#lloyd x nari
howuart · 1 year
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Doodle dumb of my fave lovey dorks
alt under cut
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theirmindpalace · 1 year
Pas De Doux
On the house-part 1
Part one of a idk how many part story abt a boy and girl who meet at a coffee shop. she fell first he fell harder type beat i’d say lmao i already love these characters so so so much.
ballerina!oc x cc/barista!sapnap
i hope you enjoy!!!
Standing in a quaint cafe is a young girl, maybe 16 or 17 with impeccable posture, long red hair just dusting the arch of her back, light freckles dusted across her entire body and quite frankly looks a little like a Weasley character from Harry Potter; standing next to a short boy who looks a little under 14 years of age scrawny, honestly a bit like puberty won’t give him the time of day, dark brown almost black hair that covers his forehead as he stares forward sternly.
They’re in the line third from the front. the cafe is busy for its size probably because it’s lunchtime on the last day of winter break. Everyone is out talking to the friends they dislike so much that they put off meeting them until the very last day so they “don’t ruin the holiday spirit”
The caffe was on the bottom floor of an old victorian town house with big arched windows with glorious black metal work framing it to perfectly compliment the exposed brick wall. Underneath both windows were tables for 4 the chairs all look different giving the cafe the sense that it has been around forever. along the left wall were big soft couches of different colors and textures with coffee tables adjacent to them and bean bags opposite that.
The sound of the hustle and bustle of the cafe asks its desire to be homey, the sound of the coffee grinder, knives scraping plates, spoons mixing frothy drinks and people chatting and laughing.
“Narissa.” he says looking up at the girl to the left of him with a sense of pleading in his eyes, but no response
“Earth to Narissa Grimes, your brother is speaking to you?” still nothing. They step forward in the line now only two people from the front.
“Nari pleaseeeee, i didn’t mean to i swear” he knows what he did, he knows that he spilt orange juice all over her new pair of tights. Frankly he thought it was quite funny but the fact that his sister was now giving him the cold shoulder for his “mistake”, was not funny.
“Fine then be like that. i just won’t get you a birthday present then.” He scoffs looking at anything else but her, huffing every time he has to think about her.
“If you keep huffing like that Lloyd and I might think your the big bad wolf” Narissa chuckles to herself. He opens his mouth to retort but nothing. Until they got to the top of the line it was stale silence between them.
“Hi what can i get for you today?” The barista asked looking up at him customers. he looked around 17 however unlike Narissa’s brother he looked like he had a halo around his head that made his eyes twinkle in the light. Narissa if there’s any time to flirt it’s right now, the girl thought to herself.
“hi could i get a cheese toastie and a hot chocolate please?” she put on her best “i’m not trying to look sexy i am just like this all the time” smile however the boy looked unfazed.
“yes of course and anything for him?” the barista asked looking down at the scrawny boy
“no. no, thank you.” Narissa laughed nervously hoping he didn’t find her weird
“brothers” she said trying to calm herself
“oh yeah, well that’ll be $9.50 please then” she swiped her card in the machine
“thank you so much” Narissa said sweetly walking over to the collection point while her brother ordered from an old lady who was now working the till while Narissa’s soulmate made her sandwich and hot chocolate. Well maybe not her actual soulmate but a girl can dream.
“is that your only brother?” Narissa’s head snapped up to the voice, it was him. his voice was so smooth, everything he said came out like a prayer.
“oh I wish i have a baby baby brother and two older brothers” she couldn’t help but look down trying to compose her self as an angel talked to her
“do you have any brothers?” ‘Nari’ asked trying to act cool
“yeah a younger brother and an older sister, they’re such a hassle alll the time, you get me?”
“yeah i do, Lloyd actually-“
“Nick! stop flirting with every girl you see and work!!” the old lady rasped at him. Narissa looked over to her and in her peripheral she say Lloyd walking over to her smirking wiggling his eyebrows at her.
“sorry, better make your order before i’m fired” Nick chuckled wiping his hands on his apron that was tied around his waist.
“i’ll bring it down to your table for the hassle” he winked. A boy just winked at her. Even though Narissa though she was atractive, only creepy old men winked at her and that did not count.
“oh ok, yeah thanks”. Narissa couldn’t help but beam at him before he turned to go back to making her drink.
“sit” Narissa said gruffly pushing her brother onto a deflated yellow beanbag, frustrated that that old lady had interrupted her and Nick’s chat. She sighed trying to let out all of her frustration in one breath. it didn’t work
“if you keep on huffing like that i might think your the big bad wolf” her brother mocked her voice immaturely
“you’re going to end up 6 feet under some day and I’m not going to regret putting you there” the frustration in her voice rang through the air making it thick. But maybe not thick enough
“oh boo hoo, just because you lost your chance with the ming barista doesn’t mean that you can take it out on me” in that moment Narissa had never been more inclined to hit someone across the head, but decided against it.
“besides here he comes, can’t act depressed when lover boy is here” he bursts out laughing at his own joke making the ginger scowl
“hi here’s your chicken and bacon roll and hot chocolate” he put the plate and cup down beside Lloyd
“and for you a grilled cheese, a hot chocolate and a croissant” Narissa admittedly had been staring at him through her lashes this whole time but she hadn’t ordered that.
“oh i didn’t order-“
“compliments to the chef, it’s on the house.” he placed it all neatly in-front of her.
The girl was to stunned speak. and just sat their mouth slightly open in awe of this guy, this angel who was flirting. WITH HER. nick smirked at her knowingly and loving every second of it
“enjoy, let me know if you need anything” he walked away swaying his hips slightly the gingers eyes following him all the way back to the counter when she looked away not wanting to be caught.
that’s it for part 1 idk how lengths or anything goes but i think this is a good place to end it. the seccond part will kinda also be like this just introduction to some of the characters and stuff!!!
likes and reblogs for eternal cuddles from me <3
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cyberfairyblog · 3 years
I challenged myself to write precisely 100 words (because that's how much is in a drabble) for some of my many OC x Canon. Taken from my Quotev story
Warnings: Suggestive on last passage (characters are 18); other than that very wholesome & sfw
Fandoms: Sonic, Batman, Tmnt, Alpha Teens On Machines, Adventures in Odyssey, Ninjago, Bionicle, Ben 10, & Bionicle
Pairs: Kopaka x OC, Bruce Wayne x OC, Sonic x OC, Jason Whittaker x OC, Leonardo x OC, Ben 10000 x OC, Lloyd Garmadon x OC, Axel Manning x OC
Kopaka x Vella: Curiosity (LEGO Bionicle)
Perched atop the blossoming fruit trees, Vella watched Kopaka meditating by a river. The Toa were unlike any Matoran nor human she'd seen but they were open, honest, with nary a secret to tell. However, the way the Toa of Ice carried himself made her curious. He rarely spoke, expressed his emotions even less. 
If only he came with a manual, she pondered silently. 
"You might want to be mindful of your balance." 
The human woman nearly fell off the branch in shock. How did he even know she was there?
Toa of few words, yet filled with many surprises!
Lloyd Garmadon x Odette Manuku: Lies (LEGO Ninjago)
"Was it all a lie?"
Odette inhaled deeply at Lloyd's question refusing to look at those emerald eyes she'd come to love. After everything that happened, she couldn't risk angering Harumi. Not while her sister's life hung on a string. So she nodded back. 
Lloyd turned away in disgust. He knew not to trust that liar! He was a such a fool! Odette lowered her head in shame and held back tears. Even when he was whisked away by the guards to prepare for the ritual, she refused to cry until she returned to the cold solace of her room.
Sonic x Noelani: Swimming Lessons (Sonic the Hedgehog)
"Come on it is not that deep!" Noelani's accent thickened with growing irritation. 
Sonic peered into the water, his usual confidence quickly becoming undone by anxiety. Travelling in aquatic environments didn't automatically cure childhood phobias. 
"Unless you're scaredy-hog?" She teased, grinning slyly. The nomad shook his head in offense. 
"Hmph, as if!" Him? A guy who can take down whole fleets of badniks? Afraid? Well except Amy's mallet but that's beside the point. Throwing away his inhibitions he jumped into the water-
- and proceeded to freak out!
With a groan Noelani stepped into the kiddie pool to pull him out.
Jason Whittaker x Vanessa Marbles: Costume Party (Adventures in Odyssey)
"We come to suck your blood," Vanessa announced flashing a fanged smile as she and Jason strolled into the decorated lobby, dressed up as a vampire and Frankenstein's monster respectively. 
"Cool costumes," Princess Connie greeted them. She noticed the yellow bundle in Jason's arms. "And what's Junior supposed to be?"
The ex-spy grinned cheekily. "He's our little minion!" He held up his baby boy, who looked bewildered at his surroundings. "Of all the monsters on Earth you picked those ridiculous Minions?" Connie asked incredulously. 
"Ah come on he's a baby he probably won't remember this! Well I hope he doesn't."
Leonardo x Kaysha Wallace: Reunion (TMNT 2007) 
"I can't believe you started the party without me," Kaysha beamed excitedly. 
"Does it look like we're having fun?"  Leo shouted back as he evaded a punch and landed one of his own. The pink kunoichi chuckled before leaping out of the way to avoid metal to the face. Turtle and human boxed and weaved, avoiding every strike before coming together back to back. 
"I think this what Mikey refers to as old times," Leo remarked, unsheathing katanas. 
"I was gonna see you myself," she added gripping her matching blade. "I missed you."
Leo's heart melted. "I missed you too."
Bruce Wayne x Nicola Holden: Hostage Situation
Bruce analyzed the criminals forcing gala patrons to place money and other items into their bags. 
"Should we try to find an escape or wait for one of the Robins?" Cola whispered in his ear. He raised a brow. "One of?"
"I mean we have like five, I can't keep up with all of them!"
"I guess age is keeping up with you," he teased, an admittedly poor attempt to lighten the mood. 
"Hey! You two shut up!" 
Cola's fingers twitched on instinct to grab a batarang but relented when she felt a warm hand caressing hers. Be patient, love. 
Adult!Jora x Ben 10,000: The Ex (Ben 10 Original Series)
The cafe fell silent as the patrons gaped at the new customer. Noticing this, Jora peeked out from the cook's window, only to squeak and shrink back when she saw just who entered. Sitting at the counter with an awkward expression on his face, was none other than Ben Ten-Thousand. Her childhood friend, her teenage crush, and her ex. 
The hell he came here for?! Did Gwen spill the beans about where she worked? The last thing she needed was seeing the man who callously stomped on her heart. She bit her lip remembering their argument, his attitude, her tears. 
Axel Manning x Rosslyn Smith: Viewing (Alpha Teens On Machines) 
Rosslyn peered from her magazine taking a good look at Axel's abs while he trained by the outdoor pool She might spend her days behind a desk but she had fantasies too! And right now, all she wanted was to feel every ounce of smooth muscle of the martial arts prodigy. 
"Enjoying the view?" Her friend Lioness broke her out of her hormonal thoughts. Her face heated up in embarrassment. 
"No," the med student sputtered. "I was just....studying his moves that's all! So I could try them out on my own!" Lioness smirked and shook her head in amusement. 
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howuart · 1 year
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howuart · 2 years
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nari nari nari oh how I love you
anywho, Nari, the princess of a kingdom-I"ll figure out a name for it later falling for some random school boy who knows etiquette.
ok but I swear she wasn't suppose to be a Lloyd love interest just a one off girl, but lo and be hold she had a design and a fan season sort of, in an au I love that's angsty.
also this is the movie verse
Lloyd's not from the movie but every one else is.
oh and they have a baby dragon they take care of, she's a fire dragon.
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howuart · 2 years
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she's very in love, this is post their adventure, they's just hanging.
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howuart · 2 years
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Look over there!
I love these two<3
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