#literally not even watching this season but guillermo i love you
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mycroftpedvia · 2 years
you are saying nandermo are toxic.
you are looking me in the eyes and saying that you don’t want them together anymore because they are toxic.
my girls were ready to kill each other literally 5 episodes ago AND YOU NOTICE ONLY NOW THEY ARE A MESS
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notorioushiphopcrew · 2 years
i just finished watching season four of wwdits and im processing. im processing REAL FUCKING HARD RIGHT NOW
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ineffably-human · 9 months
Today in 'Shadows things hundreds of people have decided are true that I really don't understand at all,' we have... [spins wheel]
'Nandor's seasons-long burning desire to become human' - everyone here knows what a cult is, right?
Like at its most cliche, we understand how cult leaders work in fiction, at least? They say 'hey, dude, you seem very lost and in despair. Good thing I know a secret key to Paradise nobody else does, and I alone am equipped to get you there, and also I understand you better than anyone else in the outside world ever will.'
Nandor came to Jan in an existential crisis with no idea of what would help him, and left convinced that becoming human would do the trick. (This is because Jan is good at her evil job.) He dove into that belief because he was diving into a cult and that's what they do. He felt that vampirism was a curse because he was in the middle of a huge emotional crisis, and his new way out of that crisis was telling him vampirism is a bad thing that is causing his problems (instead of loneliness, a poorly fitting job, sudden changes in his close servant-friend, existential stuff humans go through as well...)
When he's out of that crisis, he never mentions becoming human again. He never mentions feeling cursed by vampirism again. In fact: he visits his homeland where everyone else became vampires, and decides that if everyone else is a vampire there's nothing special about being a vampire. (Read: in normal circumstances, with the chance to feed his ego, he feels special being a vampire.) In fact: when given fifty-two wishes that we see him use on his body multiple times, he doesn't use them to be human, or to do any human things.
I can see why, in the throes of S3, you could pin some of his backstory onto the Jan thing and see it as Nandor resenting being turned. Nandor is the one who lost more than he gained being a vampire, in terms of his glory days etc. We know nothing about how it happened or if he wanted it. The first time he tells it, all his wives left him because he suddenly changed into this dangerous unpredictable monster.
But the second time we hear it, in s4, it's implied that when he became a vampire he suddenly abandoned them all? (It's pretty vague tbh.) Also it's made extremely clear he was a terrible husband to start with. If the thing with razing Antipaxos doesn't tell you enough, his behavior in s4 seals it in: the peak of Nandor's human life was as a violent, insecure bully, who took everything he even imagined he wanted and never slowed down enough to understand how empty he felt.
Being a vampire gave Nandor time and space to think about parts of life he'd never have considered when he was alive. The losses he felt allowed him to be more patient and more sober. He enjoys fighting and violence now, but he seems to think about honor and mercy just as much. You could argue that Nandor's main personal arc - his 'I'm okay, you're okay' if you will - is accepting the person he is now over the person he used to be. Think of how much more natural his leadership was this season rallying the vampires in a crisis, instead of the forced protocols and rituals of the earlier seasons.
I don't think that someone with one foot in a world that literally doesn't exist anymore, who has trouble talking to most people outside the house and loves to watch familiars fight to the death, would be happy as a human. I think he'd work a day or get a single summer cold, and beg Laszlo to turn him again, actually.
(I don't think he and Guillermo would have a great relationship if they were both human, either - these are people who bond over knight-vassal courtly love vibes and trying to kill each other. What can life as a mortal couple possibly offer to fulfill them?)
But all of that is speculation. Here's what isn't: Nandor wants to be a human for a single episode of the show. It is not a richly established part of his character. If we're talking pure facts, it's a thing that happened that one time, and has never been spoken of again.
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cookinguptales · 10 months
Still going back and forth on whether I want to answer it, but… for future reference, if your ask ranting about how much you hate the character/ship dynamic that I obviously enjoy has to be split into four parts because it’s so long, maybe you should consider just. Making your own post? And not dropping it in my inbox?
I don’t think I’m going to answer the ask in full (it was literally like 400 words and that’s really not easy to conveniently answer via ask) but I’ll make a couple meta posts to address that anon’s concerns. They did remind me of some things I thought were interesting about this season.
That said… Look, I feel like I’ve been very clear about my position on Nandor’s mistreatment of Guillermo. I’ve been very clear that there’s no such thing as Saint Guillermo putting up with Evil Mean Nandor’s bullshit. I’ve been very clear that Guillermo’s choices re: Nandor are just as much about his own fucked-up issues as Nandor’s. They’re both codependent assholes and I love that for them. If you don’t want to watch a show about Guillermo ruining his own goddamn life, that’s fine, but I don’t feel like the show has ever hidden that that’s what it’s about.
God, “Freddie” was a year ago and I’m still getting asks that literally call him “Saint Guillermo” in my inbox!
Look! The vampires are still going to keep being dicks to Guillermo even though they love him (yes, Nandor included) because they are assholes. Guillermo is going to keep making selfish and frustrating life choices that ultimately hurt himself and everyone around him because he is an asshole. That’s a fundamental element of almost every character on this show. If you don’t like that, again! That’s fine! But the show has always been about endearing assholes.
Guillermo constantly making bad choices isn’t “watching a character avoid growth over and over again.” It’s a fundamental part of who he is. Guillermo has grown a lot, and in a lot of different ways. He’s just not always growing into a person that we like. He’s selfish, he’s short-sighted, he’s self-destructive, and he always has been — now he just has the power to make that everyone else’s problem, too.
So really, he fits right in with every other vampire in the household! Which is, as you were talking about at the beginning of the ask(s), what I think this season is all about!
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cottoncandysprite · 1 year
God ok. So I rewatched the season 3 finale right. This was my first rewatch since bingeing the entire show in 2 days with no breaks except sleep last spring so obviously this was my first REAL watch of it that wasn't over emotional and sleep deprived. And I still cried my eyes out.
That finale (and the third season as a whole) is such a perfect piece of television for so many reasons but I'm just gonna be rambling about some of my favorite details for a second so just hang tight
Guillermo interrupting himself at the beginning with "and I deserve it" is SO UNDERRATED I'm obsessed with him
Laszlo draws such a realistic line of putting up a front of apathy even though we as the audience know how close he and Colin got that season. Like obviously he's mourning but it's not cartoonishly obvious that he's lying like we would see from Nadja. He's just unusually quiet.
Colin's pictures being torn out jumpscared me. Not a fun thing to forget about when you aren't emotionally prepared
I miss the Nadja doll. Where was she in season 4 fr
It cuts to Guillermo when Nandor talks about being reminded of how eternal life can be snuffed out in an instant. Camera guys ily
"You're running away from your feelings!" vs. "You're one of the things I need to get away from!" I never forgot about this moment I just can't believe it exists
Do y'all think Viago is gonna be confused when Guillermo shows up as a guest judge on drag race this season
Guillermo's little grins as he ran around trying to manipulate the house into staying. I love this little shit
Laszlo's speech legit got me choked up. WITH NADJAS THEME IN THE BACKGROUND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
Ok. Fuck. The fight scene. GOD.
Wouldn't say Guillermo cheated, fought dirty yes but cheating is a bit of a stretch Nandor. I thought you were a strategist
"You're just scared of me right now" I mean, that and one other thing probably
I know it's been pointed out on here a million times but I wonder if Guillermo realized that Nandor wanted to share ancestral soil. He must have realized right
The hat. Maybe it was packed and that's why Guillermo had such bad luck (/hj)
Do y'all think NADJA will recognize Guillermo on drag race????????
The lighting on the scene where Laszlo discovers Baby Colin had no right being that cool
That kinda just devolved into recounting the events of the episode through screaming but like. It stands. That episode. God.
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nandermoenthusiast · 10 months
but i gotta be honest, the whole season did. it was fun and genuinely hilarious, while also acknowledging (maybe not doing something with it yet, but we have a whole other season already under go) some plot points like colin dreaming about his childhood with lazlo
i honestly honestly honestly have to say, i would not have changed a single thing from it. it was INSPIRED. i want to talk about the theme of this season, the vampires are assholes and they will never be nice to each other, but they are a FAMILY and they care about each other so deeply
first of all we have the morrigan manor trap, which i enjoyed so much, and although the season did a great job at building up to this with a hundred little moments in the previous eps, i was still literally shook at seeing the vampires face the music. like wow the guide is really telling them off for how they treat her and guillermo. like, i felt it. and nadja and lazlo are like ok this could have been a conversation but fine heres some footage of us being nice about u behind your back, AND THATS SO LOVELY LIKE - MY DEAR WE ARE FUCKED UP CREATURES OF THE NIGHT WELL NEVER TELL YOU TO YOUR FACE THAT YOURE IMPORTANT TO US
and its like. this season does a lot to put all the previous seasons into perspective. i cant even begin to speak about nandor and his aversion to turning guillermo. like, CHRIST
anyway the moment where nandor finds out was SO fucking delicious i love you mr de laurentiis i am completely in love with you going insane going insane also like ive seen some DISAPPOINTMENT over this finale and im ???? speechless is it that they didnt kiss or fuck? NANDOR KNOWS GUILLERMO BETTER THAN HE KNOWS HIMSELF HE KNEW HE COULDNT BEAR KILLING HE KNEW HE WASNT READY AND WANNA BET HE ALSO KEPT HIS DISTANCE ALL THESE YEARS BECAUSE HE KNEW THAT WOULD ADD TO GUILLERMO WANTING TO BE WITH HIM FOREVER BUT HES TOO CODEPENDENT TO LET HIM GO WHAT!!! THIS SHIT IS DELICIOUS
but where was i ah yes nandor finding out nandor staking out panera bread and talking to some rando about guillermo and nandor going to his mothers (vampire killer! so its like dangerous for him lbr) place once he found it within himself to let go of the humiliation and prioritize his feelings for guillermo. let that sink in. he didnt want to find him not really. otherwise he would have threatened his mom weeks ago. nandor actually forgiving guillermo and its just like that. because he loves him too much. nandor doing the gayest most romantically and sexually charged shit in the world to prove to guillermo he actually has forgiven him. nandor bringing guillermo home. and saying he will be living with us AS AN EQUAL
nandor bringing him blood. and while we are on this topic, NANDOR WHO HAS THE IQ OF A RUSSIAN TOILET KNEW RIGHT AWAY WHAT GUILLERMOS PROBLEM WITH HIS TURNING WAS AND HOW TO FIX IT. AND HE DID. IMMEDIATELY. WHILE LAZLO STRUGGLED FOR WEEKS. NANDOR KNEW INSTANTLY. this episode had such biiig caretaker nandor energy and i fucking gobble that shit up. he pays so much attention to guillermo and he is so warm and loving to him whenever hes not catching himself…… i think im gonna go cry
nandor looking at guillermo with barely repressed lust as guillermo shows off his new vampiric powers and is taken by a frenzy to just go and do some shit. nandor lurking in the shadows listening to guillermos confession about not being able to kill, and looking so broken up about it, and wanting to fix things immediately for guillermo (but he cant, and btw im glad they brought back the lamp even if it was just to say you dumbass, you are out of wishes, like maybe that was a disappointment to some people but im sort of glad they made nandor use up all his wishes because the whole ceremony bit was sooooooooooooo thoughtful and soooo warm on nandors part). he went and staged the whole place and orchestrated the whole thing just so guillermo could speak from the heart and say he made a mistake. that is insanely loving of him
and btw idk anything about the lore of vampiric lineage BUT! tbh i do think this is such a cool loophole. like when guillermo reverted, time for his human form had passed. which means if any vampire who has lived, idk, more than 130 years had the same thing happen to them, they would obviously turn to dust. of course they would die! but guillermo had this happen only a few months ago so hes good! and the vampirism is reverted! and he has the time and knowledge now to think long and hard if he still wants it
to be honest (not to be a blorke about nandermo) i do believe that nandor and guillermo will get into it next season and the subsequent conflict will be that guillermo cannot be a vampire so he will age and die one day, but i think since nandor is so caring and “acts of service” in this last episode, maybe the solution they find is they decide nandor will turn guillermo eventually, and then bring him blood without guillermo having to hunt and kill (he could also like rob blood banks or drink from people without draining them)
anyway how cool is it that guillermo turned out to be so similar to louis (interview with the vampire, the very movie that got him to want to be a vampire), with the same conflict, except he did get a do over thanks to nandor ❤️
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pleasecallmeeds · 10 months
my top ten favorite television shows
did anyone ask? no! do i care? no! 
(I actually found this post in my drafts a few days ago and decided to update it and actually finish it. Most times you can tell when 2021/2022 Madison is writing because it’s all in lowercase. I mainly just moved things around and then changed a few of the standings. I also included gifs for the ships that I love the most. I hope you enjoy!) 
10. The Sandman
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I wasn’t expecting to love The Sandman as much as I did, but I did. I’m also grateful that this is my first dive into Neil Gaiman’s writing, which led me to watching Good Omens, which I also enjoyed. I personally prefer The Sandman’s mythology and the strange way the season is formatted; it has a plotline running through but each episode feels like it’s in an anthology--almost like this was based on a comic series or something. Also, major props to The Sandman for being one of the gayest shows on television. I’ve never seen a show be comprised of probably 95% queer people. It was a marvel. Don’t love that Morpheus hasn’t had any queer relationships yet--doesn’t mean he’s not queer, but so far, hasn’t said anything regarding this. I’d like it if the main character was queer and not just all of the side characters, but I’ll take what I can get. 
favorite quote: “What power would Hell have if those imprisoned here were not able to dream of Heaven?”
favorite character: the Corinthian is so fucking cool. Dream is hot too.
favorite episode: “Sleep of the Just,” “24/7,” & “The Sound of Her Wings.” I love them all. 
favorite ship: dream/morpheus x hob
9. What We Do in the Shadows
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On the topic of “the gayest shows in television,” this one is included. Literally all of these vampires are queer and fucking each other. It’s groundbreaking! It’s also one of the most hilarious things I’ve ever seen. I wish that I had stronger, more genuine bonds of friendship between this group, but they’re vampires that have lived for hundreds of years. Outwardly showing love toward your friends is overrated, I guess. 
favorite quote: “Trust me. Gay is in. Gay is hot. I want some gay. Gay it’s gonna be.” 
favorite character: laszlo cravensworth, my beloved
favorite episode: “The Wellness Center” (season 3, episode 8)
favorite ship: look, i’d love to ship Nandor and Guillermo but their dynamic is pretty toxic. besides, we all know that they’re all just living in a polycule. 
8. That 70′s Show
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That 70′s Show is nostalgic for me. My aunt is nine years older than me, so she was a teenager when I was in elementary school. She would watch this show on the television at my grandparents’ house and I’d watch the camera circle around a group of kids getting high in Eric Foreman’s basement and I was invested. I love the group dynamics, the sarcasm, the humor, and the rare emotional moments, too. 
favorite quote: “Damn, Jackie, I can’t control the weather!”
favorite character(s): Kitty & Red Foreman (people who don’t like Kitty Foreman need to grow up fr)
favorite episode(s): “Eric’s Buddy” (Season 1, Episode 11), “Grandma’s Dead” (Season 1, Episode 23), and “Garage Sale” (Season 2, Episode 1)
favorite ship(s): hyde x jackie, eric x buddy
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7. Stranger Things
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If it weren’t for the last two seasons of Stranger Things, this could easily be at the top of the list. But my perception of Stranger Things has changed so much through these last couple of seasons. I still really enjoyed the fourth season, which is why it has remained in my top 10. There’s things to like about season 3 and 4, but they don’t compare to seasons 1 and 2. The mystery, the character development, and the strong relationships between characters made me fall in love with the show. Unfortunately, I feel like this has declined over time, but nonetheless it’s still a fun time, even if the actors will be grown adults playing children by the time season 5 comes out. Also, I’m just begging on my knees for queer characters and relationships in the forefront. Robin is the only openly gay one (so far, we know that Will is canonically gay) and her relationship isn’t a main focus and she isn’t actively in any relationships yet.
favorite quote: “Harrington’s got her, don’t ya, big boy?” & “Do you wanna be normal? Do you wanna be just like everyone else? Being a freak is the best. I'm a freak.”
favorite character(s): steve harrington. eddie munson. robin. my beloveds
favorite episode: “Chapter Four: The Body” (Season 1, episode 4) had me genuinely freaked the fuck out. that’s what got me hooked on this show. 
favorite ship: steve x eddie, mike x will (but will deserves better)
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6. Freaks and Geeks
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It’s actually criminal that Freaks and Geeks was cancelled after one season. I think it is one of the most realistic depictions of high school I’ve ever seen. I felt seen in both Sam and Lindsay Weir. I related to Sam’s awkwardness and finding comfort in a few close friends, but I also related to Lindsay’s desire to fit in and try new things but not exactly finding the right friends. I loved the dynamic, the humor, the references, and the relationships. Overall, it is one of my favorite comfort shows. 
favorite quote: “I’ve seen God...he plays drums in Led Zeppelin.”
favorite character: Bill Haverchuck, you comedy genius 
favorite episode: “Chokin’ and Tokin’” (episode 13)
favorite ship: look, I would have loved if Lindsay actually liked Nick, because i thought they were really cute together. I don’t get why everyone’s obsessed with Daniel. James Franco is gross on so many levels. 
5. Criminal Minds
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When I went to college, all of my classmates were studying forensic science because of this show. They all told me to watch it, because literally my whole class was obsessed with it. So I did what they said, and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Wow, is this show fun. I haven’t even finished it because I don’t want it to end. This is one of the strongest casts of characters I’ve ever seen. I genuinely love and care about each character. If any of them died, I’d be heartbroken. The cases are compelling and thrilling to watch (well, not all of them, but most of them), and I love watching the BAU figure it out together and take care of each other. 
favorite quote: ‘You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you’ve really stopped to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”
favorite character: obviously the Dr. Spencer Reid. but Penelope Garcia is a VERY close second. 
favorite episode: “Amplification” (season 4, episode 24)
favorite ship: reid x morgan (i present evidence A, your honor: “pretty boy”), morgan x garcia (i present evidence A, your honor: every episode of CM), garcia x every woman
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4. The X-Files
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I recently got into The X-Files because of my friend @midwestmothman and I will forever be in their debt. I haven’t even finished more than two seasons of this show and I’m in love with it. I don’t want to watch it too fast because then it’ll be over, and what do I do then? (I know they have this exact same dilemma.) Mulder and Scully are one of the foundations of so much of our current ship/fandom culture and it’s obvious why. I love the mystery & sci-fi of it all but we all know that it is the chemistry between the two leads that keep us invested even if the episodes aren’t as strong as usual. It’s one of those shows that I could turn on and watch all day. 
favorite quote: “Mulder, sometimes I think the world is going to hell and we’re the only two people who can save it.”
favorite character: I can’t pick. They’re both iconic.
favorite episode:  “Ice” (season 1, episode 8)
favorite ship: mulder x scully ofc
3. Seinfeld
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ok, sorry (not sorry?) but Seinfeld is hilarious.
i absolutely love it. it is partly a nostaliga thing, but when i got old enough to actually give a damn about what i watch i decided i would watch it on my own instead of reruns on my grandfather’s television and i decided on my own that it is one of the most hilarious things i have ever seen.
i am a piece of each of these characters. they’re all complex characters with deep flaws but just as deep character and depth. they’re not meant to be praised; they know they are selfish people but the whole point of the show is that we can laugh at the terrible things that they say that we’re too afraid to joke about (as in like little rude things not hateful things).
this show is iconic. there are so many sayings, so many scenes, so many quotes that are iconic. Kramer--iconic. Seinfeld’s apartment--iconic. they’re all iconic.
obviously i do not care for the actual namesake of the show but every other character has an incredibly special place in my heart.
favorite quote: “You’re a nice guy, but I actually only have three friends. I can’t really handle any more.”
favorite character: the man, the myth, the legend Cosmo Kramer
favorite episode: “the red dot” (season 3, episode 12) & “the voice” (season 9, episode 2)
2. Fleabag
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Fleabag has a special place in my heart. Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a genius and this show is a testament to that. I thought season one was a great examination of what it’s like to be a woman that feels like she’s being a woman wrong. That she wants to say things and feel things that she’s not supposed to. She also doesn’t know how to handle her grief or to handle love. Then season 2 is a full-blown love story (admitted by Fleabag herself) and I LOVE it. It is so tragic, it is so beautiful, it is so comforting. It is upsetting that Fleabag finally finds someone who gets her but they have a barrier that they can’t overcome. It is one of the most heartbreaking moments of TV for me recently. “I love you.” “It’ll pass.” ARE YOU JOKING. 
favorite quote: “I want someone to tell me what to wear every morning. I want someone to tell me what to eat. What to like, what to hate, what to rage about, what to listen to, what band to like, what to buy tickets for, what to joke about, what not to joke about. I want someone to tell me what to believe in, who to vote for, and who to love, and how to tell them. I just think I want someone to tell me how to live my life, Father, because so far I think I’ve been getting it wrong.”
favorite character: fleabag, duh. but obviously the hot priest, too. 
favorite episode: series 2, episode 1
favorite ship: fleabag x the hot priest, it truly breaks my heart
1. Succession
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Succession is one of the best meshes of comedy and drama that I’ve ever seen. Endlessly quote-able, at times nauseating, at times hysterical, at times the most depressing thing I’ve ever seen. A story of cycles and power and prisons. A tragedy. Witnessing these ups and downs over the past few years have been one of my favorite television experiences. It was like a new Game of Thrones for me. In a similar vein I think both shows ended the way the story demands but weren’t very satisfying in nature. (Spoilers) No one will admit it but Tom being the successor is like Bran being the King at the end for me. I loved it, though. Every minute. (I was secretly rooting for Ken but we don’t need to talk about that.)
favorite quote: all of the best quotes are between Greg and Tom. Tom’s “Are we talking to each other on the deck of a majestic schooner? Is the salty brine stinging my weather-beaten face? No? Then why the fuck are you are wearing a pair of deck shoes man?" always gets a laugh and Greg’s “It’s not like they pre-poop them” response regarding the dog poop bags. Also of course “You can’t make a Tomlette without breaking some Gregs.”
favorite character: roman roy you weird fuck 
favorite episode: “This Is Not For Tears” (season 2, episode 10) - probably my favorite episode of television ever
favorite ship: tom x greg, ken x nate somehow?? like can we go back to the line “Man, I forgot how eager you were to get laid at a party”??? also ken x stewy -- once again going back to the line “You like pancakes and waffles and you kiss guys on molly”??? kendall roy & his relationships with men will forever remain one of life’s greatest mysteries
favorite quote: "It's one of the great tragedies of life — something always changes."
favorite character: Dr. James Wilson my BELOVED !!!!!!!!
favorite episode(s): tough because i love “three stories” (season 1, episode 21) but “wilson’s heart” (season 4, episode 16) absolutely destroyed me. 
favorite ship: wilson x house ofc 
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The Great British Bake Off
favorite quote: James Acaster’s “Started making it, had a breakdown.”
favorite contestant: GBBO 2020′s winner PETER (noel’s not a contestant but he’s my favorite) are you kidding me he’s so cute
favorite season: 2020 season 
Full House
look, it’s peak nostalgia. I’ve been getting back into it lately. 
favorite quote: Stephanie’s “How rude!” and Michelle’s “You’ve got it, dude!”
favorite character: Uncle Jesse. He’s easy on the eyes.
favorite episode(s): “Secret Admirer,” (season 4, episode 5) & “Silence is Not Golden” (season 6, episode 17)
favorite ship: danny x joey x jesse. don’t act like you don’t see it, too!!
Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones used to be my favorite show of all time. It was one of the only shows that kept me in anticipation every week for the next episode. It takes a lot for a TV show to do that. And I loved every minute of this show, even the last season and its ridiculousness. I’ve always felt this, but I feel like that now that we’re a few years out from the finale I think maybe if some people looked back on the last season they wouldn’t think it’s so bad. I thought the ending made sense. It was disappointing, but it made sense. I’m more upset about the character arcs reverting, ending in disappointing ways, or progressing too fast (I’m looking at you, Daenerys.) However, even when it was bad, it was still good. Just not good enough to break my top 10. Close though! That’s why I’m giving it a little speech. 
favorite quote: “Our fathers were evil men. All of us here. They left the world worse than they found it. We're not going to do that. We're going to leave the world better than we found it.” (Oh, Daenerys. You had such potential.)
favorite character: jon fucking snow 
favorite episode: “The Winds of Winter” (Season 6, episode 10)
favorite ship: jaime x brienne (we almost had it all), jon x ygritte 
Thanks for reading. What are your top ten favorite television shows?
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I do find posts where people try and explain what queerbaiting is as confusing because what they describe is queerbaiting but it most definitely applies to a lot of tv shows that they probably don’t think queerbait.
Shipping two characters doesn’t mean the show ships it.
But with a show like Supernatural or Gotham or as it currently is unless that changes What We Do in the Shadows do and have partaken in queerbaiting.
Paul Simms making the claim that Nandor and Guillermo have the greatest love story of all time and over the years building each season up by hinting that something will happen between them only for literally nothing to happen and then usually throwing a bitch fit claiming fans made him quit twitter because they think these two men will be together when it’s complicated is queerbaiting. Hyping a show up and having actors talk extensively about a potential romance is baiting.
Gotham literally did the exact same thing until it went too far then all the sudden you had the actors acting weird and claiming that Oswald wasn’t even gay and he could fall in love with a woman, he’s a virgin he doesn’t know what he likes. Which is a jarring difference to how fucking hard the actors and showrunners forced it down peoples throats that these two men were totally in love. Just wait it’s gonna happen you gotta keep watching.
Supernatural obviously well that was a fuck fest and Sherlock spent 97% of its fucking pilot episode telling the audience that Sherlock is a gay man to only later on awkwardly force the idea he’s straight and a “real man”.
Queerbaiting is an issue and I think more people really fucking need to admit their fav shows do it.
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I support Nandermo and all the mess these two characters are but I actually hope that if the ship does become canon down the rode they do get to have some soft/UwU moments down the road. 
They’ve down some really awful things to each other (I still maintain Nandor more the Guillermo but Guillermo isn’t a saint). Nandor eats people and runs through relationships. Guillermo kills literally everyone unless they are in his little found family. I still think even they deserve some sweet moments. Like it would be nice if we actually get to see them watching a movie on rainy Sunday or the two of them just quietly spending time together like Nadja and Laszlo.
The characters can be kind to one another as much as they can be cruel. Nadja may threaten to kill Laszlo but she was just as excited to see him when he came back from cosplaying Jackie Daytona. Laszlo wrote a song for Nadja and makes sure to refer to as his lady wife as a fuck you to the men in London who were cruel to her for being poor. 
Colin went mad with power but it was all because he was upset that none of the other vamps actually wanted to be around him and be friends. 
Hell, Guillermo and Nandor have had their sweet moments. For as much as it was framed as a joke at Guillermo’s expense I think Nandor was genuine when he gave Guillermo the glitter portrait. He kept Guillmero in a cage but actively argued against Nadja and Laszlo that Guillermo would consider hurting them. Guillermo has abandoned Nandor multiple times and I would argue there may have been a few moments were he wanted Nandor’s vampirism, not Nandor. But he made little dolls of both of them, he put effort every year for Nandor’s ascension day celebration, and almost lost his mind trying to make sure that Nandor’s wedding was perfect  (at least to Nandor). 
I disagree that the point of the show is that they’re morally bankrupt characters who aren’t likable. Nandor has affection for animals, Nadja turned Jenna because she was being bullied, Laszlo has an over attachment to the human Sean, Colin’s little smile when Laszlo acknowledges his birthday still breaks my heart, and Guillermo has consistently tried to protect his weird little found family. 
I think the point is that they are morally bankrupt characters who are supposed to be likable. They’re bloodthirsty monsters (and a human vampire slayer who kills everyone) who occasionally miss each other, can sometimes be sincere with one another, and will obviously always choose their weird little vampire pod over anyone else.  TL; DR Nandermo have spent several seasons tearing each other apart. It would nice to have one moment in the next two seasons where they remind both each other and the audience that for as monstrous as they both are there’s some still love in their hearts. Even if its framed like Laszlo killing Jesk for Nadja I still think it would be sweet to see. 
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mistyintherivers · 8 months
thanks @lemonharmonica for tagging me in this question game thingy!!!
fave food/drink?
I know it's really basic but I love pasta so much in every form - my favourites are tortellini with tomato and mascarpone sauce, or just those little pasta bows (i forget what they're called). I also love anything mint flavoured, especially after eight after dinner mints OOF so good
2. fave fandom?
ooooo I don't knoowwww!!! I've been part of so many during my time on the internet that it's so hard to pick just one!!! i guess just see the 'fave shows' section, lol
however I do feel like giving a special shout out to the first ever fandom I participated in (it was the mlp fandom on google+ lol)
3. currently watching?
I'm in the middle of my first ever buffy watch!!! I've nearly finished season 3 and i am so obsessed lol
4. your strengths?
I guess I'm pretty creative???
5. your weaknesses?
overthinking!! I've definitely been overthinking every single answer to these questions (chill, you're not being graded)
6. pet peeves?
I have to say noisy eating too :(
7. ideal type?
hmmm this is probably such a basic answer but honestly just someone who is kind, funny (with a similar sense of humour lol), and easy to talk to! common interests/hobbies are a cool bonus <3
8. last food you ate?
I have these fun little frankenstein-shaped crisps for halloween season that I've been snacking on
9. favourite animals?
apparently this question started as 'favourite anime' but got misread?? so i'm answering both.
I love dogs!!! also pigs - i had so much pig-themed stuff when i was little and i still get super excited when I see them
I've only ever watched one anime all the way through, and it was your lie in april which made me cry so. definitely that one <3
10. hobbies?
drawing/painting/crafting and everything in that realm!! I'm currently sewing my own costume for comic con, so that's the hobby that's getting most of my attention atm. I also love reading, when I can find the right book, and I play the piano!! Does musical theatre in general count as a hobby????
11. favourite characters?
okay i have a very long list of characters that mean the world to me and i have no clue how to keep it brief!!!! I'm currently watching btvs so willow rosenberg is my fave from there (i love witches!!), i am obsessed with kermit the frog, guillermo de la cruz because he is so cool and so fun and i love him, and of course my fave goth, tina cohen chang <3
12. favourite shows?
what we do in the shadows (silly vampires are my raison d'etre), buffy the vampire slayer (even though i haven't finished it yet, but i can just tell), glee (there's singing, there's dancing, there's drama), and derry girls (it's so funny and I rewatch literally it all the time)
oh! and I have to shout out heartstopper ofc- I love the comics and all of the osemanverse books, and the show is just so sweet <3
13. wyd right now?
I am in the library 📚
14. how are you?
15. favourite rest-time activities?
drawing, listening to music, reorganising my shelves lmao
i have no idea who to tag so if you're reading this you are now officially tagged <3<3
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vinylattes · 1 year
8 shows to get to know me better
thanks for the tag @little-orcs-hurrarrumm !! <33
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my current fave!! i’ve been seeing it a lot both here and in twitter literally the first months it started airing, but i’ve been busy and all that. binged the whole thing recently, and it deserves a long run! story’s well-written, scenes are very wholesome and fun to watch, and what an amazing ensemble of cast and characters!!
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pinoy pride!! tfw when you watch a trailer and you just Know the entire thing’s gonna be good? (and they knew what they were doing with those posters)
i’ve never seen a teleserye i truly love since the killer bride and la vida lena, like, this is the first time i’ve been invested in a filo show so far (there’s just something abt revenge girlboss dramas)
neways, international fans can still watch it thanks to the subtitles in iwanttfc and youtube. but i hope filipinos love and promote it even more.
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i thought i would be Normal abt it, now i’m a changed person. a mutual rb’ed a gifset of memo being insane with the “and if one day he doesn’t, well...”, and i was Intrigued so i binged all three seasons in one day.
i have to confess that i finally tuned in because of taika, but i’ve found reasons to stay: nadja, guillermo, matt, harvey, the characters, the silly plot, have i mentioned nadja and guillermo?
YONDERLAND (2013-2016)
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ult fave! this show just GETS me!! i wasn’t there when it aired, so i’m not really sure if it’s a hit in the uk or us but i don’t think i would’ve discovered this show if i didn’t watch ghosts. deserved a lot of awards and recognition. just a silly goofy show that i didn’t and wouldn’t want to know what’s happening most of the time, and i love and enjoyed every single bit. society needs more shows like this one but this masterpiece will never be replaced imo
BBC GHOSTS (2019-)
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i’m still in denial that this show is ending, but i think it’s their time. i would still definitely watch fillers after fillers as they drag the whole thing, but just like yonderland— that’s not very idiots of them to do so.
nevertheless, it’s a very comforting show! love how they truly understand the characters they write and portray. a found family of a bunch of dead losers, what more could you want!!
THE FLASH (2014-2023)
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arguably the first fandom i’ve been kinda active in after my long hiatus from fandoms i think ? (i was more of an observer than a contributor back then)
the first seasons were so good. i miss westallen so much. eobard was so cunty. harrisco were my first attempts in giffing and editing in general. i still love them, but idk if i’m gonna be able to actually finish the show (i stopped after s7)
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actually a great show, but no longer one of my faves bc the fandom ruined some things for me sorry. it was fun waiting for ep 7 and 8 to air, but i do wish i was there since the beginning when it was still fun and quiet. neways, i miss the brainrot that possessed me to learn giffing.
GOOD OMENS (2019-)
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i was there when this baby was born but didn’t get the chance to be involved until they’re like a toddler. the brainrot was insane when i used up my savings for the funkos, the original books and the script book like !! i miss them so much and i can’t express how excited i am to see them again this summer !!!
tagging @larryrickard @autisticharrywells @spineless-lobster @baynton @bluntbeard @moondogss @fiovske @horuuuuu and anyone who wants to give it a go! <33
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ineffably-human · 10 months
idk i think that the relationship both between nandor and guillermo and guillermo and the rest of the household have evolved too much to just revert back to him as a servant beneath them. we saw everyone fight to protect him/save him/help him this season. i think now more than ever he is a fully-fledged member of the family vampire or not. and there's nothing stopping nandor from turning him whenever guillermo is ready if he ever is. i also liked the fact that this finale finally gave nandor a reason as to why he refused to turn guillermo for over a decade and that the reason turned out to be a selfless one, borne of love and understanding. because to me the whole "nandor won't turn him because he doesn't want guillermo to leave" was always just really bothersome to me because it painted nandor as a real selfish dick. because at the end of the day his baggage is his baggage and guillermo is a person and not a pet and i'm glad this season proved that nandor knows that and values him for more than what he does for him.
I did love how much the other vampires rallied around him this season, but the finale seemed to undo most of that. After the ceremony with Derek, Nandor immediately tells him to clean the body up. The implication is 'doing the shit work is still your job, even though the whole reason you were agreeing to it is literally over and done with.'
(Laszlo staying behind to help implies that he and only he has come around a bit. But I'm cynical enough right now that I wonder if that was just so we could have him in the scene with Wallace.)
I'd honestly rather Nandor had selfish reasons for keeping Guillermo as he was than 'all along I've known you weren't cut out for this, and stringing you along with no intention of ever following through - or flat-out rejecting you, or even talking about it with you to explain myself - was for your own good.'
Nandor could have had any number of reasons but they all seemed based in his own growing character development and the evolution of their relationship. It actually set their relationship apart. This is a selfish person, inherently. He literally changed one person into another person to avoid confronting his feelings. To watch him move past that might have actually been compelling.
But there's no implication that Guillermo's not ready yet and one day he's going to get past this, or he'll put affairs in order and one day they'll do it right with the sire he wanted. Or even that he can't be a vampire because there's something else he's meant for. Guillermo can't kill humans (even though he can kill vampires, threaten to kill loved ones, watch people get torn apart three feet from him, lure people to their deaths, and dismember bodies without flinching) and I don't think we're supposed to hope he turns into someone who can kill humans so he and Nandor can bang it out forever.
Which leaves us with... basically nothing emotionally, but hey, we saw Haley Joel Osment again so that was definitely a great use of everyone's time.
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cookinguptales · 2 years
And now here’s the hard one... *sighs* Nandor and Freddie.
Nandor’s always been a tough nut to crack, but even for him, 4.09 was a lot.
I think we can all agree that he has some reasons for going after Freddie that he does not care to examine (and likely never will) but... yeah, pinning those down is harder. I don’t believe he would have given Freddie a second thought if he had not currently been dating Guillermo, but beyond that...
I wanna start with that game of charades they were playing and the way that Nandor was using Guillermo’s watch to time the Freddies. Or rather... he used Guillermo’s wrist, which was wearing the watch. He could have removed the watch or used Guillermo’s phone or something, but he instead chose to take possession of Guillermo’s actual physical body during a game that involved reading each other’s body language. (And Guillermo, of course, was so distracted and so used to Nandor manhandling him that he didn’t really react much to this.)
The most obvious (and fun) reading of this was Nandor subconsciously staking a claim on Guillermo’s physical body. I think you actually see this several times throughout the episode, but it’s definitely at its most obvious here. Nandor was practically peeing on him with that casual use of Guillermo’s arm.
What I think is more interesting, though, was how little Nandor thought of what he was doing, and how little Guillermo reacted. It was almost as if he were looking at a watch on his own arm. And I think that’s really the key to understanding what was going on in this episode. Nandor, to some degree, has come to see Guillermo as an extension of himself. A part of him that is his to use and manipulate just like he might his own limbs. He really has come to see Guillermo as his literal right hand.
And then Guillermo shows up with this man whom Nandor has never met. The annoying British embodiment of the life that Guillermo still insists on having outside of Nandor’s purview. The life that Nandor has been shown to be getting more and more resentful of throughout the season.
He immediately tries to put himself between the two of them, both physically and through his words, and like... of course he misreads his jealousy as wanting Freddie. Of course he does.
But in other ways, it’s not really a misreading at all. Guillermo is a part of him that Nandor feels entitled to and Nandor is greedy for all the things in Guillermo’s life. He hates the lines that still divide the two of them. Nandor is frustrated that Guillermo won’t tell him about his family or the things that he does. Nandor tries to monopolize all of Guillermo’s time so he can sort of take that life from him. And then he takes Freddie, too.
I think the truth here is that Nandor wanted Freddie because Guillermo wanted Freddie. Some of it was a power thing, wanting to prove that he was “better” than Guillermo and could steal this person away from him, and some of it was that... well, Nandor values what Guillermo values. Guillermo likes this person, therefore he must be great, therefore Nandor wants him as well. It was literally the act of Guillermo loving him that made him valuable to Nandor. (And I noticed that as soon as Guillermo rejected Freddie 2, Nandor ditched him.) It was literally the act of Guillermo having him that made Nandor want to have him as well. And it was Guillermo loving something else at all that made Nandor want to steal him.
Nandor didn’t ask for the Djinn to give him a version of Freddie that wasn’t dating Guillermo because he needed to prove to himself that he could steal him. He needed to prove that in this, he and Guillermo were the same. Were equal. That he could make Freddie love him, too. He could make this man a part of his life, too. He could take away this embodiment of the life that Guillermo lived outside of him and make it his own.
I think that Guillermo realized this immediately, actually. I’m not sure if he picked up on the jealousy, exactly, but he definitely realized that Nandor was being invasive here. He wanted to force Guillermo to share all aspects of his life with him, including his new boyfriend. Nandor very literally was not allowing Guillermo to have “one thing of [his] own”.
Like... Guillermo did not come at this from the angle of “you wanted to hurt me” or “you wanted to steal someone’s boyfriend” or “you actually like Freddie”. He realized that this was about Nandor wanting to have everything that Guillermo has, every single part of his life, as a way of claiming him. Weirdly, Nandor dating Guillermo’s boyfriend was another way of him showing possession of Guillermo.
I think that Guillermo is consciously registering this as Nandor’s ego, as needing to be the center of attention at all times, and that’s probably true, too! But... yeah, Guillermo, Nandor is doing this because he wants to crawl inside your fucking skin.
What’s most fascinating to me, though, is that Guillermo and Nandor react to Freddie the same way. Like, Freddie is not a fucking catch. He’s narcissistic, he’s self-involved, and his niceness is not the same thing as kindness or genuine interest in others’ feelings. But that bland sort of niceness that he has about him is something that both Guillermo and Nandor latch onto because it’s something they’re so unused to receiving themselves. Sure, they both love each other and exchange kindnesses, but... It’s not the same as someone just straight-up telling you you’re a good boy, if you get me.
And Freddie, he doesn’t care. Those compliments mean nothing to him. But they mean everything to both Guillermo and Nandor. There’s an easiness to being with Freddie that doesn’t force either of them to confront their own issues. It’s not a thorny, obsessive love like what they share for each other. He’s pablum, but there’s a reason why pablum’s always been easy to digest.
So I think... the worst part, perhaps, of Nandor’s behavior in this episode is that, y’know, okay. He’s obsessive, he’s egocentric, he’s prone to a lil bit of pillaging, either of ancestral villages or his best friend’s boyfriend. But he’s also lonely. Like really, desperately lonely, and for something that he can’t quite seem to articulate. (It’s Guillermo, you fucking dumbass, it’s always been Guillermo.) 
And he keeps trying to fill that loneliness with increasingly fucked-up relationships (like genuinely, every single one gets worse) but it never works because he’s approaching it from the wrong angle and then... he sees Guillermo. And Guillermo seems so happy. And that hurts, but he can’t figure out why. All he knows is that he wants that. He wants to feel the way this relationship makes Guillermo feel. He wants to have that normal, easy, simple love. He wants someone to laugh with him and compliment him and bring him flowers.
And... he thinks that Freddie is the key. That Freddie is the part of this equation he’s been needing. That Freddie is some magical loneliness cure. And again, he gives up all the good things he has in the service of something he’s convinced will be better. (Nandor, as always, is the type to think the grass is greener on the other side without bothering to water his own lawn.) He gives up Marwa, and that’s easy for him. But he sacrifices his relationship with Guillermo, too, and he realizes immediately that’s not something he’s willing to trade.
I think the actual key point to Nandor’s actions in this episode is when he offers Freddie to Guillermo. It’s... a little unclear if he wanted Guillermo to have him or if he wanted to share him, but I think that’s what makes it really obvious here that this was never about Freddie. He doesn’t really seem to care about giving Freddie up here or how Freddie might care about the situation. He only cares about making Guillermo stop being so damn sad.
(And, moreover, he wants Guillermo to stop making him feel so guilty. “Stop saying things I have done!” indeed, Nandor.)
And in the end, he gives Freddie up so Guillermo will stop being upset with him. Not because he really has come to true realizations about Marwa or Freddie or why he’s doing any of this. But because Guillermo made him feel bad and he doesn’t want to feel bad and he doesn’t want to make Guillermo feel bad, either. He gave up his Freddie with the intention that Guillermo would keep his own Freddie and only one of them would have a Freddie. He was surrendering that part of Guillermo’s life back to him.
Of course, it didn’t turn out that way, but... Nandor was willing to sacrifice a little bit of his own possessiveness so Guillermo could actually be happy. He was willing to give up at least one of his dumbass happiness schemes, even though it kind of was making him happy, because his happiness was coming at the expense of Guillermo’s own. And when Guillermo was unhappy, so was he.
It’s... not exactly real emotional fluency, but it’s getting closer. It was an oddly kind thing for him to do, even if he still doesn’t fully understand his own motivations and in the end it just made things worse. It felt, at least to him, like he was doing something selfless. We know that it was largely for selfish reasons, but there was kernel of truth to that. Nandor was willing to give up some of his own happiness so Guillermo could be happy, too, and while that was partially because Nandor’s happiness is inextricably tied to Guillermo’s now, it’s also because he genuinely wanted to make him feel better.
I think to the very end he still didn’t understand how he fucked up or why, but he did get that he hurt Guillermo... and he didn’t like that. He fixed it poorly, but he did try to fix it. And even that much of an admission is more than we got when he destroyed Nadja’s village or let Guillermo go serve Celeste. Both of those times, he obviously kind of got that he fucked up but either never admitted it or did so only under duress. This time he made the direct choice to go back on a decision because it hurt someone he loved, and he did it without his hand being forced.
It’s... a step, I suppose. I don’t know if Guillermo will see it that way. But it’s a step.
(*kneads temples* someone save me from stupid fucking vampires.)
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tinylilvalery · 2 years
Okay I finally watched the S4 finale of WWDITS.
- COLIN IS BACK THANK FUCK. I was actually beginning to lose hope and literally thought the writers were too dumb to do this but thankfully not. I'm so happy about this now. Rip to all the mfs that are making posts about how sad they are about baby Colin Robinson being gone now, couldn't be me lmfao roflmao. Colin Robinson is literally IT for me and I'm so happy he's finally back. Welcome back fav character welcome, how I've missed you.
-I've always said Colin Robinson is objectively the most powerful vampire in the house and this just furthers that and extends energy vampire lore so much. I'm actually so intrigued by it and by Colin. His library had SO MUCH inside it so I wonder if that's only detailed journalling from the last 100 years or longer?
-I actually love that Colin doesn't remember being raised and I hope he never does. Mwah! Sorry for the baby Colin lovers but he was perfect how he was and I loved how his dynamic w everyone in the house evolved from s1-3 and hated it tossed away for what baby Colin had. I'm glad I get to continue where he left off. I'm not here for Colin and Laszlo having a father son relationship, I'm here for them being roomies, best friends, and well,,,, Laszlin over whatever happened in this season ANY day.
-Speaking of where he left off,,, "Young Dumb and Full of Cum" I better get to see this in S5.
-Moreso, I really can't wait to see Colin and Laszlo's dynamic in S5. In S3 they got SO close. Whether or not you shipped them (I remember a lot of people joined the boat as s3 went on), they pretty much became best friends from the amount of time they spent together and how much Laszlo cared for Colin. That's where the relationship left off for Colin,,, but for Laszlo,, well, it's so much more complicated now. He's gotten close in different ways to two different Colin's and it'll be interesting seeing how he comes to terms with that.
-Colin instantly going into basically a feeding frenzy as soon as he came out of the basement with the other vampires and then the contractors. I hope people don't mistake this for him being heartless or detached from the rest. Remember he's barely fed in like a year so he was prolly starving.
-Laszlo hovering around while Colin trained the contractors 😭😭😭 Laszlo smiling to himself and fiddling with the piano as he listened in, obviously not being drained 😭😭😭😭 what does it mean? He's obviously sad to have lost Baby Colin, but was he relieved to have his friend back to normal? Was it a bittersweet moment to hear Colin up to his old tricks?? Had he actually missed it in a strange way??
-Colin stopping to ask if Laszlo was okay 😭😭😭😭 and Laszlo not being okay 😭😭😭😭😭😭
-Colin instantly taking the most dominant role in the house and arranging to have the house fixed up ����🥴 okih okih
-Fuck it is SO nice to see Colin Robinson return, but specifically Mark Proksch. Like. Fuck. It's like drinking a glass of refreshing cold water after this entire season. The dynamic felt off all season without him, ESPECIALLY without his dynamic with Matt Berry (in reference to how Mark wasn't on set with everyone for majority of the season). They have incredible chemistry honestly and it blew me away this episode and made me feel how much I've been missing it all of this season... Also yeah it's good to see Colin with that height difference over Laszlo, no I won't elaborate.
-I won't say a lot about Nandor, Nadja, or The Guide. Honestly I found Nadja's plot this season so bland and pointless, like I'm sorry but it didn't even compare to her plot in season 3 and there was like no character growth here for her, and I feel the same way about Nandor. Nandor was just more of the same mopey shit, looking for love in everyone but Guillermo... A plot that had its place in the first 3 seasons but not a 4th. It's just getting tedious and boring now, as Guillermo himself said. The sad thing is s3 had me frothing for Nandermo but now I just don't give a shit about them really, they bore me now. There's still potential but if nothing happened with them next season I don't think I'd care and I won't be holding my breath. And The Guide? Instead of getting to be more of her own character she really just became a supporting character for Nadja in a literal sense, supporting Nadja in her Vampire Nightclub endeavours but not being a supporting character by being written to support the writing of Nadja and her character journey (of which she didn't have). It's a shame, I feel like The Guide had more of a characterisation in S3 and I was actually looking forward to that being expanded on, but she really got fuck all here. I got bored by all three of them.
-Guillermo Guillermo Guillermo... Had an incredible character journey over the first 3 seasons and then this was just... Nothing. I feel like they pulled out the fact that he was a vampire slayer once this season (undeniably one of the most exciting moments in this season too) and then put it back away. It was something that was so iconic and important in season 3. Not to mention the whole insane way his love for Nandor became more and more apparent in the past seasons,, and then season 4 really gave nothing at all. They made him act so sane. Where was the unhinged Guillermo we all grew to love? Where was the vampire slayer itching to assert himself and enjoying his newfound power? Where the fuck did his sense of being owed vampirehood and to be Nandor's partner? It just didn't exist in s4. What's worse is he felt like the central character for the past 3 seasons, but in the 4th he just felt reduced to an empty side character. No amount of meta self awareness about the fact that he'd been reduced to a boring side character in a sitcom will excuse this failure of writing considering how strong the first 3 seasons were.
-I said since s3 that Derek should be the one Guillermo goes off with and who actually turns Guillermo. I actually remembered said thought the night before finale aired,, so really that's the second thing I predicted that came true.
-Nandor was so set on leaving and going home at the end of season 3 and took the massive step of appointing Guillermo as his partner to accompany him there, to where he would turn Guillermo. Guillermo had everything in his hands... And then Laszlo shipped him off to protect Nadja... AND THIS WAS LITERALLY NEVER FUCKING TALKED ABOUT IN SEASON 4. THERE WAS NO CONVERSATION BETWEEN NANDOR AND GUILLERMO. NOTHING. WHAT?????
-I'm seeing a lot of strange people say they don't want Guillermo to be a vampire.... And just,,, you're wrong? Like I'm sorry but you're wrong. He's been here for 13 years on that grind. I love him. Give him what he wants. Let him be the sexiest and most cunning evil vampire he can. And when all the other vampires see him let them drool and be shook. And then... Y'know.... If Nandor gets jealous of the fact that another vampire turned Guillermo instead him, let him come to terms with that and either accept Guillermo as his equal finally,, or have him wish for him back to being human. Both are great options. What isn't a great option and what is actually quite fucking boring is if Guillermo isn't made a vampire. We're trying to escape this monotonous sitcom style of writing, not cement ourselves in it.
-I just wanna thank Laszlo for being the best character this season. Matt Berry consistently delivers. He's able to be fucking funny and aloof, and yet when the time calls for it he can be grounded, serious, and actually heart wrenchingly sad.
-Matt Berry and Mark Proksch are the only reasons I'm looking forward to season 5. Their chemistry is unmatched and their character journeys have consistently been the best. I'm intrigued to see where they go from here.
Ps yes I'm still a Laszlin shipper but I've got no idea how things will work out from here on. As far as I'm concerned, Baby-Colin was an isolated entity. And I'm sorry y'all but I'm glad he's gone and Colin Robinson is back. The king fucking returned,,, if only he'd returned sooner.
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boylikeanangel · 2 years
answering wwdits asks
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yea I mean I've watched 4/10 episodes in russian and I managed to get the broad strokes of the plot for each of them, u can kinda hear some dialogue under the russian dub so its not entirely incomprehensible 100% of the time. what I like to do is use speech to text translator on another device whilst the episode is playing and translate the dialogue in chunks if I'm struggling to understand what's going on, would recommend if you feel like you're missing too much with the language barrier!
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yea and this makes me certain that they're not gonna come through with that cliffhanger for season 4 either lol. derek isn't gonna fucking turn guillermo lmao the show would be over if guillermo was turned. they're gonna do another timeskip and come up with an excuse as to why derek couldnt do it. in attempts to make us anticipate next season with this sudden change they've essentially trapped themselves if u ask me because they either have to resolve the BIGGEST overarching plot of the entire series immediately or keep making excuses as to why it can't be resolved yet despite the fact there is essentially no reason why derek wouldn't accept guillermo's offer. they're trying too hard whilst not having the guts to actually commit to it
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in ep9 basically nandor made a copy of his boyfriend so he could date freddie too, he shows no remorse for this even after guillermo tells him it was wrong. he sends his freddie back to england and they continue the relationship long distance but has to watch nandor and HIS freddie continue dating, until nandor also sends his freddie away. post credits scene then shows guillermo travelling to england to visit freddie only to discover the two freddies are now dating each other. I cannot tell you just how much this episode felt like a fucking fever dream
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I really hope so too anon but there was realistically no reason why they couldnt have had this resolution you describe in the finale of season 4. if they were gonna have nandor actually face the consequences for the way he treated marwa he would have done so already. I don't trust them to give enough of a shit about marwa to bring her back unfortunately
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tune in on september 14th for a secret extra 11th episode of season 4 where they reveal the final two episodes were just a dream and nandor and guillermo have been happily married for a year now and helping to coparent colin robinson, who is still a normal human child who loves his 4 parents very much <3
(seriously what is it with season 4. I can literally think of at least four shows just off the top of my head that were absolutely ruined by their 4th season. is this why david jenkins said hed only do up to 3 seasons of ofmd. jesus christ)
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