naminethewriter · 2 years
Last day, a free day! I chose to include my favorite rat boy and make it Intruloceit 💛💙💚 Since I went to my first Pride Parade this year, I thought why not give Logan the same experience except he couldn’t go before because of horrible parents (mine are fine). Everyone else is there too. Hope you enjoy! @loceitweek2022
Here on Ao3
Masterpost | Loceit Week 2022 Masterpost
Summary: Logan goes to his first Pride Parade with his partners and friends 🌈
Logan looked around the living room to check his preparation for their movie night later. Everything seemed to be in order. He took a deep breath.
 “Everything alright, darling?” Janus asked, appearing in the door that led to their bedroom. Logan quickly glanced at the bracelet on his wrist to see the he/him pronoun charm currently displayed.
 “Yes, I’m just nervous I suppose.” With a sympathetic hum, Janus came over and pulled him into a hug.
“That is totally okay, honey. It is your first pride event and with the people you grew up with, I’m not surprised that this is a bit difficult for you. But I will be right there with you, as will Remus. And the others too of course.”
 “I know,” Logan sighed but the reassurance helped. He held onto his partner for a little while longer before he let go. “We need to leave soon, no?”
 “Indeed, we should. Roman would be delighted if we didn’t make it in time for make-up.” Logan chuckled.
 “He wouldn’t talk to us all evening, I fear.”
 “Most likely. I only need to pick out earrings, then I’ll be ready,” Janus said before disappeared back into the bedroom. He wore his favorite long black skirt with a flowy yellow blouse, his hair lied over his shoulder in a braid. He looked absolutely radiant in Logan’s eyes.
 Logan himself wore one of his blue shirts and knee-length jeans with suspenders. It was an unusual outfit for him but still within his comfort zone and the sun would be relentless so he needed to dress light since they would be spending a long time outside.
 “Alright, we can go,” Janus announced as he walked back into the living room. He had chosen his favorite pair of earrings, a golden sun on his left ear and a silver moon on his right. They had been a gift from Logan and Remus for his last birthday and Janus cherished them dearly.
 “You look wonderful, dear,” Logan complimented. Janus grinned and twirled around once.
 “I know!” Both laughed for a moment. “And so do you, darling.”
 “Thank you. Let us go.”
   They drove over to Roman’s apartment where they would meet up with the rest. Roman lived close to a subway station that would take them directly into the city center where the parade would start. The others should all be there already, Patton and Virgil having planned to be there early, and Remus had texted them that his work had ended and he was on his way to Roman almost an hour ago.
 Janus rang the doorbell. Soon after they were let into the building and climbed up the stairs to the third floor where Roman stood in the door, waiting for them.
 “There you two are! Come on, quickly, or else we won’t get all of it done!” Janus rolled his eyes but before he could say anything, Patton appeared behind Roman.
 “Now, kiddo, give them a moment to breathe! We’ve got plenty of time.” Patton pulled Roman away, who protested but Logan and Janus didn’t listen to his yelling because their missing boyfriend appeared at the door.
 “My dorks are finally here!” Remus cheered and pulled them both into the apartment, giving each a kiss on the cheek.
 “Hello darling,” Janus greeted back. “I hope you were successful?”
 “Oh yeah! They loved the painting and gave me a lot extra! Like at least a hundred more.”
 “I’m glad. You worked very hard and it was a wonderful piece,” Logan chimed in and was promptly pulled into a hug.
 “Thanks, starlight. You look real hot by the way. I could eat you up right now.” Logan blushed and Janus chuckled.
 “As much as I agree, dear, safe it for later. Your brother will kill you if you try anything in his living space.”
 “He’s such a prude.” Remus rolled his eyes, but Logan could hear the fondness in his voice. No matter what either of them said, Roman and Remus loved each other very much.
 “Enough flirting,” Roman called, suddenly back with them. “It’s make-up time! Which flags do you want on which cheek?” Only then did Logan notice the already done flags on the twins’ cheeks. Both had the rainbow flag on their right but Roman had the green-white-gray-black of the aromantic pride flag on his left while Remus had one Logan did not recognize. But before he could ask about it though, he was dragged off by Roman and pushed into a chair. Virgil stood close by, apparently sorting through some of their color collection.
 “Hey, Lo. Good to see you.”
 “You as well.” Same as the twins, Virgil had the rainbow flag on his right cheek while on his other someone had written ‘Be Gay, Do Crime’. Logan raised an eyebrow and Virgil chuckled.
 “Since I’m the only one of us who’s only gay with no add-ons, I decided to put something else in the free space.” Logan nodded slowly.
 “I see but will that not get you in trouble?” Virgil shrugged.
 “Nah. I’ve seen people at pride with way more provocative signs and stuff. This is pretty tame.”
 “Alright, if you’re sure.”
 “I am, Lo,” Virgil said with a soft smile. “Everything will be fine, you’ll see.” Logan supposed that if Virgil of all people said so, it’s probably true.
 “Alright! You need to tell me which flags to put where,” Roman announced and only then Logan noticed that Janus had been placed in a chair next to him.
 “A little bit more details, Roman. I totally understand what you mean,” Janus quipped.
 “You two are the only ones who get three flags, so I need to know where the third should go! Do you want two on one cheek? If so which one? And which flags?”
 “I’m confused,” Logan spoke up. “Why do we have more flags?” Roman sighed as if Logan’s question had the most obvious answer in the world.
 “Virgil’s just gay, so he gets one. Patton’s trans and gay, Remus’ is gay and poly and I’m gay and aro so that’s two for us. But you and Janus are both gay and poly, plus-“ He quickly glanced at Janus’ pronoun bracelet. “-he’s genderfluid and you’re demi, so that’s three for you. Now placements.” Logan blinked.
 “There’s a pride flag for polyamory?”
 “Yeah!” Remus shouted before he was suddenly in front of Logan, showing off his left cheek and the flag Logan hadn’t been able to identify earlier. “It looks like this!” Logan took a moment to study it. It was rather simple with three stripes: blue, red and black. But there was a gold symbol on the red and he leaned forward to see it better.
 “Is that pi?”
 “Yeah!” Remus yelled again, apparently very excited. “Isn’t it great?”
 “And hard to do,” Roman interrupted, pulling his brother back. “Which is why we need to get started.”
 “Let’s keep the theme with the rainbow on the right. Do the other two on the left.” Logan was relieved that Janus made the decision for him, he was getting a bit overwhelmed.
 “Alright. I’ll start with Janus, Virgil you do Logan’s rainbow.”
 “Why only the rainbow?” Logan asked as Virgil kneeled in front of him.
 “He doesn’t trust me with the more ‘complicated’ ones.” He rolled his eyes and Logan chuckled but didn’t say anything further because Roman sharply said:
 “No more talking!”
 It took a while but eventually Roman made the final stroke.
 “Done!” Logan was handed a mirror to examine his cheeks and he couldn’t deny that Roman and Virgil had done a good job.
 “Great, let’s go before I die of boredom!” Remus groaned. Janus, who had been done a bit sooner than Logan and had tried to entertain their boyfriend since, looked at his watch.
 “We should still make it on time.” Still, it took them a few more minutes since most of them needed to go to the bathroom and Roman needed to finish his outfit. Eventually Logan found himself standing with Patton by the door, waiting for the rest. Nervous himself, Logan couldn’t help but notice that Patton was fiddling with the hem of his skirt. It’s been a few months since his top surgery and he was just starting to feel more comfortable in feminine clothing again so Logan could guess his worries.
 “You look lovely, Patton. The color suits you well.”
 “Aww, thanks, kiddo.” He beamed and seemed to relax a bit, so Logan assumed he had said the right thing.
 It wasn’t until they all sat in the subway on the way to the city that Logan remembered his own insecurities. He had no idea what to expect from the event despite the others having told him of their past experiences. Logan had never been to a parade nor a protest before so he could hardly imagine the amount of people that would be present.
 But looking around the train, which was unusually full, he could already spot various people with make-up similar to their own, flags hung around their shoulders or t-shirts or socks in rainbow colors. And that eased his worries. Remus, who was bouncing in the seat next to him, grabbed his hand and started to tell him about what fun the day is going to be.
 And he was right.
 It turned out to be great fun. Logan was almost overwhelmed by the amount of people but Remus and Janus held his hands and stayed by his side the entire time. They met up with more friends and once the parade started, Logan felt freer than ever before.
 He only escaped his parents’ homophobic house a few months ago, after years of hiding who he was, lying about his feelings for Janus and Remus, having to misgender the former and Patton multiple times and feeling awful for it every time.
 But that day he was surrounded by strangers who didn’t care, who were the same as him and who were proud of it.
 And finally, he could be proud, too.
 That evening the six of them returned to the apartment he shared with Janus and Remus. They hung up the progress pride flag they had bought above the couch together and then spend hours watching queer movies together. They laughed, ate pizza and snacks, booed at the villains and cheered for the heroes. Eventually everyone fell asleep, Virgil and Roman cuddled against Patton, Janus with his head against Logan’s shoulder and Remus on his other side, snoring softly.
 Logan laid between his partners on the couch, his eyes closing slowly, and he couldn’t remember a day he’d been happier in his life.
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