#lizzy orchard
"My ex-fiancé, who subjected me to psychological, reactive and sexual abuse during out relationship." Okay, so Lilly isn't even dancing around it anymore, she's directly accusing Lizzy of sexually abusing her on twitter.
I decided to go take a look for the tweet, since if it's true that is right and by jove... that is a spiral.
But I'm going to preserve the Lizzy tweet because that is straight up slander and is frankly disgusting:
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No Lily. Lizzy NEVER dogpiled you. Not once. She never even used Kiwi Farms, because if she did, any one of the blogs would have found that evidence ages ago.
YOU sent a mob against HER. YOU haven't stopped bringing her up since she broke it off, you STOLE her OC, you continue to use her last name, and if anything, YOU changed your story the MINUTE she came out with even a sliver of the pain you put her through.
Keep trying to rewrite history Lily, because nobody outside of your circle is tolerating that BS anymore.
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maxxphoenixv1 · 1 year
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It is not transphobic to criticize a woman who happens to be trans. Frankly, in this case, it is fucking irrelevant. Lily Orchard wished death on someone!
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ephrom · 2 years
Are Lily Orchard's Stalkers In The Room With Us Right Now?
Lily Orchard has a surprising amount of stalkers. Not only that, but she's really good at determining who is and isn't a stalker on the spot. Here is her declaring two anonymous people on her tumblr stalkers in the last week--because they both called out her constant mention of vague "stalkers" as the reason everything bad happens to her in life.
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Now, I'm not going to say that Lily Orchard has never been stalked. However, Lily has such a vague definition of "stalking" that the term is basically meaningless. Back in the day (notice how I am admitting this was years ago), she used to label ForNoGoodReason a stalker--make no mistake, he was a dumbass and a creep, but not a stalker--for the crime of making videos talking about her. However, making videos on somebody--even obsessively and constantly making videos on somebody--is not stalking. Under that definition, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were stalking Richard Nixon by covering Watergate for The Washington Post. This is a behavior Lily began engaging when I stopped watching her, and has only gotten worse since. Take this video Orchard posted three months (notice how I am very clearly saying when this video came out) at time of writing.
In this video, she lists six people as stalkers--none of whom she says by name, by the way. Yeah, despite this video serving the purpose of "drawing attention to her stalkers," she doesn't actually allow people to know who these people she wants to draw attention to are.
I'm still fairly new to the Lily Orchard drama sphere all things considered, so I'll break this down the best I can by telling you what she names these people and who they really are.
Karen is @britts-galaxy-brain
Carol is both Jess and Zena
Katie is @segasister
Ellie is Lizzy Orchard, her ex-fiancé
Skylar is Patchwork Hearts
Val is Cypher from @whyyoulyinglily
Mark Twain once said that no man has a good enough memory to be a liar, and Lily is such a liar she is unable to remember her own story from paragraph to paragraph. Within the same minute, Segasister I mean Katie I mean Segasister hates Lily both because she said Voice of Reason was wrong regarding My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and because she called out pedophiles in the brony community. Jess and Zena I mean Carol I mean Jess and Zena are grifters trying to content farm her one minute, and the next they're nothing more than aggressive Vaush fans.
Of course, if anybody knows even the basic facts about these situations, we can find that Lily is just lying at various points. For example, the content farming Jess and Zena I mean Carol I mean Jess and Zena were engaging in actually amounted to two videos before this came out.
Meanwhile, Brittiany I mean Karen I mean Brittiany is so transphobic that when they were friends Brittany was actually encouraging Lily to pursue a transgender identity despite fears that actually becoming a woman would be unrealistic. Oh, also, Brittiany began talking about her experiences with Lily between five and six years ago--I'll admit, I can't remember exactly when--not eight years ago, I know, I was there when it happened.
This isn't even getting into the number of claims she makes without the slightest amount of evidence--again, because the nature of the video demands she not use any or else risk shining a light on the people she made this video to shine a light on. For example, she claims out of nowhere that she has a hunch that Patchwork Heart I mean Skylar I mean Patchwork Heart was celebrating her being raped in 2018. If this claim were true, that would make Patchwork Heart I mean Skylar I mean Patchwork Heart a terrible human being--and Lily just throws out this guess without giving it any kind of support. (For reference, I have since talked to Patchwork Heart and she does not seem like the kind of person who would celebrate somebody being raped.)
However, what have these six stalkers done with all their years of harassment? Not much, according to Lily. You see, despite being obsessed with her to the point where they want to show up to her house, Lily has to admit that these people have done nothing to her other than stress her out. She even says she can't sue them for defamation because they haven't done enough damage to her. Remember, it wasn't one of her stalkers who found her address, it was a fan who did that to send her a Nintendo Switch.
Side note: This video is great because Lily spends basically the last seventy five percent complaining about her stupid and obsessive her fanbase is. We all know that if her critics acted like this, she would talk about this constantly. Meanwhile, the people who criticize her are supposed to be the biggest sources of stress in her life?
In fact, can we just talk about how Lily talks about her fanbase in this video more generally? This is a topic for another post, but Lily saying her fans "can't take no for an answer" just shows you what kind of community she fosters. Lets not forget that this is the same woman who said that she told her fans she was fine with NSFW art of her OC because she thought that would mean they'd make less of it.
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This should go without saying, but if you have to play reverse psychology regarding sexual boundaries--that's not exactly a good thing. Again, why is it that Lily keeps talking about the damages her critics keep doing--which she admits are basically non-existent--when her fans are doing shit like this?
In another post, she says that her fans are morons who cannot do the most basic forms of critical thinking and expect her to figure things out for them.
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It's funny that in that video, she says that online cults cannot form. Even ignoring the fact that this is just wrong, it seems like a good chunk of her fans want a cult leader.
Anyway, I have no idea how to end this post--so here's a funny tweet from Nezziemonster, somebody with a very funny Twitter that you should follow.
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rahabq · 8 months
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risingphoenix87 · 1 year
Jesus Christ, lady, did this little boy directly spit in your face after killing your family or something?
-Me, seeing Lily Orchard whining about Hunter from the Owl House for the zillionth time
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kisseskae · 2 years
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this town is amazing. it has a big ass beach with a boardwalk thing above it, an entire fairground area behind the beach, random souvenir shops and food EVERYWHERE it’s heaven on earth
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opinated-user · 3 months
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oh no, now the "i took the last name of my ex who i accuse of being one of my rapists as a form of "reverse colonialism" and also for her to always be persecuted by my shadow" wants to lecture people. do you really want to go there, LO? do you? your glass is not even ceiling here. it's ice and it's melting all over the place. futhermore... oh, so now you admit that taking the name of someone you accuse of heinous acts is creepy. now it's uncomfortable. but when is you doing it to someone that is not even defending themselves and hasn't talked about you at all in years, giving you full control of the narrative, then it's all just fine. it's reverse coloniasm, even though you're both white and that never made any sense anyway. isn't just amazing how you're always the one magical exception to all of your objections. sure that is a funny coincidence. it's almost like you were a hypocrite or something. but you hate hypocresy! at least when you want to accuse someone else of it. for the record, Courtney presenting Orchard online has the blessing of Lizzy. Lizzy knows, she understand and is okay with it. LO is not even using the name Orchard on her channel anymore to try to dissociate from her sibling, so what even is the issue?
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thedo0zyslider · 6 months
Hidden In The Orchard (My Lover Waits For Me) - 12k Words
Jimmy is a prince of a kingdom, Fwhip is just the son of a poor potato farmer. Yet somehow, they still meet, and fall head over heels in what seems to be an instant.
A03 Link
Jimmy walks by his parents, shifting uncomfortably in the layered outfit he had been forced to adorn that day, as he normally wore rather light clothing. But they’d been heading north, where it was colder, and merfolk, unused to any cold, often couldn’t handle it, or whatever. His father had given some stupid reason like that, and had forced his son into the outfit regardless. Jimmy would be taking the coat off as soon as he got out of his parents' sights, and he would not be putting it back on. (They weren’t even in the mountains yet, but parents had to parent he supposed.)
His sister trails in front of him, happily wavering to any villagers they pass. The only water source this one town has is a river, despite being under the merfolks wide jurisdiction, so it’s not often the people get to see their rulers. As a result, more than a few people were ogling them, especially Jimmy and his mother, the two codfolk of the family, A species of merfolk that didn’t venture out of the swamps much, resulting in some people thinking they had gone extinct entirely. Well, until the future king had married one that was.
Jimmy does his best to wave as well, but cannot help but feel uncomfortable. He should be used to it. Codfolk got stared at whenever they weren’t in a swamp, but he still wasn’t. Even if some of the people around the place did much nastier things than stare at him. (Never in front of his parents, or Lizzie, not when all three had much more influence than he did. Though Jimmy had influence, he was just too nice and tended to fold like wet paper. As Joel had put it once.)
Though a few of the people do catch his eye, even despite all the staring. The village they’ve taken a pitstop in seems to be a rather mixed one, full of more rare hybrids, especially for an empire founded and made mostly of his people. There is one boy in particular, one who looks about his age, that really catches the young prince’s eye.
The boy seems to be a dragon hybrid of sorts, a more rare type of hybrid to see around, one bright ginger hair. And quite the nice looking face, if Jimmy does say so himself. He’s tall, lanky, and looks to be around the prince’s age. Beside him is a girl, one that looks so similar to him, Jimmy determines the two must be siblings. Maybe even twins, for how their facial structures seem to be near mirrors of each other. They are each carrying a small basket, one full of potatoes, Jimmy finds upon closer inspection. The two must belong to a farmer family then, to be carrying such a large load of crops in. 
As he watches, Jimmy sees the boy stumble over a small patch of uneven ground. A few potatoes tumble to the floor, since the basket is full and loaded to the brim. Yet the young farmer seems to not notice, focusing on further keeping his balance and yelling something back to his sister up ahead. 
Jimmy stops in his tracks, the action thankfully unnoticed by his family. The prince walks over to the dropped crops, feeling as if he can’t just let the poor things he left there to rot. Especially if these people are farmers, and the potatoes are their source of income. When one his parents or Lizzie's voice doesn't call him back after a few more seconds, the cod feels safe enough to go through with helping this villager. 
“Here, you dropped this.” Jimmy calls out, picking up the stray potatoes from the ground. The boy looks between him and the misplaced crops in surprise, before the metaphorical light bulb goes off in his head, and he reaches forward to take them back, being careful of his still very full basket. One that is now clutched in one arm, much to the young codfolks' slight anxiety, but the other seems to have a secure hold on it, thankfully.
“Oh! Thank you!” He flashes a smile at the prince, and their hands brush briefly as he takes the potatoes back. Jimmy has to stop his breath from hitching, and feels the sparks at even the tiniest touch with this pretty stranger.
“No problem!” He smiles in return, catching a good look of the boy's bright blue eyes. Jimmy decides that they're rather pretty, like the rest of him. He watches the young farmer carefully place the crops back in the basket, happy no more are spilled. And he wants to say more, the prince really really does, but he is sadly interrupted before he can do so. 
His father's finally voice calls from a few feet ahead, and Jimmy has to stop his tail from flicking in annoyance. He would like to stay here and chat some more, this guy is really pretty! And probably really interesting too! But disobedience like that isn't really an option, and that is a fact Jimmy has come to know well. 
He gives the farmer boy once last smile and wave, his heart dropped as he does so. The ginger returns it, something glistening in his gaze. Maybe he also shares disappointment at how short their meeting was, maybe he also wants to talk to the prince more. But that is only a hope, for he cannot know for certain, and maybe the dragon is just happy to be finally left alone. 
Jimmy walks back, only sparring a small glance behind his shoulder. He tries not to make his tail droop, especially when Lizzie starts talking to him. The prince is told how nice of an act that was, but to please stay with his family and the few guards lingering around as they walk. In case he gets lost or something happens to him. The young cod nods, shifting uncomfortably in his clothes once again, and knows that information will be forgotten as soon as his family shuts their mouths. 
An hour or two later, the prince had managed to sneak off again. The family finally had some free time to spare, and instead of exploring the local shops with his family, Jimmy had started back down their path from earlier. He was sure all the stores up ahead were lovely, really he was, but his mind was set on a certain someone from earlier. His mind was set on that pretty looking farmer boy, and the blonde knew he had to go back and see him again. It was a feeling he had, that the two of them needed to meet for more than a brief second, something about the ginger drawing him in even when the two weren't anywhere near each other. 
After somewhere between ten to twenty minutes of walking and backtracking, he sees the young dragon hybrid again. The boy’s back is too him, his ginger hair alight in the afternoon sun. His sister from earlier had disappeared, presumably going inside for the day, maybe to handle that basket of fresh crops from earlier. That leaves her twin outside, herding in two dogs to the backdoor of his house. The prince has to fight back a smile as he approaches, watching the other with intrigue, though he doesn’t think he controls his expression very well.
“Ah, it’s you again!” Jimmy says, caching sight of that pretty farmer boy from earlier as he walks. The other jumps, and his face lights up with surprise once he turns and sees who it was that had called for him. If the cod is not mistaken, the boy seems decently intimidated as well. Which is fair, he supposes, because he is the prince of the whole kingdom after all.
“Oh um, hello your highness!” The boy from earlier jumps, his tail flicking in surprise. “Nice to see you again!” The ginger flashes a smile at him, one resembling the one he'd given before. Jimmy decided he rather likes this guy, and maybe he likes that dazzling little smile just as much if not a bit more. 
“No need for the formalites.” The blonde says with a slight shake of his head. He doesn't really like when people get all formal and serious with him, especially when it's someone he just met. Especially when it's someone he would rather like to be friends with. 
“Right okay, um,” The boy says, seeming to trip over his own words out of nervousness. “Your name's Jimmy, right?” He asks, likely having heard the name of all four royals at one point before in his life. Well hopefully he knew the names of the people ruling his kingdom, because Jimmy had concerningly run into some people who didn't. 
“Yes! It is! What's yours?” He smiles, making a pleased clapping motion with his hands. His tail flicks behind him happily, which the boy seems to notice. He smiles at the movement, before his eyes move back to Jimmy’s face. 
“Fwhip!” He nods, any earlier nervousness seeming to fade just a bit. “My name's Fwhip!” The cod next to him smiles at that, and gives his own nod in return. That was quite the unique name, if he had to say so himself. It's certainly not something he'd ever heard before, and probably wouldn't hear anything like it again. It just made the ginger more alluring to him, really. 
"How old are you?" Fwhip asks, giving the taller boy a curious glance over. It was natural for people to be uncertain about a merfolks age, for their species could get rather tall and was known for their sudden growth spurts. It was a question Jimmy had gotten before, and would probably get again until he'd left those awkward teenage growing years. Which would be soon hopefully, since he was nearing adulthood and all. 
"Seventeen." He answers, now wanting to know the others out of pure curiosity. Fwhip looks to be about his age, maybe older, if the slight stubble starting to form on his chin says anything. They're definitely in the same age range though, which is fun. Jimmy never meets a lot of people his age, and the ones he does he can't really talk casually too. They're all either way too formal with him, or they are sadly other royals themselves 
"Sixteen, but my birthday's tomorrow. So I'm technically seventeen." Fwhip says with a nonchalant shrug, his own tail flicking from side to side, just like the cod's had started too a few minutes before. Their tails bump slightly, and the two boys exchange a laugh, before continuing their conversation.
Jimmy hums in response. "Well I'll still be in town tomorrow, so I must stop by and get you something!" He exclaims, the smile that had formed before widening ever so slightly. The cod was already brainstorming a way to get said gift, which mainly included a way to sneak away from his family once again. A task that sounded tricker than it truly was, probably, hopefully. 
"Oh no, your highness, you don't need to!" Fwhip stumbled over his words, struggling to get his response out. "Really it's fine " He sounded genuine, and maybe a little embarrassed that someone of such high status would even think to get him a gift, even though it was his birthday!
"I insist!” Jimmy said, not having it any other way. It was gonna be his birthday! He couldn't just not get Fwhip anything on his birthday! That was the whole point of birthdays! "I'd feel bad if I knew it was your birthday and didn't get anything." He explained, hoping his clear passion for the occasion game through in his voice as well as his expression. 
Apparently, it did, because Fwhip just blinked at him. "Oh." The farmer boy muttered, seeming a bit caught off guard by the prince's insistence. And if the blonde wasn’t mistaken, there was even a slight blush starting to dust his freckled cheeks. (Which was adorable, really, in Jimmy’s entirely humble and totally unbiased opinion.) 
"And drop the your highness stuff please? I hate that." He once again reminds Fwhip to be less formal with him, though Jimmy doesn't blame him for forgetting. It will not be the first or last time he has to do so, and the cod has expected that he will be doing that correction until the day he dies. Not that he minds, if it gets people to stop being so formal around him and start being more friendly. 
Fwhip’s shoulders seem to sag in relief, and he flashes a dazzling smile up at the cod prince. "I hate saying it." He admits, and somehow their already friendly conversation gets even more friendly. Maybe because now, for one of the first times ever, Jimmy feels like he’s being talked too as his own person, not just some prince. Not just some guy who was important for what he himself felt was no good reason. He was a person, talking to another person the same age as him, and that feeling was something the blonde found he greatly enjoyed. 
"Now, what kinda stuff do you like?" Jimmy asks, maybe a bit too early. But he cannot help it, because he is so curious about this guy. He wants to know everything about this little farmer kid, he finds. He wants to know him better than he knows his sister and his parents, better than the prince knows even himself.
"Why?" Fwhip tilts his head to the side, as if puzzled, and his tail swishes curiously. It seems he had forgotten what they were literally just talking about, which was rather silly of him. And maybe it was also a little endearing of him as well, to the codfolk anyways.
"For your birthday present." Jimmy cannot help but smile as he gives the simple explanation, and cannot help how the look widens a monet later. Fwhip blushes a little, still surprised that a guy he would just met would get a gift for him. Even though its going to be his birthday.
"Oh, um," The farmer starts out uncertainly, then eventually devolves into a minutes long rant about all his interest and hobbies, stuff he’s very clearly passionate about; and also clearly has no one to really talk with it about either. Fwhip’s very into engineering and tinkering, as he tells Jimmy. It’s honestly adorable, how passionate he is about the subject. The prince thinks he could listen to this guy ramble and talk for hours and hours and would never tire of it, truly he does. And, this whole conversation gives him a pretty good idea for a birthday gift, on top of getting to listen to this guy's wonderful sounding voice.
Though eventually, after around an hour of just hanging around and talking, Jimmy knows he will have to leave. His family's allotted free time is coming to an end, meaning the prince will have to head back soon. Lest his parents finally realize he’s missing and start a panic over it. So with a slightly heavy heart, he parts his new dragon friend goodbye. But not before something secret is given to him, something that’s going to make the night ahead a whole lot better than it was originally going to be.
Fwhip slips him a note as they part, one Jimmy can only read when he is finally free of his family's presence once again. One that reads to meet him in the nearby orchard, two hours after the sun goes down. The prince can't help the buzz of excitement that follows through him when he reads it, and cannot wait until the sun finally disappears from the sky. 
Two hours after the sunset, just as he was directed, Jimmy is jumping out of his guest window, the one at the place his family was staying at for the night. It’s quite a nice place, and the prince laments that he won’t get to spend much time in the rather comfortable bed it possesses. But he has somewhere more important to go, someone far more important to see. Fwhip is already waiting for him probably, and he needs to get there before he goes back in, or thinks that the cod will not be coming and they never see each other again. 
He makes his way through the now dark little village, keeping to the shadows just in case he is spotted. He makes a correct guess, that the orchard is near Fwhip’s house. Though even if it wasn’t the place wouldn;t have been too hard to find in the end, considering this village is on the smaller side. And the fact that orchards tend to be quite big places, especially if they want to make any profit at all. 
  The prince reaches the aforementioned orchard, and starts to weave his way uneasily through the trees. The blonde does so until he has to be about halfway through the maze of apple trees, and then he sees a light. Instantly, he picks up the pace, beeling for what seems to be the low light of a lantern. And when he reaches his destination, Fwhip there waiting for him, his wings folded in on themselves as the ginger leans against one of the apple trees. 
Once both boys spot each other, their faces light up brighter than the light from the lantern ever could. Jimmy is by Fwhip’s side at an instant, in his personal space without even a thought or a care in the world, for all that matters now is the boy in front of him. The farmer says nothing, just flashes that dazzling smile from before back up at him, and the cod prince thinks he’s going to melt and die, it’s so cute on him; that smile is.
"Why'd you want to meet me here?" Jimmy asks, not noticing how he shuffles closer to the other boy, doing so almost on instinct. Fwhip doesn’t seem to care that they’re so close, close enough for their shoulders to brush. He seems to relish it actually, and the blonde can't deny that he feels similarly about it.
Fwhip shrugged casually, piercing him with those pretty blue eyes once again. "I feel like I should. Like I shouldn't just let you leave." He mumbled, sounding a little embarrassed by the fact. Jimmy felt a sudden surprise color his face at the words, and he shuffled closer to the other once more.
"Yeah, yeah I get that too." He said in response, his tone quiet just like the dragon hybrid’s was, to match the mood. They would probably want to be quiet in the orchard too, since there were houses of sleeping people decently nearby. "This feels too important to just let go, somehow." 
"Besides," Fwhip smirks ever so slightly, Jimmy getting to see his mischievous looks for the first time. He thinks that kind of look looks right on this guy. "You're rather pretty. I'd hate to let a pretty guy slip away without at least flirting with him." The farmer boy leans in as he speaks, teasingly, enticingly. Jimmy can’t help but smirk at him in return, and lean in further as well.
"You're not so bad yourself."  He purrs, feelings his tail flick around Fwhip’s legs. The other glances down for just a second, before his eyes flick back to meet Jimmy’s. The look his new friend has is dangerous, and maybe the cod wants to lose himself in it just a little bit. 
Glad you think so~" Fwhip flirts further, leaning back as fast as he had leaned forward. Jimmy has to hold back a frown at that, though it is a frown that wouldn’t have stayed for long. Medium sized wings puff out, hiding them a little bit more from the world. The prince feels a thrill of something go through him, and has to stop himself from leaning in and chasing the other and all his fleeting flirts.
"Is that all you're going to do, charm me?" Jimmy can't help but giggle, Fwhip’s wings managing to cover most of the area around them. The two, along with the lantern, haven been entirely enclosed in their own little world. A world neither of the boys will want to be leaving anytime soon, and certainly aren't planning on doing so. Not for a few hours, at least.
The ginger lets out a giggle, leaning in slightly again as another tease. "I planned to get to know you a little more, then I'd charm you." He moves back quickly, just as Jimmy thought he would, and he wonders what would happen if neither of them pulled away. 
"Well, we have all night." The prince says with a cheeky grin, folding his hands behind his back. Something lights up in Fwhip's eyes, as he returns the look he's given in full force, his face prettier and brighter than even the morning sun. 
And it was all night they spent together, in the darkness of that little apple orchard. They chatted and talked, with even more flirts sprinkled in there, for hours upon hours. The two were there even though both of them had to be deathly tired, the only thing keeping them alert and awake being the other person beside them. It was everything to the prince, it was wonderful, and he wouldn't trade it for the world. 
The two of them start walking back, the flirts now having advanced into hesitant touch. In one hand, Fwhip carries the lantern, holding it out ahead of them. In his other he holds Jimmy’s hand, their fingers interlocking. The prince thinks about it again, and has to stop his breath from hitching and his face flushing red. The dragon's wings are also spread still, one comfortably wrapped around Jimmy. The cod finds this whole thing rather sweet, and it adds to Fwhip's charm factor. Which isn't exactly hard , everything the ginger does is charming to him. 
After a minute or so of thinking, Jimmy stops, remembering something the farmer boy had said earlier. Fwhip looks puzzled as he stops beside him, all while a sly smile forms on the cod's face. "You said you were going to flirt with me at least. So what's the most you're going to do?" He asks, and brings himself closer to the other. The dragon's eyes light up with something, and a shiver involuntary runs down the prince's spine. 
Fwhip smirks, and leans forward for what has to be the hundredth time that night. "Kiss you, maybe. If you're up for it." He mutters, their noses starting to bump ever so slightly. Neither of them have pulled away, and this is what happens. Jimmy holds back an amused giggle, feeling a hand come to cup his chin. 
"I'm more than up for it." He says in response, lowering his voice to a low murmur, almost a whisper. His own hands find purchase on the gingers waist, resting comfortably against the fabric of his rather worn clothes. Fwhip smirks again, clearly pleased with himself. 
"Good." The dragon hybrid whispers against his lips, before closing the gap between them. It's a wonderful first kiss, a chaste one. Fwhip’s lips are warm against his, and taste heavenly sweet. The hand on his cheek tilts the prince's head further, deepening the kiss in the process, and Jimmy feels his knees go a little weak. He's died and gone to heaven, he has to have, to be experiencing something this amazing. 
They pull away after a few moments, both of their faces flushed a decent amount of red. Fwhip can't help it, and lets a small giggle slip past his lips. A happy laugh, one full of all the joy in the world. Soon enough, Jimmy is laughing along with him, their hands becoming intertwined once again. He felt like he was floating, like he was on cloud nine. Fwhip grips his hand tighter, squeezing it affectionately, and he leans in until their foreheads bump together, both of them still laughing.
After that, the two of them have to pull away once again, and continue their walk home. Once they reach the main road it is nearing sunset, within the next hour and a half at least. Their parting is supposed to be sad, maybe even bittersweet, and the last time they see each other. But before he goes, Jimmy leans in and whispers to Fwhip. He tells the ginger to stay up for a little while longer, for he has a surprise in store. Before the other cab protest, he is gone and disappearing down the road, determined like he never has been before. 
Jimmy is only in his guest room for maybe ten minutes, getting no sleep in that really comfortable bed. By early morning he is sneaking out again, birthday gift in hand as he heads towards Fwhip’s house. He said he was getting this kid a birthday gift, and he meant it!
He'd bought the gift earlier, on his way back to their guest house that evening. It was something he was sure Fwhip would like, based on what the dragon had told him anyways. The gift was wrapped the best it could, that being only a small white box with no ribbon or tissue paper. It was all the prince could grab on such short notice really, and he prayed Fwhip wouldn’t mind too much. 
Before the prince knows it, he's reached the ginger's house. There is an open window on the side, on the second story, and Jimmy hopes that Fwhip left it open for him. Because that's the way he's getting in. Even if it is technically illegal. 
He uses his extra height to his advantage, grabbing onto the window sill with some difficulty. The codfolk hauls himself up, keeping the present tightly pressed to his chest, so it doesn't fall. And when the blonde finally gets most of him  through the window, with maybe a few parts of his clothes now dirtied and torn, he is face to face with the one person he had hoped to see the most. 
“Hi.” He whispers, staring into Fwhip’s pretty blue eyes once again. Despite the slight shock displayed on his face, the dragon hybrid smiles back at him, and warmth floods through every inch of Jimmy’s being. 
“Hello there.” Fwhip mutters, fondness undeniable in his voice. He tugs the cod a little, helping him get through the window properly. The farmer doesn't let go, not until Jimmy has his balance properly again, and the two of them are standing face to face once more. 
The prince smiles, feeling the slightest blush start to form on his face. “Happy birthday.” He hands the box out to Fwhip, averting his eyes bashfully as he does so. A hand brushes the blonde's, and his friend takes the box slowly, as if in some kind of shock. 
“You actually got me something.” Fwhip mutters quietly, sounding astonished as he turns the gift box in his hands. Jimmy moves his gaze away from the floor, just in time to watch his friend unbox it. The dragon holds it so delicately, like it's the most precious thing he's ever seen. Like it's something that needs to be persevered in a museum. 
“Well, go on,” Jimmy says, unable to hold back the smallest of smiles. “Open it.” Fwhip nods in favor of a verbal response, seemingly far too touched to speak anymore. He moves to the side a little, so he can place the lid of the box onto his nightstand after he removes it. Though Fwhip soon has to stop from dropping the whole box in surprise, fumbling with it in his hands. 
Inside the box is a pair of goggles, ones with red lenses. They had been rather expensive, but Jimmy had the money (being rich had its perks, ya know). And once he saw them in that ship window, he'd thought of Fwhip instantly, and knew he had to get them for the ginger. They were gonna be the perfect birthday gift, he'd just known it. And to his delight, it seems his hunch was right. If Fwhip’s utter joy and disbelief was anything to go off of, anyways. 
“Oh Jimmy….you shouldn't have!” The ginger says, taking the gift out of its box. He turns them around in his hands in awe, such a wide smile beginning to form on his face. He places them on his head for a brief second, to see if they fit okay. And they do, from what Jimmy can tell, and even if they didn’t, he would happily buy a better fitting pair, no matter the amount of money he would have to spend.
“But I did.” The prince responds after a moment, having been distracted by just watching the other. The sight was that memoizing to him, it so happened. “Just for you.” His small smile from earlier had gotten earlier, and it is then he realizes he’s basically been grinning the entire night, for Fwhip made him so happy. The thought made him smile more, and he watched the dragon carefully remove the goggles, and place them back in the box they’d been brought in. He smiles still, even as Fwhip hides the box hastily under his bed, likely to keep the now dear possession safe.
Fwhip turns back to the cod, and before he knows what happens, the other is right in front of him once again. Warm arms wrap around his neck, and the farmer boy pulls Jimmy into a hug. Their first hug, one that is warm, warmer than any the prince had ever received before. “Thank you.” Fwhip mutters, burying his face into the crook of the cod’s neck, his breath landing right near his gills. Jimmy tries not to shudder at the feeling, and lets his own arms embrace the other in return. 
“You're welcome.” He responds, feeling himself start to melt into Fwhip’s never ending warmth. “I just thought you could need some protection, especially if you're pursuing engineering more.” The cod explains his thought process behind the gift, going to idly rest his chin on top of the others head. The gesture is always something Lizzie does to him, so once Jimmy has an opportunity to do so as well, he takes it without any thought at all. Thankfully, Fwhip doesn’t seem to mind at all. He seems to enjoy it, in fact, keening into the touch like he was starving for it his whole life.
“Thank you.” The dragon hybrid repeats his earlier words, pulling back a bit, just so they were able to look at each other's faces again. Arms still stayed wrapped around his neck, which Jimmy was grateful for, because he didn’t want this moment to end, not yet anyways. “I'd been wanting these for months, but could never find the money to get them.”
“Well, that makes me all the more happy I got them for you.” Jimmy said, reaching down so he could press a fleeting kiss into his friend’s auburn locks. Fwhip giggles at that, and places a return peck on his cheek, the contact burning like a small fire against his scales. 
“What did I do to deserve you.” The farmer boy says, his gaze now being filled with something. It’s that fond look again, one Jimmy knows he has already given to the other a million times over. A look he is getting used too, and a look he is learning to love seeing. He wants to see it a thousand times more, for the rest of his life even, it is that spectacular. 
“Be your wonderful self, that's what.” The prince mutters back in earnest, finding that their faces are now close once again. Too close to be anything friendly. Once he notices, Jimmy has to try and keep his gaze locked with Fwhip’s, instead of flicking it down to his lips instead. He doesnt think he does a good job of it, but the effort is what counts.
“.....You're wonderful too, you know that?” The other doesn’t seem to notice, only leaning in closer, seeming to be drawn in by an unseen magnetic field that laid between them. They both hold back another giggle at their noses bump, staring into each other’s eyes with an emotion so warm and full, it can only be one thing.
“I think I'm in love with you.” It’s Jimmy who breathes the words out, the realization coming to him as actually as breathing, instead of that large, shell shocking one all those romance novels would describe. 
Fwhip smiles up at him, and mutters back, he mutters back some of the best words Jimmy thinks he’s ever heard. “I think I am too, somehow.” Joy fills the cod from head to toe once he hears that, but he can only bask in that feeling for a moment, for their wonderful night is about to be brought to an unfortunate close.
There is a sudden shuffling in another room, shuffling that indicates a person. It has to be, the creature making it sounds far too big to be the dogs Jimmy had seen that afternoon. Both of them jump in near unison, drawn out of their own little world by the noise, and having to wonder if they had woken someone up by accident. “I gotta leave.” The codfolk hisses through gritted teeth, turning to look out the window. The sun is starting to rise, a light purple already beginning to dust the horizon. He stalks back, taking long and hurried strides. Jimmy knows he needs to go, before someone catches them, before they both get in deep trouble.
“Will you ever come back?” Fwhips asks, following him to the window. At the question, the prince stops, sitting halfway out the window, and goes to get what is possibly one of his last looks at the boy in front of him. The dragon’s gaze is hopeful, desperate, full of pain. The blonde thinks he’s going to shatter right then and there, it hurts him so much to see.
“I don't know.” Jimmy looks at him, uncertain at how to answer that. He and his family have quite the long trip ahead of them, and many more towns to visit. It is entirely possible they will not use this path for their return journey, and he will never see this person again. He knows that’s what's probably going to happen, as much as it breaks his heart, he will never see this wonderful village again, and the boy in front of him will vanish with it in less than an hour. 
“Kiss me again? Before you go?” Fwhip asks, reaching out and tugging on his sleeve; maybe doing so more than a little desperately. It’s funny, how attached they are to each other after just one single day, but that is something to ponder over later.
Jimmy smiles down at him, feeling his heart soften further for this boy. “I was already planning on it.” The prince mutters, and can see the way Fwhip lights up in joy. He leans down, careful from where he sits on the window, and the dragon hybrid meets him halfway. Their final kiss is as long as they dare to make it, sweet and fleeting and never enough. They pull away at the sound of more stirring in another room, just as their breaths start to run out. Jimmy wants to go back in for another, yet he knows he has to go. Lest his parents find them before Fwhip’s do.
He gives the ginger one last look, one that he hopes says everything he cannot right now, and then continues his descent out the window. Jimmy lands on the grass below, barely managing to regain his balance again before slipping off into the receding darkness of the early morning. He does not look behind him, because Jimmy knows that if he does, he will never be able to leave this place. The prince does not look back, but can feel Fwhip’s gaze, one just as torn as his own, following him the whole way back and then some.
The years go by fast, and Jimmy gets older. He turns twenty, finally becoming old enough to do something other than sit there and listen to his parents' orders on how to be a good prince. Though doing something is not much, considering Lizzie is the oldest, and therefore set to become the ruler of their kingdom one day. But even as his duties pile up, the prince still thinks about being seventeen again. He still thinks about that red haired boy he;d left in the village, and his heart longs to return to that wonderful night they’d shared together. 
His parents offer him suitors, other princesses from other kingdoms. And Jimmy is not interested. He wouldn't have if they were princes, either. His heart is still with the boy from the village, even three years later. His heart is still with those shining blue eyes, soft lips and warm smiles in the darkness of an apple orchard. 
Yet one day, three long years later, those warm blue eyes return to him. They return to the prince in the most unconventional, yet perfect way possible. They return to him with the sound of his study’s window being pried open, and the greeting of a wonderful and familiar voice, one that makes his whole being ache with long buried longing.
The prince turns around, surprised by the voice. A voice he'd never thought he'd  hear again, but is all the more delighted to. “Fwhip!?" Jimmy exclaims, not believing what he sees. There, standing before him, is Fwhip, having climbed in through his window; much like the prince himself had done all those years before on his seventeenth birthday. 
 "Yeah, it's me!" The man says, and even though he is a little older, it is still Fwhip, clear as day. His hair has gotten longer, now held in a ponytail, and his face was more defined than it had been. The stubble that had been on his chin before had grown into a full beard as well. Yet despite all those changes, his shining blue eyes were still recognizable, still the same, still him.
"What are you doing here!? How are you here!?" The prince takes a few steps forward, reaching out. But he doesn't grab onto the other person, stopping before he does so. It's been three years, and he feels hesitant to be so forward again. 
"My mom got another job, closer to the capital." Fwhip explains with a smile, grabbing Jimmy’s outstretched hands. He holds them in his own, and the cod feels himself lean into the touch he's been starving for for so long. "I couldn't just not see you!"
"Did you sneak in?" The prince asks a rather obvious question, earning a fond snicker from the dragon hybrid. The answer was quite obvious, and he should already know, considering the earlier sound of an unlocking window and all.
"Maybe~" He teases, giving him a little bit of a flirty look. Despite himself and all the worry he has for Fwhip’s safety, Jimmy giggles at that. He’s just so damn charming, this guy is. And captivating, entirely and utterly captivating. Did he ever mention that before? Captivating? Because it's what Fwhip is, to him at least.
"How!?" The cod asks, tightening his grasp on the other’s hands. He thinks a smile is starting to form on his face, a rather wide one, since its starting to hurt so much. Jimmy hopes its a wide smile, so he can show the dragon all the joy he feels at finally seeing him again, after all this time.
"I have my ways." The other lets a small purr slip out, but the sound is a bit unsure. It must be something about Jimmy’s face, or his expression, that is setting the other off. Something about this interaction is upsetting the other, something the blonde can;t quite place his finger on, much to his own frustration. 
Fwhip's confident gaze falters for a second, and he frowns. He lets go of Jimmy’s hands, and the prince feels a mirroring frown start to appear on his own face, his thoughts spiraling and wondering what he had done wrong. "Do you…not want me here? I know it's been three years-"
"No! No." His protest is instant, panic starting to settle into the prince’s bones as soon as the words process. "I want you here." The codfolk goes to reach out again, and ends up grasping desperately at nothing, for the ginger is too far away despite being so close to him. Once again, Jimmy cannot reach for him, and the thoughts have to pain him more than anything else ever has, except maybe their previous parting. 
Fwhip looks uncertain, despite the prince’s devastation. He backs away a bit, still hesitant and uncertain, and Jimmy wants to do nothing more but pull him back and never let go. "There's not.….someone else? I thought you royal people all got married off." The dragon asks, his tail dropping against the floor with a small thunk. Jimmy thinks part of him just shattered a tiny bit, fearful that Fwhip will turn heel and leave and they will never see each other again, not for another three miserable years.
"No, there's no one else." Jimmy shakes his head, and reaches out for a second time. He grasps Fwhip’s hands in his, maybe clinging on harder than he should. But he can’t help it, the prince needs him to stay. "They — my parents — they tried to give me a suitor. But I never wanted one."
"O-oh…" The ginger stammers, his gaze becoming momentarily transfixed on their hands, their hands that are now joined together, fingers interlocking. He looks back up at Jimmy when he keeps talking, a slight shade of red starting to dust his pretty freckled cheeks.
"Everytime they tried to get me to court someone, all I could think about was you." The cod explains. that old and indescribable fondness for this man finding its way into every crevice of his brain for what has to be the millionth time. Fwhip looks up at him, wearing a look that has to be adoration and wonder. Jimmy thinks he’s melting, he’s so in love.
"Would you court me? If given the chance?" The dragon hybrid asks, his own grip on the cod’s hands tightening. Jimmy’s unyielding wave fondness is momentarily interrupted by pleasant surprise, not having expected such a question. A question he did not expect, but is not entirely opposed to. 
"In a heartbeat." His answer is genuine, immediate, and said without a thought. The prince knows in his bones that he would date this man, even if he wasn’t even supposed to see him, let alone doing anything more. He would court him, date him, no matter what the world has to say about it. 
"So court me, please." Fwhip breathes, his hand going to clutch Jimmy’s arm. The prince feels his breath hitch, looking down at the ginger. He can tell, by the look in Fwhip’s eyes, that this is a genuine request. That the dragon would like to go through the whole courting and dating process, with him of all people. 
Even then, he still can’t believe it. Can’t believe the miracle that has practically been placed in his lap. "Really!?" The blonde whispers, astounded. But it's a happy kind of astonishment, the best kind.
"All I could think about for the past three years was you." Fwhip says, his whole expression going soft and warm. And then Jimmy laughs, and laughs even when warm hands come to cup his face, and they both end up laughing into yet another kiss. The first kiss they’ve had in three long years. A kiss that says yes, they were going to be a thing now. This was them, and would be them, for as long as Fwhip would have him.  
When the two of them pull away again, they’re both laughing still, though it comes out more breathless than before. Suddenly, in what has to be a moment of pure exhilaration, Fwhip wraps his arms around the prince's waist, and picks him up with startling strength. Jimmy feels himself turn red, laughing still as he is spun around in the air for a second. 
The dragon hybrid puts him back down, and the cod bumps their foreheads together with a final giggle. Fwhip meets his gaze, and stares back lovingly, and a million wonderful new possibilities start to run through Jimmy;s head at the sight. "Courting does imply marriage…." He murmured after a moment of thought, giving the other an expectant look.
"You'd marry me?" Fwhip asks, having that same surprise Jimmy had held just a few wonderful minutes before, when he’d first broken into the prince's bedroom. This whole thing felt like they were in a fairytale or something, they had to be, for it all to be this perfect and amazing. 
Jimmy speaks again, and hopes all the love he feels for this guy is shown clearly in his eyes, his voice, the way he holds him, in everything that he is able to show it with. "Yes, I think so. I'm pretty sure I would."
"But you barely know me." Fwhip protests, but it comes out weak and in vain, especially when the rest of his being seems to be buzzing with excitement at the mere idea that he is dating the man in front of him, let alone marrying him. 
"Then let me start knowing you." Jimmy says it simply, like its the most obvious thing in the world. Because to him it is, he wants to date Fwhip, to know him wholly and entirely, to be his, and to be the others. He thinks it's all he’s been wanting since they first met those three fateful years ago.
Fwhip cracks a lopsided grin, looking up at the cod with what has to be pure adoration, his gaze is warm and lovely and full of a million other things that Jimmy cannot even try and describe. “Sure. Okay. You can start knowing me.”
“Where do we start with that, then.” He asks, curiosity starting to flicker inside him. The prince has a few ideas, a few ways of getting to know the dragon better that he would like to try. But for now, he is more than happy to let his frie —his boyfriend set the pace. Just for a little while though, just for now, at the start of this all, until they are both more comfortable in their roles in each other's lives.
“Maybe….like this?” Fwhip murmurs, and captures the prince’s lips in his again. Jimmy kisses him back, smiling as a hand goes to tangle in his hair. Even after all this time, their kisses are still sweet tasting and warm, like they had been all those years before. They taste like the apples, like the ones in that very orchard on that fateful night, during what felt like a lifetime ago.
“Yeah, this is a good way to start knowing you.” The ginger agrees once they pull away, already starting to pant as he begins to finally catch his breath. He was already panting, when Jimmy had a sneaking suspicion this was far from the last kiss they were going to exchange that day. They’d missed far too many opportunities to do so before, and now was the moment to make up for all that lost time. 
“Then we'll just keep doing it.” He murmured, bumping their noses together. It is the best way, the only way he really knows how to be a tease about this; to communicate just what he exactly desires in the moment. Thankfully, his partner gets the hint. 
“Hm, good.” Fwhip whispers against his lips, and leans down to take more. Jimmy smiles as the other pushes him down further, and gladly lets him take and take as many kisses as he would like. Their lips connect again, and the prince is in bliss once more. WIth the dragon held in his arms, kissing him stupid, he is finally home again.
The years go by, and the two keep seeing each other. It's as often as they can, since Jimmy tends to get so busy. And Fwhip can't exactly sneak in every day, even if they would both like to do that. But when he does show up, it makes the occasion all the more special, and lights up the prince's day. And that doesn't change, even after two or so years of being together. Every day with his partner brings him undescribable joy, one that he wouldn’t change for the world. 
"Mind if I…see your wings?" Jimmy asks one day, doing so during a quiet moment. The two had managed to get a quiet moment together, hidden the way in the darkness of the cod’s bedroom; with the door being locked for extra measure. Fwhip is curled up in his arms, buried snuggly into his warmth. Before he had spoken, Jimmy had been playing with his partners hair, and humming rather contentedly.
That wasn’t a question he asked lightly, for he knew how personal wings were to a dragon hybrid. Fwhip had told him so himself once, and Jimmy was keen to respect that. If his boyfriend were to decline the offer, he wouldn’t complain, just go back to what he had been doing before. He had only asked due to a sudden curiosity, and was more than comfortable to back away from his offer if necessary.
He only got small glances at his partners wings when they were spread, though normally the limbs were folded and sometimes even restrained to his back, covered by a shirt at most times. All he’d ever known about them was that they were red and black, and that dragon hybrids were very sensitive about who touched them, the action being a quite personal thing reserved for only family, close friends, and lovers. 
Under him, Fwhip stiffens ever so slightly. But Jimmy says nothing on it, and keeps running his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair. He knows how big of a question this is, how big of a moment this is for the dragon, for the both of them. So he will give him all the time in the world to think, even if that means giving him a couple of days or more. 
After a few long moments, Fwhip makes a murmur of what has to be agreement. Jimmy lets his partner go, touched that the dragon would be so open with him, especially when he could decline so easily. Fwhip shuffles out of his grasp, until he is sitting cross legged in front of the cod. The prince sits up properly himself, and watches as the other unveils the limbs attached to his back, raising his shirt to do so. He decides to get this over with quickly, as he can sense the lingering discomfort hanging around the ginger still. 
Jimmy softly ghosts his fingers along the edge of his partners wings, more than a little mesmerized at the sight. Fwhip lets out an involuntary shiver at the touch, and the prince pulls his hand back, fearful he did something wrong. 
Fwhip mutters out something, his voice gentle and kind despite everything. “You didn't do anything wrong, dear. This just….never happens much. I think the only one who's touched these is my family.” At that reassurance, Jimmy nods, moving his hand back. He is still cautious, but manages to rest his fingers along the ridge of it. The ginger shudders again, but his partner does not pull away. He just steadies himself and keeps his hand there, so Fwhip can get used to the sensation. 
The prince runs his hands over the limbs for only a few more minutes, a little in awe of the sight of them. Eventually, to what is probably the tinkerer’s own embarrassment, Fwhip even starts to lean into the touch, and has to stifle a happy purr and the sensation of someone’s warm hand ghosting over them. He’s like a cat, Jimmy;s boyfriend is, the most adorable one out there.
"They're beautiful, darling."  The cod murmurs, placing a delicate kiss to one of the wings. Under him, Fwhip shudders again, and a flush starts to travel from his face all the way to his neck and the tips of his ears, right where his partner could see it.
“....Thank you.” The ginger huffs, deciding he is done with the moment. Jimmy pulls back, sensing that fact, and watches as his partner gets his wings back in order to how they normally are. Hidden underneath his shirt, and sometimes bound. He hopes that one day, fwhip will feel comfortable enough around Jimmy, that he will not feel much need to hide such beautiful parts of him. But if that day takes a few more years, and a few more personal hurdles to jump over, then the cod is more than comfortable to wait for that day. However long his boyfriend needs, he will wait.
“No problem, my little dragon.” He says, and Fwhip flops back against him, still blushing like a madman. He is in Jimmy’s hold again, shifting until he is once again comfortable and content. The prince hums as they resume their earlier positions, going to play with the others' hair as if nothing had ever happened. He thinks Fwhip prefers it that way.
"I love you." Is what’s muttered against his shirt a moment later, slightly muffled. But despite that the cod can tell that it is genuine. Those words have never been anything but, coming from the man under him.
"Love you, too." Jimmy smiles, and peppers a few kisses into his boyfriend’s hair, more than content to spend the rest of his day and then some like this. The previous moment only stays in his mind for a second, before being stored away as one of his favorite memories with Fwhip, though they are probably plenty more of those to come.
One of the couple’s meetings, near five years into their relationship, is outside once again. And also once again, a certain someone catches an unexpecting prince by total surprise, a habit Jimmy is starting to think his boyfriend enjoys. Especially since, after scaring him near half to death, the Fwhip laughs and giggles to himself like he’s that mischievous little seventeen year old again.
“Fwhip!” Jimmy exclaims, surprised by the others' sudden appearance. “You’re not supposed to be here!” He feels like he says that a lot with this guy, who likes to sneak in whenever he has any sort of opportunity. It's sweet, really, and Jimmy wouldn't trade it for the world. Though this time he really isn't supposed to be here, as the gardens are far too open for the prince's liking. But Fwhip has never cared for such details, much to his partners utter exasperation. 
“I know,” The ginger smiles, reaching out to grab the prince’s hands, and to hold them in his. “But I missed you.” They do that a lot, Jimmy finds, holding each other's hands like that. It’s one of those things about Fwhip that comes naturally to do, like how breathing and blinking does.
"You sap." He teases, leaning closer to his partner. Maybe the cod is trying to steal a kiss already, within maybe a minute or two of seeing each other. Though Fwhip won’t humor him, not just yet anyways. The dragon sees what he;s trying to do, and decides to be cheeky about it, leaning his back every time Jimmy tries to do the opposite. 
"You know you missed me too!" Fwhip purrs, moving so he can wrap his arms around Jimmy’s neck. He doesn’t kiss him, not yet, nor properly, but a sweet peck is pressed into the cod’s cheek, and another placed right next to it. And maybe a few more after that, dotting his face.
Jimmy giggles at the feeling of the slow, peppered kisses, trying to lean in further still. "I did." He let his body relax, and his arms went to rest casually on his partner’s waist, keeping the two of them in position. Like they were going to be moving anytime soon. 
“Well, now that you're here, what do you want to do?” He continues, feeling both of their bodies start to swag a bit, like there was an invisible rhythm they both knew to follow, and to follow it without instinct. Maybe it wasn’t there, only in Jimmy’s mind, or maybe it was the natural rhythm that came from the two just being together, around each other again.
“Is just standing here not enough for you?” Fwhip says with a fond roll of his eyes. He leans in a bit more as he speaks, just to tease him. If Jimmy didn’t love him so much, he would consider breaking apart and punching him for being so mean. 
“No.” He said, shooting the other a look, one that said he knew exactly what he was doing. Fwhip just laughed, no longer able to hold it in. But Jimmy was determined, and would not give up on his one very simple goal, even if his boyfriend was currently laughing so hard he couldn't breathe, he would not relent!
“....Kiss me? And then we can go to the gardens?” He suggests hopefully, once the other’s little giggle fit had calmed down in full, and maybe after sharing a few snickers of his own. The prince couldn’t help it, his partner's laugh was just so beautiful, so infectious. 
Fwhip’s tone is curious when he next speaks, his eyes shining with the same emotion. Jimmy loves that look on him, and makes sure to mention it later, even if he already has at least five times before. “And do what in there?”
“Make flower crowns, if you’re into that.” The prince pitches his idea a little sheepishly, knowing how….silly it might sound. How some people would giggle and call him some kind of hopeless romantic, or even childish or girlish for wanting to do such a thing. However, he knows the dragon hybrid probably won’t do such a thing, but still gets all embarrassed over it nonetheless.
“That's an adorable idea, actually.” Fwhip’s eyes widen, and his expression twists into something so fond and soft, it makes the blonde’s heart ache with something fierce. “I’d be delighted.” Once those words are said, the inventor finally leans in, finally closing the decently small gap between them. Jimmy smiles into it, and his one wish for that day is finally fulfilled.
One day, after five years of officially being together, Jimmy is brought something by one of the palace workers. One of his personal servants, the little parrot avian that goes by the name of Grian. The prince has grown particularly close with this servant after all these years, nearly a decade, of working and living alongside each other. The bird hybrid is like a brother too him. So as soon as he sees the rather grim and worried look on Grian’s face, one his friend does not sport often, the blonde’s heart drops to the pit of his stomach. 
He takes what the servant brings him, the smaller man not being able to meet his gaze. Something;s gone wrong, horribly wrong, and the prince is scared to even try and imagine what that something could be, a million horrible possibilities all running through his head at once. 
Jimmy looks at what Grian had brought him with a nervous gulp, and thinks he's going to throw up. It's the latest newspaper, and right on the front page is an article. An article about him and Fwhip being together. They'd even got a picture of it as well. The two must not have been as well hidden as they thought that day, on Fwhip’s last visit, they must've been too out in the open. Stupid, that's what they were, they were stupid-
The cod takes a breath, and steadies himself. He can’t let his thoughts spiral, he can’t go on a self blaming rant right now. Right now, he needs to get to Fwhip, before any other person can. Jimmy needs to get to his partner, before anyone in this castle, save Grian, gets to the prince himself first.
He stands from where he’d been sitting, newspaper forgotten, and leaves his room. The prince speedwalks through the castle, like a man on a mission, because he is one. He’s a man on a very important mission, to find his boyfriend ASAP.  Jimmy starts to beeline for their usual meeting spots, those being his room, the gardens, and the library’s balcony, oddly enough. Or any balcony really, or any other place that Fwhip can easily unlock. If his partner is not in the castle yet, well he will just have to sneak out and find him himself. He thinks the dragon hybrid had given him his address anyway and that he remembered it, probably. Hopefully.
He checks the gardens first, and gets a lucky guess. There, moving between some of the plants, is a very frantic Fwhip. Their eyes meet for one small second, each man sharing the same panicked expression, and Jimmy wastes no time near running across the garden until he is buy Fwhip’s side once more, for what could possible be the last time. God knows what’s going to become of him, once the rest of the kingdom finds out. (Jimmy had never really considered it before, the danger of what they’ve been doing, but now it is hitting him smack in the face, and it's truly terrifying for the both of them.)
Before either of them knows what's happening, he is crashing into Fwhip’s arms, and they are holding onto each other tightly. Like they are the other man's lifeline, like the other is the only thing keeping them upright. His partner's hold has never felt so comforting yet horrifying all at once. "They found out." Jimmy breathes, looking into his boyfriend’s wide eyes, fear clearly reflected in them. The prince’s heart twists itself into knots.
"I know. I don't care." Fwhip says, going to cup both of his cheeks in his hands. Jimmy leans into the touch, the warmth, extremely aware for the first time that he should not even be doing so, let alone enjoying it. "I won't stop seeing you."
"What would your family think-" Jimmy starts, and is quickly cut off as soon as he does so. The hold on his face tightens, and he places his own hands ontop of the ones holding him so lovingly, despite everything crashing around them.
"Gem won't care, and my parents can fuck right off. I won't stop seeing you, not for anything.” Fwhips snarls, sounding more sure than he ever had of anything in his life, More sure than he ever had about any of the inventions or ideas he rambled about, more sure than anything in the whole wide world. "What about yours?" The ginger asks, clearly and predictably more concerned about his partner's safety than he is his own. Like his boyfriend doesn;t have plot armor in the form of being literal royalty.
"I don't know what they're gonna say. I'm too scared." Jimmy admits, after a quiet moment of thought. His first and only one until that point had been finding Fwhip, but now that he had done so, the prince had to face the other problems that came with that damn newspaper article. And once he took a second to think about all the other consequences and reactions to this, he found that he didn’t want to go and face any of them.
"Wasn't your mom from a village? Like I am?" Fwhips asks, recalling all the information he learned of the royal family through the years. He’d learned it all somehow, either through word of mouth of Jimmy himself talking about it, and now seemed like a damn good time to finally make all that knowledge useful. 
Jimmy mumbles out his response, getting cut off by a stubbornly persistent dragon hybrid, the one still clutching onto his face like he’ll die without doing so. "Yeah but-"
"They can't say anything then, or they're hypocrites!" Fwhip exclaims, his brows furrowing. He sounds like he’s just found the loophole, the solution to everything. But he is not a noble, the dragon hybrid does not know how high class society tends to work. He does not know the life Jimmy lives and all its details, he does not know the cod’s parents. But the prince does, he knows all that better than he would like, and knows that what his boyfriend had said is not a solution, but more likely to be another problem more than anything. 
"They can't say anything publicly, but privately... " He points out, well aware of all the words his parents, and maybe even Lizzie, could be slinging at him in less than an hour. “And you're not a merfolk, you're a dragon. You know how some people feel about that stuff…”
"Shit." Fwhip breathes out softly, the horrible reality of this all hitting him for the second time that day. They had no good way around this, no way out. Both of them would be in deep trouble, to varying degrees of course, but still in trouble. All with the lingering possibility they would never be allowed to meet again, or maybe something worse, if Jimmy’s father is a crueler man than he was raised to believe he was. 
"I won't stop seeing you. Never. You mean the world to me." Jimmy reassures him. He takes Fwhip’s hands off his face, so he can hold them in his own, like the two of them always do. He interlocks their fingers, and can only hope the familiar action is starting to bring his partner the same comfort it is starting to bring him. "I love you." He says, and prays it's not the last time he’ll do so.
"I know." Fwhip responds quickly, simply. He doesn’t need to say the full phrase back, those two words are enough to get everything across and then some. Small phrases have been able to mean that for a while now, able to carry such emotion without even saying much in the first place.
"Remember, when I said courting implies marriage?" Jimmy says, after allowing himself a fleeting second to think, his eyes lighting up with something. Something he doesn’t quite dare call hope just yet. But maybe…just maybe…he’s found the solution. Get married, legally, before anyone else had a chance to intervene, despite all the uproar it was sure to cause. Though everything after this would cause an uproar of some kind, so the one that got the prince the husband he wanted really sounded like the only good option at this point. 
"Yeah?" Fwhip says, sounding a little hesitant. But there is a slight, new hope starting to form under all that unsureness, and it buzzes around the both of them like a wave of electricity. Their electricity, their hope for something better.
"Do we want to go ahead and do that? Finish our courting? Now that everyone knows?" The prince pitches his idea, letting that hope rear its wonderful, wonderful head for the first time since he’d gotten it, even if that had only been a minute before. Fwhip’s grip on his hand tightens, and he already knows the other feels the same way about all this.
The ginger smiles up at him, fond, earnest, and like he can’t believe what he just heard. "I'd love that." He breathes, and cracks the first smile Jimmy had seen from him in their short time together that day. Hopefully, a few more are to follow from both of them. 
"So you'll marry me?" The blonde asks. It’s a stupid question, one he should already know the answer to. Jimmy does that a lot, so the man in front of him says, asks stupid questions he should already know the answer too. Apparently it makes him all the more endearing.
"In a heartbeat." Fwhip’s response is small, smile, and two words again. One of those small phrases that had come to mean something, while never having said much in the first place. He squeezes the cod’s hands together in his, the action being a lot more hopeful than it had been just a minute or so before.
They lapse into a momentary silence, until Jimmy speaks again. He could tell both of them were processing, unsure what to say, the realization of what they;d just agreed to, hitting both of them like a wave. They’d both agreed to one of the biggest things you could agree too, and they hadn;t even had a ring or a plan or anything. Bunch of idiots, the two of them where. "...Is that it? Are we engaged?" Fwhip asks, his tone having to be full of absolute bewilderment. But a good kind, if that made any sense.
"I guess so. Unless you want me to do a proper proposal?" Jimmy shrugs, the last words meant to be entirely unserious. Doing a proper proposal would blow, like, the whole plan they just made to get secretly married. Which was pretty counterproductive, and not at all helping his still lingering paranoia of what that news article was going to do to their lives.
"Oh the journalists would love that." Fwhip exclaims with a giggle. "Upcoming prince proposes to a poor boy!" He draws out the last words, exaggerating them as best as he could. The prince has to hold back a snort, for this isn't really a time for giggles.
"It wouldn't have to be public -" He mutters, finding himself a little embarrassed and blushing red. Fwhip, ever one for the dramatic, isn’t having any of that. The cod briefly wonders if he;s using all the jokes and joy as a distraction from thoughts of whatever horrible thing might soon befall the two of them. Like Jimmy himself might slightly be doing already.
"But then it would just be silly, because we already know we're getting married. If it was public we could make a show out of it!" The dragon says, his wings fluttering from where they are bound under his shirt. Jimmy knows he has to agree here, and holds back a sigh. That would, indeed, be quite the show for the people. 
"Mm, you have a point." He mumbled, finally feeling a proper smile start to form on his face. It’s the first one he’s cracked all day, and it's because of his boyfriend, surprise, surprise. A lot of his smiles are because of this guy, even on the worst day for their relationship yet.
"Why're you smiling like that?" Fwhip asks, bemused, and like a similar smile isn’t mirroring itself on his face at that very moment, likely for the same reason the prince is flashing his own. They had just gotten engaged on the spot, after all.
"Because you're gonna be my husband, idiot." The prince rolls his eyes fondly, before continuing what else had been on his mind, and had been since his proposal just minutes before. “How are we doing this marriage thing anyways?” They had the idea down, but now the two needed to actually execute it, which was always a lot harder done than said, in Jimmy’s experience so far.
Fwhip makes an on the spot plan, something the blonde has found he;s quite good at doing. And usually, the plans are good and work out, like all his sneaking in, so Jimmy had learned to not mind that tendency of his over the years. “We could always run and get eloped in the woods? That would save a lot of headache.”
Jimmy beams upon hearing the idea, his tail starting to flick excitedly behind him. “Just several days of seeing you? All the time? And we get married in the end? I like that idea.” He is on board immediately, because of course he is. It’s for all the reasons he just listed above, but also because a wedding in the woods sounds adorable, genuinely. And also the most perfect thing he’s ever heard in his whole life.
“What about when we come back?” Fwhip, a smile still stayed etched onto his face, asks one last question, voicing what seems to be the last of his uncertainties. Well, the last ones for now at least. There are certainly a few more of those to come in the nearing days. But it is nothing the two of them can’t handle, not if they are together.
“We'll cross the bridge when we get to it.” Jimmy says, promises it. Fwhip smiles at him for what has to be the billionth time since their first meeting, what has to be going on eight years ago now, and the prince smiles back like he always does. For the first time, he knows that everything with them is going to be okay, because nothing in the world could tear him from this man. From his boyfriend, his soon to be husband.
And speaking of that, the two of them better start moving, and fast. They have a little marriage in the woods to plan, and what has to be a hell of a lot of preparations for it. But it will be worth it, Jimmy knows it in his soul, if he gets to see this guy everyday after this. It will all have been worth it.
He thinks maybe, that instead of the middle of the woods, they should be married in an apple orchard instead, and turns to pitch the idea to his finance.
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ladyloveandjustice · 9 months
Who’s Lily Orchard?
I'm really jealous of your innocence! She's mostly famous for her 'Steven Universe is Garbage and here's why' thingy, where she said she wouldn't blame anyone for thinking Rebecca Sugar (who's Jewish) is a Nazi sympathizer and called Rebecca a "fucking creep" because Lily is convinced fusions equal sex (wild when you remember Steven fuses with his dad) and various other bizarre takes, (as well as her thread of "writing tips" that involved the idea that sex scenes can never be included in anything)
but her behavior toward her own fans and allegations of abuse are probably the biggest thing to be cautious of. Quoting Wikitubia which has a good overview of her:
In 2016, her former friend & fellow YouTuber Josh Scorcher released the video "Response To Lily Peet", revealing how she was abusing him during the productions of some of his videos. The video was well-received, though Lily's reaction only enforced his claims by calling him "malignant human cancer" that needed to die in a ditch & wished his wife would break up with him in the ugliest way possible once they got married. This caused him to file a cease desist after she apparently engaged in online harassment and defamation across multiple accounts, which she just laughed off in one of her videos. Around the same time, several people came out about their experiences with Lily such as her ex-friend Brittany who got harassed by her for leaking Skype logs, Bombastic Blake in his video on her and even one of her relatives, Lizzie who she gaslit & alleged that she tried to murder her on several Tumblr posts.
She also encouraged a friend to groom a minor. Two victims, under the names of Glade and Mackenzii, have come forward as victims of Lily Orchard grooming them as minors through EssenceOfThought.
So yeah, not a person you want to get involved with, which is why I blocked immediately.
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January 19, 2017
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ephrom · 2 years
Everything I Don't Like Is Kiwi Farms Fault: The Lily Orchard Story
Before we begin, I just want to say I have no love for Kiwi Farm and view them being taken down as nothing but a good thing. They've gone after people I care about--albeit many of terrible things you hear about are hyperbolized or the result of a handful of bad actors--and their lack of dedication to civil decorum really shows. However, once again, Lily has to collective her enemies into one massive blob out to attack her--even when they have nothing to do with each other. Hence a thread she posted to Twitter just today to talk about how Kiwi Farms has harmed her.
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For those who don't know, Kiwi Farm threads of people always started with an introduction post that described everything that was known about the person up until that point. I mention this because the introduction post for her thread on Kiwi Farms mentioned both the catfishing (which is a reference to Tara Callie) and the "pedo fic" (which is a reference to Stockholm). Therefore, it could not be Kiwi Farms who began these claims--because otherwise they wouldn't have been in their introduction post.
I believe the Kiwi Farms thread on her began in 2015 at the earliest (at least, the active one--somebody created one before that was deleted years ago and only had three pages worth of content and not anything particularly interesting), and the claims of her catfishing had been going on for long before that point. Tara Callie was so suspicious that even @britts-galaxy-brain began to believe that Tara wasn't real when she was friends with Lily. Meanwhile, again, the claims about Stockholm began when Stockholm was first published in 2014.
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This is just a repeat of the claims she made in her stalking video I talked about yesterday. If you want more information on that, here's a link to that post.
With that said, this is not to say that the story has remained fully the same. For example, now instead of being worthless shut ins who haven't caused anything other than stress, Lily's stalkers are the reason she was raped in 2018.
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Also, these people are awful, vindictive, and abusive--but they're also just mad that Lily had an opinion on a cartoon or something.
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Never mind the fact that Lily says here that Kiwi Farms is a website dedicated to stalking and harassing LGBT people.
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Meanwhile, back when she made a video on her stalkers six months ago, two of the people she listed were transgender (Jess and Zena, who she turned into one person for some reason, and Patchwork Heart), one is non-binary (Segasister), and another is a lesbian (Brittany). Although this is a person who she calls the ex of a transgender woman who she was engaged to a transphobe, so I'm not sure what to expect at this point. Not only that, but so Brittany, despite Brittany being accepting of her when she first came out as transgender that she encouraged Lily to pursue the identity if it would make her happy despite Lily's fears.
In fact, I think I need to go back to this video real quick because it's incredibly telling.
First off, I would like to both apologize to @segasister for missing this flaw and thank her for pointing it out.
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Now the incident I believe she's talking about regarding the brony fanbase tolerating pedophiles is the ToonKriticY2K one (even though I don't think he met the definition of pedophile, but that's a different topic). Never mind the fact that Segasister was also manipulated and fucked over by ToonKritic--that's just not supposed to matter. Just like it doesn't matter that somebody who's not white would be friends with two white supremacists who Lily has combined into one person for no fucking reason.
I'm never good at knowing when to end posts when it comes to Lily. Here's a funny tweet from Doodletones.
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whinlatter · 1 year
january recs: reading, listening, writing
jumped on the bandwagon to do my own shameless round-up of january highlights, including a lil WIP sneak peek.......
Already Gone by @takearisk-ao3 (AO3) (Harry/Ginny, multi-chapter WIP, post-DH)
the talk of the town amnesia fic, has me absolutely gripped. also the last chapter was 🥵 and by that i mean it was low key hot uhh excellent
and tomorrow came again by bettysgarden12 (A03) (Gen, next gen, twoshot) '
'an examination of the children of heroes'. beautiful, rich writing, and a charming insight into the next gen’s journey through hogwarts. it’s sharp and bright and so hopeful. made my whole day. also the phrase 'a hurricane in a skinsuit' has lodged forever in my brain
up and down and barely made it over by cosmicwritings (AO3) (Bill, oneshot)
given i am a sucker for a brilliant character study and for bill weasley, i couldn't not love this. rich in insight and warmth for our unproblematic coastal king bill weasley
perimeter walks by @evesaintyves (A03) (Remus/Tonks, WIP)
a remadora vignette series that just aches, it's so good. there's this really bodily, physical quality to the writing that just stays with you in your bones ages after reading. cannot wait for more
drafts by @turanga4 (A03) and the sum of all parts by @incalculablepower (A03) (Dean, drabbles)
all the pieces @harrypocter winter sun fest have all been really excellent, but i particularly enjoyed these two short dean character studies, especially if read together. both carefully and tenderly explore dean's relationship with his art and his reflections on his life and his war, and really pack such a punch for east london's golden boy
to be always kind and true by clarewithnoi (AO3) (James/Lily, oneshot)
a really tender jily love confession fic, lovely in so many ways but particularly this line: 'She still isn’t looking at him when a noise erupts from his throat.  It’s somewhere in the family of scoffs, but it’s not mean.  It’s strangled and a little hoarse, and it leaves him as though through an attic window, where he can’t control its escape.'
ceilings by lizzy mcalpine (like every other sad girl on tiktok)
emily i'm sorry by boy genius (ditto)
tropic morning news by the national (like every other… sad dad with an electric vehicle? idk)
sunset by caroline polachek (these days i wear my body like an uninvited guest - good! fckn! opener!)
i bet on losing dogs by mitski (because there's a y in the day)
putting out orchards after so long, and actually having people take something from it was the best part of this month. if you read it and reached out i cannot thank you enough, truly brought the sunshine to the dreariest of januaries. if you haven't read it and like jocks in love then have i got the fic for you:
right now... i’m writing a few new things. the project i’ve been working on most is a new one called beasts. its alternative title is: the hanging out with hagrid award. it's multi-chapter, pre + post-war, and it's about our girl gin. it’s foresty and a bit feral and its vibes are kind of like this and also this:
‘How do you become an Animagus?’ Sunken eyes dart briefly to hers, alight with something. Stupidly, she gets her hopes up. But then he looks away, scratches Buckbeak’s wingfeathers where they’re starting to matt. ‘I suspect,’ he says, ‘that your mother’s opinion of me wouldn’t be much improved if I told her fourteen year old daughter how to risk her life to become an illegal Animagus.’ She’s actually thirteen, at this point, but decides pointing that out won’t help her case. ‘Since when were you scared of what my mother thought of you?’ She’d quite like a grin from him for that, doesn’t get one. He’s in one of those moods. Not for the first time that summer, she feels herself slip into a sulk. She inspects him, through her scowl, how his skin is pulled taut over sharp cheekbones, a face ghosted by grandeur. She thinks she might have been able to make Sirius Black laugh, once, if she’d been born twenty years earlier. Resents that she's missed the boat.
and also a bit like this -
'We teach our children that ours is a world sorted into beasts and beings. Don't you know a beast when you see it? Even the smallest child in our world knows that beasts are savage creatures. They know nothing of humanity, of conscience, of kindness. They live only by their own lawlessness. Beings, we say, are not like beasts. We beings have laws, government, a sense of common good. Beings know right from wrong. Beings know what we owe to each other. I used to think this war had made beasts of beings. But now I wonder if the beings might well have been beasts all along. Are wars just the savagery of beasts by another name? What if beastliness is a requirement of being? What if being is trying to overcome our own beastliness? And what if we can't? I wonder what to make of this. I wonder what I will teach my children.'
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opinated-user · 3 months
Yeah ok, this makes.. no sense? The claim is that no abuse victim would want to start a flame war with their abuser…. Uh. NO? Aside from it being pretty fucked to to describe victims speaking out as a “flame war”, it also just- ..huh?? There are PLENTY of abuse victims who’ve gone on campaigns in order to expose their abuser so they don’t hurt anyone else, there are a lot of people who would rather NOT, yeah, I’m one of them! But the claim that people who have been wronged wouldn’t want to.. get justice is goofy.
this is priceless coming from LO when she was the one literally doing multiple flame wars with some anon that she alone believed to be Lizzy, not to mention how she spend literally years just talking about her claims against her while using her last name and escalated them even further only after Lizzy dared to give her own version of the story. again, if we talking in social media is meant to diminish the validity of any of the things we're talking about, then all of that applies just the same back to LO. why haven't you dennounced Lizzy to the police, LO? why did you spend years, including the day of your wedding, being mad about her and talking about her when you could brought her to justice? how come every other victim has to present evidence of the abuse you subjected them to, and even when they do it's not good enough, but with you literally all everyone has to go off is your word? now, personally, using something like "they talk about their abuser or abuse too much" is a horrible victim blaming thing to use in order to discredit anyone. but i'm not the one making that argument, that is LO. so if that is a valid thing that is supposed to make people second guess her victims, then by all means it should also be applied to her as well.
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now this is a malicious lie. Courtney send this message to LO after finding out that she was trans, that's what the "i doubt our parents are supportive" means because Courtney thought that LO was completely alone while dealing with her transition. Courtney was even willing to let go of any bad blood between them if LO ever accepted or wanted his help because being trans was hard enough. futhermore, if Courtney was the supposed abuser... how does contacting her saying "i doubt our parents are supportive of you" is ever going to play into that? he send her her private number in a private message that literally nobody was going to see. what well was she trying to poison?? how does that message proves that is what he was intending to do? LO, do you even know what that expression means??? plus, yes, you did talked about her. you bragged about punching her and call her a brat, among a bunch of other things, before she ever came to tumblr or spoke to P. and you know this to be true, so that's another malicious lie.
weak DARVO, that's all i have to say. extremely weak.
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 94. brb x oc
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check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: FLUFF, bea and roos have the B talk, let the Rooster Bee wedding shenanigans COMMENCE!!
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes
No one really elaborates how stressful organizing a wedding really is, between writing the guests’ names and making sure to figure out everyone’s food allergies and diets it was already enough to make both sweat.
But on the bright side, they managed to get a date! Their wedding would happen in September, which was a short time all things considered but the wedding planner - that planned Martha’s wedding as well - assured them it’d go over smoothly. It was a ballroom but the wedding ceremony itself would happen on the outside, on the smooth freshly cut grass in between the fruit trees that surrounded the orchard area. It was a huge place with a lot of space and a bit far from their house itself but it was big enough to handle everyone.
Since Bradley’s family was the Navy, he had a few other friends - from Virginia - coming over and Beatrice wasn’t going to invite everyone from her aunt’s wedding, so the number would be more than enough for a small yet comforting ceremony.
With that out of the way, which was stressful enough, they had to worry about the invitations, about the cake and about their outfits. He didn’t want to wear a uniform, he loved it, but he preferred to wear a tux instead for their wedding day. Beatrice however was having a bit of a hard time…while she had in mind what her dress would look like, finding one with her measurements and within the budget was hard.
The plus size store that she wanted to see had no options left,they were all either rented or bought so she tried every other bridal site there was. She wondered if Evelyn knew anyone who could help her? She didn’t mind renting the dress for the wedding, so maybe she knew some bridal designer she could talk to?
“I kinda want a lemon curd cake.” Bradley’s voice snaps her out of her thoughts, looking up from the laptop with the pen in her mouth, seeing her fiancé walk into the room after brushing his teeth, “Ohhh…better yet, dark chocolate meringue, that is also nice.”
Beatrice laughs, pulling the pen from between her teeth to write it down on the notepad by her side, the pilot sliding onto the bed next to her, “I’ll write that down, we can figure something out tomorrow.”
He hums in agreement, supporting his head on his hand and watching as the brunette continues clicking away on the open tabs, chewing her lower lip, “Any luck finding the dress?” she shakes her head, tapping away on the search bar to be even more specific, “You’ll find something, baby.”
“I hope so.” she laughs awkwardly, “I’d hate to get married to you wearing a long cardigan and an old summer dress.” she was joking but part of her feared that’s what it’d happen. She knew it’d be difficult to find a wedding dress her size, she had seen Say Yes to the Dress many times and knew how hard it was for plus size people to find something that fits their vision and their bodies.
She didn’t want to get discouraged, she refused to get discouraged, at the very least she’d talk to Evelyn and ask her if she knew any other places that could help her. There had to be more than one, right? Even if she had to travel to get it, she’d make the sacrifice. But the more the looked, the more she searched,all the could see were brides slimmer than she was and she started to chew her lower lip even harder.
And Bradley, who knew her exceptionally well by this point, noticed how that was worrying her, “Baby,” he calls, gently grabbing the laptop from her and making Beatrice blink his way, “We already did a lot today, time for bed.”
“You’ll find a dress, call Evelyn, see if she knows anyone.” he flipped the laptop shut, standing up to put it on the futon by the end of the bed and returning to the bed where Beatrice remained, rubbing her hands together, “Baby, look at me.” she looked at him with a small frown, one that made his smile soften and his lips touch the little wrinkle between her brows, “It’ll be okay, gorgeous. We’ll figure something out…we are managing it so far, aren’t we?”
‘Yeah…we’ve been…really lucky.” she says softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, “From the venue to the wedding planner…it’s like it was meant to happen. I just hope I can find a dress that I like, you know?”
“You will.” he smiles, lying on the bed and giving her enough space for her head to touch his shoulder and chest, her hands tucked between his side and her cleavage, her lower lip jutted out just enough to make him smile down at her, “You’ll look beautiful. Even more than before.”
That makes her lips quirk in a little smile, “Yeah?”
“Are you kidding? Hell yeah.” he leans down to kiss the top of her head, “You’ll look amazing, I think it’s a good idea if I don’t see the dress either, you know? Heard it’s bad luck.”
Plus the element of surprise would be more than welcome for both of them. Not to mention her mother wouldn’t allow him to see her, she was very aware of that, the tradition on that part would be maintained. Since Beatrice was Catholic but hasn’t entered a church since she was seventeen and Bradley who while he believed in some higher power was pretty much Agnostic, they chose to have a non-religious wedding.
Were her parents…surprised? Yes. Would they stop it? No, because it was pretty obvious now that Brad was now an honorary Schiavoni that all they wanted was ‘grandchildren’. So to them, as long as they got married and had rings on their fingers they were okay with it, they could let that slide with the babies coming along the way. 
Beatrice hasn’t told Rooster about her mother’s…schemes…on making her more fertile, the teas, the herbs, the quiet prayers she’d whisper under her breath whenever she visited…and she wondered if she should tell Brad about that. Because her parents wouldn’t be subtle about it, at all.
But Beatrice was nervous, she didn’t know how to bring that up to him.  They’d have to have that conversation, she knew about it. So maybe, ripping off the band-aid now might be the better option, “Brad,” he wasn’t asleep, thankfully, since his hand moved up and down her back, caressing the line of her spine with his fingertips, “You know…my parents might bother us about something else…soon.” his hand stops on the fourth vertebrae, she feels the subtle pressure there but he’s not pushing down in any way, “About…kids…” the last part is whispered so quietly she hopes he doesn’t hear it.
But he did. Obviously.
“I’m not in a hurry!” she tries to counter, lifting her head so quickly from his chest she almost gave herself whiplash, “I-I mean, I like kids but if you think we aren’t ready then we shouldn’t talk about it! Maybe I should stop talking about it, okay I’ll stop talking about it-” and she kept on rambling nervously, avoiding his eyes at all cost all the while Rooster just stared.
She couldn’t see the absolute infatuated stare he was sending her, nor the way his eyelids lowered and his smile widened by the second the more she tried to explain that she wasn’t going to force him to think about having kids now but she was just letting him know that her parents would question him about it and the more she spoke, more his heart warmed just by looking at her. Beatrice was very kind, very sweet and immensely thoughtful of others, she had proven that time and time again, so he wasn’t surprised to see her letting him know everything that could happen soon after they get married.
He’s still looking at her, holding his head up with a hand as Beatrice’s words slowly died down - she was now sitting on her knees, wringing her hands together and looking like she confessed a murder, biting her lower lip, “You got quiet.”
“I was waiting for you to finish, babe.”
“...Oh, I was rambling again…”
But he wasn’t bothered by that, he adjusted himself on the bed so he’d be sitting up instead of lying down, “We never talked about it.” he begins, “And I think it’s a good time as any to, you know?”
“Don’t you want to wait a little?”
He shrugs, “Why? I think it’s better if we decide what we want now and what to expect.” he says sincerely, reaching for her hand to remove it from the continuous wringing grasp she had on it, “So, let me ask you: do you want kids?”
Beatrice doesn’t hesitate, “Yes.I do…but…”
“...if…you think it might be too much I can wait.”
Too much. As in, she didn’t want to make him stressed because of what he does, because she didn’t want him to be overworked. God, he loved her so much. “Bea…” he coos softly, giving her a smitten smile, “I love you so much, pretty girl. I really do.” his fiancé only response was a small smile and cheeks painted red, “And while I do appreciate you thinking about me and my wellbeing…I’ll be honest, imagining a mini me or mini you running around the house is really nice. And it’ll be a bit more work, but I think we’ll manage it. We just got to plan it a little bit.”
Beatrice’s shoulders relaxed and her eyes slid shut as she heaved out a sigh, her head dangling forward with her hands supporting her weight on her thighs, “You okay?’ he asks and she nods with her hair still covering her expression.
“I am. I was just…” she waves her hands,clenching and relaxing her fingers to get rid of the tension, “I was just nervous, as I said I don’t mind waiting a bit. I really don’t and I agree that planning for the baby–” she couldn’t believe she was saying those words out loud, “Would be the better option.”
“And you know, it won’t be for the lack of trying.” he says with his body slowly leaning forward, making Beatrice lean back until she fell onto the mattress, smiling up at him, “Because we do try, a whole lot, don’t we?” she nods, biting her lower lip with a smile, “And I know you’ve been taking the birth control shots so…maybe after the wedding you can stop taking it?”
Beatrice looks up at him with her big green eyes taking over his features,until she moves her gaze away in thought. She’s been taking it over six months now and it was the best idea she’s ever had, she thanked Shells over and over for letting her know that such thing existed…and honestly she could handle not taking it after their wedding, “I’d have to talk to the ladies at the clinic, see if I need to do it slowly or I can just stop altogether, but I can do that.” she says, smiling even more, one of her hands cupping the side of his face, “I like the idea of a mini us running around too.”
She didn’t tell him about the disembodied child voices she heard when he was gone, she didn’t think it’d be worth it, nor the drawings she made…nor the painting she still had to finish it and now…now she knew how to, “A mini us, huh?” he smirked, “I think the baby will look like you the most.”
“I think the baby will look like you the most. I don’t know what you have against your baby pictures, Brad.”
“Besides how I looked like an angry red toe? Nothing,” Beatrice rolls her eyes, saying he was adorable as a baby and as a young boy, “I was also blonde, how the hell did that happen?”
‘You are still blonde, Brad.” she laughs, gently touching a wavy strand that dangled in front of his forehead, “See? It’s just really dark now, almost brown.” there were golden strands mixed in with the browns; she even spread the tresses a little bit so he could see it better. He hummed, not convinced, before he flops down on top of her with his chin nestled between her breasts, the smiley t-shirt stretching under his weight. “Maybe the baby will be blonde like you.”
The corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk, “Do you want to try for it now-”
“Bradley Nicholas.”
“Oooh, I love when you say my full name,” he purrs, pushing himself to his hands so he could trail kisses from her neck to her lips, “It’s really hot when you say it.”
“I thought you said we were going to go to bed now?” she questioned, between giggles while arching her back so he could ride the shirt up to her chest.
“Mm…in a little bit.” he smirks, kissing her sternum, “Got a bit inspired now.”
Evelyn replied to her message as soon as the morning hit, she didn’t know how someone wakes up so early but Evelyn always surprised her. Beatrice took a few seconds to understand the message, since she was still waking up from hours ago - she is now used to waking up with Rooster but that doesn’t mean she stays awake for long, she was napping on the couch after he left. Beatrice rubs her eyes, sitting on the bed and then dropping the hand to gently caress Jolene on the back of the head as the pittie trots over to keep her company.
“If you want…” she mutters the rest of the message under her breath, pauses, then her eyes widen as she rereads it, “If you want to come over,Marcus has someone who can help you,I’m visiting him in a couple hours so I can pick you up and we can go!! Oh my God!” the sharp voice from her owner makes Jolene jumps up startled, before she’sd picked up by Beatrice who then kisses the pittie’s confused face over and over, “Yes!Oh thank God,I need to buy Evelyn those ube snacks she likes so much as payment! I’m going to get a dress!!”
She was so excited that she immediately went up the stairs, with Jolene following her, to take a shower…but not before thanking Evelyn over and over and saying that she’d be waiting! She even sent Rooster a message, that she knew he’d be only able to reply a few hours later but she couldn’t help herself.
Beatrice sat outside on the small steps that led to her front door, her knee bouncing with excitement as she waited. It doesn’t take long for Evelyn’s car to show up, Beatrice standing up quickly before she rushes over to the open passenger door, ‘Hi, Ev.”
“Hey.” Evelyn smiles, “So, future Mrs.Bradshaw, you are looking for a wedding dress.” the mention of how she’d be referred to made Beatrice blush but she nodded after closing the door, “Marcus knows a lot of people who can help you out, we can explain our situation for him and you know he’ll want to help.”
“Thank you for helping me out.” the brunette says after Evelyn drives them away from the house, latching the seatbelt over her chest, “I was almost losing sleep over that, you know? It’s so hard finding a wedding dress my size.”
“And I know you tried everywhere, even that plus size shop we saw ages ago.”
“Yes! I couldn’t even go for a try on, most of the dresses I liked were already claimed for.”
Evelyn hummed, giving a quick once over around the roundabout before turning to the left, “Ever since that shop opened it has been a huge success, what do you know, people over size 2 want to get dresses too.” she jokes, both women laughing but Evelyn’s smile doesn’t falter, “I’m really happy for you.”
Beatrice turns to look at her friend, giving her a small smile, “I’m happy too Ev.” she whispers, holding her left hand up to look at the engagement ring one more time, rubbing her thumb and forefinger along the thin band and on the gem on top of it, “I’m excited. I’m…nervous and I don’t think I can understand how I’m feeling half of the time…I’m going to get married.”
“Which was something we always knew it’d happen.” Evelyn chuckles, “By the way, we are going to pick up Shells too,” Beatrice’s inquisitive ‘oh?’ makes Evelyn roll her eyes, “She said she’s bored, so.”
Beatrice chuckles, ‘That’s fine.” she smiles, leaning back on her seat, “I know she’ll love it.” 
And she did, especially once Shells found out what they were doing, almost tripping over herself by entering the back door, falling face first on the back seat and then fixing herself looking ready to pop a vein with how excited she was. Maybe more than Beatrice thought she’d be. 
When they got to Marcus’ studio, going up the same staircase as before, Beatrice couldn’t help but go up with a pep on her step all the way. Evelyn walked in first since she wanted to talk to Marcus before everyone, with Beatrice and Shells staying behind for a little while, her blonde friend peeking over a mannequin and then standing behind it, her head propped on the mannequin’s shoulder as she pulled on the sleeve playing as if she was wearing it herself. “What do you think? Is fuschia my color?’
Beatrice turned to look over to Shells, laughing quietly, “I think so, it’s a pretty color on you.”
‘Nice,do you think he’ll miss it if I take it?” 
“You know…I think there is a chance he’d miss it.” Beatrice replied with a grin, “But you can always ask him too.”
“Nah, you are his muse, I’m just the friend who tags along.”
Beatrice rolls her eyes, looking back to where Evelyn and Marcus were, the two looking at something on his Ipad for a while before Evelyn gestured to her two friends not too far away from where they were. Marcus’ lips broke into a smile, “My darling muse!’ he calls from where he was, handing the Ipad over to one of his assistants, his long strides arriving sooner to where Beatrice and Shells were, air kissing the two of them, “I believe congratulations are in order!”
“Yeah,” the brunette blushed while wiggling her ring finger, “Thank you, Marcus.”
“Not only for that, my darling but the new collection is an immense success. I was just telling Evelyn that having you as the face made women everywhere see they could be beautiful just like you are.” Beatrice is flattered, her cheeks warming more as he continued, “Not to mention the several other designers who wanted to hire you as their model, oh, so many! But I told them I’d have to talk to you.”
“Oh, I…”
“I also told them you weren’t a model, professionally speaking, and that you were comfortable with us because we are all friends.”
Beatrice was thankful for that response, because she had no idea if she’d be able to do the same thing with a designer she didn’t know. “Thank you Marcus.” she says sweetly, then clears her throat, “Oh, um, so Evelyn probably told you what I’m looking for right?” he nods, ‘So…do you know anyone?”
‘I do have a friend, Lola, but she works in L.A. I can give her a call and we can book a wonderful meeting with her and prepare something for you. You can bring your friends over and everything.” 
“Oh, Marcus that’s great, but…I do have…a budget and you know–”
“Darling, darling ,please,” he flaps his hand, “Do not worry about the budget, Lola is a good friend and she can help you however you need to. Worry about the money later.” it was easy for him to say, he wasn’t the one getting married and she didn’t want her aunt paying for her wedding dress either so there was a certain amount of money she could use. “Give me five minutes to give her a call and we’ll resolve it, yes?”
Beatrice just nods, watching him pull out his phone and walk away from them, leaving her,Shells and Evelyn on the very spot with the brunette wringing her hands together, “Do you know her? Lola?”
Evelyn shakes her head, “Never heard of her, but then again, bridal fashion isn’t my cup of tea.” she explains, crossing her arms over her chest. 
With Marcus gone, Beatrice had time to think. She still had to get her bridesmaids, she already had a good idea of who they’d be, but she’d like to talk to all of them if possible and as soon as she could. Shells and Evelyn were two of them, that was already decided, she just needed to talk to the rest. 
She also knew who’d be her maid of honor and she hoped no one else would be upset by her choice - hopefully not, it wasn’t a competition after all -  because there was a reason for that person to be chosen too.
Marcus comes back with a huge smile on his face, “Darling! Lola said she’ll open a private room for you on Saturday, early morning. You can bring a group of people if you want to.”
Beatrice gasped, her smile widening, “Oh,Marcus, thank you so much!” she rushes to the fashion designer, hugging his middle, “You have no idea how much that means to me!”
“Well, as my muse and someone I’ve grown as my friend, I think I understand how much.” he chuckles,putting his phone in his back pocket after hugging her back, patting her upper back then holding her shoulders, “You’ll be great.”
“Thank you.” he excuses himself when one of his many assistants call him, Beatrice turning to her friends with a huge smile, squealing happily, “Oh, my God, I can’t believe it, this is so–wow! You guys are coming!”
“Um, duh, yeah! I’d force myself into the party if I wasn’t.”
Evelyn just arched her brow at the blonde, but smiled, “Hate to say it, but I’d be upset if I wasn’t invited either.”
Beatrice inhaled deeply, her cheeks hurting from smiling so much, “I’d just need to invite the others too, it’ll be so much fun!” she laughs, “I hope everyone else can join.”
“You know,” Shells begins, leaning on the mannequin by casually tossing her arm over it’s shoulder, “I think people would stop everything to go bridal shopping.” the blonde smirks, looking back at the mannequin with the pretty blouse, “Hey, Ev, do you think fuchsia is my color? And that Marcus would miss this?”
87 notes · View notes
owen - qui je plaisante?
esme emerson - please
beeson - best case girl
silvie - big dreamy head
crumb - the bug
bloomsday - virtual hug
rocco! - keep a benny
buffchick - when i was pretty
luna shadows - heroine
the sewing club - loser 4 u
slow pulp - hanging by a moment
brye - not a baby
lucy rose - life's too short
winnetka bowling league - sha la la
love spells - dope sick
idlework. - willow
vampire weekend - hope
lizzy mcalpine - all falls down
kina grannis - northern lights
the ophelias - rind
ålborg - window
the goalie’s anxiety at the penalty kick - system of one
bnny - nothing lasts
babehoven - chariot
sunday (1994) - tired boy
marika hackman - slime - acoustic
chase petra - soapy water - acoustic
orville peck - cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other
toledo - way it was
bedbug - mount moon
bala - galaxy in your eyes
greyl - tsuiarei
hovvdy - every exchange
låpsley - angeles
bryan. - passionate
babebee - happy ending
capo2 - sweetie
griff - cycles
girl in red - ★★★★★
porter robinson - knock yourself out xd
ggwendolyn - windows r the doors 2 the soul
amelia moore - push up bra
josie dunne - die slow
fuvk - sos
annika bennett - power, sex, dreams
nilüfer yanya - like i say (i runaway)
sjowgren - twenty
ill peach - sigh
savoir adore - better for you
tiffi - chemtrails
eyedress - it's all in your head (feat. rico nasty)
rachel chinouriri - it is what it is
smol fish - if only
dellaxoz - come again
wisp - pandora
floral print - grubby little hands
softcult - one of the pack
thursday - application for release from the dream
lakes - kids
sunny day real estate - grendel
into it. over it. - a trip around the sun
annabel - worldviews
microwave - let's start degeneracy
orchards - i feel terrible
cloud nothings - daggers of light
rush week - do you remember
paramore - david byrne does hard times
jasimi - sting v1.mp3
tobi lou - hitchhiker
bladee - false
hannah cottrell - up/up
doja cat - headhigh
tei shi - no falta
young miko - wiggy
戌神ころね - trouble “wan”der!
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