skulldog · 1 year
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New prehistoric chimera just dropped. Perucetus colossus x Lokotunjailurus.
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theoldbone · 1 year
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Posted by chasingsabretooths
"Sabertooth cats are justly famous for their namesake upper canine teeth, but they had another remarkable weapon of trade: an enormous dewclaw which was quite appropriate for the tasks of catching prey and keeping it motionless while the cat applied its surgically precise killing bite.
There is plenty of evidence from the fossil record about the widespread presence of this feature in different species of sabertooth cats, but perhaps the most beautiful example is the holotype skeleton of Lokotunjailurus from the fossil site of Lothagam in Kenya. This sabertooth cat was an elegant,  lightly built animal, about as tall at the shoulder as a lioness but with more slender bones and a much smaller body weight. The preservation of this specimen was so exquisite that it included a complete articulated forepaw with all the bones in place, down to the claw phalanges."
Lokotunjailurus emageritus in Late Miocene Lothagam (Kenya) Date 2013 Source M. Antón. (2013). Walking with sabertooths: Using science and art to shed light on the ultimate predators. Cranium, 30(2), 36–43.
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tysonfurybattlepass · 2 years
shaking and crying and throwing up because i keep finding new machairodont genera and the list of genus-representative characters i need to design keeps GROWING
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niuniente · 1 year
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This new study discusses four sabertooth cat species in total—Dinofelis werdelini and Lokotunjailurus chimsamyae represent the two that were previously unknown. Fossilized remains of the Dinofelis sabertooth cats have been found on multiple continents including Asia, Europe, and North America. Lokotunjailurus species in South Africa suggests that these cats may have been distributed throughout the African continent between five and seven million years ago.
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clansbeforetime · 1 year
How did the Smilodons get to Africa? Wasn't their range in the Americas? Or is this more fantasy?
Hi anon! Looks like we made an error in our intro post, our big cats are not based on Smilodons (which, you are correct, are an American genus and not African). That was our mistake, and we’ll be sure to correct it as soon as possible! Thank you for pointing that out :) 
Our saber-toothed cats are more closely based on the African genera of saber-toothed cats, namely Lokotunjailurus, Tchadailurus, and Megantereon to name a couple! And the tribe that Smilodon is from, Smilodontini, did have species that lived in Africa, though the genus Smilodon did not. Once again, that was a mistype on our part when it came to gathering our information, and in our actual designs and research we did use African genera of the saber-toothed cats.
 Of course, Smilodon is incredibly popular as far as the saber-toothed cats go, so we don’t mind if ocs are based more heavily on those features rather than these genera. They share a lot of key features, so we’re not going to hound people or not let them use ocs based on which specific species of Machairodontinae (The family of cats that includes the saber-tooths) anything is based on.
I once again would like to apologize for the error in our post, we’ll be sure to re-read our posts a little more thoroughly before they go live!
If you’d like to know more about our setting as it relates to real prehistoric data, feel free to drop an ask here and we will do our best to answer!
-Admin Craig
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gaetaniu · 1 year
Identificate in Sudafrica due nuove specie di felino dai denti a sciabola
La specie di gatto dai denti a sciabola Lokotunjailurus emageritus e la specie di elefante gomfotero Stegotetrabelodon nel tardo Miocene di Lothagam, in Kenya. I paleontologi hanno portato alla luce i resti fossilizzati di quattro specie di felino dai denti a sciabola, risalenti a 5,2 milioni di anni fa, tra cui due specie precedentemente sconosciute, Lokotunjailurus chinsamyae e Dinofelis…
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bones-n-bookles · 2 years
Lokotunjailurus Paleoart by Mauricio Antón
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tysonfurybattlepass · 9 months
sabercat genera whose teeth probably stuck out when their mouths were closed:
sabercat genera whose teeth probably did NOT stick out when their mouths were closed
-literally most of them that aren’t classified as “dirk-toothed cats”
genera whose teeth probably stuck out when their mouths were closed but are NOT sabercats (or cats at all)
-thylacosmilus (sparassodont. on thin fucking ice.)
-inostrancevia (hey you’re not even a mammal who let you in-)
(?)- these two are barbourofelids so it’s reasonable to assume that their dental morphology resembled barbourofelis itself but for the love of god i CANNOT find a single goddamn publicly available image or description of a specimen assigned to either of these taxa please fucking help me
incomplete list but thanks for coming to my ted talk
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