#listen to me LISTEN
lorastyrels · 1 month
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Found each other in the dark
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batrachised · 2 months
back on my walter/una bullshit again, i fear
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lil-vibes · 29 days
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pushing the "narinder is good with children" agenda
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cave-monkey · 3 months
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Six Ears, and being left.
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omgrandomwords · 1 year
Thinking about the latin american influences in atsv and how they added a lot more as a result of highlighting Miles' relationship w his mom
Thinking about the Spanglish and the platanos and empanadas
Thinking about all of the family members up on that rooftop party
Thinking about how after Rio's heartfelt speech to Miles looking across the New York landscape and how she pours her heart out to him to let him know how loved and supported he is
Thinking about how Miles' final response is to ask for a blessing
"bendicion" "que dios te bendiga" bro those are words I hear daily from family members and to have that as a conclusion to a scene like that made me tear up
Thinking about how Miles who was worried and intimidated about meeting Miguel thought he'd use the solidarity and talk in his broken accented Spanish
And Miguel, albeit annoyed, responds
Thinking how Miles in a world where he's raised solely by his mother is more comfortable introducing himself with his last name said in that Spanish accent (that imo is how he should say it regardless)
Kill me literally matenme rn
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mirkwoodmunson · 2 years
Moonie my beloved.
i’m not sure if your requests are open but. i need eddie munson // gremlins content like i need god. What are his thoughts watching the movie for the first time. is he haunted by the thought of stripe. does he need a gizmo in his life or is he already a gremlin after midnight. inquiring minds must know ,, thank you g bless
eddie and you love going to the movies, barreling out right after school or sneaking into midnight shows of the latest horror releases, spending full weekends in the theater to watch your favorites over and over again. of course you guys sneak in your own snacks and treats, but you're respectful about it, always making sure to clean up after yourselves. eddie'd worked a few shifts as an usher one summer and christ how he hated cleaning up after the slobs -- he vowed to never be that kind of customer.
oh, but, when you two first see the trailer for gremlins on tv? he's already staring at you and grinning when you whip your head around to him.
"um. we're seeing that," you state matter-of-factly.
eddie snorts, about to say something in agreement, and then gasps, full shock,
"...babe... BABE!"
"that's the SAME DAY ghostbusters is out."
wayne just watches from his recliner with a smirk as you -- unsure of how to express your excitement -- begin dog-piling yourself on eddie while cheering, your boyfriend cackling all the while.
that friday, eddie and you aren't at school, oh no. in fact, you're one of the first ones in line at the theater, 'giddy' not even covering it as you both recite lines from the trailers, discussing theories and what you expected.
ghostbusters is the first flick of your double-feature -- to say you both enjoyed it is a heavy understatement -- and going into the second movie of the day you're beyond ready for whatever gremlins throws at you.
the set-up part of the film has you both hooked -- hell, just the trailer had you hooked, but when you finally see gizmo for the first time, whining over how cute he is, eddie is cheesing hard and squeezing you into him. he loves the movies as much as you, but watching you watch movies? sometimes that was even better. eddie was a sucker for your commentary.
he's scolding the screen as every mogwai rule is eventually broken, fully immersed, fully engrossed, fully ready to fight stripe with his bare hands. the moment the antagonist dares to spit upon sweet, innocent gizmo, eddie has a vendetta.
although, that's not to say he doesn't absolutely love every minute of the gremlins being gremlins. he's cackling and pointing, elbowing you excitedly through the whole chaos montage. and when it comes to mrs. deagle's turn for a visit, he's on the edge of his seat just waiting to see what will happen.
when the old lady goes soaring, you both along with the audience are clapping and cheering at the grisly yet much-deserved demise. barney could rest easy now, poor dog.
now, eddie would never openly admit it, but he was a sucker for those old disney movies -- ever since he was a kid. when the gremlins are all together in the theater, watching snow white and entranced by the dwarves' working song, he's singing along with them too, with a grin so wide his cheeks are hurting.
somewhat surprisingly to you, eddie is near hiding his face in your shoulder when stripe finally meets his end, whining sounds of distaste as the creature melts and perishes. you just coo and pat his cheek, while your eyes are glued to the screen in delight.
you could swear as well you hear him sniffle when gizmo bids billy goodbye as the movie draws to a close. you don't judge, though. you're definitely crying a little, too.
you'd gotten to the theater early in the afternoon, and after two flicks it still wasn't too late in the day, but the excitement had definitely wiped the pair of you out. eddie leans into you heavily, almost sad, pouting and squeezing his arm around your shoulders as yours does around his waist.
"...i want a gizmo..."
you snort softly and tilt your head to peck his cheek, "i know, sweetie, i know."
in bed that night, curled up together and yawning in-between reminiscing in the day you'd had, eddie is about to get up for a glass of water when he pauses.
"what's up, babe?" you question softly, rubbing his back. eddie shuffles a bit and turns his head to look at you, bemused and smirking.
"... what if there's gremlins out there..? ghouls..."
you can't help the laughter, giving him a playful shove out of bed to which he whines and makes a show of tiptoeing to the door, cracking it open and peaking out.
"well, then, you better go bust 'em! show 'em who's boss, baby, you got it."
and, of course, eddie most definitely is a gremlin, as he sheepishly re-enters the room with the glass of water and a plate full of food for you both to share. tired before, he's wired after the late-night feast, leaping around you sat in bed asking repeatedly as you're wracked with giggles, 'who you gonna call?? ED-BUSTERS!'
the next few days neither of you can go a full sentence without quoting the films at each other, and of course you go back over the weekend multiple times, at least once with wayne after convincing him to join you.
a few weeks after release and it continues when eddie is crouched in front of the tv, grumbling softly and smacking the sides, adjusting the antenna while the screen shifts between shades of fuzz. he huffs, calls to you while you're in the kitchen. "hey! theres GREMLINS in here. we got gremlins in the tv."
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 months
I firmly believe Human!Alastor had a tooth gap.
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aureiki · 1 year
need a rockstar / punk midori card to be real let him be BADASS
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gifti3 · 8 months
telling jumin not to pile more work onto jaehee
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crabussy · 1 year
hey. don’t cry. crush four cloves of garlic into a pot with a dollop of olive oil and stir until golden then add one can of crushed tomatoes a bit of balsamic vinegar half a tablespoon of brown sugar and stir for a few minutes adding a handful of fresh spinach until wilted and mix in half a cup of grated parmesan cheese and pasta of your choice ok?
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lazylittledragon · 5 months
can't believe we're all adults being forced into the club penguin level of censorship in 2024
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glitch-frog · 10 months
clicker training but its just a single piano key that makes you sad
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DEVASTATING the lyric you've been mishearing is better than the real one
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variksel · 1 year
i hate you ai art i hate you "unalive" i hate you youtube premium i hate you twitter 8$ checkmark i hate you nfts i hate you therapy app advertisements i hate you non-chronological timelines i hate you instagram reels i hate you subtle tiktok filters that cant be turned off i hate you family bloggers i hate you ads on true crime episodes i hate you facebook i hate you vr glasses on chickens i hate you dystopian social media
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hinamie · 1 month
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I'll rip in hands and teeth and take a bite
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overlymetaromantic · 2 months
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Dungeon Meshi, or as I like to call it, Marcille's-increasingly-difficult-to-ignore-revelations-that-her-endless-devotion-to-Falin-may-in-fact-be-more-rooted-in-lesbianism-than-she-originally-thought
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