#liu calls ben his younger brother
darkpeacemusic · 1 year
Jeff, t-posing in the doorway with Ben on his shoulders: Greetings, our brotheren.
Liu, not looking up from his coffee: Good morning, troublesome brothers.
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fandomfollowerart · 2 years
Woods Brothers AU
Based off this video! If you scroll down you can see me debating the idea. Sorry if this isn’t great I just browsed for grammar errors and didn’t really re-read it I sat on my bed, staring up at the ceiling while music blared through my headphones. I did this a lot when I was bored with nobody to talk to. E.J and Ben were out on a mission and Liu was who knows where. It was still- a bit weird, my relationship with my brother, he still cast a few snide remarks my way but- it was mostly civil, and it was nice… Nice that my brother was alive, nice that we were actually getting along, and nice to be back being as normal as we both could be. Granted… it didn’t stop the guilt that still swarmed me at the sight of the scars I’d left on his life and his body. It didn’t stop the nightmares that still plagued me of that night. It didn’t stop the constant thoughts of ‘I don’t deserve this.’ But that was fine. That was karma for everything I’d done to him. I still had my brother, and he didn’t completely hate me. I was pulled from my thoughts as my headphones were pulled from my ears only to meet Liu’s gaze as he smiled at me. It became much easier to tell between him and Sully since we started getting along. “I swear if you keep listening to your music this loud you’re going to blow your ear drums.” I snatched them away from him, but shut off the music. “If you hear how much E.J chastises me for how much I get injured and ‘Jeff it’s a stupid idea to fight a God’, you’d want to lose your hearing too. Anyways, what did you need?” I asked, sitting up. He laughed but spoke up, “Well, I found this really cool place out in the woods, perfect for stargazing, and wanted to ask you to come see it with me. Ya know, spend some- brotherly time together.” I hardly hesitated, quickly agreeing. When we were younger we did it a lot. When one of us couldn’t sleep we’d go outside together to the backyard and just stare at the sky. He’d gotten me a book on the constellations one year and we both had a blast with it. It sent a wave of emotions remembering those times. Happiness that we were getting back to it, but sadness and guilt at what I had given up. I took a deep breath, pushing the thoughts aside and standing up. “Let’s get going.” —————I ran through the woods, after Liu as he had decided to run ahead, challenging me to a race. Due to how out of the blue it was and my feet decided to find every tree root, I was falling behind, having to rely on the broken twigs and footprints left behind. I eventually made it to what I assumed was the clearing he was talking about, but he was nowhere to be seen. I called out to him, only gaining no reply. “Go to sleep, Jeffery.” Before I could even process what was said, or figure out who the voice even belonged to, something hit me over the head. Hard. I fell to the ground from the force and lost the fight to keep conscious. Everything faded to black.—————Ugh… my head… What ha- The memories flooded back to me. Liu’s offer, chasing him through the woods, someone hitting me over the head… The room I was in was dimly lit by a shitty pull string lightbulb but I was able to make something out. 3 figures, 1 sat in the corner in shadow and the other two I recognized quickly, even in my slightly dazed state. Jane and Nina. I tried to lunge at them, trying to grab my knife. That was quickly stopped by the restraints they had me in. Handcuffs attached to chains stuck to the wall. Shit… this wasn’t good… The attempt earned a giggle from all of them. I had to get out of this. I wasn’t dying here. I kept struggling. “Alright assholes let me go! Or are you too scared to fight me head-on?” I taunted, trying to rile them both up. I’d deal with the shady person after I got out of these stupid chains. They both glared at me, but I gave them no chance to speak. “Awww, you are scared.” Jane took a step towards me, pulling out her knife. “Let’s just get this over with. This f**ker’s getting on my last nerve.” she hissed, taking another step. The figure in the corner moved quickly, putting a hand on Jane’s shoulder. Liu….? No. No this had to be Sully. It hated me since we first met after all with no sign of giving me a chance as my brother did. “Relax Jane, don’t want to spoil this too soon, right? We agreed to let him suffer for what he did, didn’t we?” Nina pipped up in agreeance, gripping her own weapon as she glared at me. “Let me go.” I hissed, grabbing the other two’s attention. As they both turned to me, I noticed something. See- one of the easiest ways to tell Liu apart from Sully was the earrings they had on that switched depending on who’s in control. And right now… they were green… “Liu…?” I said, barely above a whisper. He-... N-no he- he said he was willing to try. He said he was willing to fix things! “How- H-how could…-” Liu laughed. Full on laughed. Like I had either said the funniest thing or I was a complete idiot. Probably the latter- He stepped closer to me. Kneeling down to my level on the ground and quickly composed himself. “How could I do this? I would think you’d have been smarter than that. Why would I ever forgive you? You ruined my life.” The words were like a punch to the gut. Sure… I had the thoughts myself. But hearing them come from his mouth hurt more than anything I’d been doing to myself. I stared up at him, all the feelings I’m sure reflecting on my face. “You… betrayed me….?” He stood, stepping back to stand with the two girls. “Of course I did! Look at us. Look at the people you’ve ruined. What did any of us do to you, huh?” I felt like crying in all honesty. The waves of guilt washed over me. Actually- it felt like being run over by a truck. “I’m sorry… I didn’t-” “Save your breath.” Liu stated, a threatening tone to his voice, “To be honest, I don’t care about your apologies. You will, and always will be, a monster and a murderer.” I lowered my head, keeping my mouth shut. What else could I do…? It hurt… being backstabbed, but- wasn’t that what I’d done all those years ago to him? My past actions had finally caught up with me, and this was the consequence. I deserved this. Especially from Liu.
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beebubb · 3 years
Creepypastas headcanons that hurt me
Even though he's an asshole and a jackass, he never bullies anyone to the extent of actually hurting someone's feelings, Sense he knows what it feels to be bullied
Had diagnosed ADHD but his parents (especially his dad) never took him to get proper help and left him untreated.
Always pretended to not care about his brother liu but he actually misses him a lot and sometimes even feels bad for killing him sense liu was the one to always make him feel better when he was bullied and never judged him when his face got messed up
When he knew liu was alive and now lived in the underworld, he acted like it was no big deal but he desperately wanted to look for him, but at the same time he didn't want to see him sense he didn't even know what to say.
When he finally saw liu, at first he was just in shock. He NEVER cries. He's been through a lot (physically and mentally) but he had never cried, but seeing his brother again, immediately broke him down.
Smile is kinda like his emotional support pet.
He hasn't cried but when he feels bad, he just hugs smile for literally hours.
Has a huge fear of water.
Some of the pastas have wanted to make pool parties before but usually slender doesn't let it happen sense he knows ben would be left out and wouldn't be able to enjoy anything
He has tried to overcome but always gets really bad panic attacks
His panic attacks are worse when he doesn't mentally prepare himself for something.
When his panic attacks are really bad he feels like he can't breathe and it worsens the attack even more sense it reminds him of when he was drowning. He shakes a lot and sometimes just sobs and cries loudly while covering himself with his hands.
Jeff is his best friend, and he usually hugs him when his attacks are bad
The best way to calm him down is by physical contact. So holding him close and reassuring him that he's ok, helps him a lot.
He hangs out with the girls (sherry, nina, clockwork, jane, amelie, amari, sally) because he feels like they remind him of his sister.
I feel like his sister would do his hair into tiny baby ponytails when they were younger, so he's happy when sally does that too
Sense masky is the oldest there, he kinda sees him as an older brother. Which is why he's always messing with him and annoying him, sense he misses being a little brother
He's actually really mature but refuses to act as it. He feels like he lost his childhood and could never enjoy it. He became more happy living with the pastas sense he feels like they're a family, so now that he's happier, he wants to enjoy it
Sense jane is the most mature and has more of a motherly feeling, he has accidentally called her "mom" before
He's the oldest out of everyone, and has been around with slenderman before slender started taking in apprentices. But when slender started training future proxies, it was his job to train them too sense he was the first ever proxy (along with hoodie/brian) and had more experience. He had grown to care for many apprentices sense he liked seeing them really determined to become great proxies. But what many didn't know, was that at becoming a proxy, it came with a lot of responsibilities and even risking your life. Some of the apprentices became proxies, but were soon killed by zalgoids or kidnapped (the zalgo war was active). So masky has seen many deaths.
He was used to death sense his job is literally killing along with other things but, seeing people from his own crew be killed or kidnapped and to never be found again, really devastated him
Even though he rarely admits it, hoodie/brian and toby keep him sane.
Even though he gets really annoyed with toby's pranks or actions, he still cares for him and reminds him of the more simple things in life, including hoodie/brian
He's actually kinda insecure about his age (i imagine him being around his 30's)
He actually loves the idea of finding someone, getting married, and have a family, but he usually avoids relationships sense usually many girls turn him down for being "too old"
She has huge abandonment issues and always looks for praise
Even though he just seemed like a crazy fangirl to jeff. She actually seeked validation and love from him in order to feel better abour herself
She has moved on from her obsession for jeff but it's hard for her to find someone without obsessing for them too
Ever sense she was sexually abused when she was younger, it's been really hard for her to trust anyone and have a proper sexual life, sense she always feels in danger and feels like she's going to be hurt
When something happens or when she's going through a lot of pain (physically and emotionally) and cries, the first thing she says is "i want my mom!" or "i wish my mom was here.."
She has nothing against religion and respects all religions but she hated her own catholic religion sense her family would always shame her and push her to do things she didn't want to do just because she "needed to please god"
Has a huge sense of justice and always makes it her job. Even though she works as a proxy and has to kill people, she would never kill animals or children
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booksncoffee · 4 years
get lonely with me, two
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the one with the chemistry test
“Are you kidding me?” He laughs as he pulls away from the hug, brows furrowing slightly. Iris loves that sound. Used to feel like she managed to move mountains if she made him laugh. “This is great. I’m so glad it’s you.”
Iris was ten years old when she landed her first acting job. She still remembers the audition tape she did for that movie, the months long auditions she went through alone and with the cast, and more than anything, she remembers how thrilled she was when she got the role.
Her first acting job was, coincidentally, for a romantic comedy. The same movie genre she auditioned for a couple of weeks ago.
The audition went alright - not the best she’d done which she kicked herself for it - so she was surprised when she received a call from her agent telling her that there’s a possibility that she might get the role of Sabrina Woods. The character that Iris fell in love with the moment she read the book and when she found out that it’s being adapted to a movie, she knew she had to be in it. As luck would have it, the casting director contacted Iris’ agent and told her that she wanted Iris to come in for a chemistry read with the actor who will be playing Leon James.
So here she is, heart thumping in her chest as she waits for her name to be called out. She’s told earlier today that she will be up against Layla King for the role of Sabrina Woods. If she wasn’t nervous earlier, she definitely is now. She’s seen several of Layla King’s movies and she’s amazing. Layla can play any roles thrown at her and Iris doesn’t doubt that she’d be able to play the role of Sabrina Woods perfectly too.
“Don’t think too much and don’t think about her,” Iris’ mom tells her once she’s finished telling her that she and Layla are going for the same role. Her mom has always been the person she turns to when she needs a boost of confidence or when she just needs someone to talk to. Right now, she needs a bit of both.
“But she’s amazing. How can I not think of her?”
“You’re amazing too.” Iris rolls her eyes at her mom’s statement. “Don’t roll your eyes at me.”
Mouth falling open, Iris pulls her phone away from her ear to look at the screen and to make sure that she didn’t accidentally choose a video call rather than a normal phone call - that happened once before. Okay, twice. “How’d you-”
“I know you and I know you were rolling your eyes at me.”
Iris lets out a small laugh. Yeah that sounds like her mom, alright. She seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to this thing. “Well, you’re only telling me that I’m amazing because I’m your daughter.”
“You know that’s not true.”
Iris remembers the abundance of times when her mom would tell her if she’s not doing a good job or if she’s not doing the character’s justice when she’s running her lines. She also remembers that one time when she told her mom that she wanted to be in a horror movie and instead of supporting her, her mom laughed at her and told her that she could never be in one because chances are, she’d be getting nightmares for weeks. Which was, fine, the truth.
“Okay, yeah, you’re right.”
Her mom gives her a hum of approval, happy to be told she’s right, before saying, “Just do your best, okay, sweetheart?”
“Okay,” Iris replies with a nod even though her mom can’t see her. But she knows she can feel her nodding.
“Text me or call me when you’re done with the audition.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
As soon as the phone call ends, Iris feels a lot less nervous than she was a few minutes ago. This is why she loves talking to her mom - she always knows what to say to make her feel better.
Putting her phone away, Iris picks up the script to go over the lines again. It’s not a surprise that she’s memorised it by now. Running the lines is all she does ever since she received the script from her agent. She stopped doing it when she thought she blew the audition but as soon as she was told that she’s being called for a chemistry test with the lead actor, she picked up the script again - much to her younger brother’s dismay. Ben was not happy when he had to go over Leon’s lines again and again with his sister but Iris likes to think that he has no complaining rights when she’s helped him a lot with his schoolwork and that, in her opinion, is way worse.
“Iris Liu? We’re ready for you.”
Iris snaps out of her thoughts and looks up to find the woman she talked to earlier waiting for her. Scrambling to her feet, she offers the woman a smile and follows her as she leads her to the room where she’ll be doing the chemistry test with the potential Leon James. She asked her agent if she knew who’ll be playing Leon James but she didn’t get anything out of her - either she also has no clue about it or she wants to keep it a surprise. Both are plausible.
Rumours have been circulating on the Internet and based on what Iris has read, they’re speculating that the role of Leon James will either go to KJ Apa, Tom Holland, or Nick Robinson. Whoever it is, Iris is very much nervous about this chemistry read. She may have done this several times but nausea still swirls in her stomach. Every single time. Her heart beats so strong that she thinks her chest might burst.
The first thing that Iris notices when she walks into the room is that there are at least twelve pairs of eyes on her, all waiting to judge whether or not she’d do Sabrina Woods justice. In that moment, she finds herself wondering how Layla King’s session went. She wonders if they’ve already made a decision, have already decided to go with Layla, but since she’s already here, they choose to go on with the chemistry test anyway. Just for the sake of it.
“Don’t think too much,” her mom’s words return to her mind and she pushes her insecurities to the very back of her mind. Now’s not the time to think about it.
With butterflies in her stomach, Iris takes a deep breath and then plasters a smile on her face as she greets everyone in the room, introducing herself even though they already know her name.
The last person she introduces herself to is Kim Davison - the author of The (Mis)Fortune of Knowing You and also the producer of this movie. Iris tries but fails to maintain her cool as she talks to the woman she considers one of her inspirations. Luckily Kim doesn't seem put off by her obvious display of enthusiasm - at least, Iris hopes she isn’t.
“Are you ready?” The casting director, Carmen, asks.
“Yeah, I am,” Iris answers with a nod. She looks around the room again because where is Leon James? She’s about to ask Carmen if she’ll be doing the chemistry read alone (that doesn’t make any sense, does it?) when someone walks into the room, apologising profusely.
“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to make anyone wait.”
Iris recognises that voice. It sounds slightly different now but there’s an unmistakable silvery quality to it that only one person possesses. Even when he apologises he sounds happy, though that is not to say that his apologies mean nothing. If Iris has to describe his voice, she’d say it’s sunshine in a form of sound - bright and happy and reassuring. And if Iris is right about the person that has yet come into her vision, then she’d say that she would also describe him as sunshine in the form of a human.
Holding her breath, Iris turns around and comes face to face with Tom Holland, the boy she worked with once when she was sixteen and he was seventeen.
They both landed the supporting roles for a science fiction movie, which Iris thought was very ahead of its time, and they used to spend a lot of time together on set. They became quite close friends back then but life got in the way and they turned into acquaintances - someone they knew from the movie they worked in together at some point in their lives. Because soon after the movie was released, Iris focused on her study while also balancing her acting career, which was not at all an easy task, while Tom went ahead and made his name in the industry. Iris was, and still is, proud of him and of his accomplishments. She knew that he’d be successful, knew that he’d come far as an actor.
But what she doesn’t know is that if she does things right, there’s a possibility that she’ll work with him again.
“Iris?” His whole face lights up when he sees her and her heart speeds up at the mere sight of that. “Oh God, it is you. They told me I’d be doing this with Layla and Iris, and I wasn’t sure if they meant you.”
“Hey, Tom,” she responds with a smile.
She wills her heart to return to its normal heartbeat but it refuses to listen to her. Because this time, she has no control over it. Not when the boy in front of her has his arms open for her. Not wanting to leave him hanging and also because his arms do look inviting and she remembers how much she used to enjoy his hugs, Iris steps forward and wraps her arms around him. He smells good, she thinks, a mixture of something fresh and clean, and at the risk of sounding like a creep, she thinks he smells heavenly.
When he squeezes her, something he tends to do when he hugs someone, she hopes and prays that he won’t be able to feel her heart pounding against her ribcage because damn it, it’s just a hug. Even if it’s a hug from someone she’s not met in nearly ten years, it's just a hug.
“Hope you’re not disappointed that it’s me.”
“Are you kidding me?” He laughs as he pulls away from the hug, brows furrowing slightly. Iris loves that sound. Used to feel like she managed to move mountains if she made him laugh. “This is great. I’m so glad it’s you.”
“Yeah,” he smiles. “God, it’s been a while hasn’t it? You look…” He trails off as he takes a couple of steps back and truly looks at her.
Iris is used to people looking and staring at her, assessing her, but when Tom does it, her entire being acts as though it is a foreign concept.
All of sudden she doesn't remember how to stand and where to put her hands, and she isn’t sure if she should cross her legs or uncross her legs. She ends up tucking and untucking her hair from behind her ears while she waits for Tom to find the right words to describe her.
It can’t be that hard, can it? Though, to be fair, if she has to describe him right now, she won’t be able to do it too. And it’s not because he doesn't look good. It’s because he looks so good that she doesn’t think there's a right word for it.
“You look great,” he finally says, his mouth curving into a smile. “You look… Amazing.”
“Thank you,” Iris replies, her cheeks heating up at the compliment. “You look great too.”
Tom plays the compliment off with a shrug as a sheepish smile touches his lips. He opens his mouth to say something else but changes his mind in the last minute as he suddenly realises that they’re not alone in this room. That there are about fifteen pairs of eyes on them.
Straightening his back, Tom looks around and then says, “We’re ready, aren’t we?”
Carmen and Kim nod. “Ready when you are.”
“Great,” Tom grins at them. He clears his throat once, twice, and when his eyes find Iris again, he kinks an eyebrow and asks in an American accent that could fool just about anyone: “You ready, Sabrina Woods?” 
taglist: @infinitiae​, @httpsmoony​, @adoremp3​
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Creepypasta Headcanons: Killing/Fighting Style
Jeff:  Very much all over the place if he has his knife.  He is incredibly reckless when he kills or fights, and likes to make a mess.  However, Jeff fights much differently when he is unarmed.  He’s actually somewhat skilled in martial arts, as his parents had him and Liu in karate lessons when they were younger.  Thus, he’s more efficient at fighting without a weapon.
Eyeless Jack:  Jack is this super tall and long demon boi who has fangs and claws.  You can bet yourself he will do everything he can to slash at vital organs and blood vessels to quickly and efficiently end the fight.  Despite being eyeless, I headcanon he has some sort of demonic thermal vision, not to mention that his other senses are enhanced due to his normal sight being gone.  As for killing, he prefers a quick slitting of the throat, unless his victim dies of shock while he’s removing their kidneys.  As somewhat of an expert on all things medical, he sometimes tutors the other pastas in the most efficient ways to kill a human.
BEN Drowned:  He doesn't really do much fighting, and he prefers driving his victims to kill themselves rather than killing them himself.  It’s more fun to play with his victims.
Ticci Toby:  Toby is more disposed to long distance fighting, since he has quite a lot of range with the hatchets.  He tends to use one for throwing, but keep the other one in hand until he can retrieve the first one.  For killing, he usually aims for a vital organ or artery, unless his target is running, in which case he’ll go for the mid-back to paralyze them.  A good place is the spot where the shoulder and torso meet.  There’s an artery there called the brachial artery which works a lot like the carotid artery in that severing it causes the victim to bleed out rapidly.  (Toby learned this from Eyeless.)
Masky:  Masky, as I have mentioned in a previous post, is a brawler.  He prefers up close fighting and will take his opponent to the ground if need be, using his weight and size as an advantage to keep them pinned.
Hoodie:    Hoodie’s long legs and lean yet muscular build allow for a lot of movement in his fighting style.  He’s flexible, so he could totally kick you in the head without breaking a sweat.  However, he prefers simple punches and kicks with the occasional headlock and wrist grab.  When he’s killing, he prefers a simple stab in just the right place, though if he’s stalking someone within the forest, he tends to gravitate towards a handgun or rifle.
Liu:  Liu, due to karate lessons at a young age, tends to fight the same way as Jeff does when unarmed.  However, the difference between the two brothers is that Liu is much more precise when fighting with a weapon.
(Will add more once I think of them.)
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dailyjcink · 3 years
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ajiona alexus (or open) and lucas bravo (or open) for antagonistic vibes for kat mcnamara reporter: the age old story of celeb against journalist. she doesn’t mince words. they’re each tired of it in their own way.
riverdale cast (or open) adoptive siblings for madelaine petsch: heiress and a mega-producer adopted seven children and gave them vintagey/uncommon first names and flower/tree middle names. they   launched a reality show called the winters in 2008 and it’s still on television.
open fc brother for ben whishaw: he's the younger brother who is taking on the family business because his older brother decided to do his own thing. can be half or full brother. sky's the limit.
four very open baristas at an independent coffee shop attached to a bookstore: suggested fcs are davika hoorne, mena massound, simu liu and lucy hale. very open, each character has a little blurb for personality and why they're working there.
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jcink-resource · 3 years
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ajiona alexus (or open) and lucas bravo (or open) for antagonistic vibes for kat mcnamara reporter: the age old story of celeb against journalist. she doesn’t mince words. they’re each tired of it in their own way.
riverdale cast (or open) adoptive siblings for madelaine petsch: heiress and a mega-producer adopted seven children and gave them vintagey/uncommon first names and flower/tree middle names. they   launched a reality show called the winters in 2008 and it’s still on television.
open fc brother for ben whishaw: he's the younger brother who is taking on the family business because his older brother decided to do his own thing. can be half or full brother. sky's the limit.
four very open baristas at an independent coffee shop attached to a bookstore: suggested fcs are davika hoorne, mena massound, simu liu and lucy hale. very open, each character has a little blurb for personality and why they're working there.
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therpdirectory · 3 years
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ajiona alexus (or open) and lucas bravo (or open) for antagonistic vibes for kat mcnamara reporter: the age old story of celeb against journalist. she doesn’t mince words. they’re each tired of it in their own way.
riverdale cast (or open) adoptive siblings for madelaine petsch: heiress and a mega-producer adopted seven children and gave them vintagey/uncommon first names and flower/tree middle names. they   launched a reality show called the winters in 2008 and it’s still on television.
open fc brother for ben whishaw: he's the younger brother who is taking on the family business because his older brother decided to do his own thing. can be half or full brother. sky's the limit.
four very open baristas at an independent coffee shop attached to a bookstore: suggested fcs are davika hoorne, mena massound, simu liu and lucy hale. very open, each character has a little blurb for personality and why they're working there.
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darkpeacemusic · 1 year
Fluffy Jeff and Liu Headcanons because these two don't have enough wholesome sibling shit
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When they reunited, Jeff was crying all over him and apologizing for hurting him while Liu was reassuring him that he forgave him.
Liu calls Jeff "my sweet baby" because he loves him like his own baby which Jeff gets embarrassed by.
Liu is not afraid to show his love for his younger brother in front of the other proxies which Jeff doesn't complain about because he "wants the whole world to know it".
Forehead kisses are the kisses Liu loves to give Jeff the most.
Whenever Jeff gets a mental breakdown, Liu sings "Beautiful Boy" by John Lennon because he's just sweet like that.
Since Jeff is so light, Liu loves to hold him like when he was a baby which Jeff doesn't complain about.
Liu stays by Jeff's side whenever Jeff gets a nightmare and is too scared to go back to sleep.
Despite Sully trying to convince Jeff that Liu hates him, Liu always finds a way to remind Jeff that he still loves him and forgives him.
He is the only one who can make fun of Jeff and he will hurt anyone who does (Toby learnt that the hard way).
Because of Jeff's separation anxiety, Liu gives Jeff something that would remind Jeff of him in case he has to go on day long missions.
They basically love each other so much that they would literally want to be buried right next to each other when they die.
They have a mutual love for rock music and loves to blast the music and sing along to it in their room.
Liu loves cooking for Jeff whenever they are the only two that are up in the morning.
Liu always puts sticky notes on the bedroom mirror for Jeff to read that says things like "You are beautiful" and "Shine bright my superstar" so Jeff would be reminded of how much Liu loves him.
Liu treats Jeff more as a son than a brother.
Liu finds Jeff's age regression adorable and sweet and doesn't seem to mind it.
Unlike the other proxies, Liu doesn't mind it when Jeff and Ben play pranks on him. He laughs with them instead.
Uno is their absolute favorite game and Liu beats Jeff every single time.
Liu would absolutely hate himself if he ever put his hands on his baby brother (either under the influence of Sully or out of anger) and would literally regret it immediately afterwards.
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fuyonggu · 7 years
Biography of Li Te, Li Liu, & Li Xiáng (Book of Jin 120, 16 Kingdoms, Huayang Guozhi)
(Li Te was the spiritual founder of the Sixteen Kingdoms state of Cheng-Han, which occupied the former territory of Shu-Han. Li Liu and Li Xiáng were two of his brothers.)
Annals of the Sixteen Kingdoms
Li Te, styled Xuanxiu, was a native of Dangqu in Baxi commandary. His ancestors were the descendants of the Granary Lord of old.
When the Qin dynasty annexed all the realm (~221 BC), they made this region into Qianzhong commandary, and they only lightly taxed it, with each person having to pay forty cash per year. The people of Ba called taxes "cong", and so they became known as the Cong people.
During the time that Gaozu of Han (Liu Bang) was Prince of Han (~206 BC), he recruited from among these Cong people in order to conquer the region of the Three Qins (around Chang'an). But since the people did not want to live in that region, they asked to return to their native land. In order to honor their achievement on his behalf and encourage their prosperity and flourishing, Gaozu renamed their land to Ba commandary. The land had an abundance of salt, iron, cinnabar, and lacquer, and the people there were honest and numerous, and naturally swift and brave. They also were experts at singing and dancing, and Gaozu loved their dancing so much that he ordered his Music Bureau to practice it, which led to the modern Ba-Yu Dance. The people flourished and multipled still further after that, and they split up into dozens of different surnames.
When Wu of Wei (Cao Cao) captured Hanzhong, Li Te's grandfather Li Hu led five hundred families to go over to Cao-Wei. Emperor Wu commended him, and relocated him to Lueyang (some say Luoyang), appointing Li Hu and others as Generals. There were a further more than ten thousand such families who were also moved away from the interior, scattering out to reside in the various commandaries of Longyou, as well as the Three Adjuncts (Fufeng, Pingyi, and Jingzhao) and Hongnong commandary. They were all called the Di of Ba or Ba-Di.
Li Hu's son was Li Mu, who served as Hunting General of the Eastern Qiang tribes. Li Mu himself had five sons: Li Fu, Li Te, Li Xiáng, Li Liu, and Li Xiang.
Li Te was eight 尺 in height, and he was a bold and martial man, skilled at horseback archery. He was a stalwart fellow, with great capacity.
During the Yuankang reign era (~296), the Di leader Qiwannian rebelled, and the Guanxi region was thrown into great turmoil. The commandaries of Tianshui, Lueyang, Fufeng, and Shiping were all overrun by soldiers, and there was a great famine for several years. The common people became refugees in search of grain. Tens of thousands of families all led each other into the Han River basin for that reason.
When Li Te came to Jian'ge Pass, he looked about and marveled at the place's stout defenses. He said, "Liu Shan had such defenses as this, and yet he still gave himself over in surrender to others. How could he not have been a man of inferior talents?" There were others who were on the move with him, including Yan Shi and others, and they all sighed in admiration of him.
Earlier, when the refugees had first arrived at Hanzhong, they sent up a letter to the court asking that they be granted refuge in the Ba and Shu regions. The court allowed it, and so the refugees scattered throughout Yizhou and Lianzhou, and no one could stop them.
In the first year of the Yongkang reign era (300), an edict was issued summoning the Inspector of Yizhou, Zhao Xin, back to the capital to serve as Manager of the Empress's Palace. The Interior Minister of Chengdu, Geng Teng, was to become the new Inspector of Yizhou. Zhao Xin plotted to rebel instead, and he secretly had ambitions of carving out and holding the territory of Yizhou for himself, as the Liu clan had once done (Liu Yan, Liu Zhang, Liu Bei, and Liu Shan). Geng Teng led his forces into the provincial administration center (at Chengdu), but Zhao Xin sent his own troops to oppose Geng Teng. They fought at the West Gate, where Geng Teng was defeated, and Zhao Xin captured and killed him.
Zhao Xin declared himself Grand General and Governor of Yizhou. Li Te's younger brother Li Xiáng, at the head of four thousand cavalry, came to join Zhao Xin along with many others: his brother-in-law Li Han, Ren Hui, and others. Zhao Xin appointed Li Xiáng as General Who Vanquishes Invaders, and had him block the roads to the north. Li Xiáng had long been a fine general under the Colonel of Eastern Qiang Tribes. He made the military laws very clear, and so his division respected him. Zhao Xin resented him for having such discipline, so he killed Li Xiáng.
Zhao Xin then appointed Li Te as a commander, but Li Te and his brothers were now furious with Zhao Xin, and they led their soldiers back to Mianzhu. Zhao Xin was worried that the court would campaign against him, so he sent his Chief Clerk, Fei Yuan, and others to lead more than ten thousand soldiers to block the northern roads, and they camped at Shiting in Mianzhu. Li Te secretly gathered an army of more than seven thousand soldiers, and he raided Fei Yuan's camp at night. Fei Yuan's army was greatly scattered because the Li soldiers had set fire to the camp to burn it down, and eight or nine of every ten soldiers died.
Li Te then advanced to attack Chengdu. When Zhao Xin heard that Li Te's soldiers had arrived, he was shocked and afraid and did not know what to do. Li Xin and others cut their way out of the city gates during the night and fled, and the civil and military officials all scattered. Zhao Xin was left alone with his wife. They got into a small boat and fled, but when they reached Guangdu, they were killed by Zhao Xin's subordinate Zhu Zhu.
Before this, when the Inspector of Lianzhou, Luo Shang, heard that Zhao Xin had rebelled, he sent up a petition to the court claiming that Zhao Xin had no heroic talents, and that the people of Shu would not join him in his rebellion, so he would fail in the end. Luo Shang thus wished to campaign against him. Emperor Hui appointed Luo Shang as General Who Pacifies The West and as the new Inspector of Yizhou, and Luo Shang led more than seven thousand people to enter Shu.
When Li Te and the others heard that Luo Shang was coming, they were very afraid. Li Te sent his younger brother Li Xiang to offer welcome to Luo Shang along the road, presenting him with fine treasures as tribute. Luo Shang was very pleased.
In winter, the tenth month, the refugees of the six commandaries acclaimed Li Te as acting General Who Guards The North, and Li Te claimed the authority to make his own appointments. He appointed his younger brother Li Liu as acting General Who Guards The East, his other younger brother Li Xiang as General of Agile Cavalry, and his youngest son Li Xiong as General of the Front, each of them leading their own forces.
They advanced to attack Luo Shang at Chengdu. Luo Shang was frequently defeated by Li Te, so he built long walls to protect himself, and he diverted the waters of the river to serve as his ramparts. He defenses stretched for seven hundred li, from Du'an to Jianwei. He and Li Te were locked in stalemate.
In the second year of Da'an (or Tai'an; 303), Li Te's subordinates acclaimed him as Grand General. He declared a general amnesty, and changed the reign era title to the first year of Jianchu.
The Attendant Officer of Yizhou, Ren Hui, advised Luo Shang, "Li Te is a wild and wicked traitor, and he has plundered and ravaged the common people. Now he has dispersed his forces to all the various villages and fortifications, and in his arrogance, he has made no preparations to defend himself. Heaven wills his downfall. You should make a accord with the villages. Set a secret time for a general rising, and we shall all attack him from every side. How could we not destroy him?"
Luo Shang followed his advice, and he sent out most of his forces to suddenly attack Li Te's camp. Luo Shang then went out and counter-attacked Li Te, and when he arrived at Guansang, Li Te's camp was defeated again, and he perished.
When his son Li Xiong assumed the title Prince of Chengdu, he posthumously named Li Te as Prince Jing ("the Splendid"), and when Li Xiong later claimed imperial title, he further posthumously honored Li Te as Emperor Jing. Li Te's temple name was Shizu.
Li Liu
Li Liu, styled Xuantong, was Li Te's fourth younger brother. As a young man, he was well-educated, and also proficient at archery and riding. The Colonel of Eastern Qiang Tribes, He Pan, claimed that Li Liu had the same valor as the ancient heroes Meng Ben and Xia Yu. Li Liu was nominated as Colonel of Eastern Qiang Tribes, and he conquered Zhao Xin at Chengdu. When the Jin court discussed the merits for putting down Zhao Xin's rebellion, they appointed Li Liu as General Who Exerts Might and Marquis of Wuyang.
In the first year of Jianchu (by 16K's reckoning, 303), after Li Te's death, Li Liu proclaimed himself as Grand General and Governor of Yizhou.
In the ninth month, Li Liu became deathly ill, and he told his generals, "The General of the Agile Cavalry, Liu Xiang, has great wisdom, benevolence, and love; he is knowledgeable, decisive, and very remarkable. He would be enough to see this affair to fruition. But the General of the Front, Li Xiong, is a brave and heroic man, almost the equal of Heaven. May all of you entrust affairs to the General of the Front, and make him the Prince of Chengdu."
Li Liu soon passed away; he was fifty-five years old. His generals all acclaimed Li Xiong as their leader.
After Li Xiong claimed imperial title, he posthumously named Li Liu as Prince Wen ("the Cultured") of Qin. His son Li Long inherited his position.
Book of Jin 120
Li Te, styled Xuanxiu, was a native of Dangqu in Baxi commandary. His ancestors were the descendants of the Granary Lord of old.
In former times, part of Mount Wuluo Zhongli collapsed, and two stone caves appeared: one was red as cinnabar, and one was black as lacquer. There was one man who emerged from the red cave: his given name was Wuxiang, and his surname was Ba. And there were four men who emerged from the black cave: their surnames were Hao, Fan, Bai, and Zheng. After these five fellows came out of the caves, they argued with one another about who among them was divine. The five of them attempted to carve out a room from their caves using a blade, with the understanding that the one who could do so would be the Granary Lord. The other four fellows could not do it, but Wuxiang had an exceptional blade. These men also made boats out of earth and carved designs on them, then placed the boats into water, saying, "The one whose boat can float shall be the Granary Lord." Again, Wuxiang's boat was the only one to float. So they acclaimed him as the Granary Lord.
Then they climbed into his earthen boat, and acting as his followers, they sailed the boat down the Yi River until they came to Yanyang. There they met a goddess of river and salt who stopped the Granary Lord and said to him, "This place has fish and salt in abundance, and the land is both broad and large. Live here together with me, and you may end your journey here and wander no further."
The Granary Lord replied, "I must be seeking land for a granary. I cannot stop here."
During the night, the salt goddess followed the Granary Lord to his residence, and in the morning she suddenly became a flying insect. The other local spirits followed her into flight, and they blotted out the sun as though it were dusk. The Granary Lord wished to kill them, but he could not, and now he could no longer tell what was what, or where Heaven or Earth were. This went on for ten days, until at last the Granary Lord presented the salt goddess with a green thread, telling her, "Test this thread. If it is suitable, I shall live here together with you; if not, I shall soon leave you." The salt goddess accepted the thread and tested it. Then the Granary Lord placed a large stone on top of it, and following the line of the thread, he knelt and shot an arrow, which struck the salt goddess. She then died, and the other spirits who had been flying with her all ran away, so the sky was clear once again.
The Granary Lord then got back into his earthen boat and sailed further down the river, until he reached Yicheng. At Yicheng, the river had stone banks and was bent, and the springwaters were also twisted. The Granary Lord felt that it was like back in his cave, and he lamented, "I had only just emerged from the cave, and now it is as though I am going back into it. How can this be?" This caused part of the bank to collapse, leaving a space of more than three zhang, with stairs that one could ascend. So the Granary Lord mounted these stairs. On top of the bank was a flat stone, one zhang square and five 尺 tall. The Granary Lord rested on this stone, throwing down his calculating instruments, which all made marks on the stone. This was why he built walls all around the stone to house it. And his descendants were bountiful and multiplied.
When the Qin dynasty annexed all the realm (~221 BC), they made this region into Qianzhong commandary, and they only lightly taxed it, with each person having to pay forty cash per year. The people of Ba called taxes "cong", and so they became known as the Cong people.
During the time that Gaozu of Han (Liu Bang) was Prince of Han (~206 BC), he recruited from among these Cong people in order to conquer the region of the Three Qins (around Chang'an). After this, the people asked to return to their native land, and so in order to honor their achievement on his behalf and encourage their prosperity and flourishing, Gaozu did not levy any taxes or corvee labor on them, and he also renamed their land to Ba commandary. The land had an abundance of salt, iron, cinnabar, and lacquer, and the people there were swift and brave. They also were experts at singing and dancing, and Gaozu loved their dancing so much that he ordered his Music Bureau to practice it, which led to the modern Ba-Yu Dance.
At the end of the Han dynasty (~189 AD), the warlord Zhang Lu occupied Hanzhong commandary. He instructed the common people in the ways of the spirits, and because the Cong people respected and trusted in witches and wizards, many of them came to follow him. The realm soon fell into turmoil, and so the Cong people moved from Dangqu in Baxi commandary to Yangche Slope in Hanzhong. There they plundered and wandered freely, making themselves a nuisance to the common people, who called them the Ba of Yangche.
When Emperor Wu of Cao-Wei (Cao Cao) took Hanzhong (in 215), Li Te's grandfather led more than five hundred families to go over to him. Emperor Wu appointed him as a General and relocated him north to Lueyang, where the northerners called them the Di of Ba or Ba-Di. Li Te's father was Li Mu, who served as Hunting General of the Eastern Qiang tribes.
As a young man, Li Te served in office in the commandary and the province, and during that time he was greatly appreciated. He was eight 尺 in height, and he was a bold and martial man, skilled at horseback archery. He was a stalwart fellow, with great capacity.
During the Yuankang reign era (~296), the Di leader Qiwannian rebelled, and the Guanxi region was thrown into great turmoil. For several years there was a great famine, and so the common people became refugees in search of grain. Tens of thousands of families all led each other into the Han River basin for that reason. Li Te followed the refugees and entered the Shu region, the former territory of the state of Shu-Han.
When he came to Jian'ge Pass, he took a great rest as he sat down with his legs stretched out and marveled at the place's stout defenses. He said, "Liu Shan had such defenses as this, and yet he still gave himself over in surrender to others. How could he not have been a man of inferior talents?" There were others who were on the move with him, including Yan Shi, Zhao Su, Li Yuan, Ren Hui, and others, and they all sighed in admiration of him.
Earlier, when the refugees had first arrived at Hanzhong, they sent up a letter to the court asking that they be granted refuge in the Ba and Shu regions. The court would not grant their assent, and they sent the Resident Imperial Secretary, Li Bi, with a Staff of Authority to send their regards to the refugees. Li Bi had orders to investigate the situation, and to not permit the refugees to pass through Jian'ge Pass.
But when Li Bi arrived at Hanzhong, he took bribes from the refugees, and so he instead wrote the court a petition stating, "There are more than a hundred thousand refugees here, too many for Hanzhong commandary alone to sustain them. If you mean to have them go east into Jingzhou, the rivers are swift and with narrow rapids, and besides there are no boats to use. But Shu has plenty of grain stores, and the people there have just had a bountiful harvest. You should send the refugees there so that they may eat."
So the court followed his recommendation. The refugees scattered throughout Yizhou and Lianzhou, and no one could stop them.
In the first year of the Yongkang reign era (300), an edict was issued summoning the Inspector of Yizhou, Zhao Xin, back to the capital to serve as Manager of the Empress's Palace. The Interior Minister of Chengdu, Geng Teng of Zhongshan, was to become the new Inspector of Yizhou.
Zhao Xin plotted to rebel instead, and he secretly had ambitions of carving out and holding the territory of Yizhou for himself, as the Liu clan had once done (Liu Yan, Liu Zhang, Liu Bei, and Liu Shan). So he opened the government storehouses and distributed food among the refugees from the north, in order to win the hearts of the people.
Li Te and his partisans and followers were all natives of Baxi, the same commandary as Zhao Xin hailed from, and he led many brave fellows. So Zhao Xin treated them well, in order to keep them as his claws and fangs. Thanks to Zhao Xin's support, Li Te and the others gathered people together to become bandits, and the natives of Shu suffered from them.
Geng Teng secretly sent up a petition, stating that the refugees were bold and strong, while the natives of Shu were timid and weak; when the hosts and guests were unable to control one another, chaos in the proper hierarchy was sure to follow. He said that the refugees should be sent back to their original homes again. If they were to remain in such a strategic region, he feared the recent troubles in Qinzhou and Yongzhou (from Qiwannian's rebellion) might be repeated on an even worse scale in Lianzhou and Yizhou, which would certainly leave a source of anxiety for the court whenever they looked to the west. Zhao Xin found out about the petition and resented Geng Teng.
By this time, more than a thousand civil and military officials had already welcomed Geng Teng as the new Inspector. Geng Teng led his forces into the provincial administration center (at Chengdu), but Zhao Xin sent his own troops to oppose Geng Teng. They fought at the West Gate, where Geng Teng was defeated and killed.
Zhao Xin declared himself Grand Commander, Grand General, and Governor of Yizhou. Li Te's younger brother Li Xiáng, at the head of four thousand cavalry, came to join Zhao Xin along with many others: his brother-in-law Li Han, Ren Hui, Shangguan Dun, Li Pan of Fufeng commandary, Fei Tuo of Shiping, the Di leaders Fu Cheng and Kui Bo, and others. Zhao Xin appointed Li Xiáng as General Who Awes Invaders, and had him block the roads to the north.
Li Xiáng had long been a fine general under the Colonel of Eastern Qiang Tribes. He made the military laws very clear. Rather than use a personal command banner, he kept his lance aloft to direct the rank and file soldiers. He killed three of his subordinates who did not obey orders, and so his division respected him.
Zhao Xin had resented him for having such discipline, and he wanted to kill Li Xiáng, but had not yet expressed such sentiments. Zhao Xin's Chief Clerk, Du Shu, and his Marshal, Zhang Can, warned him, "Reports state that the Five Greats are not on the borders. General, when you first rose up, the soldiers were all with you. But now you have sent this Li Xiáng away to take hold of powerful soldiers for himself. We must humbly express our bewilderment at this. Furthermore, do not forget the saying: 'if he be not of our kin, he is sure to have a different mind'. We believe that Li Xiáng is not the kind of man to throw down his spear and accept you. General, we ask that you get rid of him."
Looking serious, Zhao Xin replied, "You speak just as I believe, as though you were expressing my own thoughts. Heaven has sent you men to help me carry this thing out."
Soon, Li Xiáng himself was at the gate, asking to see Zhao Xin. Overjoyed, Zhao Xin had Li Xiáng brought in to see him.
Li Xiáng wanted to measure Zhao Xin's intentions, so he saluted him again and stepped forward, saying, "The Middle Kingdom is now in great turmoil, and it cannot be tied back together again; the Jin dynasty cannot recover any longer. Your Excellency is as principled as Heaven and Earth, and your virtue is spread throughout the whole region. Now is the time to follow the examples of Tang of Shang and King Wu of Zhou by founding a new dynasty. You should heed the opportunity granted by Heaven and obey the wishes of the people. Save the common people from their misery, and they will recognize the situation and come to you. Then all the realm can be settled, and you need not claim merely the regions of Yong and Shu alone."
Zhao Xin angrily replied, "How could a mere minister advocate such things?" He ordered Du Shu and the others to discuss the matter, and they concluded that Li Xiáng was a great traitor without principle. So Zhao Xin killed Li Xiáng, along with his sons, nephews, and other kinsmen, more than thirty people.
Zhao Xin was worried that Li Te and the others would be trouble, so he sent men to console them, saying, "Li Xiáng was presumptuous and spoke out of turn, and his crime was worthy of death. But his crime does not extend to his brothers." He sent Li Xiáng's body back to Li Te, and appointed Li Te and his brothers as commanders and generals, in order to keep them quiet.
Zhao Xin's General of the Standard, Xu Yan, asked to be appointed as Chief General of Badong commandary. Du Shu and Zhang Can stubbornly refused him. In a fit of rage, Xu Yan killed Du Shu and Zhang Can with his own blade beneath Zhao Xin's pavilion, but was then killed by their attendants in turn. These three men had been Zhao Xin's most trusted officers.
Li Te and his brothers were now furious with Zhao Xin, and they led their soldiers back to Mianzhu.
Zhao Xin was worried that the court would campaign against him, so he sent his Chief Clerk, Fei Yuan, the Administrator of Jianwei commandary, Li Bi, and his Protector, Chang Jun, to lead more than ten thousand soldiers to block the northern roads, and they camped at Shiting in Mianzhu. Li Te secretly gathered an army of more than seven thousand soldiers, and he raided Fei Yuan's camp at night. Fei Yuan's army was greatly scattered because the Li soldiers had set fire to the camp to burn it down, and eight or nine of every ten soldiers died.
Li Te then advanced to attack Chengdu. When Zhao Xin heard that Li Te's soldiers had arrived, he was shocked and afraid and did not know what to do. Li Bi, Zhang Zheng, and others cut their way out of the city gates during the night and fled, and the civil and military officials all scattered. Zhao Xin was left alone with his wife. They got into a small boat and fled, but when they reached Guangdu, they were killed by Zhao Xin's subordinate Zhu Zhu.
Li Te entered Chengdu, letting his soldiers loose to sack the city. He did harm to the Protector of Western Yi Tribes, Jiang Fa, and he killed Zhao Xin's Chief Clerk, Yuan Zhi, and the other local commanders that Zhao Xin had appointed. He sent his Generals of the Standard, Wang Jiao and Li Ji, to visit Luoyang, detailing the crimes Zhao Xin had committed.
Earlier, Emperor Hui had appointed the Inspector of Lianzhou, Luo Shang, as General Who Pacifies The West, as acting Colonel Who Protects Western Yi Tribes, and as the new Inspector of Yizhou. The General of the Standard, Wang Dun, the Commandant of Shangyong, Yi Xin, the Administrator of Shu commandary, Xu Jian, the Administrator of Guanghan, Xin Ran, and others were all placed under Luo Shang's command, and he entered Shu at the head of more than seven thousand soldiers.
When Li Te and the others heard that Luo Shang was coming, they were very afraid. Li Te sent his younger brother Li Xiang to offer welcome to Luo Shang along the road, presenting him with fine treasures as tribute. Luo Shang was very pleased, and he kept Li Xiang with him as a Cavalry Commander. Li Te and his younger brother Li Liu also treated Luo Shang with oxen and wine at Mianzhu.
Wang Dun and Xin Ran warned Luo Shang, "Li Te and his ilk are nothing more than bandits. You ought to hang up all their heads and get rid of them, so you can take this chance to behead them." But Luo Shang did not listen to them.
Xin Ran had a long history with Li Te, and he told Li Te, "Old friend, we happen to meet one another again. But this is no blessing; it is a curse." So Li Te began to be very fearful and suspicious for himself.
An order soon arrived from the court that all the refugees from Qinzhou and Yongzhou who had gone into the region of the Han River basin were to return to their former homes. Li Te's elder brother Li Fu had remained in their homeland in Lueyang all this time, and he was asked to go and collect his family as well. But when he arrived in Shu, he told Li Te, " The Middle Kingdom is in the midst of great turmoil, and you cannot go back north yet." Li Te believed him, so he intended to boldly occupy the regions of Ba and Shu for himself.
As reward for his merits in putting down Zhao Xin's rebellion, Li Te was appointed as General Who Displays Might and Marquis of Changle Village by the court, and Li Liu was appointed as General Who Exerts Might and Marquis of Wuyang. When the seals and letters regarding these appointments reached Yizhou, others among the refugees of the six commandaries who had also helped Li Te to put down Zhao Xin expected that they would receive ranks and rewards as well. But since Xin Mao wished to claim credit for defeating Zhao Xin for himself, despite not having participated in the campaign against him or responding to the summons, he tabled the imperial order and prevented it from being carried out. This caused all of the refugees to resent him.
Luo Shang sent out his Attendant Officers to hurry along the refugees, planning to have them start back for the north as soon as autumn arrived in the seventh month. Xin Ran had a greedy and fierce nature, and he wished to kill the leaders of the refugees and take away all of their goods. So he had many proclamations sent out. And he ordered the Administrator of Zitong, Zhang Yan, to build gates at key locations and to confiscate any treasures that the refugees possessed.
Li Te and the others asked for leniency, requesting that they be given until autumn to collect the people together. The refugees were all spread out throughout Lianzhou and Yizhou, working as hired hands for the people. When they heard that the provinces and commandaries were going to force them to return, they were all anxious and resentful, not knowing what they would do.
They also knew that Li Te and his brothers had frequently asked for the relocation order to be halted, and so the refugees all appreciated him and relied upon him. Furthermore, the rivers of the region were all greatly swollen by rains, while the yearly harvest had not been gathered yet. The refugees had no means to sustain themselves during any proposed relocation trip, and they all came to visit Li Te.
So Li Te formed a great camp at Mianzhu in order to manage the refugees, and he appealed to Xin Mao's magnanimity. Xin Mao was enraged, and he had notices posted up along all the roads listing a bounty on Li Te and his brothers, offering great rewards. When Li Te saw the notices, he was greatly afraid. He gathered up the notices to edit them, and he and his younger brother Li Xiang changed the words to state, "Whoever can bring us the heads of one of the leaders of the great clans of the six commandaries, whether Li, Ren, Yan, Zhao, Yang, Shangguan, or one of the nobles of the Di or Sou peoples, will be rewarded with a hundred bolts of silk."
Since the refugees were unhappy at being forced to move, they all came to Li Te, with galloping horses and filled quivers, with one sound like a gathering of clouds. Within the space of a month, Li Te had more than twenty thousand people with him, and Li Liu also gathered several thousand people. So Li Te split his camp into two halves; he himself resided in the northern camp, while Li Liu resided in the eastern camp.
Li Te sent Yan Shi to see Luo Shang to ask for an extension for the refugees. When Yan Shi arrived and saw the camps and barriers that Xin Mao had set up on the roads and in important places, and heard the discussions of how to contain the refugees, he lamented, "There are no invaders, and yet these walls are being raised, as though they are needed for defense against some enemy. This will only speed things along. Chaos will break out before long." And Yan Shi knew that Xin Ran and Li Bi were of a mind to not let him return again. So he told Luo Shang that he would be returning to Mianzhu.
Luo Shang said to him, "Sir, when you convey my words to the refugees, I hope we shall soon hear of peace and contentment."
Yan Shi replied, "Your Excellency, you have been misleading people with such wild talk that I fear there will be no cause for peace. The common people may be weak, but they are not to be underestimated. But now you try to contain them like this for no reason. As it is said, 'it is difficult to go against the anger of all the crowd'. I fear the coming disaster will be serious indeed."
Luo Shang replied, "It may be so. Sir, I shall not force you; you are free to go."
When Yan Shi returned to Mianzhu, he said to Li Te, "Although Luo Shang claims such things, he still cannot necessarily be trusted. How could he be? His power and authority are not established, and Xin Ran and the others each command strong bodies of soldiers. Everything could change overnight, and Luo Shang would not be able to control the situation. We truly must prepare ourselves."
Li Te heeded his advice.
Xin Ran and Li Bi plotted with one another, saying, "Marquis Luo may be greedy, but he cannot make up his mind. He lets the days pass by one after another, and all the while, those refugees continue to develop their wicked plans. Li Te and his brothers are bold and talented fellows; we will all become his slaves sooner or later! Better for us to carry out our own plan at once and so decide the matter once and for all. There is no point in talking to Marquis Luo about it first."
So they sent the Commandant of Guanghan, Ceng Yuan, the Generals of the Standard, Zhang Xian and Liu Bing, and others to lead thirty thousand horse and foot on a surprise attack against Li Te's camp. When Luo Shang heard that these commanders were already on the move, he sent the Protector Tian Zuo to assist Ceng Yuan too.
But Li Te had long known what they were plotting, and so he had been maintaining his armor and drilling his soldiers, staying in strict readiness for whatever might happen. When Ceng Yuan and the others arrived at Li Te's camp, Li Te was resting peacefully and did not stir himself. He waited until half of the enemies had poured into his camp. Then he launched an ambush to attack them, and a great number of the enemy soldiers were killed. Li Te killed Tian Zuo, Ceng Yuan, and Zhang Xian, and sent their heads as a warning to Luo Shang and Xin Ran.
Luo Shang said to his generals, "Those slaves were just on the point of leaving, yet the Administrator of Guanghan (Xin Ran) ignored what I had said, and now the bandits' strength has only grown. How could things have come to this?"
The refugees of the six commandaries all now acclaimed Li Te as their leader. Li Te ordered the divisional leader of the people of the six commandaries, Li Han, the Prefect of Shanggui, Ren Zang, the Prefect of Shichang, Yan Shi, the Grandee Remonstrant, Li Pan, the Prefect of Chencang, Li Wu, the Prefect of Yinping, Li Yuan, the Commandant of Soldiers, Yang Bao, and others to send up a letter to the court in Luoyang, asking that Li Te be allowed to assume command of Lianzhou, following the example of Dou Rong of former times. These people all acclaimed Li Te as acting Grand General Who Guards The North, with authority to make his own appointments. They also acclaimed Li Liu as acting General Who Guards The East, and Li Te and Li Liu collaborated in the protection and leadership of the people.
Li Te led his soldiers to advance and attack Xin Mao at Guanghan. Xin Ran marched out to battle, but Li Te always routed him. Luo Shang sent Li Bi and Fei Yuan to lead troops to reinforce Xin Ran, but they feared Li Te and did not dare to advance. With Xin Mao's intelligence exhausted, he broke out and fled to Jiangyang. Li Te entered Guanghan and occupied it, appointing Li Chao as the new Administrator.
His soldiers then advanced to attack Luo Shang at Chengdu. Yan Shi sent a letter to Luo Shang, blaming him for trusting in and using slander and fabrications and wanting to campaign against the refugees, and defending the actions of Li Te and his brothers as achieving merits on behalf of the Jin royal family, in order to bring peace to Yizhou. Luo Shang reflected upon this letter and realized that Li Te and the others had great ambitions indeed. So he withdrew into the city to hold out, and asked for reinforcements from Lianzhou and Ningzhou.
Li Te appointed himself as Commissioner Bearing Credentials, Grand Commander, and fully Grand General Who Guards The North, and he wielded authority to make his own appointments as Dou Rong had once done when he had occupied the Hexi region (in the northwest at Liangzhou). He appointed his elder brother Li Fu as General of Agile Cavalry, his youngest brother Li Xiang as General of Fierce Cavalry, his eldest son Li Shi as General of Might and Valor, his second son Li Dang as General Who Guards The Army, and his youngest son Li Xiong as General of the Front. He also appointed Li Han as Colonel of Western Yi Tribes, and he appointed Li Han's sons Li Guo and Li Li, Ren Hui, Li Gong, Shangguan Jing, Li Pan, Fei Tuo, and others as generals and leaders as well. Ren Zang, Shangguan Dun, Yang Bao, Yang Gui, Wang Da, Qu Xin, and others served as his fangs and claws, while Li Yuan, Li Bo, Xi Bin, Yang Cheng, Shangguan Qi, Li Tao, Wang Huai, and others served as subordinates. Yan Shi was his chief advisor, and He Shi and Zhao Su were his right-hand men.
Now Luo Shang had long been greedy and covetous, a burden upon the common people. But Li Te made a covenant with the people of Shu to only enforce the Three Regulations (of Liu Bang), and he gave out alms and funds to them. He treated the worthy with proper ceremony and plucked out people living in obscurity, and he treated both the army and the government respectfully. The common people made a ditty which went, "Luo Shang's blade is at our neck, but Li Te treats us with respect."
Luo Shang was frequently defeated by Li Te, so he built long walls to protect himself, and he diverted the waters of the river to serve as his ramparts. He defenses stretched for seven hundred li, from Du'an to Jianwei. He and Li Te were locked in stalemate.
The Prince of Hejian, Sima Yong, sent the Protector Ya Bo and the Administrator of Guanghan, Zhang Zheng, to campaign against Li Te. The Colonel of Southern Yi Tribes, Li Yi, also sent five thousand soldiers to reinforce Luo Shang. And Luo Shang sent the Protector Zhang Gui to march his army to Fancheng. So these three forces attacked Li Te along three routes.
Li Te ordered Li Dang and Li Xiong to attack Ya Bo. Li Te himself went to attack Zhang Gui, and he greatly defeated Zhang Gui.
Li Dang also fought a running battle against Ya Bo for several days, where Ya Bo suffered several defeats and more than half of his soldiers died. Li Dang pursued Ya Bo as far as Hande, and Ya Bo fled to Jiameng. Li Dang advanced and invaded Baxi commandary, where the Minister of Baxi, Mao Zhi, and the Director of the Five Offices, Xiang Zhen, surrendered the commandary to him. Li Dang reassured and relieved the commandary, since it had only just come over to his side, and thus the common people were settled. Then he advanced and attacked Jiameng. Ya Bo once more fled far away, and his forces all surrendered to Li Dang.
In the first year of Tai'an (302), Li Te declared himself Governor of Yizhou, Commander of military affairs in Lianzhou and Yizhou, Grand General, and Grand Commander. He changed the reign era title to the first year of Jianchu, and he declared an amnesty within his domain.
Then Li Te advanced and attacked Zhang Zheng. Zhang Zheng occupied strategic terrain in high places, and he was locked in battle with Li Te for several days. At this time, Li Te and Li Dang had split their forces into two camps. When Zhang Zheng noticed that Li Te's camp was now left exposed, he sent infantry around the side of the mountain and attacked it. Li Te tried to counter-attack, but he got the worst of the fighting. Li Te now found himself pressed in by the narrow confines of the mountain, and his army did not know what to do. Luo Zhun and Ren Dao both urged Li Te to lead his soldiers away in retreat, but Li Te felt that Li Dang was certain to come and help him, so he refused to agree.
Although Zhang Zheng had somewhat more men on his side, the mountain roads were so narrow that only one or two men could advance along them at a time. Li Dang's army could not press forward, but he said to his Marshal Wang Xin, "If my father perishes in the midst of these enemies, that shall be the day of my death too." So putting on a heavy suit of armor and grasping a long spear, he gave a great shout and charged forward. He pressed forward even in the face of certain death, killing more than ten people. Zhang Zheng's army all rushed forward to help each other, but Li Dang's army fought a battle of life and death, until at last Zhang Zheng's army scattered.
Li Te proposed letting Zhang Zheng go while they fell back to Fu, but Li Dang and Wang Xin stepped forward and said, "Zhang Zheng's army has just fought many battles; his officers and soldiers have been greatly wounded, and his cunning and valor are both exhausted. We should take advantage of his weakness to capture him. If we stay here and let him escape, then Zhang Zheng will nurse his soldiers back to health and round up his stragglers. Then his army will grow even larger, and it will not be easy to overcome him."
Li Te followed their advice, and advanced again and attacked Zhang Zheng. Zhang Zheng broke out of his encirclement and fled, but Li Dang pursued him by water; he killed Zhang Zheng and captured his son Zhang Cun alive, but released the son to return and mourn for the father.
Li Te appointed Qian Shuo as Administrator of Deyang, and Qian Shuo surveyed the land as far as Dianjiang in Ba commandary.
When Li Te had gone to attack Zhang Zheng, he had sent Li Xiang, Li Pan, Ren Hui, and Li Gong to camp at Piqiao, to prepare defenses against Luo Shang. Luo Shang sent an army to offer battle to them, but Li Xiang and the others routed this army. Luo Shang once more sent several thousand soldiers out to fight, but Li Xiang again destroyed and routed them, greatly capturing their arms and armor. Then he attacked Luo Shang's gates and set fire to them. Li Liu's army also arrived north of Chengdu.
Luo Shang sent his general Zhang Xing to pretend to surrender to Li Xiang, but his real purpose was to scout out their camp and look for any weaknesses. By now, Li Xiang's army numbered no more than two thousand people. Zhang Xing returned to Luo Shang during the night and reported this discovery to him, so Luo Shang sent ten thousand of his most elite and bravest soldiers to launch a night attack on Li Xiang's camp, with Zhang Xing leading them; they kept sticks in their mouths to ensure silence as they approached. Li Pan fought back against them and died, while Li Xiang and his generals and soldiers fled to the defenses of Li Liu's barricades. Then they joined their strength with Li Liu's soldiers and marched back to attack Luo Shang's army. Luo Shang's army was thrown into a panic, and they were defeated; only one or two of every ten of the soldiers returned.
Jin's new Inspector of Lianzhou, Xu Xiong, sent his own army to attack Li Te, but Li Te destroyed and routed it. Then he advanced and attacked, routing Luo Shang's naval force, before invading Chengdu itself. The Administrator of Shu commandary, Xu Jian, surrendered Chengdu's Lesser City to Li Te. Li Te appointed Li Jin as his own Administrator of Shu in order to nurture that region. Luo Shang occupied Chengdu's Greater City and maintained the defense. But when Li Liu advanced to camp at Jiangxi, Luo Shang was frightened, and he sent messengers asking for peace terms.
By this time, because of the danger and fear across the region, the people of Shu had banded together into villages and fortifications. They asked for orders from Li Te, who sent men to settle and nurture them.
The Attendant Officer of Yizhou, Ren Ming, advised Luo Shang, "Li Te is a wild and wicked traitor, and he has plundered and ravaged the common people. Now he has dispersed his forces to all the various villages and fortifications, and in his arrogance, he has made no preparations to defend himself. Heaven wills his downfall. You should make a accord with the villages. Set a secret time for a general rising, and we shall all attack him from every side. How could we not destroy him?"
Luo Shang agreed with him. So Ren Ming first visited Li Te to feign his surrender, and Li Te asked him what conditions were like inside Luo Shang's defenses. Ren Ming replied, "The grain stores are nearly exhausted; funds and silks are the only things there."
Then Ren Ming asked that he be allowed to go back to his family, and Li Te allowed him to leave. Ren Ming then secretly visited the villages and advised them of the plan, and all of those places heeded his orders. Then he returned to Chengdu and informed Luo Shang of everything. At the set time, Luo Shang would march out with his army, and the villages would all march out and join him at the same time.
In the second year of Tai'an (303), Emperor Hui ordered the Inspector of Jingzhou, Song Dai, and the Administrator of Jianping, Sun Fu, to go and reinforce Luo Shang. Sun Fu had already reached Deyang, so Li Te sent Li Dang to lead Li Huang to reinforce Ren Zang against Sun Fu.
Luo Shang then sent most of his forces to suddenly attack Li Te's camp. They fought for two days, and with so few remaining soldiers, Li Te was no match for the enemy and his army was greatly defeated. Li Te gathered up his remaining men and fell back to Xinfan. Luo Shang then began to lead his own army back towards Chengdu. Li Te turned around and pursued him, and they fought a running battle for more than thirty li. Then Luo Shang brought his main army out again and counter-attacked, and Li Te's army suffered another defeat. Li Te was killed, as well as Li Fu and Li Yuan. Their corpses were burned, and their heads were sent to Luoyang. Li Te had been in the second year of his reign.
When his son Li Xiong assumed title as Prince, he posthumously named Li Te as Prince Jing ("the Splendid"), and when Li Xiong later claimed imperial title, he further posthumously honored Li Te as Emperor Jing, with the temple name Shizu.
Li Liu
Li Liu, styled Xuantong, was Li Te's younger brother, the fourth of the five brothers. As a young man, he was well-educated, and also proficient at archery and riding. The Colonel of Eastern Qiang Tribes, He Pan, claimed that Li Liu had the same valor as the ancient heroes Meng Ben and Xia Yu, and he nominated him as a subordinate Director under him.
Later on, when Li Liu followed the other refugees into Yizhou, the Inspector Zhao Xin marveled at him and appreciated him. When Zhao Xin ordered Li Xiáng to form an army, Li Liu recruited his own host of several thousand men from among the sons and younger brothers of natives of his hometown.
After Li Xiáng was killed by Zhao Xin, Li Liu followed Li Te and settled and reassured the refugees. He routed Chang Jun at Mianzhu, and conquered Zhao Xin at Chengdu. When the court discussed the merits for putting down Zhao Xin's rebellion, they appointed Li Liu as General Who Exerts Might and Marquis of Wuyang.
When Li Te assumed the authority to make his own appointments, he appointed Li Liu as General Who Guards The East, and since he resided with the eastern camp, he was called the Eastern Protector. Li Te often sent Li Liu to lead his best soldiers, and Li Liu often fought against Luo Shang.
After Li Te captured Chengdu's Lesser City, he sent the refugees from the six commandaries away in several groups, each to go into a city, and he had his strong soldiers guard the various villages and fortifications. Li Liu said to Li Te, "Your Highness, you have divine martial ability, and you have already taken the Lesser City. However, the last few pockets of resistance among the hills and shallows have not yet been dealt with, and we have little grain and few weapons on hand here. You should have the leaders of the great families of the provinces and commandaries send us their sons and younger brothers as hostages, whom you can send back to Guanghan. Then make ready the two camps and gather together fierce and keen soldiers, to keep a tight defense to protect ourselves."
And he and Li Te's Marshal, Shangguan Dun, also wrote Li Te a letter, explaining the principle of how accepting a surrender (as he was planning to do with Luo Shang) was like going to receive an enemy. But Li Te would not listen to them.
Following Li Te's death, many of the natives of Shu turned against the rebels, and the refugees were greatly afraid. Li Liu and his nephews Li Dang and Li Xiong gathered up their remaining forces and fell back to Chizu, where Li Liu guarded the eastern camp and Li Dang and Li Xiong guarded the northern one. Li Liu proclaimed himself Grand General, Grand Commander, and Governor of Yizhou.
By this time, Song Dai's naval force of thirty thousand had advanced to Dianjiang, and his vanguard under Sun Fu had broken into Deyang, capturing Li Te's appointee as Administrator, Qian Shuo. The Administrator, Ren Zang, and the other rebel commanders retreated to camp at Fuling County.
Luo Shang sent his Protector Chang Shen to lead his army to Piqiao, and he sent his Generals of the Standard, Zuo Fan, Huang Hong, and He Chong, along three roads to attack the refugees' northern camp. Li Liu personally led Li Dang and Li Xiong to attack Chang Shen's barricades, and they took them, with Chang Shen's soldiers scattering like shooting stars. They pursued the enemy to Chengdu, where Luo Shang once more closed the gates to hold out.
Li Dang was rushing his horse ahead to pursue and attack the enemy when he was struck by a spear and died from the wound.
Now that Li Te and Li Dang were both dead, and the armies of Song Dai and Sun Fu were closing in, Li Liu was very afraid. The Administrator Li Han also urged him to surrender, and Li Liu was about to follow his advice.  Li Xiong and Li Xiang sent remonstrations, but Li Liu would not heed them. He sent his son Li Shi and Li Han's son Li Hu to Sun Fu's army as hostages.
When Li Hu's elder brother Li Li heard that his father wished to surrender, he quickly returned from Zitong to remonstrate with Li Liu and Li Han, but to no avail. Li Li withdrew from them, and began plotting with Li Xiong to attack Sun Fu's army. He said, "If we can realize this achievement, within three years I shall recognize you as our leader."
Li Xiong said, "I reckon we can accomplish it, but our uncles will not go along with it. What should we do?"
Li Li replied, "Now we shall have to force them. Otherwise, we will be throwing away the whole design. Our uncles may be the ones in charge, but their power does not compare with yours. With old men like them in charge, what more is there to say?"
Li Xiong was overjoyed, and so he attacked Luo Shang's army. Luo Shang defended the Greater City.
Li Xiong crossed over the Yangzi and killed the Administrator of Wenshan, Chen Tu. Then he entered Picheng, and the refugees moved their camp there and occupied it.
The people of Shu had all withdrawn into the fortified places to protect themselves, leaving their cities and villages empty. Li Liu foraged all around, but he could not obtain any supplies, and the soldiers suffered from hunger and exhaustion.
A native of Fuling commandary, Fan Changsheng, had led more than a thousand families to seek refuge at Mount Qingcheng. Luo Shang's Army Advisor, Xu Yu of Fuling, asked Luo Shang to appoint him as the new Administrator of Wenshan, as he wanted to form an alliance with Fan Changsheng and others in order to attack Li Liu together from many sides. But Luo Shang would not permit it, and so Xu Yu resented him. He sent word to Jiangxi, and so surrendered to Li Liu, advising Fan Changsheng and the others to send grain to keep Li Liu's army supplied. Fan Changsheng followed his advice, and so Li Liu's army was restored to fighting form.
Li Liu had long appreciated Li Xiong for his great virtue and other qualities, and he always said, "The one who shall make our family rise is this man." He ordered his own sons to submit to Li Xiong.
When Li Liu became deathly ill, he told his generals, "The General of the Agile Cavalry, Liu Xiang, has great wisdom, benevolence, and love; he is knowledgeable, decisive, and very remarkable. He would be enough to see this affair to fruition. But the General of the Front, Li Xiong, is a brave and heroic man, almost the equal of Heaven. May all of you entrust affairs to the General of the Front, and make him the Prince of Chengdu."
Li Liu soon passed away; he was fifty-five years old. His generals all acclaimed Li Xiong as their leader.
After Li Xiong claimed princely title, he posthumously named Li Liu as Prince Wen ("the Cultured") of Qin.
Li Xiáng
Li Xiáng, styled Xuanzu, was Li Te's younger brother, the third of the five brothers. Even when he was a young man, people had heard of his fierce spirit. He served in his commandary as a Courier Commander and as Registrar, and in both instances he was praised for his good work. In the fourth year of Yuankang (294), he was examined as a Filial and Incorrupt candidate, but he did not accept. Later, since he was adept at mounted archery, he was nominated as a fine general, but again he did not accept.
His province, noting Li Xiáng's talents in both civil and military affairs, nominated him as Exceptional and Remarkable, but even still he declined on account of illness. However, this time the province and commandary would not listen to his request, and when his name was called out, the Army Protector of the Center compelled him, so that he had no choice but to heed the call to service, and he was appointed as a Cavalry Commander of the Central Army. He was remarkably nimble at riding and with a bow, and his arm strength was more than human. The people of that time compared him to Wen Yang.
When Luoyang fell into turmoil, he resigned his office by claiming illness. Li Xiáng was naturally suited to a life of gallant chivalry, and he liked to help people to overcome difficulties, so people all through the province struggled against each other to be the first to come join him.
When Li Xiáng followed the other refugees and entered the Shu region, Zhao Xin deeply appreciated him. He would discusses the arts of war with Li Xiáng, and there was nothing Li Xiáng said that Zhao Xin could find fault with. Zhao Xin was always telling his associates, "Li Xuanzu is the Guan Yu or Zhang Fei of our age." And since Zhao Xin soon developed sinister intentions, he kept Li Xiáng in a trusted position, as close to himself as the heart and spine, and he petitioned to make Li Xiáng a Divisional Commander. He sent Li Xiáng to recruit brave fellows from among the refugees of the six commandaries, until Li Xiáng had a host of more than ten thousand people. For Li Xiáng's success in campaigning against rebellious Qiang, Zhao Xin petitioned to have him appointed as General Who Awes Invaders. He granted Li Xiáng a crimson banner and a bent canopy, appointed him as Marquis of Yangquan Village, and rewarded him with a million cash and fifty horses.
The day that Li Xiáng was executed, there was no one among the people of the six commandaries who did not weep for him. He was fifty-four when he died.
Huayang Guozhi
Li Te, styled Xuanxiu, was a native of Linwei in Lueyang commandary. His ancestors were originally members of the Cong people living in Dangqu in Baxi commandary. They were a bountiful people, nimble and bold, and they usually found delight in spirits and witchcraft.
At the end of the Han dynasty (~189 AD), the warlord Zhang Lu occupied Hanzhong commandary. He instructed the common people in the ways of the spirits, and the Cong people respected and trusted in him. The realm soon fell into turmoil, and so the Cong people moved from Dangqu in Baxi commandary to Hanzhong.
When Wu of Wei (Cao Cao) conquered Hanzhong (in 215), Li Te's great-grandfather Li Hu, along with Du (Huo), Pu Hu, (Yuan) Yue, Yang Che, Li Hei, and others, all moved to the northern territory of Lueyang, where they were called the people (or Di) or Ba (or the Ba-Di).
(Regarding the statement of Li Hu being Li Te's "great" grandfather, Gu Guangqi's Analysis states, "The character 曾 'great (grandfather)' here should be 特 '(Li) Te'." And Liao Ben's Annotations states, "The character 曾 should not be present." Both of them base this on the Biography of Li Te in the Chronicles of the Book of Jin, which states, "When Emperor Wu of Cao-Wei (Cao Cao) took Hanzhong (in 215), Li Te's grandfather led five hundred families to go over to him." However, I (the commentator) have reasons to doubt this sentence. Now consider: between the time when Wu of Wei moved the Ba-Di to the north (215) and the time when Li Te entered Shu (300) was a period of eighty-four years, which would indicate three further generations (ie, down to Li Te's grandfather, father, and Li Te himself). And later on in the text, we note that Li Xiong honored the past three generations of his ancestors, as far back as his great-grandfather Li Yong. But Li Hu was not included (suggesting the people honored were Li Te, Li Mu, and this Li Yong). So clearly Li Hu must have been his father Li Te's great-grandfather (and so was four generations removed from Li Xiong). So this sentence in Huayang Guozhi is not mistaken. It is the Book of Jin which is mistaken when it calls Li Hu Li Te's "grandfather".
Regarding the other people listed with Li Hu, the old versions of Huayang Guozhi all listed the given name of the one surnamed Du as "Huo". And Gu Guangqi states, "The character 濩 Huo should be listed after Du, and the character 袁 Yuan should be listed before Yue. See above." Liao Ben's Annotations states the same thing. So I have added those two characters in.
Some versions of the final sentence identify the identity of Li Hu and the others as "people of Ba". Liao Ben's Annotations states, "The character 人 'people' should be 氐 'Di (people)'." The Book of Jin says the same thing. And so does the Records of the Great Accordance chapter of the Huayang Guozhi. So I have changed the character accordingly.)
Li Te's father was Li Mu, who served as Hunting General of the Eastern Qiang tribes. Li Te was one of five brothers. The eldest brother was Li Fu, styled Xuanzheng. Next was Li Te himself. Third was Li Xiáng, styled Xuanxu. Fourth was Li Liu, styled Xuantong. The youngest was Li Xiang, styled Xuanlong. They were all stalwart and valiant fellows, possessing martial talents. Li Te's elder son was Li Dang, styled Zhongping; he was well-educated, and had a remarkable appearance. His younger son was Li Xiong, styled Zhongjuan.
Earlier, Li Te's wife Lady Luo dreamed of a pair of rainbows that came out of the gate and mounted to the sky, but one of the rainbows suddenly stopped halfway through. She said, "I have two sons; if one of them dies early, the one that lives will certainly become greatly honored."
When Li Xiong was young, he and Xin Mao honored one another.
There was a certain Liu Hua who was a Daoist master. He said, "The people of Guanzhong and Longyou shall go south. Among the sons of the Li clan, only Zhongjuan has a divine bearing and remarkable talents. He shall become a leader of men in the end." Many of the people of that area approved of him. Li Xiong and his uncle Li Xiáng were both known for their fierce spirits, and many of the people of that area approved of him. [After Li Xiáng's death,] many of them followed him.
(Regarding the phrase "Lady Luo dreamed...", in Gu Guangqi's Analysis he inserts the words "while pregnant with Li Xiong", noting that in doing so he is "following the examples of the second chapter of the 初學記, the 151st chapter of the 書鈔, and the tenth chapter of the Taiping Yulan". Now consider: when one gathers together books to draw from their words, one must always be careful when adding or subtracting anything, and one cannot simply accept something wholesale. Naturally the pair of rainbows in the dream symbolized Li Dang and Li Xiong, but it does not therefore follow that Lady Luo only dreamed of such a thing while she was pregnant with Li Xiong. This is easy enough to determine.
The Huayang Guozhi states that the pair of rainbows in the dream came up from "out of the gate". The entries in the three books mentioned above, 初學記 and the rest, state that they came up from "out of the ground".
The old versions of Huayang Guozhi all state that the pair of rainbows 昇 "ascended to" the sky. Liao Ben has changed the character to 升 "mounted to".
Liu Hua's prophecy states that the people will 當南移 "move to the south". Yuan Fengben has rearranged this phrase as 南移當.
The sentence "Many of the people of that area approved of him" originally appeared directly after Liu Hua's prophecy. I have rectified the account by moving it closer to the end of the passage. As for the characters 庠死 "After Li Xiáng's death", the old versions do not have them, but they ought to be included.)
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You got any Jeff HCS to spare?
The anger Jeff uses to interact with the other monsters is entirely fake. Jeff’s real destructive anger is triggered by violent or dangerous situations. Sadly, he uses his angry reputation to scare people away. The last thing Jeff wants is a repeat of Liu. 
Deep down, Jeff really is a pretty nice guy to be around. Quiet and shy, but mostly nice. 
In times of great emotional trouble, some monsters will be shocked to find Jeff approaching them and making sure they’re okay. 
Jeff loves to read, mostly because it doesn’t detract from his “tough” demeanor too much and he gets to escape from his own mind for a bit.
Jeff sees BEN as a younger-brother figure.
He definitely makes fandom references under his breath. 
Jeff’s favorite time of the year is right in the middle of spring because it is both raining violently and all the flowers are blooming. Jeff thinks it’s peaceful. 
While he won’t admit it to anyone’s face, Jeff thinks his best friends are Smile, BEN, and Slender. 
The most frequent visitor to the Slender mansion. 
Since Eyeless forgot Jeff’s name, he just called him “Sharon” jeff replied to this by only calling E.J. “Nancy” for a month. 
Its a meme between them now. 
Jeff loves The Office
(I am very opinionated about this character, more HCs do exist)
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bookofjin · 7 years
Records of Jiankang, 2
[Covers 200 - 206]
At the time Cao Cao was already grappling Yuan Shao, but was not able to incarcerate [him]. Because of that he and Ce were on good terms, he used his younger brother's daughter as match for Ce's youngest brother Kuang, and again had his son Zhang obtain Ce's elder brother's son Ben's daughter as Lady.
5th Year of Jian'an, 4th Month [2 May – 30 May 200], the Grand Warden of Guangling, Chen Deng was seated at Sheyang. He covertly dispatched hidden envoys using seals and ribbons to the remnants of Yan Baihu's faction, at the meeting they investigated plans for defeating Ce. Ce secretly knew about it, and punished Deng, arriving at Dantu. He heard Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were confronting each other at Guandu, and wanted and desired to plan for crossing the Jiang and welcome Emperor Xian.
Earlier, the Grand Warden of Wu commandery, Xu Gong saw that Ce was brave and noble, and therefore petitioned:
Ce's bravery covers Under Heaven, his valiant heroism resembles Xiang Yu, [I] request the Imperial Court to summon [him] to enter, if not done he will surely be a later worry.
Ce covertly knew about it, and sent people to intercept and obtain his petition, and summoned Gong  to call him into account for it. He ordered martial soldiers to strangle and kill [him].
When thus the troops were garrisoned above the Jiang, he because of that set out to hunt, his horse was excellent, and he left the accompanying cavalry far behind. Gong's retainer Xu Zhao ambushed and stabbed him, wounding his face.
At the time a Scholar of the Way from Langye, Yu Ji, had the arts of the Way, he came and went within Wu, his sayings about affairs were often verified. Of the various generals accompanying Ce two out of three bowed to Ji, Ce detested it. When he had arrived at Dantu, he called him into account on his affairs on floods and droughts, and executed Ji. When he himself afterwards sat alone, he often saw that Ji was to the left or right.
When he was wounded by Xu Zhao, the methods for handling of the wound were faulty. Ce was tough by nature, he took a mirror to reflect his face, seeing the infected wound, and then angrily said:
A greatly respected man wants to establish a meritorious profession, and yet it made [my] face like this!
Thereupon he hurled the mirror with a great shout, the wound split and he died. At the time he was 26 years old. [Note L]
For later affairs he entrusted to his younger brother Quan, and relied on Senior Clerks Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong to assist him. As the end drew near he looked at to Quan and spoke, saying:
In raising up the multitudes of Jiangdong, seizing the moment between two columns, striving for mastery with Under Heaven, Sir is not like me. In raising up the worthy and rely on the able, everyone exhausting their hearts, and thereby protecting Jiangdong, I am not like Sir.
Finished speaking, he passed on. Quan presided over the mourning and had not yet reached the end of it. Zhang Zhao spoke to Quan, saying:
When a man becomes the successor, he values being able to carry the burden for the former path, achieving prosperity for the government buildings, thereby completing the meritorious profession. Just now the tripods of Under Heaven are boiling, dholes and wolves fill the roads. If this then is a time for wailing, it is like opening the gates and waiting for the robbers, and is not to be humane.
He then changed Quan's clothes, helped him atop the horse, and made him set out to patrol and travel with the army squads. [Note M]
[Note L] Note: Records of Seeking the Supernatural: When he had killed Yu Ji, in every reflected mirror, he saw Ji being within it, when he looked back he did not see [him], it was like this twice or thrice. Because of that he threw the mirror with a great shout, the wound split, and at that instant moment he died.
[Note M] Note: Tabular Records of Jiang: Jian was Assistant of Xiapi when he begot Quan. He had a broad forehead and great mouth, his eyes had a focused shine. Jian was amazed by him, and considered that he would surely be very accomplished. He followed his older brother Ce on conquests and attacks, always putting up unusual schemes. Ce looked at Quan and spoke to the multitudes, saying:
This is truly the General of you Lords!
At that time Wu first had Kuaiji, Wu, Danyang, Yuzhang and Luling commanderies. The ground of extreme steepness similarly was not yet completely adhering, and the heroes and worthies of Under Heaven spread in the provinces and commanderies. The soldiers of guests and retainers, depending on peace and danger, came and went as they thought, and had not yet been solidified into lords and subjects.
When Quan had taken command of affairs, he used Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu, Lü Fan and others as claws and teeth; Generals Lu Su, Zhuge Jin, Bui Zhi and Lu Xun as belly and heart for guests and retainers. He summoned and welcomed the brave and talented, and distributed [them as?] generals of the sections. He quelled and consoled the Yue of the mountains and punished those not following the instructions. He sent Taishi Ci to quell Haihun. Han Dang, Zhou Tai and Lü Meng were chiefs of troubled counties.
6th Year of Jian'an [201 AD], Spring, the Grand Warden of Lujiang set up by Ce, Li Shu, heard Ce had died, and thereupon did not follow the instructions. He therefore wrote to Quan, saying:
To have virtue is to be seen to revert, to be without virtue is to be seen to rebel, do not obey and turn back. [?]
Quan was angry, and conquered him himself, exposed his head, butchered his city, and moved his private troops, 20 000 people, to follow him east across the Jiang.
8th Year [203 AD], he used his younger brother Yi to replace Wu Jing as acting Grand Warden of Danyang.
9th Year [204 AD], a great assembly of the companions and subordinates. Due to an affair executed Shen You.
Shen You, courtesy name Zizheng, was a native of Wu. As a youth he excelled at studying, had broad knowledge and was clear and well-articulate, he was good at composing words, and often made discerning speeches. At the time people considered the marvels of You's writing brush, the marvels of his tongue, and the marvels of his knife to be 3 marvels beyond ordinary people. When Quan arrived in Wu, he summoned and honoured him, and together they discussed the great plans of kings and hegemons, and the activities of the time period. You was by nature loyal and frank, firm at court with a stern countenance, he was slandered by the multitudes. Quan likewise considered that he in the end could not be used by him, and for that reason killed him.
10th Year [205 AD], Spring, he went to Jiaoqiu, and sent the Chief Commandant He Qi to punish Shangrao [?], and divided off and set up Jianping county.
This year, the Chief Commandant of Danyang, Gui Lan, the commandery Assistant, Dai Yuan, and others plotted with Bian Hong to kill the Grand Warden, Sun Yi. Yi's wife Xu Min together with Yi's close friends, Sun Gao, Fu Ying and others plotted against Lan and Yuan, and killed them with hidden blades. They completely executed their faction and used Lan and Yuan's heads to sacrifice at Yi's grave.
11th Year [206 AD], the Chief Commandant of Jianchang, Taishi Ci, passed on.
Taishi Ci, courtesy name Ziyi, was a native of Huang in Donglai. As young he excelled at studying, he served the commandery as a clerk on the Board of Memorials. It happened that the commandery and the province had a quarrel, crooked or straight, those were heard first [by the imperial court] had the advantage. At the time the province's letter had already departed. The commandery warden was considerably apprehensive and searched for someone who could be sent.
Ci at the time was 21 years old, he was selected to travel and carried the commandery's letter. From dawn to dusk he took to the road, and arrived at Luoyang. He reached the chariot gates of the Excellencies and saw the province's clerk. He took his letter by trickery and in that way managed to to ruin it. He explained the clerk and him had destroyed it together, and they set out form the city. He secretly returned and passed on the commandery's letter. Then to avoid quarrel with the province he went to Liaodong.
The Chancellor of Beihai. Kong Rong, heard of his fame and righteousness, sent gifts to his home, and asked and inquire about his old mother. When the Yello Turban thieves besieged Kong Rong, the mother urgently summoned Ci to return, and ordered him rescue to Rong. Ci travelled alone directly to Duchang. He waited for a gap to enter and see Rong. He spoke of his old mother's thoughts of gratitude [?], and requested thereby to seek outside aid, and cause the retreat without diminishing the Office Lord's troops. Because of that he then began in city to pretend practising horse archery [?], he waited for thieves to relax, easily burst through the siege and set out. He sought help from Liu Bei, thereby broke the siege of Duchang and then returned. He informed his mother, the mother said:
I am delighted of you having recompensed Kong of Beihai.
Later when the Inspector of Yang province, Liu Yao, crossed the Jiang, Cii accompanied his private troops. It happened that Sun Ce punished Yao. Ci rode alone to set out and watch out. Finally [?] he encountered Ce at Shenting, Ce was followed by Han Dang, Song Qian, Huang Gai and others, 13 cavalry Ci then went forward alone unexpectedly [?], and properly faced off with Ce. Ce stabbed Ci's horse, and then grabbed and took Ci's above the neck and the halberd in his hand [?], Ci likewise took Ce's pot helmet. It happened that the pair's household troops came and they then disengaged.
He and Yao together fled for Yuzhang. On the road from Wuhu, he absconded into the mountains. He called [himself] Grand Warden of Danyang, and established his garrison and office in Jing county. Following up he was routed by Ce, and [Ce] arrested him, he grabbed his hand and said:
What if [you had] known at the time of Shenting [?], if you Sir had taken me, what would [you] had done?
Ci said:
[I] cannot guess.
Ce greatly laughed and said:
The affairs of Under Heaven, Sir and [I] must be together about them.
He designated him Chief Controller Beneath the Gates. He followed him to return to Wu, and was moved to Commander of the Palace Gentlemen who Breaks the Charge. [Ce] deeply entrusted and relied on him, and always discussed plans with him. [They] heard Liu Yao had died in Yuzhang, but his officers and multitudes of more than 10 000 people were not yet adhering. Ce spoke to Ci, saying:
Shepherd Liu formerly called me into account for the Yuan clan's attack on Lujiang. His ideas were rather commonplace, [and his] managing mercy insufficient. Why? The Former Lord had by his hand several thousand troops, and to the end was on the path of lords. Why?
The troops handled by the Former Lord, several thousand troops, were to the end with Gonglu [Yuan Shu]. Your Orphan's aspirations was to establish affairs, and did not manage to not stay and bend to Gonglu. [I] requested to guide the old troops, [but in] two trips merely obtained a thousand people. Then [he] ordered Your Orphan to attack Lujiang. At that time affairs were forced, and [I] did not manage to not be acting.
However he later did not obey the regulations of a subject, threw himself away to make evil and usurp affairs. [I] remonstrated with him, [but he] did not follow. A respected man is righteous in relationships, if at all there is a great mishap, he cannot but leave. Your Orphan at first had relations with Gonglu and then broke off with him. From beginning to end it was like this.
Now Excellency Liu has sadly perished, [I] regret [I] did not discus and argue with him while he was alive. However his son is in Yuzhang. [I] do not know how Hua Ziyu's treatment [of him] is like. His private troops, will they again rely on and follow him, or not?
Sir, as a native of [his] province, and who formerly also assisted him in affairs, is truly able to go and look after the son, and likewise present Your Orphan's ideas to the private troops. Those of the private troops who are happy to come, immediately come with them. Those who are not happy however, calm and console them. Also if observe Ziyu's shepherding and management are square and lawful, and see if the people of Lujianf [sic] and Poyang fondly adhere to him or not. Of the troops handled by Sir, command many or few according to your own opinion.
Ci replied, saying:
Sir has crimes which are not be forgiven. The General's capacity is similar to Huan [of Qi] and Wen [of Jin]. [Your] treatment is beyond expectations. The ancients when recompensing life for death [?], in their exhausting authority [?], died then afterwards themselves [?]. Now for this mission, [I] ought not have many troops, [only] several tens of people, myself is sufficient for departing and returning.
Left and right heard Ce had sent Ci, all privately remonstrated that Ci was difficult to measure, and to dispatch him was a bad plan. Ce said:
You Lords say all it is bad, Your Orphan has considered it thoroughly. Taishi Ziyi, although he is brave and zealous, does not indulge in crossing people. In his heart he has the plans of a gentleman, his righteousness is heavily approved [?], a single thought allows him to know himself, life or death do not carry each other [?]. You Lords must not fret about him.
He set out himself to see him off at the main gate, held his wrists separately [?] and said:
At what time will [you] return?
He replied, saying:
Not in more than 60 days.
At the appointed time he returned to report, saying to Ce:
Ziyu has not talent for devising plans, and is only defending himself, that is all. Now in Luling and Poyang nobody accepts Ziyu's instructions. Above Haihun there are hunting excursions [?], a covenant having more than 6 000 households, joining and assembling to make lineage squads, only conveying rent and cloth to the commandery and that is all. Send out a summon and not single person cannot be obtained [?].
Ce grasped his hand with a great laugh, and thereupon they were equally united in their hearts [?]. Then he designated Ci as Chief Commandant of Jianchang, seated at Haihun, to supervise the various generals and thereby resist Liu Biao's nephew Pan.
Ci was 7 chi, 7 cun tall, with a pleasing beard and whiskers, he had gibbon arms and was good at shooting, his bowstring had no false shots. He once followed Ce to punish Mabao [?]. The traitor on the inside of the defences climbed on top of the tall buildings and made curses, with his hands grasping the beams of the building. Ci pulled his bow and shot at him, the arrow went through his hand and stuck to the beam, the besieging then thousand people could not but call it good. Cao Cao heard of his fame, and sent him a letter, using a small box to seal it. When Ci opened it up to scrutinize there was nothing expressed [?],  only a store of angelica [danggui 當歸]. When Quan commanded affairs, he considered Ci to be able to control Liu, and exclusively appointed him to the affairs of the southern regions. He passed on aged 42.
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darkpeacemusic · 2 months
𝔸𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕪𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕒 ℝ𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝔹ℂ 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕤
(Side note: These are not canon at all)
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Family Bond (blood-related):
Maria is Ben's older sister whom he hasn't seen in years after his death. He still misses his sister deeply and Maria misses her little brother and even named a son after him.
Sam and Sally are cousins but they have a complicated relationship.
Lazari and Stripes are stepsisters but they don't get along very well.
Jeff and Liu are brothers and they still love each other no matter what.
Sully is Liu's younger twin brother. While Sully still loves his older twin, Liu doesn't like Sully as he used to due to him finding out how cruel he was towards Jeff.
Jeff is Sully's younger brother. While Jeff somewhat still loves his older brother even though he was one of the main reasons he would snap, Sully basically has disowned Jeff by now. Sully even wishes Jeff would go to hell for killing their parents and even calls him "a curse to the family".
Dawn is the Woods' only sister. She and Sully used to be close but now they're estranged after Sully got Dawn kicked out of the Jeff Hunters. Dawn has a complicated relationship with Jeff due to Jeff nearly killing her (even though it wasn't his fault he snapped). She is still close with Liu and often tells Liu that they should just quit the Slender Pact and get out of town.
Eyeless Jack and Lulu are siblings (even though neither of them are aware of it).
Lauren is Vailly's cousin.
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Family Bonds (not blood related):
Sally and Ben have a sister-brother like relationship.
Puppeteer and Emra are Sadie's and Zero's adoptive parents, making Sadie and Zero adoptive siblings.
Nina thinks of Jeff as her second little brother (she has known Jeff ever since Jeff was basically in diapers) and she thinks Liu as her older brother. Jeff affectionately calls Nina "Ni" as a result. Liu would sometimes call Nina "little sister".
CR and Kate have a sibling bond ever since they met in elementary school.
Lulu, Sally (I forgot to put her line there my mistake), Ben, and Dollmaker (she is a teenager in my AU) all think Jeff as their big brother and they love to play with him.
Vailly, Lauren, X-Virus, and Chris basically think of Jeff as the little brother they never got.
Nurse Ann is Dollmaker's adoptive mother.
Liu thinks of Ben and Sally as his younger siblings and would sometimes like to play with them.
Toby and Cody have a brotherly bond.
Sally and Nina are adoptive siblings though they have that love-hate relationship.
Lazari and Lulu used to have a sisterly bond but ever since Lazari left to go work for her father, they haven't been as close as they were before.
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Best friends:
Chris and Kate.
Lauren and Kate are childhood bffs.
Chris has a one-sided best friendship with Lauren.
Natalie, Mary, and Jane are all girl-boss best friends.
Mary is also best friends with Judge Angels.
Kate and Nina.
Lulu and Sally.
Ben is best friends with Dawn due to her reminding him of Maria.
Sadie and Zero are best friends with Vailly.
Puppeteer and Bloody Painter used to be best friends but now their relationship with each other is complicated due to Bloody Painter being a part of the Jeff Hunters.
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Close friends:
Kate thinks Toby as her close friend and nothing more.
Mary and Jane are close friends with Sully. Jane is close friends with Sully due to their mutual hatred against Jeff while Mary has known Sully ever since college.
Nurse Ann and EJ are close friends and co-workers in the infirmary.
EJ was basically as the first friend Jeff made when he first joined the Slender Pact and the two have been close ever since then.
Vailly and Liu are close friends and they love to work with each other.
Zero and Roadwalker are close friends because Roadwalker is Zero's future sister-in-law.
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CR and Lauren are married.
Nurse Ann is dating Dr. Smiley.
Nina and EJ are currently dating.
LJ has a one-sided crush on Jeff while Jeff thinks LJ as a close friend.
Jeff has a one-sided crush on Kagekao even though Kagekao is already dating Cat Hunter and only thinks Jeff as a younger sibling.
Liu has a one-sided crush on Toby while Toby doesn't feel the same way due to his one-sided crush on Kate.
X-Virus is currently dating Doctor Locklear (note: Doctor Locklear is immortal in my AU)
Lazari has a one-sided crush on EJ.
Jane and Mary are currently married.
Emra and Puppeteer are married.
Roadwalker and Sadie are dating.
Lulu is dating a guy named Alfred.
Judge Angels is currently dating Bloody Painter even though Bloody Painter is cheating on her for his college lover, Sully (she is not aware of it).
Lost Silver and Ben have mutual feelings with each other but neither of them know how to admit it to each other.
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Toby and Clockwork are bitter exes after Toby broke up with her for being aggressive towards his friends (Jeff told him).
Liu used to date Randy until Randy's drinking problems were too much for him. They hate each other after Randy nearly burned Jeff alive.
Kagekao and Sadie used to date but broke up because they thought they were better off friends.
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Bloody Painter, Clockwork, Mary, and Jane.
Killing Kate, Sadie, and Zero.
Sally and Kate.
Ben and EJ (mostly).
Vailly and Ben.
Vailly and Chris.
Vailly and Lulu.
Vailly and Kate.
Ben is the only one out of the Slender Pact Lazari still talks to.
Jane has a one-sided friendship with Liu and often tries to manipulate him into joining back the Jeff Hunters.
Lulu and Ben have a complicated friendship.
Toby and Jeff have a complicated friendship even though Jeff is the only one who knows about Liu's secret crush on Toby.
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Stripes basically hates almost everyone and Stripes is considered to be one of the Slender Pact's most dangerous enemy (other than Jane of course who I am going to go over next).
Jane and Jeff are arch-enemies.
Nina has a one-sided hatred against Mary.
Jane and Nina.
Jane and EJ.
Jane and Vailly.
Jane and Ben.
Jane and Lulu.
Liu has a one-sided hatred against Jane and Mary.
Judge Angels and Puppeteer.
Judge Angels and Lulu.
Judge Angels and Jeff.
Judge Angels and Nurse Ann are arch-enemies.
Bloody Painter and Liu.
Bloody Painter and Jeff.
Bloody Painter and Lulu.
Clockwork hates Jeff for being the reason Toby broke up with her.
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Lauren and Liu.
Lauren and Chris (on Lauren's side).
CR and Liu.
Almost everyone else and Nurse Ann.
Mary and Nina (on Mary's side).
Sally and EJ.
Vailly and Dollmaker.
Vailly and EJ.
Toby and EJ.
Toby and Sally.
Toby and Chris.
EJ and Ben (whenever EJ gets pissed off at Ben).
Kate and Liu.
Kate and Jeff.
Nina and Ben.
Puppeteer and Liu.
Puppeteer and Jeff.
Roadwalker, Zero, Puppeteer, and Emra.
Emra and Killing Kate.
Sadie and Sam.
Stripes, Bloody Painter, Mary, and Jane.
Jane and Judge Angels.
Credits to @narabea06 for the original chart (which I will post in a separate post due to me accidentally reaching my image-limit)
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