#llame thoughts
bellewintersroe · 1 year
Hiiii I was listening to music with my dad the other day and the song caballero by Alejando Fernandez came up and all I could do was think about carlos being in love with the gf (reader) of another driver. The song is about respecting the other guy in a way but what if he didn’t and that’s when I thought of secreto de amor by Joan Sebastian it literally says “Delante de la gente no me mires. No suspires no me llames. Aunque me ames. Delante de la gente soy tu amigo. Hoy te digo, que castigo” and i love the idea of carlos trying to be a gentleman like with the first song and then snapping bc he knows reader loves him too and having an affair with her and it being their secret like the second song
You don’t have to write anything I just wanted to get the idea out of my head and I thought I’d share
No I LOVE this, this is so creative honestly thank you for the inbox I appreciate it sm!! I’ve tried to use some Google translate and I got a bit confused (I’m so sorry) but I’ve attempted to write something along the lines of your scenario because I absolutely love it and how angsty it is. I’m not aware of the songs so I apologise if it’s not exactly what you were imagining. Feel free to inbox me again if this is all completely wrong HAHA.
Carlos Sainz x AlonsoGirlfriend! Reader..
warnings: smut, mentions of affair (I’m sorry) hurting feelings, secrecy, jealousy… reader is Spanish but I won’t try butcher the translations.
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Desde el día en que te miré Ibas bien acompañada Ibas con él de la mano De repente te reías De reojo me mirabas The champagne Carlos had consumed all night began to weigh heavy on his eyelids, wandering around the room as though he was in a subdued trance. His intoxication was, of course, due to the expensive alcohol he’d drunk excessive amounts of, but deep down Carlos knew there was something else weighing heavily on his sobriety. Her. The dark, olive skin exposed between the risky slit in her black dress, the valley between her breasts, the almost jet black hair that cascaded down her spine- she had him in a trance.
Carlos’ heart tightened, jaw falling a little slack at the sight of you once again. It was movie like. The beautiful girl, gently batting her eyelids at her prince-like boyfriend, and the depressed, drunk man watching from the corner. Alone. Her hands smoothed up over the other man’s creased shirt, flattening the material crisp over the bicep as his hand reached out to curl at the curve of her hip. His finger tips tightened into the flash of her behind. The corners of her red lips turned and she offered him a simple kiss, once on the cheek. Fernando caught her again, this time catching the plump of her lips. Carlos grimaced. That was enough. Carlos had enough of seeing the scene and turned back down to the alcohol in his glass. Simultaneously, she spared a singular glance in Carlos’ direction, one he assumed he was imagining, a deluded sight he could only dream of. No es mi gran amigo él Pero claro lo conozco Y no suelo ser aquel  Que no le importa con quién Trato de ser respetuoso The man that Carlos so desperately wanted to trade places with? Fernando Alonso. His childhood idol, his fellow Spaniard on the grid and good friend, mentor- he was everything Carlos respected and more. Carlos knew better than to sought after a taken lady, especially one of his friends. Fernando was a lucky man, a lucky, lucky man… as soon as they were embracing, did she begin her journey towards Carlos. He felt the tips of his fingers unconsciously dig into his jeans and the swell of his heart speed. Carlos’ eyes fell down her body, her beautiful curves, the sleek of her dress clung to all the right places, hair bouncing with each stride she took. Ay, pero ven tantito Es la única vez que te voy a contar mi secreto Si no tuvieras compromiso, te perdería el respeto
With a sparing glimpse back to an occupied Fernando, busy talking to another young, beautiful woman, Carlos fell to the temptation of the beautiful woman, who was now inching closer to him. She was unearthly, a goddess, and when she offered him a smirk, he had to double take that it was actually aimed towards him. He would risk it all, he knew he would, the brush of her arm against his caused a deep breath to catch in his throat. She offered him a sympathetic smile at the strange noise it created.
“I’m sorry… I’m Carlos.” He cleared his throat, the sound of his voice almost startling him. Her dark eyes fell to the outstretched hand in front of her. In that moment Carlos didn’t know if she wanted to laugh in his face or punch him. He was puzzled by her confused expression.
Slowly, she raised her left hand, the cold metal of a ring touching his own almost making him feel physically sick. “I’m sorry. Im not used to shaking with my left.” She laughed, a soft, gentle kind, one that had Carlos already grinning to himself. She then offered her name, soft hand still embraced within his own. Carlos swore he’d never felt skin as soft as hers. She offered her name, a beautiful one, one in which Carlos repeated.
When their hands retrieved, he noticed the diamond cladded on her ring finger. His teeth ground against one another as they shared a glance at the ring, then back to Fernando.
“I’m Fernando’s-” the woman’s face winced as her eyes gazed over what Carlos now recognised to be her fiancé, with the hand on the waist of another woman. He recognised the the heaviness in her voice, the sigh which escaped her lips sounding almost painful. “-I’m getting another drink. Would you like to join?” Y si no fuera un caballero, te lo juro Te arrancaba de sus brazos sin pensarlo ni un segundo Eres la mujer que más me gusta en el mundo Pero tengo un respeto por ese suertudo
The minutes spent together turned into hours. Hours of uninterrupted conversation and laughter. Carlos felt as though she had captured his heart in a way no woman had before, she was sensual, even in the way she talked, Carlos thought he was imagining things when her gaze fell up and down his front on numerous occasions. She was swift, but flirtatious. Her eyelids were becoming heavier as the night and alcohol effected her. When a hand rested on Carlos’ forearm he had an overwhelming desire to pull her in his arms and spend the whole night with her. Although he recognised his feelings to be beyond lust (which was frightening for Carlos to happen so quickly) he still felt the twitch of his manhood whenever she would hold eye contact, or touch him. Occasionally she would bend forwards, exposing the further curve of her breasts. Carlos pretended not to realise. Y si no fuera un caballero Te robaba, y no un beso, sino toda la semana Para hacerte el amor hasta que te cansaras Pero soy un caballero y mejor Mejor no te digo nada When the night was nearing its end he felt almost desperate to express his feelings, he was almost certain she felt the same. It was bad, he knew it was. He still felt like there was too much respect for Fernando to pull any kind of move on the beautiful lady. God, he was so lucky. So, so lucky.
But it seemed her luckiness had run out, something that broke Carlos’ heart to see her eyes wide and scanning the room for her missing fiancé. “Where has he gone?” Carlos cleared his throat, the first mention of Alonso all night. “Um..” she glanced down to her phone, no notifications, nothing. She recognised the same sickness she felt every time something like this happened with Alonso.
“I think… he’s gone home.” Carlos watched her gulp, sliding her phone back into her clutch, the slight tremble of her fingers causing his brows to furrow. It was as though on instinct that he reached out, steadying her tremor. “I should go.” Her voice barely reached above a whisper, focusing on the gentle hand Carlos had placed on hers. She intended the words to come across more inviting than what they did, fear grasped her too much to speak up. It was now or never.
“I will walk you…” finally, a smile grew on her face. One that Carlos reciprocated as they shared a moment of silence, eyes meeting, speaking a thousand different things that words could not.
Delante de la gente no me mires. No suspires no me llames. Aunque me ames. Delante de la gente soy tu amigo. Hoy te digo, que castigo…
“I need you.” Her soft pants had Carlos writhing up against her body, hips bucking harder into hers. “I needed you all night… Carlos.” All he could do was moan in response, teeth grind in together in pleasure as he pressed his lips onto her cheek bone.
Every breath, every sound, every movement had Carlos feeling like he was driven crazy. And when he watched her slide the ring off her finger, dropping it to the floor below he felt all respect for the other man go out of the window. The sex felt too good, it was lustful, dirty, anything and more that Carlos could have dreamt of. He felt selfish, but at the same time he didn’t care. He wanted her, he needed her, and now he had her.
Her body below his moved in time with his, the bounce of her breasts sending Carlos into a pleasure filled trance. “I needed you.” He managed to tell her back. She was tight around him, wet, it was pure bliss. Carlos could feel his orgasm creeping up on him quicker than anything. He wanted to finish inside her, make her his, claim her as his own and vice versa.
His release was beyond earthly. He almost couldn’t compute the level of pleasure as he collapsed on top body, still squeezing, caressing, stroking her skin and hair. His hips still milked his orgasm as he unloaded his seed deep inside her, arm wrapping under the warmth of her body and holding closer and tighter than before, sealing a promise that he would never let her go, and keep her as his own…
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xjulixred45x · 5 months
I need to ask from morbid curiosity mostly. I have heard of diabolic lovers mostly from top 10 unfortunately not good ones. What are your unadulterated thoughts on the brothers?
I have talked individually of Subaru and Reiji, and there is a post where i Say which Diaboy i HATE the most, but i Guess is therapeutic talk shit about them all :)
in order from oldest to youngest, not in order from worst to """best"""
Carla to me is practically a P3d0, and it's worse if we consider that canonically she likes Yui to call her "Onichan"🤮 and he's such a son of a bitch, he tortured her SO MUCH (along with Shin) that it made her think about COMMITTING SUICIDE. a scourge
Shin is the definition of Carla's lapdog, and since he has the power he feels comfortable mistreating everyone (but if they were stronger? He comes out with his tail between his legs) GOD THE SCENE WHERE HE MAKES YUI LICK HIS OWN BOOTS. just as bad as his brother. Only he's not a fetishist.
Shu just seems boring and bland to me, I'm sorry I can't say much about a character who literally does NOTHING. Her background is fine, but I think she was very wasted on a character in a bad story.
Reiji IS A SON OF A BITCH, he not only decided to kill his brother's friend BUT THE ENTIRE VILLAGE, OUT OF JEALOUSY, and on top of that kill his mother who wasn't even abusive (compared to the other two, she was quite loving). honestly an idiot.
Ayato is unbearable, I just can't stand him, he acts like a little child. apart from the fact that he is the one who objectifies Yui the most and who insults her the most along with Kou. without forgetting that he is considered the "hero" of the franchise😑
Kanato is all of the above combined in an amorphous and delusional mass in believing that he is the victim and that he is right in everything, being also a necrophiliac and cannibal, there is no need for me to say more.
Laito is, sadly, one of the best written in the entire franchise but at the same time he is a FIRST DAMN, he was the first to cause Yui's suicidal ideas, apart from the fact that HE IS a sex offender who should stay away from people .
Subaru is a hothead who gives me certain Incel vibes, he believes that all women are equal and that gives him the right to treat everyone like shit and be physically violent. Even if he has the most "justified" trauma next to Laito, it doesn't make him any less of a horrible person.
Ruki is simply a control freak who, since he is now a vampire, believes he is above everyone else and is honestly a second Reiji but with a cheap background. but he has my eternal hatred for the cat.
Yuma just doesn't catch my attention beyond his design and being just as aggressive as Subaru, he has literally beaten Yui to death in almost all of her endings. I don't like.
Kou is INSUFFERABLE and eager, not only for being so materialistic but for the way he messes with Yui's self-esteem makes my heart bleed.
Azusa is a MANIPULATOR, no matter who it hurts, he literally Guilt Trips Yui to make her hurt him! and then he cuts her! He might be the "Best" but he is still trash.
Kino is similar to Kanato in that he is spoiled and a horrible being at the same time, he has no consideration for those other than him and that makes him DESPICABLE ON HIS ROUTE, he literally killed a child in front of Yui so that he would not try to escape . it's bullshit.
Overall, I think that would be it. They're all trash, but different trash.
en orden de mayor a menor, no en orden de peor a """mejor"""
Carla para mi es prácticamente un P3d0, y es peor si consideramos que canónicamente le gusta que Yui le llame "Onichan"🤮 y es tan hijo de puta, la torturo TANTO(junto a Shin) que le hizo pensar en SUICIDARSE. una lacra.
Shin es la definición de perro faldero de Carla, y como tiene el poder se siente comodo con maltratar a todos(pero si fueran mas fuertes? el sale con la cola entre las patas)DIOS LA ESCENA EN LA QUE HACE QUE YUI LE LAMA LAS BOTAS. igual de malo que su hermano. solo que no es un fetichista.
Shu simplemente se me hace aburrido y soso, lo siento no puedo decir mucho de un personaje que literal no hace NADA. su trasfondo esta bien, pero creo que fue muy desaprovechada en un personaje en una mala historia.
Reiji ES UN HIJO DE PERRA, no solo decidio matar al amigo de su hermano SINO A TODA LA VILLA, Por CELOS, y encima de eso matar a su madre que nisiquiera era abusiva(en comparación a las otras dos, era bastante amorosa). sinceramente un imbécil.
Ayato es insoportable, simplemente no me lo puedo aguantar, actua como un niño pequeño. aparte de que es quien mas cosifica a Yui y de los que mas la insulta junto a Kou. sin olvidar que es considerado el "héroe" de la franquisia😑
Kanato es todos los anteriores combinados en una masa amorfa y delirante en creer que es la víctima y que tiene la razon en todo, siendo también un necrofilico y canibal, no hace falta que diga mas.
Laito es, tristemente, uno de los mejor escritos de toda la franquicia pero que al musmo tiempo es un MALDITO DE PRIMERA, fue el primero en causar las ideas suicidas de Yui, aparte de que ES un delincuente sexual que deberia manterse lejos de las personas.
Subaru es un hiracundo que me da ciertas vibras de Incel, cree que todas las mujeres son iguales y que eso le da el derecho a tratar como la mierda a todos y ser físicamente violento. aun si tiene el trauma mas "justificado" junto a Laito, no le hace menos de una persona horrible.
Ruki simplemente es un maniático del control que como ahora es un vampiro cree estar por arriba de los demas y sinceramente es un segundo Reiji pero con trasfondo barato. pero tiene mi odio eterno por lo del gato.
Yuma simplemente no me llama la atención mas alla de su diseño y ser igual de agresivo que Subaru, literalmente ha matado a Yui en casi todos sus finales a golpes. no me gusta.
Kou es INSUFRIBLE y con ganas, no solo por ser tan materialista sino por la forma ej la que se mete con el autoestima de Yui hace que me sangre el corazón.
Azusa es un MANIPULADOR, le duela a quien le duela, el literalmente le hace Guilt Triping a Yui para que lo lastime! y encima después la corta el!
Kino es similar a Kanato con lo de ser un mimado y un horrible ser al mismo tiempo, no tiene consideración por quienes no sean el y eso lo hace alguien DESPRECIABLE EN SU RUTA, literalmente mato a un niño enfrente de Yui para que no intentara escapar. es una mierda.
en general, creo que eso sería todo. Todos son basura, pero diferente basura.
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iwaoiness · 1 year
When Tooru likes Rosalía
Iwaizumi never thought it possible that anything could oust empanadas from the number 1 spot in Oikawa's TOP10 things I like most about Argentina.
Until Rosalia and her album El Mal Querer arrived during Tooru's second year in the Latin country.
Ever since he became obsessed whit her, there was no video call where Oikawa did not hum or sing a song. With the endearing accent that persisted in his Spanish, he sang voy a salir pa la calle, con la manita los aro’ brillando, en mi piel los corale’, me protejan, me salven, me iluminen, me guarden while he prepared to go out after Hajime helped him choose an outfit.
And also me da miedo cuando sales, sonriendo pa’ la calle, porque todos pueden ver, los hoyuelitos que te salen, like that day when he missed Iwa-chan so much that he couldn't disguise it and Jacob (Hajime's roommate and friend) uploaded a story to Instagram where Iwaizumi was laughing (so handsome, so ethereal) with naturalness and happiness and sweetness and with those tender dimples on his cheeks.
And de las luces sale un ángel que cayó, tiene una marca en el alma, pero ella no se la vio while preparing dinner following Iwaizumi's instructions via the video call
And when Oikawa was feeling playful, lying face down on the bed, with the laptop in front of him, he sang di mi nombre, pon tu cuerpo contra el mío, y que lo malo sea bueno e impuro lo bendecí’o, ya me abrazas sobre tu cuerpo, en la esquina de tu cama, and he enjoyed watching Hajime covered his face with his hands, his ears reddened and muttered curses in English because after so long, he understood Spanish too well.
Then, four years later, when Oikawa was giving up all hope of Rosalía releasing a new album, Motomami appeared, and Iwaizumi still remembers with a shudder Tooru's intense scream when it was released.
Now, with no trace of his accent, in fluent, melodious Spanish, Oikawa sang yo soy muy mía, yo me transformo, una mariposa, yo me transformo, makeup de drag queen, yo me transformo, lluvia de estrellas, yo me transformo as he swayed his hips and made his favourite smoothies in the kitchen of the new flat where he finally lived with Iwaizumi.
And there was one day when, while Hajime was talking to Kageyama on the phone about his hesitation to do a deodorant commercial, Oikawa sang out loud es mala amante la fama y no va a quererte de verdad, es demasia’o traicionera, y como ella viene, se te va to tease him a bit (just for old times' sake, not because he wanted to really annoy Tobio for interrupting them in their daily cuddling session).
And then he sang pa’ ti naki, chicken teriyaki, tu gata quiere maki, mi gata en Kawasaki as he and Iwa-chan walked to their favourite restaurant in Tokyo and Hajime, against his will, ended up humming the catchy fucking tune.
He also sang yo no soy y ni voy a ser tu bizcochito, pero tengo to’ lo que tiene delito, que me pongan en el sol, que me derrito as he went through his nightly skincare routine, with the song playing on his phone and Hajime by his side, brushing his teeth while looking at him in amusement through the reflection of the mirror.
And there was a time when Tooru not only sang baby, no me llame’ que yo estoy ocupá’ olvidando tus male’, ya decidí que esta noche se sale, con toda’ mis motomami’, con toda’ mis gyale’, but also joined the trend on TikTok (dragging Hajime of course). Both learned the choreography, recorded the video one Sunday morning and, in less than three hours, got more than 1M likes, 90k comments (20 of them from an excited Hinata), several calls from family and friends, a duo of Mattsun and Makki with their TikTok where both laughed trying to imitate them and Suna re-uploading the video on his social networks with the thumbs-up emoji.
And then came the RR album with Beso which Tooru had on loop for weeks, although Hajime didn't really mind, because the melody was soft (nothing to do with Chiken Teriyaki) and he loved it when Oikawa sang ya yo necesito otro beso, uno de esos que tú me da’, estar lejos de ti es el infierno, estar cerca de ti es mi paz as he wrapped his arms around Iwa-chan, smiled tenderly and looked at him lovingly before kissing him.
Although, when it was discovered that Rauw hurt Rosalía and they broke up, Oikawa (after venting his anger towards the male singer on his social networks) banned the album because in this house we don't tolerate infidels, Iwa-chan and replaced the RR album with the single LLYLM, with that fragment that Oikawa liked a lot and, during an April night, curled up on the small sofa on the balcony under the dark blanket of the sky, Hajime sang to him, low and soft, with an accent in his Spanish ay dame esa pulsera de flores, me la pondré en la muñeca, cuando despierte, así yo lo sabré, así yo lo sabré, yo sabré que fue real, será mi totem, lo sabes tú y nadie más.
But, instead of a flower bracelet, Iwaizumi carefully slipped a gold wedding ring onto Oikawa's ring finger and he, when noticed it, lifted his head from Hajime's chest, blinking in perplexity when he saw the jewel wrapped perfectly around his finger.
Is this...?
He shot his gaze towards Iwaizumi with a whirlwind of dizzying emotions swirling in his chest, where his heart was pounding so hard it could shatter ribs and pierce skin.
Hajime looked back at him, his olive green eyes shining with happiness in its purest state, and he widened his smile, that smile that expresses so much and brings out his dimples.
"Will you marry me, Tooru?" he asked him softly in Spanish, his voice trembling lightly, charged with the same emotions that stirred the setter.
Oikawa opened and closed his mouth, but the words caught in his throat, his lower lip began to tremble, his eyes to mist over before tears began to overflow and his cheks and nose began to blush. Tooru only managed to sob before he threw himself on top of him completely, hiding his face in Hajime’s shoulder, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck and sliding his legs on either side of his hips. Iwaizumi’s strong arms immediately wrapped around Oikawa, aligning their hearts in that hug, bringing him the warmth, comfort, and security that Tooru grew up with.
Hajime was Tooru’s home that always kept its doors open for him.
"If I'd known you were going to propose I would have taught you Taylor Swift's discography." He whispered when finally found his voice and Hajime let out a wet laugh, his hand never having stopped stroking Oikawa’s back while the other still clutched at his waist.
"So that's a yes?" he asked and Oikawa sniffled, lifting his head to look him in the eye.
He smiled, with that cute curve to his lips that forced his eyes to narrow like half-moons and his reddened nose to wrinkle tenderly.
"As Rosalia sang at an awards ceremony" Tooru cleared his throat and Hajime laughed again before his boyfriend (now fiancé and forever his soulmate) cradled his face in his soft hands, his thumbs caressing his cheeks as their eyes met again "Si me das a elegir, entre tú y la gloria, pa’ que hable la historia de mí, por los siglos, ay amor" He inclined his head, nuzzling his nose with Iwaizumi's, who narrowed his eyes, lowering his gaze to those glossy lips that curved upwards "I'm staying with you" He finished in Japanese and Hajime mirrored his smile before their mouths melted into a kiss charged with all the love they had sown since they were two years old.
The same love that today, at the age of 29, blossoms like every spring in an explosion of colours and shapes.
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randombush3 · 7 months
hello dear author, an idea for chapter 5…. There is a song in Spanish called "Un millón como tú" by Lasso ft Cami. There is a verse that goes "Esta canción nunca debió Hablar tan mal de tú y yo Pero aquí estoy, pluma y papel Tratando de serte cruel Y todo porque mis amigas Celebran felices que ya tú no estás Dicen que ya no te llame Que me busque a otro para olvidar Me repiten, repiten que..." I think it fits the story quite well, or at least I thought of the story when I heard it. Here's the link if you want to check it out: https://open.spotify.com/track/619zlIsV7csW2h2narAoPC?si=eedd8adfcd534195 https://genius.com/Lasso-un-millon-como-tu-lyrics
i just listened to it and she sings with SO MUCH passion
love it love it, added to my favs
thank u very much for the suggestion ❤️❤️
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daintyduck99 · 2 years
Aaaaah too many good prompts!!
"none of what you said made any sense, i can't believe they have you this flustered." for rulie? because honestly I could see that being either of them.
Reggie is so screwed.
Hell, he only knows about the quiz because Kayla tipped him off, and he doesn't need to flip through his notes to know that they're basically useless, obscured by doodles of a curly-haired angel with a gap-toothed grin. He racks his brain, but he can't remember what they've been covering. Some new kind of verb?
He only remembers the way Julie's fingers had brushed against his when she handed him his pencil, the soft glow of her eyes in the afternoon sun and the violent case of butterflies she'd set off in his stomach.
Reggie groans at his lunch.
"I'm gonna fail Spanish."
Luke pats his cheek. "That's ironic, buddy."
"What—why are you misquoting Avatar The Last Airbender at me?"
Bobby snorts as he peels his orange, glancing at Reggie with a quirked eyebrow.
"Maybe because the girl you're half in love with is effortlessly fluent. Just a thought."
He blushes, letting out an undignified little noise that some might call a squeak.
"I'm not in love with her!"
"Not yet," Alex says with a shrug, "but she's also the reason you can't focus. You have to admit that it's pretty ironic, Reg."
Luke claps his shoulder before Reggie can protest any further, smirking heavily.
"Don't look now, bro. She's coming."
He whips his head around, cursing himself when they make eye contact. Of course he chose to look the one time Luke wasn't bluffing. She simply smiles and waves, increasing her pace ever so slightly.
He's still trying to decide if it would be weird to turn back around or not when she's standing right in front of him, hugging some notebooks to her chest and looking downright radiant in her yellow dress. There's a matching ribbon that's been braided into her hair, and her smile only serves to soften her impossibly warm eyes. She literally seems heaven sent.
He gapes at her like an idiot as she shines on him expectantly, and Luke thumps him on the back. He clears his throat.
"Sorry, um. What was that?"
Julie giggles. "I asked you if you were ready for Spanish. I heard that Mrs. Cutright is springing a quiz on us."
"Yeah—I mean, no—um—necessitas—shit—necess—ito—usar—uh—"
She rescues him with a shake of her head and a sweet smile as she gently says, "Necessitas mis notas?"
"Yes!" He angles his body to look at her better, nodding rapidly. "Si, no se—shit—se no hago—fuck it—you're an actual angel, I owe you—my firstborn, whatever you want."
She smiles at the ground and slowly looks at him again, peeking through her lashes.
His heart is bound to burst.
"Gracias, Reggie. Pero empecemos con una cita. Noes niños. Bueno?"
He nods dumbly again even though he has no idea what she just said beyond his name. His stomach flutters at the way her tongue had curled around the letters. He wishes he could say her name half as prettily, but if he could he probably wouldn't be worried about failing.
She laughs again, bright as bells, and offers him one of her notebooks. Their fingers meet, effectively gluing his tongue to the roof of his mouth, but she's unbothered, tossing out what he's mostly certain is a cheerful goodbye before she starts to walk away.
"Me llames!" she calls over her shoulder, then she disappears into the throng of students, leaving him clutching her notebook and what little sanity he still has.
Bobby's the first to break the silence.
"Wow. None of what you said made any sense. I can't believe they have you this flustered. You've known her since we were what, seven? Eight?"
"I always get this flustered!" Reggie defends. "Resident disaster bi, remember?"
Luke hums, swiping a fry from Reggie’s tray. "He has a point, B. I'm sure the whole half in love with her thing only makes it worse, though. Or the boner for romantic languages. Actually, now that I think about it, he was doomed from the start."
Reggie squawks. "I do not have—"
Luke cups his face and locks eyes with him, crooning quietly in French.
Thankfully, Luke has mercy on him and releases him without any more teasing, letting him shove his tray away and press his face into the cool metal of the table.
"Yeah, speaking of which, do you have any idea what Julie said to you, Reg?" Alex asks. "Because if she always talks to you like that, no wonder you're such a wreck."
Luke agrees. "She was definitely flirting with him. I only told him my omelet order."
Reggie lifts his head to look at Alex.
"What did she say to me?"
"Okay, well, you definitely said something about how you were going to give her a child in one way or another—after butchering some basic Spanish—and she was teasing you, saying you should start with a date."
Reggie groans, but Alex keeps talking.
"I mean, she also told you to call her. So I think you're fine. She's obviously into your whole disaster bi thing."
Oh. Oh!
"Maybe just look at her notes before it fails you," Bobby adds, effectively bringing him crashing back down from cloud nine.
That's okay, though. He scrapes by.
He's much more fluent by the time that first baby arrives.
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aerialsupernova · 1 year
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Te llame~ Para vernos~ Se me ocurren tantas cosas~ Empezar por juntarnos para no~ Hacer nada~ 🎶 I don't know why but I always thought this song was pretty psychedelic on it's own.
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idv-askchaoticduo · 1 year
It took a few hours for Gabriel to be aware of the fight Lawrence had with his carbon copy, hell he wasn't even aware that his evil twin was in the manor! The "fill this papers up" part of his work clashed with his "fuck around and find out" part of it, so when he did found his beloved gambler was all beaten up he had to go see him (while ignoring his sister's threats).
His first instinct was to search in his room to no avail, running around the manor in his messy state, just flinging random doors open in hopes of finding Law and he did. He found Law in the infirmary, mostly patched up already. The informant looked him up and down from the where he was standing, a look of utter worry painting his features. He started walking closer to the gambler and grabbed his chin, turning it to see his cuts and bruises.
³3⊡‿⊡³ " ¿Que mierda te paso? ¡¿TEduele,necesitohaceralgo,tengoquellamaraAnna!?."
He said, grabbing the other by the shoulders and shaking him as gently as he could without smashing his brains. He didn't worry of hiding how altered his voice was, having forgotten off gis glasses let him see into Lawrence's face more clearly.
me demoré un ratito 🥺🥺
The gambler was more focused on his bandaged hand, he thought he almost broke one of his knuckles. It reminded him of his life outside the manor and how he got himself involved in fights just to protect himself and Samantha. He sighed and closed his eyes in peace...
Or so he thought before the hand and voice of certain blonde snapped him quickly out of it. Poor Lawrence couldn't mutter a word, feeling completely embarassed. He placed his hands on Gabriel's shoulder to stop him from shaking him more. "¡Mi amor! Una cosa a la vez porfavor.. Aun me duele la cabeza." He said while moving his hands to cup the other's face. "Aun duele, No necesito que hagas nada Y por amor a Dios no llames a Anna-" He wasn't sure on how he found out about his state, but he liked the fact that he was concerned for him. Lawrence pulled The Informant in for a hug, laughing quietly to himself. "Perdón por preocuparte... Y por cierto, ¿Donde estan tus anteojos? ¿No los necesitas para ver?"
----Spanish translations---- "My love! One thing at a time please… I still have a headache." "It still hurts, I don't need you to do anything. And for God's sake don't call Anna-"
"Sorry for worrying you... And by the way, where are your glasses? Don't you need them to see?" [@bloody-duo Pero que gays]
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kasiobite03 · 1 year
1:13:50-1:16:00 ROIER DIA 5
"Se esta riendo quackity, se esta riendo quackity. Esta bien. Esta bien. Yo confi en ustedes yo confi en quackity también, yo también confi en quackity yo llame a mi licenciado en confianza, menos nace un villano, se sigue riendo, se sigue riendo q me morí, esta bien, [...] Esta bien, sabes q ni siquiera me duele tanto haber perdido a mi perro. Era nuevo. Me duele mas, el haber perdido la confianza con ellos, me duele mas q me an traicionados a si, q sean puesto de acuerdo, se an puesto de acuerdo para traicionarme. Mas lo pensé de quackity, menos de spreen. Perdi 40 levels, perdí a mi perro, y seguramente, perdí a dos amigos. Q es lo q mas me duele. Si el quiera dinero se le puede haber dado. Espero q le vale mas la pena ganar ese dinero ahora q perdió mi amistad."
"quackity's laughing, quackity is laughing at me. It's all right. It's okay. I trusted you guys, I trusted quackity too, I trusted quackity too, I trust quackity too. I called my lawyer in trust, *strange voice* a villain is born from less, he keeps laughing, he keeps laughing that I died, it's okay, […] It's okay, you know it doesn't even hurt that much to have lost my dog. He was new. What hurts me more, is to have lost trust with them, it hurts me more that they betrayed me, that they agreed, they agreed to betray me. I thought it more likely from quackity, less from spreen. I lost 40 levels, I lost my dog, and for sure, I lost two friends. That is what hurts me the most. If he wanted money I could have been given it. I hope that the money was worth it, now that he's lost my friendship."
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strugglingwitch · 2 years
costar says that i’m struggling with routine right now and she couldn’t be more right. Desde que me salí de trabajar del hotel, simplemente no he sido capaz de tener una maldita rutina o de siquiera levantarme temprano todos los días... pero he estado mejorando. Me metí a clases de yoga en línea para tener algo que me motivara a levantarme en las mañanas y que no fuera tan difícil, la clase es a las 8:30 am, trato de levantarme por lo menos tres veces a la semana pero creo que hasta ahora no lo he logrado ninguna semana y ya llevo casi dos meses.
La verdad es que desde que me salí del hotel, sabía que no me iba a poner a buscar trabajo right away porque tenía varios pendientes que quería hacer que sabía que no tendría tiempo de hacer once i got a job... I wanted to write, me urgía aterrizar o al menos concientizar todas las ideas que han estado dando vueltas en mi cabeza por tanto tiempo que no me dejan hacer nada; I can’t focus on anything because there’s too much going on in my mind, so before i do anything i need to get that out first.
No tengo idea de qué va a pasar con mi vida, he estado preguntándome si voy a conseguir trabajo y si sí de qué sería. Siento que no hay nada viable que me llame la atención, tengo algunas cosas en mente que podría intentar... I guess if none of them works it’s because the universe wants me to keep studying (?) I mean... I don’t really want to work, I would love to just dedicate my life to writing whatever the fuck I want, grocery shopping, making art, learning new things... you know, I feel like none of the things I enjoy is able to provide me with money... maybe that is a self sabotaging belief or maybe it is just the reality. I don’t think I would be mad if I found myself having to dedicate my life to cooking, cleaning and raising a child.
Antes pensaba que jamás iba a querer tener hijos, nunca jamás me hubiera imaginado que esta Cecilia podría dedicar su vida a ser mamá y ama de casa pero eso era antes de que entendiera cómo funciona este mundo. En mi cabeza de veintidós años la vida iba a ser muchísimo más fácil y maravillosa, for a long time I thought it was the opposite, turns out que no es ninguna de las dos. Creo que si eres un ser humano eres capaz de encontrar la manera to be fulfilled in this life and the answers lie inside you, sin embargo the world we live in kind of walks in the opposite direction que la espiritualidad so everything can get very motherfucking confusing but I swear to god that you can find peace, it won’t be easy but you have to trust the cosmos.
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hiphoprolli · 2 years
Babies head shapes when to worry
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In more severe cases, your child's doctor may prescribe a special helmet that helps distribute pressure around your baby’s head. In such cases, head flattening typically improves through successful treatment of the torticollis. Infants with torticollis require physical therapy to stretch and straighten the neck. A starting point in treating plagiocephaly is placing your baby onto his or her side or stomach during waking hours to relieve pressure on the side or back of the head. Treatment for head shape abnormalities varies depending on the specific anomaly and its cause: Doctors may also use medical imaging such as traditional X-rays or computed tomography (CT) to make a diagnosis. Children with this condition may also have low hairlines and short or fused fingers.Ī craniofacial surgeon will obtain your child’s medical history and complete a detailed physical examination to diagnose a head shape abnormality. In addition to affecting the position of the eyes, Saethre-Chotzen syndrome may also affect the position of the nose. Children with Pfeiffer syndrome may also have crowded teeth along with thumbs and toes that appear broadened and an abnormally shaped forehead or nose. Children with Crouzon syndrome may have craniosynostosis, midface hypoplasia and mild exophthalmos. Children with Apert syndrome typically have craniosynostosis, midface hypoplasia (underdevelopment), increased intracranial pressure, exophthalmos/proptosis (bulging eyes) and syndactyly (webbed fingers or toes). Patients with this condition have craniosynostosis and associated anomalies involving the face and extremities, which can also affect the shape and placement of the eyes and development of the upper and lower jaw. Non-syndromic craniosynostosis is the most common form and is most often characterized by an isolated single suture synostosis. Craniosynostosis can be classified as non-syndromic and syndromic. If this condition is not treated, it causes pressure inside the head along with head deformity, developmental delay and, in some cases, seizures. This leads to an abnormally shaped skull. This condition is called craniosynostosis. If one of these sutures fuses too early, growth cannot continue in that area. The skull is made up of many bones that fit together like a puzzle, and the place where the bones eventually grow together is called a suture. When this happens, one area of your child's It is also possible for a tight neck muscle to cause torticollis (a persistent twist of the neck to one side). Car seats, strollers and other carriers often position babies in this way, too. This can be due to recommended safe sleeping guidelines, which promote babies lying on their backs for extended periods of time. Babies with plagiocephaly often have noticeable flatness on the back or sides of their head, and there is typically little hair in those areas. This condition is called positional plagiocephaly (skull molding) and is one of the most common forms of abnormal head shapes. Constant pressure in one area of the skull can change the skull's shape. The bones that make up a baby’s skull are thin and flexible. There are several types of head shape abnormalities. Vea las medidas de seguridad, la política de uso de mascarillas y las directrices de visitas. Medidas de seguridad en Riley Children's HealthĮstamos adoptando medidas reflexivas para garantizar que nuestros espacios sigan siendo seguros para los pacientes, los padres y los cuidadores. Varios centros de vacunación contra la COVID-19 atienden sin cita previa. Para programar una cita, llame al 211 o visite la página ourshot.in.gov. La vacuna COVID-19 está disponible para cualquier persona mayor de 6 meses. View safety measures, mask policy and visiting guidelines.ĬOVID-19: Vacunas, políticas para visitantes y más We are taking thoughtful steps to ensure our spaces remain safe for patients, parents and caregivers. Safety Measures at Riley Children’s Health Several COVID-19 vaccine locations also offer walk-in appointments. To schedule an appointment, call 211 or visit ourshot.in.gov. The COVID-19 vaccine is available to anyone 6 months and older. COVID-19: Vaccines, Visitor Guidelines & More
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startuprolli · 2 years
Access my medical records
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How do I request my child’s paper medical records? Once the patient’s account is established, the patient may then share his or her health record with others, if they choose to do so.įor assistance with a My IU Health patient portal account, both team members and patients can contact the My IU Health Patient Portal Support team at 317.963.1661 from 8 am to 4:30 pm Monday – Friday (excluding major holidays).Both patient and parent or guardian must both be present in the office to establish this access.A consent form must be signed and stored in the patient’s medical record. Patients between the ages of 14 and 17 can create their own My IU Health account with the approval of a parent or guardian.On the patient’s 14th birthday, the parent or guardian’s access to the patient’s health record is automatically terminated.Note: Registering for an account does not require the parent or guardian to be a patient of IU Health. Once the parent or guardian has their own account, he or she can “Request Access to a Child” through the Manage Account section of their account.If a parent or guardian does not have their own My IU Health account, he or she can request access during a patient’s office visit.The child’s health record is only accessible by a parent or guardian. Patients under the age of 14 may not create their own My IU Health account.Before you create an account, please take note of the following differences to the normal sign-up process depending on the age of your child. IU Health and Riley Children's Health takes particular care to ensure the safety and security of our pediatric patients. With a My IU Health account, you can access to an electronic version of your child's medical records immediately. Vea las medidas de seguridad, la política de uso de mascarillas y las directrices de visitas.Īccessing Medical Records with My IU Health Medidas de seguridad en Riley Children's HealthĮstamos adoptando medidas reflexivas para garantizar que nuestros espacios sigan siendo seguros para los pacientes, los padres y los cuidadores. Varios centros de vacunación contra la COVID-19 atienden sin cita previa. Para programar una cita, llame al 211 o visite la página ourshot.in.gov. La vacuna COVID-19 está disponible para cualquier persona mayor de 6 meses. View safety measures, mask policy and visiting guidelines.ĬOVID-19: Vacunas, políticas para visitantes y más We are taking thoughtful steps to ensure our spaces remain safe for patients, parents and caregivers. Safety Measures at Riley Children’s Health Several COVID-19 vaccine locations also offer walk-in appointments. To schedule an appointment, call 211 or visit ourshot.in.gov. The COVID-19 vaccine is available to anyone 6 months and older. COVID-19: Vaccines, Visitor Guidelines & More
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llaevateinn · 7 years
why did i have to choose the most obscure topic ever wHY GLOMALIN?
“ a glycoprotein produced by hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi “ wELL SHIT
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divinegrey · 2 years
𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜'𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜 / 𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚗𝚊 𝚡 𝚐𝚗!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
yeah idk what happened here LMAO just have it
prompt: On an assigned mission from Brimstone, you and Reyna are sent to scout the party. You just want to complete the objective and go home. Reyna has... other ideas.
words: 1769
warnings: sexual themes, reyna being reyna (which is to say, flirty as hell), drinking
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This is certainly out of your comfort zone. 
You clear your throat, leaning against a wall as you survey the party in front of you. On the basis that you’re fluent in plenty of languages, Brimstone chose you to come to this… gathering. You’re not exactly happy about it, considering these kinds of things aren’t your scene in the first place, but whatever Brimstone says is final. 
“Seen anything interesting yet, pequeño?” 
There’s the other part of your problem. Brimstone made Reyna go with you. 
“No,” you reply, your voice drifting to the earpiece plugged in. Adjusting the velvet of your blazer, you glance over to where Reyna is sitting. By herself, on a plush red sofa, overlooking the dance floor as heavy Latin music fills the space. “People are getting drunk. That’s about it.” 
“You must not be looking hard enough, then. Don’t you feel how alive this party is? How everyone is dancing? The way their souls smell so good~” 
“Can you focus, please?” You say, feeling a little uncomfortable at the way Reyna all but groans on the couch, followed by some sharp laughter. There are dozens of people here, chatting and talking and dancing to the music, but it feels like you and Reyna are the only two people in the room, the way her piercing radiant stare never leaves yours. 
The way she holds herself is a mark of how powerful she is. The people gathered know that too, knowing well enough to stay away from her. Power is something Reyna holds at her fingertips, something that cascades along the dark ink of her shoulder in an ombre of dark to pink, then back to dark again. 
You bring your drink to your mouth, finding respite in the ice and in the burn of the alcohol going down your throat. 
You don’t have any problems with Reyna, per se. She has problems with you, given the fact that you’re just a plain old human compared to her Radiant gloriousness. More or less, though, she likes to hold it over your head. It’s infuriating, and you wish— you just fucking wish you could walk over and knock her down a peg. 
“If I have something on my face, you could at least tell me,” Reyna says, her voice cutting through your thoughts. You exhale, pulling your eyes away and going back to your drink and surveying the atmosphere. “Oh, don’t be coy. It’s okay, you can admit it. I’m beautiful, I know.” 
“You’re full of yourself,” you bite back. 
A chuckle. You watch Reyna raise her brow, leaning back on the sofa and spreading her bare arm out. The gold cuffs around her wrists sparkle, and you watch as pink light slides up her arm, through the dark lines of her tattoo, and to her chest, where light flares underneath the rich purple fabric. 
“Oh, am I now?” Reyna cocks her head to the side. “Come here.” 
Her eyes grow brighter. “I won’t ask again, pequeño. Come. Here.” 
Fucking hell. You hate this. 
You hate that you’re pushing yourself off the wall, you hate that you’re walking over to her. The music beats harder, filling your veins with something heady that you can only blame on the alcohol you’ve been drinking all night to avoid having to think about the stupid mission you’re supposedly here for. Reyna’s maroon-painted lips quirk up as you approach her. You hate how she looks so fucking smug when you stand at the foot of the sofa she sits upon. 
“Do I have to tell you to do everything? Sit down.” 
You sit down. A respectable distance from her, but you feel her finger dip into the collar of your blazer. 
“Why so far, pequeño?” Reyna whispers, the pink ends of her hair sliding over her shoulders with her head twisting to look at you. 
In response, you say, “No me llames así. Are you allergic to using my name?”
She laughs. “No, but it’s fun seeing your face get red. So easy to anger, are you?” 
“We’re here for a reason.” 
“A shitty one. C’mon, do you think we’re actually going to learn anything at this party? Brimstone hooked onto Cypher’s lead too early. Now we’re both here, and you’re having a piss-poor time when you should be dancing,” Reyna says. She leans over, puts her hand on your thigh, and (damn her Radiant strength) pulls you closer to her. She crosses her leg over the other, locking in your leg with her calf. 
“This doesn’t feel like dancing,” you whisper, keeping your eyes straight ahead. You clutch your drink tightly. 
“I didn’t say you had to be dancing right now,” Reyna says, her voice on the shell of your ear. You shut your eyes, willing yourself to keep your hands still (instead of the alternative, which is strangling her). “You can dance later. At least keep me company, cariño.” 
Reyna and her stupid, stupid nicknames. 
“There are a dozen people at this party who would love to keep you company,” you remark, not noticing Reyna pulling out your ear comms until there’s the faint pop of the seal breaking. You say nothing about it. “Don’t you see them frothing all over you?” 
“They’re boring,” Reyna replies, throwing the earpiece onto your lap, into your hand. It’s followed shortly thereafter by hers, and you hear the faintest sound of someone talking to you both through it. Brimstone, maybe. Or Cypher. Either way, you don’t care. Not one bit. You curl your fingers over them. They’re not needed. 
“Boring? And I’m not? I’m just a mortal to you. A human,” you say, keenly aware of how close your faces are to each other. She smells like the expensive brand of whiskey, the stuff you could only ever buy one glass of before your wallet hurts.
Her hand rests on your chest, then moves down, pulling the button on your blazer to open it. Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head— you didn’t wear much underneath the blazer due to the temperature, but Reyna doesn’t seem to give a rat’s ass about it. Her palm burns on your stomach. 
“Don’t you know?” Reyna tilts her head to the side, the hairs on the back of your neck prickling up at the sensation of her breath. “You’re the only one who can keep up with me, cariño.”
“Am I?” The question comes out breathless. The tension is electric, racing down a livewire between the two of you, so much so to the point where you think if you don’t look away, you’re going to combust. 
You turn your head, bringing your drink to your lips. The cold liquid is a balm to how fucking hot you feel everywhere. This isn’t even close to what you were expecting to happen. You feel like you should hate yourself because Reyna has always not liked you, and yet, here she is, curled over you like a predator on top of her prey. 
“Reyna…” you whisper, fingers gripping the glass cup. The condensation runs down your wrist, dipping under the sleeve of your blazer. 
“Quiet, cariño,” Reyna says. “Looking downright sinful in this jacket.” 
“People are looking,” you say, doing your best to keep from squirming under the attention. 
“Don’t care.” Reyna’s curt reply shoots up your spine like ice. “What was poor Brimstone thinking, sending you with me when you look like this?” 
“What happened to glaring daggers at my head every time I showed up anywhere?” You ask softly, recounting all the times Reyna would turn her nose up at you. You know you’re not Radiant, but you’re still a valuable agent regardless. Reyna just… made you feel less so.
“Do you know how difficult it is to be near someone who always smells so good? Whose soul I want a taste of so, so bad, cariño?” 
The words are like a spark to a fuse. 
You turn your head, abandoning all thoughts of everything else around you. The only thing that becomes important is the feeling of Reyna’s lips on yours, and god, she’s devouring you whole. Easily, she dominates you, controlling the pace of the kiss with just a hand on your stomach, her nails scraping red lines into your skin. You clench your hand around the ear devices, opening your mouth when Reyna’s tongue slides across your lips. 
You give in, and it feels too good to be true. 
The bass from the music pounds in the back of your mind, almost in time with the quick beating of your heart. Reyna is everywhere, infiltrating every pore of your skin with that rich smell coming off her tan skin. She’s a duelist in every sense of the word; when you push, she pushes right back with more force, keeping you pinned to the sofa. So, you simply surrender and sink into the material, letting Reyna devour you in a different sense than she normally would. 
You hope. 
Reyna pulls your head back, her teeth scraping against your neck. You open your eyes, inhaling harshly, realizing just how many people are glancing over at you right now, watching this brazen display of heated passion. Reyna has that natural ability of drawing eyes toward her. No matter the situation or context.
“Reyna—” You exhale forcefully. “Lots of people. Don’t like it.” 
Her trump card lies in the fact that Reyna is terrifying. 
Reyna growls, pulling her head from your neck to scan the room. Like a wave, people turn away, fear trickling out into the room like a heavy blanket. Suddenly, everyone goes from being interested to giving you a ten-foot radius. You can’t help but be a little thankful for it, but then Reyna goes back to sucking your neck, and now you’re simply ascending through the clouds. 
“I’ve got half a mind to call this mission quits,” Reyna says into your ear, brushing back some of your hair to tug on your earlobe with her teeth. “What Brimstone doesn’t see, he doesn’t need to know.” 
“Wanna go somewhere quieter?” You say. She gives you a sharp grin and releases you from your prison. 
“No, cariño, we’re going to go dance, and then I’m taking you back to the HQ to fuck you until the sun rises,” Reyna says, every word a drawl from her mouth. It’s accented by some laughter, very classic coming from her, and you’re sure your entire body might as well just burst into flames. She stands up, and now you’re looking up at her. 
You take her hand, because who are you to say no?
~~~~~ A/N: listened to pa' mala yo by natti natasha for most of this. it was good as hell
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milomurphysblawg · 7 years
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I was watching the “Llama Incident” episode and noticed a little Easter egg. @imaginashon I wanna know who is responsible for this, because that was a pretty cool thing to sneak into the episode!!
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Find You
Character: James "Bucky" Barnes
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Pairing: White Wolf!Bucky x Photographer!Reader
Warnings ⚠️: Christmas Things. First meetings. Photography. New Avengers. White Wolf!Bucky. Post!FATWS. Fluff! So Fluff! Funny!
Inspired by: Al Aire - Morat
Author's Note: Hello, everyone! It's a long time that I posted something here and... I'm so sorry about that. But I don't feel good to write nothing this last part of the year.
The short version is that two of my cats passed away in less than three months and if you love pets, you'll understand the pain that I'm having right now. In this time have a depression a little bit rough.
And I didn't want to write nothing. Until now that I'll be coming back little by little.
And this is my little gift of Christmas for all of you, who has been like my stories, and always makes me smile when I'm down. So thanks you, thanks you for still reading my things and I hope that you like this one.
I love Christmas and this is my first fic in this time so... This is my "thank you" for all of you.
Thanks for all the replies, it means so much if you could say me if this likes you, and hello for my all my new readers and followers!!
I ❤️ you and thanks for the wait!
No llame para pedir una canción pero para hablarle no tengo otra opción porque ella muy probablemente está escuchando y yo de frente no me atrevo ni a empezar esta conversación...
- A cup of tea please, thank you.
I see the young woman leaves while I observe with a smile everything around me: If there is something that can brighten my day, it's Christmas. I don't know how long ago I began to be aware that I loved this party, but the idea of ​​the arrival of these parties makes me smile more than usual. Despite the fact that the last Christmas I would have liked to forget, the Christmas spirit takes care of making me smile against my will.
While I wait for my small tablet to recognize the memory of my camera, I see that people look with curiosity and surprise at my Christmas sweater, which the vast majority of people use on Christmas Eve, I use them every day. Who can blame me for loving those ugly Christmas sweaters?
The weak sound of digital connection takes me out of my thoughts and I am distracted for a second by the photos that appear on my screen, making a small and very audible sigh when my gaze goes to the first photo that appears and I know, that it's him because it was the last one I took.
My photography work for the local newspaper is a bit complicated, because since there are not other colleagues who can cover different events, I must be running from one side to the other, especially when important events occur on the same day, or to my misfortune on the same day, in the same moment. My work went from being on marches against tax increases, on climate change or some other important event to going on to photograph each event in which the Avengers are present.
And that if it was a complicated job, especially when it was not possible to photograph the entire formation in any of their interventions.
And that's when my real problem began ...
The first time I took a photo of him, it was by accident. I was on my way to a march on the rights of the LGTBQ + community but I came across a block of streets surrounded by policemen, where the colors of Captain America's suit could be seen a few meters away, as striking as if it were a lighthouse. With a simple touch of curiosity, I got close enough to the fence to take a photo, encouraged by the hidden fanaticism that I had for the group and which I would never admit in front of my loved ones, and when I take the photo, the object of my thoughts from then on passed in front of my camera lens as if trying to get my attention.
And boy he did, his gray suit clearly contrasted with the officers' dark blue suits, as well as contrasted with his short jet-colored hair, and I couldn't help but stare at him like an idiot until I pulled the trigger and made him a couple, well, several photos. I verified that the photos had turned out well and when I refocused it, the young man in the gray suit turned and stared in the direction of the camera, as if he were aware of my little disguised scrutiny, and the only thing I felt was the heat rising by my face and invading my entire body, as if it were setting me on fire, I know I blush and he just smiled before turning to whoever was calling him.
That moment of romantic platonic romance ended with a nothing delicate push from a group of young women who were trying to attract the attention of the heroes, some of whom responded with a handshake and the odd barely approached.
I left quickly and ran, as always, towards my original destination, but it was in vain because due to the impertinence of my best friend, who barely saw the photos on my camera, she sent a couple of them to my boss without my consent, which made her the "Official Photographer" of whatever had to do with the Avengers.
I knew that denying a little would not make my boss change her mind or even think about it, but I tried, although inside me the idea of ​​seeing the hero in the gray suit again was stronger.
- Here you go, Noelle - I take the cup that Corrine gives me and leaves two gingerbread man cookies on the table, but she stares at the photos for a few seconds smiling - What good photos, and what a beautiful male specimen.
We both laugh as I open the photo and refrain from closing it, because of the feeling of jealousy that suddenly overwhelms me.
- Is it the superhero halo that makes him more attractive?
I shake my head as I take a sip of my tea - If I'm honest, whether him is a superhero or not, if he passes me on the street, I turn to see him without hesitation.
The sound of the background music begins to diminish as the announcer talks about the holidays, upcoming events in downtown New York, the parades and about the songs that everyone dedicates to loved ones during the next hour.
"Here is the time to dedicate songs to our favorite people, those that we see every day, those that we cannot tell them what we feel up front or we want to pamper them at this beautiful time of year - I type the email for my boss where I am attaching a couple of the photos I took in the last Avengers appearance in New York and I stop writing when I hear that they talk about a regular listener who wants, again, to dedicate a song to a girl - And here is our daily listener, James. For those who don't know his story, I will give you some quick details about it: he has been calling for several weeks, we are going for the third month, if we take it that way, with the intention of locating a young girl with whom he was somewhat clouded and it should be clarified that our friend is very famous now, for which, he asked us for help to find her "
- That's adorable - Corrine puts her cup on the other side of my table and sits taking off her apron and tries to snoop on what I'm writing, but I move the tablet hiding the vision of my screen from her curious eyes - I hope he find her. .
- It's Christmas, everything is possible at Christmas - We both laugh as I press the send button and wait for the confirmation, which appears in green before closing the screens and returning to the photo that I am not going to send to my boss, the one of the blue-eyed superhero.
"So be kind and help in the search, or failing that, if you are there young lady, do us the favor of showing up and ending the agony of our friend who will be a good for all of New York"
The first chords of the song "Al Aire" by the Colombian band Morat begin to sound through the cafeteria speakers and a small silence is heard accompanied by a sigh before James begins to speak.
"Hello, I know this is not what I do best, because it is difficult for me to express what I feel, but this time I will say it, because something inside me tells me that you are listening to me. I know that you are somewhere around here and that the possibility of you hearing this is nil, but still I want to try. I'll tell you what I never had the opportunity to tell you up front because every time I try to get close to you, you run away who knows where. And that exasperates me - I let go a laugh while my friend turns the tablet towards her and begins to see the photos and again I focus on that voice that for some reason that I do not know, it seems familiar to me - I know, I know that you are a photographer and that you have been taking photos of my classmates, as well as I know that you have also taken pictures of me and I know that you only blush when you point that little blue polaroid-style camera at me. I saw you and since then, I can't get you out of my head, doll"
As soon as I hear those words, I feel that my heart stops beating, besides that I feel the gaze of several of those present at my table, more precisely in the case of the camera that is next to me. Corrine looks away from the tablet and looks at the camera on the table. My blue polaroid. I look at her for a second and she sees me with a wide smile as I shake my head like I'm a little Hawaiian doll in a car.
The strangest thought begins to bounce off the sugar and gingerbread walls of my brain: NOT ME.
- My God. Is that man talking about you?
- Of course not, there are many photographers in the city ... - I feel the heat begin to invade my face as I move my hands trying to hide the camera from some people who are trying to take photos.
This is not the Christmas I was looking to spend...
- You're blushing and I don't think all the photographs are with a blue polaroid-style camera ... Hell shit, it's you.
- No, it can't be me unless the speaker is ...
We both looked at each other as if the same flash of inspiration had hit us and at the same time, we looked at the camera screen where the photo of Captain America's partner is.
- The handsome man in the photo.
I am distracted from the murmurs around me by the doorbell of my cell phone where Rosie, my best friend, sends me a message about the radio transmission, asking the same question about whether the girl they are looking for is me, as well as the data of the superhero of the photo:
Your crush is called Sergeant (because you have to name his title, of course) James "Bucky" Barnes. Don't thank me, and I know you love me.
Not right now, Rose.
- How probably... is there that it's him and the one he's talking about is me?
- Only you know the answer ... And the sparkle in your eyes tells me that you know the answer very well.
- My God ... What trouble did I get into photographing the Avengers?
Corrine lets out a laugh and I focus again on the voice coming through the radio - "I've tried every radio station in New York trying to find you, or if someone knows you, but I can't figure out who you are. .. So, if you are listening, I want you to know that, as the song I want to dedicate to you says, I would change all the fame that I have just for a minute by your side to know your name and ask you on a date "
- Oh shit. This is better than the Christmas movies I watch every year.
- Shut up - I look at the photo one more time while I hear that Morat sings about a love at a distance that cannot be realized because fate did not allow the two people to meet again and I feel the need to see him, to know if the owner of that bearing of security and confidence that contrasts with the sadness in his blue eyes was the same one that spoke through those speakers.
- And that you waiting for? Call him!
- What the hell? I'm not doing it.
- Let yourself be carried away by the Christmas magic, Noelle. Who says you might be surprised by Santa Claus this year.
- You know, if she didn't show up until now, there's a very high probability that she either isn't interested in you, or hasn't heard the message - Bucky gives his partner and best friend a hateful look as they walk towards the exit of the 10th radio station they visited with the help of Sam's contacts in Manhattan - It would be easier to hear from her by sending someone from SWORD to investigate.
- I want to ask her out, Sam. Don't scare her away.
- But it would save us the waste of kitsch everywhere ...
The blue-eyed man lets out a sigh at the little gallantry and chivalry of his best friend towards women and he felt more out of place in 2025. But he knew that Sam was right, he had been looking for her for more than three months and there were no traces of her, only He would show up with his little blue camera whenever there were problems and the team was present.
Yelena had been the one who had made him notice that he was being watched and since then, he couldn't help looking at the young woman with that particular camera.
And still, he couldn't find her on the streets of New York.
- Let my boys find something Buck. Perhaps it is possible to find her faster ...
- I don't know, Sam I ... - The two stopped as soon as they heard a voice calling them, and Sam begins to smile assuming they are fans, but they relax when they see what one of the young people from the radio station is.
- Excuse me, but you weren't answering the calls.
- Hey, first breath and then speaks. What happen?
The young man looked at Bucky and indicated his cell phone.
- There was a response. A young woman called and left a message for you, James.
The two best friends looked at each other as Bucky took his cell phone out of his jacket and moved away from him to listen to the message.
"Eh ... Hello. My name is Noelle, and I would like to respond to the previous message ... Because I think, no, I suppose it is destined for me - Sam look at his friend leans against the nearest wall with his gaze lost in some point to the street and let out a sigh when I see the illusion on his face. What love does ... - And It's true. I took a picture of you in a scene where the Avengers were and ... I ran out because I was late to the march that I really had to cover. And yes, I like old things, that's why my blue Polaroid - Bucky hears that in the background, someone asks for a coffee and others talk about Central Park - Next time I won't run from you, White Wolf . I promise even though I never ran from you. I hope to see you again sometime, Merry Christmas"
Sam, who was waiting for the reaction of his partner, Bucky responded with a smile as he approached to shake the young man's hand - Thank you, really.
- You found her?
Bucky just nodded as he gave Sam the phone to listen to the audio - Tell me that are you sure she is, because there could be an entourage of women looking for you.
- It's her.
- Sure?
- Yes, because I never said that I am the White Wolf. Help me find her, Sam.
- Oh God of Christmas, help me with this.
- I'm coming for you, doll. And I'm going to find you.
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sanchosammy · 4 years
Wrong Calls
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Description: In a desperate attempt to find information about Pablo, you suggest your boyfriend Javier to see an old informant... Will you regret that decision? 
Warnings: Some cursing and a blink of sadness, and probably badly translated Spanish . that’s about it.
Number Count: 2,717
The fight with Pablo Escobar had been on pause. The DEA was stopped with a block in the road. That was hypothetically speaking, of course. Pablo had been quiet. Too quiet to say the least. He cashed out most people’s silence and it was clearly working out well for him so. No one could get information on him and nearly three weeks had passed.
As you can imagine, Murphy, Peña, and yourself had become restless from the free time.
This was too long without a move being made on the DEA’s part. Too much time wasted on waiting for an informant to finally come forward. You were like sitting ducks as you waited for someone to drop any information at this point.
Today you couldn’t take it anymore. You didn’t want to waste your time in the office looking over the same material you have studied for weeks. None of it would help you. It was all useless paperwork by this point. The sounds from the office had become more like mockery the longer you listened. You had never spent this much time in the building and it started to feel like your own personal hell.
That’s why you went home early. The boys could see it on your face when you practically stormed out without a word. That was an unusual move on your part, but they knew what was going on with you. You were beyond committed to this case. Javier and you had plenty of late night conversations about it. The both of you were in agreement, you and him were all in no matter the cost. You just wanted Pablo Escobar caught.
In the first year of working together, it was something you bonded over. You were hesitant in the beginning considering what you knew about Javier’s past, but he looked at you with such adoration that somebody would be a fool to deny that man was in love with you.
You had stolen his heart and he didn’t want it back by this point. As Murphy put it, Javi was whipped.
All three of you lived in the same apartment building. However, you found yourself in Javier’s apartment a lot more lately. You liked to clean it for him while he stayed late at work sometimes. It was something to distract you from the stress of work, and he made sure to reward you for your thoughtfulness later at night. You couldn’t complain about that.
You were in the process of cleaning the coffee table when the telephone rang. A part of you was hopeful it was Javier with something new at the office, life had been too quiet. You were grateful for some time to rest but your mind could never find ease with Pablo on the loose not paying for a single damn crime he committed.
You picked up the phone and fell backwards into the couch with a huff,  “Hello?”
A woman’s voice replied, clearly confused from the sound of her tone. “Hola, ¿es el teléfono de Peña?” (Hello, is this Peña's phone?)
When you heard the Spanish, you found yourself sitting up a little straighter in instinct. You knew Spanish somewhat. It wasn’t perfect by any means, but you had spent enough time in the country to have some of it down. Not to mention Javier constantly helped you practice in case you ever needed it.
“Sí, ¿puedo tomar un mensaje?” (Yes, may I take a message?)
She paused on the other end. From the silence you could tell she was weighing her options on what she wanted to do. She seemed uncomfortable with your presence on the phone.
“¿quién es?” (Who is this?) She asked.
Now it was your turn to weigh the options. This woman had to be someone outside of personal contacts. This wasn’t an old friend at all. Her hesitation and concern to put forth personal information was speaking volumes to you. She had to be an informant… Javier had a past with those before the two of you started dating.
You bit your lip and internally shamed yourself for what you were about to do. How could you even consider playing into the possibility of letting him see an old informant… and yet, you found yourself speaking the words without fully thinking it through.
“Soy la criada del señor Peña. ¿Puedo llevarle un mensaje?” (I'm Mr. Peña's maid. Can I take a message for him?) You asked in an almost customer service tone, playing into the stupid role you put yourself in. This was quite frankly embarrassing.
"¿Podrías hacer que me llame, decirle que es Tina." (Could you have him call me back, tell him it’s Tina.) You hummed in response and wrote down the name on the notepad.
“Sí, se lo haré saber de inmediato.” (Yes, I’ll let him know right away.)
She said her thanks before hanging up. You rubbed your faces in your hands, wanting the world to swallow you whole. You couldn’t believe what you were about to suggest.
You walked into the office and leaned against Javier’s desk. Tossing the paper in front of him silently, gaining the attention of not only Javier but Steve as well. Both had confusion spread across their faces.
“So, Tina called.” You commented and looked ahead at the wall. Murphy’s eyebrows shot up as he let out a low whistle. A polite way of saying ‘you’re in for it now, buddy.’
“What?” Was all Javier could ask as he looked at the paper then back at you.
“Yeah, she called when I was at the apartment. I think she has information about something, but you weren’t the one to answer the phone so…” You shrugged before looking at him. It was almost a little humorous how taken aback he seemed.
He hadn’t seen any of those informant’s in months. He had remained completely loyal since day one of the relationship, and you knew that without a doubt. That’s why he looked so dumbfounded to hear one of the girls contacted him after nearly six months of silence on his end.
“What did you say to her?” He asked like an animal who just saw the light of day for the first time.
“Well…” You weren’t proud of this, and you had to swallow some pride to say it. “I told her I was the maid, truthfully.”
Murphy was the first one to react, his laughter filled the room. You looked over and gave him a lopsided grin in response. It was such a joke of how far this had gone, but you couldn’t ignore the humor of it all. Javier’s girlfriend pretending to be a maid to his old prostitute, now that was a story to tell in the future.
“No kidding, you are something else (Y/N).” Steve was shaking his head before enjoying his coffee.
“Why the hell would you do that?” Javier asked, baffled as he failed to light his cigarette. The lighter not working with him.
“Look, Javi, we need something. We are sitting here wasting our fucking time while Pablo is out there continuing his bullshit. We need something, we need our in.”
Javier leaned back in his seat with his arms crossed. You noticed Murphy from the corner of your eye watching the scene intensely interested where this was heading.
“Tina isn’t going to provide any information unless I sleep with her, you know that. I’m not going to get anything out of her,”
You nodded silently before mumbling you knew that already. When you looked up, his face said it all for him. He couldn’t believe you’d actually hint at him sleeping with someone. His eyebrows scrunched together and his voice was low “Are you seriously asking me to fuck Tina?”
“Well, I mean… I’m not asking necessarily, all I’m trying to say is we have limited options Javi.”
“No.” He immediately responds. Almost sounding a little angry with you.
“It’ll be a one time thing, Javi. You’ve done it before, what’s the big deal now?” You huff with your arms crossed now, looking at him with frustration.
“I wasn’t in a relationship back then, and now I am. That’s the difference. I’m not sleeping around to catch fucking Escobar.”
By this point Murphy at least had the decency to pretend to mind his business, but you knew he was still fully in the conversation as much as the two of you were. You were all close. Partners. Not to mention you lived in the same building, and would have double-dates regularly.
“You remember what you asked me? You asked if I was all in? Well, I am. I don’t want you to sleep with some street whore, trust me. But I know that I have to sacrifice my own happiness for the sake of catching this bastard.” You sighed and pulled yourself away from this desk. You returned to your seat and the silence seemed to consume the room.
No one talked for at least five minutes. Javier hadn’t moved in his chair, he remained leaning back in silence. The most noise was Murphy pretending there was something interesting about the file on his desk, but everyone in the room knew that Murphy read through all of that already. He was just trying to pretend like he wasn’t involved for the sake of privacy.
Javier cursed under his breath as he picked up the phone, Steve and you looking over at him waiting to see who he was calling. You had a suspicion but you needed a confirmation.
He was stressed out, you knew because he would take longer drags of his cigarette when he was unhappy. The smoke left his mouth as he replied in Spanish into the phone.
“¿Tina? Soy yo, Javier. ¿Qué tal las diez esta noche?” (Tina? It's me, Javier. How's ten tonight?)
Murphy looked at you in awe. He couldn’t believe you had convinced Javi to do this. His eyebrows were raised and he forced his mouth to remain shut before he could say something stupid.
Javier put the phone back on the hook before looking at you. “Ten tonight.” He said emotionless. He stood up from his chair and walked out of the room.
“You’re a crazy bitch, you know that?” Steve asked, looking at you. It wasn’t judgmental when he said it. He understood completely why you did this, he felt just as strongly about Pablo as you. However, he would’ve never asked his wife to sleep with someone for intel. You had taken this desire to a different level and he wasn’t sure if that was the most positive thing.
You were in Murphy’s apartment by now, a request made by Javier. He didn’t want you to be alone as this happened tonight, but you almost found yourself wishing you were. You sat on the couch uncomfortable with the thoughts looming in your mind
You recalled the conversation you had with Javi before you had left. He asked if you were sure about this several times, and you continuously said it was for the better good. You needed information and if that meant going behind the government’s back and working some magic, you considered it done. Javier was uneasy though. And that made you sit down to reflect on it all.
Had you taken this too far? Your boyfriend was downstairs fucking a woman named Tina… and you were the one who made it happen. He had done all of this before, when the two of you were simply coworkers you knew he fucked them for information. Why did it feel so much worse now though?
What if this changed your relationship? What if this reminded Javier why he didn’t want to be in a relationship in the past? What if she was better than you?
It all started to pile in. You felt a little queasy from the sudden rush of concern hitting you. You hardly noticed when the couch sunk next to you, it was Steve holding out a drink for you.
“I thought you could use this.” He commented and you noticed the beer in his hand. You mumbled a thanks before downing half of it. His hand patted your knee and you looked over at him.
“Do you think I made the wrong call?” You asked quietly. Worry starting to reveal itself in your eyes.
He looked at you and sighed, putting an arm around your shoulder and pulling you in. Steve was what you needed in a friend. He knew what you needed, when you needed it. He sorted out the few fights that happened between you and Peña. He was just an all around good guy.
“It wasn’t a call I would’ve made to be honest with you, (Y/N).” He sipped his beer and remained his stare ahead. You noticed Connie wasn’t around anymore, she must’ve gone off to bed early. You don’t even know why Steve stayed up to sit with you. Maybe he could see your self pity coming from a mile away before you did.
“Would it be horrible if I stormed down there right now?” You asked. He looked down at you and then finished his beer.
“Yeah, I’d say it’s probably already happening. Might as well just get the information at this point.”
You hummed in acknowledgment. You pondered it all for a minute. Do you just continue to let it all happen, or do you cut it off early? You sighed before downing the rest of the beer and handing the bottle to Steve.
“Another one?” You asked with a small smile. He nodded and understood, you’d need it tonight. He pulled himself from the couch and headed towards the fridge, what he didn’t know was you’d rush past him and out the apartment door the moment his back was turned against you.
You practically flew down the stairway, Steve close behind as he called your name frantically trying to get you to stop. You shoved the key into Javier’s doorway before nearly slamming the doorknob into the wall, screaming your head off as Steve came up behind you holding you from going in any further.
You were screaming something, it had all blanked out the moment Javier came from around the corner fully dressed and alone. “Hey, hey!” He yelled out grabbing your attention.
“Where is she?” You tried to catch your breath, Murphy still holding onto your arms not willing to let go in case you found the poor woman somewhere.
“She left. I couldn’t… nothing happened.” He commented quietly. He nodded to Steve to let go. “Goodnight Murphy,” Javier commented, walking him to the door before shutting it.
“Nothing happened?” You asked, confused. Javier was exactly as you left him. His hair still in the same position as before, his clothes not wrinkled in the slightest. He shook his head and pulled you by the arm to the couch.
“I couldn’t do it. I kissed her, and I just couldn’t do it.” He looked at you. His eyes were troubled and concerned, with a touch of disappointment. You found yourself relieved. How could you almost risk your relationship for fucking Pablo, hasn’t he ruined enough?
“I’m sorry, I just freaked out.” You whisper placing your face in your hands. He pulled you into his embrace instead, holding onto you as if you would keep him grounded into reality. He placed a kiss against your neck. A habit he started to do whenever work emotionally exhausted you.
“I’m never asking something like this from you again, I swear. I can’t imagine you with another woman.”
“Good because I can’t imagine myself with another woman either.” He chuckled but there was seriousness behind his words. He pulled you to face him before a quick kiss.
“I love you.”
The words were sweet to your ears. He had only said those words once when you were hurt during a chase, but it was something he was incredibly reserved to say.
“I love you too.” You smiled at him, your hands finding their way to hold his face. He was such a rough man. Hardened by his job, but something about you softened him. You let out a small laugh “Murphy’s right… you’re whipped.”
“Cállate, Cariño.” (Shut up, darling) He mumbled against your lips.
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