#lmk backup clone
yanderelmk · 11 months
i guess a silly one to think on as i work, MK with a darling or Host- who likes one of his clones more- i think that would be silly cause like on one hand technically that means they like MK 2 times, but they also- don't like MK as much as Porty/Art/Delivery/Backup, I think MK would have mixed emotions on it but i was curious on your take of it - 🪷
MK deadass would be sitting here like "They're just?? Me?? But with theming?? I mean- good for you if you like them, I guess- but they're literally versions of me with unhealthy obsessions I'm not sure why you would want that? I'll make a deal: You can hang out with them, but if they start trouble I gotta put 'em back." Y/N calls when the clones start on their yandere bullshit (they're more aggressive than MK by far) and he just goes "Well well well, look who was right."
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summer-time333 · 2 years
MK's Clones Headcanons
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Xingyu, the Party Clone
Rowdy, Unhinged, Party Animal
Loves to party hard and all night
Staff would be a glow stick
Zhiyuan, the Artist Clone
Calm, Organized, Judgy
Loves to make art pieces of people for himself
Staff would be a paint brush
Hongjun, the Delivery Clone
Caring, Responsible, Protective
Loves to make sure everyone is taken care of
Staff would be a spoon
Weijie, the Backup Clone
Rude, Distant, Quiet
Loves to stay away from large crowds
Staff would be the exact replica of Wukong's staff, but with darker tones
This was rushed as all heck but I'll get more ideas when I can! :/
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night3owl · 2 years
Crosshair x gn Teen!reader (platonic of course)
A/N: this is my first fanfic so sorry if it’s bad lol
Warnings: Order 66, nightmares, star wars violence, death, mentions of death, I think thats it? Lmk if i missed any!!
(Y/F/N)= Your fake name
Word count: 1319
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Blaster bolts were flying at you constantly, it seemed like they would never stop. The clones you fought along side with turned against you, showing no mercy. You followed Ahsoka to the ship Rex was in, both of you jumping in the air, falling.
You wake up with a start, another nightmare. That whole day was a nightmare if you were being honest. The day the Jedi fell, the day your best friends turned on you within the blink of an eye, the day you had to fake your death, and the day you couldn’t do anything about it. 
You rub your face to try and wake yourself up more. You get up and get dressed into a shirt, pants, boots, goggles, and mask. Your comm goes off, Cid was comming you.
“Hey kid, you still looking for some jobs?”
You walk through the streets, keeping an eye out for anyone who might cause trouble. After a few minutes you reach Cid’s and go inside, going to the back where she usually gives jobs.
“-And you’ll be working with someone else for this job”
You walk in as Cid points to you. Looking around the room you see the Bad Batch, and a child..? You walk up to the holotable, keeping as calm as possible ‘they might have their chips out, you never know’. You hope they have their chips out, they were some of your closest friends. But that was in the past now, now you had to focus on your identity being hidden. And credits. Credits can get you a lot of things.
“This is (Y/F/N), the person you’ll be working with. (Y/F/N), this is the Bad Batch.” Cid points at you, then the Batch. You nod to them, acting casual.
“Here’s the job-“
You walk to the marauder from your apartment since you had to get your blasters, one on each of your thighs, resting in their holsters. You also got your knives and hid them in your boots, just in case. 
Once you arrive you notice Crosshair standing on the stairs, obviously impatient. ‘Of course he is, he’s Crosshair for force sake.’
“You took forever”
“It’s a ten minute walk each way, of course I took forever” You roll your eyes. Crosshair walks up the rest of the ramp, and you decide to follow him. Crosshair closes the ramp behind you two, yelling to Tech that you’re on the ship.
The mission was simple, in theory of course. Just sneak into an academy, find the person who wants out, and leave. Simple, right?
“Alright, we’ll split up into groups, Omega and Tech, you’re with me. Crosshair and (Y/F/N), you’ll go around back and watch our backs. Wrecker and Echo, you’re our backup” 
Everyone nods to Hunter, going to their groups. You walk up to Crosshair, looking up the cliff.
“So, how are we gonna get up there?” You ask him, although you already knew the answer to that.
“Just like how they are,” Crosshair nods over to the right as Wrecker throws Tech, Omega, and Hunter up the cliff. You turn your face to an expression of horror as Wrecker starts walking towards you two. Crosshair smirks, telling you that you’re going first, making you panic. 
By the time you protest Wrecker throws you up into the air while chuckling. You land on the edge of the cliff on the dirt, your left foot slipping off into the air. You quickly grab the ground and pull yourself up. Crosshair lands next to you as you stand up while wiping the dirt off of your clothes.
“You okay kid?” 
You start walking towards the back of the building. You and Crosshair walk through the forest, a comfortable silence between you two. You guys quickly get to the back of the building. Crosshair shoots a grappling hook above the second-story window and attaches the line to his belt. Realizing you can’t use the force to jump up, you walk over to him and grab onto him. He makes sure you’re secure before tugging on the rope to pull you two up.
You go inside through the window first, landing on a metal grate bridge that’s 6 meters above the floor. You make sure Crosshair is inside and there are no traces of you coming in.
“Hurry up kid, can’t be wasting any time”
“Yeah yeah”
You both walk over to the armory on the bridges, since that’s where the person is supposed to be. You got there before the others on purpose to make sure the coast is clear. Crosshair sends a signal to Hunter while you look around. “There’s no one up here with us”
“Don’t worry (Y/F/N), the less we have to shoot the better” You nod, looking down at the door. Suddenly you sense danger coming from the left. You quickly shove Crosshair and yourself down to the floor of the bridge and bring out one of your blasters, shooting down TK troopers. Crosshair quickly joins you and tries to comm the others.
“Kriff, they’re jamming the comms! Its a trap!”
“Obviously! They’re probably trying to get rid of whoever doesn’t like the empire!”
You can barely hear each other over the blaster fire. You sense more troops coming behind you and turn around to shoot them. ‘If only i still had my lightsabers.’ You both finally shot down all the troopers after a minute but still hear blaster’s shooting. You look down to see about 40-70 TK Troopers shooting at Hunter, Tech, and Omega.
Not caring anymore about hiding your identity, you jump over the rail, hearing Crosshair yell out your fake name. Using the force to cushion your landing, you take out your blasters and start help shooting down the TK’s. You can see Crosshair helping out as you get shot in the goggles, sending you to the floor.
You hear your fake name being called by multiple people. You take off your goggles since they’re cracked, which results in taking your mask off too. You quickly stand up, you weren’t injured since your goggles took the bullet. You start shooting again, this time using the force to aim. Within a minute or two all the troopers where shot down and you were almost to the front of the building. There were about 15 TK’s at the front doors. Crosshair signaled to you, ‘Sniper time’, you nod in response. You back up a bit while looking up at the bridges, Crosshair following you. Using the force, you throw him up onto the bridge above you. He quickly starts sniping the TK’s, all of them down within 30 seconds.
Crosshair jumps down from the bridge while you use the force to catch him. You all quickly run outside and head to the cliff, you didn’t realize how steep it was until now. 
“How are we going to get down?” You chuckle at Omega’s question, everyone else already knowing the answer.
“The same way we got up here of course. Up and away.” You use the force to lift them all up and throw them into the air and then jump off. Once you all land you go inside the marauder and Tech goes to the cockpit, flying the ship. 
“So, how long were you planning to hide your identity for?” Crosshair points at you with his toothpick, smirking. 
“Eh, hopefully forever,” you chuckle, “but look how that turned out.” 
Tech walks in, datapad in hand, “According to the empire you’re dead, same place and time as Rex, which I assume you know he’s alive”
“Gee, is everyone faking their deaths?” Echo complains, rolling his eyes.
“Only Rex, Ahsoka, and I”
“Commander Tano’s alive..?”
“Er, technically she isn’t a jedi anymore, she left the order a while ago.” You rub your neck, looking anywhere but at Echo.
“She wHAT-“
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samadhigarden · 2 years
hear us out.
lmk x the owl house au.
pigsy as eda.
tang as raine.
mk as luz.
red son as amity.
mei as king.
lilith? no clue actually, probably swk or chang’e.
gus? we have no clue, ne zha but nicer/j or sandy, though it wouldnt make sense cuz hes an adult.
willow? unsure.
lbd as belos.
macaque or the scorpion demoness as darius.
the mayor or lbd’s hostess as hunter. (s3 specials desc)
kikimora as who? perhaps the mayor as well. we havent fully decided yet.
the collector? maybe two versions. yin and jin.
vee? mk’s backup clone.
illusion coven head? maybe the spider queen, or the goldfish demon.
we literally have no idea how this is going to work out just yet and lowkey need help
we saw a version with swk as eda but we wanted it to base it off roles/personalities 👎
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nahoney22 · 3 years
I'd love to see a one shot of just something cute with Hunter 🥰 I'll leave the rest to your brilliant mind!
Hunter X GNeutral! Reader
word count: 2.1k
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In which you, an assigned medic to the Batch, have been injured unbeknownst to you after a mission which leads to Hunter being more moody and broody than usual which then leads to some feelings being revealed.
Warnings: Mostly SFW. Angst, some fluff, little bit of injury but nothing major and a tiny tiny hint of arousal.
A/N: okay so this is my first one shot, like ever! Feel free to lmk what you think. I’ll do requests 💜
The Bad Batch along with their newest recruit were doing what should have been a simple scout mission. With gathering the intel they needed and ready to pass it back to the Republic so they could hit their next move, the team were making their way back to the Marauder when a surprise wave of battle droids had emerged from the South just where Tech had parked the ship.
Immediately getting into position, you soon found yourself pinned back against the rear of the ship when a swarm of clankers had almost boxed you in.
You called out for backup on your Comm device, a wave of dread filling your insides as your hands started to ache from the constant firing of your blasters and trying to shield yourself with whatever was accessible; which was barely anything aside from your gear.
Switching to your left, you quickly managed to take out a Droideka that had rolled its way up to your position, knowing it to be a lot more deadly than the average clanker. You thought you were in the clear, no assistance needed as the blaster shots quietened down allowing you to breathe for a moments peace.
Your shoulders slumped but you still felt the adrenaline from the rush run through your veins. You holstered your weapons before making your way round to the front of the ship where you had heard Wrecker cheering loudly followed by a small grunt from Echo who simply said ‘we get it Wrecker, they’re dead. Stop shoving it in our faces’ to which Crosshair silently agreed before making his way up the steps and inside.
You waited for the others to head on in but paused when you saw the Sergeant marching right up to you, a face full of thunder.
“What do you think you were doing?” His tone was short and snappy when he stopped in front of you, causing you to squint at him behind your visor before pulling your helmet off your head.
“What are you talking about? I-I was doing what you guys were doing?” You defended yourself, not quite sure how to react to his sudden hostility towards you.
“You’re meant to stay behind me at all times. How’d you think it would make me look if you were injured or-or killed?”
Truth was, when you were assigned to tag along with the Bad Batch for some missions due to your medical background, you hadn’t expected to be there for any longer than a month. But here you were six months later. And still, Hunter was rather protective over you. You could hold your own, there was no deniability of that, but you would always find yourself partnered up with Hunter on missions whilst the others did their own thing. You didn’t mind it as you liked Hunter. In fact, you couldn’t help but get a little jittery when he stood close to you which made your heart beat fast. You had certainly developed some form of feelings for the clone but this sudden shortness of temper had been happening for around a week now and you wasn’t sure where you had gone wrong... if you even had.
“Why are you being like this with me? So what if I separated from you for a small while? You know I can handle myself.” You found your voice and spoke up, looking up to the Sergeant. Your eyebrows creased as you frowned at him. He was always usually soft spoken and gentle with you but these sudden mood changes were starting to drive you insane.
Before he could answer, you had turned and started to make your way up the steps to the ship when you felt a hand take a hold of your shoulder followed by a string of ‘woah woah woah’s’. You snapped your neck in his direction to see him gazing down at your legs with wide eyes and that’s when the sudden pain hit you. Conveniently, the adrenaline had soon died off and that’s when you felt the blaster shot in your thigh to which Hunter had spotted.
“Oh... Kriff.” You grumbled, bending over slightly to assess the scenario. You knew it wasn’t all too bad as you hadn’t passed out yet and you were not bleeding but Hunter clearly thought it was the worst thing to happen as he had grabbed you by the arm and hoisted you up the steps and called after for Tech.
“Tech! Come back here, now!” Hunters voice was urgent and almost furious sounding, making your eyes widen as you sat down in one of the chairs and heard the scurrying feet of Tech.
“What is it?”
Hunter only nodded down at the medics thigh and Tech pulled his lips into a straight line. “Ah. That’s not ideal.”
The comment made you stifle a small laugh at Techs blunt response but Hunter had fixed his eyes upon yours and you suddenly felt that laughter die down.
“Can you fix it or not?” Hunter was growing impatient, wiping the back of his hand across his forehead, frustrated.
“Well of course I can. But I’m sure Y/N is plenty capable of fixing an injury as small as this. We should really be departing from this planet before any others show up.” Tech informed Hunter who grumbled under his breath about getting Crosshair to get the ship flying and stormed into the cockpit, the door sliding shut.
You let out a heavy sigh and looked over to Tech who had already started gathering a stim and some bandages.
“Thanks Tech but I’m sure I can handle it.” You reached out your hand as he turned to you and he simply accepted the fact you didn’t need help but stood by just in case. As you fixed yourself up, bending your leg in and out carefully to make sure the bandage was properly secure you couldn’t help but replay the look on Hunters face when he saw your injury or when you heard the tone of his voice.
You snapped out of your thoughts briefly when Echo entered and offered you a small smile when he noticed your bandaged leg. “Say, it’s weird to see you the one bandaged up rather than one of us.”
You hummed in amusement but the smile didn’t reach your lips. “Echo, Tech, can I ask you guys something?”
“Well that depends on what it is you are asking. Are you asking about the mission? Something that none of us can feasibly answer? Is it-.”
“It’s about Hunter.” You quickly cut Tech off before he could continue, earning a playful smirk from Echo who nodded his head for you to continue. “Do you think he’s been... acting weird?”
Echo shifted in his spot whereas Tech looked on silently. “How’d you mean?” Echo asked.
“I-I don’t know. I just feel like he’s being short with me recently? He’s being way to over protective and I feel like everything I am doing is wrong, y’know?”
Tech tilted his head slightly. “It could simply be because you were assigned to us by Commander Cody and you being injured in battle would reflect badly on us from a military point of view.” Tech offered but you were glad that Echo was also with you as he had a inkling he knew what was going on. In fact, Echo and Crosshair were more than certain they knew what was going on with Hunter but it was not in his place to say.
“That’s a possibility,” Echo started, crossing his arms over his chest, “or it could just be because he cares and doesn’t really know how to express it without coming across as... that.”
You listened to his words and looked to the cockpit where he was now copiloting the ship. You obviously wanted to talk to him about it but you knew for now that the safest bet was to let him cool off and chat with him later.
“Thanks boys. I should go rest my leg up before we get back to base.”
————————————————— A few hours had passed and most of the boys had turned in for the night. You had managed to get some shut eye but Wreckers snoring had caused you to stir awake. You sat up and grabbed your bottle of water, taking a swig before standing to your feet and assessed the situation around you. You countered four sleeping bodies and none of which were Hunter.
Combing your fingers through your hair you walked towards the cockpit, hesitating before you decided to enter and sit down in the copilot seat beside Hunter.
The silence was deafening between the two of you as you both stared at the glittering stars ahead of you. Your mouth ran dry, the water clearly doing nothing but you were thankful that it was Hunter who spoke first.
“How’s the leg?”
“It’s fine...” you replied airily, gently swinging side to side in the chair. “How’s the attitude?”
It was a bold question to ask, especially with your seemingly off relationship with one another. You held in your breath, waiting for some moody remark back but instead he sighed. “Not good, clearly.”
You turned to him and tilted your head to the side as you arched an eyebrow at him. “Is it me? Have I done something wrong?”
His knee was nervously tapping up and down, his chin rested between his thumb and finger before sparing a glance in your direction where he felt his whole breath almost got sucked out of his lungs as you looked at him those innocent eyes.
It was the same feeling he got when he first laid eyes on you. The Batch were waiting in the hanger when Commander Cody and other clones of his regiment had greeted them. He knew they were being assigned a medic (to much of Crosshair’s displeasure)but he didn’t expect to feel an instinct attraction when he spotted you glide towards him with a wide grin plastered on your face and saluted him in greeting. Since then, six months ago, he was smitten. He thought it was some childish crush that he would soon get over as it wasn’t particularly responsible for him to get such feelings but they didn’t fade.
They got stronger and stronger to the point his senses had sent his mind into a frenzy when he could sense you in the ship. He could hear the thumping of your heart beat when you laughed, the scent of blood when you got it on your hands whenever you had bandaged up Wrecker. These things never used to happen as bad until you came along. Kriff, his mind went into overload to the point he thought he would short circuit when he could smell you when showering in the refresher. It was pure intoxication at this point.
“No.” Hunter said simply. “It’s… well, it’s me.”
“Oh.” You answered kind of hopelessly. “Well, is there anything I can do? Have you been injured and been hiding it from me?”
“It’s nothing Y/N.” He hoped he didn’t sound as snappy as he had done previously but as he spared another glance, he was glad that you didn’t seem upset. Instead, you looked worried.
“Hunter… please tell me? I hate seeing you act this way towards me. You’ve been acting so strange with me. I can’t help but feel like you’re pushing me away. Do you… do you want me to resign and you get a new medic? Because I will if you feel like I could hinder your status to the Republic?” You rambled accidentally, something you often did when nervous.
“I care about you. A lot.” Hunter cut off your rambling, turning his pilot seat to face you more, leaning forwards and clasping his hands together. “I just can’t help but feel worry when I don’t… when I don’t see you.”
This wasn’t something you were expecting at all but nonetheless, you could feel your heartbeat speed up by his confession and she was more than certain that he could hear it as he looked up at you with those soft brown eyes. “I like you, more than I should. I never want to see you hurt, especially when I could prevent it.”
You swallowed the breath you were holding and stared across at Hunter. He liked you. “Hunter,” you smiled softly and bravely leaned forward and carefully placed a hand over his, rubbing soft circles into his skin, “I like you too. Probably more that I should too.”
His eyes widened as complete relief washed over him at your words. The feelings of your hands on top of his own ignited something inside him and he didn’t know what else to say but he certainly knew what he could do.
He pushed himself out of his chair and took a step towards you. Instantly, you found your hands on his shoulders whilst his large and calloused hands had gently placed on either side of your cheeks and your lips were on his at the same time; both of you wanting this. Your lips moulded together perfectly as your hands made their way to his long hair, gently running your fingers through it before he let out a breathless whisper into your mouth:
“You’re so intoxicating to me, mesh’la.”
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