#percetus colossus
skulldog · 1 year
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New prehistoric chimera just dropped. Perucetus colossus x Lokotunjailurus.
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howlingday · 1 year
Extinct?Faunus Jaune
Idea is courtesy of @unknowdude34
Kasai Rex!Faunus Jaune
Jaune: I'll see you guys later.
Ruby: Huh? Where are you going?
Jaune: I'm gonna go eat in my room.
Nora: We can do that?
Weiss: Sit down and eat, you antisocial buffoon!
Jaune: ...Okay.
Cardin: I'm telling you, I know what I saw! There was something by the pool last night, tearing apart something huge!
Russel: Cardin, I normally believe ya, but it just sounds too weird.
Dove: Yeah, like, a deer carcass in the pool? Pretty sure we'd get an announcement about that.
Lark: Not to mention the crocodile you saw eating it.
Cardin: That wasn't a crocodile! It was... It was something else! Something out of a horror film!
Jaune: (Cutting off the legs on his nuggies, Wishing he could eat in private)
Fun Fact! In 1933, in the African Kasai Valley, a hunter named John Johnson took a photo of an alleged dinosaur while hunting elephants. The elephants he intended to shoot were in fact hunted by a bipedal creature with red scales and black stripes. He shot this creature, but it retreated. On his return to camp, he found the creature again eating a rhinoceros near the water.
Percetus Colossus!Faunus Jaune
Nora: WOW! You are HUGE!
Jaune: Um, h-hi... I'm Jaune.
Nora: Where were you on the bullhead?! How'd you even fit?!
Ren: Nora, please.
Jaune: They, uh... They had to call in another bullhead for me.
Fun Fact! A recently discovered early whale, the basilosaurid Perucetus Colossus has the heaviest animal bone mass to have ever been discovered, even outsizing the giant Blue Whale.
Sperm Whale!Faunus Jaune Arc & Shark!Faunus Yang Xiao Long & Leviathan Melvillei!Faunus Papa Arc & Otodus Megalodon!Faunus Raven Branwen
Jaune: Just you and me, Yang.
Yang: Yeah... Only one of us can be the top fighter in this ring, and it's gonna be me.
Pyrrha: Why are those two always fighting?
Blake: For as long as I've known Yang, she and Jaune have always been fighting. It might even date back to their ancestors.
Papa Arc: Make the first move, Branwen...
Raven: Hmph! Ladies first, Arc...
Fun Fact! Leviathan Melvillei is an ancient ancestor of the sperm whale, equipped with teeth on it's top AND bottom jaw. It is argued whether it hunted Megalodon, were hunted by it, or simply competed would attack the other given the opportunity. The third is the often agreed upon consensus.
Giganotosaurus!Faunus Jaune & Tyrannosaurus!Faunus Saphron
Saphron: I took a test today! I aced it!
Mama Arc: Well done, Saphron! And how did you do, Jaune?
Jaune: Uh... W-Well, I think I'm improving, but-
Mama Arc: Jaune...
Jaune: ...I got a D+.
Fun Fact! Giganotosaurus is thought to be the largest theropod dinosaur discovered. However, despite have a much larger skull, and internal model of the brain casing shows that it may have had a smaller brain than the Tyrannosaurus.
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