robotshellyeah · 9 months
HOT TAKE but I don't think that Bortus and Klyden count as queer rep because their relationship and attraction align with the normative values of their culture. they are technically gay, but they're not queer by the standards of their planet.
Locar, Bortus' ex-boyfriend who appeared in one episode and made out with Talla and then got arrested, is Moclan queer rep
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f1-newbie · 2 months
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eggs-n-ham-sam · 7 months
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I hate-love my friend pointed this out and now it is unseenable.
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Locar: Lie to your friends, frame Klyden, run away with me.
Talla: No.
Locar: To which bit?
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tismperson · 2 years
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frenchcurious · 3 months
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Escalier dans l`immeuble Cantacuzino, Bucarest, Roumanie. Architecte Marcel Locar 1935. Crédit photo arh. Andra Paris. - source Cristina Ardelean.
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The only male Moclan admitted on The Sanctuary are the parents of the baby girls brought there to escape forced convertion into males.
The only exception is Locar.
The next time Bortus had to come back to Moclus for his Ja'loja, he and Talla broke Locar out of jail and faked his death (pretending he had been killed by another prisoner, since suicide is considerer shameful for Moclans) and helped him reach the Sanctuary, where Heveena welcomed him with open arms.
Locar started a relationship with a female resident a few years later, but he never forgot Talla, nor she him.
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museenkuss · 5 months
I unfortunately can't find the poll about locaring the US-States, but it inspired me to do a poll about locating countries in the EU. We never had to learn the US states (obviously, I guess), but we did have to learn the countries at some point, so I'm really curious.
Take this Quiz to test how fast/correctly you can locate countries in the EU.
disclaimer: this is a first attempt test with no prep, so if you do poorly, don't feel bad. I find this site is a very helpful tool when it comes to learning where countries in general (or US states) are located, and if you're interested in it, you'll get better in no time! I promise! :) Knowing where certain countries are located makes it a lot easier to understand historical events, cultural influences and contemporary politics, which makes it useful and fun. This isn't a marker for intelligence and this poll isn't intended to be condescending or mean-spirited.
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I JUST finished watching a Tale of two Topas and I have things to say.
It's been long since I had to actually cry on any show episode or a movie, and I cried three times in this episode alone.
Klyden is good to go. (I know he's gonna come back) Topa does not need any of his internalised toxicity and I'm so glad to see how much Bortus loves and supports his daughter.
He barely ever gets big emotional reactions, but then he's sitting with Grayson and starts crying because he wants to help and make his child happy but doesn't know how. You have no idea how important that scene was to me. All this parental love stored in him. (Also that he gave her the password to let her find out.)
I also love the Orville for actually picking up old Storylines again (also everyone deciding to embarrass Kelly for becoming a god again and again). And how this was build up with the recurring issues between Bortus and Klyden. And how it was revealed that Bortus was already keeping Locars heterosexuality a secret for years which was against Moclus principals.
Not to forget Bortus concert. Truly an amazing singer. So happy that he helped his daughter by throwing a concert.
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countessofravenclaw · 9 months
5 and 11 for the gastina kids
Yay! Just for a reminder we are talking about Oscar (2029), Aurora (2031) and Laura (2032) Perida
Any planned stories/events with the kids in your head?
Obviously, we have the ongoing time travel escapade with Aurora, so lets not talk about that.
I have talked before about the story about Laura getting her first boyfriend at 14, after she meets him at a skating camp. The guy, Alex, is also 14, and a son of a locar firehouse's truck captain and elementary school literature teacher. They're also Spanish (this is important).
Laura's ecstatic, as she is a hopeless romantic and obviously she believes that she has found the "grand love of her life" when again, she's 14, just started high school. Something that Gastón and Nina will have to deal with. Obviously there are gonna be few boundaries and rules in place, like any responsible parents' would do, when their kid is 14 and dating somebody.
Alex's parents, especially his mother, are just a tad bit intimidated by their son's girlfriend turning out to be a daughter of the basically the poster person of Castillo Corporations, a notable and quite acclaimed engineer who is rumoured to be on his way to becoming the next CEO of the company and a successful and accomplished author and literary artist (yes, Gastón and Nina have done quite well for themselves in 20 years, what else were you expecting?). Not to mention the whole granddaughter of millionaires part (Gastón's nt gonna keep his inheritance for himself. Mst of it actually goes to his kids).
Yeah... so, Laura's gonna get her heart broken, because Alex's family moves back to Spain after his Dad's promotion to battalions chief.
She has hard time comprehending the reasons because "they were in love" and that's all that should have mattered to her, ignoring all the real life reasons why a working class immigrant family might wanna return to their country. Again, she is 14.
The heartbreak clouds her judgement, to the point where she gets risky on the skating rink and falls badly.
She ends up in the hospital (yes, again with the hospital) with a pretty messed up leg and a at least a mild concussion.
So, very fun summary...
The Time Travel one, doesn't really highlight anyone in the Roller crew as parents, so this will will definitely focus on that. I mean Nina's gonna get pretty fun trauma response, given the events of my recent fic and now something similar is happening to their duaghter
I have another story kind of planned, focusing on Oscar and kind of finishing the whole arch of Stella having a crush on him... but lets save that for another day.
How are their relationships with other relatives (grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc)?
Well, cousins, aunts and uncles are pretty easy. They don't have any, since neither Gastón or Nina don't have siblings.
But, on the other hand, Gastón has nine cousins and Jonathan and April especially are involved with kids' lives. Basically Gastón's cousins are called aunts and uncles. And kids will have several second cousins who they hang out once in a while.
Grandparent wise: Ricardo is the fun and cooky granddad, who maybe not around that much (since he's in Miami) in person but they're in contact and he sends them games to demo and stuff like that. They do see each other too, because they travel and alot and gpt to visit Miami and stuff. I think Ricardo will find a woman or a partner there, but she won't act any sort of grandparent role.
Ana and Mora are quite involved. Ana is Granny and Mora is more often than not called Nana Mora. No one is questioning it, the kids just have three grandmothers.
Same with Gastón parents. Very involved grandparents. I think Gastón and Nina in general are closer to his parent which is actually Nina's choice. They are the go to babysitters, who you can drop the kids and the dog whenever, especially after Gastón manages to convince them to at least retire part time.
Other thing to note about especially Nina's parents is that, like I said above, they are involved with their grandchildren, but she doesn't want Ana and Ricardo to be involved together, because even when they do get along much better as the time goes on and they're aren't in the same continent for the most times. Nina does not wanna risk it. Heaven forbid she ever subjects her own kids to anything close to what she went through.
Ana and Ricardo only like see the kids at the same time during parties like birthdays and graduations. Otherwise Nina does not let them hang out with them together.
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is4joy · 1 year
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Spider Spirit, my spidersona!! If you wanna know about her history just keep reading <3 - - ⋆ - - ⋆ - - ⋆ - - ⋆ - - ⋆ - - ⋆ - - ⋆ - - ⋆ - - ⋆ - - ⋆ - - ⋆ - - ⋆ - - Curiosities: She uses gymnastics ribbon to move around intead the webs the other spider-man usually use. She have in her gums a poison: when she bites someone the person is obliged to tell the truth (im too lazy to explain why it happen in 'scientific' way) Shes 20 yearls old - ⋆ - Personal stuff: Her name is Tomomi Tamayumi, she is japanese and live in Tokyo She had a brother. She used to do gymnastics when child. For some reason that even her doctors know, she had depression in her 8 years, she grow depressed but it starts to over when she meets the spider-woman, the hero that was always saving the city She doesn't have a lot of friends in her childhood - ⋆ - History: Her father was always workin', she was depressed but one day she tried to will herself out of existense but the spider-woman prevented this from happening. They had a long conversation and in the end she invited Mei to become a spider-woman too. The spider-woman took her to the labotary, there has a Joro, a spider that lives only in asia. the Spider-woman told that this spider bite her and gave her powers and if she became a spider-woman she will teach Tomomi how to be a spider-hero. She did it and after that they became really close friends. The spider-woman told her that she wanted to her become the spider-woman because she had to 'will herself out of existense' and fight with an villan who wanted to attack people by the spiritual way and she need to became a spirit to fight with him and she needed someone to care with the physical world and she was willing to lose in a fight with a villan for this reason. One day, the spider-spirit, with no mask, just being herself went to buy some stuff at a locar store, near from her house but she ended up being attacked from someone (??) and d13d (Tomomi saw this happen [canon event]) adn after that she became depressed again and became the new spider-woman in the city, but she wasn't happy with that. She was an awesome spider-woman, her spider-sense was better then the other spidermans (like Silk) and she was very fast, the Spiderverse sow this and invited her to join them, she accepted and made friends in there and she got a little happier.
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caipiras · 1 year
A Lenda de Sumé
Condo o jesuíta Manuel da Nóbrega isteve im Santos, no ano de 1549, foi relatado u’a lenda indígena arrespeito de Sumé. Discrito como um home arto, branco, cum longos cabêlo i barba grisaio i que frutuava no ar, teria vino do céu, inviado pur Tupã, adonde tchegô à antonce Enguaguaçu p'ra bebê a áua du’a fonte, localizada nas proximidade da isquina da Av. Bernadino de Campos c’a Rua Floriano Peixoto.
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Êle trazia um grande saco nas cacunda. Tchamô a dgente da região i, pinchano pelo tchão um delúvio de semente que inchia aquêle saco, mostrô a todos que do tchão brotava pranta que logo produzia cumida i riqueza, fartura p'ra tribo, deixano a êles arguns punhado dela p'ra que prantiasse. Cumeçô a sê visto cum scisma pelos cacique locá, os quá tentô matá cum frechada im certa menhã; tentativa essa fáia, visto que as frecha misteriosamente retornô i matô seus atirador. Era tamem u’a das habilidade do istrangêro: tirá frecha de seu corpo sem sangrá. Teve dois fiio, tchamado de Tamandaré i Ariconte, que se odiava mortámente.
Sumé antonce teria andado de costa inté o mar, suverteno im seguida n'um vôo sobre a Baía de Santos p'ra nunca mai vortá. Não sem antes tê deixado na bica adonde apareceu u’a série de desenho, cum distaque p'ra u’a inorme pegada, fora dos tamanho normá p'ra um ser humano. Relatos posterior dos jesuíta dão conta que o motivo da ispursão dele foi tê proibido a poligamia i o canibalismo, motivano a réiva dos cacique.
A estória pur tráis da lenda
Pesquisas mai recente cunseguiu traçá a estória do misterioso home que, adespois de sua saída da Baixada Santista, teria chegado a Assunção, no Paraguai, i aos inca, no Perú, teno aberto o famoso Caminho do Piabirú, que ligava Santos ao Oceano Pacífico i foi utilizado pelos índio p'ras tróca cumerciá i adespois nargu’as iscursão dos banderante. Os inca da região do Piabiru curtiva lendas im arrespeito da Viracocham que im suas aparição seria munto semeiante à Sumé, levano a crê que seria antonce a merma criatura.
Os colonizador purtuguêis levô a hipótese de Sumé sê o apóstolo São Tomé, que sigundo a tradição católica, adespois de presenciá a assunção de Maria, teria ido à Índia pregá o catolicismo. Sua passage é discrita n'um texto do ano 200 denuminado “Atos de Tomé.” Na Índia, teria participado da fundação de 8 eigreja na região de Paravoor Thaluk, no ano 52. Os purtuguêis aquerdita que, adespois de sua passage na Ásia, rumô p'ra América, adonde insinô as benfeitoria aos índio paulista i da região do Piabirú.
C’o advento do abastecimento de áua amuderno im Santos, a fonte foi caino im desuso, inté caí no abandono i tê sido infelizmente demolida im fins do século XIX p'ra proveitamento de suas pedra im lajes i carçada na cidade. Apesá disto, num cunseguimo incontrá ôtros registro ô maior informação sobre a merma, talequá quarqué risquício hoje no locar. O mito ao redor das figura de Sumé, Viraconcha i São Tomé persiste repleto de mistério i estórias na região pur adonde teria passado, representano um interessante relato da mitologia paulista.
Thales Veiga
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tf2emporium · 1 year
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New Halloween War Paint, Wasting Lights! Vote now on Steam Workshop This item was created by: Snowelle (https://steamcommunity.com/id/Snowelle25) Locar (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198365417023)
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conobarco · 1 year
no saben gui a un locar y vi un llaverito de cubo rubik re lindo, y dije noo justo yo necesito un llavero a ver cuanto esta, pregunto y 8874 PESOS, un cubo rubik de 3x3cm de mierda, tuve que contenerme de no prender fuego el local la verdad
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otimoestar · 1 year
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Como locar um carro para a sua viagem de graça… É uma ideia genial http://dlvr.it/SptHXJ
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secondimpact · 2 years
crying about locar
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