#little nightmares bellhop
rickety-house · 29 days
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attempted to make some sort of fake screenshot of like the LN universe but it’s a cartoon from the 60’s and it kinda worked but also didn’t
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here was my practice sheet. Drawing in a 60s esc style is kinda fun tbh
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thedivinebellhop1978 · 8 months
I hope you enjoy your stay at the maw...
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weirdoartist · 1 year
Questions for chubby bellhop?
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Seriously ask whatever you want
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queen0fm0nsterz · 7 months
As an avid little nightmares enthusiast, what are your serious beliefs on the often overlooks Wax Bellman? Any theories or headcanons?
Frankly? I don't really have anything.
Don't get me wrong -- I find it very sweet that the fandom has always tried to involve him into the fan content, making him part of the crew of the Maw even though he was cut in the end. Considering how involved he was in the marketing of the game up until 2016 we have good reason to believe that the guy was also beloved by the crew; he must have been a "last second" cut.
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(Pictures from the previously mentioned con.)
His situation is really a sad one because it would have been awesome to have him run around in the game. Would have made the runtime longer.
HOWEVER! His presence is still tangible in the Maw, in spite of him being gone. This is something I will gladly get into: bring little details to light is something I am very fond of doing.
We see him directly in a couple of paintings owned by the Lady, both in the Residence and in her own quarters. She has a habit of keeping pictures of her employees; this is a good indicator that he was on the Maw during her reign. Might be an obvious statement, but you never know with the Maw... In all of these instances, he is found hanging by his neck; considering his jack in the box is also in a room where a Nome is swinging aggressively on a lamp attached to a long wire, the "cord around neck" part is a prominent aspect of this character.
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((This is, most likely, one of the reasons why they ultimately cut him out. I cannot imagine how hard it would be to animate a guy walk around with a cord around his neck all the time. Adding to that, his face looks hard to model and keep consistent, so that's a point against him as well.))
Keeping his profession in mind, one could really call him a dog on a leash. A bellman is a person who helps the guests carry their luggage inside their place of residence and shares information about the establishment and its services. From what we can discern from the first painting, we can also see that this particular Bellman was also the one in charge of the booking and the tickets, so doing check ins and things of the like.
Generally, he'd be the one to look after the Guests more closely, which lines up with the traces of him we are left with...
You see, in the 2016 con, the Wax Bellman was shown hiding behind a two-way mirror. He could only be seen once the light was turned on, on his side of the mirror. Meaning that the two way mirror we see in LN 1 is most likely one of the places he would have resided in.
That in itself is not too obscene considering the other customs of the Maw, but the mirror is in a bathroom. And he has a chair. With toilet paper.
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... Yeah, uh. Very interesting, Tarsier Studios! 😁👍🏻
About Tarsier Studios, actually! This ask reminded me of something they said in regards to the Ferryman and the Wax Bellman. A few years back, LN twitter referred to the Bellman as "Ferryman"; for this reason, it was believed for a while that the two characters were either the same person, or that one replaced the other in the lore. This was confirmed to not be the case!
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(From this awesome interview! I suggest you go listen to it, because this screenshot is hard to read + it reveals a LOT of Maw lore!)
So we can finally put a stone on this lost soul. He is lost to time, but never forgotten. Keep the fan content of him coming!
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Gotta pick one of these here~
Even though I know lots of you have/had cooler jobs than these...
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thisheademptyyeet · 10 months
That one tiktok trend but as me and my wife Scarecrow <3
I WAS going to finish this but then got lazy af, maaybe I'll finish this but idk.
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thehotelpod · 7 months
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5.1 Merp and Burble
Our first Big Named Event arc! "BEHIND THE CURTAIN" which I'm almost certain I picked because we could do this cool ass curtain frame device. Izzy continues to bring the pain here with photo bashed curtains, a modified Madam Hotel horrifyingly cartooning about like bugs bunny to reveal our almost Trevor Henderson-like trail cam timelapse photo of Merp. He also gave me a number of color options on this one, maybe we'll have a section in The Guestbook Vol. II of bts sketches? I'll ask Izzy. This one holds a special place in my heart because Merp is, as devotees will recall, just Scary Slar.
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rest of the season under the cut! (it's long, you've been warned)
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5.2 It Watches and It Smiles
look! The curtain connects at the top! It's gonna be one long picture!
This monster was actually based on a 3 foot tall hard foam statue we had in our house growing up. It is actually scarier looking than you are imagining, made every one of my cousins cry, and is not only something I had nightmares about but also one of the main reasons so much of my horror is "something weird is Over There but looking at you". Full disclosure, one of the reasons I put this monster in this episode was so that Izzy would have to draw a postcard of it and maybe someone would recognize it and tell me what the hell it is because I have not so much as a single photograph of it. BUT then Izzy showed me this drawing, which almost completely hides the monster but it's just so so good I couldn't pass it up. The implied shape and DYNAMITE bloody palm fronds make this look so much like a 90s book cover I fell in love right away. We always try to keep those season and episode numbers in the postcards now too, but I think we forget sometimes?
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5.2 Nothing Can Kill That Which Glowers
LOOK AT THIS ONE. Madam Hotel rotting in the reflection of the bubble (she was supposed to show up more in those episodes and sort of be in the process of rotting but she ended up being a single light instead.), I'm crazy about the Owner here, Izzy loves to always keep a little monster in the mix when he draws the Staff. And miss Manager POPS like an 80s music video. Lot's of subtle layers and textures here that can get overlooked, but just like the lake the Owner sinks into, it deepens the longer you linger (did you find the episode number?)
I also like to remind everyone that 'That Which Glowers' is the Grimace and this episode title is a reference to the Clerks cartoon.
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5.4 We Are...Watching You...
But are you really LOOKING at it? Do you SEE Izzy's MIND? Lined up you get back to back Managers mirroring each other as well as Madam Hotel in the wings of the now completed curtains--these doubles ALSO frame what is hopefully implied to be the Lobby Boy's hand reaching for his Manager. All of this duality and connection not only reinforces what we know about the characters and show already but set up beautifully the new mirrors about to arrive...
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5.5 The Bellhop
THERE SHE IS! There's my goblin girl. You get the bloody vision of the Hotel as Hop sees it as well as the framing for a triptych of the New Crew, each on their own floor. The New Crew stands apart from the Staff in that they have canonical designs immediately, so there tends to be less variation on their fan designs. However there was like ONE WEEK or so before this episode dropped where people were drawing Hop ALL KINDS OF ways. She's one of my favorite designs Izzy's done for the show and I think it's partially because she looks a little like ET.
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5.6 The Concierge
Shut up. Shut UP. Look at those colors. Look at that face. Look at those shoulders. Look at those colors! THE COLORS DUKE! THE COLORS!!!! and those printing spots breaking up the lines, all layered over starlight?! It should be, at this point, very hard for Izzy to outdo himself but...he just keeps on outdoing it. We jump down a floor here and the Concierge has slightly more brick surrounding him than the Bellhop did so my pattern recognizers in the crowd can probably guess what's coming next--
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5.6 The Auditor
It's been pointed out that Aud has gotten the most detailed description of the main characters on the show. I try to always keep it vague so everyone can imagine whatever they like , but the Auditor is so weird I just wanted to play a little. I saw this scary looking, lonely monster begging to be seen in all white surrounded by nothing. Even the brick and mortar of the Hotel doesn't seem to want to be around her much. One thing I love about Izzy's work is how well he combines whimsy and fun with actual scary imagery. She looks really scary. That is a scary looking monster he drew.
I also think she kind of looks like this alien from Star Trek IV (hey look Star Trek showed up)
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5.9 Tenaj Druh - 004 Moor
Oh how I wish I could have a full set of New Crew postcards from Izzy seeing season 1 from a different perspective (for that matter I'd love a full set of season 1 from Izzy, but one thing at a time). Getting to not only see Janet Hurd, but see the NEW CREW checking her in is so so exciting. And the Manager's TV's re-imagined as giant bloody eyeballs is expressed to it's grossest perfection here. Even the Goosebumps frame is tinted sickly green. (the rest of the season also has Goosebumps frames but I'm trying to show off Izzy's art I want you all to have a good look)
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5.10 Tnurb Yrrah - 002 Moor
this one's bonkers. The Hubble's ultra deep field on the left, brains on the right but both halves of one face with the broken illusion between them that is just the building of the Hotel herself?? It's got poster folds and teeth for doors! This is a really stunning one that I feel like deserves a little more attention than it gets. Also maybe I spoke too soon on the Goosebumps frame, I don't...this one doesn't have one but maybe I just saved that file somewhere weird.
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This is i think the first one we did that had a Goosebumps frame baked in. You can see the 5 and 11 on the clock give us our season and episode number, but that gets a little lost on the printed version so here it is in all it's glory. Love to get to see Judy here her FACE is so EXPRESSIVE and sharp. Notice how Izzy does NOT draw her with a gap tooth. Is that gap battle damage, or some aesthetic flourish the Hotel likes for her bodies? You'd have to ask Izzy. Also love getting to see him draw the things in her furnace room, which are like huge and imply a much larger elevator inside the box. Always reinforcing that boundaries and rules do not apply at the Hotel
they are also based on the family from Mac and Me
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what the fuuuck?? why are they so scary??? why are they like that?? why did they make this movie this way?? I was a child!
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5.12 The Reaper's Envy
Finishing up the season is this gorgeous party poster that would be right at home in the 90s. Other than the colors (THE COLOR!) I want to point out the confetti that breaks out of the border that also quietly includes some vermin (all up top, letting your eye drift down to the New Crew being reflected in what hopefully everyone assumed was Judy Blashy's eye. Of course we know now who's eye that is and what it's connected to (nothing its nothing it got cut out)
And that's season 5. Now we have entered the @filthyguts desert and must wait once again for the rains to return. I've got new ideas for season 6 that are gonna completely change how we do the art for the show and maybe we can even squeeze some button designs out of him when we launch the next wave of stuff we're launching.
I've said it before and I'll say it again and again and 100 more times, but Izzy's art is a hugely important part of the show, a source of inspiration not only to the fans who listen but to me myself (especially in my lower moments) and I am so so happy that his art and his style has come to define the show.
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sweetspecterz · 2 years
Bellhop Lore Post <3
Unknown to those who don't look for the proper knowledge, there is a gate to another world in almost everyone's home. Many have probably heard in passing that mirrors are gates to the spirit world, while that's not exactly wrong it's far worse than most would imagine...
TWs (all mentions): Death, injury, waking nightmares.
Let me know if I should add others TWs.
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A world informally and simply referred to as "the mirror world" can be accessed through a ritual that turns a specific mirror into a gate. It's a disturbed, incorrect and dreamlike copy of our reality but it's not without its own inhabitants... Most of these inhabitants seem like vile, violent, barbaric and primitive insect like monsters who don't know of many means of communication and their only worry is food. That ends up being anything they can get their hands on, which tends to be whatever poor soul stepped through the mirror.
Very few of these monsters have some obvious intelligence, and even fewer see trespassers as more than food. For centuries a certain monster has been dedicated to altering its appearance to appear human in order to communicate with the funny little creatures without terrifying them. With lots of hard work he finally comes off as a... passable imitation of a human. This monster of course, is Bellhop. His mimicking needs a lot of work, his appearance still absolutely going into uncanny valley territory and his voice sounding artificial. He also can not change the colors of his body, which does not help his case. Along with that, as much as he can change his appearance he can not change his experiences or senses. His sense of taste, smell and sight are very skewed and different from humans no matter how hard he tries he can not rewire that. He sees colors unimaginable to humans, favors what we would consider extremely bitter or sour flavors, and pleasant smells often overwhelm him. He can not experience pain the same way humans can, it's simply extreme discomfort to him if he gets injured. His curiosity is endless and insatiable. it wants to know everything about how humans work, the things they've accomplished, and just generally how they live day to day. Just because he has an interest in humans doesn't mean he will immediately go out of his way to protect every single one that steps through the mirror. Unless they last long enough to become a true friend of his, he only cares for their answers to his questions and ability to tell him more. It takes time for him to care about someone as a person. While more sensitive and passive compared to other monsters, he does not care if strangers get hurt even if it's right in front of him. It doesn't bother him. Though there is one notable person who was brave enough to come through the mirror even knowing the risks who he's become extremely attached to. Morgan (who is owned by the lovely @livingcarrion <3) is someone who not only answered all of Bellhop's questions with answers he was more than happy with, she invited him into the human world which was something he was ecstatic about. Their friendship quickly grew into something that is definitely considered a lot more, while Bellhop can't exactly feel love or fondness the same that humans can he definitely has feelings for her he doesn't feel for anyone or anything else. He's not quite sure how human romance works but he tries and also often shows affection in his own weird way. She's become the only person he's protective over.
There's another, more unfortunate person cursed to experience the mirror world every night. Ezekiel, a paranoid college student who's made somewhat of an ally out of Bellhop. He is unable to die in this dream like state in the mirror world, cursed to die over and over again but never truly be released until morning. Due to Ezekiel's inability to die in the mirror world, Bellhop does not seem too concerned about his wellbeing because he does not fully understand how extremely traumatic that is to a human's mind. With Bellhop's access into the human world with Morgan's help, he will likely learn so much more about humanity. He would like to live in the human world for some time, not knowing that could possibly cause issues for him if he ever decides to go back into the mirror world. If any other monsters with intelligence in the mirror world knew of this decision, he'd likely he shunned from ever coming back.
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dark-ink-drinker · 2 years
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I've heard a lot of TJ Klune this year and he's been on just about ever 'must read' list I've seen, almost always The House in the Cerulean Sea. I found Under The Whispering Door first and the themes of that one appealed to me more. Even halfway through the year, The Whispering Door remains my most favorite book of 2022. But the writing, style, characterizations, and themes made me want to read more so The House in the Cerulean Sea was the obvious next choice.
I've mentioned before that fantasy/sci-fi/magic/supernatural/outside the relm of the real world (with the exception of vampires) are not really my thing. But I've also mentioned that I've been trying to branch out a little and try new things. Part of what TJ Klune-- and Adam Silvera in the past-- does that makes me as a reader feel comfortable about branching out is that it feels like real world with little magical hints. Outside of these key details, everything about the world he's built and the characters is just... normal. They love, work, feel, die. There isn't some great mythos you have to learn or subscribe to or a new world with politics and systems you have to learn. Not that there is anything wrong with those things either-- there's something special about watching an author build a whole new world from scratch. And there's a huge market for that-- but its a little daunting for someone like me. I want to dip my toe in, not jump in the deep end.
Under the Whispering Door was all about death and what happens after. The House in the Cerulean Sea in some ways is the complete opposite, in that it's about people outside of society's norms trying to live the best life they can... and people lost in the mundane repetitive everyday life trying to find something to live for. The book is about Linus Baker-- a quiet, lonely 40 year old man. His whole life is working for an organization who is charged with keeping track of magical beings. Linus is a case worker who spends his whole life going to orphanages for magical being and making sure they are cared for properly, closing down the one who aren't doing what they're supposed to do. He doesn't worry what happens to the children after he closes one down, that's for management. He doesn't get too close or build personal connections, because it could skew his opinions. Work is everything. There are no loves, no friends, no social life. The closest he has to a friend is his cat, who other than food seems not to care much whether he's there or not.
The insecure, angsty soul in me relates to Linus on so many levels. Early on in the book, it says: "He'd accepted long ago that some people, no matter how good their heart was or how much love they had to give, would always be alone." and "It was just that he felt... dimmer than others. Like he was faded... he wasn't meant to be seen."
In the book, The Extremely Upper Management assign Linus to a secret mission to go investigate a level 4 orphanage and more importantly the man running it, Arthur Parnassus. Everything is shroud in secrecy and heavily redacted files. The children there are different from any he has ever met before, and he's used to magical beings. A lady garden gnome, Talia, who is over 200 years old but still considered a child in her species; a forest sprite, Phee, who is distant and loves trees more than people; Sal, a skittish young boy who turns into a Pomeranian when frightened who has been through a lot in his young years; Theodore, a wyvern who values buttons more than gold and family even more than that; Chauncy, who no one knows what he is that wants nothing more than to be a bellhop (he tugged my my heartstrings so hard); and the one who terrifies everyone but his fellow orphans and caretakers, Lucy, a six year old antichrist child, capable of all the worst things but who loves music and cooking and cries when the nightmares of where he was born break through his mind.
At first, Linus is determined to keep his distance but its too hard to not fall for these little children who had been abandoned and forgotten by the rest of the world... and maybe how handsome and charming Arthur isn't doesn't hurt. Linus world before was nothing but grey and rain but here on the island is color and richness and the family Linus didn't realize he was missing. He bands with the island to change the minds of the residents of the island, the world, and the Department in Charge Of Magical Youth.
The characters are rich and well rounded, complicated and complex. They make you life and cry and hope for them in ways that is hard to find in most books. I will admit that after reading, I found some reviews on goodreads that weren't very flattering about what may have inspired the book. According to these reviews at some point TJ Klune mentioned reading the Sixties Scoop which was something that happened in Canada where indigenous children were taken from their homes and put into government-sanctioned schools, with the goal of white families to adopt them. As an American, I never learned about this and because I didn't find out until after I read, I haven't done any research about it. I would never pretend to know how horrific that must have been for generations of indigenous people or the lasting effects that resonate today. The reviews I read were not happy about him using something so horrific and turning it into a magical, whimsical tale. And I understand and don't judge those people for being offended... and I wanted to mention it in the review because I wouldn't want someone blindsided by it later. But I also wanted to voice that I didn't see it that way... fully admitting that I may not see it that way because I'm so far removed from the situation and its after-effects. For me, as a reader and a writer, often times ideas for a story come from unusual places; reading or watching something that moves us or enrages us, sparks an idea. There are plenty of dystopian style books that are written based off very scary things happening in the world or that have already happened and either reimagining them in a different setting, modernizing them, or imagining what would happen if they went to the extreme.
I personally think this book has themes that carry over into our lives right now-- about how people can be ostracized and isolated just for not being who we want them to be... not being exactly like us. In the book its magical, mutant-like children who grow into magical mutant-like adults... but it could be used as a metaphor for people of different races, genders, sexual preferences, religions; people with disabilities or ailments we can't understand, people who look different or think different or speak different or don't speak at all. Its about seeing past the differences to realize we're all human and we all hurt and cry and love, we all yearn for acceptance. to be wanted. The book talks about learning to accept and welcome everyone not despite the differences but because of them, seeing differences and strengths rather than weaknesses. And I think that's beautiful. And however, you can tell that story, teach that lesson, to get people to listen and not repeat the mistakes of the past is a good thing. And I think people who feel ostracized or different could read this book and know people are always going to be there to fight for them. But maybe that's me being too privileged or too naive.
"Change often starts with the smallest of whispers, Like-minded people building it up into a roar."
"But it's funny right?" "What is?" "That there's so much hope even when it doesn't feel like it."
Anyway, I loved the characters in this story. They're sweet and a little broken and heartbreaking in the very best of ways which is always my favorite. And if you can get passed the controversy tied to the book, it's really worth the read. TJ Klune's writing is amazing. His world and characters break me and make me cry but also make me laugh and hope.
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bcllbcy · 3 days
Continued from: X with @drunkcommuting
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Misha smiled as he understood that Gallagher probably wouldn't be good at easing the boy's troubles but the bellhop greatly appreciates his dear friend as he rubbed at his eyes, a little yawn escaping as he spoke.
"...I'm so sorry Mister Gallagher...my dreams keep becoming nightmares and I didn't know who else to turn to...no one seems to notice me but you...*yawn sorry*.."
He slowly replies as he couldn't stop rubbing his eyes, it felt like the world was spinning as his body sways back and forth little by little.
---- 🛎⚙ ----
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briskofmisery · 9 months
TW: Death, depression
“I'm a slave to my emotions, to my likes, to my hatred of boredom, to most of my desires.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise
I’ve gotten used to how hushed promises whispered that clouded skies would soon be covered by a blanket of white flakes, like tales of disappointment and desires that filled with life’s dualities. The air turned crisp from the touch of the first frost, creating a tapestry of black stars that painted stories of galaxies and dreams. I could hear faint cries echoing in the silent night, chasing midnight’s breath.
Perhaps, in the end, I’ve turned prisoner in this slow dance to a most sorrowful death. The vicarious starvation clung to me like a delirious melody between stars and constellations in the sky. Nightmares have a clever way of keeping me from surrendering to tiredness; each breath I take became a departure from the very mortality I had been seeking. Instead, I find myself trapped beneath the weight of this lifeless illusion, yearning for a glimmer of hope.
The sound of glass shattering had become familiar, as my mother’s cries enveloped me in her distress, baring her soul to me as she fell apart at the seams. Sweet and endearing, yet too cruel for her own good, she had painted me as the martyr, deluding me into believing I was the savior steering the course to my personal doom. But I was nothing more than entangled within her intricate strings.
In the stillness, both body and mind succumbed to the somber haze of sanctified air, as her silhouette emerged like a ghost in the wind. A devilish creature turning sweet dreams into fragile whispers. The strong scent of decaying flowers in springtime concealed the notion of death my mother left behind, petals fallen across cold cement floors. Her laugh was like a bloody mirage — A haunting sonnet, orchestrating nostalgic reveries from when I was young. But her ignorance and youth got the best of her, my mother. I thought by autumn, I’d resigned myself to the guilt and betrayal she left behind in her wake. As December embraced its first snowfall, darkness loomed over every one of us, strands of detrimental haze ruining our paths.
“You don't want to make a scene,” My mother punctuated each word softly, as the afterglow from the living room cast a shadow over our heads. Autumn’s golden, crisp leaves hid the harsh aroma of death, her stern tone reminding the heavy rain that follows the changing hues of mid-October. “Please, Mother, if a scene was what you were avoiding, then perhaps you wouldn't have fucked the bellhop in the supply closet like a dirty, little whore.”
“Darling, how does it feel, to be nothing but a disappointment?”
I confess. I’m a pagan for the good times, beneath the cosmic illusion of anticipation. An envelope of catastrophe that hardly existed before. But words are like daggers to the heart when there is nowhere left to escape to — nowhere except a labyrinthine garden of death, separated by taunting whispers and closed doors in the night. Isolated by hearts where once-vibrant flowers now withered amidst the changing seasons.
Her abrasive shadow cast itself as a moth to a now broken flame. “You’re such a Goddamn fool, Elliott,” She slurred after a few too many glasses of whiskey, causing a glass sculpture my father bought at an Upper West Side auction to collapse, the sound reverberating through Mother’s annual Christmas party. She had always been mine to lose – A dead girl walking. Deep down, I wished to put her out of her depraved misery just this once. Then I could prevent myself from any defiled agony. Perhaps of all the hushed lullabies, the ones I told her were my deepest regrets.
Hope is a myth in this bed I made just for me. I slip further into my subconscious, the taste of guilt and decay lingering on my tongue. I caused these shattered delusions, a promise of panic and disillusionment.
Dreams can easily be disguised as nightmares if we surrender our minds to them. The mind’s detachment can lead to unspeakable things when you least expect them to. Yet, she continued to haunt my dreams, even long after her passing. I tried to drown in a kaleidoscope of snow-draped pine that decorated the wintry winds – Self-destruction and ill-fated misery. A cruel creature of habit. Yet, the envelope of fading flower petals brought a perpetual coldness, a consequence of my impudence. Violent terrors returned, shortly after the weight of reality took hold. I was no angel myself; I was the product of my mother’s cries for help.
Leaves wore a fresh coat of white frost, while bare trees hung icicles as though they have grown weary after a long day’s work. A moment when the forest fire has departed, and there is a rebirth of hopeful festivities.
“Elliott, wake up, it smells of snow.”
I awake on the edge of delirium, breaking free from an eternal dance with death in my dreams. Hands soaked in blood, the taste of guilt and decay lingered as illusions of muffled gunfire that felt an awful lot like a bad dream. I’d managed to keep my mind at bay until then, chasing the midnight air forever as if it was to be the final breath I’d take. Her blood spilled stains the tile floor, corrupting the air with a metallic scent. Red bloodshot eyes burned from the glare of flashing lights when I took a deep breath. A stranger in the eyes of the beholder.
I stood up, finding myself trapped in the confines of these four walls. I ruffled through the printed pages of my sins, before sprinting outside where I was greeted by the white skyline and the smell of snow – this season I used to call home. Memories of snow angels and Upper West Side dreams enveloped me, a reality that had become a nightmare. Yet still, it was mine.
“Elliott, what the hell are you doing?” The sound of a woman’s voice is engraved in my mind, gradually harping off to a cross dissolve. I stared out the front door, the coldness seeping through my flared-up nostrils in surprise when the blackness consumed me. “It’s not even Christmas morning yet. Don’t you want to open your presents?”
I don’t remember there being laughter or Mother’s angel wings. It was the first snowfall of the season, a mere pull of autumnal grace that had allowed winter to begin. And all I remember is how she cried in vain.
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rickety-house · 5 months
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swag ass bellhop fit by @didsomebodysayjusteat
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thedivinebellhop1978 · 8 months
Hello :D who are you? I never saw someone like you before, nice suit!
"I am the bellhop of this divine ship called the maw, my appearance may be shocking but don't let that stop you from asking for help.. and thank you, all uniforms are provided by the wonderful lady aka our boss. I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay.."
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weirdoartist · 1 year
Yandere bellhop
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horrorartist23 · 2 years
Ok so Im a big fan of the little nightmares comic ,,With eyes unclouded" and have been activly reading it aswell. And now since im a fan I kinda wanted to reimagine the fight scene between the Mirror Man and Wax Bellman but with my own little take on it. That being Symbiote Bellman. Uhm yeah I hope ya like it.
The comic is made by @thecreatorseye
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Wanna rap battle the wax bellman over the girlfriends dad? feel free to use it (there is some few errors but other then that its good enough I guess. he be shakin bruh XD if you want you can edit it and improve it just credit me if you publish a FNF gameplay with him UwU (I really wanna see mono rapping his pants off XD)
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