#lizzy vanderquack
ugogoi49 · 6 months
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Is she right behind us isn't she?
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shiningstarlight101 · 11 months
Wanted to give some ways Donald Duck/Ducktales characters are called in my language! :D (feel free to rb with your own languages if you want)
Donald is just Donald
Daisy: Katrien. it's the Dutch version of Catheryn
Huey, Dewey and Louie: kwik, kwek and kwak. Which is the sound ducks make
Scrooge: dagobert (also his last name is just Duck and not McDuck). Why? Idk actually. All I could find was "it's based on German."
Beagle boys: zware jongens. It means heavy boys but I think it's supposed to be like bad boys.
Flintheart Glomgold: Govert Goudglans. Govert is just an old Dutch name but Goudglans means golden glow!
Mrs Beakly: Baktaart. So uhm her name means bake cake 💀
Webby Vanderquack: Webby/Lizzie van der Kwaak. So first of, the reason I did /Lizzie is because Lizzie is her name in the og Ducktales! The reboot decided to go for the English name tho. Names with "Vander..." often have Dutch or German origins, but van and der are 2 seperate words so it's spaced out. And kwaak for another sound ducks make. Her last name means "of the quack"
Fethry: Diederik. It's just another (kinda old) Dutch name
Gladstone Gander: Guus Geluk. Guus is a Dutch name, and geluk means luck. It's not actually an origin reason they purposfully went for but I like how Guus kinda sounds like goose. Cause it feels like his name is based on the English phrase lucky goose lol
Launchpad McQuack: Turbo McKwek. Pretty straightforward
Gyro Gearloose: Willie Wortel. Hear me out. Willie is kinda like Will/William, and worten means carrot. His name is William Carrot.
Those are all the ones I'm gonna do rn but lemme know if anyone wants to know specific ones! (Except for Della and Magika bc their names are the same)
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therivergirl · 3 years
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Drawcember day 16
Prompt: Blanket
For Beakley twins AU.
The two sisters found Webby and Lizzy asleep together in the armchair.
Basically in this AU Bentina Beakley had a twin sister called Beatrice (the '87 Beakley). Webby is the Webby from the show while Lizzie is Beatrice's granddaughter and mostly based on '87 Webby.
For more about the AU, you can check here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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Disney+ added a bunch of dubs to their DT17 audio options!
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And along with that, we have definite confirmation that "Lizzy" was used for Webby's project name in the Dutch (Nederlands) version instead of "April". 
Lizzy was Webby's name in the DT87 Dutch dub. The translators confused her for April, who was already renamed to Lizzy in their country. (Not too strange of a thing since Webby was inspired by Daisy's nieces.)
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tree-wizard · 3 years
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I’m trying out styles and figuring out duck proportions
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12th July 2020
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April Duck
April Duck is one of Daisy Duck’s nieces. She is often assigned the colour pink. She is sarcastic and witty and just a bit lazy. Unlike her sisters, April is left handed. Along with her sisters, she often appears in Donald Duck comics, particularly in Italy and in the Netherlands, but rarely has the starring role.
April’s first appearance in animation was in the House of Mouse episode Ladies Night, where she and her sisters May and June filled in for Huey, Dewey and Louie as the house band for the House of Mouse, however this was a non-speaking role. April and her sisters May and June were main characters in the show The Legend of the Three Caballeros, which can be found on Disney+. They are are teenagers who help Donald, Panchito and José with their quests as The Three Caballeros by looking up and providing them with information. This is April’s first speaking role. However, in this show April wears yellow instead of her usually assigned pink.
In DuckTales, Webby’s name in the Netherlands was Lizzy, which is April’s name in the Netherlands. They share the name because they look alike. In Germany, April is called Dicky, but is not to be confused with Scrooge McDuck’s ‘granddaughter’ Dickie Duck. While in Italy, April is known as Emy.
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meraarts · 4 years
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Recently became obsessed with ducktales so yk, I made some art. I love all these characters so much it’s kind of not healthy incredible
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animationadventures · 3 years
So, as we all know, most of us weren’t the biggest fans of the May and June being clones of Webby twist, or the Webby being a clone of Scrooge twist. Thus, I have taken it upon myself to come up with alternate cloning scenarios that don’t take away female characters’ blood relations to each other and push them into Clan McDuck. I’ve already explained in a few other posts that I would have Webby be a clone of Beakley or the long-lost daughter of Pepper, so this time around I’ll focus on the May and June situation.
Idea A – Alan and Gideon
One plausible theory fans had when Split Sword of Swanstantine released was Scrooge was going to be cloned, and some even theorized that the clone would be the show’s way of introducing Gideon McDuck, Scrooge’s brother in the comics, to a new generation since the show seemed to only have Hortense and Matilda as his siblings. Well, I’ll take that theory and add a second clone.
It occurred to me while sleeping last night that I like the idea of Scrooge having two clones and making him the Huey of the set. So rather than finding May and June in FOWL’s lair, the family would find two clones that look like Scrooge instead. One wears Scrooge’s coat in blue, and the other wears his coat in green.
When the family introduces themselves to the clones, they find out FOWL never bothered to name them. The clones are named Gideon, the one in green, and Alan, the one in blue as a tribute to Scrooge’s original voice Alan Young, using names Scrooge’s parents intended to give any sons they had after him and his sisters.
Together with Scrooge, the three parallel the triplets. Scrooge is more willing to bend or break rules than Huey, so Alan would be like Dewey but without the ego, and Gideon would be Louie without the greed.
FOWL tried to use the clones to make the papyrus appear, but they technically don’t count as heirs, so FOWL use them to get the final Missing Mysteries from the family instead.
Like with May and June, Alan and Gideon eventually realize that FOWL views them as disposable after Bradford throws his own clones into the vortex, and join the family. While taking everyone home, Scrooge introduces Alan and Gideon to Fergus and Downy, who are more than happy to take them home to Castle McDuck so they can get to know their new sons. After being used by FOWL, Alan and Gideon deserve to live in peace and not deal with being mistaken for Scrooge business-wise or revenge-wise.
Idea B – Phooey and Lizzy
Okay, hear me out. What if instead of May and June, we actually got Phooey? Phooey is used to try and make the papyrus appear, but again, the papyrus does not recognize clones as true heirs. So FOWL decides to use Phooey to infiltrate the family and get the remaining Missing Mysteries, but he can’t do it alone. He needs a partner. Cue Black Heron reviving her Beakley clone project to create a second Webby to help him out.
The family finds the clones in the lair. Dewey insists on calling their clone Phooey, and Webby’s clone gets a name like Lizzy in reference to her name in other dubs. Being the only two kids in the FOWL base, Phooey and Lizzy are very attached to each other.
Stealing the Missing Mysteries happens. The big confrontation in the Lost Library. Phooey and Lizzy switch sides.
On the way home, Beakley repeats history and gives Phooey and Lizzy places in the Beakley/Vanderquack family next to Webby, giving her three kids just like the McDuck/Duck family have.
Hope these are some good alternatives to canon.
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Okay, here's the deal, I live in the Netherlands and I realised just how weird the names of duck comics characters are translated here. Don't believe they're weird? Here's a list:
Scrooge mcduck = dagobert duck
Huey, dewey and louie = kwik, kwek en kwak
Daisy duck = Katrien duck
Gladstone gander = guus geluk
Fethry duck = diederik duck
Della duck = dumbella duck
Gyro gearloose = Willie wortel
Lil helper/Lil bulb = lampje
Magica de spell = zwarte magica
Webby vanderquack = lizzie van der kwaak (she was only called lizzie in the '87 series, in the reboot she's back to webby)
Launchpad mcquack = turbo mckwek
Flintheart glomgold = govert goudglans
April, may and June = lizzie, juultje en babetje
The Beagle boys = de zware jongens
Ludwig von drake = otto van drakenstein
Mrs beakley = mvr baktaart
Duckworth = van stoetewolf
Gus goose = gijs gans
Elvira "grandma" duck = Dora "oma" duck
Fenton crackshell-cabrera = karel kraakei-cabrera
Mrs quackfaster = juffrouw eugenia
There's more, but I think I'll leave at this.
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k-martins · 6 years
Max Duck De Spell
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All together of the Louna revolution!
Meet my little "magic duck" Max Duck by Spell. My sweet baby.
Full name: Maximus Duck by Spell
Surname: Max
Age: 12-13 years
Family members: Louie Duck (father), Lena De Spell (mother), Spell's Zack Duck (twin brother), Dewey Duck (uncle), Huey Duck (uncle), Webbigail VanderQuack , Scrooge MacDuck (great-uncle), Della Duck (grandmother), Donald Duck (great-uncle), Lizzi MacDuck (prime).
Personality: Gentle, quiet, lazy, sensitive, cheeky, sarcastic, sometimes a little annoying.
Fears:  Magic de Spell, darkness, being alone (though it does not show so much), going through difficult times and not being able to help.
Powers: He does not yet know that he has powers, but we can assume he has the power to levitate and grow green thorns from the ground when he gets very angry or when under pressure.
Louie: We can only say that Max loves his father, Louie does everything to protect Max and Zack. Louie takes you for a walk frequently, takes you to art museums, to the park, to see the other family members. Louie cares a lot about her two children.
Lena: You do not know her ...
Zack: He and his brother get on very well, they have always lived together, sometimes they fight, but Max does everything to protect his brother who has called him "brother of evil" for Max's gothic way.
Uncle Scrooge: likes to spend time with him, only hates that he takes him to the company MacDuck.
Uncle Dewey and Aunt Webby: (yes, it's a debbigail) do not know them ...
Lizzi MacDuck: She loves her cousin, loves her adventurous way, is best friends, he helps her get out of the cocoon she has done around her and she drags him to the family missions.
Special amulet: bracelet with light green stripes and dark
 for you my friends @cartoonlover233 @debbigail-lover 
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therivergirl · 3 years
Beakley twins AU part 4
Ok, so far I was mostly dealing with the backstory. Now we're getting into series proper and it requires a bit more thinking on my part. This is turning into a light rewrite now. Here I'll address some major things from AU version of S1, but specifics will come later.
Yes, some things, character interactions, motivations, and arcs will be changed because I don't want to just go with "and Lizzy and Bea tagged along" all the time.
The fact that Webby didn't grow up alone, of course, changes her character somewhat. The same goes for Bentina who now had a whole decade to interact with her sister. And their relationship is still not where it should be.
One thing to establish, at the begging of the series, the boys are a bit over 10, Lizzy is a bit over 8 and Webby is 10 and a half, going on 11.
-while Scrooge is as reclusive as ever, Webby and Lizzy both managed to form a bond with LP
-when the boys come, they hit it off with Webby very quickly, but take a bit longer with Lizzy for a few reasons. First, Lizzy can be quite shy. Second, they can all have a mean streak and be rumbustious and Lizzy is rather sensitive and doesn't get their teasing often. And third, while I won't have them pull any "oooh, that is for girls, ew" shit, they can be a bit dismissive of Lizzy's more calm nature and interests, especially Dewey.
-however, as soon as they realize they hurt her, ther feel truly bad and try to fix it. She is a tad closer to Huey and Louie but they all start to see each other as family
-the sisters never really had a conflict, like they had spats but never really fought or clashed, unlike the triplets. This is partially because they have more similar personalities but partially because they only ever had each other and because they each...kinda forced themselves to enjoy the other's interests.
-thy are both very reluctant to admit they need their own space, thinking it would make them bad sisters, Webby especially. Also, Lizzy starts feeling left behind a bit, especially once Lena comes into the picture. This all brings conflict between the girls.
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therivergirl · 3 years
Beakley twins AU, part 3
Now we get to the years two sisters and two girls spent in the manor
-their arrival happened in the weeks after Della's disappearance; Scrooge was only leaving his room to go to work, having little interactions with Bentina let alone Bea and the girls
-they told scrooge that both of the girls are Bea's granddaughters
-since she believes Bea is her grandma and Bentina her great-aunt, Webby also calls them accordingly thus Bentina became "aunt Betty".
-still, both women play equally as important roles in raising the girls
-Bea took up a big part of the child care and some of the kitchen duties
-Bentina took over most of the kitchen duties and some of the household managing
-Duckworth, still alive at this point, was still the head of house staff. He got along decently with Bea and had the same strained relationship with Bentina he has in the series
-after Duckwort's passing, Bentina took his role ad the head of household, while Bea eventually became Scrooge's unofficial personal tailor
-the girls grew up similarly to how Webby did in the show, only with both of them, as expected, being less lonely than Webby was
-due to being the older but also more active one, Webby was the ringleader in the girls' shenanigans
-Lizzy inherited her grandma's sensitivity and kindness, but, unlike the senior Beakley's, Bea never, ever reprimanded granddaughter for it
-Bentina was somewhat harsher and once she spoke the dreaded words "you are too sensitive"
-her and Bea fought about this, but it wasn't until she noticed that little Lizzy was trying to hide her tears from her that she realized she treated her no better than her parents treated Bea, apologized, and tried to do better going forward
-Webby is pretty much the same character she is in the series, albeit with more understanding of sibling dynamics. She is also EXTREMELY protective of Lizzy.
-Bentina trained both girls. Bea was very opposed to this at first, but a little look at her own scar from a fight reminded her WHY the girls need to know how to defend themselves.
-Lizzy had initially shown little interest in spy training but one thing sparked her interest- The Incident. The Incident refers to a moment when she saw a baby bird almost get eaten by a fox, with Webby interfering at the last moment. After this she came up to Benetina: "Aunt Betty, can you teach me how to fight so I can beat up the mean fox next time?"
-Webby still had far more interest in training and is on a higher level than Lizzy, but Lizzy is nothing to scoff at either
-as they grow up, Lizzy sometimes feels a bit less than her big sister but every time she implies this she is reminded by Webby, aunt Betty and Grandma Bea that this is not the case, they just have different skills and both are equally important
-both girls are also trained in various skills, similarly to how Webby is in the series
-after The Incident Lizzy took the baby bird in and later started to take more injured animals she would find around the yard. She is excellent at caring for tiny things and has great empathy. She has a few pets. When he was still alive, Duckworth was quite opposed to this but he couldn't take no to Lizzy.
-when LP first got employed by Scrooge and then moved into the garage, the girls didn't know this. Worse, the garage is where Lizzy kept her nursery and she thought he was a thief. When she saw him hovering over her tiny babies, she immediately jumped him, taking him by surprise. He barely had time to react to the sudden storm of tiny kicks and punches-and was quickly joined by overly protective Webby.
-the incident was resolved by a frantic Bea rushing into the garage, apologizing to LP profusely but he found the whole thing amusing-e, even as he ended up with a few bruises, commenting how the girls are "just like Super-Poof girls" (yes, the DT version of Power Puff girls). The girls, especially Lizzy, were extremely apologetic, but LP brushed it off, complimenting them. After this, the girls would occasionally spend evenings watching cartoons with LP.
-Lizzy never got into the mystery aspect of the McDuck family as much as Webby did, but would follow Webby around as the older girls explored
-both girls did develop a strong wish to go outside the manor one day
More coming along, next time with the boys and Donald being introduced.
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therivergirl · 3 years
Beakley Twins AU, part 2
-Bea was a very committed mother, allowing he daughter to grow up into who she wanted to be and her husband was just as supportive
-he passed down from an illness unfortunately when their daughter was in uni.
-Bea's daughter was an artist and ended up marrying a librarian; his surname was Vanderquack
-Bentina was fairly distant from the family, she and Bea often had fights in which they would say what they would later regret, but the simmering, unaddressed resentment was real
-one of these fights lead to Bentina missing her niece's wedding
-Bentina went on her final mission to stop FOWL and there she found Webby-who was not a baby but a two-year-old toddler in this version
-she still decided to take her and do the same thing she did in cannon and raise her
-meanwhile, Bea's daughter and son-in-law died in a car accident, leaving behind an unhatched egg that Bea took in
-Bentina, instead of going to Scrooge, went to her sister, unaware of the tragedy, on the one hand, she wanted to raise the girl herself but felt inadequate. So she decided she would leave her with Bea, saying the girl was an orphan they found on a mission, knowing this would allow Webby to have more anonymity
-however, then she heard what happened to her niece. Heartbroken, she ended up telling Bea the truth, except she left out the part Webby was Scrooge's daughter saying "I think she was made as some part of the super-soldier program"
-at first, Bea was furious, and hurt and wanted nothing to do with Webby or Bentina or the danger it would bring but when she took one look at Webby, who fell asleep curled up next to the egg, and couldn't say no to a child, no matter how she was brought to this world.
-and this is when Bea's granddaughter hatched and she named her Elizabeth or Lizzy (Duck name for Webby!!)
-Webby immediately adored her "little sister"
-Between rescuing and caring for Webby for a few days, seeing her grand-niece hatch, and seeing her sister again, something in Bentina broke and she knew she couldn't go back to work for SHUSH and leave them alone
-that night, they got attacked by a group of rogue SHUSH agents who got a leak about Webby and wanted to kill her as the supposed last remnant of FOWL
-Bentina managed to fend them off, and Bea held her own surprisingly well but got injured protecting the girls
-this is also when Webby had shown her first signs of being the bigger, protective sister, throwing wooden blocks at the attacker who moved a bit too close to Lizzy for the toddler's liking
-the new head of SHUSH, one of the few people Beakley fully trusted, arrived just in time to arrest the insurgent. She was also one of the very few people who knew the truth behind Webby and what Bentina would do next-go to Scrooge with Bea and the girls after all.
I have even more of this in mind, so if you like it, stay tuned!
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