#literally cbf tagging all of them
inkrabbit · 2 years
imagine that on halloween the ghouls can go out with their s/o in their ghoul form because everyone will think it's just a super realistic costume JUST IMAGINE i think is very cute
Happy fuckin' Halloween everyone. yes, I did schedule this specifically for today. it was appropriate
but this is such a cute prompt omggggg. just some hcs below for the boys <333
absolutely ecstatic
he won't let you know this, but he actually waits all year just for this one day to be himself
he loves being seen with you in his ghoul form. to him, it's like you're with the actual him. not his human form. not his lie. you're with him
will 100% be glad to interact with people, and he crouches down and softly talks to the kids that stop you two
he's a lot happier on this night, and he also becomes a lot more cuddly and sweet with you
"I couldn't imagine a more perfect night with you, my love."
"Oh, sick. Now I won't have to waste any energy. Or bother changing."
you two normally don't do too much, considering Mountain prefers to just "vibe"
he'll take you to a movie and after that, if you're up for it, you two can walk around aimlessly, either through town or through the local mall
he'll buy you anything you want, too. his way of making up for being so "boring"
gets a little worried/surprised whenever people stop you two, but he puts on a brave face and will bullshit his way through a conversation
you know better than anyone that he's just telling people whatever he saw on TV when you two watched that Face Off show
he's so excited, especially because he's able to leave abbey grounds with you and not have to be worried about his energy levels
he'll happily go trick-or-treating if you want to. he was always too embarrassed to ask the others to go with him
Swiss went with him once, but they both ended up stealing a bowl of candy and running off while giggling like children. Papa wasn't amused okay maybe a little
he keeps checking to make sure you're having fun, and he's always kissing your head when you tell him that you're fine
"I love nights like this. They make me happy. Well, you always make me happy but... you know what I mean."
remember: you're his rock. he's okay with being in social situations, but he'd rather it just be the two of you
he waits anxiously for this night
he finally gets to be free. no one can stop him now
you two go everywhere you can. parties, graveyards, those stupid haunted houses
keep an eye on him because he's gotten away from you more than once so he can scare the customers
"What? This is the only time I get to be myself! Let me have my fun!"
He's not interested in talking to other people, but he's a sucker when little kids stop him. he'll full on scoop some of them up and hype them up over their own costumes
he's extra excited about tonight, especially because he can party a lot longer now
expect to be on the dance floor a lot with him
"Come on, lovely! Let's give everyone a show!"
he's pulling out all of the stops and letting himself be absorbed with the music
he's extra friendly like this, showing off his fangs as he grins widely
when you two start to wind down, he'll find a little secluded spot for you both so you two can have more time together
he seems indifferent about it all, and even a little reluctant
"It's just another night, mia luce. You've seen my true form many times before."
if you really do insist, he'll humor you and go out in his ghoul form
please give him extra attention. anything to keep his mind occupied or else he'll get snippy
he keeps conversation with anyone to a minimal, even purposefully being rude to be left alone
just find a quiet spot for you two to hang out. he'll appreciate it more than you'll ever know
he's over the moon knowing you want to go out with him and show him off
keeps his arm wrapped around you and holds you close to him
he can’t talk, so he’ll just settle for pointing out cute pumpkins and letting out joyful chitters
more than happy to show himself off to people who stop you two
absolutely thrives on any and all attention he gets
don't worry. he won't drag everything out too long. after all, you're his main priority and he's letting you know that
"If this is what you want, my love, then I'll be more than happy to oblige."
he doesn't care too much about going out, but if it makes you happy, then he's on board
he doesn't really like parties, but if that's what you want to do, then sure. he'll make sure he has fun with you
but you're not allowed away from him. he's worried something will happen if you leave his sight
he'll indulge people in small talk, but his main focus is you
always kissing your head or your lips and asking if you're having fun
it takes him a second to register what exactly you're asking
"I mean... sure...? Like we can go out if you want, but what do you wanna do?"
and, really, he's up for anything. though he's still calm and pretty quiet, he's happy to just be out with you and in his own skin
but you're both going to find a quiet spot towards the end, preferably in a wooded area, so he can cuddle with you
Halloween isn't too interesting to him, but he loves the extra energy the earth gives off on this night
he's also gentle while touching or kissing you, and he'll even sing for you if you ask him nicely
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Clariiiii hiiii!! I just finished all my finals and I haven’t been on this blog in a while, so I’m planning on catching up on ur recent writings but I had to come in here and talk about the anon u just answered about the movies that inspired your works!! Cause I’m obsessed with like genuinely every single one of them and I can SO see how ur inspired by them. Goodfellas is one of my fav movies ever and the comparison between Henry and Tomura...wow. Like u got it...like Henry is ultimately unstable especially by the end of the movie and that kind of thing is already happening with Tomura based on the recent installments of bmb so yeah I absolutely see that. (Also the shinning inspo? Making me very nervous for what is to come but so so excited!) ALSO??? Reservoir dogs holy shit Dabi is absolutely reminiscent of Vic Vega that is driving me insane!!! Dabi dancing and singing as he tortures someone??? Many thoughts head full. Anyways I love the inspo for poison as well cause I’m genuinely so obsessed with like lovers on the run or criminal lovers who would kill for each other...Just like such a good trope. That was so interesting to read and now I’m gonna go catch up on ur writing and I’ll probably come back and praise u for it lmao hope ur day is going well hon!! 🕊🕊🕊
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first of all, congrats on finishing your finals!!! i hope you feel a little lighter and have some time to pamper yourself and relax now <33
HAHAHAHA AAAAAAAAAAH DOVE THANK YOU THANK YOU EEEEEEE i love film so so soooooo much so pls feel free to come chat with me about it any time!! YES RIGHT????? like i said, henry and michael both remind me of tomura in different ways, but he’s absolutely more henry than michael hehehe <33 i’m so glad you agree tho!!! goodfellas is one of my all-time favourite films as well!!
LMAO don’t worry, it’s more uhhhhh like a FEELING/concept from the shining than a plot point...kinda, hehehehe oop
YEAH YEAH YEAH LIKE YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND I HAVE SUCH A MASSIVE CRUSH ON VIC AND HE REMINDS ME OF DABI SO MUCH???? or i guess, more appropriately, dabi reminds me of him hehehehe <33 they both have that sociopathic killing-is-fun vibe yk??? like they’re so SADISTIC ugh i love it sm  <333
SAME SAME like literally yes omg yes i love that type of love that seriously borders on obsession from BOTH sides, from BOTH parties, yk? and it’s just so unhealthy and so co-dependent but they’re SO in love????? and then adding the whole ‘lovers on the run’ trope where it’s quite literally them against the world and all they need is each other???? ugh i love it <333
first of all, my gosh no of course it’s not annoying!!!!!!!! dove babie if anyone ever tells you that your asks or your compliments are annoying then they’re a fucking asshole who does not deserve your attention or interaction. i am so thankful that you drop by to share your thoughts, i promise!! so never be shy! <33 it may take me a few days to answer but i try my best to answer everything i receive! <3
AAAAAAAH HEHEHE THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! yeah i really picked like,,, the most side side character for that piece ahahaha but i love naoya so much and i felt like he was so perfect for the concept!! but i’m super duper happy to hear that you enjoyed it!!! <333 when i heard that u were looking for my recent stuff i ran to edit my lil navi hehehe even tho my masterlist rn is missing like,,,, five pieces or something ridiculous like that :// rly gotta update that...maybe i’ll do that today hehe
YAAAAAAY EEEEEEEEEE I LOVE THE TWINS SO MUCH I CAN’T EVEN BEGIN TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOU!!!!!!!!!! i’m SO ridiculously excited for their fic series aaaaaaaaaaah but thank you, thank you! it really is so much fun to take one of my favourite characters ever and seriously examine him and split him into TWO people ehehe <333
of course i don’t mind!! nothing happened to it bb i just haven’t been working on it! the tag is still linked, but y’all stopped sending me asks pertaining to the AU so i haven’t written much for it since the last ask i got!! i do still have the reader + dabi fooling around at the back of keigo’s classroom ask in my drafts, and i am still planning on turning that into a oneshot, and i also have an ask from the anon who sent in the prof keigo dumbification + manipulation ask pertaining to how touya + tenko would react when/if they found out, and i still plan on writing a lil drabble for that as well!! i just haven’t gotten around to working on them yet <3
aaaah thank you again my sweet lil dove bb!!!! <33333 i really appreciate you stoppig by to share your thoughts with me and i’m so so so happy that you enjoy my work and that it brought you a bit of entertainment hehehe <33
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To all fans of Emmet/Evelyn (DoubleBattleShipping/SweetFrontierBrainShipping/Emmelyn shippers):
So I decided to bring up the whole odd little situation of Emmet/Evelyn's ship name with the present person running the most current version of the Neverending Romance Shipping List, and I think that I should bring this whole thing up to the community at large (especially since they seem interested in alternate suggestions for solving this little fiasco).
So here is the correspondence I had with them concerning this ship name (text version with hyperlinks included will be included under the cut):
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Basically TL;DR for those who don't know the situation: Due to the Subway Bosses recent resurgence in popularity, Emmet/Evelyn has gained a fair level of popularity within the Pokemon fandom. On the longstanding Neverending Romance list of ships, this is listed as SweetFrontierBrainShipping, but the fandom at large seems to prefer to refer to them to as DoubleBattleShipping. However on this list, DoubleBattleShipping is listed as the pairing name for Enta (CBF) & Mitsuki (CBF) (two characters from a fairly obscure Pokemon manga).
The person who presently runs the Neverending Romance list seems to be a bit conflicted on what do to about all of this. Because on one hand they tend to have a preference for ship names that have real-world usage (to the point of willing to list multiple ships under the same name if a name that is already listed gains real-world usage for a different pairing), but on the other, the submission of DoubleBattleShipping as Enta (CBF) & Mitsuki (CBF) was a legitimate one and Emmet & Evelyn as a ship was submitted under a different name, even if people don't really use that name. However on the other other hand, the submission of Emmet & Evelyn as SweetFrontierBrainShipping was hardly legitimate in the first place as they didn't even list Evelyn by name (calling her "the blue Battle Chatelaine (I forgot her name)" instead) and if they had been running the list then, they would not have accepted this submission. If it wasn't for that barely legitimate submission, they likely would list Emmet & Evelyn alongside Enta (CBF) & Mitsuki (CBF) as DoubleBattleShipping.
As it stands, they aren't likely going to change either listing, but are willing to hear input and other proposals on the issue.
Also don't harass people for using one name or another or refusing to use one name or the other. (Also also, for what it's worth, they would prefer people to use DoubleBattleShipping over Emmelyn due to Pokemon's longstanding 25 year tradition of using the "[EnterNameHere]Shipping" format for ship names.)
For my own part, I think that if the usage of DoubleBattleShipping as Emmet & Evelyn was OVERWHELMING then they would likely have to accept DoubleBattleShipping as the ship name and strike SweetFrontierBrainShipping from the list. But as it presently stands, I don't think there is enough precedence to justify that. (There are only ~20 something posts for Emmet/Evelyn in the DoubleBattleShipping tag. If there were posts in the hundreds for it, then I could see maybe overruling the old name.)
Also as a name, I think that SweetFrontierBrainShipping is just a really bad name for Emmet and Evelyn! People in general don't refer to the Subway Bosses nor the Battle Chatelaines as 'Frontier Brains' (also I think that this ship name mischaracterizes Emmet a bit) and that may be why people have gotten so attached to DoubleBattleShipping as the name for them. If the shipping name was even a little better, then maybe people would accept the old name, but it's just SO BAD! There's just absolutely no enthusiasm for SweetFrontierBrainShipping as the name and so people are looking to call them literally anything else!
So if I may propose another idea: Since the popularity of Emmet/Evelyn is a pretty recent phenomena, maybe we can still change the name within the community to something else that everyone can be happy with! Something that people can be excited to use that isn't already taken. Maybe something involving their blue and white color scheming...? Something else involving the word "double" ...? Something referring to Emmet's butler outfit that goes pretty well with Evelyn's outfit...? Something somehow involving trains and/or roses...? Something referring to their blunt and upfront vs. timid and easy to embarrass dynamic? Since SweetFrontierBrainShipping's submission was barely legitimate in the first place, maybe it could be overruled if something else that isn't already taken starts getting a lot more real-world usage. (Since I honestly don't think that anyone can argue that "the blue Battle Chatelaine (I forgot her name)" isn't Evelyn, I think that this may be a decent compromise given the nature of the submission...?)
But just like the person who runs the current Neverending Romance list, I am open to other suggestions and ideas on what to do about this whole shipping name business! Feel free to reblog this post or message me any ideas you have regarding this whole issue, and I'll relay it over to the person who presently runs the list!
So a ship that I've noticed gaining a fair bit of popularity lately due to the Subway Boss' resurgence in popularity is Emmet/Evelyn. This already has a ship name in SweetFrontierBrainShipping, however it seems that the fandom at large has rejected this name and prefers to refer to them as DoubleBattleShipping (I know that name is already taken, but the ship that it's presently for is pretty obscure and it really does seem that the fandom has spoken in terms of who they prefer to have this name). On Tumblr, the tag has about 1 and a half pages of posts (some 20 something posts) by a smattering of people, but I do know that more posts exist out there by some rather popular artists that for some reason aren't appearing in the tag (even though looking at the posts directly, they are tagged with it. Basically Tumblr's tagging system as always is broken. :p). Meanwhile SweetFrontierBrainShipping has a grand total of 3 posts in its tag on Tumblr. In fact, by all rights, this ship should be under this tag more, however some anonymous people on Tumblr have been a little... Insistent that due to this list existing that Emmet/Evelyn MUST NOT be referred to as DoubleBattleShipping. Some people out there may be afraid to post Emmet/Evelyn under DoubleBattleShipping out of fear of getting harassed by anons (and have therefore been referring to it as Emmelyn).
Honestly, maybe Enta (CBF) & Mitsuki (CBF) should be put under MultiBattleShipping as they are apparently Multi Battle partners, no Double Battles going on here, (Also surprisingly, that ship name hasn't been taken...) leaving DoubleBattleShipping open for Emmet/Evelyn... You know... The two Double Battle specialists... (Also no one refers to the Subway Bosses nor the Battle Chatelaines as Frontier Brains.)
Sorry if I went on for a bit too long here. But hopefully you find this information at least a little useful or interesting.
I've dug through it a bit and this is honestly the wildest thing I've seen out of the Pokemon shipping name fandom in memory. I do appreciate others filling people in about this thread and the list in general as many users may not be aware of the project, but I certainly ask that everyone remain respectful about it. The list has never existed to or claimed to force anyone into using a particular name, and there are several historical examples of an unlisted name catching on in a community despite another name being listed (eg, SeamountShipping). If you're looking to me for input on this situation, the facts as I see them are that SweetFrontierBrainShipping - Emmet & Evelyn was listed around January 2014 and DoubleBattleShipping - Enta (CBF) & Mitsuki (CBF) was listed around February 2015. DoubleBattleShipping was actually submitted in this post on Tumblr alongside two other Enta (CBF) pairings, and hilariously, "SweetFrontierBrainShipping - Emmet and the blue Battle Chatelaine (I forgot her name)" was submitted in this Tumblr post. Since that time, both names have had real-world usage for Emmet & Evelyn, with DoubleBattleShipping having notably more. There are a lot of different facts to consider in this case, including the barely-sufficient submission for SweetFrontierBrainShipping (though it was indeed accepted by my predecessor over 8 years ago, despite their uncertainty over who the submitter was referring to), and this post by the claimed namer of DoubleBattleShipping as Emmet & Evelyn expressing acceptance or resignation to SweetFrontierBrainShipping in the tags. I'm not aware of the list ever striking down a listed name with real-world usage except for particularly egregious cases involving the content of the name itself, and I'm not particularly eager to set that precedent. However, I will say that if SweetFrontierBrainShipping's original submission was brought to me today, I likely wouldn't accept it in that state, and if Emmet & Evelyn was unnamed today, I would likely accept DoubleBattleShipping for it. In conclusion, I don't anticipate a repeal or change to DoubleBattleShipping - Enta (CBF) & Mitsuki (CBF) in any case. The submission is completely proper regardless of anyone's feelings about the significance of the pairing or relevance of the name. I similarly don't anticipate a repeal for SweetFrontierBrainShipping - Emmet & Evelyn unless anyone can show a clear alternative for who "the blue Battle Chatelaine" could have referred to on December 25, 2013. As for DoubleBattleShipping as Emmet & Evelyn, there's a significant amount of past precedent to consider, and the best solution might be to save it as a recognized alternative like SeamountShipping was, should the untouchables return in the future. If anyone has any other proposals or input on this issue, I welcome it. I will, however, say that in any case, I strongly prefer people using DoubleBattleShipping for Emmet & Evelyn over Emmelyn even if it's not strictly in accordance with the list. The Pokemon shipping community has nearly a 25-year-old naming tradition at this point and I don't want that to be eroded.
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zombiebrainsoup · 7 years
it’s been. literally months that i’ve had some of these sitting in my inbox, waiting for me to get around to them. some of y’all have changed urls so i lost some of them. but whatever. we all know that no-one really reads these things anyway
i was tagged by @kuroimarzipan​, @redrose-comes-a-marching​ and @time-to-change-away​ to list 10 fave characters from 10 fandoms
from overwatch: like. all of them, ever. i’m having a gabriel reyes kind of feels day today, tho
star wars: finn
mass effect: jaal ama darav
dragon age: isabela
tolkien verse: peregrin took
pacrim: mako mori
leverage: alec hardison
potterverse: neville longbottom
kingsman: eggsy unwin
in the flesh: amy the beautiful genius
i cbf to tag ppl so if u wanna do the thing consider urself tagged
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ronamov · 7 years
I was tagged by the lovely Julia (@dianadethemyscira) in a tag meme thing, so leggooooo;
O N E ✸
name: Áine || nickname: don’t have one :( || zodiac sign: Pisces
height: 5′6.5″ || orientation: lol || ethnicity: Kiwi (white asf)
favorite fruit: feijoa || favorite season: Autumn
favorite book: um.. The Host? || favorite flower: sunflowers + peonies 
favorite scent: green apple or grapefruit || favorite animal: snow leopard
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa? coffeeeeeeeee
average hours of sleep: who tf knows it varies
cats or dogs? cats 
favorite fictional character: listen I can’t chose between my children
dream trip: Greece to see all the ancient history
when was your blog created? this one was 2013
what do you post about? video games and Star Wars mostly
do you get asks on a regular basis? lol no
aesthetic: idk man I like the look of a lot of things, nature/space mostly
favorite band/artist? oh god uhm… probably XY&O
fictional characters I’d date: literally I cannot list them all, but they’re mainly from video games and Star Wars
hogwarts house: Slytherin 
T W O ✸
Countries I’ve lived in: New Zealand
Favourite fandom: they ALL suck 
Languages you speak: English, rip
Favourite film of 2016: ah fuck um.. Rogue One and Star Trek: Beyond
Last article you read: no idea
Shuffle your music library and put your first three songs here:     Jaymes Young – I’ll Be Good     Momo Ishiguro – A Novel Light That Changed     Retro Culture – Fading
Last thing you bought online: I bought the digital copy of AC:Unity
How would your friends describe you? probably funny idk
How would your enemies describe you? as a bitch 
Who would you take a bullet for? my mum and brothers, my cat
Uuuh I guess I’ll tag these nerds if they cbf; @ladyahsoka @hnzo @captinkrik (+anyone else who wants to do it!)
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atobylotak · 8 years
Tagged by: @thoushallfadenothere I don’t think I was tagged in this yet and I rly wanted to be Tagging: @niekonepadarysi @kwiecista idk who else has done it uh @holgerdanske @nastoychivost and whoever else just wants to do it
Name: Domi/Dom/Dominik Birthday: 5th November Age: 19 Sexual Orientation: Uhhh bisexual ig School Status: starting 3rd year uni this year. I graduate at the end of this year wtf
Drink?: Socially. Once a week at most. Smoke?: Neh Eat cake?: Yeah? Believe in true love?: uhhhh I mean -- I guess there must be some kind of chemistry between two people that just makes them click? I mean -- if two people are together and love each other, that’s true love, right? It’s not false love or anything? Shrugging emoji Afraid of the dark?: Yes it’s actually probably my number 1 fear [with exception of life after death and public speaking] Cat person?: Yeah but I also like dogs ad basically every animal
Shampoo: it’s this dove brand rn with caffeine in it apparently? It’s a 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner ayyy Disney song: don’t get me wrong I love disney, but I’m not truly invested in it? I don’t know every song in every movie. But in saying that, I do really enjoy ‘We know the Way’ from Moana. Actress/Actor: I admire and love so many Actors -- but Sebastian Stan holds a special place in my heart tbh. I really admire the guy and basically when I was halfway through my final year of high school, I decided ‘fuck it’ and chose to pursue my dream in becoming an actor bc I wanted to be like him lmao. Other actors I like include Chris Evans, Jakub Gierszał, Jared Padalecki, Chris Pratt, And many, many more. Car: Nope Person: I can’t just choose one singular person. I like all my friends, my brother is also dank af. Also my partners? They all hold a special place in me somewhere and I care abt all of them I can’t choose a favourite. Type of Weather: Rain and storm~. Okay but also that type of weather where it’s overcast, the wind is picking up, and the faint smell of rain is in the air? My absolute fave 90s Sitcom: Idk man I never rly watched these? 
What is your special talent/skill as a roleplayer?
idfk man. There’s nothing particularly special about my roleplays or anything. Maybe character breakdown? Idk I mean I personally do enjoy breaking down and analysing and developing my characters, and I do like to think I have a bit of a thing for it [I mean, I study theatre. We learn character breakdown and shit there.] But I mean I don’t think my ability is any better or unique or so than other people?
What is your favourite type of roleplay genre, and why?
I think definitely uh.... I hate the word angst -- but genres that require exploring that weaker, more vulnerable side to my muse. I don’t wanna come off as edgy and ‘ugh, I only like dark themes’ and shit. So just to clarify, I also really enjoy roleplaying the sweet romantic and heart warming stuff. I also find myself really getting muse and inspiration when writing more emotionally -- particularly when it is something sad and stuff. I enjoy exploring and developing my muse on that front -- especially bc Feliks is someone who internalises his emotions a lot, so it’s very hard to even get the chance to see these sides of him?  Anything involving arguments between him and Arūnas though always makes me literally cry. It’s terrible.
Why did you pick your muse?
when I saw Fel on screen for the first time, I immediately took him in as my son. When I was just starting to get into roleplay -- I tried a couple of other characters first. Bel.arus and Chi.na. But when I got to Feliks, he was the only one that I felt truly invested in exploring more and wanting to roleplay. I found the other two a little too complicated for me to get into the mindset at the time [and now I just cbf] and Feliks now has grown and developed so much and I have 0 regrets choosing him as my muse, I honestly am proud of myself that I managed to stick with him for so long and developed him in ways I did.
if you could write any other muse - but know you don’t have the muse for him/her - who would it be?
Ukra.ine tbh. I really love her and I think about her a lot -- but I don’t think I could roleplay babusya with enough justice. Also I don’t wanna dedicate my life to another 1000+ years worth of history. 
What is one thing you think you need to work on as a partner?
My time management with replies. I either reply in less than 5 minutes, or more than 3 weeks. No in between.  Also I think length of threads. Sometimes my replies may get too long and I struggle with that.
What would be your warning label to other roleplayers?
I’m a really Salty Gay(tm) and will either cry to you over smth involving Feliks, or I will salt and vent about all kinds of things in the rp comm
What is your favourite episode/scene of your muse?
laffs a lot. I. I can’t bring myself to like much abt him in the show or manga bc of how he is portrayed [def in comparison to my portrayal.] I kinda did enjoy that scene between him and Lithua.nia where they’re sharing legends and stories together.
What crack!ships do you have for your muse?
Thanks to Mar I developed a liking for PolCan tbh. 
What is your senpai blog?
There is one roleplayer I absolutely idolised [and still look up to today ofc.] Quite a few friends of mine know, and I think they themselves know. But I really admire Kaj on their dobrebopolskie, especially back in 2013-14. They inspired me to get back into roleplay, and also to come up with my own interpretation and portrayal, even if it conflicts with canon. To this day I still find it so amazing that I’m actually friends with them and talking to them and stuff? Bc wow 2013 me always thought I was ‘too lame’ to even associate with them. 
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