#lmao the tumblr keyboard broke
mochiajclayne · 1 month
Thought you might enjoy this if it hasn’t been all over your for you already 👍
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batfamscreaming · 10 months
2, 12, and 31 for Deku?
this is difficult because even though I like bnha pretty well, I am.... it is not a fandom I will be touching much lmao 2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
I think the "vicious/feral" deku headcanon are ridiculous. This man isn't plotting shit he's a wrecking ball. "but he's smart!" He broke his arms three times and THEN considered "maybe I should use my legs instead" he is not smart. He has bullshitted his way through life with almost -15% of a plan and it's worked out 'meh' so far. This is excusable because he's like. Fucking fifteen.
12. Crack headcanon
if Knuckleduster ever meets deku he's gonna want to adopt him. Knuckleduster vs All Might adoptive paternity battle. Deku considers talking Inko into a polygamous marriage. Inko declines.
31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like?
it's JUST hero gif edits. meticulously tagged, lots of keyboard smashes. JUST hero gifs. atrocious background colors. occasionally reblogs and adds to discourse in very long rants, but stops responding after 1 reply because he got anxious about it. Deleted the discourse off his blog. There's a callout post. He goes back to hero gifs.
[ask meme]
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voodoodaaddy · 11 hours
✈️ — ever traveled anywhere interesting? ⌨️ — what operating system(s) do you use? 📱 — mobile or desktop version of tumblr? 🖥 — favorite platform besides tumblr? 🎮 — favorite video game(s)? 🖱 — any cool devices/tool(s) of the trade? (i.e. type of mouse, monitor, keyboard, tablet, etc)
Man, I am pretty boring in terms of travel. The most I drove is from Ohio to Texas and I had to sleep in the trunk.
I have Nitro 5 gaming laptop it's pretty old by now. I want to update it eventually when I get money
Desktop for sure. I can't really write my replies on mobile especially if they are lengthy !
Honestly, I really don't have any other platforms I use. I suppose if you want to count Twitter, but I only use it to look up naughty shipping porn lol
The sims 2! I can play that game for hours and never get bored
LMAO no cool devices, kind of a broke hoe. I do have an old drawing tablet I NEVER use.
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 4X15 Death Takes a Holiday
ok so I know Cas is in this one, so I'm excited
oh boy please tell me they actually explain what happened with the sirens, please talk to each other, please
huh this is a pretty normal crime all things considered
he got possessed didn't he
should I clean up and get Ready for bed? yes but also I'm tired
"nobody's died in the past week" hm
a ~miracle huh?
hey at least Dean's salty enough to mention it, thank god
finally, he got SOME self respect, thank GOD
look I know it's not a lot, but it's something
"how do you explain it" oop
the "I wouldn't expect y'all to understand but angels are watching over me" ahdohsfia'
listen Dean thinks the angel is hot, leave him alone
oo reaper on strike is NICE
I love the huggybear comment I really do
"strange lives" oooo dean's unlearning, you love to see it
NatuRal OrDer
normal rules don't apply? oh SAM, that's fUCKED
"why us saved, why no on else" Dean's the compassionate one
boy they're both good at lying to themselves
and fucking terrible at lying, guys, oNE COVER STORY, ONE
Dean barely flinches at alastair damn
it's cool that the psychic stuff doesn't work on Sam
aww House MD reference, that one I got
at least Dean flagged the lie
Aw Dean does Disappointed Dad Face so well
ah seal
friEndly neIghBorhOoD reApeR
Dean is your plan seriously to die again
eyYY Pamela!
poor Pamela is so Tired
I do like how Dean and Pamela seem to Vibe
Someone who thinks they are a bit too cool... Generally the person who dresses a bit over the top and/or always trying to "one-up" someone else’s comments, whilst tending to overdo everything they try to do....
A guy that has let his nice physique and good looks go to his head-once that happens, all brain cells are non-existent.
A Chachi is a heterosexual male who could be charectorized as a metrosexual with a white-trash-won-the-lotto clothing style.
ah she's saying dream
Chachi was Arthur Fonzarelli's vapid but handsome cousin on Happy Days (1974).
ah this
oh nooo that kid is haunting his mom and no one believes her
the watching his mom while they're all "dead" is WILD
yadayada the thing
Kiss thing
I appreciate how tumblr just made it UNABLe to type onto the post that’s HILARIOUS
Sam please don’t promise things you can’t do
the memory thing actually fucked with him! oh VERY nice!
and like…ok look I don’t like the weird romantic undertones but it’s interesting to see the reframing!
he got a second chance after doing HORRIBLE shit, it weighs on him
look that was an Interesting convo, that was cool
nooo I miss Tessa
karate kid reference and THE KID DOESN’T GET IT AHAHA
aw boot camp with the smol, that’s so cute
they reference a horror thing!
this is so goddamn cute aww
and the weird uv ink only the ghosts can see is also rly cool
oop y’all got cocky
although ghost fighting was p cool still
(mention good omens at the end, the new AU)
seriously Pamela’s fucking cool
ah she woke sam up cuz she needed help
I do love how pam’s basically just “man, fuck y’all”
oh RIGHT she can’t die right now
Dean getting called angsty is just peak comedy to me
oH! Castiel faked being Bobby, neat
“you seem to do the exact opposite” PFFT AHAHAHA
“you’re different” OOF
hey, not for nothing, but Tessa’s good at getting people to move on
“we’re all scared, that’s the big secret” OFAHISP OW WHY DID THAT HURT
he got some GOOD lines to work with these past few episodes
oh the mom feeling him being gone is a NICE touch
“you all lie to yourself” OOF OW
Seriously, dean is ISOLATED this season, but that convo was COOL
No right, yeah, you should blame them for this, this is their fault
“better placE” “lie” OOF
“fuck your good intentions”
aw a dedication
I like what they did with death. Like the conversations were just. so painful. The thing about second chances, but bad shit is coming, and that we’re all scared, and Pamela catching the lie, because Dean meant it to be a lie and
look. It had a lot to say about death, and it said it quietly. it was good good, and I’m really glad they took time to do the tribute too
and when people say this show is sometimes good, this is one of the good. Some of it is good, some isn’t, but this was.
Dean just keeps getting isolated. Like can’t trust the angels, can’t trust Sam, can barely trust his own body. I love the Angst, but OUCH
good omens type beat. Ok AU where Bela Talbot gets out of her demon deal because GoodOmens!Crowley enlists her help to stop the antichrist(particularly the globetrotting four horsemen. And the ineffable husbands end up being her actual family, ft adam the antichrist, the good omens squad, and draco. Look. It’s terribly self indulgent but I love Chaotic Neutral, and it’s Chaotic Neutral Girl that Steals. Leave me alone, I want “Aunt Bela”
Also I want her to get along with Harely quinn
I love castiel. This fucker made a convoluted plan to go help humanity when no other angel wanted to, or was interested too. And he sent his crush in, that’s so cute
Like I love the “angel that loves humanity” thing, that’s so good
this episode got me thinking about good omens, leave me alone
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skiller0dani · 3 years
With Love Comes Daggers | Loki Laufeyson
M A S T E R L I S T Marvel Masterlist
eventual smut | slow burn requests info w.c | 4.8k summary | Loki watches his file, and he sees a few future memories of you.
Hey, it's been a while. This feels like the beginning of a 'we broke up and haven't seen each other in 5 years' letter doesn't it? I've been working on my book, and I'm hoping to have it published by the end of 2022. Tumblr has always been a fun hobby of mine, but it was never something I was going to dedicate all of my time and energy to. There's over 2,000 of you now and that blows my mind! Thank you guys so much, and don't worry. I'm not setting up any sort of subscription price (that was offered to me and I don't want to lmao). I'm writing on here for fun, not for profit.
Ever since the Loki show came out, I've had this little idea sitting in my mind. I don't know if I'll finish it or if I'll ever write another part to this ever again, but enjoy it. Whatever the hell it is lmao.
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001 | Glorious Purpose
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Loki is hesitant to press play on his file. According to Mobius, Loki is destined to always fail. But the desperate curiosity clawing at the inside of his mind is too hard to ignore. His fingers hover over the keyboard, before finally resuming the tape. Watching with both nervous and excited eyes, Loki sees the first time he had ever met you. This was an event he already remembers, and it's currently the most recent memory he has of you. He was trapped in the cell that was built for the Hulk, and you had come to talk to him for reasons he has yet to understand. Loki scrolls the tape forward until he's met by another scene, the two of you face to face before Loki is taken to Asgard.
There are tears in your eyes, although you're not sure why you're crying over him. Loki hurt thousands of people, and killed hundreds of them. So why does your heart feel as though it's being ripped from your chest? You share a teary look with Loki, but his expression is unreadable. You can feel his eyes on you, and you know that he's studying you. You wished you knew what he was thinking, you wished you knew if he cared that he would never see you again. Does it hurt him the way it hurts you? Does he care?
How odd is it, to watch something that hasn't happened yet. Loki pauses it on your face, so he can properly see you. The pain in your eyes is unmistakable, did you truly care he was leaving? The connection he felt when he first met you was something he could hardly deny, he felt the way your proximity sent a chill down his spine. He remembers wanting to understand your complicated mind, wanting to understand the complexity behind each syllable you spoke to him. Loki studied the way your eyes hardly left him, how you shifted from foot to foot.
You wanted to go to him, to convince Thor to take you with them. You knew what the others would say if you did, you knew how they would look at you. You didn't care, you know how to listen to the desperate pleas of your heart. You could feel it pulling you towards him, you could feel it burning underneath your skin. You wouldn't take your eyes off him, not when the Bifrost came and swept him away, not when it disappeared into the sky and he was gone. You didn't wipe the stray tear as it trickled down your cheek, and nobody mentioned it. Which you were grateful for.
Loki watches the tear roll down your cheek before the tape shifts into the next scene. His eyebrows are furrowed together, his chest feeling tight and warm. A feeling he doesn't have a name for crawls to the front of his mind, begging to be felt and indulged. It makes tears burn at the back of his eyes and an emotion similar to joy make roots in his chest, before flowering into a garden. His trembling palm hits the button to play the next moment to happen with you. It starts with Loki sitting in a cell in the Asgard dungeons.
Imprisonment isn't as bad as Loki was anticipating, although he only feels that way because he is a Prince. He has been granted a nice beg, along with enough books to entertain him for the remainder of his days, courtesy of his mother. If Loki were much older, and didn't long so desperately to feel the wind on his face, or to feel your hands dragging their way along bare skin- then perhaps the books would have been enough. Loki turns his head when he hears the soft sound of footsteps behind him, watching as two guards approach his cell.
"The King requests your presence." They robotically inform him, preparing to remove Loki from his cell. They do so politely, acting as though Loki has a choice even though all three of them know that he doesn't. They walk him to the throne room and present him to Odin, who is sat upon his prestigious throne as if blood wasn't spilled to get him there. The worst part is that he acts as though he stands on moral ground, when in reality the two of them have spilled enough blood to drown nations in it. Loki however doesn't hide who he is, or pretends he's holier than he is truly. Odin views himself in a way that is warped by the shame of what he's done.
"I thank thee, for allowing me to be blessed by your mighty presence." Loki says sarcastically, offering a mocking bow. Odin ignores the teasing glint in Loki's eyes, and merely waves for Thor to be brought in along with the 'gift' prepared for Loki. Loki's eyes turn to Thor when he enters the room, but they're only on Thor for a moment before he notices who is standing beside him. Your eyes shine as they land on Loki, your flushed skin beautifully complimented by the soft lavender of the Asgardian dress you're wearing.
Loki pauses the tape on you wearing that dress, his chest warming at the sight. Even he can't deny how beautiful you look, but what's even more beautiful is the look in your eyes. The happiness behind the excitement, and all of that unbridled joy is for Loki. He is the reason your eyes are shining like that, he is the reason that smile is stretched across your face even though you bite down on your bottom lip to try and hide it. What could he have possibly done to warrant a smile like that from you? What could you have possibly seen upon looking at him that would ever make you smile that brightly?
Loki watches with confused eyes and a lump in his throat as the love builds behind your eyes. He watches as the emotions he's never experienced happen in front of him, and a part of him feels bitter. How could this have been robbed from him? It only feels right that witnessing such beautiful woman fall in love with him should only happen to him through a screen. Not something he'll ever be able to experience up close. He hits play, because his troubled heart can't help but yearn for more of the emotion that he's been starved of.
"Miss Y/L/N, couldn't stay away could you?" Loki smirks, attempting to hide the happiness he's feeling behind teasing remarks. Your feet itch to run across these beautiful golden floors right to Loki, but the disapproving gaze of Odin roots you in place.
"This is the mortal then?" Odin says, and the way he says 'mortal' instantly makes you feel inferior to him. Odin believes that mortals are inferior to them, but Loki could never see you that way. He would never believe himself superior over you, that's not how he viewed mortals, although that's what he's led you to believe. Thor hums, his eyes landing on his little brother. For once Thor can see joy safely hidden beneath the depth of Loki's eyes.
"You be allowed to see her given the understanding that you will behave. Should you fail to comply, I will have her executed." Odin's orders are clear and they make your heart stop in your chest. You glance back at Thor, who has a look of confusion across his face. His eyes meet yours and you know instantly that he would never let any harm come to you. You brave a glance at Loki, who has nothing but hatred pooling in the blue of his eyes.
Loki can feel the anger prickling at his skin, even now. It doesn't surprise Loki that Odin would ever allow anybody to visit him without threatening their wellbeing. He watches the fear bloom in your eyes before glancing over at him. Upon seeing him Loki can see the calm wash over you, the comfort you find in him renders him speechless. The safety you feel around him is obvious in your eyes, and Loki has never had anybody look at him like that before. Loki has the urge to protect you, even now, knowing he will never see you again. The sudden realization has tears threatening to spill over pale porcelain cheeks for the second time, Loki will probably never see you again. None of this has even happened to him yet so it shouldn't hurt as much as it does but Loki can't help but feel as though the two of you have been robbed.
When Loki scrolls forward, the two of you are sitting alone in his cell.
You spend the next few weeks spending every waking moment with Loki, or as much time as Odin would allow. Your cheeks heat as you lean away from Loki, his hand brushing against your neck as his lips chase yours. You can't help but laugh when he pulls you to him again, his lips landing on yours firmly. Your heart feels so full when you're near him that you fear it'll burst. You pull back from him once more, your hands holding him at a distance.
"My dear, do not deprive me." Loki says, whining playfully in protest. But the look in your eyes has him silenced as he sits up in the bed you're both laying on to look at you clearer. Your heart hardens to stone and crumbles in your chest when you meet his eyes again.
"I don't know what I'm going to do when I have to leave." You say softly, and Loki's throat tightens at the thought of you leaving.
"Nor do I, but I know our separation won't be forever." Loki tries his best to reassure her, but he doesn't know if what he says is true. The tears glisten in your eyes although you try to hide them. Loki spots them instantly, sitting up to pull you more firmly against his chest.
"Everything will be alright my love, you'll see." He whispers, and he tries as hard as he can to make himself believe those words are true. Even if you can't, he'll believe enough for the both of you.
Loki can see the genuine pain in your eyes, will you ever look at him and not be breaking a little? Is that the curse he had brought to your life? An eternity of missing him, and mourning a love that can never be? Perhaps that's how he's feeling now, watching a love bloom into fruition in front of him, knowing he'll never be able to feel it. That he'll never be able to love you like this, knowing that watching it happen is as close as he'll ever get. Loki wants you here in front of him, he wants to steal you away and disappear into the great big universe so you can live the life you deserve. He knows that he'll outlive you by a few thousand years, but Loki would happily suffer the heartbreak of watching you age and die if it means he gets to love you all those years before you go.
Your bare skin is pressed against his, flush and warm and it makes him feel at home. His hands are splayed over your back, his cloaking spell keeping the prying eyes in the dark. You're asleep next to him, your hands reaching for him even in your unconscious state. You trust him so completely, that Loki almost doesn't know what to do with it. It's only a matter of time before he lets you down, as he has let everyone down. It's still a complete mystery how he got you to be here with him. His fingers lightly drag up and down your spine, you look content laying there next to him. Loki leans over to press a kiss to your forehead, watching with fearful eyes as he begins to realize the depth in which he cares for you. He's never truly loved anybody besides his mother, but now he think he might.
Loki feels a heaviness in his chest that he can't explain. How is it that one foolish, hasty decision could have robbed him from all of this? He can see how relaxed you look, sleeping next to him. You trust him, wholly and completely. You somehow know that he won't hurt you, that instead he'll be a protector. Nobody has had such blind faith in him before, always treating him as a trickster. You apparently saw something others didn't see when you looked at him, and Loki wants to know what that feels like. To be looked at and to truly be seen.
Loki scrolls forward, and he isn't prepared for what he sees.
You're knelt next to Loki in Svartalfheim, tears streaking your cheeks. The blood pools around the wound on his chest, and his eyes are open but they look hollow. Everything in your mind screams at you to get up, to keep moving but you can't will yourself to do so. Your hands are cupping his cheeks, your entire body feels frozen in time. Frozen right here in this moment. You feel Thor's hands around your torso lifting you to your feet, you fight him. You struggle against his grasp as he pulls you away from Loki.
"N-No! We can't just leave him here. Thor, stop! Please! I love him!" You're crying, you're reaching for Loki. But he's gone, and you know that. You know he's gone but that doesn't make it hurt any less, leaving him here doesn't make any of it hurt less. Thor continues to guide you away until you can't see Loki anymore, but the image of him being stabbed through the chest will always be burned into your memory. Playing on repeat every time you close your eyes.
There are tears in Loki's eyes as he pauses the tape once more. There's more to watch so he obviously didn't die, how could he let you believe he was killed right in front of you? He knew he would let you down, because that's what he does best. You said to Thor that you loved Loki, was that real? The look in your eyes looked genuine, but Loki has never had somebody love him like that before. They always picked Thor, and it surprised Loki that you seemed to have no interest in Thor at all. How could Loki have finally found somebody who loved him, only to betray her by faking his own death? He can see the hope leaving your eyes, how dull in color they are now. They no longer sparkle when the light hits them right, they only shimmer when the light catches tears still building behind a broken gaze. Loki hits play, knowing in his gut that you probably won't forgive him for that.
Slap! Your hand makes contact with Loki's cheek as all three of you are stood in Doctor Strange's house. You'd been learning some self defense from him, and you needed something else to focus on. After Loki died, it felt like what was left of your life fell apart, and you needed something to get you out of bed again. But now he's stood here in front of you, after these long years he's made you think he was dead.
"How could you?" Your voice is broken, there is anger in your eyes but also pain. The look on Loki's face is hard to read, but there is one emotion you can detect easily. Guilt.
"My love-" You choose to ignore him as Stephen sends the three of you through the gate. You requested to join them, and Thor was all to happy to bring you along. He needed somebody else to interact with besides Loki, whom he was also still angry at. Loki catches your arm before you notice Odin sitting before you.
"Y/N, please just let me explain-" You rip your arm from his grasp as tears trickle down your cheeks. You turn to face Odin with Thor, and Loki begrudgingly follows behind. He wants to explain that he needed to fake his death to escape the confines of prison, now that he's free the two of you can be together in a way you couldn't before. But looking at you now, Loki underestimated how badly his death would hurt you. He didn't expect you to care as deeply for him as you do. Now watching your tense shoulders and the tears you're desperately trying to keep at bay he can see that it will take a lot of work for you to forgive him, if you ever will.
The anger doesn't surprise him, nor does the silent treatment. If he truly did fake his death and make you watch, then he's surprised you're standing anywhere near him. Loki wants to say that he can be a better man than that, that he can make the right choice but deep down he knows that he can't. He's a selfish man, he always has been. None of this has even happened to him yet, and still he wants to make it up to you, to tell you how sorry he is. That he never meant to hurt you, but all of this footage is what was supposed to happen, what has yet to come. But none of it is going to happen to this Loki, the variant. Loki scrolls forward again, and hesitantly hits play.
Overlooking Sakaar, you and Loki share a lush bedroom gifted by the Grandmaster. You lean against the balcony, you still haven't spoken to him, you're not sure what you're meant to say. You're angry, your heart is broken, you can't believe he would allow you to go through all those months of heartbreak just so he could escape the dungeons. You feel his presence behind you but you don't bother turning around. You have no idea how long the two of you will stay here, waiting for Thor. Apparently time works differently here, and it could even be years before Thor turns up.
"Still angry?" He asks, his voice nervous.
"Yeah." Your voice doesn't sound angry anymore, but Loki knows that you are still very angry with him.
"Would 'I'm sorry' change anything?" He asks, leaning against the balcony next to you. The sun is down, and the stars are shining brightly overhead.
"No." All your answers are short, but you don't want him to stop talking to you, you missed him so much. Loki looks over at you, he can see the tension ebbing away from your shoulders. If he wanted to make a play for your forgiveness, now would be the time to do it.
"I never wanted to hurt you, and being away from you all this time has felt like... torture." Loki's voice is soft, but you can here the emotion in it. You finally turn to look at him, your eyes studying his face.
"I know it wont change anything, but I am sorry. And I heard you, what you said to Thor on Svartalfheim." He said, the corner of his mouth pulling into a tiny smile. Your heart stills in your chest, did he hear you say you love him? Loki turns to look at you, and the two of you are barely an inch apart.
"I love you too." His voice is barely above a whisper but you hear him with perfect clarity. Your heart jumps in your chest as you reach forward to pull him against you. Your lips meet his and his hands circle around your waist to pull you more flush against him.
Watching himself experience a love he was supposed to have, but won't get to experience truly is torturous. You do love him, he can see that. It's love in it's truest and purest form, and Loki wishes with everything he has that he could feel that warm light of yours shine on him just once. When he met you on Fury's ship, there was anxiety, you were afraid of him but still curious. He saw the flame of your desire peaking through, begging to be felt but you didn't allow Loki to bask in it. You kept it from him, because you still saw him as everyone else did. A villain, a lunatic. But seeing you on the tape in front of him, he knows you quickly abandoned that thought. Loki feels tears wetting his cheeks, and he presses play.
"I'm proud of you, you know." You smile, reaching down to grab Loki's hand. You're both stood on the ship that was stolen from the Grandmaster, and you had just watched Asgard explode. You knew that hurt Loki to watch, but now all of you can start over somewhere else. Maybe Earth, if they'll allow Loki back on the planet. Who knows, but now you have a future in front of you, with the man you love. There is a smile on your face as you turn to look at him, and there is a smile on his face as well.
"This is starting to feel a little too mushy for my liking." Loki says with a grimace. You laugh, leaning up on your toes to press a kiss to his lips, your body warming at his touch when his hand lands on your lower back.
"Well if you're going to be with me, you'll have to get used to the mushy." You tease, pressing kisses to his cheeks until you hear a soft chuckle escape his lips. You smile triumphantly, turning when Thor comes in. You excuse yourself to give them some space, watching as Loki smiles at Thor. It's nice to watch them be brothers again, and what's even better is watching Loki let go of all that anger he's held onto for all these years. When you turn into the main room, the room where all of Asgard's people are gathered you freeze in place. Everyone is facing the largest window, their eyes open and fearful. Before you is the largest ship you've ever seen, and something tells you they didn't come to say hi.
Loki stands now, watching the large ship over before the now smaller ship Asgard was on. There's a pit in his stomach, and a bitter taste in his mouth. If this is who he fears it is, then he knows that this isn't going to have a happy ending. Mobius did tell him that it is his destiny to lose, so why would Loki allow himself to believe that he had a bright future with you? Fear turns in his gut, as he watches Thanos board your little ship with horror in his eyes. Loki watches, silently begging for you to run, to hide.
"Please, please hide." Loki whispers aloud, if he has to watch you die then that will break him in a way he's afraid he can't come back from. It's funny that he feels that way, he's only met you once but watching all of this makes him feel like he's known you his whole life.
Thor tells Heimdall to send you and Hulk back to Earth. You frantically look around for Loki, your eyes tearing at the sight of all those dead bodies.
"You and Loki are coming too, right?" You ask Thor, but he doesn't meet your gaze. You turn and lock eyes with Loki, who is hiding in the shadows for the opportune moment to emerge. He mouths three words that make tears fall over your cheeks. "I'm not leaving without you, both of you." You insist, tears steadily marring your beautiful cheeks.
'I love you.'
"Thor you're both coming, right?" You frantically ask Thor again, but by now Heimdall has summoned the Bifrost, and you were pulled into it. Your eyes are on Loki and everything feels like it's going in slow motion, you're reaching out for him. Tears are streaking down your cheeks, if he doesn't come with you, you're not sure you'll ever see him again. You land on Earth with Hulk, but by now he's turned back into Bruce. You stand on wobbly legs, ignoring when Tony comes into view. Your eyes are on the sky, watching with foolish hopefulness that the Bifrost will appear again and deliver Thor and Loki safe. Please let him be safe.
Loki takes slow steps towards the screen as he watches Thor being tortured, and the sounds of his screams makes tears push at the backs of his eyes. His heart is heavy in his chest when he watches Thanos wrap a hand around his neck, lifting him from the ground. He can see the pain in Thor's eyes, he can see the fear, the desperation. When Loki hears the sickening crunch, he turns his head, his eyes squeezing shut. His entire body is trembling as tears roll down his cheeks, and soon END OF FILE is what plays on the screen. He died, he was murdered by Thanos and it wasn't a trick. It was real, that's how his life ends, how his story ends. What draws Loki's attention back to the screen is one final moment, of you and Thor on the fields of Wakanda.
"Thor!" Your hands loop around his neck, relief flooding through you, but only for a moment. You pull away from him and see the look in his eyes, the hollowed look of a man who has lost everything.
"Where is he?" You ask softly, your voice trembling. Thor reaches behind him and pulls Loki's green cape free. He hands it to you, his eyes refocusing at the battle ahead.
"What- what does this mean? Where is he?" Your voice is frantic as tears choke you. Thor looks at you with sad eyes, he feels guilty that it's him stood before you and not Loki. Loki should be here, his brother should be here. Thanos murdered him. Rage like Thor has never felt before takes hold of him then, and he looks away from you.
"I'm sorry, he's dead. This time it's not a trick." With that Thor is gone, off presumably to kill Thanos. You clutch Loki's cape, tears rolling heavily down your cheeks. He's gone, and this time it's real. No surprise resurrections, he's gone and he isn't coming back. Everything feels numb, and your legs give out. Wakandans race past you to the battle ensuing ahead but you can't move. You clutch that cape to your chest like your life depends on it, and sobs wrack through your body. This isn't real, it can't be real. Your forehead presses against the grass as you crush that cape to your chest, it's all you have left of him.
Loki's eyes are red as the screen goes dark, and he knows exactly how his life is going to end. How he's going to leave behind everybody who needs him. Where are you now? Do you still miss him? Does it still hurt? Watching you cry in that field broke something inside him, watching you mourn for him changed him. Loki sits against the step in the viewing theatre, he can't move, he can't think about anything other than you. Is that really how his life is going to end? Is that all he gets?
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"Where are we going?" Loki's voice is impatient, as he follows behind Mobius.
"We'll there's a nexus event in 1985 that we need to investigate but before we leave I wanted to introduce you to another Loki 'expert' that we've recruited to help us. Normally we don't bring people in from the outside, but this Variant has been especially tricky so an exception was made." Mobius explains and Loki's eyebrows pinch together. Another Loki expert? Who on Earth could that be? When they turn the corner Loki's eyes land on this expert, and his heart stops in his chest.
"Y/N, thank you for agreeing to help us." Mobius says, a smile on his face as he shakes your hand. Your eyes are hollow, and it's odd having you stood here in front of him after all he's seen you two go through together. You don't meet his gaze, you don't even look in his direction until he's stood directly in front of you.
"Y/N..." Loki trails off, he feels as if he should say something but he knows there isn't anything to say.
"Please don't." You beg, and it catches Loki off guard.
"Don't pretend this is anything other than what it is. We're just two people who barely know each other working together to find this Loki Variant. So don't pretend you care, the love of my life is gone. You just look like him. If you have a heart somewhere in that chest, please don't pretend." You beg, tears falling down over your cheeks before you can stop them. Loki stands, stunned, and he doesn't know what else to say so he merely nods. You follow Mobius around the corner, and Loki slowly trails behind you.
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bejoomi · 2 years
hello! 💕
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hi! wow i’m so!! excited to be here, this muse has been eating my brain for a long time but i finally have the time and energy to actually apply, so here we are now 💓 i’ll be getting back to any messages asap, but i figure i should introduce myself properly here too. i’m carly! (she/her, 25) and i’ve been in krp forever so i’m sure i know some of you already, so if you think we’ve met before feel free to say hi to me i’d be happy to catch up  😊 regardless, i’m really excited to get to know everyone and their muses, and to get writing, so please like this post if you’d like to plot and i will run into your arms. i tend to plot best through tumblr ims actually, but i’m also @YURlLECLERC on twitter so feel free to follow me there even if u just want to chat or witness my unhinged ramblings.
onto joomi now, aka guy whose quote on his app should’ve been “stop it. get some help.” he has an about page here, which has just about all the info you could want to know about him, but i’ll ramble about him some and try my hand at some plot ideas under the cut too! even though it’ll be repetitive if u look at the about page it’ll be fun
u see that gif icon? yeah that’s joomi like. 1% of the time. i don’t actually know how he settled on jeongin as his face bc he’s not nearly as cute and happy but it be like that sometimes. maybe one day
he’s an ‘02 liner, but early ‘02 (january 9th) and he’s very mature for his age
( ABUSE TW ) mainly bc he has been through a lot, namely just...a cycle of abuse. his mom had/has a lot of issues and got divorced and married three different times so far, to a shitty man each time, who were all abusive in their own ways (aside from one who was just a Regular Old Asshole)
he was also in an abusive relationship himself unfortunately ( END TW )
he managed to escape the toxic wasteland of his life in busan to seoul last year when he got into snu
except he didn’t actually go to snu, he lied to everyone, broke up with his boyfriend, moved, and decided he was too much of a fucking mess and that he needed to work on himself first or else he was just going to absolutely crumble
so he started picking up a bunch of part time jobs + his occasional allowance from his family (who was never poor, luckily) and started going to therapy
he works as a waiter and at lotte world and then kinda makes money doing other random jobs. namely ghostwriting things for people (essays, mainly)
but he also ghostwrites music for his band that he’s been in for several months now. their lead singer is an asshole and attention whore and joomi just wants to write from his heart and would feel too vulnerable if people knew He wrote the songs, so he lets their lead singer claim the songs he writes. the lead singer also Named the band so yes, the band is named eat schmidt, no, joomi doesn’t know who schmidt is quit asking please
joomi fell back on music a lot as he grew up. he can play guitar and is really good at piano and can pick things up pretty fast. he plays keyboard in the band right now but is confident that he could fill in anywhere (and he wants to be the lead vocalist tbh...but that’s just a distant dream. don’t worry joomi i will give you your band frontman arc.)
honestly i started this intro last night and am picking it up now tonight and i have no memory whatsoever of what i wanted to write but ok
personality-wise, he’s not exactly Prickly, but he is pretty stoic and tends to keep to himself. he’s good at holding conversation tho, especially if it’s about weird deep philosophical shit (best of luck to me writing it) and actually a very caring guy tho he’s Also a tsundere LMAO very sarcastic, but also very wise and pretty good at giving advice. he Likes listening to people and when people open up to him but he tends to offer a lot of unsolicited advice so he may not be the Best listener he would be very upset if he knew this though. 
he’s also kinda a bullshit detector, good at seeing through people and kinda cutting to their core (just scorpio moon things) so he Will call people out. all the time. if you’re hurting yourself or other people, that is; if you’re hurting him he usually just takes it and is like ok whatever. he’s working on that in therapy tho so this might change soon enough
tl;dr Band Boy That Is Tired
fans of eat schmidt. people that hate eat schmidt. generally just people from the band scene. joomi is not that proud to be part of this band but he does love rock music so he also kind of lives for it. he should be able to bond w anyone that vibes w this
also band members would be fun? i Do have intentions to make joomi the lead vocalist of the band in the future if all works out and guitar may be spoken for depending on how things go but!! anyone else!
coworkers! the lotte world job is probably oddly specific but the waiter job is pretty open to be Any restaurant. he will also write y’all’s essays...and can be convinced to do a lot of other odd jobs if bribed, especially if it’s taking care of your cats while you’re away
i would like as many people for joomi to call out as possible. he is not afraid of conflict for the greater good whatsoever so i think it would be so fun to have him fight people <3 feel free to hate him he Does Not Care
alternatively he doesn’t just fight people to be an asshole he Means to be genuinely helping. most of the time. so people he can genuinely help! he will stage interventions he will give u tough love but he also is capable of being gentle, he’s pretty good at tailoring how he acts to what he thinks people need. to some extent
i don’t know how to get joomi to learn how to do anything other than sing and play instruments but if someone can get him interested in that that would be amazing i think he’s currently the most useless muse in the roleplay as far as becoming an idol goes LMAO
he’s totally uninterested in becoming an idol atm, like it’s not even on his radar, so people to put it on his radar would be nice since this is an idol rp SDFSDDGDG not that i would be mad if he doesn’t get signed for years but! u know
neighbors? he has a roommate rn but he’s an asshole and they fight all the time. it may be concerning or u may just want them to shut up or maybe u have no clue and u just see each other around a lot, lots of options here. he will eventually move out but for now 👍 
joomi loves writing songs sm that is pretty much his Passion so?? i don’t have ideas related to this but maybe you need a song for something and don’t want to make it yourself? he will ghostwrite u a song and have a blast. fellow composer friends would be fun too but he might get grumpy if he thinks your muse is a better composer than him. that could be fun in itself tho!
honestly this is way more than i usually provide i am way more of a brainstormer so let’s cook up something fun ok <3
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imbeccable-writes · 3 years
GASP! Random writing question because I love when you do these akshddhs What font do you write in? Also!! If you had to give away your keyboard (because Salazar took it for taxes or something) how else would you write your stories? 🌟
ahhh I'm a little boring, I just write with the default Arial font! if it ain't broke, don't fix it, you know?
as for the keyboard thing, i guess I'd just write them down in my many many unfilled notebooks and then take pictures of them to put on Tumblr LMAO. I could just type on my phone I guess, but I don't really like doing that for long term writing.
thanks for the surprise questions pb!!! made my night <3
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nyadversary · 4 years
30 questions meme thingie... tagged by @autumnalserenade sort of ehehehe
(1.) name / nickname:
kester / kes
(2.) gender:
oh haha no thank you :)
sometimes i think about how im both a transgender bisexual and a bigender transsexual and how thats so epic of me
(3.) star sign:
aries but i think astrology is stoopid i don’t like it. watch as that turns out to be an aries stereotype or something though
(4.) height:
(5.) time:
6:37 am EST
(6.) birthday:
(7.) favorite bands/groups:
oh fuck i’m definitely going to forget something important but
mother mother, metric, the decemberists, alt-j, echo & the bunnymen, x, pixies, hole, nirvana, clipping., my chemical romance, blondie, mindless self indulgence, studio killers
(8.) favorite solo artist:
again i’m definitely gonna forget someone important here
emilie autumn, amanda palmer, fiona apple, patti smith, marina & the diamonds, yungblud, poppy, slayyyter, hozier, mika
(9.) song stuck in my head:
i’m so sorry to have to say this but. dr3 despair arc ending theme
(10.) last movie:
genuinely no idea. i try not to watch movies if i can help it
(11.) last show:
it was either hannibal or better call saul, i don’t remember which of those i watched most recently
(12.) when did i create this blog:
sometime in late 2019, i think? don’t remember exactly. i know i announced i remade in early 2020, but i’d been active on this blog for maybe about six months beforehand
(13.) what do i post:
all kinds of stupid and gay shit
(14.) last thing googled:
“in a world where clowns are real” (i was trying to find a particular tumblr post)
(15.) other blogs:
@catboyebooks (liveblogging; we’re playing dr1 right now) @sexytesting (portal sideblog)
also. i did hoard a url the other day to use as like, a danganronpa sideblog maybe? so i don’t have to be unhinged on main maybe? so i can turn search engine indexing off and hide from the fandom at large maybe? it will probably be like some percentage shitposting some percentage sloppily written meta posts i don’t really know. might drop the url if i do anything with it
(16.) do i get asks:
not often, but from time to time! i think most of my followers are mutuals so when we talk it’s mostly through DMs or something rather than asks
(17.) why did i choose this url:
no deep reasons, it’s just nya + adversary although my lovely mutual litzo junkheaded did point out it could be read as “NY adversary” which also fits, i like that too
(18.) following:
92. i’ve never been one to follow a lot of blogs, as long as my dash isn’t super slow i prefer to keep my following count low — i think most of the blogs i follow are mutuals actually
(19.) followers:
116. again i think the majority of these i’m in mutuals with
(20.) average hours of sleep:
i have bipolar disorder so no
(21.) lucky number:
1, 4, 9, 11, 17, 55, 69 (nice), 93, 95, 101, 417, 420 (nice), 428, 666 (nice), 4673
(22.) instruments:
i’m mainly a singer but i used to play fiddle (would like to pick it up again sometime), i know some very rudimentary piano/keyboard (i can do basic chords), i’m trying to learn ukulele and i’d also like to try learning guitar
also my school did force us to play the recorder but we got sort of hardcore with it, broke out the alto/tenor/bass recorders and all that. i used to play alto and tenor mainly but i’ve played like every type of recorder probably lmao
(23.) what am i wearing:
shrieking shack t-shirt with a really deep fried image of harry holding dead dobby on it
black and white checkered pants
boxered shorts
(24.) dream job:
i don’t dream about having jobs simply <3
but no ideally i wind up being some sort of author i guess?
(25.) dream trip:
anywhere. ahaha. let me out <3
(26.) favorite food:
some favorites no order: soft pretzels, like all pasta but my fave is tortellini, virtually all seafood honestly but especially crab, mussels, salmon, and anchovies, udon, ramen but not instant ramen i’ve had enough of that for one lifetime probably but will continue to eat it bc money, cheesecake, pizza but specifically like really good italian style pizza (new york style is also pretty good), garlic bread, really anything with garlic, salty foods in general
(27.) nationality:
american 😔
in terms of more specific cultural background, just for funsies: mom’s side is irish catholic mainly, her dad’s family is from county tipperary, i’m 3rd gen. she grew up on staten island and most of her family lives (or did live) in the tristate area. dad’s side is scots-irish with left welsh and has been here a while, since i think the mid or late 1600s? my paternal grandparents ended up settling and raising their family in socal (san diego) but both their families are from the southern appalachian region (grandfather on that side grew up in rural northern alabama, F to pay respects, and i don’t remember specifically about my grandmother)
(28.) favorite song:
i cannot pick. uh. the most played song in my itunes library is infinitesimal by mother mother, so, whatever that says about me
(29.) last book read:
does... does the komaeda manga count
(30.) three fictional universes you’d like to live in:
Three??? most of the fictional universes i like / am invested in are horrible nightmare realms. the only one i can think of that seems like an overall good time is pokemon and i don’t think i need to explain why that would whip ass
i tag: the girl reading this <3 or, like, whoever, you can do this if you want and say i tagged you, no obligation
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echthr0s · 5 years
I don’t make a habit of posting about it and thereby adding to the fray, and I certainly don’t care to start any fights because it’s not even a matter of debate for me. but I’ve been thinking, on and off, for a while about why a few specific common attitudes amongst creatives on tumblr (not just on tumblr, I’d gather, but this is where I am so this is what I know) bother me so much, and I think it’s coming together, so I’m going to post about it for my own purposes
the attitudes are difficult to paraphrase (especially without sounding like a dick about it) but... it’s basically a combination of “only reblogs matter and likes are worthless!”, “why create if no one notices”, and “there’s a Right(tm) way to tell a story and the other ways are bad/stupid”
I understand there are many reasons why people believe these statements, and I don’t think people who believe these statements are bad/stupid. but what I do think is that these belief systems are where creativity goes to die. and the worst thing about it is that they are incredibly contagious.
[long ranty post under cut. the tl;dr is “fuck being afraid of the very thing that makes my life worth living and fuck you too”]
before recent memory, I used to just Make Shit. I feel like a lot of us did, in fact. Making Shit was fun and felt like what I was put on this earth to do (technically, you could argue that about humans in general, considering quite how much Shit we’ve Made over the course of our existence as a species). it wasn’t a contest, it wasn’t a competition, and it sure as fuck didn’t matter if Joe Q. Rando over there liked it or not. it wasn’t for Joe. it was for me. it was an act of love.
like, okay, I’m not saying it was some pure utopia or whatever. I didn’t always love Making Shit, sometimes it was hard as fuck and sometimes it felt like an uphill journey with no breaks and sometimes it just plain didn’t come out the way I wanted. sometimes I slam-dunked it in the garbage can and pretended it never happened. but, you know, it be like that sometimes. not a big deal. I just went ahead and made something else.
in recent memory, I seem to have been infected with a specific anxiety that has been permeating this website for a while -- that creation must serve a purpose. that purpose is either to gain the approval and affection of strangers, or to make money. and sure, no one likes being broke, and no one likes feeling unnoticed -- but that’s... that’s not the point. that’s not the point of Making Shit. the point of Making Shit is Making Shit. the rest is the icing and cherry on the cake, not the actual cake.
I’ve been handwringing about my lack of output after having been downright prolific years ago, and honestly, this is what it comes down to -- this stupid anxiety that “people don’t want to read about [x]” or “someone’s going to be annoying about the fact that I write about [x]” or "I am not qualified to write about [x]” or whatever. it’s stupid and it is the absolute smothering death of any creative impulse I’ve ever had. first of all, I’m not writing for y’all. people’s enjoyment of my work is delightful, but not necessary. the minute it becomes necessary is the minute I lose all agency and potential for joy. second of all, it’s not a contest or a dissertation or fucking Carnegie Hall. it ain’t that serious. it’s just storytelling. I might write a story and go “ew, actually, no, this is absolute garbo lmao”. so what? since when did that become the worst thing in the world? since when did that become worse than never writing at all? than dropping the word “storyteller” from my identity because I no longer felt worthy of it? than being so paralysed by fear that I could feel a hand squeezing around my throat every time I so much as thought about opening an Evernote document and typing a sentence?
so, like, in essence, and with all the spite and spider-venom I can muster -- fuck this pussy ass shit.
I don’t care if you all never like or reblog a single thing I write. I don’t care if no one on this website knows or cares about my OCs except, like, Sparrow. I don’t care if my stories don’t make sense to you, or don’t matter to you, or gross you out, or make you “cringe”, or aren’t the kind of stories you want to read. I don’t care about “writing rules” or “originality” or anything about the whole “only bad people write about [x]” stupid-ass childish-ass clusterfuck. I don’t even want to think about y’all when I sit down to write. my craft is between me and whatever cosmic force is propelling me when my fingers start flying across the keyboard. and if someone is like “hey, I dig that”, then gods bless them and I sure appreciate the kind words, but that’s really not the goal. there is no goal. there is only the endless act of creating -- of being a part of a hallowed tradition that has existed since humanity first stopped scratching its hairy ass and started scratching on cave walls instead. the hallowed tradition of Making Shit.
and for the record? no one owes me or you or anyone else their readership, their reblogs, their comments, or even their attention! guilt-tripping them into interaction just leads to resentment and insincerity! why would you want that? that’s pure desperation, right there. no thanks. just like I’m free to write literally whatever the fuck I want, you’re also free to completely ignore it or think it’s shit or appreciate it at your leisure. now that is true freedom *eagle cry*
if you’re thinking about being offended by this post or taking it personally or whatever (because, you know, I definitely came to your house specifically, broke down your door, and stapled this post to your cat), don’t come botherin me about it. go Make Shit and maybe you’ll feel better (I’m not even being facetious-- you probably will!)
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laughing-with-god · 6 years
Yandere BTS as fanboys
Jin- You’re his idol. He strives to be like you. That outfit you were wearing at the airport last week? He bought a matching one. You mentioned your favorite food on a mukbang V-live? He mastered cooking it. That one funny joke you said on that variety show? He repeats it all the time to his friends because it’s just so funny. If someone said that Jin was the male version of you, he’d be so touched to the point of tearing up. You were perfection in human form. Hate to say this, but if anyone dared to say that another girl idol was prettier or more talented than you, he’d definitely bash.
Prone to- Matching selcas and outfits, being a solo stan, going broke to see you in person via concerts and meets, unsubconsciously altering his appearance to fit your ideal type, bashing your ‘competition’
“Irene has no personality whatsoever and looks like an ajumma. You dare compare her to Y/n?!”
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Yoongi- Analyzes your lyrics and uses them as inspiration for his own. Quiet fan, says he doesn’t need people to know that he’s a fan of an idol but really he wants to keep you to himself. Listens to your music at least 10 times a day. Helps him cope day to day and will switch to the acoustic versions when he’s trying to fall asleep. He could pick out your voice from a sea of others. He worships it. Doesn’t pay attention to idol culture, but if it involves you he’ll look out. Has a separate account to follow your social media. Has high hopes of one day working with you and creating a masterpiece together. He won’t get mad if someone disses your looks or personality (he kinda prefers it that people don’t find you as desireable as he does so he doesn’t have ‘competition’) but if someone ever came for you music....god help them.
Prone to- Quiet and solo Stan, has you as his background, skips through your members’ voices to get to yours alone, genuinely believes that you two will end up together, doesn’t consider himself a fan rather an appreciator of your music, pushes himself as a producer to one day work with you
“Y/n is so much more than an idol. She’s an artist. She’s so much bigger than Kpop, it’s offensive that she gets compared to the likes of Twice or Gfriend....”
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Namjoon- Protective Stan. Dating scandals? He’s the type to get into a rant showing EXACT ANGLES OF YOUR EYELINE to prove that you weren’t lovingly gazing at the other idol. Controversy? The type to send letters to your company, begging them to sue dispatch and other sites for trying to tarnish your name. The type to try to search for deeper meanings with music videos and lyrics in quest for a story or conspiracy. Will copy your pictures for his own social media and have the caption of some deep quote you once said. Considers himself too mature for fan wars but his three paged rants in YouTube/Instagram/tumblr comment sections will tell you otherwise. Dresses like you and even tries to incorporate some of your mannerisms and sayings into his day to day behavior.
Prone to- Copying your social media presence, sending your company LOTS of letters, getting way too heated with other fans who just don’t ‘get’ you like he does, deadass wants to get a tattoo of a quote from you on him.
“Y/n is just a very complex person. I don’t expect you to understand what she meant by *blank* but trust me it wasn’t that. She’s just very philosophical and wise. Your two brain cells wouldn’t understand.”
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Hoseok- LOUD stan. Has a YouTube channel for recreating your choreo. Has another YouTube channel for covering your songs. Has another channel for reaction videos of videos concerning you. Posters on his wall, saved selcas in his gallery, all your songs on shuffle and notifications for your social media are on so he won’t miss a thing. Has a proud tally for all the concerts he’s attended. Will happily roast someone online for the sake of fan wars. Will support your group/members as much as he can but at the end of the day you are his ride or die. Merch King. One of the most well known fans, one day your groups’ twitter account retweeted him and he SCREAMED SO LOUD despite being in public.
Prone to- Online stalking, skipping work or school if it interferes with going to your concerts or catching a V-live, going off on a hater and using his platform to protect your image
“Lmao imagine thinking that Y/n gives any types of shit about a weirdo weeabo like you?Talk all the shit you want from behind your crusty keyboard, she’s literally so unbothered💅🏼” *tweet from his fan account bc I picture him being THAT bitch*
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Jimin- soft stan. Has a tumblr, wattpad and archive of our own account bc he LIVES for anything that can make him feel like he’s in a love story with you. Fluff, angst, fantasy ect. He’s always seen with his head buried in his phone screen and eyes furiously scanning the latest fic to peak his interest. Has a portable charger bc he cannot risk his phone dying whilst in the climax of a good plot. Not too involved with idol politics but he is very protective of you. Will def notice if you look a tad thinner or tired and type a comment telling you to eat more and rest well. Prob tell your company to lay off if I’m being honest. Supports your group 110% and doesn’t engage in fan wars bc he knows that you wouldn’t approve. The type to tell other frenzied fans online, “what would Y/n think?” Your his ideal type and he strives to be yours, dyes his hair and gets contacts to fit with your type.
Prone to- Obsessing over your well-being, spending too many hours a day reading fics about you (considers making his own), false sense of reality
“I know that Y/n doesn’t deserve this hate but pls don’t go bashing on haters on her behalf. Honestly it makes the fan base look bad and Y/n wouldn’t be proud. Let’s just focus on showing her love to drown out the negative. 💗”
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Taehyung- You’re his goddess. Tries to mimic you in every way. Your hair color, your clothes, your accessories, eye colors and even the way you walk or talk. You’re just such an icon to him and so refreshing, he can’t tear his eyes away from you. Every idol is just so boring compared to you. You magnetize him. In his free time he tries to draw you and has honestly gotten so good at it. Another one to try to have a social media theme similar to yours. Got a pet and named it after you. Mimics your style and changes it up whenever you do. Will travel to the places you do, ESP if it’s for a fashion show. Even copies your skincare routine and diet. Follows your accounts but loves your from afar, doesn’t participate in petty fan behavior bc his ego is too big to ever settle for a ‘fan’ title.
Prone to- online stalking and copying, actual stalking, huge ego and warped sense of reality
“Y/n is going to be in Paris next week so I gotta book my flight now. Do you think she’s gonna be at the Gucci or Dior show? I would say Gucci but she never fails to surprise me...”
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Jungkook- bby stan. You took his breath away when he first saw your music video. IU who? He watches EVERYTHING with you in it, streams all your music, follows all your accounts and buys all the merch. He strives to be your ideal type. He covers all your music but posts them online without showing his face bc he’s too shy. He used to be a fan war warrior but when he had a lil accident (cough smashing his laptop into a wall when the hater continued to call you a whore cough) he now tries his best not to participate and instead just focus on you alone. He would never admit it, but he’s the type to look up your zodiac sign and his sign to read about how compatible you two are. Doesn’t want to be so obvious as to wear matching outfits as you, but does get small things like the same phone case or necklace as you have. Just to feel closer to you. Would totally go to a fan meet if he knew he wouldn’t have a panic attack being face to face with his soulmate.
Prone to- getting a bit too heated when defending you, ignoring his actual responsibilities to obsess over you, buying small things to feel closer to you, suppressing aspects of his persona that he thinks you wouldn’t like
“Y/n said she liked guys who are laidback. Ugh...am I too practical for her? Maybe I should learn how to go with the flow a bit more. The horoscope did say she was going to have a problem with my Virgo tendencies....”
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latin-dr-robotnik · 5 years
Sonic High School AU Masterpost
Hope y’all enjoyed the first wave of posts about this new little experiment I made! Seeing as how people started getting on them later in the week than I originally expected, I decided it’s for the best to make a Masterpost collecting everything so far, explaining a couple of things, and keeping it archived over at the Special Content section of my blog. Let’s go.
What is this AU?
This is a project I started just before going on vacation, as I wasn’t sure if I was going to be online as I travelled, so I wanted to leave something so my blog at least stayed active once a day. As I wondered what type of posts I would leave on queue for a period of 9 days or so, I saw a Tumblr post from another user (sorry, I can’t find your post now :c) that expressed great desire for a Sonic College AU. After very little consideration on my part, I went right to my keyboard to write some exchanges between Sonic characters, and shortly after I realized my ideas were more appropiate for a High School AU, inspired by the likes of cliché campus idealizations from the entertainment industry. In my case, this is mainly inspired by videogames like Bully (one of my all-time fav games) and series like current Netflix hit Sex Education.
What’s the current status of the AU?
As I write this post, we are 8 posts into the AU, covering the first classes from a not-yet-defined grade (those kind of details I tend to skip over in favor of funny moments, since if I actually took this in a serious way we could end up here discussing things like how tf Cream the Rabbit is even in this AU), and establishing relationships that already existed (or not) in main Sonic canon. A central thing in this AU is the fact that it’s presented as simple exchanges between characters with minimal context; not regular, proper writing. This is both a time-related decision and a fun-related one, since it’s easier for me to come up with a wild idea (for example: Shadow’s shenanigans) and write it just like that. It keeps the perfectionist inside me at bay, otherwise I could end up spending hours upon hours perfecting an AU that, honestly, didn’t have to be perfect to begin with.
Here are the different parts, presented in order of release:
Physics Homework.
Silver’s first day.
Team Chaotix introduction.
Knuckles’ invitation.
Professor Robotnik vs Shadow.
Sit next to me. (Originally a bonus part!)
Team Rose introduction.
Amy is an upset cutie.
Pickle Friday? Cupcake Friday!
New strategy.
Additional help??
Silver & Blaze.
Cheating Time.
Where’s Sonic?
Catch you later.
Where do we go from here?
Queued posts are over, I finally returned home, so from now on updates will be slower as I come up with new ideas and inspirations on the spot. This is a just-for-fun thingy, so don’t expect big story arcs or anything, but I think I should at least try to fix the wording of some posts (I noticed my English machine broke several times during the making of that AU, lmao be patient with me). Future posts will link back to this post, and I guess I’ll have to regularly update this, we’ll see how it goes. Hope you enjoy it!
(Also, if you have any other doubts, headcanons, ideas or fun stuff to send my way, ask box is always open)
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eatingthem-moved · 4 years
Get to know the blogger!
Tagged by @sunsreign​ thank u hun !! I’m tagging UMMM @onsand​ @denbroughsguilt​ @crowncd​ @cometogethcr​ and everyone else ! i just tagged the people who’ve shown up in my notifs recently lol
FIRST NAME My name off tumblr is Calee ! (said like kay-lee) i really don’t mind if you call my by my first name or by my pen name, either works! i just don’t post my first name anywhere on my blog really lol
STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF strange?? hmmm i have a ton of stuffed animals for an 18 y/o probably... like a ton. and i still buy them cause i love them ;m;
TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON Hair !! also arms... (like the biceps) aaaaand lips, probably 
A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF chili verde smothered burritos !! specifically the ones from my favorite restaurant ohmygod they’re soooooo good. and their chips and salsa too
GUILTY PLEASURE fuuuuck. buying stuff, probably. like makeup and video games and books and movies and all that good stuff.
WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN t shirt and pj pants. shorts if it’s in the summer, and a sweater in winter.
SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS welp im in a serious relationship rn but if i was single i’d still prefer a serious one !
IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE askjdlkasjdlsj not getting back with my ex when we initially broke up, probably. he’s GROSS
ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON verbally i am ! i always tell my friends i love them and that i enjoy talking to them in stuff. physically i don’t really like cuddling or kissing my bf unless we’re in private
A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN The Family Man starring Nicholas Cage aslkdjslakjdlskja LISTEN. i loooove this movie and if u haven’t seen it i totes recommend that you do!!! it’s honestly one of his bests and it makes me cry every time it. ALSO John Carpenter’s The Thing !!!!! i grew up watching that movie and it’s one of my favorites 
FAVORITE BOOK Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, and also Misery by Stephen King! 
YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE A COW I LOVE COWS. or a big cat like a tiger. OR a raccoon. could go either way.
TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL] HA. hannibal/will and uhhhh. that’s. probably. it. sladjslakjd listen i haven’t really watched a show since hannibal has ended lol. but! more ships with hannibal include him and poppy with @gardenshe <33 hannibal/matthew brown. um. idk more ppl should ship with me tho <.<
PIE OR CAKE CAKE. with some sort of mousse pls. or a ton of whipped cream!
FAVORITE SCENT ooh uhh. apples and cinnamon maybe?? ooh or baking bread
CELEBRITY CRUSH *SLAMS FIST* kurt russell all the way, dude. i LOVE him, i would marry him in a heartbeat. also dean martin and james franco. AND MILA KUNIS
IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO So, I live in Utah, United States BUT i was actually born in Oregon, United States and just UGH. i love it there so much. it’s always so rainy and it’s close to the ocean and the trees and flowers are so beautiful. it feels like im home when im there !! but besides that, i’d go to canada to see my totally blood brothers jason and quinton @cometogethcr <33
INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT Ah funny enough im an introvert off of tumblr lol. im.. really awkward off the keyboard. and i feel like i’ve gotten even shyer and more insecure the older i get, which is funny because from the way it sounds it seems like that’s usually the opposite circumstance?? idk. hopefully i don’t weird u guys out on here tho lol
DO YOU SCARE EASILY yea lol i can get a little jumpy but i love scary movies still! but sometimes my bf scares me from around the corner and i get super mad at him lmao
IPHONE OR ANDROID i’ve got me an iphone but i wish i had an android ;m; i’d love me one of those brand new samsung phones.... (oh god now im going to be spammed with ads)
DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES i do!! i play minecraft a ton (u should ask me to play with u sometime <.<) but i also like story games! i grew up playing the sly cooper franchise ! (i made a blog for sly cooper one actually!) but i also really really like the evil within, outlast, dishonored, and a ton of indie games on steam
DREAM JOB like uhh, how dreamy we talkin’?? my ULTIMATE dream job would probably be a movie director, but that’s probably not going to happen lol. otherwise, im going for a criminal justice degree, so my dream job pertaining to that would either be a homicide detective or a crime historian !
WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS ahhh. move to oregon with my mom, bf, and my pets by the ocean. then buy a ton of movies to add to my dvd collection. and video games. and a nice car. umm. go to a beautiful restaurant! then i dunno after that lol 
FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE aw jeez alksdlakjd ummm. im not. a huge fan of alana from hannibal. idk i don’t think her character is written very well (but im still happy to write with an alana blog!) also light from death note. ohhhhh god. i hated him SO MUCH ALKSDLSAJD
FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER pfft. supernatural, doctor who, sherlock. the werks. probably more but i can’t think of any
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mythvoiced · 5 years
Tumblr media
NICKNAME:  Lena REAL NAME: ZODIAC:  Virgo, what that say about me- HEIGHT:  158cm last time I checked, maybe + <W<. WHAT TIME IS IT?  12:34 GMT+1 lmao FAV MUSICIAN / GROUP:  Atm? FOB, obvsly, Hayley Kiyoko, Lin-Manuel Miranda lmao FAV SPORTS TEAM:  EEEEH DO I GET ASKS?  SOMETIMES YES TYSM HOW MANY BLOGS DO I FOLLOW?  Oh boy- ANY TUMBLR CRUSHES? i’mma give this one to @liibertcs​ who is my senpai because this is my way of letting her know that i’ll continue being a brat at her for the next 400 years LUCKY NUMBER:  Naught WHAT AM I WEARING RIGHT NOW?  Jeans, beanie, necklaces, tiny rubber band on me pinky that I just sorta left on, me fluffy cardigan, two rings (one left index, the other left middle finger), inside slippers, fluffy pullover, am i going out? am i staying in? y’sure can’t tell from my attire DREAM VACATION:  ICELAND DREAM CAR:  I ain’t that sorta person, one that has four wheels ig lmao FAVORITE FOOD:  Breaded pork chops, pizza, a buncha others I can’t remember DRINK OF CHOICE:  Vermouth  LANGUAGES:  German, Italian, English, some basic understanding of French, Spanish, and super duper basic Dutch (learning) plus learning Hawaiian (god knows why) INSTRUMENTS:  The recorder (LMAO) and a few tunes on the guitar CELEBRITY CRUSHES?  OH boy... tbh I don’t go into this a lot, how do you even define a celebrity crush RANDOM FACT:  I broke the fking R key on my keyboard I either have to copy-paste the r into any word I need it in, or press and wiggle the key strategically for whole ass minutes; and because i think i put that down in the last time i did this, i started saying “lit” ironically in rl and, well, you can imagine what the result of that turned out to be
TAGGED BY:  @foxcharmed​ TYSM <3 TAGGING: @enchcntd​ @busanbunnie​ @liibertcs​ @intergalacticxmisfits​ @createsillusions​ just YOU, GO AHEAD
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S2 E6 - No Exit
Uhoh I'm watching the recap and it's edited to be about Jo and Ellen so I guess that's what the episode is about. "You're afraid of my mother?" "I think so" still hits
No one else but me cares about this but keyboard shortcuts in the tumblr text editor do not read in dvorak. I'm in dvorak layout rn and the "B" key is coded to X but if I want to bold I do ctrl+"B" not ctrl+"N" which is the key that B is coded to. Explains why my copy/paste shortcuts have been all fucked up while I make these posts. And is just kind of interesting from the perspective of what even is the tumblr text editor??? Unknowable.
But here we are, I can't eat, I've been sleeping like shit, I have to stick around (on Long Island) until I meet with my advisor until 2:30pm and I've already read too much spn fanfic for someone who hasn't seen this show so let's keep watching shallllll we?
Blonde girl has checked the fuzes and is now getting covered in creepy goo. OOO creepy goo is oozing out of the outlet, and now there's just a guy's eye. That was kind of a strangely paced scene.
Had to rewind to get a sus on the camera work they did - a flyover shot of the roadhouse comes down to an OTS shot on Dean, a little disorienting. Don't know why the name Katie Holmes is funny and/or bitch "for Dean" but I also don't know why we're describing Jo and Ellen arguing as a "catfight" so I'm taking a lot of stuff on spec real fast with this episode.
Ellen wants Jo to go to school. "Nebraska is for Lovers." Why is a family with two children coming into a bar at 10 am.
All young blondes missing from a building uhoh is the fact that Jo is blonde going to be relevant are they going to use her as bait?
Dean Jo literally punched you in the face so hard you dropped a rifle I feel like you shouldn't be so quick to judge.
Sam picked up on the goo real fast. Dean is having a weird attitude about this episode.
Jo is here and feeling Dean up real hard to sell the "bf" thing. Got a screencap for my new profile pic lololol.
Ellen has the opposite parent syndrome to John.
Jo is having to go through Dean hazing I don't love watching this. Why are we having this Dean being an asshole.
"You think women can't do the job" no experience... what is happening right now.
I see where both characters are coming from here but I just wish Dean wasn't such a fucking jerk to her before, great way for a person to be defensive is to give them something to be defensive over.
Is this going to be like that one xfiles epsiode with the stretchy man? Is that why that one scene was paced so weirdly to focus on the screw? Bc the xfiles episode was all about unscrewing things from the inside.
Dean reaching blindly into a hole to find a piece of scalp. Gross.
Ah yes, me when I am a hot blonde lady receiving flyers for a lingerie party and have a countertop absolutely stuffed full of apples. And then I get my ankle grabbed by something in a vent and just fall over and start screaming?? I'm sorry but you need to sell the monster a little more than that. What's it going to do? pull her into the vent??
Uhoh we got another screen-cappable moment. Literally the worst sleep position in the history of the world Dean. Great job. Yeah no wonder your back hurts.
Is Dean going to have to confront the fact that Jo is very much not ok? Or are they going to keep not talking at each other until Jo inevitably gets murdered by the fans.
Uhoh Dean telling a story about his dad. The chain necklace is back. The Jacting around "I bulls-eyed every one of them.. but I don't know."
Jo is a Dean foil in this episode I guess? Or she's what Sam could have been if his mom didn't die and his dad wasn't a fucking asshole. Whatever - she's someone Dean has to bounce off of in a "self recognition" type of way. Which makes me happy their romantic "tension" hasn't really been played as such during this episode.
There's apparently "nothing wrong" with being a hunter to get close to your dad. Who is dead. From being a hunter. I hate this stupid logic.
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. A) Sam still has his ghost broke hand in a stupid cast and B) ash sent them. a text file. a fucking. a fucking text file list. of the people executed. I love this show.
Herman Webster Mudgett the three name serial killer classic. Sam is fangirling over HH Holmes. Sam listens to my favorite murder and is a little bitch on the facebook page.
I guess we're just going to fucking destroy this apartment building that keeps leasing to blondes for some reason. "Jack squat" when you can't curse on a ghost show.
Dean's "you're inexperienced line" is ancient history at this point he just let's Jo go on by herself.
Yeah I mean, duh. They had zero plan.
Now it's time for Dean to come to the rescue. At least by now we can be confident that Jo isn't immediately dead.
"She's taking care of ... feminine business"
If John is the reason Jo's father is dead.. that would be interesting.
"There's nothing you could have done." Actually, he could have stopped her from going lmao, that seems pretty clearly like something he could have done.
Jo baby just breathe.
Oh we're having prisoner to prisoner communication.
Where did the hand come from? And he's just yanking some hair?
Me when I'm normal walking down the street with what I'm assuming is a metal detector turned EMF reader and a shovel. Time to dig.
Sam take your cast off.
Extra spiders in the hole just so you know it's creepy.
They could have like, actually used her as bait. That would have been an interesting test maybe of like, her commitment to hunting bc then she would have to deal with the fear of being in danger as something that didn't happen like, accidentally. They could have had her foil be Sam, who didn't want to be a hunter, who wanted to go to school, and now has chosen to be a hunter to be close to his dad. Why Dean??? The bottle shooting story was good but like, is that advancing his character that much? Like Dean should not capitulate to Jo's desire to be a hunter so easily, whereas that would be a much more interesting angle for Sam's character to be challenged. Whatever.
She's bait now I guess. And HH Holmes is just. Here now. And is doing an amazing performance of being completely .. uh.. trapped by salt.
H o w and whyyyyyyy?? But.. yes?? (About the cement mixer with weird rock anthem stings.) Filling that sewer with cement will take 1 million years I'm not sure they thought through this.
Is Ellen going to tell them what "that's not the first time I've heard that from a Winchester" meant? Or is she going to continue the not explaining herself routine she had with that one hunter.
Yessssss give us the dirtyy backstory Ellen.
Why are Dean and Sam being blamed for something their father did.
Okay the why still holds what the fuck??
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jisxngie · 7 years
11 questions tag
thank you @jiggyjisung for tagging me <3 (this is a super loNG POST™ btw)
1. Whats good fam?
i finished my first year of high school !!! but other than that nothing much
2. Did you eat yet
ya i went out to eat lunch with my friends today as a reward day thing :>>
3. What time is it?
it is 9:15pm
4. are you tired?
of jyp yes i always am
5. Still in school or nah?
yeet im in yr 8 next year :>
6. are you a keyboard, cuz you’re my type *wink wonk*
at first i thought this meant like piano keyboard thing but lmao im stupid
7. did you like that ^^^
very smooth :')))
8. So whatcha doin rn (besides this)
listening to music, procrastinating on a stray kids fantasy fic, watching dan and phil, the usual
9. chocolate chip cookies or oreos
i lov oreos but,,,,, choc chip cookies bc like if its baked nicely the cookie is soft and the chocolate is melted and skskajabak i lov
10. do u got any pets
i gots me a pupper :'))
11. mac n cheese or lasagna
mac n cheese bc i havent had it in like ages lmaoo
tagged by @straykeeds :>
1. What is your favourite food?
probably pizza !!
2. Who is your favourite non-kpop artist?
um either lauv or marianas trench
3. Do you sleep with the air-conditioner or fan turned on?
fan bc my aircon broke and we're going into summer how wonderful
4. What is your native language?
english !
5. What is your favourite sport?
nothing lmao im not sporty but if i had to chose, prolly hockey since i used to rep for my city
6. What phone are you using?
some model of xgody (android)
7. Do you prefer transparent-glass windows or darkened-windows at home?
i prefer tinted windows @ home
8. Do you prefer grassy areas or snowy areas?
ive never seen snow :<
9. What’s your favourite animal?
dogs !!!
10. What is your favourite book?
the many worlds of albie bright !!! (im p sure thats the title of it)
11. Do you prefer to keep your nails long or short?
i have long nails so long !!!!
finally, i was tagged by @str4y-k1ds <3
1. Milk or Cereal?
uh,,,, you'd think you'd need both ??? cereal first smh
2. The group that got you into Kpop?
bts !! my soft, beautiful, talented sons !!!
3. Who’s your Stray Kids bias?
i have three,,,,,,, felix, jisung + chris
4. A thing you really like about yourself?
i like my eyebrows :>> i also like my humour bc tbh im funny as fuck when you get to know me
5. Do you get along with your family?
ya i guess
6. Fave band that isn’t Kpop?
marianas trench !!
7. Have you ever considered learning Korean?
im kinda okay with understanding v v short simple sentences that i hear all the time but atm im studying japanese for school so maybe after
8. What’s the last compliment you gave someone?
@ felix: "honestly this boy holds constellations on his cheeks and the galaxy in his eyes im in love"
9. Have you ever changed your bias? And if, how often?
o heck ya, and uh,,,,,,, a lot
10. Do you have any nervous habits?
i actually have social anxiety so i have quite a few nervous habits (bounce my legs up n down, bite my lip, bite my nails, sweat excessively etc)
11. What made you get a Tumblr account?
i made my main @dxnghyunnie in 2015 and it was a bts acc before i made it multifandom and then switched to pd101 and now its multifandom again :> i made this acc not very long ago, maybe 1-2 months bc i saw hellevator and fell in love with all of them <33
uh,, thats all i guess !!! feel free to take any of these questions bc i cant be bothered to make any atm lmAO
i tag: @boyfyoungk @felixmosquito @felixhelix @3rachaa @hellevato-r @chanbaee @chanskitty @seungchanie @seungminty and others if you wanna do it (you don't have to :>>)
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naoamaya · 7 years
45 Questions
Tagged by @kaijohs, thank you for the tag Hanh!! <333
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: my mum
3. Text message: my bestie
4. Song you listened to: fools by troye sivan
5. Time you cried: idk
6. Dated someone twice: lmao i’ve been single for the past 17 years
7. Kissed someone and regretted: i’ve never kissed anyone
8. Been cheated on: nope
9. Lost someone special: yeah
10. Been depressed: yup
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
12. blue
13. teal
14. black
15. Made new friends: yes
16. Fallen out of love: no
17. Laughed until you cried: yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you: nope
19. Met someone who changed you: yes
20. Found out who your friends are: i’ve known they’re my friends for a few years now
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: pffft see no.7
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them
23. Do you have any pets: nope, though i did used to have a pet bunny
24. Do you want to change your name: yeah, but i have no clue what i would change it to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
25. What did you do for your last birthday: we had a family bonfire and watched the sunset together :)
26. What time did you wake up: 8am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching anime
28. Name something you can’t wait for: to be done with my a levels already tbh
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: about 10 mins ago
31. What are you listening to right now: the buzzing of my laptop and the clicking of my keyboard my headphones broke *cries*
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yup he was a really annoying kid that sat near me in science
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my slow internet :’)
34. Most visited website: tumblr
35. Hair colour: blonde
36. Long or short hair: kinda inbetween?
37. Do you have a crush on someone: nope
38. What do you like about yourself: my personality? maybe?
39. Want any piercings: a few, yeah
40. Blood type: 0RH+ lemmie just list this under ‘random facts i know about myself’
41. Nickname: potato, juju, snake
42. Relationship status: single
43. Zodiac: leo
44. Pronouns: she/her
45. Favourite TV show: i’ve been watching too much anime to think about tv shows..
I’m tagging: @oeruki, @phantomhivez, @blueyoonz, @keiniki and @bakchangg
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