#literal YEARS
astaroth1357 · 1 year
Dear Diary,
Today, I am steeped in frustration because all of my attempts to character assassinate a certain witty sorcerer have backfired spectacularly. To my eternal vexation, it appears that I have finally discovered his appeal, and it is everything I hate.... I can see his smug smile now...
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Mocking me.....
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greensaplinggrace · 8 months
our ship has abuse victims in the fandom because real abuse victims would never ship- literally shut the fuck up before you hurt someone. what is wrong with you.
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grahamcore · 2 years
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darkxmagicxpriest · 2 months
She’s just here, asleep against his shoulder with a book open in her lap, having nodded off while studying again.
Their day started as it normally did - a morning jog followed by breakfast. Mana always argued against jogging "What's the point of running, Master? We could use magic to float!" Which was, admittedly, a compelling argument, but one that was always shot down with the explanation that although they were now spiritual beings, they needed to keep up their physical stamina - an argument that was likely nonsense as they were now made of pure energy and magick as opposed to anything corporeal like flesh or bone, and therefore something such as a cardio workout was likely pointless, but a point that she never argued with, so the jogging continued.
Breakfast was, admittedly, always a challenge. Though they could never truly die, some monster hordes disliked it when you hunted for food. So on mornings like this one, Mana either ventured to the human world or - like today - the Master would relent and go for something lighter; in this case, crumpets with jam and some danishes, as well as tea. He knew she couldn't control herself much with the sweet treats, but he did like to treat her from time to time.
After that would be battle training - the best way to focus the sugar high. Over the years they had discovered that their tolerance for physical damage was much higher, it's the reason Mahad had agreed to teach her blood magicks, something that was frowned upon back in Egypt if for no other reason than the medical mages had to be pulled away from other various duties in case something went horribly wrong. Here, though? It was full steam ahead.
After a good few hours of that, the rain had begun to fall, so Mahad considered their options. Usually after battle training they would retire to the classroom - he had made it a point for her to keep up her spellbook training and magickal theorems, even in this place, as their limits could be expanded here.
Instead, however, he decided to send Mana to the human world, with the instructions to pick up these things she talked about recently called "popped corn" and "rom coms," deciding that today they (or, rather, he) would learn about modern human culture, in case they needed to go to the human world for an extended period of time.
And so it was a blissful afternoon when she returned with a handful of movies and a few "my-cro-wavable" bags of what she explained were kernels of corn. He put the movie on - something with Ryan Reynolds - and she returned with a bowl of popcorn - as well as a spellbook. They sat together on the couch, sharing a blanket, the book on Mana's lap as they listened to the hard rainfall, watched the film, ate the popcorn, and laughed at the cheesy jokes (Mana had to explain some to him in order to get it).
About halfway through the second movie, he heard a soft, content, sigh. He looked down at his apprentice - she was fast asleep, her blonde head on his shoulder, a small smile on her face as she dreamt pleasantly. A soft peck to her forehead caused her to snuggle deeper. Mahad smiled. This was truly a perfect day - at least until she woke up and yelled at him for continuing to watch the movies without her.
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bass-alien · 5 months
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gggoofiestgoober · 6 months
ETA for jolymes doujin?
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bandu-tuga · 7 months
found my dad's blog and
dad. what is this
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father why is your blog called that why is it so fucking edgy what
I'm stealing this i have to use this SOMEWHERE.
"i am an emotional nightmare..." are you okay.
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silverymusings · 2 months
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Did a little doodle inspired by this ask that @vibraea did a while back owo
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maranull · 11 months
Btw, this is by far the best dragon book I ever owned and read and everything dragon ever. Dragon.
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I've been struggling to find it for years cause I had the Greek version and it had a different cover with no mentions of who the actual writer was.
It absolutely rocks. Artwork is great, and the writing and presentation are just as fantastic.
(The actual author is Joseph Nigg)
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dr-koni · 2 years
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melikes-reads · 9 months
A Virgin River Rant
I'm just going to say it.
Why doesn't Lizzie look pregnant in the Christmas episodes?
Let’s do some Math.
In episode 5x10, titled oh-so-helpfully “Labor Day”, it’s – you guessed it! – Labor Day. In an American fictional town, so it’s September 1st. Lizzie says she thinks she’s pregnant, so she must have missed her period for… a week or 2. Meaning she is already, in that episode, 5-6 weeks pregnant.
Cut to the Christmas episodes. Lizzie should be around 22 weeks pregnant. That’s about five months’ along! The count tracks, if one takes into account Doc’s remark that his great-grandbaby will be born in Spring.
So… How come dear Lizzie doesn’t have even the merest hint of a baby bump?
For a show with so many pregnancies, I expected better of Virgin River.
Oh well.
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senatorraines · 1 year
i'm sorry it's 2023 nobody should still be watching ads to get diamonds when the hack has been out for YEARSSSSS
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quetzalpapalotl · 9 months
I don't think I would want to forget and re-experience it again because a lot of the impact it had for me was due to witnessing it as it was released (like halfway through, it would have been great to have been there from the beginning).
Just learning that Jack was the villian hit so hard because I spent literal years being collectively fooled into believing he was the best guy ever. It was just a given. Something the fandom never even thought to question. There were red flags yeah, but we didn't thought he was the worst person to ever live because Jack being such a perfect figure had a narrative purpose of Oz being in his shadow and reaffirming his own identity. That Alice and Gil would have to move on from Jack. That's what we thought the story was about!! And it is about Oz affirming his identity just in another way. And Jack what this oh so tortured figure who didn't want to be called a hero because he killed his best friend. He was just my type and it was all a lie!!!!
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compasspointlibrary · 2 years
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bugfishh · 2 years
i have adhd. no i don’t. yes i definitely do. i need help
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thicc-astronaut · 2 years
I feel bad because I have an aquarium and I realize I need a new air pump. So I remembered that I got a $20 gift card for Petsmart as a Christmas gift and then I went to find it and. It’s not anywhere I can find it.
Like I can afford to buy an air pump, sure, but I realize that between there’s probably over $100 worth of gift cards that have just been lost to the messy bowels of my bedroom. 
In 1000 years archeologists are gonna dig it up and all my clothes will have rotted away so they won’t know how much of a mess the place was. They’ll find all these little plastic cards with names on them of other establishments from my time, and they’ll assume the stores were centers of worship and that these cards were like little tokens to invoke protection, and they’ll think I was some superstitious paranoid nut collecting protection cards from two dozen different entities and leaving them all over my dresser and carpet and under the bed mattress.
Wait, under the mattress? Did I maybe leave them under the mattress?
No, they weren’t there, but I did find a few dimes though
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