#literally everything kinda weird abt the books
demenior · 9 months
The wheel of time TV show committed to the book series universal truth that RoJo had a deep-seated need to be dominated by mean women and I respect that commitment to the source material
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pupyuj · 19 days
[cw: g!p liz, pregnancy, breeding kink, lactation kink]
i wasn’t meant to write anything for this bcs i was literally just sitting eating breakfast this morning when the thought of baby daddy jiwon graced my brain and i laughed at it for a second but then it got serious so now ya’ll have to indulge me bcs??? 🤤🤤 also not me saying that that one baby daddy yuj was the only time i’ll write abt pregnancy and yet here we are…
kinda long bcs i rlly loved the fluffy stuff so hehe have fun 💖
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we’re all thinking about the same thing, right? your chaotic mess of a girlfriend jiwon feeling as if her whole world was turned upside down when you sit her down and give her the news in the morning where the two of you were supposed to go on a cute picnic date 😭 you can’t tell me she wouldn’t sit there for at least half an hour taking everything in, merely just staring at the wall with her mouth hanging open for so long you thought it would get stuck that way 😭😭 and ykw you were worried for a bit!! the two of you certainly didn’t plan on this happening and this was the clear result of both of you forgetting to use protection that one night where you were just eager to feel the other’s skin,, you half expected jiwon to be angry and lash out at you but no! ofc weird ass jiwon takes a deep breath before pulling you up to your feet and hugging you 🥺
she figured that the news was even harder on you since you were the one carrying the kid,, and being the amazing girlfriend she was, she prioritized your feelings over her own,, comforting you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear when you broke down in her arms not bcs you were upset abt being pregnant or anything but bcs you were just relieved that jiwon wasn’t going to abandon you 🥺🥺 and you’d still go on that picnic date with her! it would be awkward at first but best believe she’s promising to be there for you and with you every step of the way whether or not you decide to keep the baby 🥹💞
i believe in the ‘jiwon would be a wonderful soon-to-be-daddy’ agenda! due to her genuine fear of fucking shit up, she’d probably read countless parenting books 😭😭 sure she knew how to take care of a little kid or two but not a baby! let alone one that she made! she’s reading books, getting ahead of the game and researching and possibly buying all the stuff your kid needs, asking her parents for advice… jiwonie just wants to be the perfect partner and parent 🥺💕 you’d find her in the kitchen one day practicing how to make milk—as in making sure it’s the correct temperature and that it tastes good.. don’t ask her how many times she has actually finished a whole tiny bottle of baby milk 😭😭
and now to the nasty parts! ☺️ if i remember correctly i said this same thing about baby daddy yuj (🤤… sorry—) but jiwonie would sometimes find herself staring at you and thinking back to the night she got you knocked up! it would be worse with her though—unlike yujin’s massive ego showoff, she’s more… dreamy about it? 😭 like she’s really basking in every detail of that night from the stumbling-into-your-bedroom shit while giggling, practically ripping each other’s clothes off while making out, jiwon surprising you with her hidden strength when she suddenly just pushes you into the bed and quite literally gives you the best fucking of your life?? all that of that along with seeing that growing bump in your stomach and your now swollen tits heavy with milk, well… nobody can blame jiwon from getting hard on the spot!
also becomes a clingy perv 🤤🤤 obsessed with backhugging you randomly and kissing your neck bcs it makes you giggle bcs ur ticklish and she loves hearing you laugh BUT ALSO you whimper and get goosebumps all over your skin so it just… turns her on so much 🫣 loves caressing your little baby bump while she half listens to you yap about your day and half touches you all over 😳 you don’t notice what she’s doing until one of her hands is squeezing your inner thigh and the other is making its way up to your breasts,, “our kid’s very lucky.. they have the prettiest mom in the whole world.” and she’s leaving marks all over your neck and shoulder while she feels up your soaked panties… 🫣🫣
jiwon’s a love-maker so expect to be gently fucked while standing by the sink! has definitely memorized each and every spot that has you scratching her arms and curling your toes so you were just completely at her mercy the entire time! the contrast of jiwon telling you the sweetest and prettiest things in your ear while she softly fucks you into an orgasm that has you seeing white?? see, she’s all hot and sexy while fucking you but then you turn around after getting situated and you see a wet spot in the middle of her pants.. even she would laugh and cover up her red face 😭 but she can’t help it okay?! it’s totally normal for someone to cum while fucking their partner.. jiwon just happened to be so stinking cute while doing so that you can’t help but take her to bed afterwards 🤭
now as we’ve established before, jiwon’s always taking care of you and that pretty much tripled every time you wanted to do something ‘drastic’ in terms of sex!☝️ jiwon is always careful when in bed with you, only choosing positions that were safe and comfortable for you even if they weren’t for her! even if you have her rolling her eyes to the back of her head while you ride her, jiwon’s still looking out for you! whether it may be asking if you’re okay, if anything hurts, or just singing your praises to ease you 🥺🥺
jiwon’s so weak against dirty talk too?? 😭 especially when you tell her you want to make a big family with her bcs she knows that means you want her to get you pregnant over and over and yk what that does to her brain?? it almost literally shuts it down bcs she gets sooo turned on at the idea 😵‍💫 sometimes she even thinks about it when she’s cleaning up the house or at work and has to run to the bathroom bcs her fucking cock just wants to burst out of her pants 😭 baby can’t control it, she always needs you :((
ah yeah and the moment your tits start leaking?? it’s so over bcs you’d think that jiwon wouldn’t get even more obsessed with you than she already is but you’re so wrong‼️‼️ teases you and calls you ‘mommy’ a lot while licking and sucking away at your breasts.. and eye contact is a must bcs she loves the flush on your cheeks as you watched her lap all of your milk up! 🫣 and she definitely makes a joke abt being the one to drink your breastmilk if your kid ever gets tired of it but the two of you know damn well it’s not just a joke 🤭 jiwon also loves massaging your breasts to ease the tension in your shoulders and god her dick just gets so fucking hard when she feels her hands get wet w your milk 😵‍💫
in all of your years dating jiwon you never could have guessed that there was a gentlewoman in her! definitely the perfect balance of being a good mommy and a very charming daddy 🥺🥺 speaking of which, her knees turn into jelly whenever you ‘jokingly’ call her ‘daddy’ in and out of bed 🫣 she’s the cutest baby daddy ever 💕
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queenie-blackthorn · 8 months
100% done w kotlc book one, here are my summarized thoughts (you can read my thoughts as i progressed through the book, heres my thoughts from when i hit the 25% mark, the 50% mark, and the 75% mark)
okay, woooowwwww. that ending was so chaotic, i barely understood a thing. prolly the only thing i dont like abt this book. i might need to reread to like properly soak in everything that happened
onto notes, my guess abt biana was right ??? woah okay. i wonder about alvar tho, it wasnt confirmed here that hes w the black swam but it wasnt denied either. we still dont know who snuck the notes into her locker, n ill believe that its alvar until proven otherwise
i think its fairly obvious in retrospect that mr forkle was some kinda elf, the way he reacted to the jogger was wayy too protective. rlly smooth foreshadowing there, miss messenger
i had also guessed that sophies powers stretch a lot further than she thinks, which is basically very heavily hinted at by aldin. since i made that guess we discovered shes a polyglot and an inflictor, which is mind boggling considering those were both in the span of like fifty pages max. i wonder what else we're gonna get in terms of sophies powers
also, is it weird that i laughed at the idea of bronte teaching sophie? shes been complaining abt her alchemy mentor but now its gonna be bronte. hes gonna make her life living hell, n i promise i feel for her but dear god is it gonna be funny. either that or ill daydream abt boiling him alive
its also fairly obvious by now that the series is gonna have a romantic subplot with a love triangle between keefe n sophie n fitz. i mean, fitz n keefe are best friends n she found both of them cute on sight, it was obvious from the beginning, but the "i like you more as a friend than a sister" thing that fitz said at the end (or smth to that effect) basically guaranteed it. since i obv have moots who post abt kotlc, i already know who its gonna be, but lets pretend i dont for the time being
also, perhaps i judged fitz too harshly upon first meeting him 👉🏼👈🏼
im still fairly suspicious abt the allergy n (as i mentioned) alvar, but also i wonder abt keefes dad. theres more to him, i just know it. maybe in book two ill find out more
also can i just say, im terrified for the next one. its literally called 'exile'. WHAT HAPPENS TO SOPHIE PLEA-
thats all i can think of rn, time to go read the next one !! also yall lmk if you want me to post my thoughts abt book two as i progress, like i did w this one (imma start it as soon as i post this), n also lmk if you wanna be tagged in said posts about my thoughts
@aylin-hijabi @that-multi-fandom-hijabi @tastetherainbow290
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cryptidclaw · 5 months
Sorry if this is weird to ask you but with the talk of queens (abt them being treated lesser and weirdly in general, which I totally agree with) I was hoping to get some input on an idea for my own rewrite.
Reading the books, I just kept asking myself "Why should they have to be shipped into a den for six months to care for them all on their own when theres tons of cats, especially their mates, who can and should be helping so that they didn't have to drop everything else abt their lives and hobbies for so long just because they had kids? Why is it that she loses so much about herself but her mate can stay a warrior and have nothing to do with parenting and that's okay? How come being a mother is treated like a statement of inability to be in power? (Bluestar and Leafstar, for example). Why does she lose her "warriorhood" like that?"
It's not just that they're treated like their stupid and only thinking about their kids for me, it's also the fact the erins treat parenting like queens (women) are the only ones who can/will/should be involved in parenting. It's unfair to both them and toms, and honestly, to me, it makes more sense for parenting to be communal, much like hunting and patrolling responsibilities are shared. With of course parents still playing a big part.
Essentially, my idea is to just abolish it being a whole job thing like that in my rewrite and have it be a shares responsibilty between everyone (but their parents most importantly). Queens ofc would still get "leave" from other duties while recovering and for nursing, but they don't have that expectation to be the kittens' only caretaker for so long, and their mate(s) would have just as much expectation to be involved as compared to the lack of any expectations of paternal and other-cat-given care in canon.
Oh, and much like the other shared duties that the Clan has, not everyone has to be involved if they don't want to or they just arent good at it. Some cats do more patrolling, some do more hunting, some do more healing (In my thing its not exclusive to a seer), etc, and some do more childcare. It's that simple. But if you choose to have kids then your gonna be involved unless you just aren't a good parent (ex: Rainflower). I think it makes more sense being communal when a big part of the Clans, to me at least, is community, loyalty, and the bonds that keep it together, and that needs to be formed and what better way then to let the kittens learn they can rely on their Clanmates young, and know that they are just as worthy of trust, love, and loyalty as their parents/queen?
And it's not that I see anything wrong with the role of a queen and parenting, promise, I just think it's unfair the expectations always fall on them, and that the erins write fathers like they have no place being fathers in the first place. Also outside of my irritation I just rlly like the idea of the whole clan taking part in raising, playing with, and educating the kittens idk it's just always been cute to me. And like I mentioned before, there are cats who play roles like a perma-queen, and there's nothing wrong with that.
But yeah I just kinda wanted to know if this rlly makes any sense at all/if it's fair 😭 sorry if it's uncomfortable or anything like that
this is a BIG reason as to why I added the Caretaker role to RoC as well! Caretakers take on that communal helper role in taking care of kits (as well as the rest of the clan). Queens and their mates should both equally share in the parenting role, and should also get help from others in the clan. also cats literally do this. they communally help in caring for kittens!
so ya! I love your idea of the whole clan helping with caring for the kits! it is just SO much better than the way canon does it.
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solar-halos · 7 months
spoilers for the ballad of songbirds and snakes movie down below!! but i just need to talk abt this in xtreme detail before i explode
1. i really liked the Baby Snow / Tigris inclusion. i was wondering if they’d include the cannibal scene
2. the beginning was just a straight up thirst trap sorry. like ik in the book snow was freaking out over his shirt but it didn’t rlly occur to me that he’d be butt booty naked. im not complaining bc i said it once and i’ll fucking say it again: i’m not watching someone be manipulative AND ugly for two fucking hours. it was just kinda a jump scare
3. also another concern was that you wouldn’t be able to tell how shitty of a person he was since he’s so outwardly nice but his internal monologue is slimy and ratworthy, so i thought they’d do the things movies do where he’s narrating his thoughts to the audience. yk like “hey persephone! <3. how are you??” and then his voiceover is like “i fucking hate this bitch. cannibalistic weirdo” but maybe that would have been too humorous
4. speaking of humor i actually loved lucky so fucking much. he rlly emulated the whole “what i lack in experience i make up for in personality :)” thing and just he kinda carried the fact that everything abt televising the games was so new. also that scene at the zoo where lucy gray asked him who the fuck he even was and the cameraman started laughing.. funny as fuck. enjoyed that part immensely
5. also she did in fact correct them that her name was lucy gray and not just lucy
6. loved the whole “how come she gets a mender” “MENTOR” part i’m also glad they kept that in
7. let’s go back to the beginning. i LOVE how closely they stuck to the book when it came to the shirt scene “that must be why it reminds me of my maids bathroom” THATS what i’m talking about
8. also clemensia is sooo pretty. one thing that irritated me was how OFTEN she and snow kept glancing over at each other during dean highbottom’s speech. like i know i’m being irrational abt this but most the time she would look over at him and he would NOT look back (or vice versa) instead of them BOTH hitting each other w the “what the fuck?” glance and something abt that did admittedly grind my gears
9. fucking love sejanus’ actor the first movie i saw him in was west side story and he ate here
10. speaking of that… coral fucking ate too every single scene i was on her side she was the victor to ME
11. anyway let’s go back a bit with the proposal gaul had snow (and clemensia) write up. to me, the way the scene unfolded was weird. it was supposed to show a contrast between clemensia mourning and snow not rlly giving a fuck, but clemenisa being the one saying “give me the bullet points” was strange. to me, i feel like the convo should have gone like: “how could gaul expect us to write that proposal i was crying over arcchane all night” “dw i already wrote it” “where did you find the time? i was too busy grieving” “do you want the bullet points or not?” or something. idk i’m not a movie writer
12. why did clemensia stick her hands in there maybe it was the same in the book but at that point she just needed to admit defeat
13. okay one thing i DO remember about the book is that no one at the cornocupia fought each other, reaper was literally the only one ready to fight. that kinda pissed me off bc i feel like they could have made it interesting in a emotional way (like showing how desperate the tributes are to escape in their own ways) instead of an action sort of way (bc GODDAMN where did they learn to brawl like that?? d4 makes sense but some of them were shooting ARROWS katniss everdeen style). but again im not a movie person so “interesting in an emotional way” is just me being pretentious
14. wovey </3. i’m not rlly sure why they had dill drink the water i think having wovey drink it like in the book would have packed more of a punch ESPECIALLY since lucy gray makes a comment abt how she reminds her of maude ivory / that scene where wovey holds her hand. maybe that was in the book too tho i’m not sure i haven’t read it since it came out. one change that i did remember AND tolerated was snow being the one to cause the whole fuck up w the drones “i wasn’t attacking the other tributes—i was just sending her water” VERY good scene, gave more insight to his character imo. like yes i would have loved a d3 moment but i think this tweak not only made sense but made everything much more nice and neat and smooth
15. okay the singing parts. loved the reaping, but lucy gray constantly being like “give me a second, boys” “let’s go, boys” reminded me of that one delaney video
16. “you can kiss my ass!!!!!!” she ate that
17. also oooo the song she sang abt billy taupe that made snow jealousssss. she was so good like ugh. idk something abt the >:( faces she made ignited something in me. which is exactly the point of lucy gray and rachel zegler literally did such a fantastic job playing maria in west side story so tbh what we were expecting if anyone could have played this role it was her
18. and then lawrence whatever saying this was a love story… okay. i’ve always had the opinion that lucy gray genuinely liked snow (like in a stockholm-y way) BUT snow was too blinded by control to actually love her back, so i could see where he was coming from. with that being said, i feel like in the books snow had a lot more moments where he was doing / saying “sweet” things to lucy gray, so the scene where they almost kissed and then her happiness at being reunited with him just seemed so awkward and out of place. like i get it they truly did not spend that much time together but the kiss before the arena was so important idk why they left it out. when they kissed after being reunited and when she was like :D after seeing him in 12 i was like “uhh yall don’t even know each other like that calm down”
19. let’s go back the arena. i like the little nod of lucy gray killing treech w rat poison, even if it was kinda anticlimactic
20. speaking of anticlimatic… the ending? sucked. like it would have been abrupt either way and maybe i’m just misremembering but the lucy gray showdown with treech could have been the action scene that replaced the bloodbath (bc the bloodbath didn’t exist back then!!! that was the whole point!!!). also i don’t remember gaul being so adamant about not wanting a victor at all, but i understand why they did that bc how else would they have incorporated the “get her out” chant
21. there were a lot of scenes that made me go “ohhh i wanna remember this forever that’s so good and clever.” of course i forgot abt most of it by the time the movie was over, but one scene that stuck out to me was when the capitol students got rlly fuckin angry when reaper tore down their flag
22. also i knew what happened to marcus but tell me why i gasped when i saw him hanging there anyway
23. i don’t remember lamina crying in the books??? also don’t understand why snow was against the alliance here i think him being confused abt it in the book was better bc i when i read it i remember being genuinely surprised that he was surprised that lucy gray wanted to team up w someone i was like ummm isn’t that common sense
24. “it isn’t fair i killed all those ppl for nothing.” GOOSEBUMPS
25. again maybe i’m misremembering but didn’t snow beat the shit out of bobbin even after he already knew he was dead?? even if that wasn’t the case and i’m just misremembering i feel like they should have drawn that out more to show snows descent into Psychotic Bitch Mode
26. that scene where billy taupe was pulling at lucy grays skirt and being like “ik u missed me” dragged out for WAY too long, esp since lucy gray kept repeating “get off me, billy taupe. get off me” like WAY too calmly given the context of the situation. again im not a movie person AT ALL, but i think her snapping and kicking billy taupe away could have been a nod to how she bit his hand in the book. then, after she kicked him, snow could have arrived and started being the shit out of him. idk her biting billy taupe was something snow mentioned when he was justifying how he was gonna kill her, so idk. i thought they were gonna do a ranting sequence / flashback scenes with snow remembering how lucy gray was “violent” / “dangerous” that would trigger him (no pun intended) to actually start shooting. like him beating up billy taupe for a longer time than he needed to was also an indicator that he’s in Psychotic Bitch Mode, but i feel like it could have been a 2-in-1. if that makes sense
27. why did billy taupe push mayfair in the TITS. go to hell
28. said it before and i’ll say it again: lucy gray is a fashion icon. i wanna crochet her bathing suit so bad
29. that scene where they were going to the woods and snow was slapping away the mosquito omg. he was PISSED
30. “it’s a mystery. just like me” oh my fucking god i love rachel zeglers portrayal of lucy gray
31. also call me classist but i fucking hate country music but rachel zeglers performances might have converted me. “cant take my paaaaaast” yee yee!
32. okay. so i think a big question was if snow was portrayed as properly slimy and ratworthy to ppl who did NOT read the books. in my opinion, i don’t think so. in the books, you can obviously tell he’s fucking awful. in the movies, he’s obviously shitty too, but i feel like there are moments where he’s portrayed way kinder than he actually is, like when he started crying over sejanus. they kept in a lot of stuff he said sympathizing w the tributes (like the part in the book where he was like “how could they punish marcus for trying to escape from certain death?” BUT they DID leave out parts that made him so intolerable, like when he genuinely convinced himself that lucy gray was more capitol than district / his gross thoughts abt the games and control and possessiveness in general. like remember when he said that having lucy gray locked up in the capitol was a better alternative than her being in d12 bc at least he’d know where she was at all times?? or when he was ready to give up on trying to reunite w her bc it was hot asf and SENJAUS had to be the one to convince him to keep going? wtf
33. ALSO something that bugged the hell out of me is sejanus’ death scene. bc in the book his last words were ma BUT in the movie it sounded so much like he said pa. idk if that was just me tho but it caught me so off guard bc this man has DADDY ISSUES and it would be so different if he said pa. Pa is money and wealth, Ma is comfort and compassion. wanting his dad = he rlly just wanted his dad to bail him out. wanting his ma = wanting comfort and stability. but it sounded a lot more like ma when the jabberjays repeated everything back so maybe i just misheard
34. snow glaring at the rainbow fucking sent me i know his ass was brainstorming (no pun intended) on how to control the fucking weather
35. okay sorry i need to talk more about how snow was portrayed. my sister went w me but i did not know that she didn’t know ANYTHING about the movie, she was just coming w me bc she felt bad that i’d have to wait another week to watch it and decided that she wasn’t even gonna read a summary abt it. like she did not know that coriolanus snow = president snow, but i was still hoping that she knew that he was a bad person. nope. as soon as we left, she told me how much she hated the ending, and i thought it was bc she was pissed no one found out about snow. nope again. in her words, “i thought they’d get married”
my live reaction to that information
to be fair, when i was her age, i thought heathers was a love story, so i had to cut her some slack. after a bit of INTERROGATION, this is what she told me:
1. at least she thought that HE’D move in with HER, and not the other way around
2. what would be his motivation for moving to the districts? cos obviously he hated the capitol
okay me when i write a lucy gray / sejanus fanfiction. but still. if that’s what she got from the portrayal of his character, i think it’s safe to say that they could have done a lot more work to ensure that he was perfectly ratworthy to the audience. like yes she’s young and yes she had no idea what the fuck was going on (in her words: “yeah i was like ‘i’ll just ask u to explain it to me after’”) but i feel like knowing that he’s an awful person who hates the district should be something u make GLARINGLY obvious, even if it would be cheesy. i know that shoving a hot person on screen and downplaying their characters HEINOUS crimes is rlly common when it comes to things like this, but i genuinely don’t think that was (quite) the case here. like he had the potential of being as horrible as he is in the book (not even hesitating to send the jabberyjay recording of sejanus to the capitol, telling sejanus he only said all that shit abt changing the world bc he just wanted to save his own ass) but it just.. felt very half-assed. in my opinion
36. look i know this post is already xtremely long but would u believe me if i said there were more things i wanted to talk abt but can’t remember bc i have goldfish memory?? bc i do. but that’s all i can remmeber for now. goodnight and goodbye
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angrelysimpping · 2 years
uhm,, can u please do some hcs with the love interests+Bailey where the pc gets jealous after seeing them around someone who has everything they’re insecure abt?? Thanks in advance !! I really love ur writing!! i literally check the tag first whenever i log in to tumblr to see if u posted some new stuff lol 😔😫💓💞
(DoL relationships and I think that's all there is to warn for?)
Alex doesn't really realize you're jealous, at first. 
Sure, you're hanging all over them even though you're both sticky with sweat and it's the hottest part of the day, but you guys are usually all over each other around this time. 
Yeah, Alex usually starts things, but that's fine. More than fine, actually. Alex quite enjoys how you can't seem to get enough of them. 
It doesn't even cross their mind that this might have something to do with the client that came by earlier. The one who touched Alex's arm and kept giving them hungry looks while licking their lips. 
The moment they find out, it makes them want to laugh. 
Jealous? Over them? Really?
They can't recall that ever happening before, and they kinda like it. 
Finds it a little cute, really. 
Won't dissuade you from getting all jealous, but they don't feed into any insecurities you may have. 
All night you've stuck to Avery's side like glue and Avery knows exactly why. 
Avery may not be a huge flirt, but stunning smiles and compliments can work wonders if used correctly. 
You've never seemed to mind Avery charming others while you were on their arm, but tonight is different. 
Tonight, something must have struck a nerve with you. Something, someone, must have made you feel like you had to act like this. 
And, well, Avery can't say they don't like you clinging to their side, but it can get a little annoying. 
It's cute, but don't go around scowling at anyone. Just stick to their side and look good. 
Of course, they’ll use this to their advantage. 
You’re jealous, right? Don’t want Avery looking at anyone other than you? Then you’ll do anything they want, right? 
Hell of an ego boost as well, knowing you get all worked up over them like that. But, they’re not ‘yours,’ you understand? You might be their pretty little plaything to take on dates and fuck however they like, but Avery is not your anything. Don’t forget that. 
Piss off.
What do you think you're doing, acting like a fucking brat?
Aw, did you see Bailey talking to a buyer? Did it strike a nerve in you? Big fucking deal. 
What are you, jealous? Of what? And why? You’re not anything to Bailey but another mouth to feed and another source of income. 
Acting like a little shit because you’ve got some misguided crush on your caretaker? Too bad.
But, well, if you’re going to go acting up, maybe Bailey can find a way to use this to their advantage. 
You’ve got feelings for them? Then why don’t you pay your dues on time and stay out of their way, huh? 
They’re not going to change themself, cut off potential clients, just because you got your stupid feelings hurt. 
Want to get into their good books? Then stay out of trouble and give them their money. Simple as that. Act like a jealous little shit and you might get their attention, but not in the way you want. Probably. 
It's rare for Eden to go into town, even more so now that you live with them. They hate letting you go into town but it's worth the risk. 
Until you don't come back and Eden ends up having to go into town anyway. 
It's only natural for Eden to kill two birds with one stone; to pick up both you and their supplies while in town. 
It's only after they talk to the cashier that you start acting all weird, clinging to Eden's side and glaring at any passerby. 
Why are you acting like this?
It takes a moment for it to click on Eden's head that you're jealous. Not only that, but you’re over them. 
It’s a bit of a boost to their ego, honestly. Though, the irony of the situation isn’t lost on them. You’re jealous over them interacting with someone, but your disobedience is the only reason they’re in town to start with. 
Of course, they’ll use this to their advantage. You don’t like them talking to other people? It makes you feel insecure and jealous? Good. Follow their rules, then. Only stay in town for so as long as they allow and then come scurrying back to them. Then they won’t have to talk to anyone but you, and that’s what you both want, isn’t it?
Threatens to use it against you, to go into town more often, but, honestly? Eden hates the idea of being in town longer than necessary, of talking to anyone else. Try to call them on that bluff though? You might end up in the dog house, literally.  
Kylar knows almost instantly that something is wrong.
The subtle shift in your body language, the small frown, the way you look at the other person.
Kylar was only talking to that other person for a second, telling them how you’re their partner. They didn’t mean to upset you!
While it gives them a little thrill when you snap at that person to back off, makes their heart flutter when you snarl how Kylar is yours, they don't want to upset you!
It makes them panicky, anxiety thrumming under their skin at the thought that you might think they don’t love you or that they might go after someone else.
Because they wouldn't do that! Ever! Don’t think that they would! Please!
They might get a little irrational, really. They don’t want you thinking that they don’t adore you or would ever leave you for anyone.
Also, why are you acting jealous? Don’t you know you’re perfect?
Robin’s always nice and polite when selling their drinks around town. Well, most of the time. It’s good for business, after all. Also, it’s just in their nature.
So, they don’t understand why you’re glaring at the person they just sold a cup to.
That person wasn’t rude or anything. Well, they don’t think they were rude. They didn’t do or say anything to you when Robin wasn’t looking, right? Is everything okay?
It takes Robin a moment to piece it together, but you’ll know when they do, a slight frown on their face as they question you. You’re jealous? What? Why? Because of that person they sold a drink to? Really? 
It is a little bit of a boost to their confidence that you’d get jealous over them talking to someone else, but, really, there’s no need. 
At lower confidence, they’ll try to joke it off. Might be a little self-deprecating. As long as they make you laugh, or, well, stop glaring at least. Though, if you’ve started standing closer to them as a way of expressing that jealousy, they want that to continue. They like your presence, being close to them, even if it makes them feel a little guilty to encourage your behavior. 
At high confidence, they take your face in their hands and tell you there's no reason for you to get jealous. High likelihood of Robin booping the tip of their nose against yours for emphasis.
They don’t realize for a while, honestly. 
You’re sticking close to them as they do chores at the Temple, that’s all. Sydney doesn’t give a second thought to the other initiate they’d been chatting to right when you arrived. 
This could go on for ages before something clicks in Sydney's head and they realize that you're jealous. Even longer to realize that you're jealous because of who they were talking to.
And they don’t like it.
When pure, they might chide you for your actions. No, you can’t help how you feel, but you can control how you act on those emotions.
The more corrupt Sydney is, the more likely they are to tease you. Just a little. 
Regardless, they’ll make sure you know that you have no reason to get jealous. You’re their beloved. They’re bound to you, and you to them. Forever.
Whitney knows what's happening. 
The moment they start talking to some random in the halls and you start pressing against their side, glaring at the poor bastard? Whitney lights up.
Oh, this is hilarious.
You’re jealous? Fuckin’ ridiculous.
Don’t you know that you’re just Whitney’s plaything? It doesn't matter if it hurts your poor slut feelings or whatever if Whitney talks to someone else. 
In fact, now that they know they can get this reaction out of you, they’re going to make you feel like this more often. Especially if it means you’re doing your best to keep Whitney’s interest by doing whatever they want, be that dropping to your knees or stipping in the halls. Less likely to intentionally make you jealous when at low dominance, though they still might try from time to time. 
Though, they do find it a little annoying. Whitney gets to do whatever the fuck they want in this ‘relationship.’ If you think otherwise, then they’ll have to remind you.
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im gonna rant abt how much i hate the ghost eyes fandom (as a former fan) bc im just kinda mad rn
so uhh yeah major TW for s3lf h4rm, romanticizing mental illness, su1c1de, sadomasochism, infantilization, and rlly just anything related to that
(also sorry if this looks weird idk how to separate stuff on tumblr)
also DO NOT harass the creator or anyone mentioned here, you’re no better than them if you do that
ok so i read ghost eyes like 2 years ago but i stopped reading about the point where they were on that field trip. i still think it’s a nice comic and i’m sure the author is a cool person, also the art style is awesome. but the fandom is so fucking gross that i’m surprised more people haven’t talked about it. 
for some backstory on this, i used have REALLY bad depression and was cutting myself regularly (i’m much better now, i have medication, therapy, and i’m almost a year clean) i also stopped reading due to the comic severely damaging my mental health and i’m very glad i did. i was younger and immature and thought i could handle such content. this led to me becoming extremely obsessed with the comic to an unhealthy level, and getting severely attached to one of the characters (rudy) because i could relate to him at that time. i seriously thought that i WAS him sometimes.
i understand now that i should NOT have ignored the label and what i did was definitely wrong and if the creator is reading this i deeply apologize. i’m in a much better place now and i’m just glad that i was able to get the help i needed.
ok now to the angry part
if you don’t know what ghost eyes is, it’s a webcomic about a severely traumatized boy attending school for the first time and meeting a bunch of other severely traumatized kids. this comic has a crap ton of triggering/sensitive/disturbing topics (which is not a bad thing as long as you do it right) and like i said before, the creator has kindly put a warning before the comic starts stating that you SHOULD NOT romanticize/idolize/sexualize/kin any of the characters, do not read unless you can handle such topics, and so forth. now i know i should have definitely put the comic down before and not gotten obsessed over it, but i knew damn well enough that it was messed up to romanticize/sexualize any of the characters/things that happened in the book.
there are several scenes in which a character is self harming or harming someone else, and the comments will say shit like “nooo my poor bean” “awww baby don’t do that” or my personal favorite “protect the smol bean.” first of all, the characters are like 16-17, second of all, i cannot even tell you how fucked up it is that people see someone ruining their lives and putting themselves in danger and think it’s “cute” or “anxiety smol bean uwu” THERES LITERALLY A SCENE WHERE SOMEONE IS GETTING STABBED AND PPL ARE DRAWING THIS MF IN A MAID DRESS.
another reason i despise these fans is that they see an abusive relationship and start making ships/kinning them. as someone who has gone through pretty much everything rudy has gone through, i cant tell you how irritating it is to see people shipping him with his abuser or calling him a “cutie patootie masochist boi uwu” cause lemme tell you what-it doesnt feel good to have to put your health in danger and ruin your relationships with others just so you can get off somehow. ITS NOT FUN. the whole point of rudy’s character is to not romanticize someones fucked up mental health.
i could spend hours talking about this group of immature brats, but i’m tired and it’s a school night and i have a test tomorrow. i might add on if i feel like i need to but overall i really hope those immature fans grow up and realize their mistakes like i did, or get the help they need.
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cerealmonster15 · 6 months
no wait talk 2 me abt rook&vil they're so silly (unless ur legitimately busy but I will listen if u ever want to talk abt sillies lol)
god i had to restrain myself from literally screenshotting every single convo vil and rook have ever had bc theres Simply Too Much, and even trying to contain myself i still went over the limit LOL god ok anyway love is real and i have to put in a readmore bc i love posting screenshots and talking FOREVER!!!!!
one of my earlier memories of them was back when i first got into twst in 2020 and reading random card stories. i remember the jade leech dorm story and i just got his card recently so i got to relive married couple vil and rook experiencing Jade Leech Behavior
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"you're making me jealous~ is he as good as meeee~" and vils like well kinda LOL but also in the rook lab coat story
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aka the one where rooks openly thirsting after leona and teases vil about being jealous about it. like hello. ?? ?!?!!?!?!?!
also TWO instances of vil casually dropping that leonas attractive
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a pretty face. a good looking layabout. vil no one is making you say these things.
anyway i just love how openly loving rook is in general, but especially with vil 😭
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^both from the jade dorm story.... vil shows up and hes like Oh My God Life Is Beautiful. ok well hes like that about everything but he does it More when vils around :')
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god this whole second half of rooks lab story is soooooooo hshdhfhehheskefkjjdfjfgfdg yknow????? like the whole story is half rook being So Very Weird About Leona fkjefskljdf "if those sharp fangs of his pierced my windpipe, why, i'd be done for in an instant. the very notion makes my heart quiver" ROOK BE NORMAL CHALLENGE just kidding i love that hes a freak it's so fun. he says something kinda similar about vil??? i cant remember which instance it was - i wanna say maybe when vil got kidnapped in Halloween 2 or book 6 or something? where he said something like "oh no, i know vil doesnt need my protection. if i dared imply such a thing he'd kick me in the head with his six inch heels lol 🤗" like HELLO????
speaking of halloween 2, omg. i forgot to take screenshots but that whole bit makes me insane. he calls vil "my etolle/ my star" and is agonizing over his disappearance......... hes so overjoyed to see him again and rushes to his side when theyre reunited,, and omfg i also forgot the part in masquerade where hes getting ready to leave and hes like "here is a flower, im so sorry im leaving you alone vil, ill be back to you before this flower blooms ♥" like literally why was he so romantic about it. vils like dude you will be gone Three Days fjklsejklfjkls i cant get over it. it's so FUNNY and so,,, hfhdhhhghf. the way he and vil act like parents of pomefiore is so cute too. like when theyre leaving rooks like "dont worry vil ill be with epel to make sure things are going okay!!" and vils like "hmm. yea idk im still worried actually" bc he loves rook but he also knows rook better than anyone LOL
anyway i got distracted, back to the rook lab coat story
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this part is so good. rook is going on and on about leona and vils like "ok so just join spelldrive club and bother him there" and rooks immediately like "no. im in science club so i can help you with special effects for your film work to support you " HE LITERALLY SAYS SUPPORT WITH HIS LOVE WAHHHH god they make me go bonkers actually. a lot of what rook does is out of love and support for vil and his pursuit of beauty wahhhh
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he likes being close to vil
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he knows vils exact measurements, he even says in vils lab story that the only person that looks at vil longer than vil is him lol
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he was so enthusiastic about vil and his work that hed run up to him and just talk forever and ever until vil finally spoke back to him and they were just INSEPARABLE after. i think so often about that bit where they say they talked so much they GOT SICK IN THE SNOW!!!! HELLO HI CAN ANYONE HEAR ME- theyre so full of matched passion i love them so much no one understands them like they understand each other AUGHHHH
anyway back to rook mentioning he wants to be up close to vil and his pursuit of beauty,,, i ALSO cant stop thinking about how thats literally one of the reasons he TRANSFERRED DORMS TO POMEFIORE
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it means everything to him to be at vils side as long as possible and the fact that he cant when theyre away on their internships in fourth year is devastating WAHHHH 😭😭😭
but also. beanfest.
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LIKE. HSDFHDSLJ every time they interact in this entire event is So Charged. hey rook your body is bulked up, i know this because I Was Looking. vil i am so excited to brawl with you one on one ive been anticipating it for a month. back and forth banter with each other and then just
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whatever this is. and epel standing there like 🧍‍♂️ I Will Avoid Them Actually. jfksdlfjdkslfjkj
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hes So Fucking Excited when it's time to fight vil,,, he even brought evil face trey LOL
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"btw you look hot-" thats nice rook
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THEY ARE FLIRTING. and then rook literally Sent Trey Away because he was so excited for his 1v1 with his beloved husband skdjfdskl and trey was like "yea i dont wanna be involved Bye 🚶‍♂️" fjlkdsfj no one wants to get tangled up in their Strange Relationship
also this line vil says in the home screen
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ive seen fanart about this too thats like "hmm. vil most of you is covered. you have no hard to reach parts. it's like, your hands and neck and face 🤨" and it's so tender, rook putting sunblock on vils hands.... but also WHY cant you do that YOURSELF, HMM?? 🤨🤨🤨
ok ok ok but then. book 5 finale. i remember some people were Rook Haters after that and i simply do not agree!! and apparently some people dont like book 5. cant relate!!!!!!! rook hunt dislikers do not interact book 5 is everything to me!!!!
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i might have those out of order but sjdklfjelsjkfdjsklf DFHDLKSJFLDKF GODDDD I CANT TAKE ITTTT 😭 rook going on and on about how it doesnt matter what vil looks like but as long as hes confident like rook knows he is then he will always be beautiful!!! i didnt get screenshots of that part in book 6 where theyre flying back and vil Turned Old but i love how loving and supportive rook is while vils just having his breakdown 🥺
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idk man i just really like their interaction about this whole think ;A; like yea vil practically fell over in BETRAYAL when he saw rook voted for their enemy LOL but then i like that hes like "please. i know you and i know you dont make biased decisions ever, you always tell what you truly believe in your heart," and and and god damn it tumblr wont let me post any more photos but vil SMILES and hands rook back his handkerchief to let him dry his own tears and it's just SWEET WAHHH listennnnNNNN. i think it's nice. vil couldve gone off and been super mad at rook but he wasn't 😭 like he wasnt happy lol, but he knows rook. he understands [as much as one can LOL] rook. and rook loves and supports vil with everything he has, but hes also true to his heart and i think thats something vil really values about rook and a big part of why he keeps him around. it can be a positive and a negative, sure- this isnt the only time rooks honest to a fault lol, but i love,, multifaceted characters with deep relationships....
point is i lay facedown on the floor and cry for hours when i think too hard about vil and rook bc theres just So Much Love..... i cant get really coherent points or analysis out i just love repeating parts that happen in the game and posting six million screenshots bc thats all thats happening in my brain constantly JKFLJDSKLDJS i love rookvil. one of the ships ever. theyre married your honor theyre MARRIED and also being in a toxic yaoi polycule with leona is very funny to me jfklejskljfe marriage + divorce love wins(?)
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disaster-vampire · 1 year
pls talk about the shelf
i was desperately hoping someone would ask me to rant abt it akehdjshd i'm kissing you sweetly on the forehead anon
okay so if anyone sees this out of context: i have a shelf in my bookcase dedicated to hannibal. yes it's kind of like a weird little shrine but leave me alone.
be warned this is going get LONG.
so, it has the obvious: the hannibal books, the tv show box set, the tv show's cookbook, my fancy copies of the divine comedy (they're hardcover with gorgeous sleeves that have art printed on them to match each book), and i also have the iliad and the odissey in there in a single big book that i bought on a whim when out once and then after buying it i found out it also had the original greek alongside the italian translation and i lost my mind. i've never felt such pure joy and i can't even read greek. yet.
as for decorations, as of right now there's a piece of driftwood that is kinda shaped like an L so it stands up on its own and it also kinda resembles an antler.
there's this fuckin box, i don't even remember how i got it, but it's made of bones. it's shaped kinda like a stereotypical treasure chest but it's literally made of bones. the inside is lined with red velvet.
i'm not sure what else to decorate with? i've put in a seashell but it can't even be seen because the shelf has glass doors but the shell is covered by the frame (might move everything to another shelf where the frame is not in the way tbh just so i can decorate with tiny things at the front).
i just moved this whole thing from my other bookcase (i just got this new one today because i have too many books and in my first bookcase the shelves are literally bending with the weight of the books piled up on them) and when it was there i also had a teacup in there along with a lighbox that says "bone saw time! 🖤" but this new shelf feels very elegant and there's also not enough space for the lightbox. i also had a bust of dionysus there but i'm going to move it to my dionysus altar.
i've got an old scalpel somewhere too and i'll try to find a visible spot to put it. i also have 3 tiny japanese plates that were all given to me as gifts and some souvenirs from japan from a friend too but idk if i wanna put japanese stuff in there. like it's fitting but at the same time idk if it's disrespectful or not.
if i had money and more space i'd make this whole thing bigger and get like. a little frame with fly fishing lures like the ones will made in the show and maybe something like some ethically sourced taxidermy. a snake skeleton and a mongoose skull would be really cool. maybe i could print out a little something with lures instead of buying real ones and like. a fake death's head hawkmoth taxidermy. i'd need some of those shadowbox frames and i'd make it so the pictures stand out a bit from the back so it looks like they have shadows. bc like i'm fairly certain real death's head hawkmoths cannot be ethically sourced at this point in time because ever since silence of the lambs came out people have started going insane over them.
i think my grandpa has this framed thing somewhere with sailing knots made with actual ropes in it rather than just pictures. haven't seen it in ages so i'm not sure anymore if it was my grandpa's or someone else's. probably my grandpa since he was in the marines when military service was mandatory in italy but idk maybe i saw it somewhere else. i could print out a small picture with various illustrations of sailing knots.
i also have these cards that my aunt gave me at one point that have prints of a lot of famous paintings with descriptions in the back and i THINK one was the primavera. it was either that or the birth of venus i'll have to check but either way there's at least one botticelli in there. i don't like botticelli much tho so 🤷
i plan at some point to also get physical copies of all the movies but idk when that'll be since i've found a different box set for the tv show with gorgeous covers that i plan to buy as well. also of the ones i currently own i think one of the dvds stopped working bc it got scratched while inside my pc because i was pausing and rewinding/forwarding too much. we'll see i guess.
now for the rest of the books. i have a medical book in there called the abc of the human body. i think the title is kind of hilarious for a hannibal shelf. i just found out today while moving books back and forth from one bookshelf to the other that i actually have two copies of this book and one of them was owned by a doctor that died i think like 15 to 20 years ago. i have a few other medical books that said doctor also owned on the shelf above. he also owned the scalpel i mentioned before.
there's the book skulls by simon winchester, which is a collection of pictures of skulls from one of the biggest skull collections in the world, along with a few inserts on biology if i remember correctly? i originally bought it for art references and i LOVE the cover so i made sure it was facing forward in the shelf.
there's the resurrectionist, which is a sci-fi/fantasy book kind of in a frankenstein-esque vein where the main character is this made up doctor who manages to make some mythological creatures through surgery & digging up dead bodies and i won't spoil it any further. the second half of the book is a whole bunch of medical/biology style illustrations of said creatures, their skeletons, their muscles, how certain parts of their bodies would function (for example i believe it goes into explaining the lungs for both mermaids and harpies). i don't think it quite fits thematically with hannibal but i think it's got The Vibe so i put it in there.
there's a book on saint lucy, who is the patron saint of sight. i have it because i was born with my skull being asymmetrical and the doctors immediately told my family it would likely cause problems with my eyes, and so instead of, you know, starting to take me to eye doctors from a young age, they swore me to saint lucy and left it at that. i'm likely going to go blind on my left eye at some point in my life btw lmao thanks st lucy <3 i do like her though. i like her iconography a lot, she's always portrayed as holding a plate with her eyes on it.
there's damien by hermann hesse, which is one of my all time favourite books. it's written in first person and it starts with emil sinclair's childhood, explaining that he sees the world in a very black and white way, and does so very literally because he speaks of the world of light and the world of darkness, which are kind of meant as good and evil. but then something happens to him that starts blurring the clear line he thought was between the two, which sends him into a moral panic until he meets max demian, who starts to make him see that there's more to both sides. the story as he grows up follows his "corruption" into someone who is neither good nor evil. it has a lot of implied homoeroticism, as it was written i think either in the 20s or the late 1800s so it couldn't be explicit but it is very much there and is expressed mostly through demian's mother. there's also a weird cult thing going on and the ending is a bit ??? and honestly i need to read it again because for such a short book SO much happens that i'm having a hard time summarising it accurately.
the only other books i remember being there rn (it's 1am i'm not turning the lights on again) are dracula, because cannibal/vampire count with a big castle, the butchering art, and les fleurs du mal, plus two other books written in french that i haven’t read yet because my french isn't the best, whose titles i don't remember rn, and one in italian that i've found at a used books stall once but i believe it's from a local author and i've never seen it in a bookstore nor online so there's definitely no english translation of it. i still haven't read this one either and i don't even remember what it's about, it might be a poetry book? not quite sure. but yeah these few ones i haven’t read are there like. on trial. if i read them and find them fitting they'll stay otherwise they go to another shelf. i also haven’t read les fleurs du mal nor the butchering art yet, so the same applies to them. i think that's all of them? i plan to put my art history books and regular history books on the shelf above as well next to the medical books to kind of carry the theme over lol.
i would like to maybe someday get some of the books that we've glimpsed from the bookshelves on the show but this is it for now!
anyway. tysm for asking me about it dear anon. you said but a few words yet they meant the world to me <3
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con-clavi-con-jae · 6 months
Would you mind talking about THAT PLAY?
I would like to know a bit more.
Basically it's a retelling of Jekyll and Hyde.
Doctor Jekyll needed a test subject for one of his experiments, and ends up finding a mental patient named Nancy Noonan, who's the main suspect of murder that Hyde committed.
He knows that she's innocent, obviously, so he makes his lawyer Jane Utterson find some way to keep the girl and use her as a test subject (Jane is also my second favorite character btw I love her she's cool). Nancy also has weird abilities that let her see the future and read minds, so she gets taken away to a circus by a weird nurse that like. We don't liek her.
So there's a whole thing, the wife of the man that was murdered doesn't want the girl to be back and she's so pissed that these people are trying to get her back (she's also Jekyll's not so secret lover and she's another one of my favs and I made her dress btw she's so cool and she's played by one of my besties) but she agrees in the end bc science. And like his housekeeper, Mrs Poole, she also fucking hates Nancy bc of course, she's the suspect of a murder and she doesn't want her boss to be associated with that? Which is a very reasonable concern? (Poole was right all along, I'd fight for her)
Also my character. He's the best, and I read the book he's even better there. So, Rick gets contacted by Jane (the lawyer, who's also his cousin and whatnot) to do a whole investigation on Nancy and the nurse to get them back and all that shit. Which he kinda does? But the nurse hates him already so it's not like he can do much. But he does.
There's also this girl called Elizabeth (she's also just a character our director invented but she's played by one of my besties too) who just. Shows up? And she says she's the daughter of one of Jekyll's old friends, which is why he sort of takes pity on her when she says her dad was murdered and allows her to stay (spoiler alert but none of you're gonna see it so it's fine, she's truly not the daughter of that dude, and she killed him and the real Elizabeth) so she stays and no one likes her but she doesn't care.
So, they go to the circus and kinda try to kidnap Nancy back, but she reads Jekyll's mind and they both go insane. (Also holy shit the dude that plays Jekyll/Hyde is the coolest actor in the world and I sang a duet with him????) Which leads to him switching for the most part but not like. Forever.
Act two, bitches!
So there's a whole thing, also one of the characters is literally Mary Shelly (yes, *that one*, the one who's literally one of the most interesting humans to exist? That Mary Shelly), and she's writing everything that happens for a book. So "Elizabeth" goes to her and is all like "ayo Mary, if you could write a version of what happened at the circus where none of the whole going insane and switching thing happens and I save him, that'd be sick. Please?" So Mary's very confused? But Elizabeth convinces her by saying that she js wants to marry him or whatever, so Mary accepts... for some reason. I mean, she literally just wants to write something and she keeps being removed from situations where things could be written, I don't blame her.
Anyhow, while Elizabeth is trying to convince Jekyll that the thing at the circus never happened and that he's fine or whatever, Lady Danvers (the wife of the dude that was murdered) is paying Rick to investigate the whole case. To which obviously, Rick accepts bc he's a detective and that's also literally his best friend who just went insane with no explanation.
So Elizabeth convinces him and all, and then she's just like "ayo Hyde, it'd be fucking awesome if you could just like. Stay like that. That's a cool plan, so just do it." There's a whole thing with those two, like it's *very heavily* implied that they knew about each other's plan for a while.
So, Elizabeth just fires fucking everyone except for Mary and tries to make her whole weird ass plan happen, but Rick and Jane, as well as the weird nurse, find out about her. "Elizabeth's" real name is Gretchen and she worked for the real Elizabeth's family before she killed them all. Rick takes her to jail, Jekyll is fucking not normal again but almost, and then the ending is fucking weird (lovingly, ofc, I love that ending)
This is my really bad summary of that play. I could talk about it in detail, there's a lot I didn't say, but yk. Summaries r hard.
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turbulentscrawl · 6 months
Hello there! I hope you’re doing well! I love your writing your are literally sustaining the entire idv fandom rn skcbsnsnd. I would like to request a match-up!
My name is Nico and I am a 21 year old female (she/her maybe they if i’m feeling spunky) bisexy (bisexual). ehmmmm. Idk what to say already LOL. uh I believe i am infp and 4w5 I am a scorpio rising and sun and capricorn moon. I personally think that my duality is silly, weird, kinda naive tbh, cute, chill, friendly, maybe a bit talkative? but im also very introspective, melancholic, wise, quiet, perceptive, thoughtful. i can be quiet insecure/self-deprecating/self-critical, i have a hard time being vulnurable and usually help others without allowing myself to be helped. i’m stubborn in that way and like to be independent and tough even though i crave being cared for lol. i am very passionate and empathetic and i have very strong intuition although i tend to ignore it in favor of “logic” and my attempts to feel in control. i am ambitious and always come up with grand ideas in my head and hyperfixate on them and ultimately become disappointed when i can’t bring it to fruition because it’s too ambitious. however that has also made me resourceful because i will find work arounds to make my ideas possible, even if it’s not how i originally planned.
i am a sort of solitary creature, and i know how to be my own best friend and to enjoy my own company, not having grown up with lots of friends. i didn’t used to go out much and i used to think i was very quiet and unsociable but after going out a bit more i have discovered that i can actually be a bit of a social butterfly, and it comes more naturally than i previously thought, although it makes sense considering i could talk to anyone and was a great leader/public speaker as a child. (and then anxiety/depression hit and i retreated into a shell as a teen.)
I used to say my favourite colour was green because I really like it, but then I thought it was grey because that is the colour i perceive myself as. but lately i have began thinking it might be red as that is what i have always been drawn to, regardless of what i think. idk why but it felt important to mention that.
anywhoo. my hobbies are playing any and all video games, watching horror movies, playing board games/card games, doing puzzles/puzzle books (crosswords, sudoku, word search), playing piano, singing. i love antiques and i love buying them because they are practical and beautiful and often much sturdier and long lasting than more modern things (they just ain’t built to last anymore) and i believe that they have so much character and soul and it’s tragic that there is a lost art in craftsmanship of furniture and clothing and like. shoes! and pens and clocks and everything! so i like to give those old beauties a new home where i can actually USE them as well as admire them.
i also love singing i have been told im good at singing but honestly i think im only mediocre. i sing in choir and i would honestly love to be an opera singer haha even though that might seem silly. i would love to be in a band too and i genuinely have been attempting to pursue that. oh i also study biochemistry in university i am suffering but it is interesting and i have always had an innate curiosity about things. i was a very dark but bright and curious child. i was fascinated by death and other things as a kid, but i never found it morbid it was just interesting to me.
i love science and random fun facts but i also love tarot and astrology (even though i barely know anything about it) and i am interested occultism and metaphysics and would love to know more about it because i don’t believe science and “magic” kind of stuff is mutually exclusive.
i feel like i am writing too much but you said write a lot so 😭 i enjoy talking abt myself as im sure most people do but i always feel bad for it lol. uhmm i do like writing and i used to do it a lot but ive been struggling with it lately. i also love lots of different types of “aesthetics” i suppose, such as dark academia/victoria /gothic/antique but also cottage core/witchy/nature/kinda hippy forest lady but also grunge/punk/garage rock/seattle in the 90s but also 70s and 80s style but also 2000s but i also sometimes enjoy modern fashion. idk im a real mixed bag but i love it i mean there are just so many things to love in the world. i am a very sleepy gal too i mean some people wake up early to be a hater but i wake up early so i can have time to go back to sleep.
i cant really think of much else. it’s hard to perceive yourself ya know, but hopefully there is enough information there for you and i sincerely apologise if it is too much!! thank you very much for your consideration and i hope you truly have a wonderful day. sending you good vibes full of love mwuah <333333 :3
oh i also really love sharks and foxes and bears and bats and squids. and cats. and silly little shrimps and trilobytes. and pterodactyls. OK WNOUGH-
Yes I love lots and lots of info 👀
I ship you with Fiona Gilman!
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-From how you write and what you’ve described, I’m getting a sense that you strive for a strong identity, but both struggle with and respect the complexity of trying to achieve that. Due to the nature of her worship, Fiona finds it attractive when people accept the intricacies of life. Things are rarely easy to pin down, life is fluid, people included, and she thinks it takes great wisdom to understand that.
-She shares your curiosity for life and the universe, and since your expertise seem to be so different, teaching one another is a great excuse to spend time together. ;) Unfortunately, there are some things in relation to the occult and her worship that she simply cannot share. It’s for your safety, as much as she trusts your ability to comprehend things that would break others…better safe than sorry.
-Fiona is an ambivert. She’s good with socializing, but she also likes equal time to have quiet time. Since you’re still getting the feel for these things, she’s fine letting you take the lead on going out or staying in. If you need space away from her? That’s fine too, there’s plenty of things she can busy herself with in the meantime.
-She’s both persuasive and a little sneaky, and will take steps to assist you in getting better at accepting help. If she has to, and if your workload is too big, she will go behind your back to help with a few things. Nothing major, partially because she feels bad and partially because she hopes you won’t notice, but she can’t just do nothing when she feels like you’re sinking.
-She’s not much of a nap-taker, but as long as she’s not busy with something she does like to offer you her lap as a pillow.
Runner Up: Grace
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autumnshighlady · 8 months
ok this is so stupid but i really want to see neris and reader interactions,, like the small things, the comfort, the protectiveness,,,, ughh love what you've done w the story man, desperately waiting for the next part fr. (go on your own pace tho) glad to know i've shifted you a little bit on a azriel thing (devious smile) - ithink he's a good character for most people because he barely had a personality in the books and so we can usually make up stuff yk, like he's mostly just broody in the books and we're told stuff abt his personality but not shown it. can't wait to see what happens next! ohh also the dragon interactions!!! i wanna see those too!!! eris has hounds right,,, it wld be cute for them to protect nes and r tooo,,,, ahhh sorry this is literally just me ranting lol, obv feel free to ignore the reqs,,, i really want to let you know that your writing is good bc you seem to get less interactions than you should!! and a weird amt of hate lmao like whats w the people being rude about ialtpwf and wanting guys my age so badly, like i enjoyed it despite not particularly liking the daddy kink partbut like. really,, why so rude??? want to see how reader fares in front of beron too, i assume word of her power will reach him too/. anyway, how long are you planning on pushing the beron overthrowal thing (im being curious not being like ugh when are u plannign on ending it,, in case thats what it sounded like,, idk man im overthinking). oh also! want to see court relations with all of them after berons gone. before berons gone. all of it, i want them to be better leaders/people to the court people yk. oh!! also lucien-reader friendship!!! love that!! we havent seen much of it but hes def the kind of guy to tease r abt eris when they start actually flirting and getting near a relationship yk. eris-lucien brotherhood too tho, obviously. also the lady of the autumn court!! watching them bond w her!!! ahh jfoisfkjmdofikndfvg ium sorry have a great day today1!! hope you rest well after that long ass shift. oh yeah i agree w you on the feyre thing, she's def just mostly like a pawn to rhys yk, i think she was better as a char when she was w tamlin tbh, altho obviously i dont want her to be with someone who kind of abused her without any groveling at least/ cant wait to see more interactions fr!!!! oh when i said in the story, i meant the actual books, well and yourss but the actual books mainly! anyway i think you've managed to be realistic w all of them in a way that is good. bye! oh same anon as last time. should i give myself a name, is that fine,, i'll choose * anon. sure.
i can’t wait for you to see more of the neris x reader interactions! you’ll love it. i feel like i’ve done a decent job of their dynamic so i’m super proud of it so far.
Azriel’s journey is one i have planned out - it’s going to be complicated because yk he’s been loyal to rhys for 500 years and that’s not suddenly going to change, but he will continue to play a role.
you’ll see more of the dragons for sure! and the hounds will be involved too so fear not ;)
yeah idk why people got so weird about guys my age like i’m glad they enjoyed it of course but i kinda did everything i wanted to do with that fic so i don’t feel i have anything else to add to it if that makes sense
beron will play a bigger role soon! as far as them overthrowing him, prob within a couple chapters maybe a bit longer. im still playing around w the details of how exactly it’s going to happen
expect a LOT more lucien and lady of autumn in the later chapters! i love love love writing for lucien so i’ve got special stuff for him planned hehe
tons more interactions to come. more lucien, azriel, gwyn and emerie, cassian, etc. thank you for your message angel and NEVER apologize for rambling - nobody has taken the time to say this much about my fic so far in one go so i LOVE reading these. send as many as you want <3
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cheolhub · 9 months
SAR HI! so i finally managed to finish mexican gothic and dang that was one hella weird book 😭 like ???
im gonna rate this 2.5/3 out of 5 because it just wasn't my cup of tea. it was really slow and like took ages to get the the point and actual plot. i felt they were repeating alot and it just got dragged alot which i hate, i dislike slow paced stuff ugh. and it doesn't pick up until the middle which is kinda annoying bc i was just reading and reading having no idea what's going on or what's supposed to be happening lol. i didnt like most of the characters either and i just skim read the half the book i could not take it anymore 😭 but like when everything was finally revealed like wth it was weird and idk what i expected honestly 😭😭 but yeah i didn't enjoy mexcian gothic so much.
JAJD IM SORRY I WENT ON A WHOLE REVIEW AND RANT ABT IT 😭 anyway i need a cute read after this now
how's the twisted series read going?
DONT APOLOGIZE, I ENCOURAGE UR RANTS. BUT that’s so disappointing 🙁 i hate that sm, im sorry u didn’t like it!! i hate the slow books :/ (unless it’s slowburn romance 🤭) thats kinda how i felt with this book i read called milk fed?? it was just droning on and on and i just wanted it to end,,, and i was so excited to read it bc the topics in the book seemed like important ones to explore but the main character was annoying, the plot build up was annoying, the entire thing was just… so bad.
IF U NEED A CUTE READ, read forget me not by julie soto 🥰(sunshine wedding planner x grumpy florist + enemies to lovers + second chance) i recommend this book to everybody bc it’s my fav romance ive read this year,,, or maybe try love and other words by christina lauren since fall time is coming up (childhood friends to lovers + second chance….fair warning, this one made me cry) BUT OBVIOUSLY U DONT HAVE TO READ THESE, im just throwing out suggestions 🫣
AND ok, i’m about to go on a rant so im so sorry for how long this is about to be.
so like,,, tell me why i finished both the first and second book… i think i already told u abt the first book?? about how i gave it 2.7 stars bc i fucking hated the plot and the third act and the ending … but skye…. THE SECOND ONE… OH MY FUCKING GOD. I KNOW IT’S CRINGE AND PREDICTABLE AND NOT REALLY THAT GOOD, but this book had me kicking my feet and giggling over EVERYTHING… the slow burn… was so good… OMFG i literally hate that i loved it sm like cant keep succumbing to booktok. but yeah, ngl i was blushing the entire time T-T it was sooo long tho. the slowburn was slow as fuck, like i dont think it started picking up till halfway through the book ?? but i think i just discovered that i REALLY like the forbidden romance trope 🫡
so i was telling my coworker and all my friends on goodreads that i needed to take a break from the series bc i felt like i was losing brain cells, but…
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so here i am, 40% done with twisted hate. i am not the biggest e2l fan but ,,,, i kinda like this. i dont think it’ll be as good as the second one… but i will keep you updated 🫡 i’ll probably be done with the entire series by this weekend 😭 so sick…
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chronologer · 9 months
🤥🌈🔥❤️📏👻for the oc ask game! Any oc, I’d love to hear about them!
hehehehe >:3 it’s oc posting time!!! i have many more ocs now and i am v happy to talk abt them, so ty for the opportunity!! i’ve been swamped with stuff so sorry this took like….. over two months haha! <3333
so first a little rundown of four of my new ocs!!!!!!
first i’ve got reynie!! (he/him)
reynie got reincarnated into a book he had read when he was younger but also not really???
the book that he thinks he got reincarnated in was a story about these two siblings discovering this hidden magical world after staying with their distant relatives over the summer
and he got reincarnated as their older brother but again. not really. i’ll get into it later.
but for now he’s desperate not to ruin things bc of his presence
i’ve been on a bit of an isekai/reincarnation kick lately so this is largely inspired by those concepts haha
then there’s the boy (he/him, but eventually she/her(?) <— i decided to trans her gender like… ten minutes ago so my thoughts abt this r kinda incoherent rn,,, but she finds out she’s a she/her over the course of the story, but i’ll use he/him to refer to her sometimes to indicate that those moments are specifically before her big gender realization)
she’s a sad, depressed, overworked high school student who is so lonely she unintentionally ends up creating a ghost/god/cryptid/monster/???????
then the monster is. v angry abt being created then abandoned. so she gets terrorized by them.
she doesn’t have a name bc i honestly just couldn’t think of one haha. calling her ‘the boy’ for now bc it’s what she thinks she is,, but her lack of a name parallels the monster’s lack of a name too so it all works out in the end 👍
and the monster (she/her at first but then eventually they/them <— they were created to essentially be a mirror of the boy’s innermost desires n stuff, so she’s a she/her at first, but then they like…. slowly branch out from that and become their own person and get their own pronouns (?) or smth?? idk.)
they’re the monster that the boy accidentally created. and even though the boy didn’t realize she created the monster, the monster is still angry so they’ve hatched this whole plot to torment her
and plot twist!! they gets attached and the two become weirdly codependent n overall just have. kind of a weird thing going on.
is it platonic? is it romantic? is it familial? idk but it’s definitely kinda fucked up!!
and finally there’s labyrinth (no pronouns??? idk……. they/them for now)
they’re also from a world where there is secretly supernatural shenanigans, but labyrinth has magic powers so they get recruited to go to this boarding school in like… massachusetts or smth, but they couldn’t care less.
as in it literally could not care less. it is physically impossible for them to care about anything bc they are like. two steps away from being fully catatonic at all times. and is also almost completely incapable of forming new memories
yeah they’re like totally dissociating at all times.
(it’s bc they have so much grief over the past that they cannot let go of it and cannot participate in the present)
but they gets better with the help of their very good roomie daniel. yeah 👍
also doesn’t have a name. also bc i didn’t wanna think of one. but smth smth it emphasizes their disconnect to the world and their life, blah blah blah plays into the themes n narratives smth along those lines.
tbh im not supppperrr happy w how i’ve characterized labyrinth??? so i might end up changing everything abt their personality. idk.
so now…. onto the ask game!
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reynie is pretty decent at lying, largely out of necessity. he’s trying to hide his knowledge of the plot as much as possible, so once he figures out he’s in a book he starts lying as much as possible so people don’t find out that he knows the future. and he gets away w it, not bc he’s like… a master of lying, but moreso bc his family has no reason to think that he’s lying so they don’t suspect him of anything.
the boy is,,,… okay at lying... she’s good at the things that matter to her, but she’s bad at lying to anyone who knows her well enough, or when taking to certain topics. but also she lies all the time sooo idk.
the monster is the Liar™. biggest liar in the world and also the greatest. if there was a lying contest, they would win it. they are the most gaslighting lying faker of all time. but also tbh it’s lowkey kinda omnipotent and sometimes changes reality so the lie is no longer a lie??? still loves lying tho, especially to the boy to like. psychologically torture her.
labyrinth doesn’t lie. like. at all. tbh they really don’t understand the concept of lying. well, they do, but they don’t really see the need for it?? idk how to explain it. ig they’re not really present enough to lie. sure, that makes sense if you squint really hard. 👍
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tbh it depends on what time they are in each of the stories and all bc they r all very different at the end of each of their stories than at the beginning.
for reynie…. hmmm….. he’d probably tell his younger self to not ignore the crippling migraines that he gets and also pay wayyyyy more attention to his dreams. like… get a dream journal or smth. (it’s bc he can see the future in them) also he’d definitely just tell his younger self a complete list of everything that goes wrong and how to fix it
(although this would inevitably end up making other things go wrong and probably worse but reynie would be too obsessed with fixing things to realize this fact)
the boy would probably tell her younger self to not apply to the fancy boarding school bc it’ll murder his health. or maybe she would tell him to apply bc it led to the monster being created??? tbh i think she regrets every decision she made that led her to the monster but after all’s said and done she wouldn’t change any of it. She’d probably tell her younger self that it’ll all work out in the end.
wait actually nvm all that she’d tell him what snacks to buy at the grocery store for the best price-to-flavor ratio. yeah. 👍
the monster would… uhhhh… kinda be the same ig???? idk they might try to speed the whole love-hate-overall-just-weird thing they have with the boy along by telling their younger self that the boy’s actually lowkey kinda funkalicious. groovy mcgroovical. coolio. and that they should maybe not psychologically torture her and pretend to be a ghost n all. or not. they’re whimsical like that.
labyrinth would only give their younger self advice after they start actually moving on from the past and become more present, but it wouldn’t really do anything bc younger labyrinth would not hear any of the advice at all. so it really doesn’t matter what the advice is bc both labyrinths know it wouldn’t change anything. i think they’d just hang out together and braid their past self’s hair :]
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hahahhahahhahahahhahhah self destructive tendencies…… hahah hahaaha where do i begin….
reynie….. martyr complex + imposter syndrome + hates being vulnerable so will never reveal anything to anyone ever + huge perfectionist riddled by anxiety so he’s terrified of changing the plot (and doesn’t realize that his very existence has changed things) + has no regard for his own health and safety. overall just really self destructive, especially later on when he realizes that he no longer knows the plot of the story bc he’s inadvertently changed too much, making him,,,, kinda unhinged????
the boy’s mentally ill af!!!! she has crippling anxiety abt everything, which that and combined with her fear of being vulnerable causes her to be very lonely and have no support system to help. she will not reach out for help even if she needs it, which is lowkey the root of all her problems, especially the monster, since they were literally created bc the boy wanted a friend/support system so bad she ended up accidentally making one. also,,, super duper closeted and repressed.
the monster is just kinda of a huge asshole tbh which gets in the way of them forming any genuine human connections. they also hold grudges for ages and ages even when said grudges are completely unjustified, so they get so focused on revenge that it’s difficult for them to grow past it. plus they’ve got a god complex but they kinda are one??? so it’s maybe a bit justified.
labyrinth is literally so overwhelmed by their own grief over the past that they are physically unable to interact with the present most of the time. they can’t even remember their dad’s name most of the time bc they cannot process the present and their current life. they’ve got a lot of trauma and unresolved issues but they’re subconsciously repressing it and refusing to move forward which…. really screws them up…..
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had to search up what all the love languages were bc i forgor lol
i’m not super sure abt any these?????? so they’re all liable to change at any given moment lol
reynie likes to do acts of service/give affirmations, and he likes to receive quality time (not that he’ll ever ask for it…)
the boy likes both giving and receiving physical touch and quality time
the monster likes giving gifts and quality time, and is above having human desires like a preferred love language to receive (it’s quality time and words of affirmation.)
uhhhh it’s kinda hard to know labyrinth’s love language??? i think they like giving gifts, and receiving… quality time??? i don’t think they care abt receiving tbh….
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reynie’s pretty educated. in his past life he went to college, and in his current life he’s a high school student again, although he’s mainly just cruisin’. he was pursuing more advanced education outside of school, reteaching himself what he learned in college through self-study, but then he found out abt how he got reincarnated into a book and the existence of the supernatural, which caused most of those plans to be put on hold.
the boy goes to some fancy schmancy boarding school for smarty farty kids, although she’s not doing great there, although that’s more of an executive disfunction/the school’s way of teaching isn’t the way that works for the boy/unrealized neurodivergence/etc. type of thing. but she’s still getting a funky education.
the monster’s is super educated but that’s cause they’re omnipotent and omnipresent, so they literally do know everything (at least most of the time [when they feel like it]). they also go to the same school of the boy, but it’s not to be educated, it’s to screw with her.
labyrinth is…. okay???? they do well on tests n all that bc of,,,,, reasons??? but they actually know anything. they’re currently going to the magic boarding school in massachusetts or whatever.
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ok so tbh…. they all live in worlds were ghosts are real (or could be real in the case of the boy and the monster) so tldr; yes.
reynie, once he learns abt the supernatural, absolutely believes in ghosts, although that’s largely bc he knows for sure that they exist cause they were in the book. i’m actually planning on having him become a ghost hunter later on, bc he’s going to go on a road trip to do supernatural stuff for plot reasons, and he’ll do ghost hunting stuff for cash (this entire part of his storyline was created when i finally got phasmaphobia a while back haha)
the boy and the monster,,,, uh technically the monster is a ghost??? kind of…. it’s like if god were a ghost but also a building and the boy’s future n past self,,,… it’s complicated. but the monster also gaslights the boy into thinking that they’re the ghost of some dead student from the 60s. the boy definitely believes in ghosts tho, while the monster doesn’t, or at the very least they know that ghosts aren’t naturallly occurring in the world.
labyrinth believes in ghosts, but only bc they were taught abt them in their magic massachusetts school. that’s abt it. they were told ghosts were real, n just kinda went along w it.
thanks for reading and thanks for the ask!!!! i’ll probably end up making some more posts that explain these ocs more, and introduce some of my other ones sometime soon!!!!!!! hopefully…… i also want to draw my ocs soon too but my brain just won’t let me :( sigh….
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pashminalamb · 1 year
Hello!! Just wanted to check in to ask if everything’s alright? You haven’t posted on either blogs for a bit so yeah. I hope you’re doing okay and taking care of yourself love!!! *sends many virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
Starry !! (i was literally thinking abt Kazutora and I. am. loving. your new pfp !! ૮꒰ ˊᗜˋ ꒱ა) ik i've been offline for a bit ( i'm sorry for worrying you and I'll announce before disappearing like that ..>﹏<..— things are getting pretty busy for me this week. Got a big project at the end of this month and a test tomorrow ) *fingers crossed that i do well 🤞🏻* And since my roommate left, I had to do chores (including theirs) cause we split work — and I was also studying my ass off; literally finished studying from 3 different books for my test And cause of that i was really exhausted at the end of the day to answer asks or type anything. And i decided why not take a break for a day or two?
So i did and it felt... weird but kinda good break — ended up watching 2 psychological horror movies and I'm getting ideas from that @_@ *looks at yandere Nagi wip i have in mind* yeah i think this one's kinda hot
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
To be fair I haven't read Every book, just the Mond ones bc...mondstadt bias... (and the one abt the store bc it is both liyue and mond, and rex incognito bc it looked fun) so I didn't notice the liyue quest repeating fjfdj. I find reading them kinda fun bc most of the books are subjective so fiction and truth are painted with the same brush, so you kinda wonder if all these fantastic things could be true! though that might just be me bc I'm a bit of a weirdo and a romantic that way :P I still want to reunite the boy and the spring fairy!
The weird thing is that for all that Dvalin attacked Mondstadt at the beginning, from then on it honestly doesn't feel like he has a beef with Mondstadt so much as with Barbatos personally, because he doesn't speak a single word to anyone EXCEPT Venti. To be fair it is kind of implied only Venti and the Traveler can understand when he speaks (Jean's "he can comunicate with the dragon?" and the fact that Dvalin didn't simply SAY "Yo, Dvalin of the East Wind here, I come in peace" but that's ALSO so badly established it's probably purely my conjecture. Hey Dvalin...why don't you try singing...I'm sure ppl would have a bit of a harder time seeing a singing dragon as threatening...)
Oh man YES I'd kill for a PROPER account of when Dvalin first awoke and how painful misunderstandings built until we got the situation that the Traveler arrived into...especially since they HAVEN'T UPDATED THE BOOKS SINCE THE BETA, where the Cataclysm had happened 100 years ago instead of 500, so I was sweating throughout the whole read like "Venti I love you and I can SEE you love Dvalin but if you took 400 YEARS to awaken to help him you better have the mother of all explanations primed and at the ready" like on one hand I'm glad it's a typo but on the other hand... how can they be this sloppy T-T
Which reminds me...when did Venti wake up. "Best bard of mondstadt three times in a row" Okay but is that a monthly award?? I first thought it was a yearly award but I can't fathom Venti being awake three years with Dvalin in pain and not do anything until we arrived...if only to play translator so the misunderstandings DON'T happen (if I'm not imagining things and the Sage kid was right. It's funny imagining Venti talking to animals and animals following him around like a disney princess, not gonna lie. Especially given that cats canonically follow him around, hehe). And like...literally nobody mentions the Other dragon that has been a Problem for the past thousand years? Like don't get me wrong, Ursa the Drake existing makes the Durin and Stormterror problems seem like an absolute joke (whoa, the dragon is such a big threat Barbatos awoke to put a stop to it! Nevermind the dragon that has been atacking mond for the past thousand years, that one doesn't matter) and I'm glad that they avoid mentioning it's the same drake in the canon text, but like......what does that mean for the timeline........how long have venti and dvalin been awake?? Mihoyo! Answer me!! *shakes phone with hoyoverse loading screen like a maraca* do you think we'll get a hint eventually over why Venti goes on such long sleeps? And don't even get me started in the mess that is the four winds, bc there's the knight of boreas but the wind is Lupus Boreas (How did he die anyway, how did he live despite that anyway) but the lion of the south is Jean? And is the Falcon of the West Venessa or the knights? Is there a knight title reperesentative of each wind— *slams the brakes*
I just have so many questions that either I convince myself everything will be addressed in the future or I'll go crazy lmfao, so I kinda end up missing the obvious holes as long as the info is there even if it wasn't properly introduced in the narrative haha. You're so right about the vagueness though!
And I'm playing inazuma chapter 2 rn and though I did love seeing the wider repercusions of the shogun's decisions I really, really want to poke the resistance like hey! Literally any business that exports anything ever is suffering! Places that depend on tourism are suffering! The outlanders are being opressed! There's! food! shortages!! If you really are so short-handed bc "repel the vision hunt decree" is not a popular sentiment, add an addendum to "repel the closed border decree" and I'm sure you'll get a lot more backing! Like what even is the endgame here, just convince the shogun she's wrong through war? At least say that you're trying to depose her! (It's so funny to me that Ayaka's all wide-eyed like just speaking badly of the Shogun is the height of daring-do, like boy do I have a story to tell you about Decarabian...also there really should have been more of a fallout about the shogun *personally* taking Thoma's Vision *without even informing the Yashiro comission leaders* like. I'm not an expert in fantasy politics but that seems like a very clear snub, given that Thoma works directly under the shirasagi himegimi?? Is it just me?)
It's the opposite for me. I absolutely hate that both books and characters are so unreliable. It doesn't feel like it's meaningful "unreliable narrator" situation but rather the writers using a cheap excuse to patch holes in their own lore.
Mondstadt in particular has a lot of timeline mistakes, like Diluc saying that Barbatos hasn't been seen in 1000 years, despite records clearly stating he appeared for the Cataclysm 500 years ago. All of this adds to the confusion about Venti's situation in general. It's very... yes, vague. I don't think Venti ever directly confirms that he was sleeping or got poisoned by Durin. For all we know, he was just out of town, and Dvalin's only been awake for like a week, so Venti only just returned and found out.
But I have to say...
it's VERY funny that you're only partway through Inazuma. No wonder you're still so optimistic about the writing.
You've basically hit on one of Inazuma's two major problems. The first problem is the character writing, with the excessive reliance on NPCs and poor pacing. The second problem is in regard to the politics of the situation.
Spoilers, but keep in mind that the Archon quest ends on Raiden removing the Vision Hunt decree, but NOT Sakoku. Sakoku isn't lifted until the end of Raiden's story quest chapter 2 (aka the only actual, complete character arc in the game). I... am somewhat suspecting that part of the reason they pivoted to be all about the Vision Hunt is because they realized they can't lift everything at the end of the Archon quest because what would Raiden do in her story quests then? They needed to manufacture two different story climaxes, so they split up the decrees.
Alternatively, maybe they just wanted to make fantasy Japan suck as much as possible, even if it didn't jive with overall worldbuilding. Who can say.
Anyway, I was very interested in Genshin's lore before Inazuma dropped and for the first patch of Inazuma. Then we got Inazuma act 3, which was very... controversial, shall we say, and my expectations kept going lower and lower as we went. I would say there were three things (characters) that more or less convinced me that Genshin writing is basically not worth my time: Azhdaha, Signora, and Scaramouche.
It's not as noticeable when you're catching up, but Azhdaha and the geovishaps got a lot of buildup during the Liyue patches. And then we finally get a chapter 2 story quest, Zhongli's. And it's just... bad. It's so bad. All that lore, for this?
Then we got Signora, who had so much backstory, being Rostam's girl and the same lore stuff mentioning that his student joined the Abyss while she joined the Fatui, so surely that will matter?? It does not, her backstory is literally never mentioned and if they try to give it relevance now, it'll be a bad joke.
And then we finally get Scaramouche in Sumeru, and he's like... they spent multiple events bringing up Kazuha's background, and I was pretty annoyed because I dislike him since they handled his character arc so horrendously. And then you realized all that about Kazuha was actually just buildup for Scaramouche backstory. Except it's not about Scaramouche as a character. It's about the Irminsul being able to rewrite history.
And then I stopped caring.
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