#dramione defense
fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
Double Standards: Dramione vs Romione Edition
I am so sick of the double standards between the sexes when it comes to shipping.
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That's perfectly valid...but why does this logic not apply to Ron??
Harry spun round to see Hermione pointing her wand at Ron, her expression wild: the little flock of birds was speeding like a hail of fat golden bullets towards Ron, who yelped and covered his face with his hands, but the birds attacked, pecking and clawing at every bit of flesh they could reach.
Why does Draco not deserve to be with Hermione but Hermione deserves Ron!? Draco has never even intentionally assaulted Hermione! I would say Draco calling her a slur or laughing about her potentially being sexually assaulted is a lesser offence than Hermione scarring Ron for life. Make it make sense! Doesn't Ron deserve better too then!? I guess I should be concerned for Romione shippers too.
Before Romione fans attack Dramione, they should probably check their own ship first because it's not exactly the beacon of healthy relationships either. Just because Dramione is worse, it does not make Romione good.
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bythepen98 · 1 year
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Dramione ||💚❤️️
(8th year) How I view their dynamic
They grow to like each other after being forced to work together for a several month long project
They love to banter and are often seen spending time together in the library or walking hand-in-hand by the lake
smart Draco. Hermione enjoys researching and debating with him
They still fight ofc. It can be explosive
but they make sure not to leave it brewing for too long to affect their relationship
The type of couple who'll peck each other on the lips before storming off in separate directions after an argument lol
They hug each other extra hard once they make up, probably even cry a bit.
The whole school breathes a sigh of relief now that they don't have to deal with an irate Hermione and a sulky Draco patrolling the halls and taking away everyone's points for the littlest thing.
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seasakuraprincess · 1 year
“Ron wasn’t good enough for Hermione!1!1!”
And Draco was?? 😟
Listen, if you want to ship Dramione, that’s totally fine! Do whatever makes you happy. :)
HOWEVER, don’t make Ron the incarnation of Satan and Draco a pure, innocent Angel to make it happen!
(This isn’t Anti-Draco, by the way.)
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welurklate · 8 months
In defence of Ron Weasley - or: why Weasley is our King!
I have noticed that in the last decade so-called Ron-bashing has almost become a sport in the Harry Potter fandom, or at least in certain corners of the fandom. And that makes me quite sad, because in my eyes it is unjustified and a product of circumstances that have nothing to do with the canon character. People depict Ron as a laughing stock, a truly incompetent wizard who is nothing but jealous and petty. Even in fanfics where Ron is an adult he rarely outgrows his teenage character. I believe this has to do with a few thing I will get into here.
First and foremost, we have to take a stance and decide if we believe that redemption is possible or not. If you think that once a fruit shows signs of rot it is better to throw out than to salvage it, stop reading here. If you think there are parts that can be saved and possibly restored, you are probably a Draco fan as well 😉 and you're welcome to read on.
So first of all, everything we see the characters do in the books they do as children and teenagers. Adolesence is a time of great changes, physically and psychologically. The prefrontal lobe of our brain still develops until our mid-twenties. It is a time to experiment and to make decisions, even if they are objectively the wrong ones, and to learn from that and to evolve into well-adjusted, open-minded and self-reflecting adults. So it isn’t even necessary to ‘redeem’ oneself for what you did growing up, it is just imperative to evolve. I have been working with teenagers my whole professional life and I am always amazed by what happens between the ages of 10 and 20/25.
So Ron is a child in the first books and an adolescent in the final parts and we actually see him grow and evolve. Not everyone is as perfect as Hermione and we sometimes forget that people can be flawed in small ways (not only in big ways such as ‘oops, I’ve taken the dark mark and commit war crimes’). I think people tend to hate on Ron because of this. He is so normal in his jealousy and his envy. We see a lot of ourselves in him and that is uncomfortable. We turn to fiction to experience the extraordinary in both good and bad, but we rarely want to see our very common shortcomings reflected in the characters. Because then we could just read self-help books and do something about it. But we don’t. We just want to escape reality and enter into worlds where everything is starker in contrast, emotions are deeper and stakes are higher.
And Ron is not such a character. He is a mild grey. He is not the hero, but he is also not the villain. Ambiguity and nuance have very little place in fantasy. But I think that is exactly what makes Ron such a great character and the books (despite JKR’s bigotism) so fascinating.
So what I see people do in fanfiction is to push his character to the extremes – mostly make him an antagonist. Interestingly, this usually occurs in in Dramione or Harmony fics. In Drarry fics or others where Hermione and Ron stay together, he usually gets to grow up into a reasonable and well-adjusted adult. And I get it. I love Hermione and I get what she sees in Ron (stability, a deep understanding, loyalty, common values, a wise mind that complements her academic one etc.). But in stories where we pair Hermione with other people we need to get Ron out of the way. Because we cannot, for the love of Merlin, make Hermione be the problematic one in the relationship (she is the queen of the books - she cannot be touched). So of course we have to make sure that Ron is the reason why their relationship fails. And to make their breakup believable, we antagonize Ron so that there is no chance for them to get back together. From a storytelling viewpoint this makes absolute sense. But it does not do Ron’s character justice. Canon Ron is a truly amazing character. The movies did him dirty and depicted him as the slightly stupid one with the punch lines and this has often clouded our image of him. Book Ron holds much more power in the trio's friendship. He is the one who introduces Hermione and Harry to all things in the Wizarding World. He is smart – even though he is not as zealous as Hermione, he is a good student and a brilliant wizard’s chess player. He is genuine, kind and loyal. I won’t reiterate all the smart things people have said about his character before. If you are interested you can check some good arguments here:
here, here or here
Everything he is and everything he goes through makes him a hero in his own way. He is the character with the biggest development and the biggest potential. He overcomes his own shortcomings again and again to stay by Harry's side. Especially in the last books he struggles, makes decisions he deeply regrets and faces his insecurities.
I could go on and on about this… but leave it at this for now. I hope this makes you see Ron in a better light! Fight me in the comments or sing along my praise of Ron!
tl;dr: Ron is a truly interesting character but the movies and fanon have skewed his image in a negative way.
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inastarlesssky · 7 months
In Defense of Dramione - an essay
Okay, time for another Ted talk/ soapbox/ pointless rambling...Putting it under the cut because I have opinions.
In Defense of Dramione - an essay
First of all, I want to say I ship Dramione. Which is a recent thing, specifically about half a year ago. I didn't always because well it never occurred to me that you could. Of course, that's how ships are. We ship some ships bc they're canon, okay, fine. But we ship a whole lot others that aren't because you name whatever reason (they've got chemistry, they WORK, they're better than the canonically approved pairings whatever the hell else, idk). My point is, it had never crossed my mind that I myself would actually like the idea of Draco and Hermione. Bc naturally, you look at them and you think, "He did insult her when they were children. He was an asshat, etc etc." But...BUT.
You know that trope Enemies to Lovers? Ever heard of redemption arcs? Yeah, those are things. Of course, I don't speak on behalf of everyone in the fandom because we all have our reasons for why. But I ship them because there is potential in Draco's character for growth, for repentance, for redemption. I believe that he's capable, when he's an adult of realizing that he fucked up and that the beliefs he was spoonfed as a child are not the law of the land. I've read more fics than I can count that describe this character arc for him and they do it masterfully. Honestly, I think he's a pretty complex character and I believe that we see a sliver of that in the last few movies. Like look, in 6th year, Harry hit him with Sectumsempra and nearly killed him. But when the Golden Trio were at the Manor and it was on Draco's shoulders to identify Harry and basically seal their doom, did he do it? Did he rat them out? Nope.
Maybe this wasn't exactly Draco "forgiving" Harry, admittedly. But Draco saw that Harry was their only hope for destroying Voldemort or for having some sliver of a winning chance, of a possibility of surviving the mess Voldemort was orchestrating. He obviously deemed it important enough to dare to lie, especially knowing that Bellatrix would have summoned the Dark Lord himself in the next few moments. If Draco really didn't care about the outcome of everything, he wouldn't have done that. If anything, we see that he cares at least about the safety of his family because that could have also been the motive. But that gets me thinking, couldn't he also have confirmed Harry's identity? Voldy would have arrived, perhaps praised Draco and spared the Malfoys to die another die. So really, Draco might have gotten more out of it if he HAD confirmed Harry's identity. Hmm food for thought.
Second point, I'm not going to judge anyone in the fandom because of reasons stated above, but I will go so far as to say, please, if you don't ship Dramione, that's okay. Everyone has their own cup of tea, but please, do NOT claim that all of us (that every single one of us who happen to support this ship) are and I quote "are just a bunch of horny teenagers desperate for some pretty boy and pretty girl sex". That isn't fair and it frankly isn't true, so please don't. I know many wonderful people who have crafted amazing stories and shown great talent through their writing to express the complexities I've just spoken about.
I'll end by saying that we all have our ships, and that's okay. There's no real right or wrong inasfaras who you ship with whom. But it's a basic gesture of respect, I think, to let others love the pairings that they love. Spreading hatred, ill-will or just unkindness toward those of us who enjoy a particular ship, that's not cool and that's what brings us down in what should be something we all enjoy and go to find joy and share that joy with others.
Okay, it seems I really defended Draco more than Hermione here but I will die on this hill and defend my dorks. Fight me on it (joking here but really though. XD) Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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c512h · 1 year
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beating the innocence allegations by admitting to having read Manacled by SenLinYu. twice.
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dobbydore · 1 year
my first tumblr post (idk if I’m doing this right)
yo yo I’m new to tumblr but i’ve been a harry potter fanfic reader for like two decades now. <3 as a former dramione shipper turned romione shipper, i think romione fans & dramione fans have a lot in common and should band together against all the ship bashing cuz both our ships are super cute 🥰 that is all. i support all the ships.
also ronsy & dransy are both very underrated and underappreciated ships!
idk how to use tumblr properly yet so i’ll mostly be reblogging random stuff from multiple fandoms and following basically all the tumblr accounts i see, so no need to follow me back in case i spam too much. <3
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zeebee3 · 20 days
Dramione Month Day 6: Legilimens
Continuation of Day 5.
She broke the kiss a moment later.
“You really want this? It’s not just because I’m here and you’re—”
He cut her off with another slanting kiss, putting as much into it as he could. When he drew back, she was panting. 
“I’m only here and hard because of you,” he murmured. “Or did you think I needed a refresher on Interrogative and Defensive Mind Magicks?”
She blinked up at him. “Well…they’re very useful…it’s always good to hone skills.”
“I’m a natural Occlumens,” he reminded her. “And the skill transfers the other way, too.”
Her hands slid from his shoulders down to rest over his chest. Little hands, but strong. His heart pounded below her palms.
“So then…why did you come along?”
“You asked me if I’d be willing to attend the conference. I am.”
It was clear the answer surprised her, but then she huffed an incredulous laugh. 
“You came all the way to Zürich for a conference on a subject you’re naturally adept in just to, what, placate me?”
He shrugged a casual shoulder. “It’s quite a nice city. Incredible architecture. Amazing views.”
He dared to tuck a stray curl behind her ear, fully unobstructing his currently perfect view. When she huffed again, he couldn’t hold his smirk, gazing down at her with open affection. 
“You’re ridiculous,” she accused lightly. “Had you never considered just telling me how you felt?”
Countless times. A nearly unending thread of conversation in his head, scenarios built and summarily dismantled when reality tapped politely against his skull. The concept of confession was not new to him, but it still felt unfamiliar.
“All the time,” he murmured.
When she wet her bottom lip, he wondered if she could taste him still.  
“I’m sorry but I’m finding it a bit hard to believe that. You’ve always been so aloof. I’m a very perceptive person but until tonight, I had no idea you thought of me as anything but a mildly irksome colleague.”
“Mildly? You drive me mad.”
“So you’ve said. But you’ve never once…you’re always so reserved.”
Restrained, he wanted to correct, but she was close enough. 
“I have been, yes.”
The validation settled her slightly, shoulders dropping down. Total relaxation would be even better, so he inhaled deeply and offered himself up.
“I have all the data to back up my claim right here, if you’d like to practice honing your skills?”
“What, you mean…?” Her eyes flicked to his forehead, then back. “Really?”
Blame it on the lingering delirium of her kiss, or the pounding of his heart, or the unrelenting interest straining toward her, but in that moment, inviting her into his head seemed like the most logical solution to a very easy-to-solve problem. Let her see what he felt for her, and then she’d know and he could do something about it.
“Mmhmm.” He stroked the hinge of her jaw with his thumb, then let his fingers slide down the side of her neck to rest on her shoulder. “Get your wand. Have a look.”
It was, evidently, an easy choice for her, too. 
He’d been at the end of her wand tip before, many times, but in this instance, his only concern was for her. What would she think once she knew? He braced himself. 
“Legilimens,” she incanted, eyes locked on his, and then she was inside his head, and he let her see. 
Her striking amber eyes were first, as they always were, featured in flashes of memories: seeing them deep and thoughtful, sparkling with delight, narrowed in annoyance. 
And then her lips — he did his best to skate through those thoughts as quickly as her Legilimency allowed, pulling forward specific examples instead of his increasingly depraved ramblings. 
Across the refectory, sipping tea then shooting him a bemused smile over the rim. Leading a debriefing, commanding the room easily. Hunched over her desk, wand in her curls, exhausted but breathtaking. And all the associated feelings those moment had elicited in him: butterflies, hot arousal, yearning. 
And then he offered her specifics. A glimpse down her blouse, and the fantasies it had fueled for weeks, a rush of images that had never existed but were so clear, so often imagined, that they may as well have. 
And then a very real memory, offered to her as final proof for everything he’d claimed: a view down his abdomen, watching as he pinned the toy to the mattress, thick cock burying into it over and over as his thumb rubbed lazily, soothingly at the silicone clit. Whispered words, low and agonized, heralding the end. “What a good fucking girl, Hermione.”
She left his mind with a shudder. 
He was leaking all over himself, pants damp with his want after having re-lived so many moments he usually parceled out, but his attention was riveted on her. 
“See,” he managed, voice rough. “All the time.”
“I’m…” Her eyes were slightly glazed, cheeks flushed. “Overwhelmed. Oh gods. That’s…so much.”
He grimaced. “I tried to stem some of the images but you kept—”
She barked a laugh, tight and wild. “You, Malfoy. It can’t be—oh gods there’s no way—”
Desire shot through him, mixing potently with pride and affection. Holding her eye, he gently, carefully, gripped her wrist and slid her hand from his chest down his abdomen, stopping the buckle of his belt. 
“Go ahead. Find out.”
A small rotation within his hold, and then her palm was cupping him, eyes widening as she mapped him. 
“Oh…Godric.” Lips parted, eyes dropping — he preened. “Fuck, you’re…”
She found the tip and squeezed it lightly, seeing the pleasure in his face, then stroked him all the way up to the base. He had to bite his lip to stem the pathetic noise burning in his throat at her confident touch. 
“Can I see you?” she asked, the question tinged with wonderment. 
“Fuck. Absolutely.” He went to undo his belt but she got there first, batting his hands away and working the leather through the silver buckle. 
Her eyes only broke from his when the zipper snagged at the bulge, looking down to work over the obstacle begging to be set free. As soon as his fly was undone, she pulled at the waistband of his black briefs and dipped her hand inside. He sucked in a breath when her knuckles skimmed his pelvis and then hissed it out when she found his cock. 
“Oh…” The word faded as her lips parted, eyes rounding, and then she was tugging at the waistband, baring him to the room. “...fuck.”
It was silly to be proud of something he’d had no role in obtaining, but the feeling surged in his chest all the same. 
“You can touch,” he whispered, “if you like.”
She didn’t hesitate, her hand smoothing up his length in a single, devastating glide that made his next blink labored and sluggish. The number of times he’d imagined this very act–
The little crease between her brows was back, hinting at a busy mind. He wanted so desperately to know what she was thinking, except that she was still stroking his cock, and he’d been hard for her for years, and coping with the situation was getting dicey, let alone unpacking it in real-time. 
Maybe she’d get him off and then he’d be able to think fully; he’d make it up to her twenty times over. Or maybe he should pull her hand off and make it up to her first. Yes. That was the better route.
He was about to do just that when she squeezed until her middle finger and thumb touched, eyes flicking up to his when he grunted at the constriction. Oh…fucking hell. 
“This is…” She let go of him to grip her wrist, and a little sound of despair escaped when her fingers touched easily. “Jesus fuck, Draco.”
He wanted her hand back on him; was nearly dizzy with want and from standing for so long on only two of his available legs. 
“I told you. I don’t fit the standard size.”
“No, you most certainly do not.” She reached for him again, squeezing then stroking. “Right. Get on the bed. Straightaway.”
While her enthusiasm was intensely gratifying, he caught her elbow and pulled her to him. “Kiss me again?”
“I’m going to kiss you lots,” she assured him, but went up to press her lips to his obligingly. He leaned into it, turning it long and languid, savoring her. 
“I’m about to be nearly incoherent,” he explained softly, pecking another compulsive kiss to her lips. “Wanted one more to remember.”
She scoffed, amused and pleased. “Ridiculous man.”
“Want back inside my head?” he offered dryly. “I’m pathetically into you. There’s a massive chance this is going to kill me.”
She hummed a warm, alluring sound, and finally succeeded in tugging him to the bed, letting go to climb up and settle onto her back. “It certainly seems so. Trousers off; shirt too.”
From her place on the bed, she watched as he hurriedly undressed, tossing his shirt to the side and then kicking off his trousers, leaving everything in a rumpled mess. When she sat up to pull her own shirt off, he had to wrap his fingers at his base. 
“You should be on top,” he said, trying to keep a level head as she revealed dusky nipples, the well of her navel, a tidy strip of curls. “You’ll…uh, you’ll have more control over the depth and pace.”
She shook her head obstinately, tossing her knickers aside and then bringing her knees up, feet wide. “I don’t want the control — I want to feel you on top of me, breaking me open.”
He had to squeeze his eyes shut against the double-punch of her words and body. “Don’t—Merlin fucking hell, Granger. Fuck.”
“I trust you,” she promised. “You showed me what you want. And I want you to have it. If you don’t believe me, then come have a look for yourself.”
It wasn't an idle invitation, he knew, and so he took it, needing to be sure. A wand wasn’t necessary for him; neither was opening his eyes or his mouth. He just felt for her behind his lids and whispered the word to himself, slow and curling. Legilimens.
She’d been ready for him; had the image front and center for his consumption. He devoured it. 
A view down her abdomen, muscles tensing, legs wide, the toy in her hand glistening with every retreat, every thrust forward met with a burst of pleasure. Thick. Almost as thick as her wrist. 
”It’ll fit,” she whispered, in his mind and out loud. “See? I’m so good at taking it.”
The reality of his present circumstances hit a moment later. He was inside her mind; she’d let him in and wanted him to know—
He was on the bed a moment later, crawling over her, pushing her thighs wider to fit himself between them, scrambling to get out of her mind before he fully lost control. He had just enough coherence left to look down, wanting to memorize the sight of himself resting over her pelvis, when she instantly foiled any plans at retention by dropping a hand and pressing his length solidly against her. He felt the soft heat of her belly, the raw need conveyed in her touch, and groaned, oozing precum into her navel.
“Gods,” he whined, hips jerking forward involuntarily. “Please, can I–?”
She encircled him, pushing him lower. “Absolutely, yes.” 
He took over, as she’d requested, but despite the memory she’d shown him, knew she needed preparation. Lips pressed to her throat, and then her collarbones as he supported himself on a forearm beside her head and sank a finger deep. She rocked up against his wrist, keening again, and grabbed for him, fingers raking into his hair. 
One was easy, two were snug, three were a stretch. 
He panted against her breast then withdrew his fingers to work them over her clit, licking his way up to her mouth, muffling her moans. 
She nipped at his lip, sucked it, then broke off to pant, “Inside.”
It was overwhelming. To stroke himself and feel her arousal coat him; to push against the source of it and be slowly welcomed in. Her fingers dug into the muscles of his back as he eased himself inside, the way made easier once she’d taken the broad head. 
Her breath left her in a gasp as he reached under her lower back to lift, adjusting the angle until he could sink in to the hilt. It was better than even his most careful fantasies, the ones that he sat with for days, stitching together until it felt real enough that when he fucked his toy, it truly felt like her.
It hadn’t though – not even close. Where the silicone gave way, she hugged. Where it dried, she was soaked and getting wetter. And when he reached between them to thumb at her clit, she stuttered out his name.
It was the response to his call that he’d yearned for; he kissed it off her tongue, then called it forth again and again until her nails were biting into his skin and the end was reaching for him with two, tight fists. 
“You feel–” There weren't any words. “You’re so–Is this–?”
“So good,” she panted. “Gods, you feel so much better.”
He didn’t need to ask than what, not when his own toy would now be relegated to second place; to the bin. But despite all his fervent practice with it, it seemed the toy had been insufficient stamina training when he was inundated with her. The barrage of sensation – her scent, her touch, her sounds, her pleasure – was breaking him down until he was careening to the edge, doing whatever he could to pull her over with him. 
“Is it enough?” He worked his thumb over her clit, palm warm and heavy above where he could feel – fuck – feel himself thrusting inside. “What can I do?”
“Just don’t stop,” she moaned.
Well. Then he was about to fail her. 
If only he could get his tongue between her legs without needing to move–
He dropped his forehead to hers and offered her a thought, rich in detail, saturated with desire: the slow, steady suction of a mouth, the wet curl of a tongue strumming; relentless, endless pressure.
“Draco,” she whined. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.”
Her body closed down around him, arms and legs and inner walls until she was shaking and, blissfully, miraculously, coming. The constriction was like nothing he’d ever felt, the pulses strong and coaxing until he was stammering out her name, orgasm wracking through him and into her, mind and body. 
When coherence slowly returned, he eased out of her mind but let his hips rest heavily against hers, luxuriating in the little aftershocks. Her arms were slack around his shoulders, mouth ajar against his, catching her breath.
“Holy shit,” she panted. “Jesus, that was–holy shit.”
“Should have asked,” he mumbled, giving her a lazy kiss before slipping sideways to nuzzle into the crook of her neck. “The mind thing. And the coming inside thing.”
“Both were…” She huffed a laugh, sliding an arm up his back to card through his hair. “Gods.”
“Good.” He exhaled, exhausted and the most sated of his life. “Good.”
“Better than good.” Her fingers swirled through his hair idly. “You ought to be up there leading the seminar.”
He huffed a laugh against her curls. “Ah, yes. How to Make a Witch Come with Thoughts. Lesson one: be pathetically desperate for her, and uninhibited with letting her see it.” He raised his head to slant a grin down at her. “Think it’d be well attended?”
“Hmm, I’m not sure.” Her responding smile was cheeky, the edge of her lip caught in her teeth. “Should I practice the first lesson, and you can give me pointers?”
She kissed his cheek then encouraged him over onto his back, following him over to sit over his hips. “Okay, Draco. Lesson one. Ready?” 
Mouth dry, he nodded. Her eyes were fond as they held his, the amber as warm and inviting as her soft word.
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roseharpermaxwell · 1 year
Bite-Size Drarry - Under 10k (Part Four)
Pausing my RWRB reading (I have an ask about firstprince fics too and I’m working on it!) to answer this, which is the nudge I’ve needed. I’ve done this for Dramione before (under 5k), but I especially love tempting readers to Drarry. 
Short works are the unsung heroes of fandom. They don’t get enough love, which makes me so sad, because you definitely don’t always need 100k to deliver a stunning story. These are your bedtime stories, your palate cleansers, your individual serving sizes of serotonin. It’s okay to enjoy these even if you only read slow burn 100k+ fics, I promise. Live a little! 
This is a sampling of some amazing favorites, but I’m always reading new things and will add to it regularly. If you find something you love, I know the author would love to hear it, and so would I! Take a deep dive into their work to find other gems. 
Here's Parts One, Two, and Three if you missed them.
Bite-Size Drarry - Under 10k (Part Four) below:
Stay by @orange-peony. E, 7k. The day Draco Malfoy finds out that the Manor has finally found a new owner is a Tuesday. It takes him less than two minutes to realise that he’s screwed. He has nowhere to go. Things go from bad to worse when he finds out that he's been assigned a new probation officer. Harry bloody Potter.
Sorry i was never good (like you) by @tigerlilycorinne. T, 7k.  “What is your name?”
Michael Corner puts his cup of tea down. “You already know my name,” he says. He points to them each in turn: “Draco Malfoy. Michael Corner. We went to Hogwarts together.”
“You are the one Harry Potter took to bed last night, correct?”
Draco has a questionnaire he calls the Boyfriend Check for Harry’s boyfriends. Because he’s roommates and friends with Harry, and he needs to make sure they’re up to snuff. 
And also for other reasons.
A Love That Knows of Itself by @sleepstxtic. M, 7k. After an accidental bonding, Harry is forced to confront some longstanding feelings concerning a certain Unspeakable.
Epitaphs in Autographs series by @vukovich. E, 7.1k. (MCD) A series of works surrounding death, imperfect relationships, flawed coping, and humanity.
Knead, then let rise by @softlystarstruck. T, 7.2k. Malfoy stumbles back into Harry’s life via the laundry room. A story about baking bread and tripping over words and falling in love.
Interpersonal Relationships Year 7, Unit 3: How to Have Sex Like a Responsible Adult by InnerLilith. E, 7.3k. Harry came to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. He did not come to Hogwarts to obsess over Draco Malfoy. He definitely did not come to Hogwarts to channel that obsession into…supervising Draco’s sex education class?
Whatever, Harry saved the world. He could handle sex ed. Right?
Draco Malfoy and the Broken Room by @aprofessionalprotagonist. T, 7.3k. A drunk and morose Draco gets trapped in the Room of Hidden Things with Potter of all people. Now, he’s got to figure out how to make peace with the Golden Boy long enough to get out.
everything you should say by icarusinflight. E, 7.4k. They're not friends. But when Draco offers help, Harry takes it.
The Re-Fenestration of Potter by @cavendishbutterfly, @iota. E, 7.5k. Harry wants the Prophet reporters to stop following him and Draco wants Harry to stop climbing through his window at all hours of the night…even if he’s taken to leaving it open, just in case. Everything is bearable until they both get doused with Draco’s latest batch of Wolfsbane, and then suddenly nothing between the two of them is bearable at all.
of course i cum fast, i’ve got a snitch to catch by swoons. E, 7.5k. Strangest of all, Potter never lasts more than two minutes — and that’s if Draco’s being really, really generous with his time-keeping.
It should be off-putting, but Draco’s just intrigued. Perhaps that’s why he’s watched Potter wank in the showers so often.
The Exhale by spqr. T, 7.5k. Hermione makes a soft, concerned sound. "Harry, look at this." She shows him an article with a photo, but the photo's not moving; it must be a Muggle newspaper. "NASA have just landed a rover on Mars. It's called Curiosity, and look, this is so--I don't know if it's sweet or sad, but--it's all alone out there, and they programmed it to sing itself Happy Birthday." Nothing is wrong, but Harry starts crying.
Lovesick by @corvuscrowned. T, 7.6k. People keep spiking Auror Harry Potter with love potions. Healer Draco Malfoy keeps having to pick up the pieces.
But it's getting harder and harder for Draco to watch Harry fall in love with everyone except for him.
Dating Potters by @goldentruth813, @mzuul. M, 7.7k. Scorpius and Albus have been together for awhile now and decide it’s time to have a family dinner and come out to their fathers. What they’re not counting on is the fact that they’re not the only ones with secrets to share.
Play Dates by bixgirl1. E, 7.7k. Harry never thought seeing Malfoy as a dad would affect him this way.
What I Thought by @bafflinghaze. E, 7.8k. Draco thought they were in a relationship. Harry thought it was just sex. 
First Week of Eternity by InnerLilith. E, 7.8k. Moving in with the colleague you’d like to fuck is a bad idea for anyone. It’s worse when you’re a card-carrying member of the eternal dead. It’s exponentially worse when your already garlic-obsessed colleague-slash-crush-slash-roommate has recently discovered his distant Italian heritage.
In which Draco tries desperately to hide that he’s recently become a vampire, and Harry tries desperately to feed him.
The Trouble with Good Sense by RorouniHime. M, 7.8k. When you fill a hotel with flying quills, hands-on demonstrations, and too many Aurors, someone is bound to get cranky.
The Dinner by @brightowl-fics. E, 7.9k. Draco had been trying to beat the sunset, walking along the cobblestone road to the Chateau where he would be staying that night, when he saw the door. Le Billet Doux, said a painted red sign. Below it, réservations non requises: ‘no reservations required.’
in a rambling way by @fw00shy. T, 7.9k. Ron knocked Hermione up, and now Harry's got to figure out how to clone himself so that his friends don't split up fighting over him. Falling for Draco again was never part of the plan.
Check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous by @lqtraintracks. E, 7.9k. Auror Harry has a crush on Unspeakable Draco, and Draco's dared to give him a lapdance when they're out for Friday night drinks.
Keep Me Here by @academicdisasterfic. E, 7.9k. Teddy/Harry/Draco. The one where Teddy is pining, Harry is in denial, and Draco is impatient.
Driving me crazy (but I'm into it) by @thecouchsofa. E, 8k. Draco’s fucked a lot of people. He’s fucked models, Quidditch players, members of the Wizengamot, even a Muggle actor, but none of them come quite as prettily as Harry Potter.
Leeward by @teacup-tai. M, 8.1k. There’s a polaroid kept in the back of Harry’s nightstand drawer. Just the one. It’s Muggle and slightly yellowish. There are many other photos in a box in the back of Harry’s cupboard under the stairs—the one he almost never opens. A hidden box of hidden memories. After four years since their break up, Harry and Draco meet again at Dean and Blaise’s wedding. Now, between the turquoise sea and the white sand dunes of Fuerteventura, they will need to face their feelings.
in between two tall mountains (there’s a place they call lonesome) by @oknowkiss. E, 8.2k. In the shadow of a mountain on the Oregon coast, there may or may not lie a shipwreck, on which there may or may not be a magical relic, lost hundreds of years ago. Harry's been tasked with finding it, and Draco is there to take notes, and they're stuck in a campervan pretending to be married, and it's all going to be just fine. That's what Draco's gotten rather good at telling himself, anyway.
Born Slippy by @dracoladon. E, 8.3k. Harry finds that it's less 'one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor' and more 'one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, decide Malfoy's quite fit, actually, and decent company after your friends traitorous abandonment, floor.' With Malfoy lying next to you.
(Un)Anticipated by @p1013. E, 8.3k. Though he won't ever admit it—not even years later, when Draco's giving Harry shit about it right before they go to sleep, the bedside light just dim enough to hide the worst of his blush—it takes Harry an embarrassingly long time to realise that something is wrong. It's not like he's trying to pull regularly. If he wants to get laid, he gets laid. He is, after all, Harry Potter.
But it's not until it's a Saturday morning, and he's languidly stroking himself off in the shower with long, slow pulls that he feels deep in the pit of his stomach, that Harry realises that he's been at this for quite some time, and while it feels amazing and his toes are curling and his balls are pulled up tight…
Nothing's happening.
Contretemps by @moonflower-rose. T, 8.4k. Draco Malfoy has been living like a model citizen. If only he could convince Potter.
Say Anything by megyal. M, 8.5k. Draco has a crush on Harry and tells him in French.
Flight Patterns by @mosrael. E, 8.6k. Up in the air, Draco can become anyone he wants to be, or cease to be anyone at all. When he puts on his flight attendant's uniform he's just one more smiling face in the crowd, a forgettable interlude in his passengers' day. Not a petrified boy, not a criminal, not a Wizard just trying to keep it together as best he can.
That is until a certain someone interrupts his flight patterns.
Stories in E Minor by @huldrejenta. E, 8.7k. Draco has found his place in the Muggle world. He's got his music, he's got his neighbours and he is content. Until a certain someone from the past enters his life again.
Look For Me In The Sun by @wolfpants. M, 8.7k. Harry and Draco are on the run in America after a mysterious string of werewolf-like attacks in the Muggle community causes the Ministry to impose new and harsh anti-werewolf legislation. Giant trees, crashing waves, seedy motel rooms, and the long and winding coastal road awaits them, but will they ever be able to go back home?
Bored by vorabiza. E, 8.8k. Harry and company are bored, so Harry is encouraged to tell the others a sexual fantasy that becomes a little more romantic than they are expecting.
Howl by @tackytigerfic. M, 8.9k. After an encounter with a vicious werewolf, Draco Malfoy wakes in a field hospital with a mangled shoulder, a furry little problem, and an inconvenient crush on Harry Potter. Potter, meanwhile, is still trying to save the world, only this time he wants Draco right there with him while he does it. Taking part in a rebellion against a corrupt regime isn't always glamorous, but at least sometimes there are organic farmshop pastries and fancy hotel bedsheets. Just don't ask about that smell of burning.
Along Came Potter by huldrejenta. T, 9k. Potter shows up at Draco’s flat. Then he shows up again, and again, and again.
Fuel to the Fire by @eevans22, @holygnocchi. E, 9.1k. Sure, Luna always means well. But suddenly Harry is temporarily living with the man he’s been pining over since they started Auror training, who compliments Harry’s cooking, gives him thoughtful thank you gifts, and looks indecently attractive stepping out of the shower. Something’s got to give. And Harry suspects it will be him.
Just a trial run by @tenthousandyearsx. E, 9.1k. In which Harry wants to get into sex work and Draco would prefer to keep him for himself.
Before the Cold Sets In by @crazybutgood, @vukovich. T, 9.1k. Sometimes, the person you should be planning your life with is already in it. Or, how Harry realised that true love is at the bottom of a tea cup.
sex in trees for beginners by @phdmama. E, 9.1k. The bottle lands on Malfoy and sends out its customary poof of smoke and sparks. Harry hasn’t quite figured out the pattern, it’s not like blue means truth and red means kissing. Malfoy’s poof is a deep pink-purple and there are definitely sparks happening as well. It’s really pretty, actually, and Harry sort of loses himself in watching the colors until suddenly he realizes everyone is quiet and staring at him.  “What?” he asks, glancing around. “What did I miss?”  Malfoy sighs. “The bottle gave us a dare.”
Phoenix by @kedavranox. E, 9.2k. Harry's got a fantasy.
Starting Again by @tamerofdarkstars. T, 9.2k. Harry felt the situation rapidly slipping from his grasp and suspected he’d never really had hold of it to begin with. “You want me to be friends with Draco Malfoy because you think that will stop him from being... sad.”
“Bingo, give the boy a prize.”
The Things They Never Say by bixgirl1. E, 9.3k. Harry and Draco don't know how to talk. So they do other things instead.
to be a bit of warmth for you by softlystarstruck. M, 9.3k. As some of the only eighth years to return to Hogwarts, Harry doesn't know how he and Draco will manage to be roommates for a whole year without resorting to violence. But Draco is too quiet, and too thin, and wears layers of sweaters that he tucks over his fingers. So they fall into an unspoken routine, one that soothes Harry as much as it helps Draco, one that's so much easier than Harry thought it would be.
Until it all falls apart, and Harry realizes he holds the world in his hands.
Wooing with Woodwork by @henrymercury. T, 9.3k. According to Ron, Harry needs to make a move on Draco in the next month or he's going to receive a howler he won't want Draco to overhear.
That Draco will overhear is fairly inevitable given they're cooped up in the same DMLE office all day, or off investigating together, and they go home to the same flat at night.
All I Have to Do by @fluxweeed. E, 9.5k. The Patented Daydream Charm (Adult Edition) allows you to enter a top-quality, highly realistic thirty-minute sexual fantasy. Solitude and privacy spells advised. or: Draco finally has some alone time; Harry just needs to nip in for a book.
Sinking to Swim by @pheaphilus. T, 9.5k. When Unspeakable Malfoy gets his latest assignment at the Department of Mysteries, he can't help but curse his own luck. What are the chances that he would have to seek out the elusive Harry Potter for help?
When Draco Malfoy comes to his door, asking for his input into an ongoing project at the Ministry, Harry is skeptical. When's the last time a Malfoy did anything to help anyone but themselves, anyway?
Let Me Roll It by @lagerloutfic. E, 9.5k. “I’m not going to kiss you here,” Harry said, applying a fraction of pressure so Draco’s lips parted.  “No?” Draco said, his breath hot on Harry’s knuckle.  “No.” --- The thing about Harry was, he hated most people. And there was no one he hated more than Draco’s boyfriend Justin - certified knob and all round wanker.  So when he finds out Justin is just as selfish inside the bedroom as he is outside it, Harry can’t help himself.
Sex on Legs in Six-Inch Heels by @tessacrowley. E, 9.6k. Draco Malfoy is a brilliant freelance cursebreaker and the only one who can help the Department of Magical Law Enforcement with a very dangerous case, but more importantly, he's wearing six-inch heels, and Harry cannot handle it, he really just can't.
what if, but if, we could kiss (and just cut the rubbish) by @swisstae. E, 9.6k. “Christ, Draco, get your mouth back on me, I need you, oh God, Jesus fucking Christ,” and Draco can’t help how he shivers, the words dripping down his spine like molasses, sticky sweet blasphemous prayers in the heat of the moment. It’s enough to bring him closer to the edge, and when Harry spills down his throat, hot and bitter and musky, Draco comes with a muffled cry, his cock spurting weakly as he spills all over the floor. (Later, Harry will tease him, will whisper Christ, Malfoy, look at you, so hot for me, Jesus and Draco will come undone a second time, shaking in the safe bracket of Harry’s arms around him.) OR: Draco and Harry are not-quite-friends, but then they are. it is A Time. Ron just wishes he had bleach.
The Little Marauders Nursery and Day Care by @digthewriter. E, 9.8k. Harry Potter is the proud owner of a daycare, and his favorite student is Scorpius Malfoy. Scorpius’s dad might be okay, too.
Gryffindors Never Kiss and Tell by @drarrytrash. E, 9.9k. The gang realizes that everyone has kissed Harry except Draco. Draco proceeds to do a terrible job of pretending he doesn’t want to kiss him too. 
That's all for now 💚 Give the authors some love! I also adore hearing if you found a new favorite fic or author.
I’ll be regularly adding to this, so if you’re seeing this as a reblog, feel free to check my Master List of Recommendations for the most current list. If you see yourself and you’re not tagged, or I've got a broken or misdirected link, please let me know!
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dramioneasks · 8 months
Can u please recommend some full length rom-com style dramione
Random recs:
Benefits By: artemisgirl - M, one-shot - “I’m trying to make a case for why she should marry me,” Draco told him, scowling as Harry started laughing. “If I want an upgrade from ‘friends with benefits’ to 'husband with benefits'—” … When Draco Malfoy realizes that 'friends with benefits’ just isn’t enough anymore, he begins to strategize on how to get Hermione to commit to more.
Hot for Teacher - MotherofBulls - E, 26 chapters - Draco is a single dad trying to raise a teenager on his own. When he notices his son’s newfound interest in girls, he takes it upon himself to give him some fatherly advice. Little does he know that his son’s crush is none other than his own childhood nemesis, who has taken up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts. Draco tries to juggle awkward situations, parenthood, and his own budding interest in Hermione Granger. Part 1 of “This Is Everything” series. COMPLETE!
The Bargain by Lincolepog - M, 29 chapters, Words: 102,657  - Heading back to Hogwarts for his 7th year, Draco Malfoy is given a very interesting deal from Hermione Granger; to play the role of her fake boyfriend. As time goes on, they learn to get passed their differences, but is it enough? What will it cost the two of them?
Starving by CharliPetidei - E, 5 chapters - Hermione has everything figured out. Sex is like food. Club nights are far too expensive. And men belong in the category of 'things that are more faff than they're worth'. You know, like hair straightening charms, lingerie, and mathematical integration. This is a story about food and sex, though not at the same time. Winner of best fluff, best smut, and runner-up for best use of prompt in the Dramione Fanfiction Forum's 2020 'Sounds Like Dramione' comp.
Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by isthisselfcare - E, 36 chapters, Words: 199,584 - Hermione straddles the Muggle and Magical worlds as a medical researcher and Healer about to make a big discovery. Draco is an Auror assigned to protect her from forces unknown – to both of their displeasure. Features hyper-competent, fiery Hermione and lazy, yet dangerous, Draco. Slow burn.
Bad Books and Second Looks - GracefulLioness - E, 10 chapters - Hermione has not been lucky in love. When a break-up forces her to find a new flat, she thinks she’s hit the jackpot. Until she realises that she might just be falling for her new flatmate’s boyfriend. Perhaps when Ginny lends her some of her steamy romance novels, her luck will change.
You Make Me Shiver and Shake by Stargazing121 - M, 16 chapters - Draco is an artistic genius, Hermione a budding art agent. But once they start to work together, will they be able to resist the growing attraction between them? “I’m not going to take you on as an art client!” Hermione scoffed. “Why not Granger,” he said. His tone was silky, like the sound of fine cloth running through your hands. “You know there has always been something between us.” “That won’t work on me,” she answered flatly. “Ok, I admit that was pushing it.” He shrugged, “But pushing against beautiful women is what I do best Granger.” “Not that either.” “Damn it, I forgot that trying to flirt with you was like flirting with a slug. Actually, I think I’d get more luck with the slug.” “You’d make a lovely couple. You’re certainly as slippery,” Hermione said. “I can think of someone I would rather form a partnership with,” he said, his voice low and almost a whisper.
Clueless - jacemorgensterns - T, one-shot - Draco is a college student living in an apartment with his roommate Theo. He occasionally gets into trouble and always gets away with it. When his luck is threatening to turn on him Hermione comes to to the rescue and an agreement between them forms that eventually spirals out of control. A Dramione romcom AU with as many romcom tropes I could fit in from Draco’s point of view. One-shot.
Fate Has It In For Me by jigglyjelly28 - T, 39 chapters, Words: 196,573 - “Seeing as you two have driven me half-mad over these few months with your Veela heritage problem, I thought that it would be perhaps, in Pureblood politeness, that you at least give a suitable explanation of what you’ve been doing.” Draco was told he was a Veela years ago but forgot. He’s been told again and has a year to find his Mate.
Accidental Proposal - CJRed - M, 36 chapters, Words: 108,673 - Hermione finds out that she is really a Nott, and there are so many rules to being a Pureblood, too bad Draco Malfoy seems to have forgotten one of the most important rules of all! Hermione/Draco. Theo and Hermione are siblings. Ignores epilogue and off canon in some other places as well. Set in 8th year. Language, Fluff, and Lemons. Complete.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 4 months
Toxic Romione Shippers 🤝 Toxic Kataang Shippers
You make an anti canon ship post, and they question criticize why you ship the fanon couple even if the fanon couple was never mentioned in the post.
Their canon ship is perfect and if you ship the fanon couple you are delusional/mentally ill and doomed to abusive relationships.
Accuse you of wanting to self-insert so you can screw someone in the fanon ship. Despite a character in the canon ship being a creator self-insert.
They say their ship is canon to feel morally superior in fandom.
They hijack fanon ship posts to insult fanon shippers.
One person in their canon couple is entitled to the other character despite how badly said character treats the other. Because they have no one else 😭. Aang needs Katara to repopulate the Air Nomads! Hermione can't be with anyone other than Ron because poor Hermione!
They defend their canon ship by criticizing the fanon ship.
The fanon ship is for horny, teenage girls.
People hate their canon ship because they are salty towards the creators for not making the fanon ship canon.
Despite their ship being canon, they whine about the amount of fanon ship content despite bragging their ship is canon 24/7.
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saintsenara · 4 months
As much as I love Dramione and that community. I stopped reading Dramione because of Ron’s characterization. Ron bashing is so normalized that it has become a Dramione convention and I’m not in for it. A lot of the faults that they give Ron are a lot of things that I can relate to (mediocre at school, procrastination, feeling like the lesser sibling) these are pretty standard Ron characteristics in Dramione. Usually the relationship with Draco start as a secret so Hermione is always alone in Dramione fanfics, her friendship with Harry and Ron is only a thing from the past that is occasionally mentioned. So a lot of Ron’s strong points are never there, I.e his loyalty, bravery, his defense of his friends, vast knowledge of the wizarding world. It is bothersome to see the way they portray students that do not excel in school, or have strong points that do not include academia.
Then also Astoria, she’s usually death or the crazy wife. Rose granger Weasley is non-existent while Scorpius Malfoy is a pretty common character, and Hugo… who is that ? The community doesn’t even mention him. I’m a bit disturbed by the way all of Hermione’s children in canon are just erased. Draco can be the dad, the widower, or the divorce but Hermione is the one that is single for a while, never married, haven’t had a proper shag, and ready to be the stepmother.
I always feel that they’re projecting their ex-boyfriends onto Ron, and Draco is the rich, intelligent, hot guy that they’d wished they upgraded for. In many stories Ron and Hermione break up because they always fight, but then they have Draco and Hermione quarrel just as much.
I would not be so bothered by it if I didn’t see all of this so much.
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
dramione certainly isn't my circus, but i find the same phenomenon occurring in my fandom spaces, since i'm someone with a preference for pairings which put harry with someone other than ginny - i've waded through so many fics in which ginny ends up getting turned into a complete bitch with no redeeming qualities and her relationship [both romantic and platonic] with harry is handwaved away in order to make her someone he never actually liked, who he only dated for a bit because he was forced to.
part of this is just standard slash subfandom misogyny when it comes to female characters, which we all need to get a grip on. but - as you say - it's also so prevalent in the fandom treatment of ron. and i find it really uninteresting!
i bang on a lot on here about how any ship is possible if an author has enough nerve - and how the reason for this is that love is fundamentally strange and unpredictable, and nobody can ever predict how it will strike.
but this comes with a flip side - that the strangeness of love means that its ability to last isn't always guaranteed. or - any ship can be disentangled interestingly and sincerely and [if that's an author's aim] canon-coherently with a bit of effort.
i think there are lots of really compelling things which could be done with the premise that ron and hermione don't get together or don't stay together - whether dramione ends up as the endgame or not - which don't need to reduce ron to the lazy, whinging boor he so often becomes.
and this includes thinking about divorce and co-parenting and blended-families in circumstances which aren't acrimonious. i think it's really striking that - as you say - there's an unease in fandom spaces with characters [above all female ones] having been married or had children in prior relationships. and there's also an unease about marriages which end for comparatively benign reasons - such as a couple simply not wanting to be in a romantic relationship with each other, but wishing to maintain a platonic one. divorces are always bitter - and the only time relationships break down without one partner becoming the bad guy, it's because someone [usually a woman] is dead.
this obviously isn't something fandom created, but it's still a wider cultural bleed-through into fandom which i find fundamentally boring.
and this is even though i very much understand the appeal of fairytale endings - draco malfoy as every disney prince rolled into one - as tropes. we all love a bit of self-insert fantasy, a bit of rom-com schmaltz, a bit of a knight in shining armour rescuing princess hermione from horrible ron.
but i think there's something valuable - and something no less fun, or moving, or compelling - about love stories which feel a bit less epic. second love, or friends-to-lovers-to-friends-again, or "there's no such thing as soulmates", or "this was fun while it lasted".
i genuinely think ron would be great as a divorced dad - not least because you know the single mams would be flocking to chat to him when it's his turn to bring the cake for playgroup - who remained best friends with hermione after they split.
and i think the dramione-specific comedy-of-errors of him and draco negotiating their new dynamic [mutual seething giving way to begrudging cordiality giving way to tentative respect] would properly bang as a premise.
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hermionehymn · 2 months
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My First Dramione Fan fiction Please Enjoy 🍏📖
Hermione Granger perched on the worn-out chair by the window of the clocktower, her brown eyes flitting from the pages of her book to the tumultuous rain outside. She loved this spot, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of Hogwarts, a place where she could immerse herself in her studies and in the mesmerizing dance of raindrops against the glass.
The old clocktower had always fascinated her – a symbol of time marching on, unrelenting yet with a charm that reminded her of the wisdom embedded in every tick. Tonight, she was studying complex charms, her mind eager but her heart somewhat heavy. There was a sense of unease that she couldn't quite shake off, as if the storm outside was a reflection of a storm brewing within Hogwarts itself.
Just as she turned a page, she heard the creak of the door. She looked up to see Draco Malfoy standing there, a smirk playing on his lips. His platinum blonde hair was slightly damp from the rain, and his grey eyes glistened with an unsettling amusement.
"What do you want, Malfoy?" she asked, her voice cold and unwelcoming.
"Granger, of all places, you choose to hide in this dusty old tower? Can't imagine why," Draco drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he stepped closer.
Hermione felt a pang of irritation. "I’m here to study without interruptions, which you’re currently providing.
"Draco chuckled and leaned against the wall, his eyes never leaving hers. "Study, huh? Always the little bookworm.
""Unlike some people, I enjoy learning," she retorted, clutching her book a little tighter.
He smirked, then sauntered over and with a sweeping gesture knocked a few old papers off a nearby table, making her bristle with anger. "Really, Granger, still acting as if this is your domain. You think you're so clever, but you don't belong here. This isn’t your world.
"Hermione stood abruptly, her chair scraping against the floor. "And what if I don’t? I’ve proven myself time and time again. I belong here just as much as anyone else—maybe more.
"For a moment, Draco said nothing, his smirk fading. There was a flicker of something more in his eyes – curiosity, perhaps, or even admiration. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by his usual sneer.
"You're so insufferable, Granger," he muttered, shaking his head. And then, in a softer tone, "Brilliant, but insufferable.
"She stared at him, caught off guard by the unexpected compliment hidden within the insult. "What do you want, Draco?" she whispered, using his first name without thinking.
Before she could react, he had closed the distance between them. His hand cupped her chin, tilting her face up to meet his gaze. "What do I want? Perhaps I want to see if your fire burns as bright as your intelligence.
"Her breath caught in her throat. There was an intensity in his eyes that she had never seen before, a raw, almost primal hunger that sent shivers down her spine.
"You're impossible," she managed, but her voice wavered.
"And you, Hermione Granger, are irresistible," he murmured.
Without warning, he kissed her. The rain outside seemed to fade into insignificance as his lips met hers. Their mutual animosity melted into something electric and undeniable. She pushed him away, her mind reeling, but the yearning in his eyes held her there, suspended in a moment that defied reason.
"Draco, this is—"He cut her off, his voice low and tender. "You're mine, Hermione. Whether you know it or not, you always have been.
"Caught in a whirlwind of emotions, she felt her defenses crumbling. She kissed him back, fiercely, passionately, with all the pent-up tension of years of rivalry. His hands roamed her back, pulling her closer, as if trying to meld their worlds together.
Lightning flashed outside, casting fleeting shadows that danced around them. The storm raged on, but in the old clocktower, another kind of tempest had taken hold. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, caught in a moment that neither would ever forget.
In the sacred space of their mutual vulnerability, there was no past or future – only the now, and the undeniable connection that had always simmered beneath the surface of enmity. As they pulled apart, breathless, Hermione realized that perhaps, in the midst of chaos, they had found something beautiful and uncharted.
“Brilliant,” she whispered, acknowledging the unexpected turn their lives had taken.
Draco smiled, genuine and bright, his usual mask of arrogance gone. "Indeed, Hermione. Quite brilliant."
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hiccupbutpurple · 1 year
Eeee I’m in the process of writing it (although I’m going to bed now but I’ve got 1000 words done) but new (well kinda new) Vigcup idea!
It’s runaway Hiccup who later gets with Viggo, we skip all the past to when they are in an established relationship except they are on their way to Berk. I’ve written Hiccup realising where they are going and the confrontation between him and Viggo but I’m so excited to get to Berk.
Because basically Hiccup had a whole plan of stealing a boat with Toothless to make it seem like he ran away (because was worried that they may blame a dragon and decided he wanted to try and avoid that) - so they took it and flew for a while and then destroyed it. Later they went back and freed the dragons too but only after a week and Hiccup made sure it just looked like the arena malfunctioned.
The problem is a raid happened and they didn’t even notice the missing boat - just assumed dragons destroyed it, Stoick found the cove and jumped to the conclusion that Hiccup was killed by the Night Fury (so the opposite of what Hiccup was going for).
Anyway Hiccup and Viggo get to Berk and Hiccup is ready to be defensive, thinking they know he just ran away and would not want to see him, but Stoick (and the rest of Berk) are shocked that his son is alive. Hiccup really doesn’t want anything to do with it and is only there to explain dragons (with Viggo’s encouragement) since his issues with Berk have kinda just built up and festered over the years.
The majority of the story is just Berk being in shock about this new Hiccup and his husband, them learning about Dragons, Stoick and Gobber (and probs the other riders) trying to learn about Hiccup and why he ran/how he became what he’s become, Viggo probably having a bit to much fun with everything, and Hiccup just being done.
It’s kinda silly but I’ve been making myself smile with it! Also this came about probs 2 weeks ago when my Vigcup obsessed brain got reminded of my former Dramione 10-years-later relationship reveal obsession from my old Wattpad days lol, I’m fairly sure I’ve improved a lot since then (or at least I hope).
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elliebyrrdwrites · 2 months
Dramione Blurbs 17.2
Not to be mistaken with my dramione drabbles! This is from my Dynamics series, which can be found, in order, here.
Draco was hit by a book upon arriving at Gimmauld Place. The flare of the flames died and before he could step out of the oversized hearth, the spine of a book hit him in the chest before falling to the stones beneath his feet.
Draco looked down at the book. Poetry by some South American bloke. Looking up, he found Theo Nott lounging in the parlor, his out of control hair falling over his forehead. His eyes were narrowed in on Draco, his mouth pulled into a grimacing scowl.
“Did you just throw a book at me?” Draco picked up the book and flipped through the pages. Love poems, of course.
“I did.” Theo pushed himself to his feet and rolled his shoulders back.
“Okay...” Draco held onto the book and looked around the room. “Where’s Granger?”
“Did you know that there is a gala tomorrow night?” Theo asked, ignoring his question. There was a clatter of dishes in the kitchen. Something baking. Chocolatey and sweet. She was home.
Draco frowned and began to shrug off his coat. “I do.” He placed his coat onto the arm of a chair before rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.
“Did you know that Granger is going?”
Draco paused and looked up at Theo, his brows arched. “What do you mean? I thought she hadn’t received an invite.”
He had been looking forward to her being stuck, safely, at home. Public events weren’t safe. She wasn't safe. He had been delighted when he found out no other bloke had invited her. But if she was going, then that meant...
“McLaggen is taking her.” Theo’s teeth bared. “McLaggen, Draco. Of all the fucking wizards in all the fucking world, you let her get paired up with him!”
Draco’s ears suddenly felt very full. Like he had taken a dive into the lake, water filling the little canals and crevices, muffling the next words that came out of Theo’s mouth.
“He’s the most corrupt wizard in the DMLE. Surely, you didn’t think he earned that promotion.”
Draco didn’t respond. Instead, he tossed the book down before he stalked out of the parlor.
“Good luck dealing with her, now!” Theo bellowed before the flare of the floor alerted him to his departure.
Draco shoved open the kitchen door hard, causing it to swing open and hit against the wall on the other side with a loud bang.
Granger yelped and spun form the sink, water sloshing and splashing over the edge as her wet hands went up in defense. Little hands balled into little fists.
She was fucking gorgeous.
Her wide eyes, brown and golden. Her hair, plopped onto the top of her head, was still wild and messy. She was dressed in a pair of black leggings that hugged all of her curves and crevices and a cream colored tank top with thin little straps. Her arms were exposed, lightly kissed by the sun. Except for the pale white, raised skin of her scar.
Draco realized then, with some sense of alarm, that she had been glamouring it around him. But now it was exposed and Draco couldn’t stopped looking at the letters that were forced and immortalized into her skin.
Some of his anger began to dissipate, as the urge to sweep her into his arms, the urge to kiss her skin began to take over. He lifted his gaze to her face and grimaced at the tight press of her lips, the narrowing of her eyes.
“Get out.” She lobbed the words at him with little inflection.
His anger returned, bubbling inside of his guts, twisting his intestines into knots. “McLaggen?” He hissed as he stepped further into the kitchen. “You’re going with McLaggen?”
Her little chin lifted and her shoulders rolled back. It caused her chest to push out, it caused Draco’s eyes to glance to her breasts, which were braless. Her nipples were hard against her shirt, nearly visible beneath the thin fabric. Had she been dressed like this around Theo?
Anger was like a million little fire ants crawling up his body, beneath his skin. They all seemed to be heading straight for his chest.
“That’s none of your business.” She turned around and went back to the dishes.
“Did you want to take her, Draco?” Pansy’s voice came from the corner of the kitchen, where the table sat.
He hadn’t noticed her when he entered. His eyes still struggled to pull away from Granger’s back as she washed dishes by hand.
Pansy had a bowl of something chocolatey. Pudding or syrup, he couldn’t tell. She dipped her finger into it and smirked at him.
Granger laughed, and it was short and derisive.
Pansy stuffed her finger into her mouth, one eyebrow raised in question.
“I mean,” He sighed. “You shouldn’t even go. It isn’t safe. It’s too public!”
“It’s invite only, Malfoy.” Granger turned from the sink and dried her hands on a nearby dish towel. “And from what Harry tells me, you are actually going to be there. As a matter of fact, you’re required to be there. Aren’t you?”
“Yes, but you aren’t.”
Granger stared at him with all of the hate and hurt she had accumulated over the years and shook her head. “You thought you might have dodged that bullet, then. Is that it?”
Draco lifted his hand and rubbed at his forehead, massaging away the beginnings of a tension headache. “I’m trying to keep you safe, Granger.” He dropped his hand in frustration. “I’m trying to keep you alive!” He said it as he stepped closer, his hands clenching into pleading fists.
“Oh, is that what you were doing?” She pushed away from the sink and put her pretty little face into his. “When you were fucking me last night? Is that what you were doing when you pretended like I didn’t exist this morning?”
He growled, his fists tightening in an effort not to grab at her, to pull her angry little mouth against his. He knew he had fucked up this morning. Had known she would be upset.
Which was why he was here. It was why, after talking to Potter, Draco had decided to confess all of his fears and hopes and apologize to her. To beg her to forgive him, to please understand that if he didn't catch this killer, he would live his life in fear, he would feel unworthy of her affections. Because he had caused too much pain for her already. Too many tears.
But then she had to go and accept a date with McLaggen!
Draco should have told her then that he loved her. He should have said, yes! That was exactly what he was doing, because if he didn’t make her realize just how much she meant to him, by capturing or killing this killer, then he was nothing!
Instead, he stepped into her, pressing their chests together, and looked down his nose at her. “So you go and hook up with the first idiot who asks you out?”
She bared her teeth and shoved at his chest.
“Fuck you.” She shoved him again.
Draco grabbed her hands and held them against his chest. “You’re not going to that gala.”
She struggled against his hold, pulling and yanking but her hands remained his. “Yes, I am.”
“You cant go. Not with him.” She sneered up at him, her little nose scrunching up as she lifted her chin and smirked.
“You can’t stop me.” Granger twisted, ducking under their arms and pressed her back to his chest before she lifted her feet and pushed off the kitchen sink.
Together, they went tumbling backwards. Draco let go of her in his efforts to keep himself from falling onto his ass.
“Granger!” Draco huffed as she whipped around to face him. “Stop fighting me and let me take you to the damn gala!”
“Ha!” Pansy grinned when he glanced at her. “Told ya,” She lifted her chin toward Granger. Draco wasn’t sure if she was pleased about the maneuver or the fact that Draco just asked her to the gala.
But Granger didn’t look so pleased. Most of her hair had come loose, falling over her shoulders, her chest was rising and falling with great heavy pants.
But her voice was soft, as she whispered. “You cannot just keep doing this.” Her voice cracked and he could have sworn there were tears gathering in the backs of her eyes, filling the corners with a silver sheen. “You can’t keep hurting me before you kiss me or say things that make me want to melt.”
Draco’s chest hollowed out as a single tear slid down her left cheek.
“You’ve been doing it to me for years. And after that first kiss, I’ve just been sitting around, waiting for you. I didn’t realize I was waiting for you but I was.” She laughed but it was sad and terrible. Her hand shoved the tear away from her cheek, her palm pressing hard into her skin. “I kept waiting and waiting and then you did come back. And you’ve just been toying around with me, all over again.”
“Granger,” Draco’s eyebrows were knitted with anguish, frustration, as he reached for her once again.
She shook her head and pulled her hands aback, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Just go. Pansy will take care of me. She will keep an eye on me at the Gala. Just...” She looked away and stared at nothing. She stared at the wall, or into the past. Their sordid and twisted past that left her wrung out, exhausted. "Go."
Draco clenched his teeth together as he stared at her. He could tell her now. How he cared about her beyond the average humans capacity. That his love was tucked deep into the shadows of his soul, clinging to him like the sinew between his muscle and bone. It was a part of him. To remove it from him was to take his body apart, it was to pull him into millions of little pieces, scraping it from the fibers of his being. To remove his love for her from his body, was to kill him.
But the defeatist inside of him whispered into his ear, he told him that she wouldn’t believe it if he did.
And so he nodded, his eyes hard as he stepped back. “If that’s what you want.”
His eyes darted to Pansy, who was now staring at him. Her red mouth and pulled into a sad frown, the space between her eyebrows wrinkled with some kind of pity.
Draco tore from the kitchen. He left so quickly, he never saw the way Hermione’s face crumpled into something resembling agony. He never saw the way she stepped toward the kitchen door before her hands gripped the fabric of her shirt, right over her stomach. He left so through the floo so quickly he forgot his coat and never got a chance to hear her sob. Before she bowed over as if in pain and released her cries into the kitchen and then into the arms of the most unlikely friend.
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