#ll card edit
peachsayshi · 1 year
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ EX-BOYFRIEND HCS (feat. Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Choso) 
minors / ageless / blank blogs dni
ˋ°•*⁀➷  tags: angsty, mentions of break ups, mentions of make ups, mentions of commitment issues, I’m keeping all of this kind of vague.  
ˋ°•*⁀➷  notes: decided to finally edit up this post that I wrote xo I hope you enjoy it! feedback/reblogs are always appreciated <3 
wc: 1,204
he understood why you ended things with him. he’s not an easy man to love, he doesn’t exist in a world where a life can simply be built. he didn’t fight you on your decision or beg you to change your mind. there is nothing he can offer in return which is why he conceded in letting you go, even though the choice destroyed him beyond comprehension. this is the first time he’s ever felt truly broken and he chooses not to cross paths with you for the sake of his own wellbeing. 
but still, he can never fully erase you from his life. you were his pretty light, the spark of happiness that brought him profound joy. he can’t help but succumb to an opportunity of sneaking back in, even in the smallest of ways. besides, the break up didn’t end with fighting or hateful words, it was amicable - so, why can’t he show any signs of fondness? 
these excuses come with every birthday, holiday or special occasion. you always receive a thoughtful gift wrapped up in a pretty bow. gojo never includes a card, but the way your heart seizes up tells you that it is from him. it lingers in your mind that he still thinks about you, even though you are trying to move on. your heart fights you on every decision you make. you would meet bachelors who would exude perfection but they don’t even come close to the man you once loved. satoru gojo may no longer hold space in your life, but the painful reality is that there’s a void inside you that only he can fill. 
the man who stole your heart - there’s an ache in the place where the muscle once resided. he snatched it away without even knowing, and disappeared into the shadows. you don’t hear from him at all, not even a single text or a phone call. the silence is absolutely haunting - he doesn’t know the hurt is the reason why you hate him, but how its also a reminder of just how much you love him. he makes time stand still - and your world stops moving. 
suguru should know better - this way is easier (or so he thinks), he had his reasons (or so he thinks). he spends his days analyzing this decision - dissects it, pries it open and pokes at it in all angles. every conclusion leads to him acknowledging that you deserve far more than what he can give you. but still it becomes his obsession, his source of contention and irritation. it’s not like he hasn’t done this before, but why can’t he snip the last tether that’s tugging at his heart? 
it’s him showing up in the middle of the night, taking in the stunned expression on your face after months of zero contact. he holds you with so much care when he apologizes, begs you to take him back as he whispers sweet words in your ear. you’re not proud of the way you melt right into arms, or how easily you invite him to your bed. you hate that you would let him break your heart a thousand times over, not knowing that he’'ll fight to his last breath just to mend it back together. 
messy is the only word to describe the break up. somehow it wasn’t even a one sided decision, but a point where neither of you were willing to carry on. the heartbreaking thing is that the two of you didn’t just end a relationship, you ended an entire life together. nanami never went into anything half-assed, and that included what he shared with you. now, he sits in his new apartment, most of his things still packed in boxes, and he can’t bring himself to settle down. you were the only home he’s ever grown to love and he can’t help but think what it was about this particular fight that defined the course of your relationship.
nanami was mature about the aftermath, but his removed behavior made you feel small, made you wonder if he was truly unaffected by the pain of separation. as you divide up your life you ponder if he’s reconsidering the entire decision as well. this whole blow up felt so stupid to you now, a minor blimp in the beautiful story of your love together. you knew he wasn’t good at expressing himself in the moment, but when he finally left the key to your place behind, everything came crashing down at once. 
you both have a hard time referring to each other as exes. you both still speak about one another with such tenderness. your loved ones pushed you both into seeking each other out, but neither of you were willing to disturb the other’s peace. you’ve both done enough damage, caused enough hurt that would last a lifetime. it’s only by chance that you stumble into him at a new coffee shop - like fate itself worked hard to ensure you swung the door open just as he stepped through the threshold, that your bodies collided at the right moment so you can see the missing half of your soul in each other’s eyes. 
“can we at least be friends?” - how were you supposed to say no after you had just broken him. this man whose sweet heart radiated nothing but gold even though his eyes were full of sadness. he didn't ask you questions as to why you felt the need to end this, didn’t push your decision even though things were going relatively well. you were so thankful because the extent to which he loved you was petrifiying. you just needed to find yourself for a moment - to catch your breath, and ground your feet after floating on air. 
it’s hard to ignore that choso shared your body and heart. your friendship is so different, and you can’t help but feel like you were tiptoeing around a minefield. he looks at you with immense hope, and that optimism weakens your will. you don’t want to sell him any dreams unless you were sure yourself. so you try your best to keep things platonic - you make sure that you are never alone with him for too long, give other suitors a chance for casual flings, and even go as far as setting choso up on a date. 
you’ve somehow convinced yourself that this is good for you both, until choso asks “do you hate me?” - it hurts seeing him break before your eyes, listening to him question you if you’re doing all this because you don’t want him around you anymore. he tells you that it hurts and you don’t know how to justify any of your actions by using your fear as an excuse. he’s given you no reason to think he won’t cherish your love, and all you can think about is making him smile. waking up tangled between the sheet with him makes you feel sick. your heart races when his arm squeezes around your waist, when his lips brush softly against the back of your neck and you’re burrowing yourself deeper into this hole with no idea how to make it out safely. 
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kaiowut99 · 3 months
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 108-109 Subbed (Finalized)
(Previously: Episodes 106-107 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-108: Professor Cobra's Assassin
Professor Cobra announces the "Disclosure Duels," a system of publicizing one's skill and performing duels openly. He also provides all of the students with their own Dis-Belts to gauge their fighting spirit through their passion, focus, and decisiveness in those duels. Cobra then orders O'Brien to duel Judai--and to do so in a way that brings forth all of Judai's latent abilities. Putting his strategy into action, O'Brien takes Shou hostage and duels Judai.
TURN-109: Judai and the Fiery O'Brien
O'Brien aims to bring out all of Judai's latent abilities by using Shou as a hostage. As expected, Judai causes a serious battle to unfold, which he responds to using his Fire deck, activating his Firewall Permanent Trap against Judai's direct attacks to negate his attempts to attack him directly. For his part, Judai Contact-Fuses Neos with Flare Scarab, summoning Flare Neos for a counterattack, but...
Sorry, didn't mean to leave these two episodes hanging for just over a month~ sorry Shou
Episodes 108 and 109 are now finalized! Professor Cobra comes in and starts up the Dis-Duels, which will play a big role in this early part of the season, and we get more time with O'Brien as he duels with Judai on Cobra's orders and ends up having a little fun with it towards the end. It's a fun duel, O'Brien makes a fiery entrance with his Blaze Cannon/Blaze Cannon Trident cards, and I love the sequence in 109 as Judai uses Flare Neos with probably my favorite use of the "Fervent Duel" OST track. Also, 109 in general is a fun episode because of all the top-notch artwork going on, with some interesting angles or some really good motion frames from the animation team (Judai ordering Featherman to swoop in against O'Brien [which gets reused once or twice] is so good). Also nice character moments with Shou about reconciling his ideal from Ryou about respecting opponents with the need to have all-out heated duels to survive, a nuance that gets lost in the dub for the most part. Though speaking of the dub, I did like Axel's (O'Brien's) dub voice for the most part, though it has a rough spot or two later on when he's cowering from the Supreme King.
Animation error-wise, we mostly have some quality-of-watching touch-ups, as there weren't any card errors I picked up on; 108 had one minor touch-up near the end, while 109 had just over a handful of mostly split-screen touch-ups. Details below the cut for the interested, as always~
Quick housekeeping: in case you missed it, I reuploaded 105-107 after noticing I didn't catch an update to one of the names under the In-Between Animation credits, along with some minor consistency fixes in the rest of the credits; these were reposted over on NAC and updated in the Masterpost linked above, and 108-109'll join them on NAC in the next day or two.
Anywho, enjoy! With these done, I'll probably go back to some fixes I've been working on for episode 1 that I missed, then I'll get a bit more looked over on Tag Force Special stuff (in case you missed that news~) before working on 110 as a quick two-parter break; stay tuned!
Fixes/Edits! (108)
Near the end of the episode, as O'Brien draws for his turn, there's a coloring error with some shading along the bottom of his left shoulder where the shading is lighter like with the lighter spots higher up; it's fixed for a few frames but then goes back to lighter. Fixed this by recoloring that shading spot in the frames during the quick zoom-out that happens using Photoshop, then masked out and held the shading in the last fixed frame for the rest of the shot.
Fixes/Edits! (109)
After the 108 recap but before the OP, we get this quick scene with Cobra watching on and saying that, even if he loses, O'Brien has to bring out all of Judai's Duel Energy (a scene cut from the dub [I wonder if this error is why]), but there's an odd animation error that happens where the line on the upper left of his mouth (his left) and the jaw shading are pixels away from where they should be--this only happens for the frames where he has this fully open lip-flap and his semi-open lip-flap going. Fixed this in Photoshop by redrawing the mouth line and filling in the jaw shading along the shading that was there.
Later, after O'Brien activates his Firewall and asks Judai if he thought weak attacks would work on him, Judai notes that O'Brien didn't summon any Monsters so it wouldn't be any fun not diving right in; a semi-surprised O'Brien slides in on a split-screen acknowledging this, but there's a quick frame as the split-screen is completed where the border flickers into its final position--fixed this in Sony Vegas by just replacing the earlier frame with the latter. Then, as they split off the screen to show Shou behind them, Judai's side takes a frame longer than O'Brien's to fully get offscreen; fixed in Vegas by using the frame after in that frame's place.
Later, Judai grunts after O'Brien uses Burial from a Different Dimension to return three Fire-Type Monsters to his Cemetery, and O'Brien slides in on a split-screen to say that he's removing one from it to activate Firewall against Flare Neos's attack--but Judai starts moving for it a couple of frames before O'Brien actually starts sliding in, and along with that, the border on their split-screen ends up being off-center. Fixed these in Vegas, first by redoing the split so it's timed with Judai moving, then ending the slide-in with the border centered, moving O'Brien's side into place so that his mouth and hand move properly for the rest of the split-screen. Then, a frame before they start splitting apart as Firewall activates, O'Brien's side moves but Judai's stays still; fixed by holding the split-screen still over that frame.
A bit after, once Judai uses Contact Out to de-fuse Flare Neos and attack to make O'Brien run out of Monsters to remove from play, O'Brien grunts as Judai slides in on a split-screen to remind him about Flare Scarab's power-up effect--but like with Judai in #3 above, O'Brien starts moving for the split-screen a couple frames before Judai starts sliding in. Then, as their split ends, there's a quick frame where they start to split apart to show Flare Scarab behind them but don't actually split; this is likely why their splits then end up sliding out unevenly. with Judai's taking an extra frame to fully slide out. Fixed these all in Vegas by first redoing it so that Judai's slide-in is timed with O'Brien moving; then, I masked in part of Flare Scarab from the next frames over them as they start to split, adding a new border to O'Brien and Judai's splits; and then finally, I redid their split-outs so that they were timed evenly.
After the eyecatch, we see more of Cobra watching the duel, and Judai and O'Brien come up on a split-screen with their current LP counts--they start to split apart a frame before their LP counts disappear to show Cobra, with this quick frame having just white behind them, along with O'Brien's split missing its border. Fixed this in Vegas by just holding the previous frame over it so that the split-out starts in the next frame, once the LP counts are gone.
[continued below because of dumb characters-per-"block" limits]
(6) A bit later, after O'Brien lets Shou go, Cobra looks on in surprise, but there are a few quick frames where the shading along his jaw is incomplete; fixed in Photoshop for the lip-flap frames where it happens, then placed them in the footage in Vegas and moved it into place as needed for the panning shot here.
(7) After O'Brien loads his Volcanic Buckshot into his Blaze Cannon Trident and deals 2000 damage to Judai, he starts to explain Trident's role in that, but Judai's betting that there was more to it; O'Brien slides in on a split-screen to say as much as he explains Buckshot's role, but his split-screen's already halfway into the screen in its first before sliding the rest of the way in, and like with #3 above, the border on the split-screen somehow ends up off-center. Fixed these in Vegas by redoing his slide-in so it slides in more fluidly. Then, because of how off-center the split-screen is, as they split apart, O'Brien's side takes longer to slide out; fixed this, after re-centering the split-screen, by redoing their slide-outs to be timed evenly.
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grimmichizine · 1 year
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Happy GrimmIchi Day! Preorders for Love at First Fight: A GrimmIchi Bleach Zine are officially open until July 15th!
Check out the thread below for a quick view into our bundles and stretch goals…
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Blood Sport: Limited Edition Bundle ($95)
☆ ELIGIBLE FOR EARLY BIRD Bonus CD! ☆ Pantera 12" LED Wall Sign ☆ Close-Proximity 5" Acrylic Standee
Physical and Digital SFW Art Zine
Physical and Digital SFW Fic Zine
Includes all Merch
Includes all Digital Merch
💘 Eligible for Stretch Goals
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Battle Royale: Full Bundle ($55)
Physical and Digital SFW Art Zine
Physical and Digital SFW Fic Zine
Includes all Merch
Includes all Digital Merch
💘 Eligible for Stretch Goals
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Bloody-Knuckles: Deluxe Merch Bundle ($80)
☆ Pantera 12" LED Wall Sign ☆ Close-Proximity 5" Acrylic Standee
Includes all Merch
Includes all Digital Merch
💘 Eligible for Stretch Goals
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Bare-Knuckle: Merch Bundle ($30)
Includes all Merch
Includes all Digital Merch
💘 Eligible for Stretch Goals
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Physical and Digital SFW Art Zine
Physical and Digital SFW Fic Zine
Physical and Digital NSFW Zine
Includes all Digital Merch
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F*GHT ME: SFW Physical Zine ($22)
Physical and Digital SFW Art Zine
Physical and Digital SFW Fic Zine
Includes all Digital Merch
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F*CK ME: Physical Zine ($14)
Physical and Digital NSFW Zine
Includes all Digital Merch
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K*LL ME / K*SS ME: Digital Pack
K*LL ME ($15)
Digital SFW Art Zine
Digital SFW Fic Zine
Includes all Digital Merch
K*SS ME ($10)
Digital NSFW Zine
Includes all Digital Merch
Or Both for $20!
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Pantera LED Wall Sign ($45)
12" LED Wall Sign
Purchase independently or at a discounted price in the Deluxe Merch or Limited Edition bundles!
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Close Proximity Standee ($20)
5" Acrylic Standee
Purchase independently or in the Deluxe Merch or Limited Edition bundles!
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Included if you get the Blood Sport, Battle Royale, Bloody-Knuckles, or Bare-Knuckle bundles!
50 Sales: Magnetic Bottle Opener 65 Sales: Three Cover Prints 90 Sales: Card Holder & Lanyard
Appreciate any shares! @zineapps @zinefeed @zineforall @zinefans @zine-scene @zinecenter @fandomzines @zinesubmissions @anizines
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insidethemachine · 10 months
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Rio Mason Busujima - Hypnosis Microphone 毒島 メイソン 理鶯 - ヒプノシスマイク
Heyo, how’s it going~? 
Here it is Riou... or Rio? I still dont know enough japanese lol Do you like Rio? I LOVE Rio xd I totally liked him in the anime, was a little disappointed that in the other media he often looks more young unu like in the anime he clearly looks older (you can imagine with this who is really my fav lol) xd He is 28, but well his more young version by Kazui sensei is still very cute uwu
Also, I know he is also mostly serious or expresionless in the anime and manga, but like IN EVERY CARD OF THE GAME HE APPEARS SMILING WHEN YOU EVOLVE THE CARD xd so you cant say that he isnt a smiling boi uwu and i like that a lot uwu so all the pics I took of him are smiling or trying to be cool and failing cause he is kinda himbo uwu that's why Rio and Dice together always look so cute uwuw two himbos together xd
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must protect uwu although he would be the one protecting me in reality xd
i also used the ninja pose cause... he is the only one who could pull it off lol
i may like him a lot cause i love redheads too uwu
yeah, I still dont like MTC bcs of the premise of the group perse, but i like Jyuto and Rio a lot xd
Talking about the sim, he was a piece of cake to make cause i had the uniform retextured from last year and just had to do some touchups and genetics xd
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also i made him his rifle but i failed miserably trying to transform this pose to cas pose lol
cc list uwu:
Skin: https://mousysims.tumblr.com/post/627162293823848448/face-only-skinblend-masculine-feminine-all by @mousysims
Teeth: https://www.patreon.com/posts/default-non-19-34447183 by @magic-bot
Eyes and piercings: https://www.patreon.com/posts/di-eye-diy-eye-34678649 https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-accessories-female-earrings/title/piercing-set-n07/id/1351607/ by @pralinesims Eyelashes: http://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-uncurled-eyelashes-edition/ http://kijiko-catfood.com/eyebrow-ver2/ by @kijiko-sims
Hair: https://www.tumblr.com/obsims/714786304958889984/ludens-hairstyle @obsims
Lips: https://simfileshare.net/download/1440237/ by @ratboysims https://pictureamoebae.tumblr.com/post/147259113679/real-lips-revisited-release by @pictureamoebae
Necklace: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-accessories-male-necklaces/title/s-club-ll-ts4-necklace-m02/id/1338093/ by @sclub-privee
Uniform: it is one of the militar uniforms from the StrangerVille pack, retextured by me, rlly cool quality compared to base game assets lol I have the pack, but i suppose you can get that asset from sims4studio too?
Gloves: https://leeleesims1.tumblr.com/post/166607419210/get-the-point-bgc-finger-less-gloves-just-some by @leeleesims1 M4: https://r-jayden.tumblr.com/post/632685955711729664/gun-poses-dl-boosty-free-please-do-not by @r-jayden, retextured by me. CAS BG: http://annettssims4welt.blogspot.com/2019/11/cas-backgrounds-blue-winter-uni.html by @annett85 the black is cool but with the camo and black belt it was difficult to look at lol, so I changed for a more MTC blue
Reshade: by me, have been experimenting, the only bad thing is that if some day i want to take a group photo i will have to tweak the textures lol
If something is missing, you can found it in my last posts maybe xd. As always, if you want some retexture just pm me uwu
That’s all for today~, next comes Ramu-chan uwu I really like him too lol (i like almost all the characters? yes xd i just dont like Jiro, Sama and Hitoya)
till nex' time xd
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akronuz · 1 month
CaS Modificação no Corpo & Rosto
[Miiko] 3D Eyelashes Part 4
3D eyelashes ☆*:。Part 4 | Patreon
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[Miiko] 3D Eyelashes Part 5
3D eyelashes ☆*:。Part 5 | Patreon
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[MsBlue] Mona Pantyhose Collection
The Sims Resource - Mona Pantyhose Collection
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[NataliS] Modern Victorian Gothic Frill Choker
The Sims Resource - Modern Victorian Gothic frill choker
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[NolanSims] Mother's Vines
Mesh: https://www.mediafire.com/file/dap6bra5gccckcb/Nolan_Sims_Ivy_Body_Vines.package/file
there is no escape (Simblreen Gift 1 So this has been mostly done for...) (tumblr.com)
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[Oydis] Ox Eyes Full Set
Ox Eyes | Patreon
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[PeachyFaerie] Floral Skin Detail Set
FLORAL - a skin detail cc pack by peachyfaerie ✿ | Patreon
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[PinkPatchy] Hand Ashes
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[Plumblobs] Mouseyblue's Dust Alien Eyes
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[Pralinesims] Grimoirh Choker
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[Pralinesims] Midnight Choker
The Sims Resource - Midnight Choker U
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[Pralinesims] Mithu Choker
The Sims Resource - Mithu Choker
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[PYXIS] Arachnophobia Spider-Eyes
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[PYXIS] Intergalactic Supernatural Overlays
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[RedEarCat] Arms Scars
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[RedEarCat] Back Scars
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[RedEarCat] Chest Scars
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[RedEarCat] Face Scars
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[RedEarCat] Legs Scars
LEGS SCAR_1 Maxis Match Base Game New Mesh Teen,... - Red Ear Cat (tumblr.com)
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[Reevaly] Mushroom Fairy Blush
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[Satterlly] Leaf Wreath Morena
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[S-Club LL] Sakura Bracelet 201903
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[S-Club LL] Sakura Necklace 201907
The Sims Resource - S-Club ts4 LL Necklace 201907
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[S-Club LL] WM TS4 Eyecolors 201812
The Sims Resource - S-Club WM ts4 Eyecolors 201812
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[S-Club] Army Card Necklace S-Club LL
The Sims Resource - S-Club LL ts4 necklace M02
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[S-Club] Flower Bracelet
The Sims Resource - S-Club LL ts4 bracelet N05
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[Seleng] Lipstick N23
The Sims Resource - Lipstick N23
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[Seleng] Lipstick N25
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[Seleng] Lipstick N49
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[Severinka] Island Paradise Flowers Accessory
The Sims Resource - [Island Paradise] Flowers accessory
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rowanthesorcerer · 1 year
Hello, thought i’d make a pinned post thingy to tell everyone about me and the things i like! yay
(will probably be edited as time goes on)
Age: 20 (birthday is 7/7/2003)
pronouns: She/They
interesting things:
-i have a LL tattoo (the 4 relics)
Last Legacy
The Arcana
Zelda botw
Zelda totk
Monster prom/camp/roadtrip
Obey Me
Genshin Impact
The Sims 4
Baldur’s gate 3
Puss in boots
Spider-man into the spider verse
Spider-man across the spider verse
Sea Beast
Studio Ghibli movies
How to train your dragon
Avatar-The last airbender
Legend of Korra
The owl house
Maya and the Three
The dragon prince
Percy Jackson and the olympians
Books(well authors)
V.E Schwab
Holly Black
Leigh Bardugo
Derek Landy
Other things:
digital art
Tarot cards
Monster High
Hermitcraft+ life series
-animals (especially cats, beetles, foxes, frogs and moths)
Colours i like the best. a range, for the sake of variety
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elizabethplaid · 2 months
daily notes - april 16, 2024
Got up fine today, though I still didn't quite feel "on my game". How bad was I spaced out? Didn't realize I forgot my nose ring until I was already at the library. Remembered my other jewelry, though!
LL-J wasn't there, so it was an "indulgent" day. Since joined me again, too. I played phone games the whole time, until there was like an hour left. Then I read badly-edited romance novels and kept having to stop and cringe, pedantically.
"Why am I reading this?" I asked myself. It's the smut, truly. But a lot of the stories on the app are fantasies: eg werewolves, billionaires, mafia, fated mates, etc. So the lead-up romance scenes aren't always smooth.
I had just finished a really nice story set in a bakery with a hard-of-hearing FL and an ML with burn scars on his leg. (It's "Wrong Number" by Laura Brown, on the Readict app, if you're inclined.)
There was another recent one with some cursed pirate-ghost situation. Seemed to be set in my area of Maine, though they only mentioned nearby towns. They also spelled Eastport as two separate words and misspelled the name of my college's town. Other than those details, it was pretty nice. ("Salvation" by Jacqueline Paige)
I haven't been reading on the app as much since mid-January, when my phone-friend got in contact with me again. Between our conversations and rereading my own writing, it's a lot harder to turn off my brain for these stories.
The hyper-empathy is also a challenge, as I envision how I'd react in those situations. In particular, it's the rich guy buying expensive things for the woman without consulting her. (In contrast, those shopping-spree montages in movies are a fantasy I know I want but can't achieve. More because of what sizes stores offer, than the fictional budget. Guess it's about control and my opinion mattering.)
My mom used to do that a lot, with her ebay purchases, and her bad spending habits were a big source of tension in the family. But she'd buy these things with me in mind, allegedly. Sometimes it was something I wanted to show her to say "hey this is neat"; other times, it was something of interest that I hadn't seen. But they were unwanted. After all, if money is finite (mom always ran up her credit cards to the limit), I should make what I get count - pick out something -really- good, that I won't regret getting.
I've mentioned this to phone-friend before. When thinking of trinkets as gifts, I said I wanted something practical yet meaningful, preferably not expensive. And they gave me a Saint Sebastian key chain, which I adore. My side of the exchange was our friendship bracelets.
Over time, I've learned -and am still learning- just how much my mom mucked with how I perceive relationships. It's tough to accept being appreciated for just being myself - that I don't have to do some service in order to be "worth keeping around". (It was easier to accept that my body type can be seen as attractive, and that's already a hurdle for many people.) Accepting gifts makes me feel guilty sometimes, reliving those memories. I'm getting better about asking for allowance, but I don't like spending money often.
It's funny that mom was the one who introduced me to romance novels, including the smutty ones. Now I'm noticing my struggles with enjoying them, because of her affect on me. Then again, I keep thinking of what I would do in these situations. Basically, it's food-for-thought as to developing my own stories.
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cassmouse · 1 year
~Maki Nishikino edit - Beginning of my 'Farewell SIFAS' edit set!~
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So HERE is the first installment of my edit set to say goodbye to our beloved SIFAS- (Still sobbing over the game shutting down)
I love the cards in the game! And I'm super looking forward to showing you all my LL edits in honour of what a great game SIFAS was~
Edit type: Post cover
Time taken: 1 hour, 22 minutes
Programs used: Ibis Paint, Polarr
My thoughts on this one: It's nice! I really enjoy how it turned out actually, it was surprisingly similar to how I pictured it when I started working on it. This was my first dream card in the game, so I thought it made sense to start with this one!
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neowinestainedress · 1 year
so ive been thinking thoughts and jaehyun is very maroon coded. i don't remember who but someone from nct said that jaehyun gives this 'first love' vibes and maroon for me it's like this love that leaves you bruised and it stays with for a lifetime yk? just like a first love maybe or a REAL first love (ive never been in love in my life so this is all from my hopeless romantic ideas)
the vinyl shelf line, the wine references, the angst this song carries, the shaking blind and hazy, the mark on the collarbone, and waking up with your memory over me LIKE AAAAAAAAAA
"Laughing with my feet in your lap
Like you were my closest friend"
this is him. i listen to this song and i become crazy delulu for him
be prepared bc when your requests for drabbles are open i ll be the first one to request something related to this, ive been thinking this for a while but youre the only writer in this app that i trust to execute this perfectly
bye ly <3
Ngl I saw a Jeno edit with maroon when midnights came out so I feel strong Jeno vibes but before seeing that, the vinyl line made me think of Jaehyun (yeah, it’s a disease, I hear anything related to vinyl and think of him, I don’t want to get better). Also doesn’t the Jaehyun first love vibes thing comes from his high school days? And doesn’t he also have the nickname ‘memory manipulator’ or something bc of that? (my nctzen card revoked because I don’t remember these things)
I think maroon is very mature, so it fits Jaehyun perfectly. The song itself doesn’t give me ‘first love’ vibes but as you said ‘first REAL love’; the first time you thought something was meant to be, hoped it would never end (thousands of parallels with Cornelia Street I WON’T be silenced) and then left a cut that can’t be healed. Not even in a bad way, I think that are some parallels with ‘the 1’, so it’s more of a bittersweet break-up and genuinely something you weren’t expecting to end. I don’t know if it was intentional but the pause when Taylor says ‘and I lost you… the one… I was dancing with…’ makes it extremely painful because it sounds like she lost ‘the one’ and not ‘only’ the person she was dancing with. I can perfectly imagine Jaehyun in a scenario like this, a love that bloomed unexpectedly and burned bright, in some occasions even childish (the falling on the floor, the wine splashed on the shirt) but also extremely mature (the wine, dancing together, living together etc). I’d dare to slam in a marriage (that didn’t happen) because of the line 'the rubies that I gave up' but that could be a reach. Also the tragic ending and not being able to wash the other person off, yeah, nobody is getting over Jaehyun so of course that’s a real fucking legacy, to leave.
Also I’m sorry, is the ‘feet in your lap’ thing because of his obsessions with feet or…?
You have too much faith in me lmao I think I won’t open them soon but when I’ll have a bit of free time I might let you know so you can send a private request ♡ (also cause, let’s be honest, we both know me, I won’t be able to keep this short in a drabble length...)
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niji-festival · 1 year
Since LLAS is closing - I will state I will continue posting edits of offical LL promotional art as well as cards from SIF2.
Right now I have no plans of abandoning this blog, I enjoy connecting with other love live fans.
However I may take a short break after LLAS ends while Idol Story gets their SIF2 section up and running. I want to keep using and supporting their work and they provide excellent quality which is important for me.
I hope you will all continue to follow and support this blog!
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kaiowut99 · 2 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episode 84 Subbed (Finalized)
(Previously: Episodes 82-83 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-84: The Curtain Rises on GeneX! Aim for Number One!
Principal Samejima declares the start of a Dueling World Cup*, a large dueling tournament in which Academia Island serves as the stage for the students and Pro Duelists participating.  Saiou duels a celebrity from a powerful country in Europe, Prince Ojin, who boasts of victory through a One-Turn Kill, and Saiou himself predicts that the duel will end before his turn arrives.  The ATK of the Prince's Satellite Cannon becomes 4000, and it begins an attack aimed at Saiou...
*"Dueling World Cup" is how the GeneX Tournament seems to have been described in the pre-airing episode summary for this episode.
Well, then...
After a few unintended hiccups and the resulting recovery--as previously mentioned--episode 84 has finally been finalized! I guess if there's ever a better time for one to experience hard drive issues, it'd be right as we kick off an obligatory tournament arc, haha.  Principal Samejima, after his duel with Ryou last time, returns to the Duel Academia to announce the start of the GeneX Tournament--one which he's spent months traveling abroad to organize and bring in some heavy-hitting talent for.  As things kick off, Saiou engages one of those heavy hitters, a prince from a small European country, for a duel to win control of the SOLA laser satellite they've launched--one with the power to brainwash wipe out all life on Earth.  It's a good transition episode, setting up GeneX's rules and also a key factor in Season 2's endgame through the introduction of Ojin and SOLA, while giving Shou, Kenzan, and newly-White Misawa some dueling time.  We'll see that, at some points, it kinda feels like GeneX is on the backburner, but it's a good backdrop for a few things that'll happen in this part of the season.
Part of the delay with this one, the aforementioned hiccups aside (which mostly covered October), was handling a few animation and card fixes for this episode; one in particular was a pretty complex one to work on but still came out well.  Details below the cut, as usual, for the curious!
Enjoy, and hope those celebrating enjoyed their time with friends/family this Thanksgiving! Next up, I think I'll be going back to double releases to make up for some lost time, so 85 and 86'll be on the way after a short little break the next couple days, though I did begin some work on them already over the last few weeks. (Doing just 84 and then more doubles works nicely, since there are a few two-parters coming up that I'll be able to get out this way.) Stay tuned!
For the hardsub: as Napoleon runs to warn Chronos of Samejima's arrival, we see the "Interim Principal" placard on his desk that we see in the 99% OP; I had wanted to translate it by first blanking the placard in Photoshop and then copying the text layer from my edit in the OP, but due to those drive issues, I lost my original PSD files for those edits.  As a result, I translated it here by first blanking the placard, then copy/pasting the text from the finished edit and editing it to be transparent by removing the lighter-gray coloring behind it so that I could slap it onto this placard, and then adjusting for perspective.  Think it came out well given the circumstances!
One fix I did want to do but was unable to happens near the end of Samejima's GeneX announcement.  After he tells the students to work hard so that the eventual winner is one of them, he adjusts his head as he mentions that there's a very special prize that isn't a Mrs. Tome kiss for the winner, but for two of the first three frames as he does so, the front of his face doesn't move with the rest of his head, causing it to jut out a little (you can tell this where there's a duplication of his goatee's beard and a slight gap in the face outline on his left).  The third frame has his face set properly, but because there isn't a subsequent frame of his head in that correct position with the same lip/beard-flap before his head moves again, I wouldn't have been able to correctly reposition his face (usually in these cases, there'd be the initial glitched frame or two before things are then normal which I can work with, but his head movement here continues the frame after it fixes), so I scrapped this one.
As we see Prince Ojin in conversation with his assistant Lind, upon being told that GeneX's competitors likely won't pose a threat to him, Ojin says he'll bury them with his One-Turn Kill.  He then turns to face a suitcase on a desk nearby, but as he moves his head to face it, the collar of his jacket is effectively duplicated--one is the collar in its initial position earlier in the shot, which is stuck there as the other moves along with Ojin's head.  As mentioned here, I removed the initial collar using Photoshop for the four frames involved, then mixed the fixes into the video in Sony Vegas, applying a light feathered mask on the fixes to blend it in consistently.
After seeing Shou and Kenzan win their first GeneX duels, we turn to see newly-White Misawa facing a Blue named Takeda (as JP Wikipedia helpfully noted), but as we do, the Little Chimera that Takeda has out in Defense Mode has the card under it reversed (with the effect box facing us/Takeda's right when it should be the name box facing that way, as we see in the very next shot).  This was the more complex fix to make, as I also had the Burning Blood/Molten Destruction card sliding in over it; as this error happens again in a bit, I used that instance of it to help here since it was recycled footage (just positioned slightly differently vertically).  I first worked to "blank" the footage in Sony Vegas, using both instances of this error to redo the fade from the sunny White dorm scenery to the Burning Blood-affected field, as then I could redo the Burning Blood card’s semi-opaque slide-in over my eventual fix to Little Chimera, and I masked in parts of the original footage (Takeda and Misawa himself and his field) over the later footage (which had Takeda collapsing as he lost and Eitom on Misawa's field).  Once that was done, I threw it into AfterEffects and applied my Little Chimera proxy facing correctly first (while masking in Chimera's little feets), onto one frame which I then repanned in Vegas for the beginning bit of the shot then held in place for the rest of it--once this was done, I went into AE again and this time applied the Burning Blood proxy slide-in, adjusting the opacity to match the original and keyframing its positioning along to the original.  All told, came out nicely, but especially the "blanking" part took a bit, lol.
Immediately after #4, we see the Familiar Possessed -- Hiita on Takeda’s field, with an ATK of... 1840? It’s actually supposed to be 1850 (the dub kept this error, too).  Fixed it in Sony Vegas by using the later DEF/ 550 counter for Little Chimera; I repositioned it over Hiita’s ATK counter and just masked out the second 5 over the 4 in “1840.″ I did cut away from that just as that “4″ started moving in the counter--the “1840″ digits were increasing while the “550″ ones were going to decrease--so there’s a quick frame or two where that third digit goes 5->4->5, but it’s not too noticeable in motion. (While covering this, Yugipedia also mentions that Hiita’s ATK should only rise by 500 due to Little Chimera’s effect, but when accounting for Burning Blood’s effect, that’s how it gets to 2850.)
After Misawa summons Litmus Death Swordsman, Takeda notes that, though he has more ATK than his Hiita, he still can't defeat her--but as he does, we see that there's a yellow rectangle where Little Chimera would be on his Disk.  Fixed in AfterEffects by applying my Little Chimera proxy again; I first put it on one of the later frames in the shot where it's mostly visible as it fades into the zoomed-out shot, then worked backwards to reposition it as the shot pans down the card.
After Misawa's Eitom attacks Takeda directly for game, he collapses as the Solid Vision from their duel fades out--but as mentioned with #4, that error with Little Chimera's Defense-Mode card being reversed also occurs here.  It was a sorta similar process to fix: first, I applied the Little Chimera proxy in AfterEffects, then in Sony Vegas, I redid the Solid Vision fade-out so that the proxy faded out properly along with Little Chimera.
Later, as Saiou and Ojin are about to begin their duel, Saiou says on a split-screen that he'd like to assess the Prince's power; one affirmative nod from Ojin later, the split-screen splits as they shout, "Duel!" But in a quick frame during that split-screen's slide-out, Ojin's side is missing a border along its edge.  I fixed this in Vegas by just masking out a border from their split-screen and positioning it along the edge.
After Saiou thwarts Ojin's One-Turn Kill, he summons Satellite Base in Defense Mode, but the card on his Disk is laid reversed (as the next shot would show it correctly placed with the name box on his right).  I fixed this by first applying a proxy to his Disk in AfterEffects, while also masking his hand in on top as he swings it over the card, then threw that into Vegas, where I redid the zoom-out that happens as Satellite Base is summoned to keep the card looking consistent during it.
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MIU UPDATE 01: 05/06/23
new sprites being used, updated route scenes, new art and more creator comments.
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CREATOR COMMENT: So, the "new but old sprites" are not entirely mine to claim, so I will be giving credit where as due right now. For those of who can tell or are familiar with the series, you may notice that these sprites are very similar to game story sprites from Love Live! School Idol Festival. That's because the base of these sprites are just that. They are story sprites stripped from the game. When I first started using sprites for Miu years ago on a past blog, I made her sprites out of story sprites from that game. Each of them absolutely sucked tbh. Except for these ones, which I am pretty proud of. Around that time, I was also deeply into the Love Live fandom, and I was also in an idol group project with other fans and ocs in it, which i had to make sprites for my LL oc from the original sprites from the game/series. I still have some idol card edits actually and I still have those ocs on my backburner. However, i never really got rid of the miu sprites that I've made, so I've edited them and spruced them a bit so they're still old sprites of mine, but there's some new things about them, so they are "old but new sprites".
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CREATOR COMMENT: These are the newer part of the "new but old" sprites. Before, I hadn't made this outfit for this set of sprites. I just recently made this one for the time being. Now, these sprites are still mine, it's just that the base was from LLSIF's story sprite of Suzuka. Anyways, this is just the most recent update for the blog to share. Feel free to ignore!
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magpiejay1234 · 1 year
Okay, now Lyrilusc.
The archetype’s Katakana name is リリカル・ルスキニア, Lyrical Luscinia. The Lyrical part is a reference to Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, which was originally a spin-off parody from an erotic video game, Triangle Heart (basically, a porn game). Much like other classic parodies, the franchise eventually developed a life of its own, as an iconic example of the genre.
Luscinia is the scientific name of the genus nigtingales belong to. In this context, because of the association with Philomela, the captured female nightingale was assumed to sing, longing either for her lover, or freedom. In actuality, it is the male of the species that sings. I don’t know if the female can make sounds to attact male. Nigthingales are the “bulbuls” in the Islamic literature, the actual bulbuls have little to do with the Islamic literature.
Since it is the male that actually sings, and have colorful feathers, most of the monsters in this archetype actually represent the male.
The first Katakana characters in リリカル・ルスキニア, リル, are Riru, which is Ruri but inverted. The shortened form of LL - is not common to ZEXAL era archetypes, which generally use the Kanji names as the shortened form. The exceptions to this are ZW -, ZS -, and Battlin’ Boxer (uses BK -, Japanese name being Burnin’ Knuckle). In this archetype’s case, this form is used to closely resemble both Windwitches, and Raidraptors. And yes, according to the Japanese spelling, the shortened form should be RR (Ririkaru.Rusikinia), but isn’t to avoid confusion with Raidraptors.
The naming pattern of the archetype is generally LL - [Something] [Bird Species]. The something is generally a metal, a gemstone, or something related to music. This is because Ruri’s name literally means lapis lazuli (both color, and the gemstone), and the music theming is a recurring theme for Bracelet Girls (since they are all based off Yuzu, unlike Yu-boys, who were created individually).
The archetype is superficially based off Rio’s earlier cards, and Kotori’s posthumous Number, Number 49: Fortune Tune, but much like Serena’s Lunalights, Ruri cuts the middleman out, and references the basis of both, which are Mai’s Harpies. This is likely because Harpies got a promo card, Harpie Harpist for ARC-V Tag Force Special’s guidebook, as that game was the first time DM era characters entered the Tag Force series, but also because Harpies themselves are an Xyz archetype (Harpie’s Pet Phantasmal Dragon).
**Lyrilusc - Recital Starling’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルスキニア-リサイト・スターリング/LL-リサイト・スターリング. This is the Katakana spelling of Lyrical Luscinia - Recite Starling.
Note: This is technically the first Lyrilusc card of OCG, it got released two months before others were released in OCG, in Dimension Box -Limited Edition-.
**Lyrilusc - Cobalt Sparrow’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルスキニア-コバルト・スパロー/LL-コバルト・スパロー. This is the Katakana spelling of Lyrical Luscinia - Cobalt Sparrow. The Cobalt Katakana is also used for Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle, and later on Advanced Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle.
**Lyrilusc - Sapphire Swallow’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルスキニア-サファイア・スワロー/LL-サファイア・スワロー. This is the Katakana spelling of Lyrical Luscinia - Sapphire Swallow.
Sapphire Katakana is used in Luster Dragon (Jp. name: Sapphire Dragon), Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus, and Advanced Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus.
Swallow Katakana is used in Slower Swallow (who is a pseudo-Lyrilusc monster), and Swallow’s Nest.
**Lyrilusc - Turquoise Warbler’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルスキニア-ターコイズ・ワーブラー/LL-ターコイズ・ワーブラー. This is the Katakana spelling of Lyrica Luscinia - Turquoise Warbler.
**Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルスキニア-アセンブリー・ナイチンゲール/LL-アセンブリー・ナイチンゲール. This is the Katakana spelling of Lyrical Luscinia - Assembly Nightingale.
Note: ブリ, buri, sound, sounds like buru (blue), but the “ru” is replaced with ri (Ruri).
**Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルスキニア-インディペンデント・ナイチンゲール/LL-インディペンデント・ナイチンゲール. This is the Katakana spelling of Lyrical Luscinia - Independent Nightingale.
Note: インディ, Indi part of the name is similar to ウインディー, Windy, used in Fortune Lady Wind (Japanese name: Fortune Lady Windy). It likely alludes to the color Indigo.
The ペンデント, Pendento part is similar to ペンデュラム, Pendeyuramu (Pendulum).
**Lyrilusc - Beryl Canary’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルスキニア-ベリル・カナリー/LL-ベリル・カナリー. This is the Katakana spelling of Lyrical Luscinia - Beryl Canary.
Note: As discussed before, this card’s name alludes to Rin, because of リ, Ri sound. The beryl this card refers is supposed to be aquamarine.
**Lyrilusc - Celestine Wagtail’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルスキニア-セレスト・ワグテイル/LL-セレスト・ワグテイル. This is the Katakana spelling of Lyrilusc Luscinia - Celest Wagtail. 
Note: As discussed before, this card’s name alludes to Serena, because of セレ, Sere sound.
**Lyrilusc - Ensemblue Robin’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルスキニア-アンサンブルー・ロビン/LL-アンサンブルー・ロビン. This is the Katakana spelling of Lyrilusc Luscinia - Ensemble Robin.
Note: This is the uncorrupted form of Independent Nightingale. This is also literally Ruri herself, as her name can also mean blue Muscicapidae, in addition to azure, and lapis lazuli.
Blue part comes from ブル, buru. The pun is preserved for English localization, hence the different spelling. 
This card is specifically based off male Siberian blue robin, which also lives in Japan.
**Lyrilusc - Promenade Thrush’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルスキニア-プロム・スラッシュ/LL-プロム・スラッシュ. This is the Katakana spelling of Lyrical Luscinia - Prom Thrush, but the Katakana スラッシュ, is generally used for Slash. Prom is likely a pun on promenade’s shortening, and plum color.
**Lyrilusc - Bird Call’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルスキニア-バード・コール/LL-バード・コール. This is the Katakana spelling of Lyrical Luscinia - Bird Call.
This card’s name references Raidraptor - Call, though the artwork uses the musical notes seen in the unprinted Lyrilusc - Bird Song.
**Lyrilusc - Bird Sanctuary’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルスキニア-バード・サンクチュアリ/LL-バード・サンクチュアリ. This is the Katakana spelling of Lyrical Luscinia - Bird Sanctuary.
This card’s name alludes to unprinted Raidraptor - Sanctuary.
**Lyrİlusc - Phantom Feathers’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルス��ニア-ひよくのれいちょう/LL-比翼の麗鳥. The Kanji is spelled as Hiyoku no Reicho.
We discussed this card in the Kahyoreigetsu post.
The Kanji alludes to 比翼の鳥, Hiyoku no tori, a Japanese idiom meaning happily married couple. The myth of this idiom comes from the Japanese version of Jian birds. tl;dr is that both birds are born without an eye, and a wing, but together, they effectively form a full bird together. This is why Yuto, and Ruri’s names together make tori (to can mean flight, ri alludes to bird, so bird in flight).
(This symbolism is used in Sora, and Kairi’s final attack in Re:Mind DLC.)
麗, rei Kanji means beauty, and is used in Kahyoreigetsu, but here, and there, it alludes to rei as in spirit (borei, seirei etc.) 鳥, cho Kanji is used in Kachofugetsu. So, much like Icy Breeze Refrain, this card uses both Kanji alluding to Ruri.
麗鳥, reicho, alludes to the reicho sound used in Rio’s cards Ice Beast Zerofyne, and Ice Princess Zereort.
Literal translation of the Kanji would be Beautiful Birds of Flying Wing by Wing/Side by Side.
Artwork features the same spiritual blue fires seen in Raidraptors, and Phantom Knights.
**Lyrilusc - Bird Strike’s Japanese name is リリカル・ルスキニア-バード・ストライク/LL-バード・ストライク.  This is the Katakana spelling of Lyrical Luscinia - Bird Strike.
Note: This card is based off unprinted Raidraptor - Symbol, in terms of artwork, and Raptor’s Intercept Formation, another unprinted card, in terms of effect.
Note 2: This card features the sigil of the archetype. It is two stylized Ls, similar to Raidraptors’ sigil, forming the jian birds, but they are reminiscent of two swans kissing as well. This sigil is never used for any of the Xyz Monsters, unlike the traditional form for ZEXAL era archetype.
General design notes:
**Most of the Lyriluscs use a “blue” pun, to allude to Ruri’s name.
**Because of the design of the Lyrilusc design looking like two swans kissing, Princess Tutu might be an inspiration of the archetype. Otherwise, it is a mixture of various classic animé, specifically animé featuring anthromorphic animals such as Maya the Bee, and the bird outfits from Science Ninja Team Gatchaman.
**The WIND Winged Beast theming matches with Shinobirds, but unlike Windwitches with Majespecters, two themes do not work well together. Shinobirds also allude to jian birds, though they are more closely based off Tanabata, which is the symbolism for Tellarknights (and by proxy for Hokuto-Masumi).
**Despite being basically a pacifist version of Raidraptors, Lyriluscs are more OTK oriented. This likely alludes to the fact Ruri wants to get rid of any obstacle she encounters as soon as possible, unlike Shun, who wants to systemically destroy them.
**Despite more explicit romantic allusions of the archetype, this archetype is most distant from its Yuboy, Yuto. This is partially because of just like how Lunalights, and Melodious are designed to work together in theory, Ruri’s Deck is in theory designed to work with Rin’s, who is very distant from Yuto’s theme.
***Second reason is Dennis, who predominantly uses EARTH monsters, as it is the case for other Fusion users besides Serena, Leo, Yuzu, and Yuri. WIND is the opposite of the EARTH in Yu-Gi-Oh!, so symbolically Dennis technically completes Ruri more than Yuto could, by doing the exact opposite of what Ruri would do. Whereas Yuto became entangled with Ruri by the proxy of Shun, and effectively, unintentionally, serves as continuation of him.
**The more explicit romantic allusions of the archetype are here partially because of nightingale’s symbolism, but also because the owner of this archetype, Ruri, was already dating Yuto before the events of show even if they never “officially” became a couple, and the formation of this Deck happened during one of their unofficial dates (unfortunately Yuto didn’t get the whole nightingale symbolism, because he is dumb.)
So the conflict here isn’t making two would be lovers realize their affection (as opposed to the case with other Bracelet Girl-Yu-boy pairings), but to reunite lovers who were already together.
**Ruri gets more stuff than Rin because she has an actual name, but also because she is popular in Japan. Ehh. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get more Lyriluscs instead of Lunalights as well in the end.
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lenteur · 1 year
i appreciate you a lot, i hope you know that <3
i would like to use the hug card <3 i feel like i need a big biiig group hug, i just want to be squished <333
i hope they do, otherwise i feel like it may drive them apart or away from the company itself(which wouldn't be a bad thing, there are better companies).
your puns are spectacular, i only wish i had that same power ;) it's not that hard to just LOVE him, i mean he is the definition of precious <33 i feel like seungkwan is one of those idols that if you were to ever meet him, he'd be the same as what we see <3 a kind individual <3 though i have watched older fansignings and he seems so sweet <33 i'm having a lot of scoups feelings atm HELP...........
thank u !! we kinda went off criminal minds for the last week or so, my s/o is rewatching smallville and i've been rewatching riverdale <33
it's really, really good <3 i rewatched it this week, also started watching revenge of others, i'm on ep 2 and i am HOOKED <3 it's basically about a girl who transfers to her brother's school in an attempt to find his killer (who pushed him out of a window) >:( i feel like i know who the killer may be but i'm probably wrong :(
you are honestly so sweet <3 you are a ball of sunshine :)) i'm glad you're happy to continue talking with me <3 although if u were not, that would be absolutely okay <3 and you're welcome 🌼
they are both girls!!! <33 they are the cutest beans <3333
hello my dear bestie 💗 i have missed you soooooooooooooooooooooooo much but i'm glad you took some time for yourself and i hope you're feeling better than during the holidays 💕 and i also hope you know i appreciate you as well. very much so!
of course! come here 💓 we'll squeeze you with our love 😘
thank you so much for appreciating my puns 💘 very few people can enjoy them. only the big brained are able to. so therefore, i can share my secret with you :D i went to this amazing pun school ;) i can't mention their name or else they'll receive too many applications. the only thing i can tell you is that it was a lot of PUN (haha get it?)
omg! yes exactly. i knew you'd be able to translate what i'm trying to say about my boo (seungkwan) super well 💝 he's one of those rare idols where you can feel he's practically the same as what he shows in front of cameras. i can't confirm that because i don't know him personally but he kind of seems like he's not that different off camera. ah scoups scoups, that man is very dangerous indeed... i've watched back it up fancams during the caratblr event and i haven't felt this attacked in a long time. he has made a (s)coup(s) d'état to my heart 💞 (i'm proud of that pun)
smallville. a name i haven't heard in a long time. i remember watching it as a teenager, i recognise the faces of the actors but i have no clue as to what's going on in the show. the only thing i know is it's about superman (am i sure? not really) as for riverdale, the only thing i've watched are the yt video edits/the memes. some of the videos are kind of funny. especially when you know nothing about the show hahaha
oh wow congrats on actually keeping your promise of watching kdramas 👏👏👏 so revenge of others is a thriller mixed with a little bit of detective stories? (i don't remember the name of the genre lol) i hope the k*ll*r (just in case tumblr wants to flag this post) is not the person you're suspecting because then it ruins the story :/ at least in my opinion ^^ i mean, it's nice if you guess who it is while collecting clues during the first few episodes but if you already guessed by episode 2 then it's a bummer :( but again maybe the story is not entirely focused on finding the culprit and more about how the main character reacts and what will happen to the culprit? i'm sorry those are just random guesses >3< and i'm sure you've got the right answer. you're smart, very smart!
no need to worry about talking to me 💖 i very much enjoy talking to you and getting to know more about you (and your cats) 💟 you're honestly one of the highlights of my days/weeks when i see you pop up in my notifications so never worry about me not enjoying talking to you. it's the opposite actually!
my little beans are so cute 😻 every time i think about them, i get this huge smile on my face :D it's hard not to when they're this pretty and awesome 💗 a little kiss on both their foreheads because they deserve it for being so amazing 😘😘
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martinsmith01 · 4 months
How to Make Cards on Cricut Maker: A Complete Guide
 If you haven’t tried creating stunning cards with your Cricut Maker machine yet, now is the time to start! This guide will show you step-by-step how to make cards on Cricut Maker. It is perfect for beginners and covers everything you need to know to get started with card-making.
When I first got my Cricut Maker, I felt a little daunted by the idea of making cards. But after learning the process, I made over five cards in just one weekend, and it was a blast! Over time, I have discovered a lot of tips and tricks for card-making with Cricut, and I will be sharing them all with you in this guide.
I will cover how to use Cricut Design Space to design your card, what supplies and tools you&#39;ll need, and step-by-step instructions for making the card. Just follow along with the guide until the end, and you will be all set!
Step 1: Supplies and Tools Required
Here are the main supplies you will need to create cards with your Cricut Maker machine:
● Cricut Guide
● Cricut Maker
● Cardstock (white, copper glitter, and cream color cardstock)
● standard grip cutting mat
● Adhesive or double-sided tape
● Cricut Fine Point Tip
● Cricut Design Space
Now that you have collected all the essential tools and materials to make your Cricut paper card at home let&#39;s move on to the process of creating this project.
Step 2: Upload an SVG Card Design to the Cricut App
As explained below, you have to use the Cricut app to learn how to make cards on Cricut Maker.
First, download and unzip an SVG of the card design, then open the Cricut software.
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After completing the process of uploading an SVG card design in the Cricut Design app, now proceed to the following step.
Step 3: Change the Cut Score and Pen Settings
Let’s make some changes before sending your design to cut.
Tap the Layers panel and select the title that shows the cake tires. After that, open the Edit menu and then choose the Basic Cut>Pen option from the drop-down menu.
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3. Select the entire design and tap the Attach button from the Layers panel. Once everything is in place, click Make It.
Once you have adjusted your settings according to your DIY project, you can proceed to the next step.
Step 4: Cut the Card Design on Your Cricut Maker
To learn how to make cards on Cricut Maker, follow these steps to select the appropriate cut settings and load materials onto your machine.
After tapping the Make It button, select the Mat option if prompted.
2. After that, select the option Browse All Materials and search for cardstock.
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4. Follow the prompts to load the stylus into Cartridge A and the Fine Point Blade into Cartridge B.
5. Insert the cardstock onto the cutting mat and press the “C” button to start cutting.
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After cutting the card design on your Cricut Maker machine, proceed to the next step to complete the procedure for this project.
Step 5: Assemble the Card
So far, I have almost covered how to make cards on Cricut Maker. Let’s finalize the card. First, fold the card right side out from the score line.
Apply the red cardstock on the card.
2. Use the Cricut trimmer to cut cream-colored cardstock to create an envelope.
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Final Words
The Cricut card project is incredibly popular for different occasions, like birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, etc. Anyone with a Cricut machine will likely want to make cards. If you’ve followed this guide from the beginning, you now have a good idea of how to make cards on Cricut Maker. Keep practicing these instructions to create card projects on Cricut Maker like a pro!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you make a card on Cricut without a mat?
Yes, you can make your favorite card without a mat on Cricut Maker; you just have to follow the instructions below.
First, insert the desired card design into the Cricut Design Space.
2. After that, select the size of the card design and click on the Make It option.
3. Then, choose without a mat, and then Browser All Materials & Cardstock.
4. Finally, cut out the design with a Cricut Maker and assemble it.
How do I write on a card with Cricut Maker?
You can try following these steps to write on the card with Cricut Maker:
Open Cricut Design Space, select the font and type your text.
2. Change the Material Load Type to On Card Mat and select the material.
3. Insert the Cricut pen into clamp A and start writing.
Can I use the Print Then Cut function on Cricut Maker to make cards?
Yes, the print-then-cut function on the Cricut Maker is perfect for creating colorful designs on your cards. Simply create your design in Cricut Design Space, select Print, then Cut, and print out your design. After that, cut it out and assemble the parts to create your cards.
Source: how to make cards on Cricut Maker
how to make a card on Cricut
Visit here For more Information: Cricut.com/setup
Cricut explore 3
download Cricut design space
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cassmouse · 7 months
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Sooooo I'm finally back in my card editing phase which is brilliant!!!! Had the best time doing this one
I haven't edited anything fully since April and I think this might've been my most ambitious one yet with all the colour changes and stuff so WOOOO
Anyway THIS my friends is Evangeline Cartier who was in my Summer Project Side Story™️ and here she is in LL card form
I love her I think she's one of my prettiest characters
ANYWAY this took me far too long so I wanted to show it off
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