willgrahymn · 3 months
Virgil it's not what you think.... they booped me first I was just retaliating... it's not the same as you and me....
...You really mean it? You're not having some kind of secret boop affair? You're the first person I ever booped. It's just so hard to tell where you're at nowadays with all this fighting going on.
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queeniecook · 1 year
Post about a favorite project of YOURS! (story, edit, artworks, etc)♥
I still have a soft spot in my heart for Awaken
especially LoGil's story - the first generation. I love the Grant Legacy as well but I don't think any sim story is ever going to replace LoGil for me. lol
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on a separate note, one of my pictures made her sims fandom page! https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Lotta_Greaves
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manyfandomsonelog · 11 months
You're the Barbie to my Ken 💖
Omg… thanks 💞💞💞 We are wearing matching outfits and you are holding things for me <3
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itln · 2 years
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anxiouslyfred · 2 years
Merged Names
for @aro-sides-week prompt of queerplatonic
Summary: Their group of friends mixed their names together to make friendship names when they were young and Remus was happy with that. Now their friends are partnering off and putting relationships above their friendship and he reconsidering Virgil’s suggestion of a QPR.
Relationships: QPR Remus& Virgil& Roman, Background Thomceit and Logicality
It started as children, with one of those memory book things full of games to play together. The twins had gotten it as a treat for not causing chaos in the bookshop. It mentioned creating a friendship in the first few pages so of course everyone they were friends with was trying to make ones which sounded good. The ones Remus could remember still, mostly because they all still got used occasionally were things like: Romus, Thoman, Logton, Logil, Jangil and so many more. Just with 7 friends it feels like there are limitless combinations of names.
They hadn't known about ship names, or perhaps it hadn't been a things back then,  so nobody thought for a second that this could seem romantic. Roman even came up with an absurd conglomeration of names meant to be the friendship name for the entire group. He made certificates even, declaring nothing would ever be more important that the friendship of PatJanRoMusMasGilAn.
Even after the discovery of shipping and name mixing to indicate romance, none of them ever really gave up their friendship names. When Patton and Logan started dating they even went so far as to find a new name to be their ship name, Logicality. It took longer to explain how they reached that name than it did for anyone to accept they were dating now.
The names were also what lead to Remus discovering the term aromantic. He described learning it on a trip down and LGBT-tastic internet black hole but what had started that was wondering if there were specific ship names for friendships or brotherly relationships. He'd just wanted to see what his group of friends did done by others or for fictional characters. Remus had immediately added it to the list of labels he threw out when nosy fools refused to accept queer as his identity, all true to varying degree but somehow aro felt the most right.
Virgil was the one who frowned upon hearing different labels whenever someone new and eventually asked, “So which of your many identities is most important to you?”
Hearing the question meant the world. Of course Roman knew, regular messages about their projects meant he picked up on the flag which appeared most often in Remus's creations, but knowing someone cared enough to honestly ask. Remus beamed, “Aro. MY archery really has been improving. It's fantastic for harvesting orchards.”
“Cool, so you don't want romance at all, what about a QPR?” Virgil snorted at the joke, but carried on asking his question.
Remus shrugged, gesturing broadly to the room they were waiting for the rest of their friend to arrive for a game night in, “Meh, I've got the Patjanromusmasgilan's still. It's enough for me.”
And it was, while only Logicality were an official romance and had never treated friendship as less important, Remus was fine with his big friendship septagon.
Then Thomceit became a thing and even if Thomas still treated their friends the same, Janus was keeping more time for dates than he had in previous relationships. It made Remus wish the certificates Roman had made were legally binding.
Even worse was that Logan assumed Janus was demonstrating the true 'right way' to be dating and also started arranging more dates and less friendship gatherings after that. Both couples starting to prefer dates over the group activities Roman and Remus suggested.
It came to a head on a movie night. Everyone had been invited, had said they were coming. Thomas had called and said Janus had arranged a surprise date so they wouldn't make it. That had been fine, Roman, Remus and Virgil just started the first movie while waiting for Patton and Logan to arrive.
Then Logan text saying a film Patton had been excited about was back in cinemas so that was where they were going instead of coming to their evening, and perhaps they could do something as friends next week.
“I was wrong Virge!” Remus whined a few minutes after the message was received.
“About creatures rising from the deep to kill everyone being the end of La La Land? Yeah, I agree.” Virgil nodded, snickering but turning to face him, too used to Remus to believe the sentence to connect to what was their focus in the moment.
“Nooo,” Remus carried on whining, draping himself over Roman's lap to actually look at Virgil, not directing his question at his brother but keeping him included in the situation, “Can this be a QPR? Can we promise to keep putting each other as a priority even if you get a romance?” He didn't care that people spoke about QPR's similarly to romantic relationships and some would be squicked out to hear of one between siblings, but didn't want to face rejection if Roman was like that and he hadn't realised.
Before Virgil could reply however, Roman's hand was in his hair, tugging it back so they could have eye contact, “Can I be included in this?”
“Sure! I just won't make sexual or fake flirtatious comments to you, same as ever. What do ya say, Ender-Virge?” He easily agreed, one hand coming to shake the hand Roman had free as if a deal was struck before turning back to Virgil.
“Wouldn't have suggested it originally if I didn't want that.” Virgil muttered, a small smile forming as he nodded. “Hell, if you want the tax benefits we could even get the paperwork done in a registry office at some point.” He snickered, remembering that had been the only reason Remus had ever understood for anyone to get married.
Remus scrunched his face up, backing off to be leaning more against Roman and less in view at the suggestion.
“Revirgeman? Brogil? Do we need a name mix just for the three of us now? Romusgil? Rogilmus?” Roman's musing got laughter washing the distaste from Remus's face before he could react to the allusion of marriage with retching.
“Can we just say we're stuck like glue instead?” Virgil offered, shaking his head and shoving lightly at Roman's shoulder for the mangled names.
Of course Remus immediately jumped up, turning to head out of the room, “I can actually glue us together! That'd help!”
“NO!” came the simultaneous yell as he got tackled from both sides, leaving them in a tangled heap of a tight hug as La La Land carried on playing in the background.
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444names · 1 month
Names generated from populated places in Bulgaria
Ahervo Aheve Ahevo Ahovets Ahovo Ahtitetra Akity Alavya Alfat Ankya Anlaedryana Antareznik Aprad Arevo Areznitsa Arskarev Asevska Askovtsaki Aspelovach Ayloy Aytopol...
Balantak Balch Baldzha Bandan Banobolod Banyakazan Bataman Batan Batsa Batsi Belchevo Belevetsa Belivarnovo Beliziyan Belniki Belnitsa Belovtsa Bericheptem Beritsi Besendinit Beshi Besna Blaksa Blaspako Boban Boboyano Bobrivski Bobrya Bolyura Boresna Bostaksa Bovtse Boyan Bozni Brakazav Brezh Brinovo Brovo Brovod Broyna Bruda Brusha Brussenovo Buhits Bulgastevo Bulog Bulova Buras Burkva Burlovisa Burtsan Byanskitsa Byaven Chelifarov Chelin Chelna Chelogilgas Cheptem Chetsarlovo Chevgrazag Chevo Chifarivad Chikol Chilesepte Chingurase Chipkazla Chirdit Chisa Chivnyan Chlen Chlevo Citsa Dablesh Daldzha Dalgar Debel Debelistar Delhovenovo Delisa Delovo Deten Devel Dimen Dimitroyna Dimomchan Dimomokos Dinovo Dobrya Dolnie Domolarvo Domomchad Doshedivo Doshte Dostrom Dovtsi Dozha Dozopopol Dradnen Dradovo Dryavtsa Dungrad Dvelna Dvetsil Dzharshi Dzher Dzhevil Dzhisten Elchebeliki Elchlenovo Elinbre Eloshte Eloshtevo Etrad Glabnik Glitsi Glivnyaksa Glodobzopol Glostrel Glovo Goevets Goevo Gopolav Goprousten Gordolski Gorya Grada Grastevo Gurad Gurgabov Gurich Gurih Guriv Hadchel Halfatsar Hidiyanovo Ishevo Ishtetsa Ivach Ivete Ivnisteno Ivoge Kabovts Kalat Kalkov Kamadzha Kametsa Kanlitsa Kardits Karilen Karlagovo Karmarchiki Karmervo Karnik Karven Kasten Kazag Kazarna Kazarte Keradin Kiliken Klenovo Klevo Knedelhovo Knedits Knerna Knervetse Knesna Kopazlabni Kopote Koryana Koshanity Koshidiltsa Koviditsi Kovits Kovtsa Koyanlas Kozlaki Koznik Krichepte Krinovo Kriste Krisuriman Krivnyadzh Krivo Krusse Kubitovo Kubits Kubitsa Kubrimada Kukol Kulgarlovts Kuloyamovo Kyakalch Kyubrezor Laski Latitsa Latot Lavya Lenovin Letsaprouse Logil Losla Loych Lyahovo Lyamad Lyaski Lyubrusen Malav Malgovo Manik Mansko Menitoshik Meono Meten Metsi Minovo Minovts Mitsa Mitsi Momitenovo Momiziyski Momograd Momolin Momor Monovo Morskov Movts Movtsa Nedebel Nediyas Nenik Nervel Neshti Nezdryal Nezhurkol Nezovgrat Nikervo Nitsa Nitse Novelnit Novgrad Novtsaki Obrad Omagorovin Omonovo Opote Orelhovo Orits Orussebelik Oryanav Parambesh Pardim Parnomor Pazargare Pazha Pazharinov Pazlavare Pelhovo Pelofia Pelovo Perkva Perkvadolin Pernitel Pervelin Pervo Peshel Peshelifara Peslat Petrovo Petsa Petsad Petsi Pichi Pichil Pichin Pirdzhariv Plablach Plach Plachkolog Plana Plendim Plengra Plenitev Plevingurts Plisheva Plitsa Plodobalch Plofia Plovo Polevo Polik Polnavi Polnits Polya Polyaspir Pomitsa Porovo Porski Potene Poteven Prakovo Prevo Prezhetsen Prihtosli Provin Provo Ralik Razave Rindolnikol Rovishebel Rovtsa Rudolskaol Rudolyurko Rumenik Rumeno Rushte Russepervo Saedevoman Sardimen Sardolik Senik Shetsa Shevo Shevski Shitsa Shten Shtiterman Sigovo Simolingra Slacheptevo Slarnity Slaskovod Slifliya Slince Slinovo Sliya Smoven Smovo Smyag Smyavets Soferkvar Sopol Sopolat Sozla Sozlogilak Sozovgradin Srevo Stevo Stradanla Strat Stria Suhin Sunardzhets Sungrad Sungradan Surgor Surkovo Svinovo Sviski Svitrad Svitsa Svity Talchik Talchiko Tandol Tardolski Tardzhin Taryaven Terad Togra Tograd Tovile Tovorovo Tovtsa Tradcher Traki Trilts Tropolen Trovo Tryad Tutrad Tutre Tutreshte Tutrili Tutrohovo Ugare Ugarnik Vadimerkovo Valagod Valgablabla Valik Varbity Varmeznitsa Varno Varovar Vaylovo Vaytov Vechkos Velhov Vetenen Vetin Vetsaksa Vetsi Vetsimeono Vidiltsa Vinav Vitsi Vlishtitsi Vrispaven Yabla Yahodelhovo Yahovo Yahovsko Zardzh Zarna Zemeliya Zemvra Zemvrad Zlakan Zlakovo Zlatsa Zlavil Zlovgra
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leotechevo · 1 year
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worldwideanalysis · 1 year
Cloud SCM Market Set to Reach $11 Billion by 2023
Surging adoption in transportation management has been one of the major drivers for the cloud SCM market. As the world’s transportation networks and supply chains become increasingly intertwisted and complex, the systems that support them are advancing and improving at a rapid pace. Software vendors have been integrating more transportation optimization capabilities into their solutions, making it easier for shippers to streamline their supply chains, while also making them more cost- and time-efficient. This has been augmenting the growth of the cloud SCM market.
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During the course of our analysis, we found that demand planning and forecasting is projected to witness the highest growth, with 20.3% CAGR during the forecast period, among all solutions in the cloud SCM market. Demand management solutions help to predict and manage replenishment effectively, align price and profit margins, better leverage past product performance and maintain a leaner and more profitable supply chain.
Demand management solutions takes supply chain management to the next level by enabling an automated ecosystem that simultaneously maps demand forecasting against factors like financial predictions, supply restrictions, inventory counts and customer commitments, as well as patterns of behavior that can affect demand at any given time. These benefits of demand management solutions are thus driving the growth of the demand planning & forecasting.
Cloud SCM demand will grow at the fastest rate in small & medium enterprises during the forecast period. The market for cloud SCM in energy & power and retail & wholesale industries are projected to grow at the fastest and equal rate, during the forecast period.  Support & maintenance is estimated to be the fastest growing service type in this market. Private cloud deployment is becoming the most preferred cloud supply chain management, resulting in the highest growth among all deployment types, during 2017 – 2023
Cloud SCM market has been growing at the highest pace in Asia-Pacific on account of surging industrialization in the region, and the growing adoption of automation among enterprises. Growing e-commerce market coupled with increasing focus on reducing the ownership cost are the other factors driving the cloud SCM market in the region. The regional governments have also been supporting the industrial growth, which is being translated into the growth of cloud SCM market in the region.
There exists a high degree of rivalry for wining over the clients among the companies operating in the cloud CSM industry. In 2017, Aditya Birla Online Fashion (Abof) selected IBM Cloud and Watson to deliver a personalized and convenient shopping experience to their customers. It will endow the Abof customers with various accessibility features, such as using natural language questions within Abof’s enhanced eCommerce platform, and receiving greater personalization and product recommendations. Some of the companies operating in this market include JDA Software, IBM, Logility, Kinaxis, and Oracle.
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jakeparalta90 · 2 years
Supply Chain Suites Software Market Market Size, Market Industry, Market Share, Market Growth, Market Segmentation,  Market Revenue Market Forecast 2030
Report Summary
The Supply Chain Suites Software Market report provides a detailed analysis of global market size, regional and country-level market size, segmentation market growth, market share, competitive Landscape, sales analysis, impact of domestic and global market players, value chain optimization, trade regulations, recent developments, opportunities analysis, strategic market growth analysis, product launches, area marketplace expanding, and technological innovations.
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.fusionmarketresearch.com/sample_request/Supply-Chain-Suites-Software-Market/39945
The report offers detailed coverage of Supply Chain Suites Software industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Supply Chain Suites Software by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography.
At the same time, we classify Supply Chain Suites Software according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Supply Chain Suites Software company.
The major players included in the report are Logility AIMMS Ramco Systems Sonata Software GAINSystems Infor LINKGREEN Shipedge JESTA Deposco Wolin Design Group EquipNet Omnitracs Streamline WHIZTEC
Based on the type of product, the global Supply Chain Suites Software market segmented into On-premise Cloud-based
Based on the end-use, the global Supply Chain Suites Software market classified into Large Enterprises SMEs
Based on geography, the global Supply Chain Suites Software market segmented into North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia and Spain etc.) Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Australia and Southeast Asia etc.) South America (Brazil, Argentina and Colombia etc.) Middle East & Africa (South Africa, UAE and Saudi Arabia etc.)
Table of Contents
1 RESEARCH SCOPE 1.1 Research Product Definition 1.2 Research Segmentation 1.2.1 Product Type 1.2.2 Main product Type of Major Players 1.3 Demand Overview 1.4 Research Methodology
2 GLOBAL Supply Chain Suites Software INDUSTRY 2.1 Summary about Supply Chain Suites Software Industry
2.2 Supply Chain Suites Software Market Trends 2.2.1 Supply Chain Suites Software Production & Consumption Trends 2.2.2 Supply Chain Suites Software Demand Structure Trends 2.3 Supply Chain Suites Software Cost & Price
3 MARKET DYNAMICS 3.1 Manufacturing & Purchasing Behavior in 2020 3.2 Market Development under the Impact of COVID-19 3.2.1 Drivers 3.2.2 Restraints 3.2.3 Opportunity 3.2.4 Risk
4 GLOBAL MARKET SEGMENTATION 4.1 Region Segmentation (2017 to 2021f) 4.1.1 North America (U.S., Canada and Mexico) 4.1.2 Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Rest of Europe) 4.1.3 Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, Rest of Asia Pacific) 4.1.4 South America (Brazil,, Argentina, Rest of Latin America) 4.1.5 Middle East and Africa (GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa) 4.2 Product Type Segmentation (2017 to 2021f) 4.2.1 On-premise 4.2.2 Cloud-based 4.3 Consumption Segmentation (2017 to 2021f) 4.3.1 Large Enterprises 4.3.2 SMEs
5 NORTH AMERICA MARKET SEGMENT 5.1 Region Segmentation (2017 to 2021f) 5.1.1 U.S. 5.1.2 Canada 5.1.3 Mexico 5.2 Product Type Segmentation (2017 to 2021f) 5.2.1 On-premise 5.2.2 Cloud-based 5.3 Consumption Segmentation (2017 to 2021f) 5.3.1 Large Enterprises 5.3.2 SMEs 5.4 Impact of COVID-19 in North America
What our report offers: – Market share assessments for the regional and country-level segments – Strategic recommendations for the new entrants – Covers Market data for the years 2020, 2021, 2022, 2025, and 2030 – Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations) – Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations – Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends – Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments – Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancements
Free Customization Offerings:       All the customers of this report will be entitled to receive one of the following free customization options: • Company Profiling o Comprehensive profiling of additional market players (up to 3) o SWOT Analysis of key players (up to 3) • Regional Segmentation o Market estimations, Forecasts and CAGR of any prominent country as per the client’s interest (Note: Depends on feasibility check) • Competitive Benchmarking o Benchmarking of key players based on product portfolio, geographical presence, and strategic alliances
Related Reports :                                                                                    
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willgrahymn · 3 months
There's no one I'd rather boop than you
Maybe when this is all over we can have another wedding, even better than the last. And we can boop each other at the altar.
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saturday-eve · 2 years
Logile work for once challenge… ugh. This shit not working makes my job harder.
At least I got my McGriddle today. Now I have to go get my coffee.
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manyfandomsonelog · 1 year
I'm so silly goofy
No… WE’RE so silly goofy
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cdigitalss · 2 years
Herbalife Partners with Logility to Improve Supply Chain Management 
Herbalife Nutrition has entered into an agreement with Logility, a digital supply chain platform that leverages AI and analytics to provide greater supply chain transparency.  This collaboration is expected to automate planning, accelerate cycle times, increase precision, improve operating performance, break down silos and deliver greater visibility in the company’s supply chain management. The…
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supplychainsystems · 2 years
Watch: Unclogging the Retail Supply Chain
New Post has been published on https://supplychainmanagementcertificate.com/2022/09/08/watch-unclogging-the-retail-supply-chain/
Watch: Unclogging the Retail Supply Chain
Numerous factors are responsible for congestion in the retail supply chain. Mike Curtin, senior vice president of apparel and soft goods with Logility, explains what companies are doing to overcome those hurdles.
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valuechainplanning · 2 years
Are You Still Using Excel For Forecasting And Planning?
In recent interactions with many companies, we have observed that people don’t use any specialized tool for forecasting. Yes, they do most forecasting in EXCEL, even when they have invested in multi-million dollar SCM/APS applications. There were a few who think they have successfully implemented a high-end expensive ERP system, but not successful enough – and continue to use EXCEL for forecasting. Here is a cross-section of companies in this category –
Some companies don’t have their operations large enough to implement an expensive ERP particularly for planning. They don’t have any software tools at all except for a legacy system that is home grown from the Flintstone age.
Some companies use their ERP as an expensive typewriter where they enter the Excel forecasts into the SCM/APS system to satisfy their management. A sad situation that resulted from poor and unusable implementation.
Just poor training of the end users. There are many cases where the system is implemented in coordination with the Top Level Management but with little training or coordination with the actual users.
Demand Planning LLC Approach to these kinds of situations- We at Demand Planning LLC have been working across various industries globally for a number of companies including the Fortune 500 to improve their Planning Processes. We do a detailed diagnostic and suggest the best practices that will work in any particular client situation.
For the companies who do not use any particular planning tool, we offer two options:
Outsourced Planning and Forecasting – provide STAT forecasts and help facilitate the monthly cycle
Provide an inexpensive software package that will get you up and running on best-fit models. We will help you tune the models and design the planning process.
We have done a lot of work in the case of implementations gone wild and unusable. We essentially repair the implementations and address usability challenges and restore the full functionality of the system. We can do this for SAP APO (the industry favorite), Oracle Demantra, JDA I2 and Manugistics, Logility etc.
We are the best known Training company when it comes to tool-focused training that is customized to the user needs. We organize a workshop at the end of every implementation/repair project. We interact with the actual users and make sure everyone has optimum knowledge of the tool.
Some of the big names who have used our services and expertise include Honeywell, Pepsi Foods, Brown-Forman, Labatt, Yaskawa, Coleman, McCain Foods, Lindt and many other small and medium size companies. We can be reached at www.demandplanning.net. 
Follow Us to keep updated on our regular content in the SCM space –
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I hate you Logile I hate you Workday I hate you Indeed I hate you capitalism I hate you work culture I hate you I hate you I hate you
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