#4x15 death takes a holiday
cockworkangels · 9 months
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shirtlesssammy · 5 months
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Dean and Cas every day not often enough -- 7/?
Supernatural 4x15//Death Takes a Holiday
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intrn37 · 1 year
“You made an exception for me.”
“You were different”
Jesus chrisssttttttttttttttt
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youchangedmedestiel · 9 months
How often/When do you think Cas watched Dean without him (and us) knowing?
Like I just rewatched episode 4x15 "Death Takes a Holiday" and it made me think about that because when Cas tells Dean:
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Just before this scene there is this dialogue:
CASTIEL: What just happened? You and Sam just saved a seal. We captured Alastair. Dean, this was a victory.
DEAN: Well, no thanks to you.
CASTIEL: What makes you say that?
DEAN: You were here the whole time?
CASTIEL: Enough of it.
This means Cas watched them doing all the work without Dean (and us and Sam) knowing, at least until he says it. And of course there is also episode 6x20 "The Man Who Would Be King" with the famous scene of Cas looking at Dean in Bobby's kitchen saying that the worst part was...
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Also, every time he watched him sleep (4x03 "In The Beginning" Cas sitting on the edge of the bed / 8x10 "Torn and Frayed" Dean startling on the couch because he sensed a presence and spilling his beer / 8x08 "Hunteri Heroici" Cas suggesting the idea of watching over them while they sleep).
But those scene are the only time Cas watched Dean without him knowing THAT WE KNOW OF. What about those we don't? Do you have some ideas of when this could have happened again? A scene in particular? Let me know because I want my mind to be blown.
Wait, is there a fic about that? I'm sure there is. Like Cas watching over Dean across seasons (at least until he can't fly anymore. But, wait, can he hide from people without his wings? That's a real question. Like can he spy on people without being seen once his wings are broken?) It could be a fic with Cas's POV and dialogues when Dean surprises him. Wait, I need to stop. I'm just writing my thoughts as they come to me but this post wasn't supposed to be this long. Sorry...
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catnipster69 · 2 years
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Episode 4x15 "Death Takes a Holiday"
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You do have a concussion.
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deanstudies101 · 3 months
4x15, Death Takes a Holiday
Critical theory: Instincts and miracles. Trauma. That bitch. 
Key quotes: Dean, “The pain of losing my father and Sammy. I just… I wish I had gone with you for good.”; Dean, “We’re all scared. That’s the big secret. We’re all scared.”; Tessa, “Trust your instincts, Dean. There’s no such thing as miracles.” 
Loved the symmetry of Pamela whispering to Sam. 
Love just how bad Sam is with kids (/just with people) compared to Dean. He wil say whatever he has to to achieve his goal. And like, Cole did have to go… but Dean handled it so much more delicately.
Dean’s conversation with Tessa. Like, jesus, Dean has so little hope to begin with, and Tessa just rips that away. But we knew this… The angels are just using Dean for their own agenda, they will say/do whatever they have to. Iga, “The angels and Sam have a lot in common. So it’s interesting that they hate each other.” 
Dean seems to have a romantic connection with death. “I wish I’d gone with you” is such a romantic way to say “I wish I was dead.” Iga, “It feels so much more classy for him to have this romantic connection with death.” We all know that he hates himself, hates his life, wants to die… But from the perspective of death is a beautiful woman, he’s the one that got away, death wants him back… it makes it more soothing, less gritty. He’s in a romantic relationship with the reaper. [I like the description of soothing, that’s really nice.] Tessa is soothing, she’s good at her job—easing the spirits into the next life. It’s a hug. Iga, “It’s flirting with death, but in a very intimate and romantic way.” [YEAH.] Kai, “Dean is flirting with death, but death is flirting with Dean.” Iga, “Dean and death want to be together… death wants him.” Iga is hoping Tessa sticks around, because it might ease the pain of the finale… ie. Tessa is there, they reunite, Dean and death finally get to be together. 
Liked that they were ghosts for a bit, so now they know what it feels like to be shot with salt. It’s fun. A nice flip 
Like Cas. “Guess again.” Iga, “for some reason that made me really attracted to him.” “Insane tism rizz. All he has to do is avoid eye contact and I’m into it.” [For me, yes, it’s the tism rizz. But also… “whatever I ask you seem to do the exact opposite.” Yeah tell him off.] Kai, “ohh, is he being a bit of a brat?” 
Star student: Iga, the Dean/death romance
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spnyouresostupid · 1 year
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thefandomchaos · 1 year
Supernatural Headcanon: Sam and Dean have scars from all their deaths
• Scar on his lower spine from his first death. Is the one Dean hates the most because he feels guilty for not being there in time.
• Lightning like scars around his legs, arms and near his heart from the wish that killed him (from Wishful Thinking 4x8)
• Pulse like or sound wave like around his chest from when Pamela took his and Dean’s Soul/killed them
• Stab wound in his lower abdomen from when Anna stabbed him (5x13)
• Gunshot wound in the center of his chest from when Walt and Roy killed them
• Dark marks around his heart from when he jumped in the cage. (Adam had this as well)
• x2 pulse/sound waves around heart when Billie killed them in 12x9
• Bite mark in neck from 13x21
(I din’t add Mystery Spot because it was a time loop, so his deaths technically never happened)
• Claw marks (especially around his chest) from hellhounds (this are the ones Sam’s hates the most)
• Pulse like or sound wave like around his chest from when Pamela took his and Sam’s Soul/killed them
• Gunshot wound in the center of his chest from when Walt and Roy killed them
• x2 Pulse like/sound waves from when he made the deal with Death to bring Sam’s soul back
• Stab wound in abdomen from Metatron
• bruise like around his throat from overdose (11x17)
• x3 pulse/sound waves around heart when Billie killed them in 12x9
• x4 pulse/sound waves around heart when he stopped his heart to talk to the ghosts/Death (13x5)
• Impale wound from his final death
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thebeautyofspn · 2 years
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4x15 Death Takes A Holiday
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lildoodlenoodle · 2 years
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Cover Art for 04x15 Death Takes A Holiday
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cockworkangels · 9 months
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and they lie professionally
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shirtlesssammy · 5 months
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Dean Winchester every day -- 75/326
Supernatural 4x15//Death Takes a Holiday
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pnkponyclub · 11 months
I can't believe not a single supernatural episode aired on my birthday
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Round 1, Poll 23
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bloodydeanwinchester · 10 months
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DESTIEL IN EVERY EPISODE → 4x15 death takes a holiday
you made an exception for me.
you're different.
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