#doom 2004
m39 · 2 years
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2004): Phobos Revisited
We previously met Rex Claussen back in May of the last year (as of writing this) when I took a look at his Star Wars total conversion The Darkest Hour. It was one of the more polarizing WADs I’ve played due to how much of a mixed bag it was. Have a link to that review if you are interested: ==>
Today’s WAD of his is, however, anything but a total conversion. In fact, it doesn’t require any source port to be played with.
G7: Phobos Revisited
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Main author(s): Rex Claussen
Release date: September 9th, 2004 (original version)/ September 13th, 2004 (modified version)
Version played: Modified (I guess)
Required port compatibility: Vanilla
Levels: 9 (classic episode standard)
If you didn’t notice the purpose of this WAD by its name by this point, Phobos Revisited is another episode 1 replacement that tries to replicate the magic of the original episode with its more.. unique spin for lack of better words. However, unlike, for instance, Phobos WAD from 1998 which tries to look more realistic, this WAD prefers to be closer to the original aesthetics of Knee-Deep in the Dead, to the point of (at least partially) replicating the geometry and pathing of the original levels.
Did it succeed after almost two years of development? Well, let’s find out.
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Visually this WAD does a good job. While it is simplistic and abstract, it fulfills the purpose of being a homage to Knee-Deep in the Dead. Many times I felt like I was playing the original Doom I. It’s that similar. It even has more details due to the standards from the time it was released.
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Unpredictably, playing this episode replacement is basically the same as the original one. I’m not complaining about it, I’m just stating the obvious.
But truth be said, it’s not one-to-one recreation of the OG levels’ progress. Many times it subverts and/or extends how you progress. Phobos Revisited even utilizes locations that were originally exclusive for secrets. That’s kind of awesome.
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As for the other interesting stuff, the PR version of Central Processing has a set of barrels where, if you blow up the leftmost one while looking at them, you will push the Voodoo Doll unto Megaarmor and Soulsphere. Sure, you will get hurt, but it will mean nothing due to the items I’ve just mentioned.
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There is even a funny moment at the very end of the WAD, where you can choose the teleporter to one of the three death zones. These zones differentiate with what demons blow you up.
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Phobos Revisited is really easy. Sure, it is harder compared to the original episode, and there are at least two moments where you end up surrounded by enemies unlike in KDITD, but for an experienced player that finished some of the harder WADs released between 1994 and 2003, it will be nothing more but walking through butter.
It kind of gets harder in E1M9 and E1M8 but, as I said earlier, it’s still an easy WAD.
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Phobos Revisited is a rather enjoyable trip to the past for people who want to play the first episode again but done differently and modernized (by 2004 standards) and even for people who want to enjoy some good Doom I WAD that doesn’t waste their time (like me).
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Next time we will be taking a look at...
You look at the next WAD on your list.
Uhm... Guys?
Is it me or does this WAD look especially demonic?
Hell Revealed II WAD:
I’m doomed...
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motherdanger · 1 year
which is gayer being gay or whatever the fuck the saw main characters got going on
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this-tastes-lemony · 3 months
I love how the saw fandom just draws the characters and talks about the characters as if they’re just regular people, and not utterly traumatized (and dead)
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sillylittleguy86 · 2 months
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2004 was a big year for doomed yaoi.
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soullessjack · 1 year
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good morning
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todayinhiphophistory · 6 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
Madvillain released their debut album Madvillainy March 23, 2004
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bucklway · 3 months
thinking about post trap au adam and his scars, permanent reminders of the people who’ve hurt him and how much control they have over him.
the scar from the rusty nail, a reminder that he doesn’t respect himself enough to leave a shitty situation.
his bullet wound, a reminder that his only purpose in life was to be killed by a stranger, far more important than he ever could be.
his head scar, a reminder that he was so pathetic, he needed to put out of his misery by a girl he thought he could relate to.
the puzzle piece, a reminder that he cheated death, but learned nothing from it.
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ok. curious.
okay because listen. this isn't like 'fix it fic he lives happily ever after and is now diana's stepdad.' i mean IN THE FILM do you actually think he should have lived. cause i for one think its more interesting for adam to die.
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parkercore-69 · 8 months
actual canonic gay romance in movies is that lacking for me that i fr be watching shit like saw(2004) and re-animator for representation
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thatshadowcomic · 4 months
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:) it's all coming together....
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m39 · 2 years
Doom WADs’ Roulette (2004): Grove
After his 2001 WAD, Equinox (link to my review: ==>), we welcome once again an alien in disguise known as B.P.R.D. This time, we will be taking a look at one of the two WAD projects that were connected with him. And we are going straight through the rabbit hole with this one.
G4: Grove
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Main author(s): B.P.R.D
Release date: January 26th, 2004 (original release)/February 26th, 2004 (database upload)
Version played: Original version
Required port compatibility: ZDoom (and probably any port that is not Boom)
Levels: 1 (MAP01 replacement)
Like in my Equinox review, I played this map before, primarily due to Dean of Doom spoiler tagging it. And let me tell you something: there was a reason why he did that.
Grove is... unique. It is some of the most intriguing Doom maps I’ve played in the past (at least by 2004 standards). Almost everything in this map feels so bizarre that you feel like there needs to be a sequel just to increase the lore or whatever there is in the map’s world.
Now, let’s dive into this map further to see what secrets it hides.
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Don’t we all hate Chaingunners? Not only do they tend to ruin your fun by being the most obnoxious hitscanners in Classic Doom but turns out they can also steal your crops. The latter thing happened to our hero of this map: Being sick of some Hoovy (here called Smugla) stealing his mushrooms, he grabbed a gun and went after the Fatass through the hole he came out. After climbing out of the tunnel Smugla made from another side, he ended up in some inhuman place near the robber’s house, surrounded by forest. Our hero finds a map with an X in its upper-left corner. Thinking that this is where more mushrooms are (after taking what was near the Hoovy’s house) he decides to go there.
This map looks... fooking hell, it’s something incredible. Sure, it’s mostly just a shit ton of forest around you, but the atmosphere of this map and the mystery of its world is what makes it great. Once again, B.P.R.D’s unorthodox thinking and planning are shown in his body of work at his best.
And Grove’s music track makes it even better.
It’s something really alien in it but also calming at the same time. I know, I’m not saying much but, words can only barely describe what happens on this map.
Your task on this map is rather simple: collect three skulls and put them on three pedestals with hands to exit the map. Typical stuff for a Doom map but getting each skull is where it gets interesting:
Blue skull is inside the tomb, where the ruins are. To access it, you must travel to the hidden stone circle (by the teleporter hidden in the woods where the map shows) and press the skull switch to unlock the tomb.
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Red skull is in the cemetery but the entrance to it is barricaded. There is another passage through the cave, however. Don’t forget to press a hidden switch on one of the steps to come out the other side.
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Yellow skull is inside the Smugla’s vault. You can open it with one of the switches in Grove Central. And the skull is actually a decaying head of a bisected Arch-vile.
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But the way of getting the skulls is not the only interesting thing in Grove. The map that you will find doesn’t show the topography of the level. It’s more like a treasure map, showing you only clues about what is where.
You might also notice some 45 degrees turned squares on a map. These are actually secrets. There are five of these, and by finding all of them you can gain access to the super secret. I won’t tell you what the secret is. I will only say that you can get a Plasma Gun with a shit-ton of ammo to help you.
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As I mentioned earlier, Grove mostly takes place in the forest, surrounding you from everywhere. And while it’s not a problem, it becomes one when you have to move between the trees to get to important places and/or secrets. It gets especially annoying when you try to find a small, stone circle, where you will be moving from one end of that part of the forest to another just to accidentally step on it. I can promise you that it might take you a few minutes at best at your blind walkthrough when you finally find it. And I’m not even talking about getting out of the forest.
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Also, let me tell you that this map tends to look really dark in some of the sector light modes. You won’t be able to see almost anything. If you have trouble with that, you can set it on Legacy or something else that can give you some brighter lighting.
Now, before I’ll move on, let me tell you something. If you get stuck at the beginning of the map, take a look at one of the bookcases inside the house.
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Grove can get challenging sometimes despite having only 57 enemies on HMP. The first good idea is to get the Super Shotgun from the well before getting even close to one of the points with the exclamation mark shown on the map (remember to drain the water near hands first).
The main reason why this map is difficult is due to the severely limited ammo. Unless you know where the secrets are, you will not have ammo to deal with the final army of hell Nobles at the very end of the map, nor with Smugla himself.
Yes, Smugla appears as an enemy. Thankfully, or rather unthankfully, he is nothing more but a reskin of Spider Demon. If you brought Plasma Gun from the Super Secret with you, he will go down easily.
I’ve encountered some bugs while playing Grove. The most noticeable one was with the secret that has a big mushroom. For some reason, the area that covers its surrounding with shadows has a ceiling with a floor texture on it... WHAT?!
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I have no explanation for this. Maybe it’s related to the newer versions of ZDoom/GZDoom.
Also, I noticed a small square of void near the generator behind Smugla’s house.
There is more of this stuff written in the text file. I think there was a bigger chance for those to appear in the past than now since I didn’t encounter any of these.
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Grove may not be a masterpiece (trees are the main con) but I think it’s still awesome. It’s something that feels like it shouldn’t work and yet everything clicks in the right place. This map is one of the two reasons why B.P.R.D got named the Mapper of the Year in Cacowards 2004. And he made this map in almost two weeks! This is insane!
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And also, if you want more, here’s Dean of Doom part where he talks about this map (part starts at 17:12):
I hope my experience with Grove won’t ruin my time with the next map on the 2004 roster.
See you next time.
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Huh... I always wondered if an author of Grove is an alien.
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motherdanger · 10 months
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and what about it
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this-tastes-lemony · 2 months
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extra big sigh
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zer0point5ive · 1 year
“lawrence! get up! i need you” “don’t leave me” “i’ll bring someone back, i promise” “we’re gonna be okay?” “i wouldn’t lie to you” ohh. pain and anguish
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soullessjack · 1 year
I love you horrible gut wrenching queer media I love you narrative doom and damnation I love you bleakness and bloodiness I love you tragedy as a tool of union I love horrible depressing unhappy eviscerating queerness I love that we are so full of horror and terror and bloodshed and guilt and tragedy and pain and yet we are all still so full of love and joy and bliss and happiness in ourselves and we are all still beautiful in each others eyes I love u adam and lawrence from saw 2004
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gennsoup · 2 months
"The gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."
Troy (2004)
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