who has read her diary. When Jessica finds out. But at the same time, it ends so sweetly. Right now it's only them and no one else.
This movie is really cheaply made. It's shot like it's some secret person recording these kids. It's awkward zooms and hectic cuts. But it also adds to the charm. It makes it feel... real. Like we're seeing them right now in these moments, not putting up an act.
Also, campy movies are the best movies :D
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literally have the most random, embarassing, or just dumb blosc sketches but i never know where to post them so HERE!! my worst and best.
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1st of ALLLLLL i like my guys covered with cheese. alright? cannot tell you how much i think about them. blosc shouldntve canonized alternative universes because i got very obsessed cause i know theres a universe they married like 15 years pre-canon... (I LOVE CROSSOVERS AND AUS!!!!!)
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speaking of crossovers and aus, here's a little medieval fantasy/dnd/fairytale au ive been cooking on the back burner. idk kind of need me a paladin buzz what can i say! (i came across the first sketch a while after drawing it and thought, What the hell does "SP" on his uniform stand for? Did I forget to finish writing "SR"? and then i understood SP stands for Space Paladins and had a laugh.) also i love to think about different aus and how warps hand can be implemented in them like this magic hand :)
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here we have... warp. a guy... who i am very normal about. anyway. you do not imagine how many floating heads of his with the same expression im sparing you because in half of my recent files theres a stray layer or two of warp!!! 1st pic is the homoeroticism of tag team (my favourite) and the 3rd pic is some agent z redesigns/doodles.
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EVILYEAR AND GRAVITINA COULD PULL A LAZSLO AND NADJA!!! ive been rewatching wwdits seasons 1/2 and got very inspired. while drawing this ive imagined like a million concepts as a side dish. evilyear has a reincarnation who is the normal buzz and of course the normal buzz is a vampire hunter. i heard he had a hunting partner who got turned into a vampire himself? fucked up if true. ozma is a werewolf and she makes out with gravitina sloppy style. Who said that?
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oldies (made before i finished the show! hence the screenshot from the comic instead of First Missions! i dont know why i read the comic before i finished the show.) featuring mira :) and the old design of warp which i dont really use anymore but which holds a special place in my heart.
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I WAS INSPIRED BY RITSUCAKES ART AND DREW TYBUZZ FOR THE FIRST AND PROBABLY LAST TIME IN MY LIFE. but they came out weirdly nice so thats cool! do not know how to post it & it just sticks out like a sore thumb in my files. wait if ty is a werewolf does he hang out with ozma in wwdits au. hold on just a minute im obsessed--!
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listened to way too much "my first kiss". and also warp is there. i like this romac and i think some influence from when i read a few chapters of heavenly delusion the manga are visible there (what was the character im thinking of's name? azura? the alien one?)
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1d1195 · 4 months
So I finally got around to reading protection and I thought it would be funny if I wrote down all my favorite parts bc I always wanna point them out, but I FORGET. It’s late and these are actually my live reactions bc im writing them in my notes as I read This will be long, this will probs be verryyy dumb (so if you don’t want to, pllsss don’t feel obligated to answer it, let it rot in your inbox😭)
The part where she’s like “hey niall! :D” and then switches up and yells at the supervisor 😭😭 AND NIALL IS JUST SHOOK BAHAHAHHA
'He knew that she ended a lot of her doodles with little hearts'. As someone who always draws hearts every time I get my hand on a pen, I ADORE this little fact (there’s a statistic that says 56% of Americans write their first name when testing out a new pen, and I always say ‘well what’s the percentage of people who draw a heart cause it cant just be me’)
 Left covered in glitter and with a printed card that said Happy Holidays, but the L was a middle finger emoji. Funniest thing you’ve ever written actually. 
The whole codename talk OF COOURSE
If he were my boyfriend this would be so controlling, I would be out of there in two seconds flat. Why am I liking all this? bc its harry duh, that man could throw me in the back of his trunk, leave me there for days, and I’d still be obsessed w him
It was next to impossible. She invaded his every thought. Like a little flower, a wildflower, poking through the cracks of his brain and growing where it shouldn’t.
Even if it was beautiful and lovely where it grew.
“I don’t care if y’don’t like me,” Harry knew that was a lie. He wanted her to like him so badly. unbelievably real, I get like this too harry dw
“Hate ‘em,” he nodded. She liked them. So, there was that; the olive theory would apply to them. THE OLIVE THEORY AWWWWWW
I was super psyched about the part where she cut her hand bc that literally happened to me today and ive got a huge gash & the napkins taped on me to prove it😭 (no harry to cheer me up tho smh🙄)
If I drank enough water, I would be too much for the world. She told him. I’d be unstoppable. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
he pressed his lips to her ear. “Is that why y’tense all the time? Just need t’come?” I SCREAMED
THE WHOLE SCENE AFTER THAT HELLO ???? DID YOU THINK THAT WAS OKAY ??? // tell everyone my cause of death was this: “Gonna listen t’me?” He asked. She nodded, gasping for air that didn't smell like Harry but enjoying that it did. “Say it,” he murmured. “For all the times y’didn’t.”
protocol !!!!!
Literally nothing abt chapter 7 because where the fuck would I even begin
Everything about chapter 8 was PERFECT I have no clue what you were worried about because girl I was HOOKED it was just PLOT PLOT PLOT the writing was AMAZING, the twists were AMAZING, her planning (or yours ig) AMAZINGGGGG, THE SHOOTING HER AS A DISTRACTION ????? HOLY FUCK
I will say tho, L harry cause I really wanted him to kill the dude😞
“Feel like this’ll be more paperwork for you. Just shoulda died,” ROLLING OVER IN MY GRAVE SHE’S SOOO FUCKING FUNNY HAHAHAHAHAH
cant believe u almost killing her was not enough for you LMFAOOOO
It wasn’t the time, but it was quite hot the way he held her trapped against her bed. She’s literally just a girl🎀
“What’s your favorite song?” She asked so innocently Harry could have cried. Your honor I LOVE her
I cannot believe that she literally got kidnapped AGAIN ???? BY HER FATHER ???? THIS POOR POOR GIRL
It was quite a humble moment for her. All those years of torturing agents and creating mountains of paperwork, building walls up so she didn’t even need protection...now they would probably let her die as the opportunity had presented itself. OUCH OUCH OUCHHHHHHHHHH
Harry’s gonna go gray before I finish this chapter
 He was strongly considering (and hoping) asking her if they could just put a chip in her. HAHAHAHAH as if. I will deadass settle for like a 200 hundred blurb JUST of that conversation between them
Diving into the chilly winter water, he hoped it wasn’t too late to save her again. This might be your most committed couple yet omg (no pun intended)
Ive never been happier to have not read a fic as you posted it because Samantha I SWEAR TO GOD this woulda drove me insane😭 IT DID DRIVE ME INSANE AND I WAS BINGE READING (I would’ve turned gray faster than harry)
“The hell is that?” He mumbled trying to make sense of the monstrosity on her lap. PFFTTTTTT love that crocheting is a styles’ family thing in this bc yes absolutely. im just picturing lil harry staying up late watching videos online to try to learn so he could be better than Gemma
im ADORING his constant worrying abt her getting a headache😭 its the sweetest thing ever
It was a crochet kit: a beginner's book, a set of hooks, and three different colored yarns. SHUT UPPPPP ITS AN INITIATION AHHHHH
“We’re gonna have to cope the way we need to. I will be my usual, hilarious self. And you can be mopey.” She’s literally me thank uuuu
The whole scene?? Youre my whole heart, completely exposed to the world ???? RIP me, rest in peace me, I. Died. Dead. 
“Wildflower, definitely wildflower.” 10 dead. 29 injured. ahhHHHHHHHH
Girl I am soooo sorry and like I said you absolutely don’t have to reply I just thought this would be fun and it might make you smile, also u deserve to know just how greatly appreciated your writing is, every bit of it <3
So I truly enjoy everything I write (except Love and Dryer Sheets). I know inherently that Traditional is more popular but I think if I had to pick a favorite, Protection is by far my favorite story. I guess if I had to qualify maybe my favorite of 2023 at least. Idk what it was about it, I just loved writing every moment of it, I enjoyed my weird little dialogues and the silly little inside jokes. I thought the MC was really strong and wonderful--I aspire to be like her, ya know? Writing Harry's parts is always fun too but I think Protection Harry is the mushiest but shyest of them (probs because of his job) so getting him to open up to her was really fun to write too. idk.
ALL OF THIS TO SAY this is quite possibly the sweetest and nicest thing anyone has done for one of my stories. I love this so so so so so much. There are so many parts you pointed out that I cared SO deeply for that didn't necessarily get pointed out when I originally wrote it. It was so sweet to read them again from someone else's perspective. I probs won't catch everything but please know that I got this from you at 5 in the morning yesterday and I have read it no less than 100 times because I'm so honored that you enjoyed it enough to take notes 😭😭 and every single one made me SO happy and smiley.
I just read about the statistic about writing your name when handed a pen in a book I was reading! I bet the heart thing is a pretty cool stat too (whatever it is!).
nothing about part 7 I'm screaming 😂
I've mentioned it in another ask but when I write suspenseful things I already know where the suspense is leading so I just get super in my head about it because I think it's obvious about where it's leading?
You have ignited a new extra regarding putting a tracking chip in her 🤭
she is really funny tbh hehehehehe I like to believe I'm funny too because I like to think that's how I would react to a lot of these scenarios.
she IS just a girl (and she really just wants to get railed by Harry quite frankly. I think she deserves it lol she's been through a lot)
Almost killing her was the main part the kidnapping was extra because I was like "Aw crap, I forgot to tie up the daddy issues line" whoops hahahahahahaha
Idk if they crochet, I hope they do. I just needed something that siblings could argue over. I would kill to know what the sibling dynamic is between Harry and Gemma. It's gotta be hilarious.
I think Harry is going to worry about her the rest of his life and you're so right, he would go gray because of her hehehehehe
SAMANTHA hahahahahahaha I was thinking you would have hated to read this as I was writing it lol
10 dead 29 injured 😭💕 - I think most endings of my stories suck but again, I love this story so much, I humbly think I did a better job on this one 💕
in general the bullets where you quoted some of what I wrote was really sweet too. The part about not getting help because of how she treated them, the olive theory, the part about water, harry wanting her to like him, etc. etc. That really means so much to me that it seemed worth pointing out again 😭 thank you thank you thank you.
If there was anything I didn't reply to, it wasn't intentional, I just know this is the longest ask ever and I love it so much but I feel like it's going to continue forever if I don't stop 😭💕💕
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Had the idea that blu Scout realizes she never had a crush on Ms. P and was in fact misinterpreting the gender envy she was experiencing. ‘Turns out she didn’t want to be with her she just wanted to BE her’ kinda thing. And then they’re pals who leave sticky notes with dumb doodles on them for each other to find. And now I can’t get the thought out of my head. But idk how I should feel abt that bc I know a lot of transfem scout hcs are mega sketchy
I'm generally not particularly fond of "Scout was never actually into Pauling at all and actually he's gay/she's (Scout's) trans/etc." bc it removes any sort of actual conflict and opportunity for growth on Scout's part (bc yes these characters DO grow sometimes), and still falls back on the idea that if Scout WERE actually attracted to Pauling, there's no way for them to just be friends without dating, which isn't true, tons of people are attracted to their friends who don't feel the same way and they manage to work it out. Scout, regardless of gender and orientation, can be legitimately attracted to Pauling and want to date her but learn to respect her and listen when she says "no".
There are a ton of transfem Scout hcs that I really love and I wouldn't feel comfortable writing off almost any sort of transfem hc as Inherently Problematic, but I do think it's good to be careful about it. Too many tme people use it as an excuse to make "transitioning to date lesbians" jokes which yknow. is really not a great look right now. I think this idea is good btw for what it's worth, it's not Problematique or anything, it's just not really my thing. I know it's like really weird for someone who's as adamantly anti-scoutp.auling as I am to ALSO be like "but Scout should still be into her", but like that's a big part of Scout's character and really the only nuance they're allowed to get, so I personally like to keep it around
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sometimes-online · 7 months
i cant believe it.. another person who randomly fuses dhmis characters with their other fandoms.. anyway i am so listening i am so listening ears are OPEN
some other easy ones are probs like.. sweetheart and shrignold from episode three (both love based) and the unbread twins and any of the guys from the food episode could work aswell.
bossman hero or jawsum could maybe fuse with tony the clock or maybe the briefcase from episode 1 of the actual tv series?? shrugs, i’m brainstorming here
signing off with a anon tag, i will be back - ☕️ anon
:D I have to rewatch the episodes and the tv show lol I have some really silly ideas for this! I think fusing some of the headspace bosses with already existing DHMIS teachers could be really fun! It could also be fun to maybe come up with ideas for their own lessons/designs a bit different from the normal DHMIS ones too!
(Spoilers for DHMIS below/the teachers and students/songs below and also I like ramble quite a bit sorry! )
I can totally see all those ideas happening! I think the food episode one would be really funny with the unbread twins just always going back to bread or Bossman hero bringing out unemployed hs Kel in the jobs episode
I can also maybe see the unbread twins fitting the episode about family in some ways (although that one episode was creepy lol) I also have thought about maybe Yellow guy (Doi or Manny or David (I'm not sure I remember which name the fandom likes more) ) being inspiration for Angel in some way? Like maybe the "Smart" version of him could look a bit more similar to Neb while the "Dumb" version is more like Angel - Like maybe something happened to him and he's not fully himself/is split like the yellow guy
I also had ideas about if this was a au in general what the story/plot would be.. I thought of maybe they could be trapped in the house and each floor can have a new set of three students ( for random example: like floor one can have kel, aubrey, and sunny and the next has the maverick, vance, and angel or something) and each episode is them learning a new thing from a teacher/hs character
Maybe the plot can be something like hs leaking into other people's dreams or all the characters being trapped by sunny or something and until their own problems and sunny's can be resolved they can't leave the nightmare they are all trapped in. I'm not really sure Overall I have a lot of just scrambled/random ideas about it! :D If anyone has any headcanons/thoughts let me know! I have doodled concept designs for maybe one or two people but besides that I haven't really explored the idea too much sorry! ^^ Hope this wasn't too disorganized
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Meet the Cast of "When Sun Shines Again" [Hero's Life After Mari]⛅: Zoey Park (OMORI OC)
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(Mod Sprinkles’ Style Above & Left; Mod Acacia’s Attempt at OMORI style right)
Zoey Park
ZOEY is a spunky aspiring civil engineer who has always dreamed of building bridges. She’s intelligent, hard-working, independent, honest, and resourceful with a quick wit and snarky sense of humor and a real knack for problem-solving and thinking outside the box. Though she can be a little rough around the edges at times, she is a truly kindhearted person who has a strong intuition and is incredibly loyal to her family and friends.
Birthday: May 17th
Likes: Tea, The Cranberries, Running, Engineering, Old Movies, Snarky Humor, Her Family, & Rainy Days
Dislikes: Parties, Stupid People, Her Sister’s Slew of Terrible Boyfriends, & Shrimp
Fun facts and a bonus Sunny doodle below the cut!
⛅You can read about Zoey and all of Hero's college friends in the "When Sun Shines Again" series. She features prominently in the prequel "Am I Ready For Love? Or Maybe Just A Best Friend."
Zoey is the oldest of the three children in her family though she is only older than her fraternal twin sister, Lorraine, by 3 minutes. Her brother, Jared, is four years younger than her.
Zoey is the oldest of the three children in her family though she is only older than her fraternal twin sister, Lorraine, by 3 minutes. Her brother, Jared, is four years younger than her.
Since her father was in the U.S. Navy, she moved around a lot especially as a kid. She had lived in 5 different countries by the time she was 10 (United States, Italy, Greece, Spain, and United Kingdom, in that order). When her father became an admiral, her family settled near the Navy Base in Seaport, the closest coastal town to Faraway Town, when she was in High School and has stayed there for the time being.
While her sister Lorraine was playing with dolls, she was building bridges out of blocks and tinker toys and dreaming of becoming a civil engineer in the future. Her dream university has always been the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), but she gave it up to follow her sister to the University of Somewhere City: hoping to look out for her and keep her out of too much trouble.
Zoey was always academically gifted and was the Salutatorian of her high school graduating class after a heated rivalry for the Valedictorian spot ended in her defeat by half a percentage point.
Zoey can really take or leave most people, but she is fiercely loyal to her people (her family and the friends she has chosen). She and Hero’s friend, Kyle, have been best friends since high school having met when she tutored him in Chemistry and Math. At first, she thought he was just a shameless flirt and a shallow rich boy who didn’t apply himself, but they eventually connected over feeling a little lost in the shadows of their siblings (with Kyle feeling like the “dumb brother” compared to his overachieving older brothers and Zoey as the “weird sister” compared to the bubbly, popular, and universally loved Lorraine). By the time they’re in college, they’re practically siblings to each other, and though Kyle annoys her by calling her “Zuzu,” he swears she’s the first real friend he’s ever had.
Her favorite band is The Cranberries. In high school, she actually had a pixie cut inspired by the lead singer, but her hair has since grown out. She still keeps it cropped relatively short though.
Zoey isn’t much of a partier and prefers to spend most of her evenings studying with a warm cup of tea. Recently, her roommate, Tamra, a music education major, has gotten her hooked on listening to classical music while studying as well.
She, somewhat begrudgingly, joined the Triple E [Epsilon Epsilon Epsilon] sorority only because Lorraine demanded they also take her sister otherwise she wouldn’t join herself. Eventually the other girls warmed up to her because she took care of them when they were nursing hangovers, and she was quickly deemed their “mom friend.”
Her favorite flower is the red amaryllis. She loves the color but also its symbolism of strength and determination and the fact that the same bulb can bloom multiple times if given proper care. Her mother is an avid gardener who always plants amaryllises for her.
Though she is a self-proclaimed “realist” who doesn’t care much for romances, she does allow her sister, Lorraine, to drag her to see most of the latest romantic comedies at the movie theater. Occasionally, she finds one she really enjoys. Her favorite is “Return To Me” which she saw in theaters 3 times because she considered it so sincere and it reminded her of the classic black-and-white films she loves.
Zoey’s favorite color is red, but she never wears it because it clashes too much with her hair. She does have a red umbrella that she got as a Christmas gift from her parents that she uses often on her much loved rainy days.
A/N: Her name means “life” (which may or may not be a bit of an intentional pun on our part)
Bonus: Sunny is a big fan of Zoey's and thinks she’s spunky and very nice. Zoey is his favorite of all of Hero’s college friends besides Kyle (but only because he once gave Sunny “the greatest gift [he] had ever received”) 😊
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