#logo daedalus
grandhotelabyss · 6 months
who is logo
@logo_daedalus on X/Twitter. Longtime social-media personality on the fringes of American politics, and a novelist-poet with real literary talent and some shrewd insights into culture. I think he's wrong about a lot but more interesting than most mainstream literary figures who have not thought the world through for themselves.
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uncrossedrhyme · 1 year
Physiology & Phenomenology of Life Purpose: Learned Optimism Against Misanthropic Nihilism
“…either an accommodation reached, in some kind of dignity, with the Angel of Death, or only death and the daily, tedious preparations for it. Another mode of meaning behind the obvious, or none.”—Thomas Pynchon, The Crying of Lot 49 Today, inquiring into life’s possible meanings, one might ask the priest, a parent, or ChatGPT, with varying dissatisfaction. Is it possible for us to deduce…
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Stargate Atlantis "The Daedalus Variations"
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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Walter Matthew Jefferies (Preferred name: "Matt Jefferies")Walter M. Jefferies is frequently overlooked as the man who gave us so much of what we know as "Star Trek" today. He was an aviation and mechanical artist, whose father was a chief engineer at a plant in Virginia. He served in World War II in B-24, B-17 and B-25 bombers. He later would work several years as a flight test engineer. He was the designer of the original Starship Enterprise used on the Original Series broadcasts; but his genius didn't stop there. He is also the one who specifically laid out the plans for the bridge and for sick bay. He also designed many props used on the show. Among props he designed are the phasers we see so often. He designed that three-spiked Klingon logo, and the D-7 Battlecruiser. He designed multiple interior and exteriors of the ship so many have come to know and love. His concept sketches were revisited and used to design the Starship Enterprise, the Olympic class USS Pasteur, the Daedalus-class and pre-Federation Vulcan ships. Jefferies had worked with NASA engineers in designing the Enterprise and the technology it used. Contrary to popular belief, he did NOT design the shuttlecraft, as his design was deemed "too complex" But he DID design the interior. Both Jefferies tubes and Captain Jefferies, were named in his honor. Jeffries said that the Starship Enterprise was the 17th design, and the first in that series--and it's from that where the number 1701 was derived. This is documented by Jefferies himself. Finally (before I get too longwinded again  ) Jefferies was not exactly overpowered when he watched "Star Trek: The Motion Picture." In fact, he fell asleep. He decided he'd rather not watch any of the later iterations of the Enterprise, stating: "They had turned my Navyesque bridge, into "the lobby of the Hilton."
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grfn-btbtas · 1 year
Logo daedalus is such a fag. Every time I read his tweets it's like staring into a mirror
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years
Reading The Hidden Oracle: Chapter 19 (SPOILERS)
"They have gone missing?" What'd I tell you? They're in Peru.
"vegan cupcakes" Iris?
"a subterranean amphitheater . . . Tiers of stone seats ringed a sandy pit about the right size for a gladiator fight. Hanging from the ceiling were dozens of thick iron chains." Antaeus. So this is what happened to the arena. I guess the monsters took all the dangling skulls as souvenirs on their way out.
"I fear one more team is still missing... your children, Kayla and Austin." NO not them! Peru has taken them! Darn good motivator, though. 2/3 Apollo kids down. Will is next.
"I have upped the stakes . . . Somehow he had targeted my children." The Beast doesn't control the Labyrinth, does he? We've taken care of the Minotaur, Minos, Daedalus, the Minotaur again, Pasiphaë... There's no one left who could possibly lay claim to the maze (other than Harley, apparently), right? I guess there are Theseus and that princess that Daedalus was tutoring, but the Beast sounds like neither of them. Wow, the Labyrinth really got around, though.
"Paolo had managed to get one of his legs sawed off." Paolo, buddy, at this point I think you can just ask to sit it out and Chiron would let you skip the race. Anyway, 3/4. Next time, it'll be the other leg and maybe his head.
"Billie Ng had come down with a case of Irish step dancing." How did that happen in a maze? What trap set that off? Oh. Oh, you know, it was probably one of the Apollo campers taking out the competition.
"'It's my fault,' [Harley] muttered. 'I got them lost. I... I'm sorry.'" Wow. He was rooting for someone to die, but as soon as a couple people get lost, he's suddenly softhearted? Jkjk it's nice to see that he does care. "I realized the little boy was terrified of what I might do." Oh, that makes more sense! Jkjkjkjjjj
"I believe automatons prefer a frequency of E at 329.6 hertz." Aw, he's helping him!
"lovely glowing apple turnovers for breakfast." Don't those apples turn you immortal? Are these gonna be magical apple turnovers? "[Meg] sat next to me on my blanket and began eating a golden apple" Never mind, I guess they're just regular apples that happen to be shiny gold. I guess we're going more Atalanta or Eris than Hesperides.
"If you're a demigod on the streets, you hear about the Beast." That makes it sound like there's a concerning amount of demigods still on the streets despite their parents supposedly claiming them. "He takes people like me . . . To train . . . to use like... servants, soldiers, I don't know." Third demigod camp except it's just a gladiator ring. Or an army. Oh wait, we already have one of those. *side eyes Camp Jupiter*
"He killed my dad." Oh dang. "Being a good demigod, training hard... that's the only way to keep the Beast away." Lol she makes it sound like a scary bedtime story parents tell their kids to make them behave. If you don't go to bed before ten, the Beast'll getcha! He'll bite your toes off! Sounds like Meg's stepdad has some history with the mythical world. I would say he's a clear-sighted mortal or was told about it by Meg's dad like Paul Blofis and Sally, but her stepdad taught her to fight, gladiator-style. Roman demigod, maybe? Or legacy. Or for all we know, he's just an avid historian like how Annabeth's dad knew how to fly a combat helicopter.
"a child of Hermes had recently betrayed the gods by working for Kronos. They might do so again." Hey! Discrimination! Demigodly profiling!
"Painted on the helicopter's side was a bright green logo with the letter D.E." Rachel loves her dramatic helicopter entrances, doesn't she?
Long chapter, this one.
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irkos-2013 · 9 days
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Daedalus Solitário
O crepúsculo no Vale das Sombras parecia uma pintura de desespero e esperança entrelaçados. Daedalus, o paladino renegado, caminhava solitário pela trilha íngreme e obscura, seus passos reverberando nas cavernas ao redor.
Então, no meio da escuridão, uma luz familiar começou a surgir.
Ele sabia que era a luz de Evith e ao mesmo tempo em que se sentiu acolhido, também sentia desonra. Como ainda tinha coragem de se sentir acolhido com uma presença que ele desgraçou por tanto tempo?
Por um tempo, Daedalus pensou em ir para outro lado e se permitir continua na escuridão. Mas a luz o chamava, sempre o chamou... Então foi em direção à ela.
Ao se aproximar, viu que não era Evith, mas um altar de altura mediana, onde viu um pergaminho grosso deixado lá.
"Como ela conseguiu enxergar nessa escuridão e deixou isso aqui?" - pensou Daedalus
Mesmo reticente com a mensagem, a curiosidade sobressaiu e ele pegou a mensagem - que permaneceu com a luz própria na qual foi bem fácil de ler, mesmo em meio à escuridão.
Estava lacrado com um selo de cera prateado, com o símbolo da promessa de ambos.
Daedalus começou a ler em pé mesmo, com avidez. Mas logo se sentou ao entender que não seria uma leitura fácil, onde teria de refletir nas palavras:
Olá! Se você encontrar esse pergaminho, provavelmente nossos caminhos se separaram. Sabendo que isso poderia acontecer, me antecedi e deixei essa mensagem guardada, pra quando você precisasse de uma... Luz :D Como sei que você não tem paciência para estudos, fiz um resumo de um estudo sobre como tirar a penumbra da culpa das nossas mentes e a magia retornar mais forte do que antes. Mandarei a escrita original e os comentários logo abaixo:
Feliz aquele cujas maldades, Deus perdoa e cujos pecados ele apaga! Feliz aquele que o Senhor Deus não acusa de fazer coisas más e que não age com falsidade! Aqui, nosso Deus declara a felicidade dos percados de quem são perdoados e como traz alegria e alívio. Mas acho que fará mais sentido no final, isso aqui
Então não confessei o meu pecado, eu me cansada, chorando o dia inteiro. De dia e de noite, tu me castigaste, ó Deus, e as minhas forças se acabaram como o sereno que seca no calor do verão. Conhece-te a ti mesmo, como dizia aquele filósofo que esqueci o nome (pra variar). Aqui é o seu estado atual, onde você caminha horas e horas nessa caverna escura e solitária, se culpando ao invés de ir atrás da luz. Você sente essa dor angustiante, como se Deus estivesse te castigando, te angustiando... Mas ele está apenas esperando você confessar e entregar tudo, tudo nas mãos deles. Mas como que faz isso, não é mesmo? Respondo agora.
Então eu te confessei o meu pecado e não escondi minha maldade. Resolvi confessar tudo a ti, e tu perdoaste todos os meus pecados. Por isso, nos momentos de angústia, todos os que são fiéis a ti devem orar. Assim, quando as grandes ondas de sofrimento vierem, não chegarão até eles. Acredita que é só isso? Se rasgar em choro, contar todas as coisas que você fez que te causaram essa imensa culpa? E nem é pra alguém em específico (a não ser que alguém precise liberar perdão pra você/tu sinta essa necessidade). É falar sozinho e em seu coração, na sua caverna mesmo, e declarar tudo, tudinho do que precisa se libertar. Mas você precisa QUERER se libertar. Só a intenção de querer se perdoar, já é importante para a Palavra Não importa seu erro, sua culpa, sua transgressão. Nossa Palavra SEMPRE vai perdoar. E sem relembrar ou te culpar de nada. Simplesmente passa uma magia de apagar e apaga!
Tu és meu o meu esconderijo, tu me livras da aflição. Eu canto bem alto a tua salvação, pois me tens protegido. Quando a cura da culpa vem, é tão maravilhoso... A culpa VAI embora, aquele peso VAI embora. Você lembra do que fez, claro, mas fica com uma lição, não dói mais. É mágico!
O Senhor Deus me disse: "Eu lhe ensinarei o caminho por onde você deve ir; eu vou guiá-lo e orientá-lo" Não seja uma pessoa sem juízo como o cavalo ou a mula, que precisam ser guiadas com cabresto e rédeas para que a obedeçam" Eu acho que não preciso comentar absolutamente nada aqui, concorda?
Os maus sofrem muito, mas os que confiam na Palavra, o Senhor, são protegidos pelo seu amor. Todos que são corretos, alegrem-se e fiquem contentes por causa daquilo que o Senhor tem feito! Cantem de alegria, todos vocês que são obedientes a ele! Profetizo, em nome da Palavra, que se você seguir tudo o que está aqui, você não precisará mais dessa caverna pra esconder sua história e seu pensamentos. Não é fácil, mas a Palavra sempre estará contigo. Basta você querer.
Daedalus terminou a leitura e refletiu por muito tempo na Palavra.
Ainda não sabia o que faria, mas só de saber que Evith, mesmo com tudo o que passou, ainda se permitiu em deixar a Palavra para ele, foi um aconchego mesmo sem merecimento.
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newlogodrip · 1 month
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Daedalus Rising by costoboc Get daily logo design inspiration on LogoDrip.com @logodrip.
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dasmuggler · 1 year
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Story is not mine:
Walter Matthew Jefferies (Preferred name: "Matt Jefferies")
Walter M. Jefferies is frequently overlooked as the man who gave us so much of what we know as "Star Trek" today. He was an aviation and mechanical artist, whose father was a chief engineer at a plant in Virginia. He served in World War II in B-24, B-17 and B-25 bombers. He later would work several years as a flight test engineer.
He was the designer of the original Starship Enterprise used on the Original Series broadcasts; but his genius didn't stop there. He is also the one who specifically laid out the plans for the bridge and for sick bay.
He also designed many props used on the show. Among props he designed are the phasers we see so often. He designed that three-spiked Klingon logo, and the D-7 Battlecruiser. He designed multiple interior and exteriors of the ship so many have come to know and love.
His concept sketches were revisited and used to design the Starship Enterprise, the Olympic class USS Pasteur, the Daedalus-class and pre-Federation Vulcan ships. Jefferies had worked with NASA engineers in designing the Enterprise and the technology it used.
Contrary to popular belief, he did not design the shuttlecraft, as his design was deemed "too complex." But he did design the interior. Both Jefferies tubes and Captain Jefferies, were named in his honor. Jeffries said that the Starship Enterprise was the 17th design, and the first in that series— and it's from that where the number 1701 was derived. This is documented by Jefferies himself.
Jefferies was not exactly overpowered when he watched "Star Trek: The Motion Picture." In fact, he fell asleep. He decided he'd rather not watch any of the later iterations of the Enterprise, stating: "They had turned my Navyesque bridge, into "the lobby of the Hilton."
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grandhotelabyss · 1 year
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Not to be a pedantic dick, but... It's Minneapolis on both sides of the bridge; the river doesn't divide the Twin Cities. And Berryman hit the rocks, not the water. Good sonnet otherwise.
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m39 · 2 years
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2004): Action Doom
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Others. Welcome to the Golden League. Where I’ll finally be taking a look at ten WADs that earned Cacoward in 2004. And the first one on the list is something that might be considered a combination of Doom and Bullet Hell platformers ala Contra or Metal Slug.
G1: Action Doom
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Main author(s): Stephen Browning (Scuba Steve)
Release date: July 3rd, 2004 (original version)
Version played: Original version
Required port compatibility: ZDoom
Levels: 4.5 (the last one differentiates due to the chosen difficulty level)
Action Doom is something that, at first glance, feels like the opposite of Daedalus that I reviewed week ago. No bullshit item hunting. No plot that derails itself at the end. No time wasting. No punishment for not knowing where to go. And no stealth enemies just to mention a few things. Just pure, unaltered action with barely any stops. And honestly, after the last WAD, I’m gonna need something like this for some catharsis.
Action Doom has an interesting background. It all started in 2001, with a project called Metal Slug Doom. It was supposed to be a small mod that turned hitscanning attacks into projectiles. Around a year later, Scuba Steve and his brother, Mike, came out with the idea that would later become the WAD that I’m reviewing. Although the development properly started in September 2003.
This WAD had a massive advertisement from October 2003 to its release. From silly ads being parodies of the 90s ads for games (with one of these being a pastiche of the Daikatana ad (you know which one)), to contests where you could win a T-shirt with a WAD’s logo on it, and/or a box that had a disc with a WAD and an actual manual for this thing.
I suggest you take a look at the Doomwiki page dedicated to Action Doom for more information if you are interested.
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The story: The year is 2174. Our favorite Corpo: UAC, does its typical shtick to ruin everyone’s lives. This time on some island in the Gulf of Mexico. While being funded by the USA Government itself!
It’s not enough for these brainlets that they are tampering with whatever alien shit that crashed on Earth. Nooo! They need their Hell teleporters while also shoving alien DNA up to demons themselves!
And then there is no contact with UAC Site 4 Labs for around a week.
Surprised Pikachu face
The Gov, realizing that they fucked up, send out one of the elite soldiers of I.M.P.S.E (take a look at the stuff related to this word with a full bottle of brain bleach as a warning) to clean up the mess that happened there.
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Action Doom looks rather good. It might not look as good as some of the WADs from the 2004 roster that I played but on its own, it does a really good job. I feel like I was playing an FPS version of Contra, with diversive environments, explosions everywhere, and hundreds of enemies attacking you from every corner.
The soundtrack was enjoyable to listen to. I notice one of the tracks being used in the past, either by Cinemassacre or Screwattack, I can’t remember which one was it. As for my favorite track, I guess I will go with the one that appears in the Hell section of the third map.
The sound effects were also good. There is nothing wrong or annoying about them.
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So Action Doom is pretty good when it comes to its visuals. But is it as good when it comes to playing it?
Yes. It feels good playing this WAD.
Action Doom is very easy to understand despite most of it having big maps. Just go forward and mow down the cannon fodder with the occasional mini-boss or two on your way.
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What’s interesting about this WAD is that its main part, Mission Imp.ossible, has branching paths, particularly in MAP02. I’m going to talk now about the first branching path since this is the one I have the most knowledge of. For instance:
After crossing the bridge, you can go further into the forest, right into the UAC facility, where you have to go through labs, ending up surrounded by cryo-sleeping Imps and fighting Zombies while riding down the elevator.
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Or, you can go through the vent, where you end up jumping from car to car, being chased on a road by enemies.
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There is also the third path. By climbing down the rocks, you can take a boat, where you must avoid rocks and kill the enemies that are catching your tail.
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Besides that, there are also destructible crates. I recommend breaking them up ‘cause they might have a weapon that will help you later.
Per each map (asides from the ending), there is also a note that you can read. They basically describe what you might already know from the text file.
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In MAP03, you can even play two arcade games. One is a rather simple car game, where you have to get to the end of a track in the fastest time. The second (which for some reason is marked as a secret) is a homage to the Atari game called Venture.
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Action Doom has two endings depending on if you finished it on Contra difficulty level or not. But honestly, you won’t miss much since I checked on YouTube and you basically get another boss to send to outer space.
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Oh, wait. I almost forgot. There are piles of money spread around the WAD to collect (alongside other items that can increase your highscore).
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The WAD can be rather challenging. Like the games it was inspired by, in Action Doom, you die to one hit, forcing you to be more careful with the environment and remembering what enemies are coming out next and from where. Thankfully, most of the cannon fodder either also dies from one hit, or at least they are modified enough to be somewhat easier to kill.
Speaking of enemies and the new stuff related to them:
The Hitscanners now shoot projectiles to make this WAD fair. Zombiemen look different (and apparently they are called Ninjas now), and Chaingunners are now much tankier to make them more like a mid-tier enemy.
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The alien blood wasn’t a good idea to insert into Imps, since now they act like Kamikaze drones, charging at you to explode with... acid I guess? Also, their heads can attack now on their own like something from The Thing.
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Asides from the old blood, there are also Turrets, both in a mechanical and alien variation.
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And Tanks, that might as well be mini-bosses, due to how much health they have.
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As for the bosses, we have the first-level boss that might as well be ripped straight out of the Contra game.
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Gigantic Slug that hides in a box and spits its corrosive sludge at you. When you kill it, it bursts into smaller slugs.
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We have Giant Squid that shoots its ink at you and you need to shoot its tentacles to defeat it.
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And finally, the final boss of this WAD, Mother of All Imps. Just focus on the turrets during the first phase to make slaughtering the Imps easier, then blow her arms off when she hijacks the helicopter.
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As for your weapons, you have a Knife that I think is almost as powerful as the vanilla Fist on Berserk.
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The pistol is now much more reliable since it has a bottomless magazine. Perfect for saving ammo for more powerful weapons.
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Spread Cannon is basically an S power-up straight out of Contra, shooting a volley of projectiles.
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The rifle shoots in a series of three.
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Rocket Launcher doesn’t have blast damage anymore but it’s rather powerful for a single target. Unfortunately for me, I couldn’t find it on my regular playthroughs. Maybe it’s reserved for the easier difficulties.
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Flamethrower doesn’t really need much explanation if you played other WADs with this kind of weapon: Big damage on a rather short range.
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You can even find a beta BFG called BFG 7500. It’s more likely a joke weapon since trying to fire from it will overload it and blow you out.
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As for the bugs, when I took the dossier up, somehow I couldn’t switch back to any of my weapons. I guess it happened because the animation of pulling up the Pistol was still going on when I took the dossier.
Also, while avoiding rocks while driving a boat, I could only see the ones that were right in front of me. I feel like this bug depends on what version of (G)ZDoom you are playing since I saw review footage of this WAD from 2015, and it looked fine.
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As for the stuff mentioned in a text file, you can’t take another at the notes after grabbing them the first time (I managed to show them again by accident, by just depleting ammo to one of my guns) and the final boss’ projectiles might sometimes not disappear after hitting something.
In conclusion, Action Doom is a very good total conversion. A proof that Contra’s soul can greatly cooperate with the Doom Engine. Worth checking out to blow out your steam.
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But if you somehow feel scared away due to how somewhat archaic this WAD feels, don’t worry. At the very beginning of November of 2022, Scuba Steve released a remaster under the subtitle Rampage Edition (<== mark it with link). When the time will come, I will check that version of the WAD too.
Also, check out the review from IcarusLIVES if you want more:
The Golden League is off to a good start, people. Tune in next time, as we will be taking a look at another map created by the great Russell Pearson.
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interiorsmmorg · 2 years
Vita emulator 2017
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#Vita emulator 2017 how to#
#Vita emulator 2017 install#
#Vita emulator 2017 code#
#Vita emulator 2017 plus#
Customizable post processing effects support incoming too to Daedalus X64 allowing more freedom for both devs and users.As an example, here's some screenshots of Blast Corps that used to crash at boot. With recent commits, a couple more games that used to crash on Daedalus X64 now runs perfectly fine.Latest Developments Surrounding the project:
#Vita emulator 2017 how to#
Guide: How to load Roms via a web-server: All my patroners for their support: ( )​ Everyone who submitted donations through PayPal to me or MasterFeizz for the development of this emulator Leonardo Lugarinho for the Brazilian Portuguese translation Kiiro Yakumo for the Polish translation coestergaard for the Danish translation Samilop Cimmerian Iter for the French translation Rob Scotcher for the Daedalus X64 logo image withLogic for the high-res preview assets That One Seong & TheIronUniverse for the Livearea assets
#Vita emulator 2017 code#
Inssame for some additions to the UI code Salvy & frangarcj for several improvements and bugfixes TheFloW for his contributions to the DynaRec code All the original Daedalus X64 developers
Dedicated channel on Vita Nuova discord server to discuss anything related to the emulator:.
Same link can be used to submit new suggestions or bugs from end users.
List of suggestions and bugfixes on which people can work available here:.
Contributions to the code are highly welcome.
Support for launching roms over the net (webservers).
Auto updater and compatibility list downloader.
Support for multiple controllers on PSTV.
Rumble Pak support (with support to controllers rumbling on PSTV) and Controller Pak support.
Audio support (synchronous and asynchronous).
Native resolution (960x544) with MSAA 4x.
The emulator is being built up through combined work of me ( and MasterFeizz, thus implying that Daedalus X64 3DS will stay on par with the Vita build most likely and viceversa.​ From the original codebase of this emulator, we're building a new N64 Emulator whose target will be best compatibility possible without sacrificing speed. Daedalus X64 was an experimental N64 emulator for Linux/PSP whose target was speed over accuracy. Also here are some emulators we have put together for you and don’t forget to check out our download section here as its filled a kinds of homebrew, emulators and more.DaedalusX64-vitaGL is a port of Daedalus X64 to PSVITA/PSTV. So we put together a simple video tutorial for anyone needing help installing homebrew and emulators on Ark-2.
#Vita emulator 2017 install#
Now there is a ton of documentation on thing subject but since a lot of the older guides talk about Ark on different FW might throw people off and they may start looking for some that say how to install on FW3.63. So the number one thing we have been getting asked is how do you install homebrew and emulators on Ark-2.
#Vita emulator 2017 plus#
Now this brings a lot of newcomers to the scene to enjoy some homebrew and emulators, plus let not forget some of those PSP games that are not in the PlayStation store. Since the release of psvimgtools a lot of people have been able to put Ark-2on their PSVita or PSTV with FW3.63.
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grandhotelabyss · 6 months
I try to avoid twitter, but I'm curious what that Logo thread was about
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grandhotelabyss · 6 months
Thoughts on logo’s rant on Twitter about midwits?
He's got a point about a contemporary type of male reader who gets stuck on the same book for 20 years—you can see this with a certain stripe of masculinist BookTuber or right-wing podcasting literatus, for whom it's 24/7 Blood Meridian—but he's also in danger of mistaking pedantry for wisdom. I knew people in academe who read Clarel and were still bores; people in academe are the only people who do read Clarel for the most part, and they're still usually propagandized in some way or otherwise uninteresting, less interesting that some people who don't read at all. The right tail of the midwit meme is not about reading, as Ralph Waldo Emerson would be happy to tell us. Logo knows the latter, or else he wouldn't be a "Ron Paul Maoist." I'm not a "Ron Paul Maoist" exactly. Like Logo, however, and as for the left tail of the midwit meme, I was not born into the professional managerial class, which means that I do not share the "born" PMC's shrieking, screeching, panting, and finally caste-ist terror at the libertarian and populist currents in American politics.
(On the "read old books" question, I'd very much like to read Clarel, but I haven't yet. Reading Pierre and The Confidence Man has proven enough to keep me one step ahead of the casual and merely Dick-oriented Melvilleans so far, but I know I need to get to both Mardi and Clarel in time. I am, as I've said, a bad completist. My reading of obscure book-length 19th-century poems has been confined so far to English literature—The Cenci, Manfred, The Spanish Gypsy, Idylls of the King, Aurora Leigh—as I've had cause to mention in my Invisible College lectures.)
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grandhotelabyss · 7 months
Maybe I just drank too much of Logos anti-nordic kool-aid, but maybe that Knaustagard guy just got popular because of that lol, especially if one goes with the secret nazi eugenisit angel of them being "the true master race beyond the scenes* - why IS the book called Mein Kampf? Like maybe actually it is a dogwhistle from Hyperborean supremacists!
But I dunno, this was probably funnier in my head - still think the covert influence of the Scandinavians cant be denyed, with things like the Nobel prize and the consensus of "emulating the nordic model" in bougie upper class circles🤷‍♂️
KOK did become popular alongside Scandinavian noir novels and self-help guides to "hygge" and Millennial DSA socialism modeled on the Nordic social democracies. Maybe in some tremor of the collective unconscious, this really was all a single phenomenon. Logo's anti-Nordic stance, while typically overstated, is not wrong. (Interestingly, he exempts Knausgård from his criticism, since the rock-and-roll author seems to want to be American.) Northern Europe's eugenic welfare states, with their immobilizing of the social hierarchy, have nothing to teach America. We could do with more opportunity around here than we've had lately, but not a life of bureaucratic alms followed by a euthanasia death when the state decides you're a drain on its resources—all of it amounting to a static culture primarily about how miserable it is to live there. (I very staunchly disavow Chesterton's rather racial quip, from a text I discovered on an NRx Tumblr blog 10 years ago: "They say that they are determinists; but the truth is, probably, that they are still worshipping the Norns.") I do revere Ibsen, as did Joyce before me, but you know he wrote most of those plays in Italy.
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grandhotelabyss · 7 months
Thoughts on Logo d? he seems like a smart well read guy putting his intelligence to pretty questionable use with stuff like "Paul Ryan is a maoist" or w/e
I've written about him before, sometimes positive, sometimes negative: you can check the tag. In sum, a talented writer and often brilliant literary mind beset by an insatiable desire for a totalizing worldview. Also by a certain style of class resentment toward the official literati. Now I have this too—the overwhelming unearned smugness of these metropolitan pseudo-talents with their professional-class or even intergenerationally wealthy parents really does make one want to scream sometimes if one was not oneself to the manner born—but one has to manage it in ways that do not compromise one's own dignity as an artist. He reminds me a little of Ezra Pound, in the good ways and the bad.
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