#logan bc it's historical
mono-socke · 28 days
Hihi! Could you draw Logan and Roman reading together?
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syn0vial · 2 years
mean sentiment incoming:
never have i more wanted to believe in curses than watching g4rr3t w4tts brag about and promote stealing "relics" from supposedly haunted locations on this week's debrief
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kendollroyco · 1 year
kendall going into big brother mode and going to get shiv. but shiv already being gone to tell connor about their dad not coming bc she's the baby and connor 'likes her best'. shiv and kendall both going to tell connor and holding hands on their way as support because despite ken being her older brother she is the only girl and therefore the oldest sister. shiv had to give the statement to the press. connor saying 'he never liked me' and then immediately correcting himself to comfort shiv and kendall because they looked so upset and he historically has taken the father role. roman reaching out to connor when they were all in the room together. connor putting his arm around shiv. kendall being the one to remind them all brevity of the situation and to watch what they say. kendall telling roman he's sure he told logan he loved him even though he didn't just because he already knows he does and doesn't want to upset him.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Denzel Washington being cast in Antoine Fuqua’s upcoming Netflix movie as ancient Carthaginian general Hannibal is sparking some controversy in Tunisia, the home country of the great military commander.
According to French newspaper Courrier International, there are complaints about depicting the Carthaginian general as a Black African being made in the media and the Tunisian parliament. Member of Parliament Yassine Mami has pointed out that Hannibal, who was born in 247 BC in Carthage — now known as Tunis, the Tunisian capital — was of West Asian Semitic origin. “There is a risk of falsifying history: we need to take position on this subject,” the Tunisian politician reportedly stated.
Concurrently, French-language Tunisian newspaper La Presse has published an editorial in which it similarly objects that depicting Hannibal as a Black African is “according to Tunisians and many observers, a historical error.”
However, Tunisian culture minister Hayet Ketat-Guermazi had a different, more pragmatic take on the matter.
“It’s fiction. It is their [Netflix‘s] right to do what they want,” she responded, according to French newspaper Le Monde. “Hannibal is a historical figure and we are all proud that he was Tunisian. But what can we do?” She went on to note that she is trying to negotiate with Netflix to shoot at least a portion of the film in Tunisia. “I hope they decide to shoot at least a sequence of the film here and that that this is publicized. We want Tunisia to go back to being a location where foreign films are shot,” Ketat-Guermazi said, as reported by Le Monde.
Representatives for Netflix, Washington and Fuqua did not immediately reply to a request for comment.
The controversy in Tunisia over Washington playing Hannibal is reminiscent of the uproar sparked in Egypt in April over Britain’s Adele James, who is of mixed heritage, playing Cleopatra in Netflix’s docudrama “Queen Cleopatra.” The first-century Egyptian queen was born in the Egyptian city of Alexandria in 69 BC and belonged to a Greek-speaking dynasty. Egyptian academics went on a rampage over the fact that Cleopatra was of European descent and not Black.
The still-untitled film about the Carthaginian general will be written by John Logan, the three-time Academy Award winner who scribed Martin Scorsese’s “The Aviator” and Ridley Scott’s “Gladiator.”
According to the official logline, the movie is “based on real-life warrior Hannibal, who is widely regarded as one of the greatest military commanders in history. The film covers the pivotal battles he led against the Roman Republic during the Second Punic War.”
Hannibal invaded Italy while riding a Northern African war elephant. Under his lead, the Carthaginians won key victories against the Romans, allowing Hannibal to occupy the majority of southern Italy for 15 years. Eventually, Hannibal was defeated by the Romans at the Battle of Zama after they counter-invaded North Africa.
Fuqua most recently directed Washington in the action-thriller “The Equalizer 3,” in which Washington reprised his role as ex-Marine Robert McCall.
Washington is currently involved in another war epic, the upcoming sequel to Ridley Scott’s “Gladiator,” which has resumed shooting in Malta after production was halted due to the SAG-AFTRA strike.  _______________
Netflix is at it again i see.
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lee1504 · 2 months
Split the gang into barbie and Oppenheimer groups! (lol ik this is late bc the movies already came out but whatever)
hi mari i'm assuming you're talking about the sbg gang? because that's the only gang i'm associated with
all but tyler
extra :]
barbie head canons:
aiden got super excited when they first saw it in the theater
taylor genuinely likes both movies and is the type of person to seem like they like cute/soft things (they do) and like thrillers at the same time
logan likes the colors
ben doesn't really care what they watch
tyler cried once (ONCE)
ashlyn just thinks the dancing is cool/well organized but isn't that hyped
oppenheimer head canons
ashlyn thinks barbie is overrated and hates movies with songs because she finds it useless (she appreciates the choreography tho)
tyler is obviously not a barbie fan he thinks it's 'girly' (he cried on that one scene but shh)
logan finds historical films interesting
taylor gets excited when there's an explosion
aiden: same as taylor
ben just watched it because everyone else watched it (found it kinda boring)
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stellaluna33 · 7 months
How about that time when ASP bragged that Rory only had her first time when she was 19/20 or something, wasn’t it weird that she was so proud of that, especially when she “made” her have such a lousy first time, married man and all?
Why was Rory being a virgin until “late” that groundbreaking for ASP, I wonder?
If I’m not mistaken she was shading other teen shows that had their protagonists/leading ladies having their first times earlier, and idk once again it just looks like she digs shaming girls for having sex.
Personally, I used to love that Rory was still a virgin until college bc I could relate to her even more because of that, haha, I just got kinda disappointed that Amy seemed to see it as some sort of quality?
Sorry, English is not my first language so idk if I’m expressing myself very well, but yeah I’m curious to o know more opinions about this.
The way I understand it, Amy was under a lot of pressure from the network to make Rory "sexier." But why should a teenage girl character HAVE TO have sex to be a worthwhile or relatable character? She shouldn't! But that kind of mindset was what ASP was pushing back against, and maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I actually really appreciated that. What you have to understand is that when I grew up watching teen media from the 80s and 90s (and going into the early 2000s), there was persistent messaging that still being a "virgin" by the time you graduated from highschool was kind of embarrassing. Losing your virginity was widely viewed as some sort of necessary "milestone" instead of a very personal and optional choice. (Especially for boys, but there was a lot of that for girls in TV and movies also) It wasn't until right around the turn of the millennium that I remember starting to see movies/shows that QUESTIONED that idea, that started asking well, WHY, though? When there started occasionally being characters who expressed that they shouldn't HAVE to have sex just to fit in. That it should be a PERSONAL choice. And like, I'm not a historical scholar- I haven't done a STUDY of whether this is accurate or not, but this is what it FELT LIKE to me as a teenager. And it FELT LIKE Rory was a really refreshing character for nerdy girls like me and my friends- that it was OKAY if you hadn't had sex yet. It was OKAY for a teenage girl to be focused more on academic or career aspirations rather than "losing her V-card," or that maybe she just doesn't feel ready yet, and it doesn't make her a "loser" or a "prude!" Like, that felt like SUCH a rare thing! ASP wanted to write a character like that, partly because it hadn't been done much, and she got a lot of pushback from the Network about it (which is kind of gross?). And I just... don't think that necessarily means that she was "slut shaming" anyone else.
I confess to being surprised when I started seeing people on here saying that Gilmore Girls had a "negative" view of sex. (This got long, sorry!)
Like, Lorelai has an active sex life with a variety of different partners over the course of the series, and that seems to be portrayed as normal and morally neutral. Sookie has an active and healthy sex life. When Rory is sleeping with Logan in college, the narrative seems to paint Richard and Emily (and the unfortunate Reverend they brought in) as ridiculous and controlling for objecting. Paris and Doyle have an active and enthusiastic sex life, and the narrative doesn't seem to judge them for it... I do admit that there does seem to be a pattern of unfortunate "first times" for the younger characters, but I wonder if that's more about Amy's addiction to "drama" than her views on sex. About Paris specifically, I always interpreted her paranoia about being "punished" for having sex as being commentary about how SOCIETY judges girls for having sex (because Reality for girls was a lot different from the pop culture fantasy norms). Gilmore Girls just wasn't interested in portraying some kind of "ideal world." They were just "putting these guys in Situations." And I mean... it's a show largely about generational trauma stemming from a teenage pregnancy! The characters are going to have some complicated and probably even unhealthy feelings about sex! And can I be honest for a minute? Much like attitudes towards our bodies, I'm honestly a proponent of what I'm going to call "sex neutrality." Because, yeah, sex is supposed to be fun and feel good and even be beautiful... And ideally it is! But sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's bad or painful or awkward or emotionally messy or damaging or degrading. Are we supposed to pretend that doesn't happen? Because it does. Are TV characters just not supposed to acknowledge that side of it? I don't know. I don't think Gilmore Girls is a perfect show. I don't agree with everything ASP thinks or everything the characters do. But I do think sometimes viewers want to see some kind of "message" where there just isn't one. Anyway, this is just my opinion, and I may be wrong about one or several things! 😆
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transmutationisms · 1 year
i feel like one thing i didn’t like this ep was the implicit belief of kendall/shiv that jimenez was better than mencken for the american republic or whatever. like yes on some superficial level sure. but the critique of democrats as equally involved in violence and empire was not there to me, unless i’m missing something. i know that’s probably just the politics of the writers room but it feels like any allusion to how democrats are bad in this show is like, oh, they’re bad bc they’re involved with the far right a la gil and logan or nate and kendall. but there doesn’t seem to be an acknowledgment that dems would be bad even in their own right, even if they weren’t sitting at the table with the fascists. i know that sort of critique is a lot to ask of mainstream tv but i’m not sure if there’s something i’m not picking up on in the writing that is making those claims about liberal democrats, bc i do think the show in general is interested in the perils of neoliberal capitalism. but like, is it really, or only when said neoliberal capitalism interacts directly with fascistic ideology?
the show isn't saying that liberalism is bad because it interacts with fascism. it's saying that liberalism, because it is capitalist, inherently leads to and becomes fascism. so, there is no 'pure' liberalism untainted by fascism; the fascistic thinking is always already present in the democratic party and in other expressions of liberal ideology. this is why, for example, the episode ended with mencken using the language of hygiene, directly echoing the siblings calling each other "a piece of dirt" and "filthy" this episode, but even moreso echoing shiv's ongoing hygiene fixation (the hand sanitiser incident, refusing to drink from the taps in 4x02, etc). like, i get where you're coming from, but the suggestion here is that there simply is no such thing as liberalism that doesn't already contain the seeds of fascist thinking and eventually become fascist. historically speaking this is because fascism and liberalism are both essentially capitalist, and because fascist ideology developed as a capitalist solution to the internal contradictions of liberal democracies.
we know pretty much nothing about jimenez save for his potential amenability to large tech mergers, which is its own kind of damning (like, shiv doesn't even pretend to make arguments about his actual politics this episode; her position is Establishment Dems Good). however, we can see hints of the liberalism -> fascism argument with gil, not just because he made a deal with logan but because the very first glimpse we get of him is in that campaign ad where he talks about a "war on poverty", framing his democratic socialism as echoing both lbj's "war on poverty" rhetoric but also the straightforwardly imperialist "war on terror" framing.
the argument also comes through in comparing shiv to matsson: both believe in hierarchy, specifically in meritocratic achievement that is really just a way of identifying those they see as biologically fittest on the grounds of athleticism, 'intelligence' defined with its inherent class and racial baggage, etc. these beliefs are tenets of shiv's progressivism as much as they are of matsson's fascistic thinking. fundamentally capitalism relies on this type of competition, social-economic hierarchy, and designation of certain people and groups as 'better' or more 'worthy.' shiv and matsson are in no way ideologically opposed, nor are liberalism and fascism; it is capitalism that forms the link and that causes the rhetorical shift from lofty liberal ideals to openly exclusionary fascist rhetoric, though this transition does not entail an actual change between modes of production & if anything fascism is simply more nakedly capitalist in certain ways.
the satire of democrats comes in most heavily with the pierces. kendall's not any kind of liberal (like, he has basically no political beliefs; he's just a capitalist) and although shiv is, she's always been able to operate in conservative contexts in a way the pierces mostly don't deign to. yet pgm produces élitist cultural products, the pierces also rely on housestaff they condescend to and see as lesser in a particularly patronising way, and pgn is operating the same way as atn ("the business synergies are there"), just like, more boringly. nan even has that line about believing the berlin wall fell because of pierce news cameras or whatever---clearly echoing logan's known use of foreign political meddling, only nan frames it as a moral good because it's exporting american democracy, yadda yadda. this goes to the way liberal and fascist rhetoric can appear to have a huge ideological gulf between them but are in fact operating off much of the same logic already, with fascism simply embracing certain inequities, including racial thinking and racism, that liberalism prefers to pretend it's going to 'overcome' despite those being necessary elements of capitalism.
fundamentally liberal or neoliberal capitalism already tends toward fascistic thinking and certainly toward the economic and material conditions that allow for outright fascism to take hold. logan himself is a good demonstration of this. his beliefs in hierarchy, rule of force, brute competition, &c are not just coeval with him being a capitalist; they are the ideology that directly results from, naturalises, and justifies capitalism. the entire spectrum of political ideology espoused by characters on this show is constrained within the in fact very narrow window of being capitalist; all defences of the american republic are capitalist; and it is capitalist economics that manifests as liberalism's ideology. this is true as much of neoliberalism like what kendall was born into as it is of 19th-century liberalism like the social darwinism logan espouses.
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brittlebutch · 11 months
bill and ted and their efforts in education is something thats So Important to me - they really do want to learn and find new things soo interesting, its just that traditional teaching methods fail them. even stuff they love (music) took them so long to learn !!!! which is something i feel like ppl miss a lot. choosing to learn smthn that is difficult and has a steep learning curve is actually So Hard and frustrating and bill and ted actually put in so much effort to learn!! and ofc it works out (they win battle of the bands, become famous, save the world etc) but i feel like they wouldve worked at it even if they never met rufus and all that bc they approach life with such genuine earnestness. which is a trait i admire so much and they make me so happy :)
yes dude you absolutely hit the nail on the head!!! i love love love that Bill and Ted don't make it through any of the movies thanks to any kind of special skill or innate talent, they manage to make it through just because they're so affable and enthusiastic that people around them (even some who would have reason to actually dislike them) just can't seem to help but be taken with them and decide to help them out - no perpetuating the myth of independence anywhere!!
and you're so right about the time travel probably not being strictly Necessary in their development like, their audition at the beginning of Bogus Journey isn't very good but it's still technically way more musical than their garage jam sessions were in Excellent Adventure! (You could argue that's just the Princesses carrying the sound, which is probably true to an extent, BUT I don't think that's it entirely bc there's not any discordant distortion-noise like there was in EA and parts of the melody do seem to cut out when Bill and Ted pause playing to speak) So they were learning and improving between movies, it's just that they're naturally kind of slow at it AND they've also probably not been able to focus on learning all that well bc they're working full time and struggling financially - once they take like a year and a half outside of time to practice nothing but guitar they're able to show off some serious musical acumen, and THEN i love how Face the Music shows how even though they've both gotten pretty Technically skilled at a huge variety of instruments, they're still 'bad at it' bc they struggle to write music that other people enjoy/understand and they still aren't overly bothered by that at all!
Also love that the same applies to Billie and Thea - they seem to have a much easier time of things than their dads do wrt learning/innate skills BUT they're still 24 and haven't moved out or gone to college or gotten jobs or anything and no one (other than Chief Logan ofc) puts them down or admonishes them for this! They're both loved and supported wholeheartedly by their parents (who OFC understand it all completely) and they make it through the movie the same exact way Bill and Ted did! Even though Billie and Thea do rely on a more-than-solid grasp of musical history to navigate the circuits of time, their ability to sway the historical figures to their cause largely thanks to their enthusiasm for the topic and general affability and i love how that's always upheld by the movies as a Valued Trait i love it SO much
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ghostellie · 4 days
Hi!! For the fanfic writing game: 5. How many wips do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research? (specifically asking because I loved how Poisoned chalice was so precise and detailed on the timeline/quotes!)
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
And of course, you don't have to answer any if you don't feel like it! <3
5. How many wips do you have? What fandoms/pairings are they for?
I honestly have no clue. I have a very, very, very long line of google docs filled with endless wips… but if I count just the ones I’m most focused on at the moment, I’d say there are about 12. Most of them are F1, but three of them are other fandoms. I have 2 parts of hiraeth I want to finish & post, and a bunch of Logan wips.
18. Do you enjoy research? Which fic of yours required the most research?
I do enjoy research! I love learning new things, and most of the research I do for my writing is on topics I find interesting or just want to know more about. As a bonus, I get to feel productive without actually getting much writing done.
For poisoned chalice, the research was a bit more tedious. I liked digging into other parts of F1 lore that I didn’t know as much about, but trying to get the timeline right when it came to races, contract announcements, etc. was a pain.
Out of my recently posted fics only, I think poisoned chalice has taken the most research. Out of my wips, the Logan wingfic (inspired by the loveliest F1 fic I’ve ever read called Icarus by @eirianerisdar & yes I’m promoting it here bc it’s a literary masterpiece & I can’t resist) I’ve been trying to draft up for a few weeks is taking a lot of research to get things how I want them. Writing that one is a very slow process.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you'd really like to write but haven't yet?
I’d love to write a historical/fantasy AU if I can dig myself out from under WIP Mountain anytime soon.
Thank you so much for the wonderful ask, Moss <3
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strugglingyetvibing · 3 months
logging back on for the first time since dts season 6 dropped, how we feelin' f1blr?
i avoided socials like crazy because i didn't want any spoilers, but i just finished the season so i'm officially back, and i'm pretty miffed
putting an extender thingy here bc this is getting long and i don't wanna jam up your dashes too much haha
tl;dr - danica patrick sucks and the season was mid.
first of all, get danica patrick off my fucking screen. she, of all the women reporters they could have picked for this role, was the worst possible pick. give me rachel brookes! give me natalie pinkham! bernie collins (could you imagine??)! any of those fantastic women (or the others i didn't list) would be better than danica fucking patrick.
beyond that, the season was honestly kind of meh. they missed a lot of big plot points (hardly any mention of max's objectively historic run?? love him or hate him, it was something for the record books) for a lot of smaller plot points that really either could have been covered in just a chunk of an episode or were really just made up (e.g. they tried to make us think that liam and yuki weren't friends even though they literally are, and have been since before 2023). like, i get the fanfare of daniel coming back, but they also just did what f1 did and just stopped mentioning nyck ever again, which was so frustrating. it was so abrupt! i was shocked when the credits rolled.
they also just didn't mention qatar at all, which was wild. they could have used 'the shot' of lewis walking in the gravel with george's car going in the background! they could have talked about oscar winning something before lando! they could have talked about max winning the championship and how historic his run was! they could have talked about how fucking hard that race was for everyone on the grid and actually mention logan sargeant for once and show how williams and james vowles took care of him! there were a lot of missed opportunities there. as much as i don't like that race (due to the overwhelming strain it put on the drivers), it was an important one that probably should have been mentioned.
at first, i thought bringing claire williams in was a weird move, but i kind of appreciated her insight as an ex-team principle, similarly to how i appreciate bernie collins' insight during broadcasts. that was a good touch from the netflix team.
two episodes for alpine was too much. i get that there was a lot to go through for them, but they could have sped up the drama and made a super interesting single episode encapsulating both pierre and esteban's animosity (and them making it better) and otmar's departure. if put together, they could have made an engaging plot-twisty episode that would have been super fun to watch.
i also think it was really interesting how they didn't follow aston martin through their midseason fall. they propped them up in the first episode as a team poised to fight at the top, and then we never hear from them until abu dhabi. they mention that they had 'some struggles' throughout the season, but if you spend a whole episode hyping me up for a team, check in with the team at least once throughout the season. that was kind of disappointing that we didn't hear from them again until the end.
i honestly forgot that there were talks of lewis to ferrari in the middle of the season, so that episode was really interesting, especially knowing what we know now. the fact that the team told lewis to his face that he was wrong after a literal decade working together is absolutely bonkers, and i'm starting to understand more as to why he left. i just wish they had included the "hello lewis" moment at the monaco driver conference. they included another bit from the monaco conference, so i'm sad they missed that bit. would've helped with my bingo card tbh.
seeing the ferrari episode (it's like episode 8 or something) just makes me more mad that they dropped carlos. this isn't dts' fault, the episode was actually pretty good (aside from the pitting of charles against carlos, but that kind of comes with the show at this point lol), but seeing everything that carlos did for ferrari just for them to not renew his contract is insanely heartbreaking. back to back poles and a win (the only non-red bull win of the season!), as well as consistently performing incredibly well, bringing in consistent good points for himself and the team. i realize lewis is a seven-time world champion, and this isn't any sort of lewis hate (i actually love that man), but the decision to drop carlos and the manner in which ferrari did it is very infuriating. again, not dts' fault, but seeing the behind the scenes in that episode was so bittersweet.
i really didn't mean for this to get so long, jeez! i just have a lot of frustrations with the season (and honestly kind of the show as a whole, but i'll save this already long-ass rant from that lol). it's an enjoyable watch, but it's weird to think that this is the impression people who don't know f1 will get of the sport and the people inside of it when a lot of it is just plain wrong.
and again, fuck danica patrick. she should not be on that show at all, and i hope she doesn't return for season seven (i'm delusional, she probably will). she also should not be on the sky sports broadcast team, but again, i'm delusional, and she'll probably be around for much longer than jenson or i would like.
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vague-humanoid · 6 months
Denzel Washington being cast in Antoine Fuqua’s upcoming Netflix movie as ancient Carthaginian general Hannibal is sparking some controversy in Tunisia, the home country of the great military commander.
According to French newspaper Courrier International, there are complaints about depicting the Carthaginian general as a Black African being made in the media and the Tunisian parliament. Member of Parliament Yassine Mami has pointed out that Hannibal, who was born in 247 BC in Carthage — now known as Tunis, the Tunisian capital — was of West Asian Semitic origin. “There is a risk of falsifying history: we need to take position on this subject,” the Tunisian politician reportedly stated.
Concurrently, French-language Tunisian newspaper La Presse has published an editorial in which it similarly objects that depicting Hannibal as a Black African is “according to Tunisians and many observers, a historical error.”
However, Tunisian culture minister Hayet Ketat-Guermazi had a different, more pragmatic take on the matter.
“It’s fiction. It is their [Netflix‘s] right to do what they want,” she responded, according to French newspaper Le Monde. “Hannibal is a historical figure and we are all proud that he was Tunisian. But what can we do?” She went on to note that she is trying to negotiate with Netflix to shoot at least a portion of the film in Tunisia. “I hope they decide to shoot at least a sequence of the film here and that that this is publicized. We want Tunisia to go back to being a location where foreign films are shot,” Ketat-Guermazi said, as reported by Le Monde.
Representatives for Netflix, Washington and Fuqua did not immediately reply to a request for comment.
The controversy in Tunisia over Washington playing Hannibal is reminiscent of the uproar sparked in Egypt in April over Britain’s Adele James, who is of mixed heritage, playing Cleopatra in Netflix’s docudrama “Queen Cleopatra.” The first-century Egyptian queen was born in the Egyptian city of Alexandria in 69 BC and belonged to a Greek-speaking dynasty. Egyptian academics went on a rampage over the fact that Cleopatra was of European descent and not Black.
The still-untitled film about the Carthaginian general will be written by John Logan, the three-time Academy Award winner who scribed Martin Scorsese’s “The Aviator” and Ridley Scott’s “Gladiator.”
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coffincoitus · 1 year
the way shiv had tears in her eyes when her brothers left her out and the fact she's likely pregnant and blaming herself for "depriving" logan of being a grandfather and that she can't even let her husband touch her bc he backstabbed her not so long ago?? all at the same time???? she's like the definition of trust issues except she has good reason not to trust :/ she can't even accept the help getting off the floor bc leaning on others has historically only caused her pain
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saint-cecilias · 1 year
i love both characters, but overall kendall is still woobified way more than roman tbh, whereas roman is demonized. like there’s a reason why mainstream publications have written articles about the babygirlfication of kendall lol. this is especially a thing on reddit, people act like kendall is way above roman morally. like, both of them enabled mencken in ep8, but people are sympathetic to kendall’s reasons while completely disregarding roman’s. kieran and jesse have discussed how his motivations stem from being drawn to authority figures that fulfil a father role and obviously the business reasons like ATN views and mencken blocking the gojo deal. he probs also likes the hyper masculinity aspect of that ideology bc again, that’s what his dad thought men should be and it’s something he could never live up to. does it excuse his actions? not at all, but if people can understand kendall’s reasons idk why they have to reduce roman’s to he’s just a fascist? like idgi
i think there is merit to the conversation about the babygirlification of Kendall in fandom for sure. but i do i think that is a direct response to how Jeremy has always played Kendall as an incredibly emotionally sensitive individual.
Roman, historically, has not always been as emotionally raw as he's been recently. i think we started to see Roman become more vulnerable in s3 and into s4.
both Kieran and Jeremy are brilliant actors cause they've slowly shown us very human sides to both men that evoke a visceral response.
and of course, Kendall 100% also enabled Mencken as well and did so KNOWING how terrified his child was of that result. that is inexcusable. and arguably worse in some respects. Kendall has got real people in his life, Sophie and Jess, who cannot comfortably live in Mencken's America and he knows it and still made that call. so you'd never catch me rationalizing that decision from him.
the fact remains though....Roman DOES align with Mencken ideologically. there is no disputing that. there is no disputing the fact that Roman was comfortable making racist remarks about the protestors, snarking that they're "probably blacks and Jews".
hell Shiv was warning Logan and Roman about Mencken in s3 and Roman was completely dismissive of her political career, calling it a 'lemonade stand' and was horrifically misogynistic towards her in that moment too telling her to 'shhh' cause 'the men are talking'.
(insert the chorus of BUT KENDALL ONCE TOLD SHIV THAT HER TEETS ARE THE ONLY THING THAT GIVE HER ANY VALUE which yes was also horrifically misogynistic. both of these men have misogynistic tendencies that they direct towards their sister and its fucked up.)
also, Roman just doesn't VIBE with Mencken cause he's an authority figure or just cause he'll block the deal, Roman has said point blank that 'fascism is cool' and listened to Mencken talk about how he gleaned inspiration from H*tler, talked about how America needed to slow down with integration etc. and Roman was not the least bit phased by that. in fact he looked intrigued.
those are things that are just objectively BAD.
and Logan was alive and kicking (kinda) when Roman went to bat for Mencken as the candidate they should back for the Republican nomination. knowing all he knew about Mencken. there was no GoJo deal at that time.
Roman just really liked Mencken, his attitude AND what he stood for. oh and the fact that he'd be GREAT for ATN ratings.
i'm sorry but there's no getting away from that.
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champagnepodiums · 1 year
I also think that part of the lestappen appeal comes from the fact that it reminds people of brocedes, but in reverse? Enemies to friends instead of friends to enemies, except it’s not fully realized yet bc we don’t know if they’ll become actual friends or if they’ll have a proper rivalry for the championship . But what are your favourite f1 ships? Present or past.
OH MAYBE like I really can see that
As far as my favorite ships, I am a Mick Schumacher/Callum Ilott LOVER. I don't know why that ship has always just stuck with me but it has so like if I had to name a favorite, I would name that one.
I go through like phases where like I can't get enough of a certain ship so I'll read everything written and then I'll be able to be like normal about it?
Right now, I'm in this phase with Logan Sargeant/Oscar Piastri. (This is where I tell you that I also have been reading a lot of MASH fanfiction, i guess it's not important to this but like I'm going through my AO3 history to see what other recent ship obsessions I've had LMAO and it felt worthy of a mention).
OH NOT A SHIP but I had like a phase where I read all of the F1 fics that were like historical AUs (or at least the ones of the time periods that I was interested in). I read a Maxiel one that was set during Vietnam, that one was really good.
I think overall, I'm more interested in the plot over the ship? (Anon, you've got me really thinking about this now, I apologize for the rambling). Like if you give me an interesting plot, I will probably read it regardless of how I feel about the actual real life drivers. Because I think it's the plot that personally keeps me engaged, not the actual ship that I'm reading.
I think that's how I got into F1 in the first place -- I found a fic on Wattpad that had a really compelling plot so for me it didn't matter who the drivers were (or the fact that I did not know a single F1 driver). So yeah, that sort of answered your question but also, not at all LMAO
Please tell me your favorite F1 ships. Also please tell me your favorite tropes.
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princemick · 4 months
ross is so fucking Florida but in like a different way from logan. logan is urban frat boy rich florida, ross is panhandle hillbilly blue coller florida. busch beer being his sponser this year is a) Huge bc they're a Major Historical Sponsor and b) soooooo fucking funny
I enjoy both bc they're both so fucking weird, ones just michael on a different format and ross is a fucking insane lil rabbit white dog whos off his leach
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serpentgirls · 9 months
I always felt like the Point of the bad shiv speech was that
- roman fucks up his speech last minute because he can’t help being himself even though he had all the ingredients to do it right
- kendall comes in and kills it (and his humanity in the process)
- shiv sees this, panics that kendall’s getting attention, and rushes in and does a kind of rushed hashtag girlboss attempt to get the attention back to her
To me that felt intentional! Like a microcosm of their entire relationship to the company and the CEO role
No yeah I get that! Like she definitely has to say something just so kendall doesn’t get all the good press from the funeral esp bc she still thinks she’s us ceo. But! I just think from a writing standpoint using shiv as the mouthpiece to be like “logan couldn’t fit a whole woman in his head” feels a little like writers tryna make a point than organically what a character would say in that situation? Like yes the rushed girlboss angle makes sense for her character but also to me wouldn’t it also show how shiv’s been historically sidelined if she hadn’t been stopped from making a speech at all instead of trying to follow up? I get the writers want shiv as one of the siblings to get her piece out (let’s not talk abt how connor’s last episode is functionally his wedding) bc the show’s almost over but idk it’s complicated
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