#lmao at you using communist like it was the worst thing someone could end up becoming
papirouge · 9 months
I hope every single unborn child you plan on saving by posting on the internet grows up to be a Pro Palestine Communist
Yes ! Rooting for them✨
Because as a real prolifer, I don't think someone's right to exist is conditional to their political beliefs or nationality
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bondsmagii · 7 years
Red, purple, crimson!
thank you!!
red: what are you most passionate about? how did this passion develop?
for an overall thing, I would say learning! I’m very passionate about finding new information, about pursuing my interests, and about understanding things as thoroughly as possible. I love learning new things and I love to end each day knowing that I know more than when I woke up. my dedication to learning also helps keep me in check: it constantly forces me to acknowledge when I might be being stubborn or proud, because to truly learn things we have to admit when we’re wrong and we cannot be afraid to ask questions or admit we don’t know things.
as for how the passion developed, I’ve always loved learning but (as I’m sure is true for a lot of people) the school system beat it out of me for a while. I didn’t do well in conventional learning environments and I didn’t like being told how to interpret things or that I was wrong when it came to things that should be openly interpreted. now that I’m older and I can learn what I went, when and how I want, that passion has come back. my biggest inspiration is probably the historical figures I learn about and the fictional characters I read about, who are all highly educated very often in multiple areas, and are incredibly hard-working. I try and emulate that, and the more progress I make, the more passionate I become!
purple: do you support the royalty? who is your favourite historical figure & why.
bruh the royalty question is so difficult for me because being British we’re huge on our royal family here. really they don’t do much, it’s mostly symbolic and we all follow their business like celebrity gossip, and on the surface it seems harmless. I’m interested in what their lives are like but as I’ve grown older and learned more I’ve become more and more ideologically opposed to them. I understand their significance but at the same time it seems very outdated, especially as the royals don’t have nearly as much power as they used to. it seems like a lot of money going to a lot of things that doesn’t really benefit the country, and like don’t get me wrong, I love adorable photos of George and Charlotte as much as the next person but :/ not sure I can back up the rest of it.
I have loads of favourite historical figures though! one of them is definitely Guy Burgess, who was a member of the notorious Cambridge spy ring during the early days of the Cold War. along with several others, Guy passed British secrets to the Soviets from the heart of the British establishment, including the BBC and Britain’s intelligence services. on top of that, he was an absolute madman. this was the 1920s to the 1950s, and certain… things were frowned upon then. like homosexuality, for example. it was a fact then that if you were found to be gay you could be fired from your job and ostracised from every social group you were part of. finding out a spy was gay was top notch blackmail, and indeed many gay Brits were blackmailed into spying by the Soviets in this way. Guy? he was the gayest man alive and everyone knew it. Guy informed everyone he met. he brought his boyfriends along to places and let everyone know they were his boyfriends. he was known as the most promiscuous man in London. friends said he practically invented homosexuality. everyone knew he was gay but no one could touch him. he didn’t give a shit. he just wanted to drink red wine, shag hot men, and be a communist. and he managed all of that quite thoroughly, thank you very much. 
crimson: have you ever broken bones? do you enjoy going to the dentist?
I’ve broken only a few bones in my time! a couple of toes, once because a horse stood on it and horses are heavy, and another time when I was playing hurling and someone either stood on it or hit it with a hurley stick, can’t remember which. it was small toes, so it was kind of uncomfortable for a few days and then healed on its own. I’ve also broken a rib when I got kicked in the chest pretty hard. that was slightly more inconvenient. it didn’t affect my breathing so I didn’t bother going to the hospital. I just suffered.
as for the dentist, I. do not like them lmao. I don’t like people fiddling around with my mouth and thanks to my wisdom teeth never being able to decide if they’re coming or going, I’m usually never there for anything fun. the last time I went, I had to get a bad infection of my wisdom tooth cleaned out without anaesthetic. it was probably the worst pain I’ve ever experienced, and I have a very high pain tolerance and have experienced some nasty injuries including large second-degree burns and being hit by a train. tooth getting cleaned out was worse than both of those combined.
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