#little lashton tap on the shoulder
final bow at NYC night 2
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
here, have a sprinkle of some lashton thoughts)basically a big clustefuck of my mind):
sidenote: discusses a low point and depressive tendencies. i’m not quite sure where this came from but please, feel free to pass it up. 
worlds of words are being created from each end of the house, music notes tie them together in new sounds of shattering hearts towards an uplifting crescendo of dreams come true. Luke is in one room strumming and scribbling away while Ashton is tapping and humming along to the music of colors floating in his mind. it’s been like this for a solid three weeks and while you love the creativity ebbing and flowing from them, it’s taken away from your own personal time with them. 
are you being a teensy selfish? maybe. are you extremely jealous when one of them wanders into the other’s room to create something together and you’re left outside of the door? extremely so. 
this morning started out like any other, Ashton’s fingers tracing your face lightly while Luke rubs your back until you’re awake. Soft kisses and ‘good morning’s’ are exchanged in sleepy voices and just when you’re about to really cuddle, they leave you claiming it’s time for breakfast. 
grumbling and mumbling a few choice words towards their retreating backs, you fold yourself back into the sheets. you’re surrounded by the smell of both Luke and Ashton, the closest you’ve been to them lately, leftover aftershave. 
you hear them tinker downstairs, quiet chatter and a few laughs float up over your quilt covered head. after a few minutes you hear them shuffle back upstairs. they’re talking of their schedules for the day then calls your name. you breathe shallowly under the blanket, silently begging one of them to tear the bedding away. 
“let’s let her sleep, she’s been tossing and turning a lot lately,” luke says.
“wonder why that is?”
“dunno, she’ll come find us when she wakes up.”
defeated and crushed, you continue to listen as they head to their respective rooms. have you really been tossing and turning in your sleep? you’re in a weird mood that has no name and you’re surprised when tears spring in your eyes when they left you in bed all alone. then you become angry because you should just tell them what’s going on but...you can’t. 
why? you wish you knew.
the tears keep flowing until the saltwater drifts you on the ocean of sleep and the world fades away. 
the next time you wake your eyes are puffy, your nose a little stuffy and you’re hot. you kick the bedding off you, cool air smacking your face and you roll over to ashton’s side of the bed where your phone is. you slept for nearly four hours and have multiple texts from ashton and luke. 
breakfast is on the counter, lovie
coffee is still hot in the pot, angel
what are your plans for the day?
come find me when you’re awake
how about chinese for dinner?
luke wants chinese, what do you think?
they texted you in succession every hour, but you didn’t feel like responding and just read through them all. sighing, you roll back over to luke’s side staring out the window. the leaves shake in the breeze and a flock of birds fly overhead. you land on the photo of the three of you at some party. you’re sat in the middle, legs crossed and leaning into Luke’s back while still also being curved into Ashton as well. their hands are joined on top of your knee, your smiles radiant and shining with love and comfort. 
you slip off the bed to use the toilet, wash your face and brush your teeth. your face is still splotchy from your tears, your stomach grumbles but you head back into bed anyway. 
something is hollowing in your chest as you gaze at the ceiling, you’re still unsure what mood this is but you let it consume you. the best way out is through and you don’t want to bug them with your inane influx of emotions. 
somehow you end up falling asleep again and the door handle turning is what awakens you. peering over your shoulder, you peek to see Ashton enter with Luke very close behind. Both of their brows are furrowed and you can sense their anxiety.
“you’ve been up here all day,” ashton says falling next to you. he pushes hair away from your face to look at your eyes. “have you been crying?”
“crying?!” luke asks as you bury your face in the mattress. you feel him dip on your other side. “why are you crying? what hurts?”
you shake your head as more tears well up, wetting the sheets as you feel their hands in your hair and on your back, then on your legs as if inspecting to find a broken bone or cut. 
“angel, talk to us please. what’s happened?” ashton asks softly by your ear. 
“how can we help?”
you cry more, guilt washing over you as you don’t deserve their concern. you brought this on yourself, not speaking up in the first place. they’ll hate you for being so selfish.
“we could never hate you, lovie,” luke says trying to lift your head from the bed. 
had you said that out loud? when it becomes hard to breathe, you lose your own fight by flipping over, hair clinging to your tear stained face. they both wipe at your tears and dab at your nose as you gasp for breath. 
“shh, shh, it’s okay, you’re all right,” ashton hushes cradling your head against his arm. luke takes your hand in his giving it a kiss and places his other hand on the inside of your thigh. the tickle of his fingers helps calm you down, but only slightly. 
“I feel...” your eyes follow the fan above rotating, trying to find the right words. “i feel lonely. like i’m not here, you’re both in your rooms writing and singing which is wonderful but i’m out here everyday in my own world. watching tv, cleaning, reading, sitting outside and i’m alone and i feel selfish for thinking that. but i also feel weird...i’m in a mood that’s just...odd and i didn’t know i was tossing and turning or if i was even sleepy while i slept all day. i’m feeling nothing and everything.” the words vomit out of your mouth, they don’t even make sense to you so how would they understand? 
Luke sighs then changes position to lay his head on your stomach, his baby blues peer up at you sadly. 
“we have been pretty busy with our writing, haven’t we?”
“I’m sorry, angel,” ashton rubs your cheek. “we never meant to do that. we always want to spend time with you, you lighten up our life so much.”
“I should have brought this up weeks ago,” luke says, “you’ve been tossing nearly every night. that’s not like you and i should’ve realized--we’ll make it up to you. tonight and tomorrow we’re all yours. no music writing.”
“I don’t want to take you away from that,” you cry as a new set of tears spill over.
“no, no, no, don’t think like that,” ashton says, “we need to find a balance and we were spiraling down a creative hole with no way of knowing where we’ll end up. you’re our balance.”
“but i’m so unbalanced right now,” you mumble looking between the two of them. they smile at your little quip.
“so are we,” luke kisses your tummy. “let’s figure it out together.” 
“you can always come to us and tell us what you’re feeling, we’ll understand and if we don’t, we’ll try to.” ashton kisses your temple. 
“we love you,” luke says inching up to press a kiss to your cheek. he keeps kissing your face until you’re laughing at the tickle of his scruff.
you hide your head in ashton’s chest, his arms pull you close and then you feel luke sidle up behind you. his arm moves around you as he spoons you, his face tucked into your neck. 
“I love you guys, too,” you say. 
“how about we take a beat in the hot tub, let the bubbles remove our stress. we’ll talk everything out,” ashton suggests. 
“that sounds nice,” you sigh but close your eyes to the sound of his heart. you feel luke’s heartbeat as well, you’re surrounded by a symphony of love. “can we stay for a little while longer?”
“anything you want.”
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kaleidoscopeminds · 4 years
Hi meg!! “If it snows, wake me up.” with lashton please?
hi em!!! remember when i solicited prompts weeks and weeks ago? yeah me too... anyway here is some very late and very baby lashton for you, loads of love 💖💖
It’s late, well not really late, but late enough that Ashton’s considering that it might be time for showering and sleeping when he decides that before he does, he wants to go and make a cup of tea. He drags himself out of the warmth of his bed to go downstairs, pulling on a hoodie and some socks as he goes. They’ve been in London for over a month now but he still wasn’t getting used to it being cold in January, and especially not this cold. He debates putting on a beanie but decides to just pull his hood up and head downstairs. He makes his way to the kitchen, but sees there’s still a light on in the back room, so after he puts the kettle on he pokes his head around the door.
Luke is sat curled up on the sofa next to the french doors, nose almost pressed up against the glass, staring into the dark. Ashton can see his reflection in the doors, lit by the side lamp casting Luke in a glow, his tired eyes blinking slowly and chewing slowly on his lip.
“I thought you were watching a movie with Mikey,” Ashton says, and Luke jumps, having been so absorbed in watching outside he didn’t hear Ashton approach. 
“It’s meant to snow tonight,” Luke says, turning his big eyes to Ashton, glimmering with wonder and excitement, fringe just flopping in them slightly before he hurriedly pushes it out of the way.
“That’ll be why it’s so fucking cold,” Ashton grumbles, leaning on the door frame, but smiles slightly at Luke being so thrilled.
“Snow, Ashton. Aren’t you excited?” Luke says, grin growing, shining and radiant. He shivers a little and Ashton frowns, he’s sat on the sofa in just a T-shirt and some pyjama bottoms, feet and arms bare, and the heating in the house clicked off an hour or so again.
“Why don’t you have a hoodie on?” Ashton asks. “You must be freezing.”
“Okay Mum,” Luke says rolling his eyes. “I have my actual mum upstairs, you know. I don’t need you too.”
Ashton comes into the room slightly to flick Luke’s foot, even just doing that he can feel that it's the temperature of ice, and he makes a disapproving noise. 
“You’re going to get frostbite,” He reprimands. “No one wants a lead singer with only one foot. Here, have this.”
He pulls off his own hoodie despite the temperature and drops it in Luke’s lap, before digging around under the sofa.
“Aha!” He says, extracting a slightly worn blanket. He shakes it out before draping it over Luke’s lap as Luke pulls on Ashton’s hoodie.
“You’ll be cold now,” Luke protests, but he’s already got both his hands in the arms and is pulling the rest of the hoodie over his head.
Ashton looks at Luke fondly as his head pops out the neck of the hoodie, eyes glimmering and hair flattened against his face. Luke was growing at the speed of light these days, upwards and also outwards, his shoulders stretching Ashton’s hoodie far more than Ashton knows his own shoulders do. A small part of him hopes he stops growing soon, he wouldn’t want to live in a universe where Luke wearing his clothes is an impossibility, however much he might complain about the other boy stealing his socks.
“I’m good.” Is all Ashton says. “Do you want tea? I’m making a cup.”
Luke nods and Ashton grins at him before going back into the kitchen and pulling out a second mug. He pours the hot water, pulls out the sugar for Luke and grabs the milk out the fridge, humming a melody that he and Michael had been working on earlier that week. He picks up the two mugs and heads back through to the other room to find Luke, head turned back towards the window with the hood up on the hoodie, feet tucked under the blanket and the sleeves stretched even further to cover his hands. He looks back at Ashton as he returns and makes grabby hands for the mug.
“Do you wanna sit with me for a bit?” Luke asks. And really, what was Ashton going to say, with Luke sat there in Ashton’s hoodie, curled up on the sofa and gleaming blue eyes blinking at him hopefully.
“My bed was calling me, but I guess I can sit with you for a bit, loser,” He teases, placing both mugs on the coffee table and sitting down next to Luke.
Luke immediately stretches his legs to stuff his feet underneath Ashton’s thighs, a typical move from Luke, unable to keep his limbs to himself if any of his bandmates were close by, but tucking his feet under Ashton’s leg was a thing Luke had always done. He had perpetually cold hands and feet, but often refused to wear socks, and so whenever Ashton would sit next to him Luke would take the opportunity to stuff his feet under there to warm them up. Ashton would bitch about this, but secretly he’d be pleased, he knows that if there was a definition for the saying “cold feet warm heart” it would be Luke Hemmings, with his shy smile and easy kindness, anyone who met him would be immediately enamoured with his radiance. As was Ashton half the time.
“Write anything good today?” Ashton asks Luke, hand resting on his knee, fingers beating out a small rhythm there.
“Yeah. Maybe,” Luke says absentmindedly, fiddling with his sleeves and scrunching his nose.
“What’s on your mind Lukey?” Ashton says, reaching out and tapping the tip of his nose before sliding his finger up to the bridge, smoothing out the creases. He knows Luke has something playing on his mind more than the snow, it wasn’t Luke’s usual move to isolate himself, he does best with a group of people nearby.
“Do you ever feel like this can’t be real?” Luke says thoughtfully, tipping his head to one side.
“What do you mean?” Ashton says patiently.
Luke sighs and plays with his fringe. It's getting a little curly as it's the end of the day, loosening from its normally straightened place on Luke’s forehead and Ashton likes it all the more for it, despite him normally sporting an identical straightened look. 
“Just, like, I wake up in the morning and I feel like I’m still in a dream half the time, like none of this should be happening. We’re living here in the UK, we’re about to go on tour with One Direction and we wrote with James Bourne from Busted last week,” Luke says, laughing a little and shaking his head. “I’m seventeen, I feel like I’ll wake up any second and my mum will be banging at my door trying to get me to get up for Year 12, and then I do wake up to my mum banging on my door but I’m here in London and I’m living with my best mates and I’ve signed a record deal. It’s not real Ash, it can’t be.”
Ashton looks at Luke curled up on the sofa next to him and slips a hand into Luke’s, stopping him fiddling with the sleeve of Ashton’s hoodie. Luke looks at him in surprise but holds on tightly as Ashton runs his thumb over the back of Luke’s hand and smiles at him. 
He finds it funny that Luke has these doubts of the reality of the situation they find themselves in, he himself has them every day, has to pinch himself that he’s no longer struggling through uni working shitty jobs and trying to take care of his family, remind himself that he’s waking up to do what he loves rather than dragging himself through another day. But Luke, well, in Ashton’s head Luke was always meant to end up here. End up doing something more than the life he was born into. Even without the rest of them Luke would end up a star, he glowed too bright, his light far too dazzling to be turned down or ignored. Ashton was grateful every single day to be bathed in its glow for even half a minute let alone the last year, and if Ashton was lucky, many of the years ahead of them. 
“It’s real, Luke I promise,” Ashton says instead. He squeezes Luke’s hand, taps his fingers on the other hand onto Luke’s knee, and wiggles his legs on top of Luke’s feet. “Feel that, Lukey? It’s all real, you’re here with me on this sofa in a random house in the outskirts of London and we’re gonna be a fucking huge and successful band in a couple of years.”
It's not something he hasn’t told Luke before; Ashton had an unwavering faith in the band, in what they could achieve, in what they had which made them special, but Ashton thinks that with the One Direction tour coming up and all the doors that were being opened to them, that the others might just be starting to believe it too.
Luke laughs, biting his tongue, and shakes his head. “If you say so, Ash.” 
“I know so,” Ashton says, picking up their teas from the coffee table and handing one off to Luke, taking a sip of his own before continuing.
“Who told you it was gonna snow then?” He asks.
Luke has both hands wrapped around his cup for warmth and takes a gulp of tea. “Mum did,” He says.
“I thought Michael might have been trying to wind you up again,” Ashton says with a grin.
“I hope it snows, I want to see snow,” Luke says pitifully, drinking his tea.
“It’s cold rain, Luke,” Ashton says rolling his eyes.
“Don’t be so boring, you’re nineteen, not ninety,” Luke says playfully, punching Ashton in the shoulder with his free hand.
“Well as I’m so ancient, I should probably go to bed,” Ashton says. “As should you, Luke.”
“Fine,” Luke says, frowning. “But in the morning, if it snows wake me up, please.”
“Why am I waking you up?” Ashton asks.
“Because you’ll be awake first I know you will, and I don’t wanna miss out on any of the snow.”
“It’s not going anywhere.”
“Ashton, please?” Luke says. Ashton looks at Luke, illuminated by the side lamp, eyes glittering and smile beaming, and thinks of the way Luke will light up if it really does snow. He nods his head slowly. Ashton will never refuse an opportunity to be the cause of Luke’s happiness, taking every chance to stand in the glow he emits for another minute. 
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cal-puddies · 4 years
Needy || Poly!Lashton
the general idea of how this plays out came from an anon, but ya girl @kindahoping4forever was a rockstar as always.
Poly! Lashton: the blow job || daddy’s home || cream pie || take the pleasure, take it with the pain || all at once this is enough || caught in between || take my heart, hit the back || daddy issues || needy || only you know the way that I break || picked all my weeds but kept the flowers
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Ash and Luke are lounging on the couch together when you get home. You drop your keys on the table and walk in. 
“Hey guys, I’m heading to bed.” You say, turning to go to your room. 
“Baby, come back here.” Ash says. He holds his hand out and you walk over and grab it. Ash takes in the look on your face, the pure exhaustion with whatever you had going on outside of the house. “Just wanted to say goodnight.” He stands to wrap you in his arms and kiss you. 
“You want me to come?” Luke asks, not picking up the same thing Ash did. 
“No, that’s ok handsome.” You lean over and kiss him. 
You wake Luke up in the morning, it’s early and you need him. You need something. You kiss the back of his neck pressing yourself against him. 
He turns his head to you. “What’s up baby?” He asks sleepily.
“Need you Lukey.” You say, pulling him onto his side. You hook your leg over his hip, guiding him inside and then very hungrily kiss him. 
He’s confused, but it doesn’t stop him. He slides his hand up your thigh to pull you closer. He slowly rolls his hips against yours. You keep your eyes shut, because it doesn’t open you to the typical conversation you and Luke have when you do this in the morning. 
He can tell you need something, he doesn’t know what or why. So he settles for giving you what you asked for. 
He watches as you lay next to him after, staring at the ceiling, twisting a few strands of hair around your finger. 
“You ok?” He asks. 
You blink a couple times and look over at him, painting on as much of a smile as you can muster, “I’m good Peachy, thank you. Just thinking about breakfast.” 
“Do you want me to make you something?” He asks. 
“Mm mm. I’m just gonna go make some coffee and eat some cereal.” You shrug. 
“Ok.” He nods. He doesn’t press the issue because he doesn’t know how. 
You climb out of bed and pull on an old t-shirt of Ash’s and walk out of the room. You quietly make your way to the kitchen where Ash is reading a newspaper and drinking his version of coffee. You’re a little surprised but you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his cheek. 
“You’re up early.” He mentions, setting the paper down to watch you move through the space. 
“Couldn’t sleep.” You shrug. He watches as you make a second pot of coffee for Luke when he gets up but you help yourself to his pot. “You’re home kinda late.” You mention, looking at the clock. 
“Working from home, too much going on in the office to focus and I’ve got a deadline.” He explains. 
“So don’t bother Ash today… got it.” You smirk at him. 
“I’ll have a little more flexibility being here than if I was in the office baby girl. You just let me know what you need. Luke still sleeping?” He checks. 
“I think he was gonna go back to sleep.” You shrug. 
“Come to the office with me.” Ash says, nodding his head in that direction. He folds the paper and tucks it under his arm, grabbing his coffee mug and your bowl of cereal. You follow behind him, carrying your own coffee. Ash sits at his desk, putting your cereal bowl in front of him. 
He nods you over and taps his lap. You take a seat and grab your bowl and rest against Ash while he starts working. He lets you sit quietly, every once in a while pressing a couple kisses to your neck. Once he finishes reading through his emails, he slides his hand up your thigh.
“I don’t think you’ve ever had me over this desk, daddy.” You giggle. 
“Oh, is that what you want?” He chuckles. 
“Honestly, who wouldn’t want that?” You grin. 
“Mmkay but you gotta stay quiet, don’t want you waking Lukey up.” Ash moves the cups and bowl to the nearby bookcase, and then pulls you into a kiss. “What has you needy so early, baby girl?” He groans, feeling between your thighs. 
You nip his lip, “can’t a girl just want daddy to rail her over his desk first thing?” 
He nips your earlobe, pulling your hand to rub on his cock, get him worked up like you, “you gonna be trouble for me all day?” He murmurs. 
“Maybe.” You tease, “I’ll try to be good, daddy, promise.” 
“I don’t believe you at all baby girl.” He grins. His cock grows harder in your hand and soon he’s pushing you over the desk, pushing the shirt up over your hips, you hear him spit on his hand and he rubs it on your pussy, you hear him do it a second time and you know it must be for his cock. You shiver as he slicks the tip through and push up on your toes as he pushes all the way in. “This what you wanted?” He asks. 
“Yes,” you moan quietly, “just harder and faster.” 
Ash takes note of that, you’ve had mornings where you’re into it but never making that kind of request. Something's up. He doesn’t dwell on it though, he starts to pick up the pace, hitting his hips hard against your ass. 
He spanks you once and you whine out “yes daddy.” 
“Stay quiet baby, you promised.” He reminds you, he lands another hard smack to your ass and you yelp. He grabs your shoulder and yanks you up, then wraps his hand around your mouth, “you promised.” He punctuates with particularly hard thrusts. 
He uncovers your mouth, looking for an apology. “Sorry daddy.” You whimper quietly, pushing your hips back to meet his. 
“Stay quiet.” He whispers, kissing you quick and pulling your lip between his teeth, he pushes you back down over the desk and presses his palm in the middle of your back to stop you from moving, “your pussy always feels good, baby girl.” He grunts.
“I’ll never get enough of your cock daddy.” You whine quietly. 
“Wouldn’t want you too… fuck.” He moans, “really should be filling you with cum more.” He smacks your ass again.
It’s quiet from there except the skin on skin and soft whimpers leaving your lips and quiet groans from his. You didn’t have Ash to yourself a lot, but fuck you love when he treats you like this. “Daddy… I’m gonna cum.” You whimper. 
“Yeah? Milk my cock baby girl.” He groans. He feels you tighten around him, and he powers through, harder into you, you’re biting your arm to keep quiet. “Good girl.” He moans, spilling his cum into you, pushing his hips tight against your ass one more time. He leans over to kiss the back of your neck and you whimper, “thank you, gorgeous.” He whispers against your skin. “Let’s go get cleaned up and then daddy needs to get to work.” He murmurs. 
But after you're both cleaned, he pulls you back to the office, pulling you into his lap, he kisses your forehead and senses your hesitation, but he misreads it. “I don’t fuck my babes like that and then not cuddle them.” He murmurs.
You kiss his scruff covered jaw and mumble “I love you,” before snuggling into his chest for a bit. 
Minus the weight in his lap and against his chest, Ash forgets you’re there. Neither of you say anything to each other for at least an hour and then he’s pushing away from the desk to get more coffee. “You’re welcome to stay with me.” He murmurs, walking hand in hand with you to the kitchen. 
“I’ll probably see what peachy’s up to, but thank you. I appreciate it.” You hum, standing on your toes to kiss his lips. 
“You know where I’ll be.” He murmurs, holding you against him, kissing you again. 
He heads back to the office and you head back to your room. “Peachy.” You smile softly, he’s just barely awake and checking his phone. 
“C’mere baby girl.” He pulls the blanket down and pats your spot in bed. “Ash didn’t text us.” He frowns, putting his phone down on his chest. 
“He’s here, he didn’t go in today.” You mention. 
“Oh… is he ok?” 
“He felt like he’d get more done here. I saw him at breakfast.” You shrug. 
Luke grabs your hand and kisses your knuckles, “you ok baby?” He whispers. 
“I’m good.” You nod. 
“Ok, just wanna make sure my girls good.” He murmurs. 
“Thanks bubba.” You smile at him. 
He kisses your knuckles one more time before getting out of bed. He wanders to the dresser for a pair of athletic shorts and then he heads out of the room. He’s only gone a few minutes, and he comes back with his coffee and a bagel, and a bottle of water for you. You take the lid off and take a few sips before putting it on the bed side table. 
Luke turns the tv in your room on, you thought he’d turn on a video game but instead he flips through the different streaming services and finds something to watch and he pulls you toward him, resting your head in his lap. He runs his fingers through your hair, or rubs your back absentmindedly while finishing his breakfast, your fingers dance over the exposed skin of his leg. 
He grazes his fingers over your ass, letting them ever so lightly touch your pussy. You'd think it was an accident if he didn’t do it more and apply more pressure when you shifted onto your stomach and spread your legs a bit.
He does it again but applies full pressure and a little rub. And then he’s tracing his fingers along your pussy until you murmur “please.” And he splits your lips and toys with your clit, for a bit, watching your body when your fingers tighten around his shorts, he pushes two fingers in. 
“So wet today baby.” He murmurs. 
“Just wanna feel good Peachy.” 
“And I just want you to feel good.” He agrees, pressing his thumb to your clit. He likes that you’re melting into him due to the way he’s touching you, you aren’t like this enough, not for him. When he has you with Ash he has to share you, and Ash gets these kinds of reactions. 
He keeps it on the slower side, prolonging the orgasm so he can feel your nails dig into his thigh and your hot breath on his skin, watch your body react, listen to your whines. So you need him, and just him for a while longer. 
“Luke…” you moan. Using Luke was intimate and you both knew that. You didn’t usually use his name, a nickname, or Lukey, but usually not Luke, and he adored that. “Please.” 
The whine was music to his ears, because it was about him and what he was doing to you. He reaches his other hand over to caress the top of your head, “feel good?” He coos. 
“So good Luke.” You look up at him briefly and then grab for his cock, but he stops you. 
“This is about you princess, not me.” He murmurs. “I want this for both of us.” He assures you. 
He picks up the pace, deciding it's time for you to cum, he’s held it off long enough. Your hips work against his fingers to finally get the release and you bite into his thigh and whimper. He lets his wet fingers continue to slide over your clit, just lightly, watching the continued shocks roll through you. 
“So good, love.” He murmurs, pulling his fingers away to suck clean. 
“Thanks Lukey.” You murmur. 
“Watching and hearing you orgasm has to be one of my favorite things to do.” He strokes your head, “I’m so glad that you’re with me. It’s nice to have you here. You’ve been so busy.” 
“Yeah.” You nod pulling away and laying your head back on your pillow. You pull your phone from the night stand and look at it, noting the time. “It’s nice to be home.” You agree, softly. 
“I feel so whole with you around, you know?” He whispers. 
“I feel that too.” You nod, turning your head away to blink back tears. You let out a sigh and get up, heading for the door. “I’m gonna go check on Ash. Make sure he doesn’t need anything.” You turn to say. You can tell this hurt Luke, you basically blew him off when he was being open with you. “Love you Peachy.” You blow him a kiss. 
You take your time wandering back down to Ash, stopping in the kitchen to mix yourself a cocktail since it was little after noon. You wander into the office, “Hey.” You greet. 
“Hiya.” He grins. “Lazy day today?” He asks, noting you haven’t changed. 
“Yeah.” You shrug. 
“And what are we drinking?” He checks. 
“Vodka soda.” 
He lets a very brief look of concern cross his face. “And what can I do for you?” He smirks. 
You cross the space and sit on his desk in front of him, spreading your thighs. “Just came to see if there was anything I could get you for lunch.” You give him a mischievous grin.
“Did you have something specific in mind that you wanted me to eat?” He counters with a dark smirk. 
You put your arms behind and rest back on them, “I can probably think of something if you don’t know what you want.” 
You watch his eyes flick to between your thighs. “I know exactly what I want.” He runs both hands up your thighs and once again pushes the shirt up over your hips. He leans up to kiss you, and then pushes his chair back so he can get on his knees. He pulls you to the edge of the desk and settles both of your legs over his shoulders. He locks eyes with you as he starts to kiss up and down your thighs. He eyes your pussy briefly before taking the first lick. 
He’s had you enough, he can tell you’ve cum recently, but he can’t tell whether you did that yourself or Luke did it. Luke’s cock wasn’t used though, he determines. He takes his first lick, you sigh, and tangle your fingers in his hair. You taste like cum too. But he keeps it to himself, noting something is definitely going on with you. 
He takes his time, thoroughly kissing and licking along your lips before sliding his tongue between them to get to your clit. Ash was a pro at this, the teasing and the build up. 
“Want my fingers baby girl?” He asks. 
You moan, “no..” you push his hair off his face, “no, just your mouth please… so good daddy.” 
He goes back to work, tonguing over your clit, licking around your opening, sucking at sensitive skin. Ash moans against you, into you. He pulls away and smacks your thigh, “go to the couch.” He nods toward the leather couch in his office. 
You sit, thinking he’ll get on his knees on the floor in front of you, but he kneels next to you on the couch, and leans in to kiss you, he reaches down and grabs your ankle, spinning you and pressing you onto your back into the cushions. He lays on his stomach, propping your hips up toward his face and he licks over your slit again, and then lets his tongue trail lower. 
You whimper as his tongue flicks over your tighter hole. “Daddy… fuck.” 
His tongue slowly circles it, getting you to relax. “I was wondering if you’d like that.” He murmurs, moving his tongue back to your pussy. “Want more?” 
You choke out a moan, he takes it as a yes and your head spins knowing there is literally nothing he wouldn’t do to please or take care of you, especially if it was in his control. 
Then he’s taking his time, teasing that hole with his tongue, pressing his thumb in circles over your clit. He starts to move you. Sitting himself up, pulling your hips up to meet his face, almost inverting you. But you don’t mind. Because all you can feel is his tongue, and his thumb and the pleasure they are delivering. 
You have exactly zero power in your position and it strikes how incredibly vulnerable you are, Ashton literally has all the control as he holds you this way, rimming you, pressing his thumb to make sure you orgasm. 
You relax, letting everything go that’s been going on. You can’t tell your family about Ash and Luke, they’d never understand. But they know you’re seeing someone and that someone is going to have to make an appearance soon. And Luke and Ash are doing their best to navigate your ever changing moods lately, but Luke's face when you walked out of the room earlier was stuck in your mind. 
There’s a whiny moan that you eventually realize is yours. “C’mon baby, where are ya? Cum for me.” Ash coaxes. 
“Yeah…” you whine, letting your mind go blank, because you can, so you can just enjoy this moment with him. With Ash wanting to give you something he hadn’t before. And you needed to give yourself to him like this, it’d been awhile since you let him have full control. “Daddy.” You whimper. 
“There you are.” He murmurs, he sucks your clit, applying more spit before going back to his previous set up, preparing for your orgasm. You grab into the soft leather of the couch, and let out an obscene moan. His tongue and fingers continue their work softly as he works you through your orgasm. He notices you’re tired, that something else seems to have been released too, and he lays you back down in a more comfortable position and slides up next to you, holding you close for a minute. “Thanks sweet girl.” He murmurs, kissing your cheek. 
You hum, staying next to him as long as you can manage, and you reach back to scratch his scruff. “You want real food?” You murmur. 
“I’ll wait till dinner, thanks though.” He kisses your cheek again. “Love you.” He says softly, thinking you need to hear it. 
“Love you too.” You whisper, “you probably need to get back to work.” 
“I do, but didnt wanna leave you if you needed me.” He explains. 
“I’m ok. Thanks Ash.” 
“Stay as long as you need.” He kisses your lips and pushes up from the couch, he watches you roll on your back and stare at the ceiling, the far off look on your face tells him you are anything but fine, but he’s gonna leave it alone for now. 
You lay there, listening to Ash type, talk to himself a bit, shuffle some papers, and make a phone call or two before you get up. You wander over to him and kiss his cheek, and then silently leave the office. 
You sit by yourself in the living room awhile, needing the time alone to collect yourself after letting everything slip away with Ash. You knew you needed to check in on Luke and make it up to him, the way you walked out earlier. Once everything is tucked away again, safe in its little compartment, you head for the stairs. 
You stand in the doorway of your bedroom, Luke’s playing a video game, typical for a lazy day for him. “Hey Peachy.” You say quietly. 
He gives you a side eye, and you know you’re in trouble. “Hey.” He grumbles. 
“Don’t be like that, Peachy.” You murmur, crossing the space to climb on the bed. 
“How am I supposed to be, then? We were having a nice moment and you get up to go check on Ashton, which by the way, lunch? I wouldn’t constitute going down on you as lunch. If I’m not enough for you, just fucking say so.” His nostrils flare. 
“I deserve that. I shouldn’t have walked out of here like that when you were being sweet to me.” You move closer to him, resting a hand on this thigh. “I love you Luke, you know that.” You whisper, “you’re enough for me, and I wanna make it up to you.” You slide your hand over his shorts, resting it just above his cock, “c’mon Peachy. You can forgive me.” You pout. 
He glares at you awhile longer and then he relaxes a bit, taking in your cheeky smile. You apply pressure down on his cock, and he sighs. He lets you push him back against the headboard, and he helps you pull his shorts down so you can release his cock. You lean in to kiss him, he bites your lip, to show he’s still annoyed at you. 
You spit in your palm and wrap your hand around his cock. “You’re such a good man, Peachy, do you know that?” You say quietly, straddling one of his thighs. “Made it so easy to slip into this relationship. I don’t think I’ve ever been loved as unconditionally as you love me. And I couldn’t love you more. I know I’m so lucky to have you baby boy.” You murmur. 
Luke’s rock hard in your hand, so he’s having a reaction to you, even if he is still a bit pouty. He lets out a little whine as you squeeze his balls. 
“You always make me feel so good Peachy, and so so sexy.” You admit. “We always have a good time. Remember that night that I was on top of you and Ash was watching and I came so hard for you? Fuck that was so good Peachy.” You murmur. 
You lean in and kiss him and he holds your face this time. “You’re being sweet but you know you owe me an apology.” He whispers. 
“Luke, I fucked up, walking out on you earlier, I know that.” You aren’t giving anything away to him. “That’s why I’m here handsome. Want you to know I appreciate and love you. I’m sorry.” You hum.
Luke lets out a strangled moan and you know he’s enjoying this more than he lets on. “I know baby girl.” He relaxes. 
“I didn’t mean it the way it came across, love. You are stellar at knowing how to make me cum, and so hot? You know that? Like how am I supposed to resist you when we’re in public. So tall and handsome as hell. But when we’re in bed? You never miss a beat. It’s always about making sure I cum. You get off on it and it’s… incredible, never too full of yourself. I love that, makes me wanna be a better lover to you.” 
It takes no time from there to get him to cum, and you lean over to suck every last drop of cum from his cock. He’s a moaning mess, tangling his fingers in your hair as you do. 
“Taste so good Peachy.” You moan, lifting your head from his cock. Your work your hand over him a few more times, squeezing the last little bit of cum from him. You lean over and lick the last few beads from his tip. “So pretty too.” You murmur, sitting up to look at him. 
He cups your face, “thank you baby girl.” He sighs, “needed that.” He admits, and you know by the softness that he’s not talking about the orgasm. 
“I’m sorry if I made you doubt that. I wasn’t thinking when I walked out of here earlier.” You give him a half smile. 
“You came back to make it up to me and apologize, I can’t be mad about it.” He leans in to kiss you. “I love you.” 
“I love you too, Luke.” You respond, leaning in to press another kiss to his lips. 
You sit quietly for a while, looking at him, he’s looking at you. Eventually he goes back to his game, and you sit next to him, leaning your head against his shoulder. You’re starting to feel the sheer exhaustion from your days activities, going between both the men in your life, cumming as much as you had. 
“You should go see what Ash wants to do about dinner.” Luke murmurs after about an hour. 
“Hmm? Oh,” you say, looking up at him, he kisses your forehead. 
“He’s gonna want real food after eating you for lunch.” He chuckles. You look at him, “I’m fine baby, thank you for coming back.” He whispers, “but you really should go check on daddy.” 
“Ok.” You lean up and kiss him one more time before getting off the bed and heading back to the office. 
You walk in and Ash grins at you, “I thought you were gonna be good today.” 
“I actually just came to see if you wanted anything specific for dinner.” You murmur. 
“We’re gonna order in, I know you must be tired.” He chuckles. He watches the questioning look cross your face, “C’mere.” He pats his lap and you make your way over to him, he pulls you so your straddling him, “want you to take a break, baby girl, I know you’ve been going between Luke and I all day.” 
“I’m…” you start, but he presses his lips to yours. 
“It’s ok. I know somethings up. And I can tell you aren’t ready to tell us. But I just wanna remind you that Luke and I are here for you, love, and we’ll listen and help in any way we can.” He keeps eye contact so you know it’s serious. “Take a break baby, you can rest here or go up to my room if you wanna be alone.” He kisses your forehead. 
“Thanks Ash.” You press a kiss to his lips. 
“Of course, love.” 
You sit quietly for a bit, and then let your hand trail down his chest, you can feel him, he’s hard beneath you. “Want you in me.” You whisper. “Just… in.” 
He looks at you and nods, “I’d like that too.” He agrees. He pulls his pants down a little to free himself, and you slip him inside, finding a comfortable way to have him before resting a hand in his chest and your head on his shoulder, falling asleep.
Tag list: @cocktail-calum @1dthewantedlove @youngblood199456 @lustingforwunder @calumsphile @neso-k @rosecoloredash @radmcqueen @justayoungandwisefangirl @itsnotmyblood  @lietoash @pushthetide21 @5sosfanficrec @therealmrshale @fallfrxmgrace @lukashemmos @justarandomgirlthatyoudontknow @5sos-microwave @madbomb @sweetheartmendes1000 @literally-anythin @lfwallscouldtalk @clemmingstylins0n @ccnicole02 @lustingfor5sos @buteverythingiscopacetic @rosesfromcth @bodaciousbonzi1996 @ashtontotheirwin @captainam-erika-trash @xxgendurvikixx @jazzyangel242 @bluebabycal @rhiannonmichellee @iovehemmings @glitterycalum1205 @katcontreras @cashtonasfuck @ificanthaveu @kindahoping4forever @here-for-the-uproars​ @canterburyfiction​ @opheliaaurora​  @queer-5sos​ @banditocth​ @gigglyirwin​  @glitterycalum1205​ @rebelwith0utacause​ @thesubtweeter​
** if you have not interacted with at least 1 of my last two posts, going forward, you will be removed from the tag list. **
gc tags: @sublimehood​ @sugarcoated-pain​ @5sosnsfw​ @angelbabylu​ @aspiringwildfire​ @irwinkitten​ @lashtoncurls​ @myloverboyash​ @singt0mecalum
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
wanna be tagged? go here
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pixiegrl · 3 years
alright em - lashton or muke with either fluff nr6 or fluff nr28♥
Anna! I wrote you Lashton bc I’m nothing if not in love with Lashton and writing them and something about this prompt spoke to the lingerie series so! Please enjoy this!
On ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28232046
Ashton hasn’t seen Luke all night. Actually, that’s not entirely true. Ashton saw Luke when he first arrived, breezing his way into Ashton’s house like he always does, making himself at home in Ashton’s kitchen while he fussed around with the food and the drinks, trying to right the kitchen for the party. Ashton keeps insisting that even though it’s a pseudo holiday party, no one cares about the food or what it looks like. Luke though, keeps swearing that people will care and that it needs to look perfect. Ashton thinks it’s a byproduct of when Luke lived with him for months on end, when Luke had been on the edge of something and couldn’t be trusted alone. He worked his way into Ashton’s home, into Ashton’s life, even more in his back pocket then they already were. When Ashton had been the only thing holding Luke together, stopping him from drinking too much or snorting too much, holding him while he’d cried in the bathroom, unable to move some days from how much he’d hated himself, how he’d looked, hated the person staring back at him in the mirror. 
Luke’s better now, stable and structured and happy again. His need for Ashton, the comfort he seems to find around Ashton still bleeds over now, Luke insisting on what Ashton’s house looks like, even now that Luke’s moved out and back to his own home. He’s still here most days, sitting on Ashton’s couch, playing his guitar, laying in the backyard with Petunia. It’s like Luke never left, especially now that their relationship has turned into a friends who have sex with each other. There isn’t a day that Luke’s not in Ashton’s home, in his bed, clinging to Ashton, lips pressed against his, moaning as Ashton whispers praises against his skin. 
The only downside to it all is that Ashton wants to keep Luke. Never wants Luke to leave his bed, his home. He loves Luke, has loved him for so long that it comes as naturally as breathing to him. It’s just simply a part of his being now, his love for Luke bleeding into everything he does, letting Luke move into his home, into his heart. He wants to date Luke, hold his hand and take him out in public and love him, loudly and openly for everyone to see. Ashton’s scared that if he takes their relationship one step further, it’ll ruin everything. Luke’s going to leave him eventually, find someone brighter and funnier, someone who hasn’t seen Luke at his lowest points, doesn’t remind Luke of those low points, and he’ll date them, marry them, build a life with them. Ashton would rather have Luke like this, quick nights in the dark, stolen kisses under lowlights, than have all of Luke and lose him. 
Which is why, right now, Ashton wants to find Luke. He lost him as soon as Michael and Calum showed up, a whirlwind of alcohol and weed blowing through his front door. They had tugged Luke off somewhere and in the resulting mass of people that had shown up at Ashton’s front door, he'd lost the pretty blonde. He’d caught sight of him at one point, blonde curls off in the distance next to Ashley, but Calum had sidetracked him when he’d tried to go over, cig in one hand, solo cup dangling from his fingers, grinning at Ashton. The party is winding down though, Ashton managing to stop Jack from undressing Alex in the living room, gotten Calum to carry Michael half asleep out to their car to take him home. Ashton still hasn’t seen Luke though, but his car is the only other one in the driveway, parked at home next to Ashton’s, so he knows Luke hasn’t left.
Ashton makes his way through the house, stopping when he hears noise from the kitchen. Ashton makes his way over, startled when he finds Luke at the countertop, rummaging around in the cabinets, two mugs in front of him and Ashton’s kettle on the stove.
“What are you doing, Lu?” Ashton asks. Luke jumps a little, turning around to face Ashton, grasping a box of tea. He looks sleepy, a soft smile on his face, newly grown curls tucked behind his ears. The sleeve of his white button is slipping off his shoulder, exposing his collarbone and the slope of his neck. He cocks his head to the side, smiling gently and holding a hand out to Ashton. Ashton goes willingly, lets Luke snuggle into his side as he opens the box, humming gently under his breath, dropping two tea bags into the mugs.
“Making tea.”
“It’s like 11:30 at night Luke. Why on Earth are you making tea this late?”
“You like having tea before you go to bed. It’s your routine.”
“Not when I’m up hosting a party till 11:30pm.”
“It’s that sleepy tea you like. We can drink this at night,” Luke says. Ashton shakes his head lightly, huffing out a sigh. He watches Luke put the box away, sees the glitter on his eyelids, smudged eyeliner ringing his eyes. This close, Ashton can tell that Luke was wearing pink lipstick, smeared at the corners. There’s glitter sitting at his collarbone, red and green and gold, some combination of the glitter from the party and the glitter Luke seems to carry with him nowadays.
“Luke it’s too late to be drinking tea anyway.”
“Too late the water’s boiled. And besides, any time is tea time,” Luke says, grabbing the red kettle Ashton has and pouring out the water into each mug. Ashton sighs, setting a timer for the teabags anyway to let them steep.
“Aren’t you going to head home soon? You don’t wanna drive too late.”
“Can I stay here tonight? Don’t wanna leave,” Luke says. He’s staring intensely at his mug, tapping his fingers against the countertop. He sounds nervous, like he thinks Ashton will say no to him, Luke Hemmings.
“What about Petunia?”
“She can survive the evening. Besides, I thought maybe we could go over to my place in the morning. She misses you,” Luke says. The timer goes off and Luke fishes the teabag out of his mug, throwing it away, and taking a sip, avoiding Ashton’s gaze. Luke’s so at home in Ashton’s kitchen, moving easily through it, knows where everything is that it takes Ashton by surprise realizing that this isn’t Luke’s home, isn’t where Luke’s supposed to be.
“You should probably go home, Lu. It’s late and I’m sure she misses you.”
“Please Ash.  I don’t wanna go. And I know you have some of my clothing still. I wouldn’t be a bother,” Luke says, pouting. It should say something about Ashton, about them, that there’s still almost a full closet of Luke’s things still here, that Ashton has bottles of Luke’s shampoo and conditioner, has his makeup wipes and a toothbrush in the spare bathroom for him.
Ashton sighs heavily, sipping his own tea, “I guess you can stay. But only if you promise to go see Petunia first thing in the morning.”
Luke grins brightly, face lighting up. Ashton’s breath catches, seeing Luke like this, framed by the moonlight streaming in through the windows, glowing and ethereal. They finish their tea in silence, leaning against opposite countertops. Luke takes the mugs, resting them in the sink and turning to leave. Ashton huffs, grabbing the sponge and going to clean them. In the silence of the house, he can hear Luke upstairs, banging around in the cabinets as he cleans himself up. Ashton finishes with the mugs, sets them out to dry in the rack and goes up the stairs after Luke.
He finds Luke already laying in Ashton’s bed, wearing a pair of sweatpants and one of Ashton’s old band shirts, burrowing into the pillows, eyes half closed. Ashton’s always envied Luke’s ability to fall asleep at the drop of a hat. It takes Ashton forever to get comfortable, but Luke can just close his eyes and fall asleep anywhere.
“Hurry up, I wanna cuddle,” Luke mumbles. Ashton rolls his eyes.
“You’re a brat.”
“Your brat,” Luke says. 
Ashton huffs but obliges, going into the bathroom and stripping out of his shirt and pants, brushing his teeth and washing his face. He flips the light off, making his way back to bed in just his boxer briefs, pulling the covers back and getting into bed. Luke makes a pleased sound, curling into Ashton’s space immediately, pressing his face into Ashton’s neck.
“I’m already home.”
“Earlier you asked if I was going home. This is home, you’re home. I’m already home,” Luke mumbles. The breath catches in Ashton’s throat, Ashton paralyzed at the confession. It’s the most honest he and Luke have ever been about their feelings since they started this. He can hear Luke’s soft snores, feel the vibrations of it in his chest as Luke sleeps through Ashton’s panic attack. It hits Ashton, that maybe Luke feels the same way as him. That maybe this is something more for Luke too. Ashton leans down, presses a kiss to Luke’s temple, hears him sigh in his sleep. In the morning, Ashton will have the courage to talk to Luke, to confess his desires. After all, late night confessions have to mean something.
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tirednotflirting · 4 years
i’ve got a secret for the mad (in a little bit of time it won’t hurt so bad)
i was sad last night and this just happened. (baby’s first time writing lashton pls be nice)
Luke wakes up in an odd position, his long limbs tucked up onto the couch, an ache in his neck but also a pair of lips press against where the pain begins (something oddly poetic, he would reflect on later during a writing session that only he and Calum attended). Ashton's body is half on top of his own, the drummer’s calloused fingers pressing against his ribs under the t-shirt Luke had thrown on after showering in the venue the night before hopping on their bus.
The night before they had finished up their last Texas show which meant the long drive from Houston to Denver for the next show was on the agenda for the next couple of days. The show that night had felt a bit weird, Luke found himself thinking as he rummaged through the fridge in search of a few beers and a bottle of kombucha as he was the one who had been sent back to grab drinks for a movie night. Not that it hadn’t been a good show but at times he had found himself feeling some kind of tense energy during certain songs. Like a lack of fluidity he normally felt jamming with the guys for an arena of 10,000+ people.
He brushes it off pretty easily for now though, assuming it was maybe the lack of sleep or dehydration (the latter thought causing him to grab a bottle of water for himself as well) and shrugs to himself as he gently kicks the fridge door closed before wandering back to the lounge. Michael was standing in front of the TV, one hand on his hip while the other pointed a remote to the box, flipping through Netflix options. Calum stands just behind him, his chin resting against the blonde’s shoulder, softly adding comments about different titles he was finding he might be interested in.
Luke pulls a couple of the beers out from where they were cradled in his arms and passes one to each of them, the two boys turning and smiling their thanks as Luke continues walking past them toward the couch where Ashton was seated, his thumb swiping across his phone screen and his legs covered with a fleecy throw.
“Grabbed you a hippie juice,” Luke says quietly to him, trying not to startle him as he took a seat on the free end, his arm reaching over Ashton's shoulder to hand him the glass bottle of the pinky beverage. The comment would normally result in a giggle from the older boy along with some faux complaint at Luke making fun of his current drink of choice. Instead he is met with silence from Ashton, the mumblings of Calum and Michael trying to decide on what to watch and the hum of the interstate being the only sound to meet his ear.
Luke pouts as he let the bottle fall into Ashton's lap. As his eyes stay glued to the screen in front of him, his fingers now tapping against the glass, Luke was starting to have an idea of what might have felt off earlier in the night. He nudges his shoulder between Ashton's shoulder blades and let his head drop to his shoulder, the back of the couch keeping Luke from falling back as he looks up a bit at his cheek. Tired and somewhat sad hazel eyes met Luke’s blue as he felt Ashton sigh. “What is it, Luke?”
He immediately returns the question with another. “What’s bugging you?”
Ashton's tongue clicks against the roof of his mouth before his eyes lift to the ceiling and he takes a deep breath. Just as he’s about to respond, they both lift their eyes to the sound of footsteps toward the door that leads to the front of the bus as Mikey starts to speak. “Got a text that we’re stopping at McDonald's before we get too far out from anything. You guys want to join?”
Luke looks up to Ashton's face just as he’s looking down toward him with eyes pleading with him to not move. Luke lifts his head for a moment to respond for both of them. “Think we’re all good for now, you guys go ahead.”
The two of them shrug and wander toward the front, Luke watches them meander past the bunks as the lounge door slips shut again. He settles further into the plushy couch and Ashton scoots up some before letting his head drop into Luke's lap. He sighs gently again, this time against the knee closest to his face as he faces away from the pouting blonde. “Miss home. miss the sunflowers out back, miss that cat I started feeding out on the front porch.”
It was pretty routine for Ashton to hit some kind of slump around the halfway mark of a tour. Everyone was tired, everyone was missing the comforts of their own beds and kitchens. Being the first tour back after not being able to be out on the road for so long, Luke was honestly surprised it had taken this long for the boy in his lap to reach this point. He knew that by the end of it, Ashton had grown incredibly fond of his mornings watching the flowers he had been tending to dance in the breeze, of really taking his time to make his coffee in whatever fancy way he had read about trying recently.
Luke lets his fingers run through Ashton's black dyed curls (the longer style he had sported out of necessity summer 2020 was one he decided he wanted to keep for a while). The attention causes Ashton to turn some so he can look up into the eyes of the boy he’s cuddled himself onto. The action was one he had been hoping for, feeling and watching Luke wrap the dark hair around his painted fingers being one that brought him an almost odd sense of calm (a feeling he had found himself scribbling into song lyrics in his journals). 
Just as Luke’s about to respond, to offer some kind of comforting something to try to make Ashton feel even a little better (he really hates to see him so upset and stuck in his head), he speaks up again. “Which like, I know is bullshit. Because I know I spent probably a collective three weeks on FaceTime and stuff whining about not being able to be out on the road with you guys and seeing the fans and stuff but—“
He stops as Luke reaches out his free hand to the one Ashton has resting against his chest. The younger boy tangles up their fingers and squeezes against his palm. “You don’t have to try to explain yourself to me. Come on, I get it.”
Luke rhythmically taps his fingers against the knuckles of the other boy, hoping to get him to focus on the pattern to relax him as he continues. “You think I don’t miss Petunia? Or spending nights out in the backyard around that fire pit we decided to finally build to jam around? Or watching you make breakfast in the morning after we all ended up falling asleep around my place after hanging too late?”
Ashton feels his cheek press into Luke’s thigh as he smiles, remembering the image of a sleepy, bleach-blonde Luke sitting on the counter beside the stove, a cup of coffee cradled between both hands, his eyes tired but happy as he watches Ashton flip pancakes and cut fruit. He’s pulled out of the summer-sun soaked memory when Luke keeps going. “But we’re lucky. Because we get to go out and make people really happy making music that we’re proud of when honestly, I was worried we would never get to do it again like this.”
And of course he’s right. Ashton knows that. He suddenly thinks of another memory from the end of the previous summer also in Luke's kitchen. It was after another night with everyone in his backyard. Michael and Calum had just left (Michael deciding to drive a giggly, clingy Calum back home with promises to make sure they were both on time to the writing session at Ashton’s in the morning) and Luke and Ashton were cleaning up when Ashton suddenly heard a sniffling from the opposite side of the kitchen island. Luke faced away from him toward the cabinets but upon turning him around with a gentle hand against his shoulder, Ashton was met with red, glossy eyes before Luke tucked his face into the somewhat shorter man’s neck, his arms wrapping around his waist. He spoke quietly of his fears of never getting back out on the road so as to avoid a full blown meltdown. 
And while Ashton knew the wine Luke had sipped throughout the night was definitely heightening his emotions, he also knew the fears the boy in his arms confessed were ones shared by all four of them. Lacking the words to help dismiss those fears at the time, Ashton had just held Luke for a while in the kitchen, eventually waddling them both down the hall to the bedroom. He let the blonde cuddle into his side to fall asleep before sneaking out to finish cleaning up the kitchen and grabbing his keys to head home. 
(Before returning back to the present moment, his mind sits for a minute on how the night actually ended - he had one foot out of the door when he heard a sniff from across the living room, Ashton turning to see Luke in the pajama pants and t-shirt he had managed to get him to change into, the curly boy’s lips pouted as he blinked over at him. Ashton sighed with a smile as he dropped his keys into the bowl by the door, clicking the lock back into place before toeing off his boots and following Luke back to the bedroom, agreeing to play as the big spoon until the morning.)
Ashton feels Luke poke at his cheek and he screws his eyes shut and shakes himself back to where he’s currently at, staring up at the sweet smile and golden curls just above him. “All of that to say,” Luke starts as he draws figure 8s through the black curls and Ashton finds himself leaning back into his hand. “You’re allowed to be home sick. Especially after being stuck at home for so long. It’s not often we’re allowed to get used to what it feels like. Being at home.”
The drummer turns then to face the ceiling again as he nods slowly, knowing there wasn’t much of a solution to his current feelings aside from just waiting for them to pass. It's then that Calum and Michael return to the back lounge on the bus, giggling as they find places to set the food on the far too tiny coffee table in between the two couches. Michael informs the two that had stayed behind that they got them fries and Luke smiles brightly as he thanks them. Calum is typing into the search bar the name of whatever comedy the two of them must have decided on while waiting for their food.
Luke is preparing to ask what they’ve settled on as he continues to listen to the two of them laugh while Calum types in each additional letter, when the weight in his lap is lifted. He watches wordlessly as Ashton gets up off the couch and plants himself on the opposite side of Luke, his legs then tossing over the blonde’s lap and his head moving to rest where Luke’s shoulder meets his neck. He wonders if Ashton can feel the warmth of the blush that he’s sure is now painting it’s way up the back of his neck and cheeks. He pulls his left arm out from where it's been squished into the couch cushion and moves to wrap it around Ashton's waist, an action that provides him the reward of the black haired boy nestling a bit closer toward his chest. 
He finishes his question to Calum, who, upon turning to answer him, rolls his eyes as a smirk forms against his lips. He bites his tongue to avoid calling attention to the current arrangement his bandmates have placed themselves in since he was able to tell during the show that something was keeping Ashton stuck up in his head. Calum turns back to the TV and clicks play then and the title of a comedy from their childhood flashes onto the screen and Luke finds himself chuckling to himself just as the other two had before. Calum hits the light by the door and throws himself onto the other couch causing Michael to jokingly whine as the bassist lets his legs fall over his lap.
As Luke wiggles some to settle more into the couch, Ashton lifts his head in response, his eyes meeting Luke's with a questioning gaze. Luke rubs away the worry between the other boy’s brows that he can see from the white-blue illumination coming from the TV screen and squeezes Ashton’s hip so as to encourage him to settle back into his side. He misses hearing it over the dialogue from the characters on screen but feels a contented hum from Ashton as he cuddles into his neck. It's not fifteen minutes later that Luke catches soft snores in between the hushed laughter from the other couch.
He doesn’t remember ever stretching out and falling asleep on the couch. He's wondering how they managed the unconscious movement as he feels the lips against his neck pout some. Luke is still half asleep as he feels a smile stretch lazily across his face when he feels Ashton wrap his warm fingers more around his chest, obviously awake now but still chasing after the last moments of rest. 
Luke's eyes lift from where he’s looking down at the boy against his chest to the door as he hears it slide open, Michael wandering in with a couple of Starbucks cups. “Hey cuddle bugs, time to get up,” he announces in a voice loud enough that both of them groan as he places the cups on the coffee table. “We need to be out at the car to go to those radio shows in an hour.”
He slips out then, giving a similar message to Calum who likely was up in his bunk. (Luke finds himself wondering when Michael suddenly became the morning person of the bunch.) Luke moves to sit up then, attempting to wrap an arm around Ashton so as to avoid letting him fall to the floor with the movement, but he is met with a frustrated noise and Ashton attempts to push his weight more onto him.
“Ash, we gotta—”
“No, five more minutes.”
Luke laughs gently and lets his back fall back against the cushion, deciding the attitude was somehow a good sign. 
“Still feeling homesick?” he questions, his free hand moving to play with the ends of the black curls tickling his cheek. 
“Not anymore,” Ashton mumbles back against his neck. The response is punctuated with him further cuddling into Luke's chest, somehow making the short answer feel like so much more than two little words. 
Luke smiles and makes a mental note to run out between interviews to find where he can buy some sunflowers as he lets his eyes flutter shut once again.
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bidoldaccount · 4 years
My new (but old) story!
Let’s take a walk:
1. The first chapter of this story has been sitting in my draft for years and a few days ago I was like “what good is a story in the drafts” ya know? Even if it’s not the best, someone outta see it. So I spend two days cranking out 18 chapters, just on a fucking roll. And I present the first chapter right here.
2. Ashton in this story is gender fluid. I am not gender fluid myself so I do not wish to offend or harm anyone with my writing so if you feel offended by it please, please let me know how I can fix it.
3. This is a GAY 5sos story. Hetero makes me ✨uncomfy✨ as I have recently discovered that I am a lesbian. Big shock. I know. Me too. Anyways, this story is lashton and malum so if you don’t like that, please pass it to someone who does.
4. The second chapter of this story is on Wattpad so if you want to read it I encourage you to hop on over there.
5. Enjoy 😌
Chapter One: Luke
The bench was cold beneath the sweater that luke had placed on top of it to cover the wet patches. Water was still trickling down from the trees, evidence of the rain that had been showering down just hours ago. Luke set his backpack on his feet so it wouldn't touch the wet ground. He dug around inside until he found his headphones, tugging on them a bit to get them untangled from his notebook. He zipped up his bag and looked up at the sky with a frown. It had been raining on and off for the past few days, casting a lazy, restless shadow over the school.
Luke stood up and tugged his backpack straps over his shoulders. He held onto the straps as he walked to the bus stop, plugging his headphones into his phone on the way there.
"Hey Luke!" Someone shouted just as he was about to put the second earbud into his ear. He turned around, his shoes squeaking slightly on the wet pavement. Behind him, there was a group of three boys and two girls, snickering to themselves as they stared over at Luke. The girls blindly giggled behind the three guys.
"Man, tell your mom to stop calling me. I thought the whole point was one night of fun," one of the boys smirked. Luke rolled his eyes as he turned back around, ignoring him and his snide comment.
"Does she have a card or something or do we just show up to the door with five bucks?"
“Come on man, you know she's not worth that much!"
"Ha! Right, maybe four? Three? How much for her to suck me off? Or would she do that for free?"
"She'd probably pay you!"
"Shut the fuck up!" Luke snapped, his cheeks red as he whipped around to face them.
"Oh damn, sorry Hemmings. Are you feeling left out? I'm not gay but you know Ashton would love to have you suck his dick." One of the guys was grabbing someone's shoulders then and wrapping his arm around the boys chest. At first glance Luke thought it was a girl, but upon further examination, Luke recognized the person.
Ashton Irwin was the only person that was genuinely open about their sexuality. Ashton was gender fluid, and judging by the checkered yellow and black skirt, black thigh highs, and shimmery lip gloss, she would be using feminine pronouns. Luke didn't know much about the schematics of gender fluidity, but he knows that he likes the way Ashton's not afraid to be themself.
"No, no, Ashy boy would love to get his mouth around him, wouldn't you Ash?" The boy with his arm around ashton squeezed a bit.
"Get off of me you asshole!" Ashton slipped from the boys grip easily, shoving hard at his chest. "You're a fucking prick!" She spat before storming away, her heavy boots thudding against the wet pavement. Luke rolled his eyes and started to climb onto the bus as the boys continued to throw insults at his expense. Luke dropped down into one of the bus seats, sinking a bit before the old cushion settled. He tuned out all of the other students piling on with music playing at a medium volume, only vaguely aware of someone sitting beside him. He stared out of the window, dotted with drops of rain and slightly foggy.
The bus was cold, but it was that type of cold that was also muggy to where you needed your jacket but your skin was always too warm. Luke leaned his head against the bus window as it started moving, slowly behind all of the other buses.
Just before they left the gate, Luke caught sight of Ashton again. She was sitting on a bench, typing furiously on her phone as her boot tapped incessantly against the ground. Luke couldn't peel his eyes away from her until she was physically out of sight. Her brow had been furrowed and her tan cheeks were flushed from the cold. Despite how angry she looked, she still looked incredibly beautiful, Luke could comfortably admit that to himself.
The bus ride was twenty minutes long and only a few kids got out at Luke's stop. Their neighborhood wasn't 90210 but it wasn't too shabby either. Two and three story houses with long driveways and high security fences. Luke walked thirty minutes away from the bus stop, the houses thinning out slightly the closer he got to the forest that lined the back of the neighborhood. His house was the last one on the block. It was a two story house, painted blue and half of the porch painted yellow. Luke dug his keys out from his backpack and unlocked the door quietly.
Immediate regret flooded through him when he half stepped inside. There was a point where you see some things so much that they just don't effect you anymore. Although most of those things are clowns, or spiders, or the dark, but none of those things are your mother on her knees for your neighbor, Mr Nelson.
Luke backed away and shut the door silently, banging his fist against his forehead. He walked around the side of the house, as he should have to begin with, and unlocked the gate. He secured the lock when he was through and walked a little further down into the yard.
There was a small cabin behind the house, standing at about 13 feet tall. Luke walked up 3 steps to stand on the porch, flipped through his keys, and unlocked the door. The entire cabin smelled like him, which settled something inside of his stomach. He dropped his backpack by the door and toed his shoes off beside it.
There was a record player in the middle of a tall bookshelf in the living room, filled to the brim with records. Luke picked out an Iron and Wine record and set it on the record player. He allowed the music to play at a low volume as he pulled his jacket off and collapsed onto the couch. It felt safe here. In his little cabin behind his house. His house where his mother was living up to the towns impression of her. His house where he hasn't slept in three years. He allowed Iron and Wine to wash away all of those thoughts and pushed him into sleep.
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allsassnoclass · 4 years
For the intimacy ask, Lashton and 8 or 9? Whichever one you’re in the mood for I’m feeling soft
sometimes I think about lashton and I feel like I'm about to lose my mind because to me they’re just. incredibly tender
8. touching noses
If Ashton had to pick a cutest physical feature of Luke Hemmings, he would refuse to on the principal that there's too much to chose from, but secretly he thinks he would chose his nose.  He's never really paid attention to noses before, but he's spent a lot of time looking at Luke over the years, simply because Luke is nice to look at, and his nose is cute.  Ashton likes the straight line it makes when he looks at Luke's profile, and he likes the way it sometimes scrunches up when Luke is laughing.  That's probably his favorite thing, actually.  He loves making Luke laugh so hard that all of his face gets involved, right down to the scrunch of his nose.
He's watching Luke's nose scrunch from beside him on the couch at his house when he reaches out and boops it the first time.
"What was that for?" Luke asks, still giggling.
"Nothing, just think you're cute," he says.  He catches Michael rolling his eyes at him from across the room, but brushes it off.  They're all a little tipsy, and Michael himself has done more embarrassing things with significantly less alcohol in him.
He starts booping Luke's nose a bit more after that.  Handing him a cup of coffee in the morning will be accompanied by a gentle tap, Luke's too-blue eyes blinking up at him from his spot at the kitchen island.  When he comes up with a great idea while they’re writing, Ashton taps his nose with a pencil.  When he laughs, Ashton boops his nose without thinking.  While Luke admires the view on one of their hikes, Ashton admires Luke and clenches his first to keep from reaching out.
Sometimes, when Luke’s drifting off to sleep during a movie on Ashton's shoulder, he'll boop his nose just because he can, and because Luke never tells him to stop.  When they sit close like this, Ashton thinks about how easy it would be to lean forward and nudge Luke's nose with his own, then bring their lips together in a kiss.  It's a dangerous line of thought, but he indulges himself anyway.  He knows he never would jeopardize their friendship like that, but he wonders if Luke would let him.  He wonders if Luke would ever scrunch his nose while laughing at one of his jokes again.
In the end, it's Luke who kisses him first, not the other way around.  It’s soft and sweet, the sweetest kiss Ashton has ever been given, and it feels precious.  Afterwards, while Ashton is still recovering a little bit from the surprise of it, it's Luke who nudges their noses together, too, staying close.  It’s almost everything Ashton has ever wanted.
"Was that okay?" Luke whispers, and when Ashton nods their noses brush again unintentionally.
(When Ashton goes to sleep that night, he's holding Luke from behind, Luke clutching their hands against his chest.  When he wakes up, they're facing each other, close enough to touch noses.)
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calumsclifford · 4 years
I'm loving the Fangirl au content so much! Would you maybe write sth for "Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.” with Lashton?
this is so lashton omg, this prompt is PERFECT fangirl lashton!!! this one is a little short, but i’m always happy to take more fangirl au prompts!
14. “am I your lockscreen?” “you weren’t supposed to see that”
Luke and Ashton are studying together, because they both know that they’re not going to get anything done over the weekend.
Ashton is visiting home for his younger sister’s birthday, and Luke has convinced Jack to let him stay at his apartment so that he can get as much of Stars and Souls written as possible.
Luke notices Ashton staring at him and looks up from his flash cards. “How long have you been staring at me?”
“Long enough to stretch my neck out.”
“We could always study in the library,” Luke says, because it’s never occurred to him before. They don’t have to cram into Luke’s bed, shoulder to shoulder.
“I like your room,” Ashton says.
“I like my room too.”
“Then we stay in your room.”
“Okay,” Luke says. He turns back to his flash cards, but Ashton keeps staring. “What?”
“I should probably go soon; I’m getting up early to drive home tomorrow.”
“Oh,” Luke says, disappointed. Ashton grins.
“What happened to oh, that’s perfect?”
“Well it’s easy to say when it’s not staring me in the face.”
“I’ll miss you too,” Ashton says.
“That’s not what I said.”
“But I still will,” Ashton reaches for his phone, left facedown on Luke’s desk. He taps it to check the time. “It’s getting late,” he says, goes to tuck the phone into his pocket.
“Wait,” Luke says, stops Ashton with a hand to his forearm. Luke ignores how nice Ashton’s muscles feel. “Am I your lockscreen?”
“You weren’t supposed to see that,” Ashton says, but it doesn’t sound like he minds. He passes the phone over, and it’s a selfie, one that Ashton had taken while they were on their first date at the agricultural museum on east campus. Ashton’s barely in it, just his eye and the corner of his mouth, grinning as he watches Luke in the camera.
No, the picture is mostly just Luke, distracted, way too invested in the typical farmers’ clothing from the 1940’s, for fanfiction reasons, obviously.
“Since when is this your lockscreen?” Luke hands the phone back, Ashton looks down at the picture and smiles before putting his phone away.
“Since yesterday.”
“I was really attached to the old one, but you finally won over,” Ashton jokes, and Luke rolls his eyes, but does it while smiling.
“Why now?”
“Because,” Ashton shrugs. “I want my family to know how important you are.”
“Oh,” Luke breathes. Ashton grins wider.
“I really do have to go, though.”
After Ashton’s gathered his things, after they’ve said goodbye, just as Ashton is leaving, Luke calls out after him.
“You’d better send me that picture!”
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
i adore your writing and the prompts sound so fun! maybe lashton & “it’s two in the morning, why are you on a run right now, you live in the city, this is not safe”?
hello yes an old prompt that i’ve had finished for some time now but here you go thank u this is a kinda fun silly one but i like it
Okay, maybe Luke’s a hypocrite, but he doesn’t see why anyone would willingly be out and about right now, especially not in New York City. This is New York City. There’s, like, a lot of crime here. Or so Luke’s been led to believe.
Anyway, it’s not like Luke chose to schedule himself and Michael on the graveyard shift at the bar. He’s new, and Michael is a self-declared nocturnal creature, so they’ve been given the one-to-three-a.m. shift, with Michael “showing him the ropes,” more or less.
Mostly it’s just been Michael fucking around on his phone, because there are literally no customers. 
At around two in the morning, Michael asks Luke to take the trash out. Luke obliges because he’s new, and also for the chance to get some fresh air. He brings the trash bag out to the dumpster, and as he’s coming back around the front of the bar, he trips over his own shoelaces because he’s a fucking moron and goes sprawling across the pavement.
Luke takes a moment to reflect that this is his life, and he should be used to it by now, and at least it’s 2am so nobody’s seen him completely wipe out. Then somebody taps on his shoulder and says, “Hey, are you okay?”
Luke scrambles backwards, because this is New York City, and he’s pretty much conditioned to fear anyone who speaks to him, especially when it’s the middle of the night. He zeroes in on the offender. It’s a guy wearing a bandana, sweaty t-shirt plastered to his front and a concerned expression on his face. He holds a hand out.
Luke tries to consider that this bloke might be mugging him, but ultimately figures he isn’t. If he wanted to mug Luke, he could’ve done it while Luke was prone on the pavement. Luke takes the hand and the sweaty guy pulls him to his feet, deceptively strong. Luke sees the muscles in his forearm contract before he lets go.
“I’m fine,” Luke says, kind of embarrassed now that he’s realized this sweaty guy — probably a runner — is kind of hot, and Luke just tripped on his own feet in front of him. “Sorry about that.” 
“Oh, no worries!” The runner guy smiles brightly. “Sorry if I spooked you.”
“Yeah, that’s okay,” Luke says. “Are you on a run? At two in the morning? In New York City?” The runner nods. “Why? Do you know how much crime there is here?”
“No,” the runner says. “Are you going to mug me?”
“Please,” Luke scoffs. “Look at me, then look at you. Do you think I would even know where to begin mugging you?”
The guy laughs, which is a sound that is far too musical and bright for two in the morning. “Fair enough,” he says. “I should ask you the same question, anyway. What are you doing out and about at this hour?”
“Working,” Luke says. “There.” He points to the bar, whose flickering sign makes it seem a little sketchy. “Graveyard shift.”
“Ah,” the runner says. He runs a hand through his hair, which is greasy with sweat, and Luke shouldn’t find it nearly as attractive as he does. “You’re Aussie?”
Luke blinks. “Oh, yeah,” he says, and then it hits him that this guy is speaking with an Aussie accent. It hadn’t even registered; the only person he’s spoken to in the last hour is Michael, who, bizarrely, is also from Sydney. “Yeah. You’re Aussie too. That’s funny. What are you doing in New York?”
“Working,” the runner says. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Ashton,” the runner says, and holds out his hand again. This time Luke has to force himself not to trace the lines of muscle with his eyes. He shakes it; Ashton’s handshake is firm and steady. 
“You never answered my question,” Luke realizes. “What are you doing running at two in the morning?” 
The guy shrugs. “Just clearing my head,” he says. “It’s a free country.”
Well, true. “Yeah, but it’s dangerous,” Luke says.
“Which of us wiped out a minute ago?”
“Fuck off,” Luke says, although he grins anyway. He likes that Ashton is making fun of him even though they just met. “At least I’m not on a late-night run through the most dangerous city in America.” That might not be true. Ashton raises an eyebrow.
“You’re the first person who’s stopped me,” he says. “Plus, technically, I stopped myself on your behalf. I’m okay.”
Luke shrugs. “Your funeral. But if you want a drink…” He jerks his chin towards the bar.
Ashton pats his pockets, then apologetically says, “I don’t have any money on me.”
“On the house,” Luke says. “Aussies gotta stick up for each other.”
Ashton seems to consider it; he shifts on his feet, and looks from the entrance of the bar to Luke. “Not tonight,” he says. “Don’t want to lose my momentum. But maybe I’ll come tomorrow. When are you working?”
“Uh,” Luke says. “The same time.”
Ashton grins, eyes crinkling. Even though it’s the middle of the night, Luke gets the strangest feeling of sunlight from Ashton’s smile.
“I’ll be here,” he says, and Luke believes him. “And I won’t be this sweaty,” Ashton adds. “Promise.”
“Looking forward to it,” Luke says. “Stay safe on the rest of your run. Dangerous world out there.”
Ashton laughs as he takes off again, and Luke stands on the pavement and watches until he turns out of sight.
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honeyedlashton · 5 years
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“Take This Heart, Put Yourself In It”
Word count: 2665
Warnings: Smut. (Notice how I didn’t warn language? If you’ve been here for a while, just expect it at this point.)
A/N: am I going in a pattern? I did two fluffs then smut, then two fluffs and smut. Hmmm I think I’ve found a formula ladies and gentlemen.
Anyway, y’all really seemed to like the Lashton fluff I posted a few weeks ago. So this is sort of an unspoken prequel. It’s just as pointless but tbh I liked writing it so I’m not ashamed. So here she is:
Waking Luke up was a process that Ashton found was easier to do with food and coffee already made. He’d had it to a science. If he needed to wake Luke up at 8 he’d wake up at 7:45 and make breakfast. It was usually something simple because if Luke didn’t want to be up that early, Ashton didn’t either.
He made Luke an omelet he’d been experimenting with this week. Today though he thought he’d finally perfected it. He got Luke’s coffee-pot-generated cappuccino. Ashton couldn’t be bothered to make it himself—and especially not this early.
Ashton went to their room and soaked in the familiar sight of Luke all wrapped up in the blankets. When he wasn’t half asleep he typically liked to look at the sight. Lukes soft little snores were so cute and for some reason never failed to make Ashton tremendously happy. Maybe it was because Luke teased Ashton for his snoring all the time. He kept the fact that Luke snored too to himself. It was like he had an inside joke with himself when Luke went on with the teasing. He’d just hold a smile and keep his mouth shut.
He wore that same smile now, but this time he didn’t keep his mouth shut. “Mornin’, baby,” he started softly, and brought Luke’s cappuccino mug to the night stand. “It’s time to wake up. It’s eight.”
Luke shifted so he laid on his belly and buried his face in the pillow. Ashton could barely make out a groan and, “not yet. You’re lying.”
“I wish I was,” Ashton giggled and combed through Luke’s curls gently. “I made breakfast.”
“Is it the omelette?” Luke turned his head. He didn’t sound excited, but it was a start to him actually waking up.
“Yeah but I perfected it.”
Luke turned his head back towards the pillow.
“It’s getting cold, and eggs don’t reheat well.”
Luke gave an exhausted sigh, and pulled the covers back. Ashton cheered him on with a soft: “there we go.” Luke set his feet on the floor and took a sip of his cappuccino.
Ashton kissed his forehead, “I’m gonna feed Piggy. Come and join us when you’re ready.”
Luke nodded softly, and the last Ashton saw before leaving he was wiping the sleep out of his eyes.
When Luke did come out of the room he was a little more awake. His silky cream sleep shorts flounced as he walked and he stretched with the coffee cup still in his hand. Petunia seemed torn between the food Ashton was about to hand her, and Luke’s entry.
“Good morning, baby girl!” Luke brightened and greeted her.
Ashton giggled at Petunia’s happy wriggling at Luke’s attention and scratches. Ashton set her food down and pet her too. He’d already greeted her when he woke up but family time was important, too.
“Did you sleep well, darling?” Luke kissed her head.
“I slept alright,” Ashton began, “had to wake up and cook, so that was a bit of a bummer.”
Luke looked up at him with a look as if to say: “I’m already over you today,” and Ashton just giggled and kissed Luke’s lips—which were still pouty from sleep. That made Luke smile a little.
“Ashy‘s a weirdo isn’t he?” Luke asked in that bouncy voice he used for Petunia. Then lifted his voice as if to speak as her to answer: “yes he is.”
“But you both love me anyway, because I’m the supplier of food. Which by the way...” Ashton pointed to the omelette, and Luke seemed to get the message.
“I swear if it’s gross again, I’m never letting you touch the stove for as long as I’m alive.”
“Someone’s cheerful this morning,” Ashton teased taking a sip of his own coffee and sitting to eat next to Luke.
“I have to prepare myself.”
“The last omelette wasn’t that bad.”
“The last omelette was the worst thing I’ve ever tasted.”
“Piggy liked it.”
“Piggy will eat anything you give her! That’s why it’s her nickname.”
Ashton pretended to be hurt, but he knew the omelette was shit. He just liked winding Luke up. “Well you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find out I added nothing like what I added yesterday morning.”
“No spinach?”
“No spinach.”
“What’s that green stuff?”
Ashton nodded and held out his pinky.
Luke completed the pinky swear, and took a bite of the omelette. Ashton did the same and it was quiet for a second.
Ashton watched Luke’s face to see his reaction, but found it practically unreadable. But Luke got another bite, so that was a good sign. Better than yesterday by far.
“‘S good.” Ashton hadn’t expected him to comment, but it brought a smile to his face.
“I told you I’d perfected it,” Ashton smirked and took another bite. “I’ve come a long way from putting broccoli on everything.”
When the omelettes—and peaches Ashton decided to throw on the side at the last minute—were finished and the coffee mugs were empty, he washed up and found Luke playing with Petunia again. They were so soft. And Luke was much happier if he had time to spend with her in the morning, Ashton had found.
“I’m gonna shower before we have to leave,” he said leaving Luke to wake up fully.
“And you’re not gonna invite me?” Luke teased. Maybe he was more awake than Ashton had realized.
“I mean the invitation’s always open,” Ashton turned around.
Luke pursed his lips like he was actually considering it. And then, to Ashton’s surprise, he actually got up. “I could use a shower anyway, might as well save water...” he winked.
“Breakfast must’ve been good today,” Ashton laughed and tapped Luke’s bum as he walked past him.
Luke smiled and bit his lip. “Or the caffeine hit quick.”
“Or a combination of the two,” Ashton hummed.
“Maybe a combination.”
When they got to the bathroom, Ashton went ahead and cut on the water, and turned around to find Luke already starting to undress. “Hey! Don’t do that yet, that’s my favorite part.”
Luke removed his thumbs from the waistband of his shorts at Ashton’s insistence, and they popped against his hip.
Ashton had already taken off his shirt, and reached for Luke’s hand to tug him closer.
“I’m just here for a shower...” Luke said, but looked Ashton over with eyes that said the opposite.
“Oh you are, huh?” Ashton kissed him softly, and pulled him as close as he could.
“So what’s this?” Ashton pointed to the half formed bulge in Luke’s shorts.
“None of your business,” Luke bit his lip.
“Mmm, okay,” Ashton coaxed Luke’s lip from between his teeth and kissed him again and trailed his lips down to his jaw. He slipped his fingers under the waistline of Luke’s shorts. The fabric was smooth and warm where Luke’s skin was. “May I?” He murmured against the skin of his neck.
Luke nodded instantly.
Ashton slid them off of Luke’s narrow hips, and found himself craving the feeling of Luke’s soft skin rather than the silkiness of his shorts, so he rubbed his palms up Luke’s thighs and over his bum, unconsciously humming low.
Luke had closed his eyes and let his head lull back. His arms were loosely draped over Ashton’s shoulders, yet were somehow pulling him closer. Ashton kissed at his neck, right on his pulse point. Luke sighed softly into it.
Ashton felt powerful then, but he knew he didn’t have much time to revel in it. “Go ahead and get in the shower, baby.” Luke didn’t need to be told twice, and soon Ashton was out of his own boxers he closed the glass door behind him.
He closed the distance between their bodies and kissed Luke’s bitten lips with an urgency. He smoothed his hands all over Luke’s body, and smirked when Luke let out sighs and slight moans.
“Fuck me,” Luke whispered so low Ashton could barely hear it over the shower. But he had heard it.
“What did you say? I couldn’t hear you.”
“Fuck me, Ash.” Luke gestured to how aroused he was. Or maybe it was to how aroused they both were...
“I thought you said that was none of my business,” Ashton smirked.
“It’s your business now.”
“I kinda like it when you boss me around,” Ashton smirked, and slipped his fingers in Luke’s mouth. “But only in short dosages.”
Luke moaned around his fingers and the vibrations shouldn’t have made Ashton nearly weak at the knees, but it sort of did. Luke diligently sucked at them, running his tongue all around and between them—evidently not noticing Ashton’s half-lidded stare. Or maybe he did, cause when Luke’s eyes met his, the pupils were blown with lust. Ashton thought it made the blue pop.
When Ashton felt like his fingers were slick enough, he pulled them out. A trail of saliva followed and Ashton practically groaned at the sight. He reached around and teased Luke’s entrance. And Luke bit his lip and moaned when he slipped his first finger past the rim. “Fuck, Ash...”
Ashton worked the next finger, and then the next, trying to get deep enough to hit Luke’s spot. And when he did Luke gasped and leaned his head back against the tile. Ashton curled his fingers to really make him feel it, and Luke whimpered.
“Stop playing around...” Luke gave him a pouty look.
He was right. He didn’t have time to play. And typically he wouldn’t cut corners, but Luke’s mouth was already the perfect consistency, “will you slick me up, baby?” Ashton asked thumbing over Luke’s lower lip.
Luke took Ashton’s thumb in his mouth as if asking an unspoken question.
Ashton nodded in answer, and Luke let go of Ashton’s thumb and squat down so he was eye-level with Ashton’s hips. It didn’t take hardly any time to take Ashton’s length, swirl his tongue over the head, and swallow him completely. Ashton shuddered a groan at the speed of it.
“Fuck, babe, your mouth was made for this...”
Luke hummed and Ashton could feel his tongue working at him. He had to practically brace himself against the tile.
“Don’t get too fancy. You still wanna get fucked don’t you?” Ashton hissed but found his free hand tangled in Luke’s hair. Neither keeping him on, nor moving him off.
Luke looked up at him with those big lusting blue eyes and exaggerated the “pop” his mouth makes when he popped off. Ashton pulled him back up and kissed him deeply. He could taste a little bit himself on Luke’s tongue and that sent him into a sort of frenzy.
As if Luke could sense his desires, he broke the kiss and turned around and braced his forearms against the tile. Ashton growled low and gripped Luke’s hips and aligned them. “You’re so fucking pretty, Lu-baby.”
Luke’s small moan at the nickname grew louder and jagged when Ashton pushed inside. Ashton could feel Luke pushing back against him.
“A-Ash...” Luke gasped and braced his head against his fists on the tile.
“Feel okay, baby?” Ashton groaned softly.
Luke nodded and panted. “Feels so good. Wanna feel more...”
Ashton didn’t need to be told twice, he thrust harder. “Fuck, you’re so sexy, bunny. Keep pushing back against me...”
Luke groaned and flattened his palms against the tile, and rolled his hips back. Ashton could see the dimples in Luke’s back and thumbed over them so he could feel the muscles of his back moving.
“Jesus,” Luke panted, “you feel like a fuckin’ god, Ashy...”
Ashton tugged at Luke’s medium length curls and Luke must have wanted his head tugged back, cause it took no effort to do so. In the process Luke arched his back even more pulling Ashton deeper without even trying.
Ashton got close to Luke’s ear and growled. “My Lu, my angel. You’re perfect. Your body is divine... aways has been. You fit me perfectly...”
Ashton couldn’t tell, but he knew Luke’s eyes rolled back. He heard the groan. He felt Luke clench around him. Ashton let out guttural moan in retaliation.
“Yes,” Luke panted and bit his lip, “keep telling me how much you want me...”
Ashton angled his hips to hit Luke’s spot, and was pleased when Luke cried out accordingly. He leaned back in, close to his ear, and growled, “every single day since I met you, baby. I’m glad I got to take your virginity. I’m glad I got to make these dimples,” he pressed his thumbs on them, and Luke let out a shuddery moan. “I’m glad I get to see how much of a dirty slut you are on a regular basis. In every way you let me...”
Luke rocked his hips back against him. He was begging him to go harder, so Ashton went as hard as he could. He didn’t know if it was the steam or the way Luke was practically yelling his name, but Ashton felt like he’d overheat any second, but in the best way.
Ashton was even being loud, that was the strange thing. Ashton was almost never loud. But right now he was gripping Luke’s hair with one hand, his hip with his other, and calling Luke’s name into his shoulder. Biting down on the fleshy part of his shoulder.
“Fuck, fuck! Ashton!” Luke scratched his fingers on the wall. “‘M so close, Ashy... Please!”
Ashton could feel Luke’s legs wobbling. He licked along the thin skin of Luke’s neck, and blew a cool breath on it. Luke’s belly spasmed at that and Ashton knew he couldn’t push him much more. He leaned in and growled close to Luke’s ear. “Come for me, angel.”
Luke’s head fell back against Ashton’s shoulder, and the cry he let out was one that Ashton wanted embedded in his memory.
Luke clenched around him uncontrollably, and that sent Ashton over the edge. He shuddered forward and came inside Luke, with his head buried in his shoulder.
It was a long minute before either of them moved, waiting for their breath to catch a slower pace.
“I love you,” Ashton breathed into the skin of Luke’s shoulder.
“I love you,” Luke sighed. He got up from Ashton’s shoulder and pulled off. Ashton heard him whimper slightly, but he turned around and Ashton kissed him again.
“You’re so beautiful.” Ashton hummed. “I love seeing you fucked out. Even better that we’re going in public today.”
“It’s my favorite accessory,” Luke smirked, “sex bitten lips are just in fashion.”
Ashton giggled and hummed shampooing Luke’s hair with the lavender shampoo. “Then it sounds like I should just fuck you right before we go in public all the time.”
“Saves me money on blush,” Luke teased.
“I actually think blush would be really cute on you.”
“I know.”
“Will you wear some?”
Luke looked in thought for a second then shrugged. “Tomorrow. Maybe.”
“That’s fine. I want you to embrace the freshly-fucked look today. And maybe if we don’t get to it tomorrow morning, wear blush.”
“Or wear blush even if we do.”
“Or that,” Ashton smirked.
Luke looked at him with sparkly eyes and Ashton fell in love all over again. “Thank you for breakfast, baby.”
“No need to thank me, Lu.”
“Thank you for not trying to poison me again then. I’ll let you use the stove again.”
“In my own house, thanks,” Ashton rolled his eyes fondly.
Luke brushed their noses together and climbed out of the shower, somehow managing to look innocent, like nothing happened at all.
And Ashton felt it. The longing for this to be their life for real. He would give anything for this to not just be temporary. A time when they could be together not in secret. But he knew his days of waking Luke up with coffee are numbered.
He sighed and reminded himself that getting better sometimes hurts. But for now, he could at least pretend it would last.
Maybe someday, he’d convince himself of it.
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kaleidoscopeminds · 4 years
Get on your dancing shoes, there’s one thing on your mind
having some feelings about missing gigs this evening and this is a thing that occurred? tiny fluffy gig lashton for @tirednotflirting as she dutifully listens to me complain about the lack of live music in my life. This scenario is based on something that actually happened to me, but unfortunately there was no Ashton in that turn of events.
Title from Dancing Shoes by Arctic Monkeys because what else?
“Okay then turn left at the end of that road,” Michael says down the phone to Luke, who has it cradled in his shoulder as he clutches his umbrella and squints into the dark.
“Yeah, okay I can see where I’m going now, I’ll ring you back when I’m outside,” Luke responds. “See you in a sec.”
“Bye!” Michael calls down the line before hanging up.
Luke sighs and stuffs his phone back in his pocket, hunching his shoulders up against the rain. He’s a little annoyed by the evening already, having to get a train and then a bus to Michael’s boyfriend’s house (Calum, he keeps having to remind himself) and once again wonders why he agreed to come along.
“Look I’m saying we can go, I’m just saying that Calum wants to come too,” Michael had shrugged at him.
“But Mikey, gigs are our thing,” Luke had responded petulantly. He knew he was being childish but his best friend agreeing to go to see a band with his new boyfriend instead of him was not news that he wanted to hear.
“They still are,” Michael had responded, rolling his eyes a little. “We’re going together, Calum will just be there as well.”
“But then I’ll have to third-wheel you all evening,” Luke had whined, frowning.
Michael had laughed, “It’s funny, because Calum said the exact same thing about the two of us. Now stop being a big baby and buy your ticket.”
That’s how Luke had found himself a month later, trudging in the rain to Calum’s flat, because it was only a short bus trip to the venue from there. He did honestly like Calum, he was quiet but wickedly funny and clearly smitten with Michael, he just didn’t know why he also had to like the same music as the two of them. He sighed to himself again and looked up at the flats in front of him and pulled out his phone again to call Michael, resigning himself to an evening of standing next to the happy couple.
“Can we go down?” Luke said excitedly, sipping his drink and bouncing on his toes.
“I think we’re gonna stay up here,” Michael responded, shrugging. “Better view.”
“What?” Luke asked, frowning. “We never stand at the back?”
“It’s just a bit busy,” Michael replied, shrugging.
Luke shook his head and sighed. “Okay fine but I’m going down there. I’ll see you at the end, give me a text if we can’t find each other.”
Michael nodded absently and turned to say something to Calum who was looking at his phone. Luke rolled his eyes and left the two of them to it, quickly going down the steps and beginning to squeeze his way through the crowd. He wanted to be right in with everyone, nothing comparing to the feeling of being in a crowd at a gig just before it starts, the hum in the air and the excitement fizzing at the tips of everyone’s fingers, almost palpable in the slightly sweaty beer scented air. He was also mindful of how tall he was though, not wanting to slap himself right in the middle where he would be a nuisance to everyone, so he skimmed the edge until he found himself a spot on the right hand side, with a good view of the stage.
“You’re a better door than a window aren’t you?” He heard a voice from slightly behind him to his right.
Luke turned around with an apologetic smile on his face but was met with a twinkling grin and a pair of hazel eyes glinting wickedly at him. 
Luke coughs embarrassed, “Yeah I know I’m sorry it’s the - ,” he gestures in a vague way towards his body.
“Stupidly long legs? Big blonde head? Ridiculously broad shoulders?” The man winks at him and Luke can’t help but notice how good looking he is, curly brown hair falling onto his forehead and a dimple in his chin as he smirks at Luke. He’s wearing a white short sleeve shirt unbuttoned to the middle of his chest, showing off both a bit of chest hair and his tanned arms.
“Sorry,” Luke apologises again, blushing and giggling slightly. “Maybe I can buy you your next drink to make up for my big blonde head.”
The other man grins delightedly at him. “Now don’t tempt me. How about you budge over a bit so I don’t have to stand behind you?”
“I might be able to manage that,” Luke responds, shuffling over slightly in the small space. He hears a frustrated sigh from behind him when he inevitably blocks someone else’s view, but he just shrugs apologetically at them, he now has a bigger priority in the form of this hot man who may or may not be flirting with him. 
“I’m Ashton by the way,” The man says, holding his hand out in the small space between them.
Luke laughs at the formality and switches his cup to his other hand so he can shake Ashton’s hand. “Luke,” he responds.
“So Luke,” Ashton cocks his head slightly at him. “What brings you to this part of the floor with no friend or girlfriend in sight?”
“Unlikely to be a girlfriend I can tell you that much for free,” Luke snorts, he notices Ashton gets a pleased smile on his face when he hears this and files that away for later thought. “I came with my mate and his boyfriend and I have abandoned them being boring up there somewhere.” Luke jerks his head in direction of the back of the room.
Ashton laughs. “A serious third-wheel moment then?”
“Yes,” Luke replies disgustedly. “Even though I was assured it wouldn’t be.” 
Ashton laughs again, tilting his head back and giggling, and Luke thinks he might have fallen in love a little bit.
“What about you?” Luke asks. “What’s a guy like you doing lurking solo over here?”
Ashton smiles a little embarrassed and rubs the back of his head. “Was meant to be on a date, but the guy decided he didn’t want to come last minute. Thought it would be a waste to not come because I fucking love this band regardless.”
Luke laughs and notes Ashton’s deliberate use of “guy”. Interesting.
“Well I think you made the right decision,” Luke responds, smiling at Ashton and biting his tongue slightly.
Ashton’s eyes track the movement before coming back to meet Luke’s. “We’ll see about that I suppose,” he responds, returning the smile slowly. “In the meantime, I know you promised me a drink, but as you were so kind as to move over for me, what would you like?”
“Whatever you’re having,” Luke responds, smiling. “I’ll save your space.”
“You better do,” Ashton winks and moves off through the crowd, brushing his hand around Luke’s hip and across the small of his back as he leaves. 
Luke watches him weave up towards the bar and manages to catch Michael’s eye who’s looking at him questioningly. Luke just shrugs at him, and Michael waves his phone at him pointedly before beginning to furiously type a message. Calum just smiles amused, and gives Luke a little wave, which Luke returns before fishing his phone out of his pocket just as it buzzes with a message from Michael.
whos that???
who tf is ashton
Ashton is the nice man who’s date cancelled on him and is now buying me a drink
!!!! Is he gay????
…. Possibly (he suggested the date was with a man)
!!!!! he’s fucking hot luke
I know mikey i’ve got eyes
don’t fuck this up just be normal
what the fuck is that supposed to mean
just don’t be so luke
you’re not helping in the slightest here
he’s coming back act normal
you’re absolutely the fucking worst and i hate you so much
stop talking to me your new boyfriend is coming back
Luke sighs exasperatedly at his phone before locking it and shoving it back in his pocket as Ashton squeezes through the gap next to him and hands off the second cup he’s holding. Luke downs his current drink and slides the new cup into the empty one.
“Thanks,” he says, moving over slightly and noticing the space he was in has gotten significantly smaller.
“No problem,” Ashton says, wedging himself in the gap next to him. “Although you didn’t keep up your side of the bargain,” he says pointedly, wiggling his shoulders to bump against Luke’s in the narrow space. 
“Sorry,” Luke responds, smiling apologetically. “I got distracted.”
“Who said I was complaining?” Ashton replies, smirking. “Everything okay? You were really giving your phone a dirty look there.”
“Yeah it was nothing,” Luke shakes his head, but his eyes flick over to where Michael and Calum are standing, and Ashton follows his look. Michael is staring at them intently, but quickly pretends to be deep in conversation with Calum as soon as he sees Luke and Ashton looking at them. Luke hears Ashton laugh quietly and he blushes furiously.
“Were you talking about me?” Ashton teases, his twinkling grin back firmly in place.
“Don’t be so big-headed,” Luke responds, still blushing.
“That means yes,” Ashton says smugly, taking a sip of his drink and brushing his arm against Luke’s.
“Why would I be talking about you, I don’t know anything about you,” Luke says, raising his eyebrows.
“Well what would you like to know?” Ashton responds. “I’m an open book.”
“Uh, how old are you?” Luke asks and then sighs at himself at such an infantile question.
“Getting right to the important stuff straight away I see,” Ashton replies seriously before breaking out into a grin. 
“Stop making fun of me, I’m regretting standing in front of you now,” Luke says, pouting at him.
“Aw you don’t mean that Lukey,” Ashton says, placing a hand over his heart. Luke tries not to blush at the nickname (try being the operative word). “I’m 24,” Ashton adds, taking pity on Luke.
“22,” Luke responds, taking a sip of his drink. “And as we’re doing the boring stuff I’ve just graduated and currently work in a bar whilst I try to discover my true passion.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Ashton responds, tapping his plastic cup against Luke’s. “I work in a record shop at the moment.”
“That’s pretty fucking cool to be fair,” Luke says honestly.
“Yeah it's not bad, not necessarily what I want to do forever though,” Ashton says ruefully.
“What do you want to do?” Luke asks, genuinely interested.
“Producing I think,” Ashton says thoughtfully, “but working in a record shop is as close as I’m gonna get for now.”
“See and you were worried we weren’t going to get to the important stuff,” Luke says, grinning cheekily at Ashton. 
Ashton laughs again and nudges his shoulder against Luke’s. “Yeah something about you has got me spouting about my ambitions within minutes.”
Luke bites his lip and ducks his head. He honestly can’t believe his luck managing to bump into and hold a conversation with Ashton, who seems unbelievably sweet and interesting. He’s saved from responding as the lights dim and people start cheering around him.
Luke squeaks and grabs Ashton’s wrist, bouncing on his toes as excitement flows through him, his heart rate picking up as he feels the crowd shift and pulse with anticipation, voices of enthusiasm and shouts beginning to ripple across the sea of people. The lights begin to flash and Luke can feel the energy thrum through the air. He catches Ashton smiling at him out of the corner of his eye and turns to face him with a huge smile on his face.
“What?” Luke has to almost shout over the growing noise of the crowd.
Ashton leans forward slightly. “You’re cute,” he says directly into Luke’s ear, making him shiver slightly before pulling back and tucking one of Luke’s curls behind his ear, smiling and turning towards the front. Luke stands for a moment, dazed before being pulled out of his reverie by the band appearing on stage, cheering loudly with everyone else.
The gig is insane, especially with Ashton at his side, singing the lyrics along with him, dancing stupidly in his favourite instrumentals and laughing every time Luke clutches his arm and shouts “I love this one!” In his ear.
And maybe when it goes dark after the band goes off and whilst the rest of the crowd chants for the encore, Luke might slide his hand in to Ashton’s and pull him closer to find his lips in the dark, breathless and skin slightly damp from all the dancing, mouths sticky with the taste of beer and ears still ringing. 
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cal-puddies · 4 years
the blow job || poly!lashton
idk where this came from but its here... let me know if you'd like more.
Poly! Lashton: the blow job || daddy’s home || cream pie || take the pleasure, take it with the pain || all at once this is enough || caught in between || take my heart, hit the back || daddy issues || needy || only you know the way that I break || picked all my weeds but kept the flowers
You sit huddled on the couch with Luke, as you’d done for most of the day. Ash walks in, “Hey babes.” He greets, leaning over to kiss you softly on the lips, he smooths the hair on your head as he pecks Luke’s lips. “How was your day?” He asks, sitting in the chair that slightly faces you and Luke.
“It was pretty low key. This one still had that headache from last night so kept it pretty meh.” Luke responds for both of you. “I did laundry and dishes and let her sleep it off.” He shrugs.
The relationship isn’t complicated to the three of you, but you know others wouldn’t understand it. Ash was daddy, always. He worked hard to take care of you and Luke in every way, and he always did. Luke would be what one would generally consider a boyfriend. He gave you most of your affection outside of the bedroom and if you were in public, he was always the one holding your hand. If you and Ash went out without Luke, for whatever reason, then Ash was always careful to never touch more than your back. But whether you were in public, or in the bedroom, ash was always daddy. For you and Luke both.
You and Luke share a bed, a decision you’d made long ago, and Ash sleeps alone unless one or both of you are invited to his bed. He doesn’t usually like to split you up because someone’s always moody if he does. And he typically likes sleeping alone.
You and Luke both switch, and sometimes you both just get railed by Ash, but it didn’t matter, you all were happy with how things worked.
“Baby girl, can you come sit with me?” Ash asks. So you get up and cross the space, sitting in Ash’s lap. “How’s your head?” He whispers, pulling you in closer.
Luke’s enthralled in whatever he’s watching so he doesn’t pay either of you any attention.
“Feels better. Just a tough day.” You shrug.
“You look tired. You ok?” He asks, tucking hair behind your ear. He watches you nod and then he pulls you in, kissing on you a little bit. “You sure?” He asks again.
“Yeah daddy, I’m good.” You nod.
Ash gently kisses you and he works to deepen the kiss until it’s a full blown make out session. His hand snakes up under the hoodie You're wearing and he starts to grope you, he knows how much you love having your nipples played with. His thumb swipes over one and he gently pinches and pulls at the tender flesh. He pulls his mouth away enough that your not actively kissing but your lips are still touching. “Moan for me princess.” He whispers, pressing his lips to yours briefly. “Want Luke jealous before you suck me off.”
You whimper when he pinches your other nipple harder, and Luke’s head turns toward you both. He’s intrigued, watching Ash’s hands on your body. Your hoodie is pulled off, leaving you completely bare on top.
“What’s daddy doin, baby girl?” Luke asks.
You don’t respond immediately, and you get your thigh pinched. “Lukey asked you a question.”
“Sorry daddy… Lukey, daddy wants a blow job.” You say, turning your head toward him.
“Well I hope you’re gonna be a good girl and give him one.” Luke smirks.
It doesn’t take long for Ash to get you on your knees in front of him. His shirt comes off and you work at his jeans, and once they’re off, he stops you a second. “Lukey, want you in your underwear, baby boy.” He commands and you hear Luke begin to move. His eyes fall back on you and he nods, letting you know you can get back to work.
You slide your hands up his thighs, and start to tease his cock over his boxers, kissing up his length and then gently licking the head, mouthing the fabric, wetting it.
“Tease.” Ashton breathes. You know he’s had enough and you tuck your fingers into the waist of his underwear and he lifts his hips so you can pull them down.
“Daddy.” Luke murmurs, drawing both of your attention. “Lemme film this. It’s so hot to watch.” He asks, holding up his phone.
“Baby girl is so good with her mouth…” his finger traces your jaw, “and she’s so hot when she gets into it, isn’t she Lukey?” He asks, earning a nod from Luke, “what do you say princess? Can Lukey film us while you suck me off?” He asks, gently holding your jaw now.
You nod, because it’s just for the three of you and you know Luke could get off on it alone for weeks, but he’ll do whatever he can to repay the favor.
“That’s our little princess.” Ash murmurs, nodding at Luke.
And you get back to work with Ash’s hard cock. You lick up the bottom of the shaft, letting it get sloppy with spit the way he likes, and then you grab onto it and start tugging and twisting your hand, spreading the spit, while sucking the head of his cock.
You sense Luke moving closer to you so you slightly turn your head and give him big innocent eyes for the camera. He murmurs a quick ‘fuck’, and ash looks at him. “Everything alright there Lukey?” He smirks devilishly.
If he was honest, it wasn’t, he loved to suck Ash’s cock, hear him moan, taste him, feel the weight of his cock in his mouth, on his tongue, ash’s fingers in his hair, please his daddy. But Ash chose you today. He also really loves your mouth on his cock so the whole thing was spurring jealousy and making him rock hard.  He mumbles ‘yeah’ and palms himself, which can be seen on camera.
“Whatcha doin there baby boy?” Ash asks in a low, gravelly voice and Luke turns his eyes back to him. “Ah fuck.” He inhales sharply as you take more of his cock in your mouth, hitting the back of your throat without so much as a sound out of you. He presses his hand to the side of your head and his thumb caresses your cheek, “look at me.” He murmurs to you, and you do as you’re told. “So pretty baby.” He hums, smiling at you. “Luke, get your cock out. Let’s see how hard you are.” He smirks in Luke’s direction, already knowing, and tangling his fingers in your hair. Ash gently pulls you off, “watch Lukey, princess.” He whispers. Your hand still works his length as you kiss on this thigh, nibbling and sucking your little marks into his flesh.
Luke sees both of you looking at him intently. He pushes his underwear down and he sees the amused look on Ash’s face as he reveals the red of his cock from how hard he is. Ash motions him over, and he gently toys with Luke’s cock, running his fingers over the shaft. Luke whines a bit. “Daddy.”
“Baby boy gets so hard when you suck me off, Princess.” Ashton murmurs, “you wanna taste his cock too?” He asks, “it’s alright.” He nods, noting you’re hesitation. He watches you reach out and sit up on your knees, Luke steps closer slowly, until he’s close enough that you could easily switch between the two of them.
You handle Luke’s cock differently, placing wet kisses along the shaft to slick him up, before wrapping your lips around the head and slowly tugging the rest of his length. He moans so loud for you, “baby girl.” His fingers slide in your hair too.
Ash gently pulls your hair, pulling you off of Luke, “Gonna take care of both of us?” He asks, and you nod before sinking your mouth down on his cock. “God damn you’re so good on your knees,” he praises. “This will be worth it princess,” He promises.
Luke’s still got the camera rolling, and they both have a hand in your hair, each pulling you back to them when it’s too much to watch you suck on the other. They are both moaning, and both blow jobs are  getting so sloppy. “That’s it baby girl,” Luke grunts. “Daddy… I need to cum.” Luke admits.
Ash pulls your head away from Luke, “not yet, gotta wait till I’m ready so we can paint our princess.” He smirks, then reaches over and stills your hand on Luke’s cock: “just squeeze a little princess, till I say otherwise.”
You go back to work on Ash’s cock. He’s past ever trying to guide you because you know so well what he likes, and he doesn’t mind when you switch it up on him. You can hear Luke whimpering as you slowly pulse your hand around his cock, and you know he’s watching you so intently working on Ash’s cock.
You slide your mouth all the way down and Ash grips tight in your hair, as does Luke, “fuck princess, all the way. What a good girl.” He praises and then grits his teeth as your tongue starts sliding back and forth over his balls. “Oh god.” He groans. Him and Luke both yank your head off His cock, “c’mon on then Luke.” You take that as your cue to drop their cocks and sit while they finish themselves.
Luke cums first, it hits your chest and neck, ash gets it on your chin and tits. And he’s grinning so wide at you. He pulls you in for a kiss, “pretty princess, all messy.” He mumbles against your lips. “Lukey will clean you up, won’t ya baby boy?”
Ash grips under your arms and he switches you spots. He’s on his knees in front of you, you’re sat in the chair. He grabs your thighs and pulls you so your ass is at the edge of the seat and then he pulls a leg over his shoulder. He reaches out and gives Luke a light tap on the butt. “Oh, sorry daddy, baby girl just looks so good.”
“I know she does.” Ash grins up at you, and starts kissing on your thigh, “already so wet.”
And then Ash is licking your clit, and Luke's tongue comes into contact with your breasts, cleaning up Ash’s cum first, he gets another pinch to his thigh and Luke brings his lips up to yours, kissing you and and pushing some of the cum onto your tongue. You moan into his mouth, and one hand goes into his hair and one goes into Ash’s. And it continues that way, Luke cleans up cum and kisses you and Ash continues to eat your pussy. Ash loves all your little whines, your moans of his name, and seeing Luke treat you so well too.
“C’mon baby girl, daddy needs you to cum for him.” He groans, sliding two fingers in and curling them in your g-spot. Your back arches up hard.
“Fuck, daddy.” You moan.
Luke doesn’t need instruction, his lips wrap around one of your nipples, and he teases it. Ash puts his lips and tongue back to your clit and he sucks, while continually curling his fingers into your g-spot. You let go of Luke’s hair in favor of grabbing Ash’s head with both hands. “Daddy, daddy, daddy…” you chant, Luke has to hold your hips when they start to buck against Ashton’s face. And then you’re cumming, Ash withdraws his fingers and gently licks your clit through it. “Holy fuck.” You whimper. “Thank you.
“Such a good girl.” Ash praises, sitting up and pulling Luke into a quick kiss, “good job baby boy.” Then he pulls you into him for another kiss. “I love you two.” Ash murmurs, holding the back of Luke’s head and the side of your neck. “Let’s see what Luke got on the camera, shall we babes?” He asks.
Taglist: @cocktail-calum @1dthewantedlove @september09241994 @youngblood199456 @lustingforwunder @calumsphile @neso-k @rosecoloredash @radmcqueen @justayoungandwisefangirl @itsnotmyblood @slimthicccal @softboycal @lietoash @pushthetide21 @5sosfanficrec @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles @therealmrshale
gc tags: @sublimehood @sugarcoated-pain @5sosnsfw @angelbabylu @aspiringwildfire @irwinkitten @lashtoncurls @myloverboyash @singt0mecalum
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
wanna be tagged? go here
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tirednotflirting · 4 years
"I knitted you a jumper" with bach lashton (ashton is the one knitting obvs)
meghna you are the loml and this was so fun to spend the afternoon on, esp after trying to write these two again for AGGGGGES and coming up with something. so i hope you enjoy this <33333
can be read here on ao3 bc it’s like 3k bc i kinda ran away with this lol
Luke could pinpoint the exact moment the need for a hobby like knitting must have jumped into Ashton’s mind.
He always tried his hardest to wake up by late morning on his days off so his whole day wasn’t wasted away on sleep and could instead be spent running daytime errands or lounging about with Ashton. They had both nestled into each other’s homes pretty permanently in the last few months, their closets and grocery favorites split pretty evenly between Luke’s apartment and Ashton’s little hideaway. (Though Luke has to admit that his heart still flutters any time Ashton calls his little place home.)
It’s also pretty typical that his days off always begin with lazy cuddles beneath warm sheets before one of their stomachs starts throwing a tantrum for breakfast or Ashton decides it’s coffee time. But on one particular morning in late September, Luke wakes up alone, his arms reaching out for a warm body beside him only to find the sheets pushed toward him and the space cold, evidence that Ashton had been up for more than just a quick run into the bathroom. Luke sits up and lets the sheets fall to pool around his waist, his chest bare and cold without his human space heater to keep him cozy. His lips drop into a pout as he rubs the sleep from his eyes and he reaches for his phone to check the time. It’s just before noon but he doesn’t remember Ashton mentioning anything about morning plans. 
He drops the phone back onto the bedside table he’s claimed at the home Ashton’s taken up residence at since his “death” earlier in the year. It still never fails to astound Luke how Ashton’s careful way of living has been enough to keep the public believing the whole thing but some days he finds himself thankful for it. He knows their paths likely never would have crossed without it. Well, that and the fact that apparently Luke’s grocery store friend Calum turned out to be a childhood friend of Ashton’s from back home in Australia.
(The two of them had had a good laugh about the whole ordeal about a month or so into this thing that Ashton and Luke have had going since their initial meeting. Sometime in early summer Ashton had mentioned that the friend that owned the place was going to come over for dinner and Luke can only imagine how funny the face he made must have been upon seeing Calum walk through the front door.)
Luke wanders into the closet and pulls on one of Ashton’s jumpers before wandering out in the direction of the kitchen. His favorite mug sits on the island and he smiles after realizing it’s already filled, the color indicating that Ashton added the cream and sugar for him already. He lifts the mug to his lips and takes a sip while glancing around the room since he still hasn’t spotted Ashton. But then some movement just beyond the window tells him where to find his boy. 
He pushes at the sliding door that leads into the backyard, Ashton’s massive garden taking up most of the space. Ashton stands in the middle of all of the plots that once held all kinds of summer fruits and vegetables. Even from the door though, Luke can tell that something is wrong. Ashton looks like he’s having an argument with himself but also just looks a bit sad. Luke leaves the back door open (every day they get closer and closer to the point in the year where the weather will no longer allow the fresh air in the kitchen and they’ve been trying to take advantage of it while they can) and wanders over to where Ashton stands, his arms crossed and forehead wrinkled. 
“Good morning, sunshine,” Luke greets him, his voice still scratchy from sleep. Once close enough he presses a kiss against the creases in Ashton’s forehead and he feels them relax just the slightest bit beneath his lips. “What’s bugging you?”
Ashton sighs defeatedly and lets his arms unfold to wrap around Luke’s waist, his head dropping to his shoulder. “I picked a very summer oriented hobby. And now I don’t know what I’m going to do until spring.”
The concern Luke had noticed in Ashton’s face makes sense now. Ashton liked to stay busy, he went a little crazy without a project (the years of working in TV seemed to have left that effect even with the way he had found a way to escape that world). The back garden had been a great answer of where to expend all of that energy and their climate and location really wouldn’t allow it again until the spring. He was right.
Luke lifts his free hand to play with the grown out, faded black curls at the back of Ashton’s head. “How about some house plants? We’ve got great light in the living room here and at the apartment?” 
“I don’t know,” Ashton shrugs against Luke’s chest. “Just isn’t the same as getting to spend all day out here, I guess. But I could give it a shot.” 
Luke lifts his other arm to wrap around Ashton’s shoulders, careful that he doesn’t spill his mug. Ashton lifts his head from his shoulder and Luke finds himself pouting at the sad look in the hazel eyes across from him. “Don’t worry, Ash. You’ve got such a creative mind, you’ll figure out something.”
A small smile pulls at Ashton’s lips. “Mm, yeah, you’re right,” he starts as he lifts his face to press his lips against Luke’s cheek. “I’m going to go get what’s left from the green bean plants and we can do them with dinner? And would you mind unlocking the front door? Calum said he was going to stop by with a package from my mom.”
“Sure thing.” Luke drops his arms from around Ashton and lifts his mug for another sip. “Gonna make more coffee too. You want another mug?”
“Yes, please.”
Luke heads back in the direction of the house, his mind wandering with ideas for house plants he remembers his mom keeping around growing up as suggestions to share later. He stops just before reaching the door and turns back toward the corner of the yard that Ashton has made his way over to. “And don’t forget your hat if you’re going to be out here much longer.”
“Of course, love.”
Luke smiles, the domesticity of all of this hitting his heart for just a moment, and makes his way back inside to refill the kettle.
It’s a few weeks into November when the boxes arrive at Luke’s door. 
Ashton’s family had been visiting for the week and Luke wanted to make sure they had proper family time so he had made the choice to stay at the apartment in between shifts that week. He had come over for dinner to meet everyone earlier in the week but after that had left them to reconnect at the house.
He had just woken up about an hour earlier when he hears a knock at the door. There’s no one there when he goes to open it but there are probably close to ten small packages (why they couldn’t have all just been in one big one is beyond him) all addressed to Fletcher Hemmings.
(When Ashton started using the name to get orders delivered to Luke’s place, the brightest blush had painted it’s way across Luke’s face in an instant. 
“What?” Ashton had questioned, honestly. “Hardly anyone really knew my middle name anyway and it’s so much less suspicious showing up at your door if it’s got your last name on it.”
Luke spent the rest of the week with the thought of sharing a last name with Ashton on a constant loop.)
He knows he needs to finish getting ready and head off to the hospital soon, so Luke texts a picture of all of the boxes sitting on the kitchen counter to Ashton with a few question marks and finishes his normal run through the apartment searching for his scrubs (the turquoise ones, of course, since it’s Friday) and makes a coffee before heading down to his car. 
His phone starts ringing as he’s parking at the hospital. Luke smiles at the selfie of Ashton kissing his cheek before sliding his thumb across the screen and lifting the phone to his ear. “Doing some early holiday online shopping, are we?”
“Ha, not exactly. But the family has just headed off the airport so I’m going to head over and make sure everything got delivered, if that’s alright?”
Luke smiles softly as he hits the lock button on his car and heads toward the entrance of the hospital. “At some point you’re going to have to realize you can give up on this whole asking permission to come over. Ash, you literally get packages delivered there and have a key, of course you can come over.”
He hears a dramatic sigh on the other side of the line. “I know, I know. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Bright and early, as always,” Luke says while holding his ID card to the door to get the automatic doors to open up. He heads down the hall in the direction of his department, waving to those he passes with a smile. “You think you’ll be down for a sugary breakfast? I’ve had French toast on the brain all week and I want to hear all about your time with the family.”
“Yes absolutely, but I’m going to pick up some fruit on my way over. Balance is everything.”
“Alright, Mr Healthy. I gotta go,” Luke says while sliding in behind the desk and setting his bag beside his chair. “Love you, drive safe.”
“Have a good night, babe. Love you too.”
Luke smiles as he clicks out of the call and sets his phone down before tapping quickly at the keyboard to log in for the night. Behind him he hears someone clear their throat. “You know at some point you’re going to have to introduce us to this sweet man of yours. You know everyone would just be complete heart eyes like yourself if you brought him in one night.”
Luke rolls his eyes while turning to face Alex, the surgical resident that’s been on rotation in their department for awhile. “Fine, I’ll bring my guy in when you bring Jack by to hang out for the day.”
Alex laughs as he pulls out a couple files he must have been digging for out of the cabinet against the wall. “Oh, please, Jack absolutely does not have the kind of sense of humor that I can bring into a pediatrics department. Or at least not while I’m still working here.” He opens another cabinet and shifts the papers around in his arms to accommodate the growing pile he’s creating. “We can just double date sometime.”
Luke smiles and tries to hide his disappointment at the fact that there’s a zero chance of that ever being a possibility. “That would be fun.”
“Have a good shift, Luke,” Alex calls as he wanders back down the hall. “Tell all my favorites that Doctor Alex is bringing cookies tomorrow!”
“Will do!”
Luke wanders back into the break room then to make the first pot of coffee for the night and feels his phone buzz in his pocket while he rests his hip against the counter while waiting for the pot to fill with water. It’s a selfie of Ashton, his hair pulled back into a small bun, holding various bags of produce with a smiling Calum in the background. 
He remembers Alex’s heart eyes comment then and feels a blush across his cheeks as he replies with a string of fruit emojis and the story of the conversation he’s just had.  
Luke is used to arriving home after work to a sleeping Ashton against his pillow. Usually he’s wearing one of his t-shirts and it makes him feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy and just generally lucky and in love. So he’s surprised when he gets home at 8am to find Ashton sitting in the middle of the couch, his legs folded up beneath him with a pair of knitting needles in his hands and what appears to be a long scarf stretching out onto the floor. 
“Hey, love, what are you up to?” Luke greets as he walks into the living room after dropping his bag onto its hook. Luke lets his hands drop onto Ashton’s shoulders as he moves to stand behind him, his thumbs rubbing circles at the tension pretty much always present between his shoulders. 
“Well, a while back when I started having that crisis about what hobby to pick up for the winter months my mom suggested I try knitting,” he starts, his voice slow and a little distant as he obviously lets most of his concentration stick to the task at hand. “And she sent me some beginner’s materials and it turns out I don’t suck at knitting and it’s also quite fun. So I ordered a bunch more and now everyone is getting hats and scarves for the holidays.”
“That’s so lovely, Ash.” Luke smiles. Because genuinely, it really is. The living room at the house was filled with various house plants that Ashton had taken a liking to when Luke walked him around the gardening store on Facetime in October but he had been a little worried about Ashton having something a bit busier to occupy his time with. “So all the boxes were like, yarn and stuff?”
“Exactly. Though that’s all in the car now since I didn’t want you accidentally catching a sneak peek at the materials for your present. I want it to be a surprise.”
Luke jumps over the back of the couch to sit beside him. He wraps his arms around Ashton’s middle, out of the way of where his hands work, and presses a kiss to his temple. “I can’t wait to see it. Or wear it. Both, I guess.”
Ashton takes a second to finish his row and then sets his work aside. He turns to let his legs fall across Luke’s lap and drapes his arms across his shoulders. “I’m glad. I’m excited to make you something.”
As he takes in his boyfriend’s tired eyes and smile (it’s obvious this new activity might have gotten him up a bit earlier than usual), Luke can’t help but lean in to press their lips together for a moment. He feels Ashton relax more into his arms and the lucky and in love feeling starts flooding his mind again. Luke pulls back but lets his forehead stay pressed against Ashton’s as they giggle at each other for a moment.
“French toast time?” Ashton questions once they pause in their laughter. 
The feeling continues to float around in his brain as he watches Ashton cut up fruit while he flips the bread on the griddle. Though really, he thinks, that feeling has probably been taking up most of his mind since the day they basically wandered into each other’s lives.
“Would you hate me if I give you your Christmas present early?”
Luke looks up from his spot in front of the fire to find where Ashton stands in the doorway of the living room, his hands holding something wrapped in bright red tissue paper. He checks his page number and makes a mental note before closing his novel and setting it aside. “Of course not, I love presents. Though the last part of yours is still in the mail so if you wanted this to be an exchange, we’ll need to wait.”
Ashton beams, his eyes bright and happy. “No, no. I’m okay to wait for mine but yours is done and I want you to have it right now.”
Luke smiles and he pauses to take a sip from his first coffee of the morning. “Well, I would love to have it then.”
Ashton wanders across the room and takes a spot on the floor beside him and places the package between the two of them. Luke tugs at the ribbon wrapped around the paper and gently rips at the tape to pull it open. As he realizes what’s inside, his lips fall open just a bit, from shock or joy or both he’s not really sure. “Ashton, I-”
“I knitted you a jumper,” he says, his voice quick while his fingers nervously play with the edge of his sweatshirt. “And it was a little daunting and probably a little bit beyond my skill level with this but you like jumpers and I wanted to make you a jumper.”
The smile on Luke’s lips continues to pull across his face as he lifts up the soft, baby blue jumper that Ashton made with his own two hands and Luke specifically in mind. His heart feels so full, like it’s going to burst out from his chest and across the room. “Love, this might be the kindest thing anyone has ever given me. I’m like, never going to take this off.”
He watches Ashton relax some then, his smile shifting from eager into something more fond. “Well, you may want to wash it every once in a while but I really appreciate the enthusiasm. Also try it on now. I want to make sure it fits.”
Luke hands off his mug to make sure he doesn’t knock it over and Ashton takes a sip while Luke unfolds the soft garment and pulls his arms through the sleeves. It fits like a dream, which especially surprises him since Ashton never asked to take his measurements. Though he supposes he could have just been taking a tape measure to another one of his jumpers at some point in the last month. 
Luke sits up then and scoots closer to Ashton until he can pull himself halfway into his lap and wrap his arms around his neck. “Thank you, Ash. You’re perfect. I love you so much.”
Ashton pulls him closer toward his chest and presses a kiss to the tip of his nose. “I love you too. Glad I can keep you cozy with my crafting.”
Luke laughs gently before he straightens up, moving to stand. “Alright, now it’s my turn to show you my love and appreciation in the best way I know how.”
Ashton pulls a face that’s a mix of confusion but also something suggestive, and Luke only rolls his eyes dramatically. “I’m gonna make the second pot of coffee.” He winks down at where Ashton still sits on the floor as they both start laughing.
Ashton reaches a hand up for help off the floor. “Man of my dreams, you are.”
And as they wander into the kitchen, Ashton hopping up onto the counter to keep his bare feet off the tile floor, Luke can’t help but agree.
11 notes · View notes
softforcal · 5 years
Could we have some headcannons with Poly!Lashton but you and Ash were dating first before you bring Luke in and he's so shy cause you and Ashton were dating first so how does he fit in?
POLY!LASHTON (Luke joining)
-fam. i am so ready for this
-okay so you and Ash are a couple
-you’ve been a couple for ages
-and you two are super sexual
-like. lets be real here
-while writing Youngblood they spend a lot of time in the studio and it was not uncommon at all for Ash to message you and for you to show up and the two of you disappear for a half hour before he came back with a lot of energy to make music
-the guys always laugh about it
-except for Luke… cuz you’re gorgeous and the two of you vibe really well
-and it’s tough for him
-because when you and Ashton started dating and he introduced you to everyone you and Luke hit it off
-since then you’ve become really great friends but Ashton is always around
-and Ashton loves having his arm over your shoulders or his hand on your thigh so it’s a constant reminder that Luke can’t fucking touch you
-and then the album comes out and of course you’re coming on tour
-like, it’s not even a question
-and everyone knows what this means
-because they’ve all been on tour before and they know about the cramped bed spaces in the busses and they all know how horny Ashton gets after shows when his adrenaline is still pumping
-and Luke is kinda just like “fuuuuck” about the whole situation
-especially because you definitely see Luke as your best friend in the band
-like you hang out with him all the time
-at parties Ash throws where he has to run around and make sure people aren’t ‘pulling an Ashton’ and chopping down one of his trees, you usually hang out with Luke
-and he knows he should be somewhere else with some other girl who he might actually be able to take home, but he can never bring himself to drag himself away from you
-and Ashton just thinks Luke’s being a bro about it
-”thanks for looking out for her mate.” Ashton always says when he shows up again, arm going around your waist, “if you weren’t here she’d probably be fending off a group of guys right now.”
-like, people mistake you and Luke for being a couple all the time
-because you are super close
-i’m talking pictures where his arm is around you
-pictures where you’re kissing his cheek
-pictures where you’re lying down across him and Ashton
-because you’re best buds
-and any time Luke hangs out at Ashton’s place you’re chill to just walk around in your bikini and hop in the pool while the guys are out and about
-because you’re Ashton’s girl
-Luke always hates himself for looking when you walk past in a bikini. but he can’t help himself
-Cal notices a week before they go on tour
-you’re at a house party and you’re playing beer pong with Ashton and you look radiant. and Luke is staring because holy fuck you look so good
-”you gotta sort that out mate.” Cal sighs, taking a drink of his beer
-”what?” Luke asks, snapping out of it
-”you can’t go after Ashton’s girl.” Cal clarifies
-”fuck. i know.” Luke groans
-he does know. he does. but fuck you look so good
-he watches as you get a ball in a cup and Ashton wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you off the round and pressing his lips to yours while you scream and laugh, two sounds he loves so much
-so the day of tour comes and you all head to the airport
-your neck is covered in spots from the night before with Ashton and it makes Luke’s stomach churn
-”hey Giraffe.” you tease, linking your arm with his, “you excited bubba?”
-all the pet names make his heart sore and Luke smiles slightly, “yeah, looks like you and Ashton had fun last night.”
-”we have fun every night.” you wave your hand as if it’s the most usual thing in the world. and it is.
-the two of you talk as you get to the plane and while boarding Ashton’s arms slip around your waist as he pulls you down into the seat next to his
-Lukes seat is, of course, right across the aisle from yours
-he gets a full view of you and Ashton putting ear phones in together and beginning to listen to music, Ashton tapping out the beat against your face while he kisses you and you giggle
-the flight kicks off and it’s a long one so Michael is already passed out in the seat behind you. Cal and Luke on their phones
-a while in, the cabin lights dim because a lot of people are sleeping. Luke doesn’t look up when you get out of your seat and move to the bathroom
-but when Ashton stands a few minutes later, he looks up
-he watches Ashton go into the same bathroom you just did
-Luke puts in his ear buds
-the two of you come out a little while later, Ashton’s hair messy and the two of you grinning at each other as you head him back to your seats
-Ashton meets Luke’s eyes and winks
-Luke nods slightly with his chin, smiling, as if to say ‘good for you, mile high club.’ like any other dude bro would when his best mate just got laid on a plane
-as soon as Ashton isn’t looking, Luke’s smile falters
-he continues to look at his phone and then looks up when you get into the seat next to him. Ashton is asleep across the aisle. “Luke, i’m bored. let’s watch a movie.” 
-he agrees and the two of you share ear buds as you choose a movie to watch
-you rest your head on his shoulder and you stay there the entire film. and the film after that.
-Luke is about to ask you about the third movie when he notices you’re asleep on his shoulder
-heart. melted.
-you and Ash both wake up as the plane begins its decent, you wave at your boyfriend from across the aisle, “Luke and i watched movies.” you inform him and Ash is, as always, super chill about it
-the plane lands and you meet Ashton in the aisle, his hands settling on your waist as he kisses you like he hasn’t seen you in ages
-and Luke has a full, up close and personal view of it
-they get their stuff and pile into the van, Ashton pulling you onto his lap as the car takes you to the first hotel where they can all rest a bit before their first show
-Ashton’s lips tease your neck and you’re laughing and trying to pull out of his grasp, “Ash!” you giggle and he just grins, “don’t fight it Princess, you know you love me.” you relax back against him and let him nip at your ear, a huge grin on your face, “yeah, i do.”
-Luke puts in his ear buds
-getting to the hotel and you and Ash can’t wait to get out of the car and get the keys to your room.
-waiting for the elevator and Luke steps in but Cal is like “Luke maybe we should take the next one-” but before Luke can leave the elevator, you and Ash have entered and Ashton has hit the close the door button and now you’re pressed against the wall in the elevator, legs wrapped around Ashton’s waist and Luke is just there
-and of course this is a mirrored elevator so anywhere Luke looks he sees you
-Ashton is kissing your neck and you open your eyes, staring directly into Luke’s and he just flushes a bright red and looks down
-you finally get to your floor and Ashton carries you out of the elevator and before Luke can even blink, the two of you are in your hotel room and the door is closed
-Cal and Michael’s elevator comes up a few seconds later and Cal is just like “you should take the elevator with us next time mate.”
-”why are they so horny all the time?” Luke sighs
-”to be fair, they just had a 12 hour flight and didn’t fuck-” Michael begins
-”no they fucked while you two were asleep.” Luke interjects
-”no fucking way!” Michael laughs, “what a fucking legend.”
-the band gets some rest and when it’s time to all drive to the venue, the group is waiting in the car for five minutes before you and Ashton come running out of the hotel
-”sorry we’re late, Y/N got a little tied up.” Ashton grins
-and of course everyone fucking knows what this means
-like seriously Ashton? you’re not suave.
-getting to the arena and stuff goes pretty normal
-you hang out while they do band stuff
-Ashton goes to get dressed into his stage outfit and after a while you seem to disappear too. Luke doesn’t think much of it until he walks into one of the back stage dressing rooms and gets a full view of Ashton fucking you against a table
-Luke turns around and leaves while Ashton yells “close the fucking door!” and Luke can hear you both burst into a fit of giggles while he follows Ashton’s command
-Ashton comes out a little while later looking energetic as fuck and he goes onto the stage with a huge grin
-Luke is surprised when they get off stage and Ashton doesn’t immediately drag you off somewhere, instead Ashton is like “who wants to go to the club?!”
-everyone agrees and after they get changed out of their clothes they all head over
-but as soon as you and Ashton enter the club, one of your favourite songs starts playing and you drag Ashton to the dance floor
-you know the term ‘sex with clothes on’? yeah. thats how you and Ashton dance
-you dance for a bit before the two of you approach the table everyone is sitting at, “I’m going to get drinks.” Ashton declares.
-”and i need a new dance partner!” you grin, grabbing Cal’s hand, “Cal come dance.” “kinda tired Y/N, sorry.” Calum smiles softly. Michael is on his phone so now you turn to Luke, “Luke. You. Me. Dance floor. lets go.” and when your hand grabs his of course he lets you drag him through the crowd
-he loves watching you dance
-and you’re just bopping around having fun and being silly and it makes him laugh
-you grab his hand and make him twirl you and it’s just honest to god softness
-then your eye catches something over Luke’s shoulder and you scream “Ashton has drinks!” then your dragging Luke back to the table
-you and Ashton don’t last that long after that
-at one moment you’re dancing in the crowd then you’re gone and Cal sighs, “okay, we can leave now.” none of them were super into it anyways and now that their ring leader is gone they can head back to the hotel
-”who has a room next to them tonight?” Michael asks as they get into the cab
-”I do.” Cal sighs, “but i brought ear plugs so it should be fine.”
-Luke can’t sleep. not because he can hear anything but because he knows whats happening like less than 100 meters away
-the next morning Ash wakes everyone up early to grab breakfast and they’re all so confused, especially Calum who is straight up like “but you didn’t sleep! i know for a fact you and Y/N did not sleep last night, how do you have so much energy?”
-Calum won’t let Ashton into the elevator and makes him take the stairs while the rest of you take the elevator
-you look a little tired too but cute as fuck in one of Ashton’s worn out hoodies
-Calum walks with you and makes Ashton stay at the back of the group because “Ashton its a day into tour and i’ve had enough of this.”
-and at the restaurant Calum and Michael sit on either side of you
-”come on, this is a bit much don’t you think Cal?” Ashton laughs, sitting across from you
-you and Ashton try to touch feet under the table and Calum is just like “seriously?!”
-”yeah keep it in your fucking pants.” Michael laughs
-and of course Ash can’t just pass up an opportunity to feed you pancake so you’re that couple that’s leaning across the table and he feeds you like that
-”come on!” Cal puts his face in his hands, “well. i tried.”
-so tour continues and you and Ashton continue to be way too sexual
-Luke learns that ear buds are his best friend and to always knock on any closed door
-also, a week in you start wearing Ashton’s button ups and that is sexy as fuck
-like, even Michael and Cal’s eyes widen when you walk into rooms in Ashton’s button ups
-and of course you wearing Ashton’s button up is just to tease the fuck out of Ashton
-”i’ve been looking for that shirt.” Ashton says, hands settling on your waist
-”well here it is.” you tease, fingers lacing in Ashton’s hair
-everyone groans
-you and Ash leave the room
-its almost time to go on stage and the band is getting restless, “where is he.” Calum sighs. “fuck, i’ll go find him.” Michael sighs. “no, i’ll do it.” Luke groans, standing up
-he finds the room pretty fast, the noises are louder than normal, he knocks but there’s no answer. he stands there for a second, then takes a deep breath, opening the door
-”Luke!” Ashton screams as soon as Luke opens the door
-Ashton has you against a wall, ringed hand on your throat, you’re still wearing his button up but it’s completely open and Luke gets a good look at your body before he states, “Ash we need you on stage.”
-”in a minute.”
-”now.” Luke sighs
-Ashton stops, still inside you, “you going to let me finish or what mate?”
-”i’m not leaving until you do.” Luke says. its a gamble. he knows it.
-Ashton looks at you then at Luke, “do you mind princess?”
-you meet Luke’s eyes then shake your head slightly
-well. Luke’s gamble fucked up
-but he’s not about to pussy out, he closes the door behind him and leans back against it while Ash begins to go to town again
-Ashton grins when he notices your eyes slipping over his shoulder once or twice, “you like this Princess?” he groans, nipping at your neck, “you like looking at Luke while you take my cock?” “yes daddy sir”
-(i was in class while writing this and had to stop because i am a fuck)
-Luke is so shook
-”do you want Luke to join babe?” Ashton asks
-Luke’s heart stops in his chest
-your eyes meet Luke’s and he doesn’t say anything but you nod, “yes Ashton.”
-Ashton looks around for a second before his eyes land on the couch, “okay baby, on the couch.” he pulls out of you and you walk over to the couch, discarding the button up and getting on your knees, on all fours with your hand resting on the arm rest, you’re face is around waist level and this allows Ashton to half kneel on the couch behind you
-”well Luke, what are you waiting for?” Ashton asks, groaning as he slides into you
-Luke practically stumbles over, looking at you, “are you okay with this?” he asks
-”just take your dick out Luke.” “yeah Luke, take your dick out.” Ashton repeats what you said with a laugh
-”fuck, you said we have two minutes?” Ashton asks, grip tightening on your hips
-”yeah, fuck.” Luke groans as you begin to blow him
-”better work your magic then babe.” Ashton instructs you, “can’t leave Luke blue balled before he goes on stage.”
-Luke’s about to say that you’re already doing a fantastic job but then you suck harder and you’re doing this thing with your tongue and his eyes close as his head lols back, fingers going into your hair
-they’re both getting close when Ash says “you can’t cum in her mouth.”
-”what?!” Luke asks, eyes snapping open
-”i said: you can’t cum in her mouth.” Ashton repeated, “when you’re close, i’ll move her and you can come on her tits and stomach.”
-and it’s not like Luke can argue
-a few more seconds go by and Luke says “fuck, okay, i’m close.”
-Ashton hand wraps around your neck as he pulls you back against his chest as Luke finishes himself off, cumming on your tits and stomach like Ashton instructed
-Ashton’s grip on your throat tightens and you stare at Luke through your eyelashes while Ashton cums too
-Ashton’s hand lets go of your neck and he presses a kiss to your cheek, “see you after the show babe.” he picks up the button up you had been wearing and puts it on, pulling his pants back up while Luke does the same
-before Luke can say anything Ashton grabs his shoulder and pulls him from the room
-you clean yourself off and put on clothes, lounging on the couch and catching your breath
-”Ashton-” Luke starts to say but they reach the side stage and a stage manager ushers Ashton on stage before Luke can say anything else
-Luke is freaking out but he goes on stage and somehow manages to get through the whole show
-as soon as it’s over and the band exits the stage Ashton grabs you and pulls you into a kiss before the two of you head out to the van to take you back to the hotel
-”Luke are you okay?” Michael asks, watching Luke watching you and Ash leave, “what happened in the dressing room, you were gone a while.”
-”I… uh…” Luke begins to try to answer
-Cal’s jaw dropped, “did you… did you join them?”
-”holy fuck!” Michael laughs and they both turn to look at Luke, “you totally fucking did!”
-Luke just groans, hiding his face in his hands
-”lets just head back to the hotel.” Luke sighs
-they all have an early morning getting on the tour bus and going to the next city and thats probably a good idea
-”you don’t want to talk about it?” Cal asks
-”yeah spill the details mate.” Michael grins, “Ashton’s always ranted about how amazing her mouth is but i’ve always thought that he’s probably lying. was he lying?”
-”he wasn’t lying.” Luke sighs
-”fuuuuck.” Michael groans, “no shit.”
-”Luke-” Cal begins because he definitely knows Luke’s legitimately in love with you
-but Luke cuts him off, “don’t want to talk about it.”
-they get into the van and head back to the hotel, it’s a pretty quiet drive because Michael obviously wants more details but as they roll up to the hotel Michael sighs, “fuck. can’t believe Lashton was the first threesome.”
-Luke gets out of the shower when his phone buzzes, its a message from Ashton: ‘watching that movie you wanted to see. come over.’
-Luke sighs but throws on sweats and a hoodie and trudges over
-you open the hotel door in (once again) a button up that goes to your mid thighs, “hey!” you grin, getting on your tip toes to hug him, “Ashton’s in the shower.”
-”i got a text-”
-”from me. yeah, i messaged you.” you answer, ushering the tall boy into the room before closing the door, “wasn’t sure how else to get you here.”
-he laughs awkwardly, “what do you mean?”
-”we should talk about today, you looked kinda distraught when you left.” you respond. you pull him to the bed and sit down, getting comfy against the pillows and making space for him
-he sits and Ash comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, “hey Luke.” he says, dropping the towel to pull on some sweats and Luke averts his eyes but Ashton laughs, “you’ve seen it all before.”
-this is the most awkward Luke has ever felt with the two of you and it’s showing
-”Luke we really don’t want this to be awkward.” you say, “we talked it over and we were thinking, if you want to, you could be part of this.”
-”what?” Luke laughs
-”she likes you, you like her, we’re best mates, that threesome was fun, you could join.” Ashton tries to clarify, when Luke still looks lost Ashton laughs, “come on Luke, you’ve heard of polyamory haven’t you?”
-”so you mean join like… like…” “like date us.” you finish for him, “we’re both starving, we’re heading to a 24/hour a day burger joint. you should come.”
-”okay.” Luke agrees
-you grin, pulling Luke into a hug and kissing his cheek before getting off the bed as Ashton tosses you sweats and a hoodie, you shed the button up and Luke gets a full view of your gorgeous body as you pull on the clothes
-Ashton goes and opens the door and you pull Luke off the bed by his hand, the two of you leaving the room past Ash who closes the door behind the three of you before putting his arm over your shoulders
-walking that way works really well?
-you ask Luke how the concert went and you all just begin talking
-talking has always been easy for you three
-the night goes really well and you all end up at the hotel, Luke goes to get his room key and Ashton is like “what are you doing mate?” “getting my key?” Luke answers. you and Ashton laugh as you pull him into your room
-your lips attach to Luke’s and he melts into the kiss while Ash closes and locks the door behind the three of you
-Ashton comes behind you
-because you’re all in sweats and hoodies it’s easy as fuck to get all your clothes off, especially because you and Ash were practically nude under your clothing anyways
-and Ash is calling all the shots
-that much is obvious
-it’s wild and kinky but Luke fits so naturally into it because you’re all so comfortable with each other
-falling asleep between the two gorgeous blondes
-a loud banging at your door waking you up, “Ashton! Y/N! we need to be on the bus in five minutes!” Calum is screaming
-”shit.” Luke says, the first one to get up and throw on his clothes
-as he opens the door to the hallway he realizes Cal is now knocking on his door. Cal turns and notices Luke coming out of Ashton’s room and sighs, “come on mate, you didn’t.”
-Luke mumbles an apology before pushing past Cal and into his room
-when he gets down and onto the tour bus you and Ash are already there with Cal and Michael in the couch area
-You and Ash make room for him as Michael explains the new game he got for his nintendo switch that’s connected to the TV
-Luke’s hand goes to your thigh and you grin at him, he gives a small smile back
-and thus begins the Lashton triad
-Calum stares at the three of you a lot because he’s worried about Luke
-a few days of the three of you sneaking off and stolen kisses go by before Luke and Ashton decide to to tell Michael and Calum
-they are both shook
-”so Ash… you just invited Luke to start dating your girlfriend?” Michael asks in shock
-”i mean, Y/N and i have been talking about it for a while,” Ashton shrugs “so when Luke came into the dressing room-” “we don’t want to hear it.” Calum sighs, hiding his face. “yes we do!” Michael grins
-Michael and Cal though you and Ash were sexual. throw Luke into the mix and it’s even worse better
-wearing Ashton’s button ups and having Luke’s glitter on your face
-painting their nails
-and of course Ash has this brilliant idea where you should totally be able to paint one of their nails while getting fucked doggy style by the other
-yeah, you three depend on hotel rooms
-when you’re on the tour bus it can be a bit tough because Luke feels like you should sleep with Ash because you and Ash were the original couple so you and Ashton have to assure him that you’re both cool with you sleeping in his bunk sometimes too
-Luke never wants to over step and it takes a lot of assurance for him to realize that the three of you are equal in the relationship and that it’s an actual relationship and not just you and Ash letting Luke join sometimes
-this is super weird to mention but like… Ashton lets Luke cum in you instead of on you and for some odd reason that shows Luke that he’s in the relationship?
-you and Ash have already said i love you because you’ve been dating a while and the both of you have been best buds for ages with Luke so you’ve both definitely said ‘love you’ to him before
-you tell Luke you love him one morning when the two of you are cuddling and Ash is still asleep and he melts, saying it back immediately
-fans notice the three of you out and about together more often
-but most are just like “Luke and Y/N are great friends so it makes sense.” which, like, valid
-but then a pap gets a shot of you kissing Luke in a diner while Ash was in the bathroom and fans went wild
-the first instinct was that you are cheating. which is not great.
-so the three of you all decide to clear that up as soon as you can
-Cal and Michael are baes so they send the three of you all the pictures they have of you three, some of which were from when you were just friends with Luke but those are super cute pics too
-you post a picture of each of them kissing your cheek, taken backstage a few days before, with the caption: “two love bugs are better than one.”
-Ashton posts a picture from his house party before you went on tour, the three of you in the kitchen making cocktails together, with the caption: “couples who make cocktails together, stay together.”
-and Luke gets a picture of the three of you walking through a venue, each boy with a hand in your back pocket, with the caption: “one happy girl//two happy guys.”
-#Lashton blows up on twitter
-so Ash is the main dom
-Luke can dom but he still falls under Ashton’s power control
-you the sub bbg
-we all know Ash is super into being a dom (daddy or sir whatever you’re comfy with) and spanking and choking
-but Luke has a huge thing for over stimulation?
-and that boy knows how to use his tongue
-Ash usually tells Luke to get you ready for them
-lube. in your purse. at all times.
-Ashton’s the ass man. i’ve said it in so many Ash posts. but i stand by this assessment
-group hugs with these golden boys
-a super dirty group chat
-they love carrying you too, like one of them is always throwing you over their shoulder
-the sexiest dirty dancing when you go to clubs together
-the tour ends and you all head back to LA and Luke’s afraid something’s going to change… but it doesnt
-you and Ash show up at Luke’s place to go for walks with him and Petunia
-spending most days at one of their houses just lounging around and loving each other
-cute videos of you, Ash and Petunia all over Luke’s insta
-going for drives with you in the back of the car so you can lean forward and play with your boys hair
-being with them while they make music
-you definitely are their muse
-Ashton taking so many pictures of you and Luke dancing and being cute with you in a button up or Luke holding Petunia
-this is just such a cute triad
-like last time i wrote about this triad here i nearly died
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lashtoncurls · 5 years
Who’s boss?(AI)
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Summary: make up sex and switch!ashton(kinda?) I’m obsessed with this damn shirt and I think he’d love it when you wear it.
Words: 1.3K
Warnings: cursing, smut
A/N: Since Skyler @myloverboyash wrote the lashton threesome for me, this is my gift to her! She knows what inspired this 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ but I hope you like it!! I love you.
“I did nothing to you. You shouldn’t be yelling at me.” Her voice trembled as she whispered through the phone. Ashton sighed exasperatedly and ran his hands through his hair, pulling at the ends as he thought about how to apologize.
“I’m sorry, okay? It’s been a long fucking day. I just-”
“Don’t come home if you’re just going to ignore me again. I want my boyfriend back, you know, the one who talks to me and tells me when something is bothering him?” Ashton sighed on the other side of the line, completely understanding what she meant, but he couldn't put it into words to apologize for the way that he had been behaving towards her.
“Cat got your tongue? Come home and I’ll show you what you’ve been missing out on, with the condition that you tell me what’s been bothering you.” The line went dead as Ashton stared at his phone for a couple minutes, the words registering in his brain. He had been ignoring his girl for so long, not even sleeping in the same bed but instead crashing on the couch some nights. It wasn’t her fault, none of it was. Ashton was used to holding his feelings in, not telling anyone until he would burst. He grabbed his keys and wallet and ran out of the studio, ignoring Calum’s shouts about how they weren’t quite finished with the song.
The drive to his house was short as he shook his leg and tapped his fingers on the wheel along with the beat coming from the speakers. His keys, phone and wallet were instantly dropped onto the table by the door as he walked in and noticed how quiet the house was. All the lights had been dimmed down, his eyes searching for his girl as he found her sitting on the couch with a smirk on her lips as she wore his sheer black button up. Her feet were bare and her hair fell in the front of her, covering her breasts which glistened even in the dim light. Had she gotten her nipples pierced? That thought made his already tight jeans feel a little more strained.
His face lit up at the sight in front of him, how could she still be sitting there waiting for him after everything. How did he get so lucky to have a girl love him so much.
“Hey, you um, you look hot in that shirt.” She got up and padded towards him as she placed the glass on the table and stood in front of him, his eyes finally wandering down her body and taking in the sight in front of him. His shirt fell down to the tops of her thighs and left her butt exposed as he placed his hands on her and placed a kiss on her forehead.
“I’ve missed this, you in my clothes. And what’s this?” His fingers flicked her nipple and she gasped. They had been pierced while he was on tour, but with all going on he had not had a chance to see them.
“Well, you’ve been ignoring me since we both came back. But I did it just for you.” She smiled as Ashton pressed his lips to her in a passionate kiss, his hands moving from her butt to her waist as the shirt was bundled up in his fists. She pulled at the small hairs that fell on the crook his neck as groaned and began to walk them towards the bedroom. The door swung open and he pushed her further until they were by the bed, undoing the buttons on the shirt. Cool air filled the room as he noticed all the doors were open, the moonlight adorning the room like it was in the living room.
“I love you.” Ashton whispered the words softly against her lips as his hands kneaded her breasts and she moaned, mumbling an ‘I love you’ back. It was soft and slow as he laid her on the bed. But she wanted something else. She removed herself from his hold and kneeled as she pushed him to sit on the bed after removing his clothes. Ashton sat naked in front of her and he felt shy all of a sudden, even though he had done this before plenty of times.
“Let me remind you what you’ve been missing out on.” Her small hands wrapped around his dick as he groaned and threw his head back. His hands were on his sides as he grasped the comforter when her tongue touched the tip, spreading the precum that had begun to spill out. Innocent eyes looked up at Ashton as she batted her eyelashes while she took him in all the way until she gagged, but continued to hold him in her mouth while she sucked in and her cheeks hollowed. After a few minutes, she began to bob her head, her hand taking what didn’t fit in her mouth. Ashton sighed again as she moved faster and brought him close to his orgasm, only to remove her mouth with a loud pop before he could finish.
“Shit.” He grunted as she pushed him further into the bed and straddled him, her hands taking his dick and gliding the tip on her folds as she teased him a little more before she sunk down on him and started a slow speed with rocking her hips. His arms wrapped around her and he buried his face in the crook of her neck as she moved.
To Ashtons surprise, her hands moved from his back to his chest before she pushed him down and held him on the bed with her hands on his upper chest near his neck. His eyes closed as he felt close to his orgasm again before she moved up and sank back down him. This was an image that he’d never forget, but a switch flicked on his head as he grabbed her by the neck and flipped them over so her back was on the bed and he was holding himself up with his hands around her neck gently.
“Baby needs to be reminded who’s boss, huh?” He grunted and thrust hardly as her back arched off the bed and she moaned. She smiled as Ashton continued his harsh thrusts, noticing the shape of his dick on her stomach. He moved one hand from her throat to her stomach as she wrapped her legs around his waist. This was what she missed. Ashton making love to her just like only he knew. The pleasure begin to build in the pit of her stomach as Ashton bottomed out once and thrust in hardly hitting her g-spot. He did this twice until she was moaning his name and her legs were shaking around him. The aftershock caused her to clench and Ashton came after her, the edging making him fall on top of her and moan loudly with shaking legs too.
His face fell on the crook of her neck and left kisses as she ran her hands on his neck and played with his hair while they caught their breath.
“I’m sorry I’ve been an asshole.” Ashton mumbled a couple minutes after.
“I forgive you, but don’t hide. I’m your lover, your girlfriend and most importantly your best friend. You can tell me anything.” She grabbed his face and smiled at him before placing a light kiss to his lips.
“You’re right. But not when you’re naked under me and I just want to fuck you.” She playfully slapped his shoulder as they laughed, Ashton attaching his lips to hers once more. The night continued with them wrapped in each other’s bodies under the blankets as Ashton made love to her again and again.
Tags: @slimthicccal @irwinkitten @haveiquitefinished @lashtonchesthair @ashtns @calumhampton @hotmessmichael @mistletoemichael @dweebluke @roselukes @rosecoloredash @angelbbycal @lukesflaredpants @norawashere @cosmocalum @uncrownedqueeen @heavenlyhemminqs
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