#listened to every song posted for teh past three years
ffxivtribehydrae · 2 years
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Nathan Wagner! I have never hit subscribe faster than when I found his music for the first time and you can find his songs on nearly all playlists for my OCs. Peace comes from Zo'ogai and Zo'tall's playlist on their shared section!
It represents the two having finally found a place were they can find peace, stability and build their new lives. A safe haven in a quiet little village, surrounded by good people, were they can work through their traumas together.
- Send a number for music -
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khaimano · 8 years
This Music Thing...
Around the beginning of the year I re-posted this quote by Joss Whedon from screen_craft's instagram about making stuff.
When I posted it I wrote about how my mantra for the new year was to MAKE STUFF. Any Stuff. Just Stuff. Anything. As long as it's Stuff. And this would extend to making public previous Stuff that I've made so get ready for an influx of old shit made available and public once again from my back catalogue of movie making Stuff.
But movies aren't all I do. For quite a while my most public creative output was music. And if you've been following me on the social medias you'd notice more and more posts of past musical Stuffs being put up. This isn't just a hark back to self-perceived glory days (because they really weren't that glorious) but more of a mapping of the chronological timeline.
A lot of this music was made back when the main way to pimp out your music on the interwebs was mp3.com (where I discovered Teh Tarik Crew's first demos) and later myspace, and the way one would get your music out there would be CD's and tapes at gigs. That musical landscape on the net has changed quite a bit, and I wanted to put a bunch of this stuff out there that had never been put up, warts and all.
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Oh, there's many warts.
The two types of music that I've been posting are my electronica alter-ego 'A Girl Named Jane' and the band that's named after my online presence, 'Khaimano'. Most of the 'A Girl Named Jane' stuff had really only been heard on filmmaking stuff I'd done as I'd use a lot of the tracks or compose them for the videos.
'Khaimano', however, is where I'll be mostly concentrating my musical Stuff making efforts.
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As stated in a previous post, the band started as a bedroom recording project, heavily influenced by Sublime, back in 2001. From there it turned into a raw three piece ska-punk band that played around the underground circuit till about 2003, where I then concentrated my musical efforts to Y2k and Rollin' Sixers.
For a while, though, throughout my time in these two bands, I'd been recording songs by myself as well, not really knowing what genre or moniker to place them under. And later after that (about two years ago) I started Khaimano back again and gig-ed for a while before work started taking over way too viciously.
And nowadays it's really hit me how much the music was a vital part of my creative process.
The thing about making and performing music, to me at least, is the sheer, basic joy of it. Of making and writing and recording and performing. I never liked the business side of it or the promotional side of it, the marketing and what nots, because it always tainted the crux of why making music is important to me. And as the profile of some of the bands I was in rose and they became more succesful I really got to see and differentiate what really matters to me when it came to making music.
I remember finally playing 'Rock the World' at Stadium Merdeka, a dream many local musicians have, and realizing how much more fun I'd have in a small underground venue where the audience wasn't separated from you by a ten foot gap and barriers. When I played a huge music festival in Thailand I felt that even more - how I'd rather play to a crowd of fifty in a cramp room than thousands in an event arena. I remember finally recording in a fancy music studio with a reknown engineer and as great as it was, I know I had much more fun recording in a house with the barest minimum of equipment, trying to figure out how to mic the drums without pissing off the neighbours.
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I'm not saying I'm not grateful for the opportunities I had. I truly am. But it helped me realize what mattered most to me when it came to making music.
In all honesty, I've actually been a bit afraid of putting up all this old stuff online, and even more afraid of putting up the new. The independent musical landscape now is so much more different than before. I remember when the height of harsh criticism was a troll or two on the Jamtank forum messageboards. Now it's YouTube and Facebook comments. It's scary. Especially since I'm not exactly a good singer to begin with.
But I don't want that to hold me back from making Stuff. The point is the doing. The making. And the fun.
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The next batch of stuff I'm uploading are some of the songs I recorded during the 2007 till now period, all acoustic guitar based. I figured it'd be a nice stepping stone from the previous raw Khaimano three piece stuff leading on to the stuff that I've been recording recently as it's no longer sticking to a single genre or two but taking in pretty much every influence I have.
Originally I thought maybe I should put all this under yet another moniker and keep Khaimano as a three piece ska-punk influenced band. I would've used my own name but apparently there's a kid on Youtube with the same name as mine making music and I didn't want things to get confusing.
But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to just call it all Khaimano - the solo stuff, the band stuff, all of it. When I put all the tracks I've done in differing genres on one playlist and listen to it back to back even though the genres are changing it's still the same voice and the same style of writing.
So my plan is release this acoustic EP, followed by a full album that's mainly just me where I produce the tracks as crazily as I want, regardless of if it can be performed live or not. Odds are those tracks may still be performed live, just with different arrangements. Then, after that album, a stripped down three piece album recorded live with the bandmembers and perhaps some guests here or there.
The plan is also to make this music as free as possible online to stream or download, and if people feel so inclined they can pay whatever they want but there's no obligation. I'm way past being a rock star and I don't want to spend the time and effort it takes to sell an album as opposed to just giving it away. I may make some kind of physical album if the need arises, but it would have to be something that's worth paying for it and differentiates it from the free downloads. But then again, that's only if there was an actual demand for it.
I just want to make music again. Tell some stories in that medium. Have some fun doing it. And maybe some other people will enjoy it too.
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salosion · 8 years
Call me crazy all you want, Crazy is genius you don’t insult infact you lift me up now be a breeze and wind this up, intelligence is found in cups surrounded by words at tables of nerds, crazies & Gods
when rainbow colored dust, winds bye, inhale babe, inhale
for I know I won’t be able to see me die and live to tell the tale.
media fills the lives we own, disguised as lovely treats but i don’t think iv’e ever lived to taste a poison oh so sweet.
I like this picture because of the 🚪
The 🚪 is open for you for me for us and for more. More then the thought could ever explore because God exposed himself when we melted with the galore that Is Love in conquer controlling all the mediums that wear gloves to hide the real shit above like the media be the possibility where Love can spread the shores to the planets we ignore cause they're like Godly light years away, but the media is a gift people abuse like me I guess like this with this my posts of loving bits of my kisses of benevolent bliss filled with the insights of an intuitive mystic artistic good wild lickings of my spank, so I use it I abuse it, the media, cause it's my heart, it's my canvas and where I start where I post the reasons I creatively are, I use the media to try to spread far the sounds that make me so damn happy I wouldn't otherwise be poetically-rambling this fantastically,(arguably of course, taste is but self fruit picking, and Im not insult I know Im wild and swolle with it, dope to the point I know that crafts fill my souls) I use the media for my gifts so I can elevate my work higher to kiss the sky higher by the stars and higher to where God is kind enough to let us live express and be what a gift holy shit look at this you can do anything and once you realize this law of physics you can bend the rules and just exist it the wild twirl pool of infinite imaginative euphoric Holy God existence I use the media to try to fun the artistic fun and reason we’ve come by spreading awareness to fire and potential beautiful outcomes that come when you explore, Live in fun work your ass set some fun and mind fuck up yourself to spread the jelly that makes your soul wobble, till the cake is done baked to spread and exhale on plates full of chaotic creative greatness gargled up potioned special grub or better yet soul food is the term im thinking of, and of and thinking of the sounds I make and expressions I create and paint and craft and poeticize to last your mind the maze it holds inside, listen my sounds, and eclectic poetic with meaning found but mostly the sounds, tunes that fly that fly so high the galaxy doesn't see, cause its so far beyond inside the material we cant perceive cause it don't exist but it does in deed, all is non and non is need all you won is all you bleed, don't be greed be Love and you will see that the tree you become will grow many trunks with fruits that where never before conceived they'll make you trip i swear don't be scared just believe like you do every morning hen you wake up and breathe, were almost there just a few couple of weeks seconds and years well a trillion is all you need cause time doesn't exist so in the end its irrelevant well all be there to celebrate and be ourselves and all relate and make the sounds that make us great just praising found the Love that gave us chance to be the miracle gift God gave if thats not Love then nothing is, but love is my post my crazy rants repeated toasts to greatness found in surrounded floats that stir my eyes an thoughts and boats to be a douche you know I'm not and post my shit i mean a lot because my gift is more then thought its praise of God and expression and jizz of creative thought birthed into dopeness that would have never before existed, eat me, eat my shit, eat my music, and eat my gifts, maybe I'm narcissistic but I'm really not it, I'm just kinda lifted and high on this shit that makes my heart stir words to wonderment eat this cake and eat me too eat my sound keep an eye out with a view for teh new shit too but devour it all its devoured and distilled in baked artistic cake poetically manic seeming improv, which is really just creative run offs with the thing of we call this Life, chocolate eclairs are hidden though, everywhere in my shit and this you know just get through it and read it slow the earnings there it'll open your doors and maybe flare your tickles some more listen to my music my meanings fly past the seasons you passed already by reading this mass that will make you more experienced, enlightened and chaotically funtuntic fantastically confused with jelly beans running loose in your belly butterfly stomach tube where the sudden spark sinks up in abused feelings of Love for God and praising you for being there like two pairs in a 3 theres 1. 1 God many sons, and I’m this son your crazy bruh, golden heart nigga that fly’s. Salo Sion the cat in the cartoon thats not a cartoon but a person in a life on a picture above you makes him a cartoon cause its me and i just tied the three dimensional bloom? No, don’t make sense that last bit flow but kinda did have a bit of a glow I'm mean really what i said was that our perception is only shown though perceptions only shown, I'm a cartoon, like you in a world filled with goons so beautiful it’s true, but their freedoms fucked they're minds, they're evil greed gross abuse sprinkled away the shine that God is when we just loose, but thats just it and teh only way it can be true, to happen like this must learn from the view, our mission is going or choice is you, will you be the cat that chooses to weigh in the good, cause it could be fast we could soar up on the moon, even making lands out of crayons and balloons but you don't want to your stuck in your reality type of gloom cause its safe and the perks are nice because like it is a bloom that blossoms like a fight that fought Love up to make you, cause He knew you'd fuck up, He didn't want you to suffer, but the only way YOU can exist and be eternity is like this so see I'm crazy call me that its my gift, crazy in the dopest ways smoke my joints take my lift, sorry to be a bit too rich in my flourishing postage just trying to spread my Love and have folk listen to my gifts and music I devote to the life that wouldn't exist if music weren't it, I post my shit for fun and in search of fire to find the light that won our chance to exist and reach it’s higher plains of God, souls we are in body's , using out platforms and finding shit that people hide from , finding shit that people posted, posted, posted like this, I post on the media cause its fun to exist express create and one day discover life's magnificent magnificence too heavy for now but this is how we start but heaving up the sparks and talking like free like giving a shit is odd who care what people think just manifest up to the stars and your higher dimensional self through God and only Love and spreadings of nothing more, more can e like this, like this, the posts I piss and prob annoy a bit but I don’t mean it just don;t give a shit and know its dope so theres your gift ignore or it or don’t the lifts i get are delicious. this, the beauty that discovers beauty is the beauty that really hits cause what you never really know, you never really know, but what you never really know will always strike a hit in the part of your heart that it starts the heavens songs when it’s time for Prince to go on I post on media cause I don't give a shit call me crazy ill take it, its not a diss its the biggest fucking compliment to a genius you could give I post on media to spread all the lifts that take me higher posted up in thoughts that wonder if the universe is really thought or is thought just all there is I post nigga, I post cause ima a motherfucking pimp, no one else is cool enough to take there pants off so dandily the bizarre starts to star because the shine is coming in I post shit like this cause Im a star like you and him, and who knows everything every done said thought or did goes out there in the galaxy for everest, like this, S👀 so I can get the views that my heart always sees when I hear the tunes of the crazy I conceive in a world full of infinite possibility, we're meant to tie together beautifully like you never woulda believed till you believe that's how it's meant to be, your given the chance to chose to believe then you use it and it ducking works, we are here arrest we? Here with the media That sucks and the media that's for us to use and try to hold luck up to the views that'll feel the soul of true, here with my media I don't try to abuse it's my canvas and it's fun and I like how it views if you don't like it or you a bum unfollow my shits were never given a fuck to start just give a fuck to fuck Love so hard Love cummed and euphorias Birthday had her came so I’ma just be my cray pot smoking great beautiful souls and self express forever or else I just I wouldn't be myself. I use the media hella yea trying to have my music shared passion is God and passion is rare I don't give a fuck I use the platforms as my tools for expressive artistic amusement stirred by the cocktails that life's actuality has in store, for me for you for us for we, so me I’ma just be me forever fuck off unfollow, your an individual that gets to be free just like me and the proof is in the sea that currents the waves that splash up the sheets of words that verbal my bed or whirled creative eclectic gold, if you’re smart you’ll find the hold in my spaces that hold you in places that make you feel the same the same i felt when tracing around Gods gifts of inspiration and wisdom creatively birthed free out of fucks not given cause cool is free birthed out of minds and souls and hearts in trilogy working together to conceive worlds never believed birthing forever more free energy of the beauty that erases the instantly but forever exists distantly till it overflows the capacity that God is smoking up, never let the Love go to extinction it almost did you fucking racists evil asshole greedy pigs of mankind, be great be loving be beautiful be the angel your soul cakes with the freedom you were gifted over the angels weight, so that mean that YOU are greater then an angel, mankinds potential is greater then angels which means we cannot ever reach beyond God but we can reach God and marry him and live however we want by Love and Love alone and an imagination heaven conceived by the inkling that never had a begining God Life is so damn trippy it never has an ending I wish I could understand God YOU are so God damn crazy, genius beautiful I cant even take it it trips me out too much to go relate it cause i am it but theres more to this were meant to fit and if there is which there is doesn't that mean we shoulda been there by now? Were living infinite but infinite is infinite I guess we haven't won we gotta earn our stripes of Love don't be douche be a God go ahead and give people all there go, benefit of the doubt and then see you'll watch them grow, ALL, help ALL help ME:] Love the Love I Love Love the Love I Spread spread the Love that is God and together we mani-fucking-fest this is how we reach heaven and live forever without an end in such a pleasant way the worlds burdens wont ever be relevant, listen to my tunes brothers, people folks you know you always known I'm the kindest kinda wild sweetest soul your chases out the souls of the minds that are all just here to find, have fun party up, fuck for fun, write a hit, make a song, create something from nothing won the pride your heart construes, so that's why I just push it my mind these finds and this media to my bind so I can bind an infinite bind in a bind forever will shine cause the wisdom is hidden by the manic seaminess of poetic dreamless that takes the curiosity you beam with to bounds further unknown, curiosity is the disposition of creativity, a philosopher ya'll already so I just got to find my soul that shines and yearns to find and figure out ALL the infinite beautiful unimaginable possibilities of #life know like a coloring book with infinite pages to color the words and sounds and songs to skies and then oh my the possibilities tied and we found ourselves inside the insides we were bout out n in all about I only try to spread my Love devotion and the doubts my heart it cries when I see that no ones bout the music that unites my heart my soul and king crown creative bouts cause I'm bout it all the time,I’m bout it see inside I'm bout the feeling fine and what make me feel divine are insights that I find when I'm open and no fuckage ever given Im a G like motherfucker don't gotta jitter when my presence always glitters with devoted and eclectically beautifully creatively chaotically artistically divine Love.
Im crazy I know,
I mean I’m not I'm just creatively fucking dope and loose with my swerve and like to make words and poeticize Life's curves and figure it all out cause i mean were here like that fucking bird who wasn't gifted with a thinking intelligent mouth but his songs they do arouse the melodies of God’s astounding isn't even enough a bound word to describe the unbound so lets live it a found God is great and there is no word to describe his greatness because His greatness is so damn great a word cant exist.
Listen to my music homies, junkies, lovely’s, think you’re cooler then me ones funny, listen to my music and look passed my creative expressive ways I'm just a G that smokes that green more then Snoop Dogg I can say and ill challenge the brother any-day I know ill win cause I'm just so fucking great like this joint just finished and now I'm done with my great beautiful chaotic annoying crazy rant, it ain’t crazy unless its crazy and crazy is like writing some demented list to target people, or talking nonsense, I speak wisdom amongst my creative chaos, my minds a Lilly and I'm a boss, listen to my music I swear its your loss. Don’t be a pussy, Less you are a pussy, I Like those pussys, And those pussys would throbbingly palpitate their mound to my sound, Dope be a pussy be intelligently found, Open the door and look around, you'll find much more when your mind is free and open and patient and tolerant and bound.
Don’t be a pussy, Be a pussy.
Pussys are beautiful when the butterflies are engaging in gasiming sounds of heaving rounds of moaning towns inside cities that don’t exist, but thats everyone and we seem to exist so if you ended up reading this wined up creation of creativeness all its point was and started out and is to be to tell you my Loving brothers, sisters, homies, fine girls that I know but ya’ll to bland show me, call me say wassup or blow me away, but its all good I'm okay cause Im in Love in the strongest holiest Godliest way I swear my music with times will take you away to that place you want to be in that second you are free and cant believe this is happening you’re getting hardcore penetrated fucked orgasming squirting cum cause life is heavy and heavy is deep and I dug a whole to profound to leap, so for someone, for one day, for the cosmos, for Sunday, heres a little poetic entertainment that make make your day or stir your mind in ways you would have never come through sway but you did, you swayed yourself over here and for that I gift you a gift of thank you and I Love you more then I did before,
See I'm just a fucking loon, Loves to get high create art, poetry and explore music mostly cause thats what Life is for music alone music alone.
Go listen to you crazy friends music,
If I have any friends,
I know I do somewhere in you, all of you Love me as much as I do you sorry to be a loon but I cant be anyone else but myself this afternoon, had some fun with some words and a flow that took me swooping to the point that all i really want is for you to be grooving to the reason I and my friends all exist music, the music, life, no im not really crazy I'm just chaotically gifted, don't give a shit and if i may so so fucking genius.
Thank you God for EVERYTHING.
Love you fam for accepting me and existing,
All you fuckers and haters and racists and evil gators, you’ll go to hell so I still Love yo anyway cause Love is all that is, God is Love so Love you must be swolle swell spilling till the point you fell, but fuck you evil fuckers causing havoc on the world, y'all will go to hell and those who are misinformed and don't understand an ignorant, maybe open your door view others perspectives and feel their intentions hearts and what they are for so yo understand and aren't so dumb life is beautiful and meant to be won wake the fuck wake pray to God you are one, listen to this fuckers music swear to God it'll make my done.
Done = Purpose of Live
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