#listening to cds
officialkendallroy · 1 year
i love you physical media ❤️ i love you cds ❤️ i love you vinyl ❤️ i love you cassettes ❤️ i love you dvds ❤️ i love you blurays ❤️ i love you paperback books ❤️ i love you comics ❤️
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I love you albums. I love you songs connected by similar themes. I love you listening to songs in a specific order picked by the artist. I love you reoccurring motifs throughout the same album. I love you album covers. I love you albums with extended editions. I love you songs that reference each other.
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gracefuldisasters · 9 months
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Made this one a few months ago while trying out different ways of painting backgrounds. This one is way too textured, but I learned a lot afterwards :)
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binary-moons · 2 years
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finnickodaiir · 7 months
"Taylor Swift isn't forcing you to buy to several editions of the same album" and "too many editions of the same album is wasteful and we just want to own 1 edition that has every song" are statements that can coexist btw
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linktoo-doodles · 5 months
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circles you circles you circles you circles you circles you circles you circles you circles you circles you circles you
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CD problems
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nostalgicfun · 5 months
Random nostalgic memory: the CD "sampler" in stores where you could press buttons and hear samples from random CDs
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o0kawaii0o · 3 months
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sia-paskuda · 2 months
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themachine · 6 months
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Hey Girlbriel have you seen my Keygen Church shirt anywhere..?
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otomehonyaku · 3 months
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal ☽ Genteiban DVD Mini Drama Translation ☽ Side Story III (Kanato, Laito, Shuu)
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Original title: DIABOLIK LOVERS 限定版 SPECIAL DISK V Side Story III Voiced by Kaji Yūki (Kanato), Hirakawa Daisuke (Laito), Toriumi Kōsuke (Shuu) English translation by @otomehonyaku Click here for the audio (thank you to @uzi-boozii for providing the audio!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Please do not reuse or post my translations elsewhere or translate my work into other languages without my permission.
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This mini drama takes place after Shuu drinks Yui's blood for the second time, when she comes to him looking for answers. Is it just me or do more of you think these CDs are so much fun to listen to? Like hearing them talk about Yui when she's not there and kind of fantasising about her and stuff... ♡ (⇀ 3 ↼) Enjoy listening and reading along! I'm already working on the last one for this series.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
[This scene takes place after Shuu tastes Yui’s blood the second time, when she comes to him looking for answers.]
00:00[Kanato is having dinner. Laito is at the table, too, stretching and yawning exaggeratedly.]
Laito: Gosh, things are boring around here. Ironically enough, it’s difficult to relax when it’s too quiet. Right, Kanato?
Kanato: Laito. Can’t you see I’m having dinner with Teddy? Please don’t bother us. Teddy. When we’ve finished eating this petit gâteau, should we have a roll cake next?
[Kanato takes another bite.]
K: Hmm… Delicious, isn’t it? A chocolate cake with a core of molten chocolate sauce… I can’t get enough of it.
L: Is it really that good? Hmm. When it comes to sweets, I’d rather have macarons.
K: I like macarons, too.
L: They come in all different kinds of pretty colours and delicious flavours… They’re kinda fun, aren’t they? Don’t you feel a little bad for Teddy, though? You just force sweets on him.
K: Not at all. Teddy loves sweets just as much as I do. Right, Teddy?
L: Well, alright.
01:36 [Laito pauses briefly.]
L: Hmm? 
K: Is something the matter?
L: Don’t you think something smells mouthwateringly sweet around here?
K: Come to think of it, yes. A completely different sweet scent is getting mixed up with my gâteau. 
L: It’s not sweets, though. It’s a much thicker, saccharine scent… The scent of something that could satisfy my appetite.
[Someone’s walking nearby.]
L: Ah, I see… Could this be the culprit behind that sickly-sweet scent?
[The door opens. Shuu walks in, music blasting from his earphones]
K: That sweet smell is coming from Shuu.
S: I don’t have anything sweet on me, though.
L: Hehe. I know you don’t have anything on you. It's Bitchlet's blood I smell, after all.
K: What’s with this smell? I’ve never smelled something so sweet before.
[Laito gets up and sniffs the air.]
02:55L: This smell… Is that really Bitchlet? I don’t remember her smelling like this…
[Laito inhales deeply.]
L: No, it is her, but it’s as though something is changing…
[Shuu sits down with a groan.]
L: Shuu… What’ve you been doing with Bitchlet?  I think I already know the answer, hehe.
S: There’s no need to ask, then.
L: You’ve had your fill of Bitchlet’s blood at its very finest, haven’t you? I could tell just by the scent as you walked through the hall just now.
[Kanato stands up and walks over to Shuu.]
K: I agree. Lately, her blood has smelled so sweet that just the slightest whiff of it could drive me wild.
Ah, I want to taste her right now.
L: Right, right. I usually don’t get tempted to drink just by the scent of blood, but even smelling her blood on Shuu right now is so arousing… I wonder if it’s because Bitchlet’s awakened? (1)
[Shuu sighs heavily.]
L: Tell me, what does her blood taste like now? It must’ve gotten much sweeter, right? Just a little taste is enough to bewitch you, and the sweetness of it all must be so satisfying.
S: Not yet.
L: Huh?
S: She hasn’t awakened yet.
L: She hasn’t? But for her to smell like that…
S: Well, it’s a stark difference from when I fed on her before. Her blood was burning hot…
05:00 K: So she is changing, after all.
L: Ah… I want to taste her at her peak as well… What does she taste like now, Shuu?
[Shuu has fallen asleep.]
L: Hey, come on! Don’t just fall asleep and leave good old Laito hanging!
[Laito starts pestering Shuu, slapping and shoving him.]
L: Shuu! Tell me how it was before you nod off!
S: Ugh, fuck off. My stomach’s full, so I’m going to sleep. 
L: Oh, don’t start. You sleep around the clock even when you’re not full. Bitchlet’s awakening is nigh!
S: I don’t care.
K: I want my turn to drain her dry soon.
L: Hey, Kanato! You can’t just drain her dry. We should play around with her more, be cruel to her… toy with her body and soul until she feels so good that her blood becomes intoxicating! Hehe.
K: She isn’t yours, Laito. I want my fair share of tormenting and playing with her. I’m sure tastes even more delicious when she’s scared beyond her wits.
06:22 L: But Kanato, you tend to drink too much. The plan is to keep Bitchlet around for a long while, so you can’t kill her.
K: Why? Isn’t it much better to preserve the beauty of living creatures for all eternity, no matter what it is? That’s why I’ll turn her into a doll while she’s as beautiful as she is now.
L: Well, I understand what you’re saying, Kanato, but I don’t want to give up on fooling around with her just yet. Say, what do you suppose is the most fun, the most exciting way to drink her delicious blood?
K: As for me, I enjoy feeding on her most while imagining her as a wax doll. Teddy enjoys it, too.
L: But Kanato, you can’t actually turn her into one just yet, okay? Speaking of which–Shuu, you haven’t drained her completely, have you?
S: Of course not. I wasn’t that hungry. Besides, we were interrupted halfway through. By that old man.
L: Old man?
S: Richter.
[Laito and Kanato are at a loss.]
L: Huh, I see. So our uncle came by.
[Laito sits back down.]
L: I wonder what he was visiting for.
S: It’s not like I know. If you want to know, you should ask Richter himself.
L: You have a hunch, though, don’t you?
S: I told you, I have no idea.
K: Come to think of it, Subaru mentioned he’d seen Richter as well.
L: Oh my. He’s rarely ever been here before. I wonder what’s going on. Maybe he’s up to something… Heh.
[Shuu sits upright.]
K: Is something the matter for you to get up so suddenly, Shuu?
08:47 S: Her blood…
L: Bitchlet’s blood…?
S: I think Richter’s after it.
L: Hmm… Well, Bitchlet’s blood’s been getting more and more delicious lately, after all.
K: But in terms of prey, there’s plenty of others for him to choose from. He has no reason to go out of his way just to get her.
L: But she is close to awakening. Right, Shuu?
S: Don’t put this on me. You’re bothersome.
L: There Shuu goes again with his ‘bothersome’... Are you fine with Uncle stealing our awakened Bitchlet’s blood away from us?
S: He can do whatever.
L: Well, I’m not fine with it. I have a bad feeling about this. I don’t want to simply hand her blood over to Uncle.
K: Indeed. She is our sacrificial bride, after all.
L: Yes, yes. Well, then–we were talking about the most exciting ways to suck Bitchlet’s blood. What do you think, Shuu?
S: I told you, don’t start with this.
10:00 L: But we’re dying to know! Ayato and I have been fooling around with her too, you know. We cornered her in the underground waterway. Ayato bit her neck, and I her thigh… Come to think of it, her awakening must’ve already been close. The feel of her veins pulsing under her skin gave off the most tempting scent… It turned me on so much.   Well, Ayato made himself scarce rather quickly, though.
K: I don’t understand how you could enjoy that, Laito. It’s obvious that it’s much more enjoyable to take the time to savour the taste of her blood. What’s fun about sharing that experience with someone else?
L: What’s fun about it? The fact that someone else besides me is driving her to ecstasy, and watching Bitchlet’s face as she desperately tries to bear it is plenty of fun for me. She can resist all she wants, but it tends to be no use when we hold her down. When I see that pained look, that desperation plastered across her face, or the way her features contort when she’s overwhelmed by pleasure… It’s so hot. It makes me lose control of myself.
K: Yes, I love watching her face twist in fear or agony. Right, Teddy?
L: Hey, Kanato. Let’s play with Bitchlet together next time. I’m sure it’ll be plenty fun.
K: I have no interest in such games.
L: Huh? But Bitchlet’s so close to awakening now, so it would make for even sweeter blood. Ah, the pleasure would come crashing over her like waves… I’m getting hot just talking about it.
12:02 K: You’re too persistent. I told you I don’t want to!
[Kanato slams his fist onto the table. The translator actually jumps in her chair because it was so loud.]
K: Why do you not understand?! Teddy, how do you feel about Laito not listening to me? Everyone’s bullying me.
[Kanato starts crying.]
L: Oh, come on, Kanato, don’t cry.
K: I… don’t want to do anything together… with anyone else but Teddy.
L: Ah. Well, Kanato’s out of the question, then. How about you, Shuu? Let’s feed on Bitchlet together.
[Shuu is dozing off.]
L: Hey, Shuu.
S: I told you to not bother with me. I don’t care how I feed. I only feed to satisfy my appetite.
L: Huh. I figured you’d say that.
K: Come to think of it, I’ve gotten hungry.
[Kanato gets up.]
13:20 K: Teddy, shall we go and have a snack? What would you like? Yeah, right you are. Let’s have our favourite treat. She’s exceptionally sweet and delicious, after all.
[Kanato opens the door.]
K: Hehe. I’m looking forward to it.
[Kanato leaves the room.]
L: Hehe. Wait a minute. He’s talking about having Bitchlet as a snack, isn’t he?
[Laito gets up and runs after Kanato.]
L: Hold up, Kanato! I’m not giving you a head start!
[Laito leaves the room.]
S: Ugh. I can finally sleep in peace.
[Shuu lies down.]
14:17 S: So, Richter is here. That bothersome asshole. Could it have anything to do with her awakening? Heh. It’s none of my business. She’s a mere human. She’s our prey. That’s all she is…
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ittyybittybaker · 6 months
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To celebrate Neil's birthday, here's a time-period accurate emo/pop punk love song mix I made inspired by this post by @wuzeio (featuring only songs released in 2007 or earlier)
1. Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard | 2. crushcrushcrush - Paramore | 3. I'm Not Okay (I Promise) - My Chemical Romance | 4. My Bloody Valentine - Good Charlotte | 5. Just Tonight - Jimmy Eat World | 6. Count 'em One, Two, Three - The Maine | 7. Of All The Gin Joints In All The World - Fall Out Boy | 8. I'd Do Anything - Simple Plan | 9. First Date - blink-182 | 10. Give Me Anything - The Maine | 11. The Promise - New Found Glory | 12. G.I.N.A.S.F.S. - Fall Out Boy | 13. Work - Jimmy Eat World | 14. Only One - Yellowcard | 15. Until The Day I Die - Story Of The Year | 16. Bang The Doldrums - Fall Out Boy | 17. MakeDamnSure - Taking Back Sunday | 18. Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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They would have made Xiao Xingchen pull the car over at least once an hour if they ever did a road trip together.
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naradreamt · 7 months
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Scans of my copy of 子 ギャル (CO GAL)
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i think a major thing that is overlooked in the x files is that when they do their little cutscene of them driving from washington dc to the bumfuck middle of nowhere at the start of each episode, their roadtrips must be SO long. so what are they doing in that time? are they fighting over which radio station to listen to? filling the silence with conversation? is that how they become inseparable, over mind-numbing hours on the road where stories slip off of the tongue with ease?
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