#webby bot
ugogoi49 · 6 months
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Chilling,, 😎 while webby is in "SECRET" Combat training camp,,
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elaboratejellyfish · 6 months
Random sketch dump (mostly osc)
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donaldduckisepic · 11 months
hello i need mutals donald duck ducktales darkwing duck fans everyone welcome hello hii hello thank you
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avgfandomguy · 2 months
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To prove that I'm not a bot, here's a shitty drawing of my outfit today.
Tennis Skirt - Under armour
Shirt -H&M
Sweater vest - Walmart? I forget
Also ignore my terrible camera quality
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ba-dum-chaa · 3 months
wet face webbigail the toe snuffler………
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changes · 1 year
Friday, April 28th, 2023
🌟 New
Love those important checkmarks? We won a Webby for ’em!
The inbox unread count has returned on web! No more unread dot.
We’re no longer creating activity items in your activity feed when you like, reblog, or reply to your own posts.
In the new post editor on web, clicking into the tags input field will now show suggestions immediately.
Passwords on Tumblr have a max length of 72 bytes. This has actually always been the case, but now we’re making that clearer when setting your password across web, iOS, and Android.
🛠 Fixed
Users that you’ve blocked will no longer appear in Tumblr Live carousels.
Ask/answer posts can no longer be blazed at all. (We’re thinking through how best to ask for consent from the asker and answerer, so this may return.)
Fixed a bug that was resetting a post’s blaze eligibility depending on where it was being edited. Thanks to everyone who sent us info about this issue, it helped us track down the problem faster!
Fixed the issue that could cause the new post editor on web to not be able to redo your actions after undoing them with Control + Z.
When using Tumblr in a browser on your phone, going “back” from within a direct messaging conversation will now bring you back to the right place, if you got to that conversation from places like activity or your dashboard.
There was an issue with Spotify podcast embeds for a brief period this week, but they’ve fixed the issue.
🚧 Ongoing
The war against spam bots continues. We’re working to clean up recent waves of spam bots, and again prevent them from recurring. As usual, please report any blogs as spam that you find, and we’ll take care of the rest.
We’re working on separating everyone’s existing checkmarks into separate blue and rainbow products, and opening up the ability for everyone to manage which one is being displayed next to their blog name. There have been some bumps with this transition, but we’re working them out as quickly as possible!
Version 29.1.1 of the Tumblr Android app has a fix for the issue of the app switching to the “For you” tab when interacting with posts that have a “Read more”.
🌱 Upcoming
We’re working on a design refresh of the direct messaging conversation popup on web.
Experiencing an issue? File a Support Request and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!
Want to share your feedback about something? Check out our Work in Progress blog and start a discussion with the community.
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natalynsie · 2 years
random ducktales headcanons in whatever order I think of them
Louie likes math. He acts like he doesn’t because he thinks it’s dumb and nerdy, but he likes math.
In a human AU, Huey would wear cargo pants, track pants, or jeans on occasions. Dewey is a jeans every day type-of-guy, he doesn’t own any pants besides jeans. Louie always wears sweatpants or track pants.
Researching Scrooge really got Webby into American history. She loves learning about Scrooge when he was in America. Some of her favorite periods to learn about; The Gold Rush, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, primarily the early Gilded Age.
As Dewey gets older, he gets a passion for writing. His overactive imagination is a tool for this. He also uses inspiration from his childhood fantasies and incorporates them into his stories. For example, he makes references only he would get about Dewey High in his writing. He does primarily action/adventure and realistic fiction.
Louie gets easily embarrassed about his hobbies. He starts by doing them nonchalantly, but when he realizes people are noticing, he starts doing them in secret.
Huey does not get art, primarily poetry, plays, or anything written. It just goes right over his head. He hates English class and Shakespeare.
When Lena likes something, she draws it a lot. Whether it be her magic, people, friendship bracelets, or even just a little trinket she found, she’ll draw it. These drawings go into her most beloved sketchbooks. But she also has the Sketchbook of No Return, in which she draws things she hates as a way of getting her emotions out. Sometimes she even blacks out the page after drawing it.
Violet introduces Webby to Ancient Civilizations. They study early history together, from Mesopotamia to India to Greece.
Huey and Violet get competitive when they do Junior Woodchuck things, but they get along really well otherwise. They both have passions for science and nature.
Boyd and Huey are best friends, and hang out all the time. Despite being a robot, like all Gearloose’s inventions Boyd feels human emotions. Huey finds this extremely fascinating. Louie likes to tease Huey about being friends with a robot, but Louie doesn’t really have many friends himself so he can’t say much.
Gosalyn feels awkward at the huge sleepovers the Duck and Vanderquack family are always hosting. Her only friend at them is Dewey, while everyone else knows each other. Even Boyd knows Lena and Violet. Plus, Gosalyn doesn’t even know the rest of the Duck boys. But, eventually she warms up to everyone after being super competitive in games and sort of cold as a defense mechanism.
Lena and Violet dye their hair together sometimes.
Panchito and José eventually become known as Uncle Panchito and Uncle José.
Huey, being terrified of Dewey’s carelessness, finds Louie to be his Comfort Sibling™
Louie is kind-of into knitting???
Fethry, Gladstone, Donald, and Della always came to Scrooges for the Holidays. Every Holiday. Winter and Spring break too. They all got pretty close. Plus, adventuring was not Donald and Della exclusive.
Donald is the only one who can tell the triplets apart when they do their hair the same way and wear the same clothes.
Dewey cannot cook for the life of him, but Huey is a master chef. Huey also makes the best soup-and-salad combos. Louie is in the middle ground, but for some reason finds baking much easier.
One time Della, Donald, Fethry and Gladstone played War together, but on teams. Donald and Gladstone wanted to see whose luck would outweigh the others, so they teamed up. The game was cut short because the table got knocked over and the cards fell through the floorboards. They looked for the cards but couldn’t find them.
May loves drawing and June loves reading, and they like to write books together. Daisy gives May fashion tips for her characters, and reads the books June recommends.
Webby likes to photobomb Dewey's selfies.
Gosalyn and Louie scam people together.
Webby and Lena have a playlist of both their favorite songs. They sing to all of them at their one-on-one sleepovers.
Lena and Violet both like heavy metal.
Gosalyn was extremely girly as a child.
Lena reminds Scrooge of Donald when he was younger.
Drake adopted Gosalyn (obviously).
Lena and Huey lowkey have beef.
Dewey was actually laid first.
One time Dewey accidentally called Storkules his Uncle Storkules. The man was never happier.
Panchito became a sky pirate once but Don Karnage booted him.
Boyd really likes listening to Huey talk about his passions, which is good since Huey goes on and on about them. Donald thinks it's so sweet that Huey has such a good friend. Boyd is Donald's favorite of all of the boys' friends.
Louie's khopesh is his favorite treasure ever.
Della was Donald's best man at his and Daisy's wedding. It didn't matter that she wasn't a man.
Launchpad and Drake nerd out together for at least three hours a week.
Drake cannot handle affection. He gets all awkward when someone tells him they love him or when someone hugs him.
When Louie isn't around, Boyd is the number two comfort buddy for Huey.
Violet and Boyd get along really well, and Huey gets jealous of Violet. But they primarily hang out in JW meetings so it isn't crazy.
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equipo · 1 year
Cambia, todo cambia
🌟 Novedades
Por fin puedes elegir si quieres usar las insignias que muestran tu relevancia en internet en color azul o arcoíris y comprarlas por separado desde la configuración de tu blog (ha habido un pequeño fallo técnico y los botones que aún aparecen en inglés estarán traducidos muy pronto). ¿Será que hay alguna novedad más en camino? 🤔
Y hablando de nuestras infames insignias... ¡Nos han dado un premio Webby gracias a ellas!
Hemos recuperado el contador de mensajes nuevos que se mostraba junto al icono de la bandeja de entrada: hora de decir adiós al solitario punto rojo.
Ya no incluimos avisos nuevos en la página de actividad cada vez que reblogueas una de tus publicaciones, la marcas con un «Me gusta» o añades una respuesta.
Al hacer clic en el campo para añadir etiquetas del nuevo editor de publicaciones de la versión web, ahora te mostramos algunas sugerencias.
Las contraseñas de Tumblr tienen una longitud máxima de 72 bytes. Siempre ha sido así, pero ahora aclaramos este dato cuando vas a establecerla en la versión web y las aplicaciones para iOS y Android.
🛠️ Mejoras y solución de problemas
Hemos resuelto un error que impedía que la página de actividad mostrara un aviso cuando alguien interactuaba con cualquier reblogueo que hubieras hecho de una de tus propias publicaciones.
Ya no perderás tu posición en la página del apartado de publicaciones en cola o de borradores cuando edites o crees un borrador o una publicación programada en la versión web.
Al escribir o editar una publicación en esta misma versión, el fondo de las etiquetas se adaptará al color que hayas elegido para este tipo de elemento en tu tema.
La limitación de velocidad ahora se aplica de forma más eficaz en nuestra API de búsqueda.
Hemos arreglado un fallo gráfico en Safari relacionado con los estilos para añadir listas de las opciones de formato de las publicaciones.
Hemos mejorado el proceso y la interfaz para comprar regalos. ¡Homenajea a tus blogs favoritos con Tumblr sin anuncios o un ejército de cangrejos!
Las personas a las que hayas bloqueado ya no aparecerán en los carruseles de Tumblr Live.
Hemos retirado la opción para promocionar publicaciones que incluyan preguntas y respuestas. Estamos intentando encontrar un método que nos permita obtener el consentimiento tanto de la persona que envía la pregunta como de quien contesta, así que es posible que vuelva a estar disponible más adelante.
Hemos solventado una incidencia que causaba que algunas publicaciones no pudieran promocionarse en función de la plataforma desde la que las editaras. Gracias a quienes nos enviasteis información al respecto, ¡nos ayudó a detectar el error mucho más rápido!
Hemos solucionado un problema que causaba que el nuevo editor de publicaciones de la versión web no permitiera rehacer un cambio después de haber usado el comando Control + Z para deshacerlo.
Al usar Tumblr en un navegador web en tu teléfono, la opción para volver hacia atrás desde un mensaje directo ahora te devuelve al lugar correcto si habías llegado hasta él desde un aviso de la página de actividad o desde tu Escritorio, por ejemplo.
Los enlaces para insertar pódcasts alojados en Spotify en las publicaciones dejaron de funcionar correctamente esta semana durante un breve periodo de tiempo, pero ya está todo resuelto.
En la versión 29.1.1 de la aplicación de Tumblr para Android, resolvimos un error que causaba que la pestaña «A tu medida» se abriera al interactuar con publicaciones que incluyen un enlace para seguir leyendo.
🚧 En curso
Nuestra lucha incansable contra los bots que envían spam continúa. Seguimos trabajando para librarnos de la última oleada y evitar que vuelvan a las andadas. Como siempre, si te cruzas con cualquier blog con este tipo de comportamiento sospechoso, denúncialo: nos encargaremos del resto.
Nuestro equipo sigue actualizando con esmero los documentos del Centro de ayuda. Si ves cualquier información que sea confusa o no esté actualizada, no dudes en escribirnos.
🌱 Próximamente
Si te gusta usar el teclado, tenemos buenas noticias: ¡vamos a mejorar los atajos muy pronto!
Si lo tuyo son las aplicaciones para iOS y Android, también hay motivos para alegrarse, porque vamos a incluir las opciones para gestionar los distintivos desde ellas.
¿Tienes algún problema? Envía una solicitud al equipo de asistencia y se pondrán en contacto contigo lo antes posible.
¿Quieres hacernos llegar tus comentarios o impresiones sobre alguna función? Echa un vistazo a nuestro flamante blog Work in Progress y empieza a compartir tus ideas y sugerencias con la comunidad.
¡Y no olvides que puedes consultar todos estos cambios en cualquiera de los idiomas disponibles en Tumblr en los blogs oficiales de los equipos internacionales!
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pinkandbluebracket · 1 year
Introducing... The Pink and Blue Bracket!
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Round One will be broken up into four parts for organization purposes. The following rounds will be split between Side A and Side B (with the exception of the finals/semifinals which will be released all at once)
As of April 29th the bracket has concluded.
The full list of competitors (and sources) can be found below the cut:
🌸Side A
-Amy and Sonic (Sonic) -Megurine Luka and Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) -Kirby and Meta Knight (Kirby) -Princess Peach and Rosalina (Mario) -Mabel and Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) -Susie and Lancer (Deltarune) -Jessie and James (Pokémon) -Howl Pendragon and Sophie Hatter (Howl's Moving Castle) -Hilda Valentine Goneril and Marianne Von Edmund (Fire Emblem Three Houses) -Madoka Kaname and Sayaka Miki (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) -Cure Black and Cure White (Futari Wa Precure) -Mew Ichigo and Blue Knight (Tokyo Mew Mew) -Perfuma and Mermista (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) -Nazuna Hiwatashi and Michiru Kagemori (Brand New Animal) -Charlotte and Tiana (The Princess and the Frog) -Rapunzel and Cassandra (Tangled Series) -Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) -Saiki Kusuo and Kaidou Shun (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K) -Amitie and Sig (Puyo Puyo Fever) -Hinata and Yuta Aoi (Ensemble Stars) -Momoi Airi and Hinomori Shizuku (Project SEKAI) -Ram and Rem (Re:Zero) -Trans Flag (Pride Flags/Real Life) -Sylveon (Pokémon) -Unikitty and Puppycorn (Unikitty!) -Yin and Yang (Yin Yang Yo) -Murray and Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper) -Piglet and Eeyore (Winnie the Pooh) -Blossom and Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls) -Webby Vanderquack and Dewey Duck (Ducktales 2017) -Magenta and Blue (Blue's Clues) -Angel and Stitch (Lilo and Stitch)
💙Side B -Roxy Lalonde and Jane Crocker (Homestuck) -Max Caulfield and Chloe Price (Life is Strange) -Vi and Jinx (Arcane) -Allura and Lance (Voltron) -Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony) -Princess Bubblegum and Finn the Human (Adventure Time) -Chrissy and Francine (Animal Crossing) -Satsuki Momoi and Daiki Aomine (Kuroko no Basket) -Asmodeus Alice and Iruma Suzuki (Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun!) -Cure Blossom and Cure Marine (Heartcatch Precure) -Yae Miko and Kamisato Ayato (Genshin Impact) -Yuki Rurikawa and Muku Sakisaka (A3!) -Rozaliya and Liliya Olenyeva (Honkai Impact 3rd) -Natsu Dragneel and Gray Fullbuster (Fairy Tail) -Martha Dunnstock and Veronica Sawyer (Heathers) -Sasha Waybright and Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia) -Lewis Pepper and Vivi Yukino(Mystery Skulls) -Queen of Hatred and Knight of Despair (Lobotomy Corporation) -Heartful Punch and Undine Wells (Sleepless Domain) -Pretzel and Gillion Tidestrider (Just Roll With It) -Pink and Blue Diamond (Steven Universe) -Stephanie and Sportacus (LazyTown) -Yona and Hak (Yona of the Dawn) -Ami Onuki and Yumi Yoshimura (Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi) -Anais and Gumball Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball) -Annalise and Erika (Barbie: Princess and the Pauper) -Flora and Bloom (Winx Club) -Lala and Kiki (Sanrio) -Five Pebbles and Looks to the Moon (Rain World) -Bot and Goo (Inanimate Insanity) -Pink and Dark Blue (Animator vs Animation) -Pink and Blue Crewmate (Among Us)
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equipebrasil · 1 year
🌟 Novidades
Agora, na web, você pode optar por exibir o selo de verificação mais importante da internet na cor que preferir: azul ou arco-íris. Você também pode comprá-los separadamente. Será que isso é o sinal de novidades vindo por aí?
Os selos de verificação são adoráveis, não é mesmo? Eles até fizeram a gente ganhar um Webby!
A contagem de mensagens não lidas na caixa de entrada voltou à web!
Deixamos de criar itens de atividade quando você curte, rebloga ou responde aos seus próprios posts.
No novo editor de posts da web, ao clicar no campo para adicionar tags, você verá sugestões imediatamente.
As senhas no Tumblr têm um comprimento máximo de 72 bytes. Na verdade, sempre foi assim, mas agora estamos deixando isso mais claro para a definição de senhas em todas as plataformas.
🛠️ Melhorias
Corrigimos um erro que não deixava criar novos itens de atividade quando alguém interagia com um reblogue seu que você mesmo tinha reblogado.
Agora, na web, editar ou criar posts nas páginas de rascunho ou fila, automaticamente redefine a posição deste post na página.
Na web, ao escrever ou editar um post, o fundo da tag agora usa a cor do seu tema.
Os limites de taxa agora são aplicados com mais eficiência em nossa API de pesquisa.
Corrigimos o estilo de lista nas opções de posts no Safari.
Fizemos algumas melhorias na opção de compra de presentes. Encante os blogueiros favoritos com a “Navegação sem anúncios” ou faça uma zoeira de leve com os caranguejos!
As pessoas bloqueadas não aparecerão mais nos carrosséis do Tumblr Live.
Não é mais possível impulsionar asks e respostas. (Estamos pensando em uma solução para obter o consentimento de quem cria a ask e da pessoa que responde para que a opção possa retornar.)
Corrigimos um erro que redefinia a elegibilidade do impulsionamento dos posts, dependendo da plataforma onde estava sendo editado. Agradecemos a todos que nos enviaram informações, isso nos ajudou a identificar mais rápido a raiz do problema!
Corrigimos um problema no novo editor de posts da web que não dava a opção de refazer as ações após elas serem desfeitas com “control + Z”.
Ao usar o Tumblr em um navegador para dispositivos móveis, “voltar” de uma mensagem direta agora leva de volta ao lugar certo (dependendo de onde você estava antes, como o painel, por exemplo).
Houve um problema com a incorporação de podcasts do Spotify por um breve período na semana passada, mas já foi corrigido.
A versão 29.1.1 do aplicativo do Tumblr para Android corrige o problema que redirecionava os usuários para a aba “Para você” ao clicar na seção “Leia mais” dos posts.
🚧 Em andamento
A guerra contra bots continua. Estamos trabalhando para limpar a onda recente de spam criado por bots e, novamente, evitar que voltem a ocorrer. Como sempre, continue denunciando posts com aspecto de bot ou spam, e nós cuidaremos do resto. 
Nossa equipe está trabalhando duro para atualizar a documentação. Se você vir algo confuso ou desatualizado, avise pra gente!
🌱 Vindo por aí
Atenção fãs de teclado: melhorias nas teclas de atalho estão a caminho!
E para todos os fãs dos aplicativos iOS e Android: vem aí o gerenciamento de selos!
Está tendo algum problema? Preencha o formulário de ajuda e entraremos em contato com você assim que possível!
Deseja enviar comentários e sugestões? Confira o blog “Work in Progress” e comece a conversar com a comunidade.
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ugogoi49 · 3 months
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Is she right behind us isn't she?
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shychick-52 · 1 year
So, in the EPCOT interactive game DuckTales World Showcase Adventure, there are seven countries with a different mystical artifact- the Seven Plunders of the World- hidden in each one. It’s basically a scavenger hunt, and the player (‘Adven-sharer’, as the Ducks call them) looks for clues to help the Ducks find each treasure and thwart a variety of villains from stealing them. The enemies are a mix of regular/recurring villains and one-time villains from certain episodes. The seven countries in the game are Mexico, Norway, Germany, France, Japan, and China.
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When I watched all the videos of them on YouTube, I was delighted to learn that Gyro and Fenton are in the game too! They aren’t in every country/mission, though- Gyro is in the France mission and Fenton is in the Japan mission.
…I was shocked that Gyro isn’t in the Japan mission, because of his significant association with Japan revealed in the season 3, episode 6 episode ‘Astro B.O.Y.D.’! ‘Astro B.O.Y.D’ took place in Japan, which was not only where Gyro suffered a traumatic past that changed him for the worse (his backstory is so good, and explains why he became the embittered, distant, and seemingly arrogant present-day Gyro), but also where he ended up gaining closure about his past, the beautiful beginnings of much-needed character development and healing, and the beautiful beginnings of a relationship with his robot son Boyd at the end of the episode. If Gyro had’ve been in the Japan mission of DuckTales World Showcase Adventure, maybe we could have also gotten a Boyd reference or even a cameo, which would’ve been fantastic because that little guy and his relationship with Gyro are both criminally overlooked.
It turned out that Gyro's role in DuckTales World Showcase Adventure (where he still wasn't given much character development, but was still hilariously snarky as usual XD) was in the France mission instead.
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Sooo, no Gyro (or Boyd) in the Japan mission. But surely Akita is the bad guy for that one, right? You know, this guy? Guy responsible for forcing Boyd to be a killer robot and destroying Tokyolk?
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I mean, that should've been the obvious choice, right?? Sure, he’s only a one-time villain, but three other one-time villains were brought back for the game to represent their respective nations (Toad Liu Hai for the China mission, the Kelpies for the United Kingdom mission, and Hecka- one of the Valhalla wrestlers the family faced in ‘Rumble for Ragnarok’- for the Norway mission).
Wrong! The villains for the Japan mission were the Beagles and Mark Beaks (which make zero sense), who’d teamed up to steal the Illustrated Scroll of Quackagawa from the temple where it was stored. (More ‘Astro B.O.Y.D.’ erasure, ugh) Turns out Ma Beagle had Beaks design a robot lookalike of Webby to steal the treasure and frame the real Webby at the same time. The plan was for the Beagles to sell Beaks the Scroll so he could “add it to his extensive collection of rare historical manga.” Ok, then…
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Well, neither Gyro, Boyd, or Akita were even mentioned in the Japan mission, but we did get one reference to ‘Astro B.O.Y.D.’! A very quick image of Inspector Tezuka (silent recycled footage from that episode) while Dewey was explaining that “local police think that the real Webby took the Scroll because the bot looks exactly like her.” So, that was pretty neat!
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Ok, I admit that Fenton was the second-best choice for the Japan mission. Fenton’s role in this mission? Well... once Beaks learned how dangerous the Scroll’s powers were, he stupidly decided to use the robot to activate those powers because “that story would be trending for at least an hour!” So, they needed a “robot expert” to help them stop the robot.
Still, you’d think Gyro would be that robot expert, right? I mean, duh. It’s Gyro, c’mon, who else?! DX All the more reason for him to be in this mission, and they blow it again. It takes place in Japan and involves an evil robot, and they don’t use him??
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(At this point, Fenton should have reminded them that Gyro's the real robotics expert)
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Well, ok, by “robot expert”, Huey was actually hinting that Fenton could handle it because he’s Gizmoduck (which Dewey clarified)- a superhero in a robotic suit of armor, which would be more than a match for the robot imposter of Webby.  Fair enough, I admit. I mean, Fenton’s role in this does make sense when you consider that. But still… it’s Gyro, man.
Quit squandering all these perfect opportunities to feature him (and Akita), DuckTales team!! DX
And even if Gyro still was banned from Japan at the end of 'Astro B.O.Y.D.' (even tho he was instrumental in saving the day and it was revealed the '2-BO' incident was neither his or Boyd's fault), there was no reason for Akita not to be in the Japan mission!!
Oh, and this post also explains how it was also a missed opportunity for them to reveal Akita ending up in F.O.W.L. in the show.
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timmburrton · 11 months
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Character Representation: Jabberwocky
Name: Cristian Enache 
From Sibiu, Romania
He // Him|| Bisexual // Demisexual || 23 {October 1 // Libra} || 6'5"
Occupation: Tends to Help Take Care of the Kids in the "Wonderland" {he is a Current Asylum Patient Suffering From Stockholm Syndrome, if his Kidnappers are Ever Mentioned he Will not Tolerate any Negative Talk About Them, he is Slowly Getting Better}
Appearance: Long Jet Black Hair {Wants to cut it but The White Queen {Aksel} Won't Let him}, one Black eye and one Purple eye, a Nose Ring, No Tattoos, has Scars on his Chest and Upper Back, Tends to be Shirtless, if not Shirtless he Wears Hoodies, Very Baggy Clothes, Lots of Blacks, Combat Boots, Rings, Punk, Fishnets
Personality: Stoic, 😐 Most of the Time, Caring, Very Nice, Reserved, a but Untrusting
Likes: Napping, Taking Walks, Cuddling, Books, Reading, Squirrels
Dislikes: Being Locked in a Room Alone, Talking bad About his "Guardians" {his Kidnappers}, Collars, Talking too Much
Values: Care; He tends to take care of others more then he takes care of himself. Aksel is the main person he takes care of and will stand next to at all times, she is also a reason why his Stockholm Syndrome is getting slowly better. He wishes for the same care but will not ask for it directly.
Creature Info//Hybrid Info: He is a Sort of Dragon//Lizard Creature, They are an unknown Lizard Hybrid, Has Scales on his Neck, Wrists and Hips, Sharp Double Fangs, Small Webby Fins on his Neck That he Hides, Wings That are 12 Feet in Wingspan {Each Wing 6 Feet}, A Long Scaly Tail That is 12 Feet
NSFW: Switch {Soft or Hard Dom and Obedient Sub}; Size Kink, Breeding {Receiving and Giving}, Nicknames {Baby, Sweetheart, Sweetie, etc, Receiving and Giving}, Toys {Receiving and Giving}, Collaring {Giving}, Bondage {Giving and Receiving}, Choking {Giving and Receiving}, Marking {Giving & Receiving}, Praise {Giving and Receiving}, Burning {Giving and Receiving}, Oral {Giving and Receiving}, Overstim {Giving and Receiving}, Edging {Giving and Receiving}, Pain Kink {Giving and Receiving}, Impact Play//Spanking {Giving and Receiving}, Auralism, Public {Giving and Receiving}, Being Recorded//Watched {Giving and Receiving}, Mirror Sex {Giving and Receiving}, Somonophilia, Dacryphilia, Autassassinophilia {All kinks go both ways. Might sub/dom drop on harder kinks}
Relations Within the bot: Aksel {Friend, Small Crush on him; Tiny Teddy Bear🧸}
Relationship: Dating and In Love With @creepypasta-cb Ticci Toby {Tiny Dragon 🐉 } {05.05.24}
Sign off 🗝️Cristian
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Faceclaim: @/ethanskin on Instagram
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mitarbeiter · 1 year
🌟 Neu
Im Web kannst du in den Blogeinstellungen jetzt zwischen den wichtigen blauen und regenbogenfarbenen Internethäkchen wechseln und diese auch separat erwerben. Heißt das etwa, da gibt es bald noch mehr? 🤔
Gefallen dir die wichtigen Internethäkchen? Wir haben einen Webby dafür gewonnen!
Die Anzahl der ungelesenen Nachrichten im Posteingang ist im Web wieder sichtbar!
Wir erstellen keine Aktivitätselemente mehr in deinem Aktivitäten-Feed, wenn du deine eigenen Beiträge likest, rebloggst oder auf sie antwortest.
Wenn du im neuen Eintragseditor im Web in das Eingabefeld für Tags klickst, werden jetzt sofort Vorschläge angezeigt.
Passwörter auf Tumblr haben eine maximale Länge von 72 Bytes. Das war schon immer so, aber jetzt machen wir das noch deutlicher, wenn du dein Passwort im Web, auf iOS und Android einrichtest.
🛠 Behobene Bugs
Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, der verhinderte, dass neue Aktivitätselemente erstellt wurden, wenn jemand mit einem Reblog interagierte, den du von dir selbst gerebloggt hast.
Im Web verlierst du nicht mehr deine Position auf der Warteschleifen- und Entwurfsseite, wenn du einen neuen Entwurf, einen Eintrag in der Warteschleife oder einen geplanten Eintrag bearbeitest oder erstellst.
Wenn du im Web einen Eintrag schreibst oder bearbeitest, wird für den Tag-Hintergrund jetzt die Farbe deines Templates verwendet.
Die Ratenbeschränkungen werden jetzt in unserer Such-API effektiver durchgesetzt.
Das Listendesign in den Eintragsoptionen wurde in Safari korrigiert.
Der Kauf von Geschenken wurde durch einige kleine Änderungen vereinfacht. Bedanke dich bei deinen Lieblingsblogger:innen mit werbefreiem Tumblr oder schenke ihnen ein paar Krebse!
User:innen, die du gesperrt hast, werden nicht mehr im Tumblr Live-Karussell angezeigt.
Einträge mit Fragen/Antworten können nicht mehr angeheizt werden. (Wir prüfen derzeit, wie wir am besten die Zustimmung des Fragenden und des Antwortenden einholen können, sodass sich das unter Umständen noch mal ändern kann.)
Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den die Berechtigung für das Anheizen eines Eintrags zurückgesetzt wurde, je nachdem, wo er bearbeitet wurde. Vielen Dank an alle, die uns Informationen zu diesem Problem geschickt haben. So konnten wir das Problem schneller eingrenzen.
Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das dazu führen konnte, dass man im neuen Eintragseditor im Web seine Aktionen nicht wiederholen konnte, nachdem man sie mit Strg + Z rückgängig gemacht hatte.
Wenn du Tumblr in einem Browser auf deinem Handy verwendest, bringt dich ein "Zurück" innerhalb einer Direktnachrichten-Konversation jetzt an die richtige Stelle zurück, wenn du von Orten wie den Aktivitäten oder deinem Dashboard zu dieser Konversation gelangt bist.
Diese Woche gab es kurzzeitig ein Problem mit Spotify-Podcast-Einbettungen, das aber inzwischen behoben ist.
Version 29.1.1 der Tumblr-Android-App behebt das Problem, dass die App zum "Für dich"-Tab wechselt, wenn man mit Einträgen interagiert, die ein "Weiterlesen" enthalten.
🚧 Baustelle
Wir kämpfen weiterhin gegen die Spam-Bots. Wir arbeiten daran, die jüngste Welle von Spam-Bots zu stoppen und zu verhindern, dass sich solche Vorfälle wiederholen. Wie immer gilt: Bitte melde alle Spam-Bots, die du findest, und wir kümmern uns darum.
Unsere Mitarbeiter:innen arbeiten fleißig an der Aktualisierung unserer Docs. Wenn etwas nicht richtig oder veraltet erscheint, sag uns bitte Bescheid!
🌱 Demnächst
Für alle Tastatur-Fans gibt es bald verbesserte Tastaturkürzel!
Für alle iOS- und Android-App-Fans: Die Organisation der Abzeichen ist in Arbeit!
Tritt ein Fehler auf? Kontaktiere den Support und wir melden uns, so schnell es geht!
Hast du Feedback für uns? Check regelmäßig unsere Updates und diskutiere mit der Community.
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lostaff · 1 year
🌟 Novità
Sul web, ora puoi alternare i segni di spunta blu e arcobaleno e acquistarli separatamente nelle impostazioni del tuo blog. Potrebbe essere questo il segno di qualcosa in arrivo? 🤔
Ti piacciono i segni di spunta? Abbiamo vinto un Webby grazie a loro!
Il conteggio della posta non letta in arrivo è tornato sul web! Niente più punto per i non letti.
Non creiamo più voci di attività nel tuo feed attività quando ti piace, reblogghi o rispondi ai tuoi post.
Nel nuovo editor di post sul web, facendo clic nel campo di inserimento dei tag ora vengono visualizzati immediatamente i suggerimenti.
Le password su Tumblr hanno una lunghezza massima di 72 byte. In realtà è sempre stato così, ma ora lo stiamo rendendo più chiaro quando si imposta la password su web, iOS e Android.
🛠 Correzioni
Risolto un bug che impediva la creazione di nuovi elementi di attività quando qualcuno interagiva con un reblog che hai ribloggato da te stesso.
Sul web, non perderai più la tua posizione nella coda e nella pagina delle bozze quando modifichi o crei una nuova bozza/coda/post programmato.
Sul web, quando scrivi o modifichi un post, lo sfondo del tag ora utilizza il colore del tuo tema.
I limiti tariffari sono ora applicati in modo più efficace sulla nostra API di ricerca.
Lo stile dell'elenco nelle opzioni del post è stato corretto in Safari.
L'acquisto di regali è stato semplificato con alcune piccole modifiche. Ringrazia i tuoi blogger preferiti con Ad-Free Browsing o colpiscili coi Granchi!
Gli utenti che hai bloccato non appariranno più nei caroselli di Tumblr Live.
I post di domanda/risposta non possono più essere bruciati. (Stiamo pensando al modo migliore per chiedere il consenso del richiedente e del rispondente, quindi questo potrebbe tornare.)
Risolto un bug che reimpostava l'idoneità al blaze di un post a seconda di dove veniva modificato. Grazie a tutti coloro che ci hanno inviato informazioni su questo problema, ci hanno aiutato a rintracciare il problema più velocemente!
Risolto il problema che poteva impedire al nuovo editor di post sul web di ripetere le azioni dopo averle annullate con Control + Z.
Quando usi Tumblr in un browser sul tuo telefono, andare "indietro" da una conversazione di messaggistica diretta ora ti riporterà al posto giusto, se sei arrivato a quella conversazione da luoghi come l'attività o la tua dashboard.
Si è verificato un problema con gli incorporamenti dei podcast di Spotify per un breve periodo questa settimana, ma hanno risolto il problema.
🚧 In corso
La guerra contro gli spam bot continua. Stiamo lavorando per ripulire la recente ondata di spam bot e impedire che si ripetano. Come al solito, segnala come spam tutti i blog che trovi e noi ci occuperemo del resto.
Il personale è al lavoro per aggiornare i nostri documenti. Se vedi qualcosa di confuso o obsoleto, invia un feedback!
La versione 29.1.1 dell'app Tumblr per Android ha una correzione per il problema dell'app che passa alla scheda "Per te" quando si interagisce con i post che hanno un "Leggi di più".
🌱 In arrivo
Per tutti voi fan della tastiera, sono in arrivo miglioramenti dei tasti di scelta rapida!
Per tutti voi appassionati di app per iOS e Android, è in arrivo la gestione dei badge!
Hai riscontrato un problema? Invia una richiesta di supporto e ti risponderemo il prima possibile! 
Vuoi condividere il tuo feedback su qualcosa? Dai un'occhiata al nostro blog Work in Progress e avvia una discussione con la community.
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Okay, think I've got the list. With apologies to anyone who get cut. I'll start working on grouping everyone tomorrow. In the meantime, if you want to send in infodumps/propaganda about these nonships, by all means do! That will give me something to work with when I build the graphics
James Ironwood and Boyd Drake (RWBY and Ducktales/DTLS)
Isaac "Felix" Gates, David Gates, and Jaune Arc (RvB, Camp Camp, RWBY/Luna Brothers)
Louie Duck and Oscar Pine (Ducktales and RWBY/DTLS)
Knight and Survivor Slugcat (Hollow Knight and Rainworld)
Brett Hand and Susie (Inside Job and Deltarune)
Pizzazz and Roxanne Wolf (Gem and the Holograms and FNAF)
Trunks Briefs and Chibiusa (Dragonball Z and Sailor Moon)
Halloween and Nightcore (Castles of the Calendar and Holiday Spirits)
Mamoru Amami and Steven Universe (GaoGaiGear and Steven Universe)
Penny Polendina and Uran (RWBY and Astro Boy)
Wahuu Matsuri and Adam Ainosuke (Tokyo Ghoul and Sk8 the Infinity)
Jon Sims and Jonny D'ville (TMA and The Mechanisms)
Eddie Munson and Jason Scott (Stranger Things and Power Rangers 2o17)
The Aurora and BEE (The Mechanisms and Archivistbot)
Wakko Warner and Babs Bunny (Animaniacs and Tiny Toons)
Zuko and Todoroki Shouto (A:tLA and BNHA)
Diamonds Droog and Kaz Brekker (Homestuck and Six of Crows)
Tucker Foley and Clawdeen Wolf (Danny Phantom and Monster High)
Team Lit (from White Boy Bracket)
Stanley and Cesare (from White Boy Bracket)
Cody Burns and Penny Proud (Transformers Rescue Bots and The Proud Family)
Leo Walker and Iris (Egyxos and Lolirock)
Tim Stoker, Lup and Taako (TMA and TAZ)
Globine and Webby (Globi and Ducktales)
Rouge the Bat and Meta-Knight (Sonic and Kirby)
Jevil, Marx, and Dimentio (Deltarune, Kirby, and Super Paper Mario)
Ruby and Rarity (Pokespe and MLP:FiM)
Madoka and Sakura (Madoka Magica and Cardcaptor Sakura)
Cody Burns, Marinette, and Mirabel (Rescue Bots, MLB, and Encanto)
Bill Cipher and Ouma (Gravity Falls and Danganronpa)
Church and Kris Dreemur (RvB and Deltarune)
Gregory, Crying Child, and Omori (FNAF and OMORI)
Sonia Nevermind and L (Danganronpa and L)
Cassandra Cain and Soundwave (DC and Transformers)
Dick Grayson and Drift (DC and Transformers)
Tim Drake and Red Alert (DC and Transformers)
Rook Blonko and Prowl (Ben 1o and TFA)
Bruce-Damian Wayne and Tony-Morgan Stark (DC and MCU)
Pit and Sora (Kid Icarus and Kingdom Hearts)
Rosaline and Lucas (Super Mario Galaxy and Mother 3)
Roy and Roy Koopa (Fire Emblem and Super Mario Bros)
Meg Griffin, Bert, and Ernie (Family Guy and Sesame Street)
Riley Freeman and Jack Horner (Boondocks and Puss in Boots)
Stanley Parable and Arthur Dent (Stanley Parable and Hitchhiker's Guide)
Chidaruma and Lord English (Dorohedoro and Homestuck)
Ruby Rose and Fukase (RWBY and Vocaloid)
Yang, Gumi, and IA (RWBY, Vocaloid, and Cevio)
Leonardo, Dewey Duck, and Sonic (Rise:TMNT, Ducktales, and Sonic movies)
Nightcrawler and Nightwing (DC and X-Men)
Alfred, Bucky, and Steve (DC and Marvel)
Yelena Belova and Damian Wayne (Marvel and DC)
Ventus and Hunter (Kingdom Hearts and The Owl House)
Mark Beaks and Tyrian Callows (Ducktales and RWBY/DTLS)
Lancer and Bowser Jr (Deltarune and Super Mario)
Shigeo and Molly McGee (MP1oo and The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Isabelle and Doomslayer (Animal Crossing and Doom)
Mystery Kids (?)
Gentle Heart Lamp and Chris Walker (CareBears and Outlast)
Grumpy Bear and Billy Hope (CareBears and Outlast)
Boyd Drake and Penny Polendina (Ducktales and RWBY/DTLS)
Maya Fey and Doctor- 12 (Ace Attorney and Doctor Who)
Mario and Sonic (Super Mario Bros and Sonic franchise)
Han Solo and Peter Quill (Star Wars and MCU)
Commander Fox and Commissioner Gordon (Star Wars and DC)
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