#literally there was one hermione stan who excused hermione inhumanely imprisoning rita and obliviating her parents
fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
Double Standards: Dramione vs Romione Edition
I am so sick of the double standards between the sexes when it comes to shipping.
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That's perfectly valid...but why does this logic not apply to Ron??
Harry spun round to see Hermione pointing her wand at Ron, her expression wild: the little flock of birds was speeding like a hail of fat golden bullets towards Ron, who yelped and covered his face with his hands, but the birds attacked, pecking and clawing at every bit of flesh they could reach.
Why does Draco not deserve to be with Hermione but Hermione deserves Ron!? Draco has never even intentionally assaulted Hermione! I would say Draco calling her a slur or laughing about her potentially being sexually assaulted is a lesser offence than Hermione scarring Ron for life. Make it make sense! Doesn't Ron deserve better too then!? I guess I should be concerned for Romione shippers too.
Before Romione fans attack Dramione, they should probably check their own ship first because it's not exactly the beacon of healthy relationships either. Just because Dramione is worse, it does not make Romione good.
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