#living chain of life
wingedblooms · 8 months
Bright as the dawn
This meta is a continuation of Forbidden secrets and Blooming dreams, as it explores how Elain—glowing with the dawn—might restore the land and Cauldron, and has major spoilers for hofas. Please avoid if needed.
Long ago, Wyrd (Mother/Cauldron/Fate/Chaos) was once bound to the soul of Prythian’s world. She was pure, undiluted life until she was warped into a tool of destruction by the Asteri, imbued with their magic through, theoretically, the Void in the Book of Breathings. They claimed the magic of the land (most likely using ley lines, which seem to be the threads or veins of the land’s soul) to hide magic that would sustain them, much like how the Starborn daughters hid pieces of magic in the land where the ley lines—the fabric of the world—wove together, overlapping like a braid in a larger tapestry.
As we saw in the prophetic weaver scene with Feyre and Elain in acofas, iridescent light—embodying Hope—is the only light that can pierce the Void. We may see Elain and Azriel wield these elements through Truth-Teller and Gwydion to unmake the Asteri’s magical chains on the land and/or Wyrd, but I have also wondered if Elain herself, or in combination with someone else’s raw magic as @offtorivendell so beautifully wrote in her Dusk meta, could heal and unheal, make and unmake.
If Elain and Azriel address the land and Wyrd plot Sarah has set up, then I could see them mapping the secrets of the land and releasing the sacred peaks first, which might affect what many of us suspect is Elain’s pure, natural magic that mirrors the Wyrd and her land: Life itself. These challenges may help her level up as @willowmeres has suggested, and will teach her what she needs to know to unbind and restore Wyrd, which is likely to be more complex.
Wyrd was imbued with the Asteri’s magic, which in discussion with @silverlinedeyes, @psychee92, @cassianfanclub, @offtorivendell, and @psychologynerd at different points, reminded me of how the Valg imbued objects with their essence, and their essence was often described as a void.
It was a void. It was a new, dark hell.
Her magic had been a pulsing star that flared against the wall that the darkness had crafted between the top of his spine and the rest of it. She knew—knew without testing—that if she bypassed it, jumped right to the base of his spine … it would find her there, too. (tod)
The Asteri, like the Valg, devour light (life) like the Void in that weaver’s tapestry. It’s probably no coincidence that the Book of Breathings is made of two halves: Chaos and Void. Void may have very well been added by the Asteri to control the magic they imbued in Urd, and what was left behind might even be feeding off of the living half, Chaos (Wyrd). It may not be a matter of solely unbinding the two halves of the book.
Some wounds—like those inflicted by creatures of the Void—require the healer to walk the road with the patient.
If she could even find a way to help him. She’d promised to heal him, and though some injuries required the healer to walk the road with their patient, this injury of his— (tod)
Yrene learns how to destroy the Void by walking this road with Chaol, and I imagine something similar will be required of Elain. Yrene must tread where she fears to go most. In each big healing scene, she travels to the very core—or root—of the wound and uses her pure, undiluted powers of life to unbind her patient from the Valg and unmake the rotting void within them. She connects with them in body and soul, just like Elain might with Wyrd through her sight. Elain will also likely need to tread where she fears most to go, descending into Wyrd (magically and/or physically) to where the dark void festers.
And since this is no small feat, I imagine it rivaling the unmaking of Erawan:
Erawan panted as he approached. “Healer,” he breathed, his unholy power emanating from him like a black aura.
She backed away a step, closer to the balcony rail.
The dark king followed her, a predator closing in on long-awaited prey. “Do you know how long I have looked for you?” The wind tossed his golden hair.
“Do you even know what you can do?”
She hesitated, slamming into the balcony rail behind her, the drop so hideously endless.
“How do you think we took the keys in the first place?” A hateful, horrible smile. “In my world, your kind exists, too. Not healers to us, but executioners. Death-maidens. Capable of healing—but also unhealing. Unbinding the very fabric of life. Of worlds.” Erawan smirked. “So we took your kind. Used them to unbind the Wyrdgate. To rip the three pieces of it from its very essence. Maeve never learned it—and never shall.” His jagged breathing deepened as he savored each word, each step closer. “It took all of them to hew the keys from the gate—every one of the healers amongst my kind. But you, with your gifts—it would only take you to do it again. And with the keys now returned to the gate …” Another smile. “Maeve thinks I left to kill you, destroy you. Your little fire-queen thought so, too. She could not conceive that I wanted to find you. Before Maeve. Before any harm could come to you. And now that I have … What fun you and I shall have, Yrene Towers.”
Erawan reveals that Yrene, as a healer with raw magic, can unbind the very fabric of life, of worlds. If Elain was given the vision and gifts (such powers) to restore the land and Wyrd, as many of us suspect, she is going to need to unmake the magic of the parasite Asteri and unbind Urd from the soul, or fabric, of the world.
[…] Erawan’s power swelled, but Yrene was already glowing, bright as the far-off dawn.
Lysandra opened her talons, delicately dropping Yrene to the balcony stones, light streaming off her as she sprinted headfirst to Erawan.
Erawan screamed. But the sound was nothing compared to what came out of him as Yrene reached him, hands like burning stars, and slammed them upon his chest.
The world slowed and warped.
Yet Yrene was not afraid.
Not afraid at all of the blinding white light that erupted from her, searing into Erawan.
He arched, shrieking, but Damaris held him down, that ancient blade unwavering.
His dark power rose, a wave to devour the world.
Yrene did not let it touch her. Touch any of them.
It was hope that Chaol had said she carried with her. Hope that now grew in her womb.
For a better future. For a free world.
The gods might have been gone, Silba with them, but Yrene could have sworn she felt those warm, gentle hands guiding her. Pushing upon Erawan’s chest as he thrashed, the force of a thousand dark suns trying to rip her apart.
Her power tore through them all.
Tore and shredded and ripped into him, into the writhing worm that lay inside.
The parasite. The infection that fed on life, on strength, on joy.
Distantly, far away, Yrene knew she was incandescent with light, brighter than a noontime sun. Knew that the dark king beneath her was nothing more than a writhing pit of snakes, biting at her, trying to poison her light.
You have no power over me, Yrene said to him. Into the body that housed that parasite of parasites.
I shall rip you apart, he hissed. Starting with that babe in your—
A thought and Yrene’s power flared brighter. Erawan screamed.
The power of creation and destruction. That’s what lay within her.
Life-Giver. World-Maker.
Bit by bit, she burned him up. Starting at his limbs, working inward.
Yrene glows bright as the far-off dawn, which reminded me of Elain glowing like the sun at dawn when her hair is unbound. This very subtle detail is one of many that might make Elain’s journey unique—her gifts seem to be deeply connected, or bound if you will, to both the land and Wyrd. I believe her journey might mirror the unbinding of the land and Wyrd: her powers fully blooming as the land does around her, and a bond she does not want unmade by the end. She is bound to Lucien against her will, just as he is to her, so will she unbind them by unraveling Urd’s unnatural chains? Will she feel a bond that is true in spirit at her core, or will she need to make her own with Azriel? A maker of her own fate. There are so many interesting possibilities that could be explored in their book.
And like the near-twin to her sister, Elain might possess pure, undiluted life like Yrene, allowing her to tear out void like the invasive presence it is.
And when her magic began to slow, Yrene held out a hand.
She didn’t feel the sting of her palm cutting open. Barely felt the pressure of the callused hand that linked with hers.
But when Dorian Havilliard’s raw magic barreled into her, Yrene gasped.
Gasped and turned into starlight, into warmth and strength and joy.
Yrene’s power was life itself. Pure, undiluted life. It nearly brought Dorian to his knees as it met with his own. As he handed over his power to her, willingly and gladly, Erawan prostrate before them. Impaled.
The demon king screamed.
Erawan could do nothing. Nothing against that raw magic, joining with Yrene’s, weaving into that world-making power.
The entire city, the plain, became blindingly bright. So bright that Elide and Lysandra shielded their eyes. Even Dorian shut his.
But Yrene saw it then. What lay at Erawan’s core.
The twisted, hateful creature inside. Old and seething, pale as death. Pale, from an eternity in darkness so complete it had never seen sunlight.
Had never seen her light, which now scalded his moon-white, ancient flesh.
Erawan writhed, contorting on the ground of whatever this place was inside him.
Pathetic, Yrene simply said.
And it was with the image of her mother still shining before him, showing him that mistake he’d never known he made, that Yrene clenched her fingers into a fist.
Erawan screamed.
Yrene’s fingers clenched tighter, and distantly, she felt her physical hand doing the same. Felt the sting of her nails cutting into her palms.
She did not listen to Erawan’s pleas. His threats.
She only tightened her fist. More and more.
Until he was nothing but a dark flame within it.
Until she squeezed her fist, one final time, and that dark flame snuffed out.
Yrene had the feeling of falling, of tumbling back into herself. And she was indeed falling, rocking back into Lysandra’s furry body, her hand slipping from Dorian’s. (koa)
When she is done, Yrene falls, tumbles back into herself like someone with the gift of sight. Elain’s sight is probably more extensive, but I think it’ll look very similar—part of her there, part of her deep within Wyrd (the Cauldron). And even with the vision and gifts Wyrd gave her, Elain will probably need help. Will she combine her raw magic with Azriel, like Yrene does with Dorian? Or her sisters like @silverlinedeyes, @offtorivendell, and I (as well as others I’m sure) have discussed? Or even in some kind of dawn ritual where priestesses, like healers, create a living chain of blooming life to ground and amplify her magic? I don’t know what I would love more, honestly.
Once the magic of the Asteri is unmade and Wyrd is unbound, I hope there is a scene where we finally see the goddess through Elain’s eyes, and Elain—like the calm and loving and resilient stag in this Fantasia sequence—reaches out her hand, lifts her up and out of the place that once chained her to the Void, and lets her power, pure and natural, flow through her before it rushes into the soul of the land, which can now rejoice with her freely.
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shushmal · 3 months
steddie + cold ❄️
Eddie's in love with an absolute toddler of a man.
It's the first real snow of the season and Eddie thankfully got the tire-chains out yesterday—his beautiful, wonderful, usually super independent boyfriend, however? Did not.
So Eddie is being treated to the rare opportunity of being the hero today. Steve's got a shift in a couple of hours and there's several inches of unseasonable snow on the ground, and Steve had called and asked Eddie if he could give him a ride. Eddie—pleased that his usually super independent, infuriatingly-refuses-to-ask-for-help boyfriend has, for the first time, asked Eddie for something, finally—is happy to oblige.
And Eddie, being the best boyfriend he can manage, leaves a few hours early for Steve's house with a thermos of hot chocolate and the plans to make lunch with Steve before he takes him to work.
Of course, because Eddie is dating the world's silliest man, he pulls up to the Harrington house to find Steve already outside.
Still in his pajama pants. Building snowmen.
"Hey," Steve says, blinking at Eddie like he's confused. His nose and cheeks are bright red from the cold—or maybe from embarrassment. The snowman family is already four bodies strong and one of them has a messy pine straw mane of hair and is holding stick hands with the only plain, unadorned one of the group. "You're— Early."
"I am," Eddie agrees. He bites the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. "Thought we'd have lunch together."
Steve immediately brightens, excited. "Oh, awesome, I didn't even realize it was afternoon already!" He pauses, looking sheepishly at his art project. "Uh, let's go inside?"
Eddie snorts, "Sure, baby," and graciously doesn't comment on the snowmen. "You gotta be cold."
"Nah," Steve says. He does at least have on a jacket and gloves, boots. "Just, first snow, you know?"
"Sure," Eddie says, agreeable. Steve turns his back on Eddie, heading back up to the front door—his first mistake. "Gotta keep that childhood magic alive."
Because, if Steve's a giant man-child, Eddie is a public menace. Steve doesn't get a chance to reply, or really even two steps away, before the snow ball hits him square in the back of his head.
He turns back around, slowly, and the grin spreading across Steve's face is absolutely breathtaking. "You're going to regret that."
Eddie takes off shrieking, laughing, with Steve right on his heels.
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
this might be a controversial opinion or something but i don’t think sirius was the kind of person who runs away from his problems
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agnes-draws · 1 year
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some silly sketches i did the other day <3
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yanderespamton78 · 4 months
rb and put in tags the name of the stuffed toy(s) you sleep with
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mel-loly · 6 months
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-“Ties and a Unique Love”..
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nival-kenival · 2 months
Dying thinking abt Eliot Spencer willingly chaining himself to Pardison……. literally…. he could escape whenever he just doesn’t think it’s worth it….
What else is there for a guy like him, they are the best thing that this world has spit out, but just tarnished enough that he might, just be able to exist near them without tarnishing them more in return
Maybe, they are the only people who wouldn't ask him to kill for them, and that's why he would, at the drop of a hat. That's why he has given them the leash, they are why he is comfortable in his collar.
They took in a mangy bloodied stray and revealed the soft hearted herding dog underneath.
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mod2amaryllis · 7 months
What's cosmic depression?
when you're depressed but in the cosmos
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waatched · 3 days
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am i living an illusion? i wanna run away
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i kind of miss the camaraderie we all had during the early pandemic, the check-in posts and endless ask and reblog games. we made and lost so many discord servers, we played among us and joked about it, and through it all we just got… closer. kind of. i miss it.
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ridaine · 6 months
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Like Father Like Daughter
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girlatrocity · 2 months
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chaztalk · 6 months
My end-of-the-winter-anime-season rankings:
1. The Wrong to Use Healing Magic (one of the best isekai in a long time)
2. A Sign of Affection (really picked up after Itsuomi and Oushi became friends)
3. Chained Soldier (fun)
4. The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil (surprise of the season)
5. Surgeon Elise (Linden and Elise are my couple of the season)
6. Classroom of the Elite (idk why but the episodes felt like they ended fast, but still entertaining)
7. Solo Leveling (fantastic if you like action)
8. The Witch and the Beast (Ashaf is my favorite character of the season)
9. Villainess Lvl 99 (started off strong, but the stupid misunderstandings and the CGI dragon dumbed it down)
10. Banished from the Hero’s Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside (wholesome, but Ruti having feelings for Red is not so wholesome)
11. Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki-kun (although I’m fine who he ended up with, the latter half of the season was pretty boring)
12. Tales of Wedding Rings (ok harem, but that’s it)
13. 7th Time Loop (I know this may be quite the unpopular opinion with this being this so low, but I honestly found it boring for the most part; also falling in love with the guy that’s killed you multiple times is wild)
14. My Instant Death Ability is Overpowered (introduced way too many characters before the watchers could give a care about them before they died)
15. Demon Prince of Momochi House (weird, boring, not a lot of it makes sense to me)
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mettywiththenotes · 9 months
This series really is just Izuku attempting to drag Tomura into a therapy session while he claws at the floor screaming. Refusing to let go of the doorframe as Izuku tries to pull him off, the therapist just sat there stunned as Izuku assures them he's got it handled
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do you guys think that whenever tessa and jem call kit by “christopher” or even just kit, they think of their nephew who died at his age and never got to live a full life. falls to my knees sobbing
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arataki-neato · 1 year
I really hope the Xianzhou arc ends with us taking Bailu with us on the express and Dan Heng taking her under his wing and both of them enjoying freedom together and the Luofu just has to survive without a High Elder because they don't fucking deserve either of them lmao
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