Lorian sighs, putting an arm around her and patting her back. "Thanks." He means it, too. There's nothing easy about their situation but at least she's been patient and understanding with them.
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velcoriaexploration · 7 years
(The nine months after Merrin and Verit’s “bath time” were rocky…)
do the parents have one child or are there twins, triplets, etc.? Twin Boys
what do the parents name the baby(ies)? Bremin and Elovar Naïlo
did the parents discuss other names, too? Yes, but naming didn’t take place till a naming ceremony two weeks later.
how do they decide on the name(s)? Merrin named the smaller, weaker, twin after his Paladin instructor from almost 350 years prior because of the fight he had to stay alive the baby went through.
what would the child have been named if they had been the opposite sex? Eliyra, Keliri
did the parents find out the sex during pregnancy or is it a surprise? No tech like that is available in the world of Velcoria at this time.
were there any complications in the pregnancy? Hyperemesis gravidarum and preclampsia during gestation and and perineal tearing and postpartum hemorrhage  due to a difficult delivery
which parent carried the baby? Verit
how easy was it for them to conceive? Conceiving wasn’t an issue
was the child carried to term? They were delivered a month early
did the parents deliver in a hospital, at home, or somewhere else? The Temple of Varina in Arbor Station
did the delivery go according to plan? No. Nobody expected the complications Verit went through or having to resuscitate Bremin after he was delivered. If it wasn’t for the clerics and Merrin, the little one and his mother would’ve died.
did the parents have any daily rituals (reading to their belly, etc.)? Dealing with Verit’s weakened condition most of the pregnancy, talking to the babies, and lots of praying to Varina on Merrin’s part.
do the parents have a baby shower? Not really, “Felix” and Tarhun got some baby gifts though. And Lancaster was actually nice for once. At least for that day… 
what about a babymoon? Even if that were a thing, Verit would’ve been too sick to travel.
how supportive was the other parent during the pregnancy? Very
which parent worried the most and which one was chill? Merrin was definitely the worrier
which parent left pregnancy books all over the house and which didn’t touch them? If they existed? Verit would’ve. If only to keep Merrin occupied.
is the child a good sleeper? Bremin sleeps well, Elovar tends to be a night owl
how often does the child cry? Bremin and Elovar cry about the same as any normal baby
which parent finds it easier to get them to stop? Verit
how does the child behave at bath time? Bremin gets fussy if his head gets wet, and Elovar is rambunctious and a splasher. Giving him a bath is a two parent job. One to bathe, the other to catch him once he learned to walk.
what is the child’s first word? Their first word was Mama
how bad do the child’s diapers smell and which parent has the misfortune of changing them? The Nine Hells, and both once Verit got healthy again.
which parent has a harder time adapting to their new role? Merrin
just how terrible are the terrible twos? Bremin would’ve probably not been so bad if he didn’t follow his older twin’s example… And multiple kids tends to mean that if they are silent, they are planning something.
does the child go to day care? if they do, how old are they when they start? There is a nice young half-orc woman down at the bakery named Tai Amblecrown who looks after them if they have to go out of town or on a date night.
if the child doesn’t go to day care, who says home to look after them?Verit is a stay at home mom
which parent babyproofs the house? Verit
which parents designs the baby room? Genevieve aka “Felix”
which parent is more likely to give in to tantrums? Verit. Merrin doesn’t mind disciplining inappropriate behavior quickly and sternly.
is the child spoiled with toys? They’re barely what could be considered “middle class”, so any toys were made by Genevieve. (in a fantasy renaissance time period setting)
which parent does the potty training? Both
which parent has to take them outside to hose them down after a particularly nasty diaper? Both
which parent do they take after more? Merrin, but Bremin is a total momma’s boy.
what habits do they pick up from their parents? Elovar likes to imitate his father, and Bremin is starting to show signs of arcane magic abilities like his mother.
how often is the parents’ date night now? About once a month
who babysits when the parents go out? Tai Amblecrown. Genevieve was given a chance once…. and they came back to blue and orange children with a pink and green babysitter. Verit hasn’t let Genevieve around the children without supervision since.
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jenessa-mercier · 7 years
Send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it [Accepting!]
1) Jenessa is unaware of the terror Javed aka the Chess Master is unleashing on the world from the shadows due to the first branch of pawns having been considered outdated and is kept close at hand within Javed’s fortress. 2) Unlike her sister, her powers are all still accessible to her but with the torture she received after Valkyrie’s disappearance, she is prone to emotional outbursts and has been fitted with low level suppression bracelets. 3) Jenessa or the Wraith is unaware her twin/sister is even alive, having been told by her father/Javed that she died during a routine procedure. Given the nature of Ethereals, this makes it difficult to prove as their body tends to disintegrate after death. 4) Given the strength of the first generation of Pawns from Javed’s work, Jenessa sits on a higher level than most other Pawns under the employ of the Chess Master although she has no thoughts of betrayal to him, only seeking his approval and following his orders. 5) Jenessa is abysmally uneducated about the outside world and as with most Pawns without human contact, does not know how body language works or what the significance behind motions are. 
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// Put a flower in Adrian’s hair [x] - Still accepting! //
The great cathedral of Anor Londo fills with comfortable silence as the flickering candle flames wash the two sorcerers in warm, soft orange and yellow light. In order for the much shorter sorceress to place the deep blue flower in his hair, Adrian kneels as he gives her a warm and gentle smile. After she weaves the stem in with his waves, he slowly rises, and gives her a respectful bow of his head, completing the act by briefly taking off his Pharis’s Hat. Once it returns to his head, he speaks to her, his voice pleasant, melodic.
“Thank you, Verit. I hear you are the newest inducted recruit, yes?”
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Lost Little One (closed with littleverit)
Nyssa’s life was routine for the most part; scavenging for herbs and fungi, hunting, treating the occasional pyromancer who sought her out. She had grown accustomed to the relative silence of her home, the insects and beasts never bothering her due to her magic. It was peaceful most times and the lamia found herself wondering if she might have a guest, the shaman chewing on a bit of honeycomb thoughtfully.  The sound of heavy splashes drew her attention, her spear raising instantly and the sigils upon her skin igniting. Gazing out at her surroundings, Nyssa swallowed her mouthful of food and slithered outside. She had learned of a few hunters who had prowled the swamp, looking for beasts to slay for bounties and the shaman had no intentions of being taken by surprise.  @littleverit
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“Have we met before?”
At her question, the dragonslayer remained silent for an instant, paying very close attention to her voice to see if it rang any bells. From behind his own enigmatic mask he observed her attire, simultaneously hoping to spot any kind of gesture she made, all with no results. “In all honesty, I cannot tell for sure. I do not recognize you, miss, but that may very well just be the effectiveness of your mask.
If they truly had not met before, then there was no chance for her to know who he was. The only clue would be his height, which was not as impressive among his own kind, and the colour of his long, braided hair, visible on the front thanks to a few locks. And even then, many still considered it to be a plume attached to his helmet. His long-sleeved white shirt was not reminiscent of his golden armour in the slightest.
He too grew curious about her, and so he spoke. “There is a simple question that can let us find out, of course, unless you would rather not answer it. Would you give me your name?”
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2: all over kiss
(Not explicit, but NSFW to warrant a readmore.)
Exploration always ranks as one of Laurentius’ favorite things to do--whether for reasons for awareness and safety or his insatiable curiosity. 
With Verit laid bare before him on the bed, he’s discovered a new place he wants to explore, as it happens. He starts with a relatively chaste kiss on her lips before he begins further down, searching out all the spots he can find to elicit noises of pleasure from her...
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Send me “🌸“ for my muse’s reaction to yours giving them a Valentine’s bouquet!
While he was spoken for, and his feelings for Rosalind very clear, the act from Verit was not misunderstood.  She was pure and innocent; one truly deserving of a home in the gods’ golden city. 
“Thanks,” he said, grinning softly. 
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It had been a month and a half since his brother had been unceremoniously wedded to a meek noble girl he’d never met, and Lothric was getting increasingly suspicious of her father, the man who’d orchestrated it. Lorian had continued to treat her as a guest, letting her use his bedroom while he slept in Lothric’s as usual, and the man’s patience was clearly wearing thin. 
Something had to be done, and while Lorian did not want to risk Verit’s safety, Lothric had no such reservations. He was too sneaky, and it’s a simple matter to find a time when sir Mercier was occupied and teleport directly into his quarters.
Lothric wastes no time going through his things, looking in his dresser drawers and through the contents of his desk. Magpie-like, he can’t help but snatch a couple pieces of jewelry, but of the most interest is the journal he finds in the desk drawer. He pages through with stiff, trembling fingers, and it quickly becomes apparent Lorian had to see this... as did lady Verit. 
They couldn’t wait too long. The man would realize his journal was missing, so they give themselves only a short time to look over it before Lorian goes to fetch her, having her sit with them on the vast, curtained sea of Lothric’s daybed. 
“You’re just like me...” Lothric murmurs, as Lorian was still trying to figure out how to put such a nasty revelation. “You’re a science experiment.”
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vitorofthescaleless · 8 years
Attentive for one. You learn what you are taught, and so far as I am able, I wish to help you channel that pain you hide within yourself into a greater strength, whether it be of spirit or visceral in your spells. I do not know the burden which you carry, but you will overcome it by virtue of character. I’m certain of it.
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londor-hound · 8 years
(ɔ ˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ c)
Aster grinned gently as he ran a hand through the smaller one’s hair whilst humming a short tune quietly to the both of them. He tucked some of the locks of her hair behind her ear. 
“How have you been my little dove? It has been quite some time since we last met” the Londorian male’s thumb ran along her cheek. “I have missed you.”
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jenessa-mercier · 7 years
Your opinion on your sister.
Send " your opinion on _____" and my muse will answer.
“You mean the young woman I have spent my life protecting and will continue to do? I love her more than life itself and she is as precious to me as the day she came into this world. This question shouldn’t have needed to be asked.”
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Verit quietly snuggles up to the pyromancer, wrapping her arms around his midsection and tucking her head down against his chest to listen to his heartbeat.
He sleepily loops an arm around her shoulders, and, still half-dozing, rests his chin on top of her head.
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Show an appreciation for animals and other living things. Being casually cruel to birds or insects or even plants is a great way to get them both to instantly dislike you. Lorian is one of those people who loves having his hair brushed and played with.
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vitorofthescaleless · 8 years
The channeler would find a small sorceress leaned against him, arms wrapped around him in a tight hug - certainly tighter than one would expect from her lithe frame. A light hum escapes her, but she's otherwise silent.
He says nothing but pulls his pupil into the embrace, wrapping his arms tightly around her. A light sigh escapes his troubled face, but he smiles none the less. He keeps her there for a long while before bowing his head, eyes shut, and wordlessly releasing her from his grasp.
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londor-hound · 8 years
Aster felt the tap on his shoulder and spun around, only to be immediately met with the sorceress’ soft lips upon his. Lips curling into a smile Aster leaned into her wrapping his arms firmly around her waist and pulling her closer. He didn’t dare break the embrace for some time until he needed to pause to take a breath.
“Why hello.”
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