#lmao this quote tweet 😂
leveloneandup · 1 year
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majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
Really not understanding the people being mean to Yong Yea and saying he'll never be Kuroda like. Yeah that's literally why Kuroda is also still voicing Kiryu?? They haven't gotten rid of Kuroda, they've just found a new English va for Kiryu since the games are having English dubs now??? They haven't even officially recorded anything leave the guy alone.
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dtmsrpfcringe · 3 months
So I came across this post on my dash and I would love to hear your take on it: ❤️
In my opinion the art is beautiful and hurts no one, I don't believe it deserved that reply on twitter. What bothers me is the comments and theories. What is crazy to me is calling anyone who doesn't believe Michael and David are dating a homophobic. Also the whole "Michael never called Anna his wife" yeah because they're partners, not married. They've dated women as far as we know all their lives. Again, they also quote all the sexual comments Michael and David make to eachother as proof that they're dating.
There's also a very amusing comment that I must highlight: "They deliberately cropped a photo to just include David and Georgia, and ignored the "Michael is my work wife" quote by david in order to fit their narrative that Dt and Gt are in love."
I found it funny because they do the same. They ignore the many posts with their children looking happy, the videos with anna and georgia looking in love, doing stuff together, the quotes of them praising anna and georgia in interviews, talking about how much they love them and their kids, and only focus on the comments/pics/videos of Michael and David talking about each other 😂 why can't both loves coexist?? Why can't they be in a loving poly relationship? Why can't they be in love with their partners and just have a close friendship with one another? No, the only option they entertain in their brains is "gay couple/affair"? And we're the ones who are homophobic and close minded? So before they met they were doing what for years and years? Pretending to be in love and having kids "just cause"? 3 of the kids were born after they met on go if I'm not mistaken so how does that fit the timeline? 😂 I'm not gonna get into having sex just for making babies cause next thing we know we are demanding celebrities to make sex tapes each time they do it to prove it to us \0_0/
(When I say "us" I'm not talking about the person in the tweet, but the fandom in general whom they usually call antis or Georgia and Anna fans lmao)
I'm not saying them being in a romantic relationship with each other is impossible. As a bi woman, i never assume anyone's sexuality. But when you have female partners, and fall for a male, that's called being bi! I'm sorry everyone but these men are not gay as in homosexual! They can very much be bisexual and believe me, if they one day came out I would be the first person to say: they were right, we were wrong!
But please, don't be someone who simply denies bisexuality to exist. Anyone of any gender can be bi and be in a monogamous relationship, a poly relationship, with both men and women. It doesn't invalidate or make the other relationship less than!
My opinions aside, their sexuality is none of our business. Sure, I know fans like to speculate and I understand it, but we can't simply choose one option and claim it as reality above all else and brush off the other ones. We don't know what goes on behind closed doors so it's really dumb to claim we do based off of the little we see on tv/social media! - and yes I am including my view as well! By the little I see, they can be 2 happy straight couples, a poly quadruple (sorry if that's not the term), a bi couple (ignoring the ladies), but what they 100% are is 4 friends who love eachother and seen to be quite happy. And I'm very happy about that too.
I'm sorry for the long rant I've been awake for 2 days and am a zombie
sorry if this seems like it doesn't make sense I just woke up....
lmaoooo sorry I read this post and then had to read it again. Let me say this right fucking now: ITS NOT HOMOPHOBIC TO RESPECT BOUNDARIES THESE GODDAMN PEOPLE ARE GONNA KILL ME!!!!!
Also you're so right. There are a multitude of reasons the photo could have been cropped as well. When you post specifically about a couple you probably want the photo to be...well...about that couple. It's not that hard to figure out. There's a really funny thing here, where they say they're trying to make David and Georgia seem in love. There's no seem. They are in love here. I hate it when people pull this shit because what in the hell do you mean seem?! Things could be different if they were shit talking (joking doesn't count, bc if we wanna bring up jokes David and Michael have made about each other then we can, I'll be overjoyed.) or getting a divorce, but every indication they have they just completely made up.
The homophobia thing. I am bisexual. Nova, when she helped me run this was a gnc lesbian. Respecting the boundaries of complete strangers does NOT make you a fucking homophobe.
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clairehadenough · 11 months
Now can I ask an honest question. I have asked other certain blogs but they ignore my ask.
With regards to AB I know about the cultural misappropriation IG posts and the hand signal which to me was the just the ok subject which is used everyday in sign language. I don’t know it had in recent times come to have another meaning but can someone tell me is there any evidence of the antisemitism comments/behaviour on set or did she really did get fired from Mother Mary or is it’s just all rumor? The Mother Mary firing came from a certain blog and we are just meant to believe her. Remember they also she said was blacklisted in HW but then Mother Mary happened.
Justin and KiKo tweets aside from 8 yrs ago for the moment has she actually posted anything?
Not wanting to make excuses for her I just want to know what’s the truth and what’s ‘unproven rumor’.
In my opinion Kiko’s tweets are the worst because they were in really really really bad taste. That piece of shit she likes to quote and make a joke while using his name is the biggest mass murderer of all time. Also it did not happened once. There is no excuse, she isn’t funny and it’s bad to even talk about him casually, let alone quote him and joke about him. By the way this piece of shit persecuted Jews and lot’s of other groups of people based on their religion or sexual preferences. Nothing in my opinion excuses Kiko’s behaviour and she hasn’t even apologised publicly.
Justin’s problematic tweets are idiotic and stupid. Why mention that the girl at the gym was Asian, how does it relate to the story? Funnily enough Captregina did the exact same thing this week. But of course when she doesnit it’s ok😏 The fat joke was cruel and insensitive and stupid too which was also the way to describe Justin’s personality.
As everybody knows these tweets are 11+ years old. When they were tweeted Alba was a 14 year old child. I don’t know if she knew these people back then to begin with. So the dumbest thing to say is that Alba is racist only because when she was 14, someone she probably didn’t know yet tweeted racist or body shaming tweets. Also, when you make new friends you don’t go searching their social media from 11 years ago. You know who does that? Unhinged, deranged, jealous people who don’t accept the fact that their parasocial boyfriend has a real life girlfriend so they are desperate to find dirt on them so they can break them up😂 The hand signal is a yoga gesture that is wildly known and the fact they tried to pass it for a White suprematism thing is both hilarious and scary.
Everything else is made up rumours by the delulus. My favourite is “her co star on WN said that she was openly anti-semit on set. Proofs? Which co star? Where did they say that? I asked regina about that specific subject once, asking her for proofs, she said “it’s all over the internet”😂. Sure Jan because if this was true and you had proof you wouldn’t be pinning that all over your blogs lol. There is no proof whatsoever about ANY of the claims they came up with. They act as if they know people in Hollywood lmao but they know nothing.
Like everyone has been saying from the beginning, regardless of how you like or dislike Alba, saying that old tweets belonging to someone else makes HER a racist is BS. PR blogs are seeing themselves losing their narratives so they just tell people that if they don’t agree with them, it means “they are defending a racist”! LoL. I wish they had the same energy to spend on real racism issues instead!
Unless they give you a tangible proof about whatever they’re claiming, don’t believe them.
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esther-dot · 2 years
I'm not even a Jon fan in particular, but as a Sansa and Dorne stan, Kit making twitter Targ stans lose what little was left of their pea-sized minds has been most pleasing to me. They really shouldn't have talked all that shit and karma is just coming back to bite as it always does with that fandom. I hope the Snow announcement comes soon and I hope we at least get a Sansa cameo in the show. However, if Kit is going to have his man pain over killing a genocidal tyrant be a main point in the show he can keep it lmao.
(Context: “Targ nation” was tweeting out revenge porn of Kit and making fun of his addiction and saying all sorts of horrible things about him and his wife after he recently defended Jon killing Dany. He used a lot of mitigating language, said he wished the characters had more time together, talked about how close his wife and Emilia are, but they were incensed.)
I try not to care too much about interviews because actors contradict themselves all the time. Kit said post s8 that supporting Dany made you “complicit” which means it’s possible he thinks that Jon was complicit too, that he might deal with that in the sequel, and that his show won’t glamorize Dany. So, I can simply take everything he says in interviews in the lead-up to his show as him trying not to estrange fans. Maybe Dany stans should be happy he still thinks they’re a gettable audience or he might be saying worse? 🤷🏻‍♀️
I mentioned the other day that I would enjoy a chance for Jon to deal with his trauma from dying, finding out about his parents, the wars he was involved in…I mean, there is a lot of stuff I would love for them to dig into which GoT totally neglected, but, grieving for a mass murderer is definitely not something I’m up for. Obviously, we don’t know for sure that’s where he’d take things, but there were quotes that seemed to point there. Or at least, that he thinks there’s still some question about the ethics of killing Dany. He said Ned wouldn’t approve since he didn’t approve of Jaime killing Aerys, but that ignores one tiny little detail. Ned didn’t know what Aerys wanted to do to KL, but Dany had already burned KL when Jon killed her. That kinda removes any moral ambiguity?
Furthermore, whatever code of honor Ned espoused and wanted to live by, he committed treason, betrayed his best friend and king, to protect an innocent life—Jon’s. To act like he would disapprove of Jon taking action to save thousands upon thousands of children, to save Winterfell, Ned’s daughters, to save Sansa, well, that’s just silly. I’m not saying he wouldn’t feel shame, Jon carries a lot of shame, but we can feel bad about having to take certain actions even if it is unequivocally the right thing to do. Not every choice is easy, and that’s certainly something Martin loves to explore. That could have been what Kit was trying to get at, who knows.
Anyway, I’m not sure which moral paradigm the sequel will be written from, and I’m not really looking forward to finding out 😂
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autumntouched · 1 year
that one kanye tweet that’s like “i need a room full of mirrors so i am surrounded by winners” is so hangman coded i’m dying
like just imagine him saying that to phoenix when she’s his fiancé/wife in the hannix football rivalry universe 😂😩
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Warnings: NSFW just in case because this gets a little 🌶️ . No smut but racy texts. However, the Kanye quote comes before that if you want to stop after Nat’s response xx
I Need a Room Full of Mirrors
One of the reasons Natasha doesn’t mind shopping with Jake is that he has a fairly decent sense of fashion. Unlike the other men, who look bored out of their minds while they wait for their girlfriends or wives, Jake will put aside his phone to give her his genuine, enthusiastic opinion. And he doesn’t do it just for her—he’ll hype any woman who happens to be in the dressing room at the same time she is until all of them are going out to get his feedback on each outfit. Natasha can practically feel the smug glow on his face when he overhears them gushing to her about how lucky she is to have him.
The shop clerks love it too and will often slip them a discount, which Natasha can’t really complain about either.
“Mind if we stop in here?” he asks, hooking his thumb toward a menswear store.
She holds her hands out for the bags he insisted on carrying. “No, I got them, babe.” He drops a kiss on her forehead and strolls into the shop.
While he browses, she picks a few pieces for him and follows the saleswoman to the dressing rooms to wait for Jake. Natasha settles into one of the leather seats and responds to several texts from her brother.
“Right this way,” another saleswoman says a little breathlessly, cluing Natasha in to Jake’s approach. There’s a deep blush on the woman’s cheeks, and she tries to check the back of her hair while carrying some of Jake’s selections.
“I put the shirts I picked in that one,” Natasha tells him when he sets her bags down next to her. She points to the dressing room door where his name is written neatly in chalk.
Jake glances down the row of rooms and goes to what looks like a larger one at the end. He peaks inside. “May I use this one, ma’am?” he asks.
“Of course!” she exclaims, rushing to move his clothes at the same time Natasha asks, “What’s wrong with the one you have?”
“It’s not a problem!” the saleswoman chirps, nearly dropping her keys in her hurry to move everything from one room to the other.
“This one’s got more mirrors,” Jake tells her while he nearly sends the poor woman into shock when he brushes her hand taking a few hangers from her. Natasha fixes him with a raised eyebrow, and he flashes her a grin that looks fit to split his cheeks. “Babe, c’mon, I need a room full of mirrors so I’m surrounded by winners.”
The saleswoman giggles, but Natasha stands up and nearly chucks her phone at him. “Are you fucking kidding me? I must have been deprived of oxygen the day I agreed to marry you!”
That wipes the amusement off the woman’s face, but Jake doesn’t see from where he’s holding the door open. He pulls out his phone and taps it open.
“The room’s ready,” the saleswoman says, a lot less chipper than she was a few seconds ago.
“Appreciate it,” he smiles and disappears inside. Natasha’s phone buzzes.
Come inside. I have a few ideas about how to take your breath away enough to make you say yes to me all over
Natasha feels her face heat and glances around. Fortunately, the saleswoman scooted off as soon as she realized Jake wasn't available.
Show me later, and I’ll show you something else in the mirror, she sends back.
Wait. If it’s your middle finger again…
She stifles a laugh at that memory. No, unless you want to tell me where to put it this time. Better yet, maybe I'll let you show me...
One of the hangers falls to the floor, and Jake swears softly. Ok. Stop please or we’re going to have to leave
Natasha glances around and sinks back down into the chair so she can cross her legs against her own impatience. Lmao after you made that poor woman move all your stuff? I won’t let you
but maybe you were onto something with the mirrors 😉 do you want to know what thinking about seeing you shirtless from all those angles is doing to me?
Her phone buzzes with a picture of Jake’s tanned pecs and abs reflected three times over, his nipples hard from the cool air, their texts, or both, and yeah, he was fucking right about the mirrors.
Jake saunters out of the room in his first shirt. It’s not even buttoned properly. “How do I look?” he asks roughly.
Natasha uncrosses her legs. “Like a winner.”
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not-so-rosyyy · 1 year
Not everyone saying tomdaya next 🔪
lmao everyone's out for blood, i can't blame them. although i did just see a tweet saying exactly that and they're being severely whacked in the quotes so...😂
but tbf, everyone's fair game to that fate. damn even longtime married couples divorce, it's not new. all I can say is that I'm here always rooting for people I like to be happy for as long as they can because I may be slightly insane but I have also been loved and cherished and I will never go around wishing the opposite for anyone. except for Duterte, the Marcos clan, virtually every politician in my country, Trump, Andrew Tate, Elon Musk, sex offenders, racists, homophobes, war profiteers, etc...you know, horrible people....
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privateerandking · 1 year
It really was the twitter stans tweeting zoyalai book scenes/quotes with show stills winning the battle for us LOL they were getting pretty good engagement too? it also had the nice effect of making people curious about them and wanting to read the duology!
Oh for sure. I definitely saw at least a couple tweets put out there by zoyalai stans that had way more engagement than most of the ones put out by the official Twitter account lmao. 😂
Not to mention the fact that they’re somehow creating all these edits and everything with literal crumbs of content from this season.
They really be doing the most out here for the zoyalai agenda and I love them for it.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
//I had a good laugh at all the quote tweets from people who think this means the show's a success and are @'ing Brad Schwartz demanding renewal. I'm not gonna lie, I take a perverse pleasure in watching certain fans build up their expectations from articles like this only to have them crushed soon after.//
Speaking of... Jai had this to say:
Also, once again, Misha carrying the whole damn network on those giant shoulders of his 😂😂😂
AGAIN would imply it has happened before... which it has not. He couldn't even carry a fan con let alone a whole network. I know they love to claim Jensen and/or MC "carried the show" but now he carried "the whole damn network"?? LMAO, oh Jai, you are always so unintentionally hilarious!! I know you meant it un-ironically but dang, it was funny!!
LMAO! Carrying the network? The CW network that's dying? Yeah, sure. But enjoy your delusion while it lasts! That's only for the premier and GK's 2nd episode came in at the 2nd lowest ratings for the week on the CW (only beating out AA: Homecoming).
I'll be waiting over here for the tantrums that follow when they're proven wrong, again.
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thepromiscuousfinger · 7 months
Oh man, (not so) fun fact about that Toriyama slander tweet, right below it was a well known voice actor agreeing with him and saying “We went from Mr. Popo to the world’s strongest threat re-incarnated into a POC!” Most backhanded “praise” and he had the gall to have “RIP Toriyama” in his handle. I was replying to someone else (he wasn’t even in the chain so he wasn’t @‘d) how two faced it was, and he quote tweets me flipping his shit. Still haven’t checked my Twitter, sure it’s on fire LMAO.
Oml dm me. I wanna see that 😂
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 9 months
If they quoted evansfiles the chance that they’re a secret Emma stan is very high 😂. I swear they’re always on his dick and they’re the ones who, a while ago, made a ticktock that was about Evan being “racist” and they used that picture of Evan dressed as Charles Manson as “proof” lmao. Plus the fact that I saw an old Emma stan like one of these peoples’ tweets that said Evan is antisemitic (they’re saying that the term Jew is a slur and that Evan is antisemitic for saying it but I have never heard that that’s a slur) just convinces me even more that they’re all Emma stans and their followers.
that’s absolutely wild. people really log onto twitter and say anything, then expect to go unchecked. the fact these trolls are even interacting with fan accounts tells me everything i need to know.
can someone do a study on the way evan peters occupies the mind of these people who claim to hate him? it’s really something.
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jeanmoreaux · 1 year
I liked season 2 of Shadow and Bone, it was entertaining and I made sure to remind myself to separate it from the books. That being said, I felt that some scenes lost their weight due to them being rushed (Kaz vs Pekka, Kaz fighting the Dregs), and I felt that the flashback scene of Kaz on the Reapers Barge was not impactful enough. They couldn’t have had the actor push a couple of dead limbs off himself or turn his head and come face to face with a corpse instead of just touching one body? That would be more impactful AND would save the horror and logistics of the “using Jordie as a life raft” scene.
I don’t generally like how the show has handled Inej’s story. Even in the first season they barely showed her fear of the Menagerie and Heleen, just her rage and anger. From the TV show/story telling perspective, I understand why they killed Heleen, it makes Kaz and Inej’s goals aligned. HOWEVER I wish Inej had gotten revenge on Heleen or we could have seen her get the tattoo cut off rather than tailored away and leaving a faint scar/feather outline to show just how much she wanted to be rid of it. I’ve seen tweets about the Inej episode they have written for the spin-off, written by an Indian woman, which does have me holding out hope they’ll give the story and Amita the space they deserve.
I also hated how they softened Zoya. I know that it’s possible to write a character who is mean and also likeable and they failed to do that. They also barely had her in the season.
My other complaint is that the season was very busy but when you have like 10+ main characters it can get to be a lot. Which sucks because I loved all the performances and the acting was great but I just could not CARE about Alina/Mal/the Darkling. Episode 7 which was mostly about them felt so long because I just didn’t care as much. The crows are more interesting, even my sister who’s never read the books agrees that the crows stories are more interesting. To quote her “enough with the war and Ben Barnes! Go back to the thieves!”
I very much want a Six of Crows spin-off, I don’t care much for a Season 3 (unless that’s all we’ll get) and I don’t mind they took some scenes from the books and made them fit with the context of the show. I think that it will make for a nice parallel between the Kanej graveyard/wound cleaning scene versus a possible similar Crooked Kingdom bathroom scene in a spin-off. I like the changes made because it made sure I wasn’t alway two steps ahead of what was happening and was able to be pleasantly surprised.
gosh, i am so on board with the things you're saying! your citicism is SO valid, and all these things bug me too!!! thank you so much for sharing btw—loved to read your thoughts. i am glad you were entertained by the season as a whole. i was, too; up-until ep4 when it just kind of fell apart for me (mostly as a season of television but also as an adaptation). but even after ep4, i tried to separate the books from the tv show in my mind, and that worked rather well until the last two episodes tbh. it's just.....the last-minute changes they made are so in conflict with what tgt is about and felt very out of left field, so that it was almost to jarring of a change. ((does that make sense??? i feel like if they'd committed to the changes earlier in the season i would have had an easier time not comparing it to tgt...)). and ngl the final made me more critical and re-evalute the earlier episodes in season (mainly because, for me, they miserably failed to build up to the 'twists' in a satisfying way). you're so right about the acting and the crows as well. ((lmao your sister is so real for that comment 😂 give her my love.)) and same, i am much more interested in a soc spin-off than a third season. the direction they seem to be going with the tgt storyline simply doesn't interest me all that much. still, for the casts sake, i hope they're renewed. i haven't read any info on the planned spin-off but they kind of teased the soc storyline at the end so does that mean the spin-off won't cover the ice court plot? and i am so happy to hear they'll (hopefully) dedicate more time to inej and her story in the spin-off. it's what my girl deserves!!! ((wish they would have focused more on her as an individual in sab too, tho...)). whether they only get a third season or a spin-off, i am interested to see what they do from here on out with the crows. frankly, i don't trust that it will be good ((mainly bc i trusted them with sab and look how that turned out lol)) but i am more than ready to be pleasantly surprised!
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imgloriaa · 1 year
i don’t think anyone from his fandom follows me so i’ve never had people coming at me and insult me for whatever i said to jword 😂 i’m blocked now so i’m not allowed to quote his tweets anymore 😭
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forjongseong · 1 year
ok but bestie can we discuss this
i feel like some people feel the need to get into every fancall because they feel like they actually know their bias on a personal level 😭 like idk
and same its so tempting to be a h8er sometimes
my hater side: lmao he just remembers you because you pay his rent regularly and force it on him! you don't have a chance with him btw, if he says you're pretty, he sees idols who are much prettier so don't get too excited 😂
bestie I am a hater I just do it in private until it consumes me badly HAHAHAHAH
YOUR HATER VS FAKE SIDE IS SO REAL AND I SEE THE FAKE SIDE COMMENT A LOT ON TWITTER LMAOOOOOOO all these non-mutuals replying or quoting OP's tweets and saying "YOU'RE SO LUCKYYYY, YOU'RE GORGEOUS" or "YOU TWO LOOK CUTE TOGETHER" like get out of here we all know you're jealous ahsdhasdhashdsadhdsahsadh
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josephqunnies · 1 year
“so yall coming to me calling me racist for defending my friend & going off to that tumblr to talk about me?that’s so fkn awesome of u,why do u have to tell her literally everything i do?like wtf?” Then she be getting mad at all the private quote tweets.
Lmao 😂😂😂
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Another request because ✨yes✨
Trans!reader (ftm) → Showing up with a tattoo representing them? (For example; Showing Philza a tattoo that represents him)
AIKE, that's adorable-
You're giving me such creative liberty with the tattooes dodbddkdk
Hope you enjoy <3
DSMP react to Reader having a tattoo about them
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Philza, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click Here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: Male (ftm) - He/Him (even tho the pronouns are not mentioned much :'D)
Dream: Smiley Face Blob
It's a very simple tattoo, that's true, but for some reason to Dream it means a lot. It's also very adorable and he loves it. But it does boost his ego a bit, so be careful haha
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
George: Mushroom with gogles
He at first looked at it and was like "Ok, cool lmao", but after you told him it was about him he got very exited. Like "Wait me? That's me? Hold on, let me take a pic, I need to show EVERYONE"
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Sapnap: Panda with a bandana
Like George, he gets all exited and giddy. Will literally start jumping around because he's so happy. He'll like tweet about it and just brag that you chose him to get a tattoo after haha
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Bad: Muffin with horns and a halo
You got the tattoo in celebration for his song "Muffin". After the song was released, you showed him and he couldn't stop chuckling from how happy he was. He even considered taking one, but he got too scared
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Skeppy: his Minecraft skin
He at first thought it was a joke, or like one of those tattoo's that last a week or month. But when you told him that it was permanent he felt very touched, even if he did joke about how you'll have him with you forever
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Quackity: Las Nevadas chip
He came with you to get the tattoo because you needed "moral support", but instead you just wanted to surprise him. Once he saw the tattoo he was shocked but very happy; might've said "pog" at least a thousand times out of shock haha
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Karl: g swirl (the one he has on his mc skin)
Such a tiny and almost unnoticed tattoo held so much meaning to Karl. He couldn't stop looking and caressing it cause he thought it wasn't real
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Wilbur: "It was never meant to be"
This is one of the most famous Wilbur quote, and obviously you had to get a tattoo of it. When Wilbur first saw it he let out a laugh; not in a mocking matter, more in disbelief, but he does secretly love it even if he doesn't out right say it
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
C!Philza: Crow with a hat
He found the tattoo a bit funny and quiet adorable, even if he does question why you would have a tattoo of him
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C!Technoblade: Axe of Peace
You got the tattoo as a thanks for what Techno did for you by keeping you safe from the fight no matter what happened. And he found it quiet amazing, he just stared at it happily. But he does make fun of you a bit tho, it's in his blood to do so
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Nihachu: Mermaid tail
You wanted to represent her in the OSMP, and the tattoo had very nice pastel pink and blue colors. Niki fell in love with it instantly and even got it matching with you
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Eret: Flamingo w/ a crown
It's her signature animal basically, so Eret found it very cool and she thanked you for even showing it too her
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Punz: Bee w/ a chain
Punz couldn't help but let out a chuckle when he first saw it, his thumb gently gracing over the tattoo. He really liked it and even braged about it on twt. I imagine him and Sapnap having a fight on which one is better 😂
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Foolish: Totem of Undying
You at first joked with Foolish that if he ever got the powers of a totem of undying you would get a tattoo of it. And once he did get them you got the tattoo, which he was surprised about because he thought you were joking. But he does love it
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Sam: Creeper w/ crown
He did a live stream just to show off your tattoo, that's how happy Sam was. He really couldn't believe you actually got a tattoo of him, but he appreciates it very much
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
I'm editing and just noticed that I forgot Charlie and Aimsey, but I don't have much time to add them cause I'm tired, sorry :'D
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