#lol i wanted to do a more detailed one but my head hurts :0
sometimes-online · 1 month
How old do you hc the hooligans as? I've seen a lot of people with many opinions but also people who see them all as 16 due to the main characters most likely being 16 too, but it doesn't make very much sense to me.
My thoughts:
Angel: 14
Kim: 15
The Maverick: 15/16
Aubrey: 16
Charlene: 17
Vance: 19/20
I like your head canons! :D I think they fit the characters very well! I've also seen a lot of different head canons for them but I think them being close in age but a variety makes the most sense to me too! ^^ I haven't really though about a solid answer, I kinda just have a age range in mind for most of them! :0 I normally go with the head canon that Angel's the youngest and Vance is the oldest my head canons are(from youngest to oldest): Angel: 15 Maverick: 15 or 16 Aubrey: 16 Kim: 16 Charlene/Charlie: either 16 or 17 Vance: 17 (more details below lol )
I've seen a lot of different head canons for their ages so its really interesting to talk about it- though for me personally I can't really see the hooligans having huge age gaps in their group but I understand why all of them being 16 doesn't feel right either. I like to think of them in the same grade as each other (with Vance (and maybe Charlie) being a grade above them) With Vance I think he has this line in game that helped me head canon his age/his sister's age. I interpreted it as him saying a lot of people probably assume he's a adult or at least a lot older than his sister from his looks but he actually is just a year older
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I like the idea of Kim and Aubrey being in the same grade/classes so I often go for Kim being 16 and Vance being 17 :0 it also makes sense to me that Vance is the oldest in the group 17 would be a good age for him Angel being the youngest also makes a lot of sense to me- Though I like to think of it as similar to how Sunny is the youngest in his group- than him being super young or a kid still Personally I can't really see the hooligans wanting to hang out with a child/ someone much younger than them That and they could get in a HUGE amount of trouble if Angel got hurt- since they like roughhousing and fighting So I like to head canon him close around 15 years old Charlie/Charlene is kinda a wild card for me- I dont really know if I want them to be one of the oldest or youngest but I think them being the second oldest could fit their character. I can see Charlie being the type to look after the others For the other hooligans I don't really have strong opinions about their age/ whos older than who-- Although I put The maverick as younger than Aubrey because I think that him being younger than her and Kim would be funny But yeah! Thats my thoughts on the hooligans ages! :D
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leesakuweek · 1 year
Ahhh I'm a lil shy about this but I'm really excited for this event 😭 I don't know why but out of all the ships I really fell in love with leesaku!!! They have a lot of parallels that could be expanded upon (flower symbolism, coming from non-clans, hard work/admiration, healing, weaknesses and strengths, affects of bullying, breaking out of their shells, etc) which imo would've been very beneficial for both characters in their development and could've (honestly) been one of the deepest and most influential relationships in shounen anime. I tbh thought they'd end up together simply from how their character designs complimented each other and just from their interactions (seriously, "I will protect you till death do us part". Come on 💀) and how he pretty much catalysed the growth of sakura in that blooms episode. I also adore the dork/hot-headed and injury-prone/medic dynamic sjsjsj. Not that I mind sasusaku since it's interesting in its own way too but this would've been a more healthier alternative imo!!
I've read a bunch of fanfiction about them cuz I couldnt resist tbh lol 😭 a few of my favourites has to be your Human Weakness fanfic, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4488264/0/ , https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3375107/1/27 and https://archiveofourown.org/works/15850365
Sorry for the long ask!!!! 😭 haven't talked to another leesaku fan so I went all out lmaoaoao
Ahhhhh their parallels is something I love about them too and you listed every single one that I adore! I can't help but think about how much they could relate to each other and bond over these similarities they have, especially in regards to their childhood bullying and struggles to find strength as shinobi. (Billboard-brow and Bushy-brows? C'mon. A match made in heaven.) I too wish it could have been explored and I think you're right that if they did they could have ended up being an iconic bond across shonen. Ah, it hurts to imagine what could have been. </3
As a kid I was also convinced they were end game because of how well their color schemes worked together and how significant their bond was during the Chunin Exams. xD I imagine you were just as confused as me when Lee faded into the background right after and you also sat around waiting for Lee and Sakura to interact meaningfully again lol.
I am also totally a sucker for the healer/injury-prone dynamic, and specifically how they have a 'he promises to protect her from danger' while 'she uses her hot-headedness to protect him from being bullied (because he's too polite for his own good)' dynamic.
Thank you for the fic recommendations! (And for listing my fic as a favorite of yours. :') It means a lot!) For anyone else stumbling across this post - try and spread the love by giving the fics a chance and leave a comment to make the creators' day! :) I know I definitely will.
Here are the hyperlinks to make it easier for those on mobile:
Something from Nothing by BlackRaspberryDaydream -> [FFN LINK]
Snow by Guardian Arrow -> [FFN LINK]
Kickin' and Screamin' by Yappano -> [AO3 LINK]
(Human Weakness by @valkyriav (me) -> [AO3 LINK] )
I really appreciate you sending in an ask and I love the length and detail you went into it. It was delightful to read through. Thank you so much for sharing and if you ever want to send an ask or a message to this blog or to me to chat about LeeSaku you are welcome to at any time! <3
Send us an ask about LeeSaku!
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Hiii hello. Sorry I didn’t send anything about flux, I wanted to sooo bad but I got covid (this is now my third day of fever☺️), lost a really close relative in the span of like 12 hours and I’m in pain cause I’m about to get my period sooo my concentration is stagnant: level 0🙂. Everything is pretty much hurting like a bitch but don’t worry I read as soon as it came out and OF COURSE I sent it to 🌚 and we started arguing again. (Btw she knows everything because even tho she’s still at the beginning I was tired of not having anyone to vent to so I literally told her every single detail that made me go crazy lol).
Let’s start off by saying I’m like 50% satisfied? Wtf jk? Nothing more to say? Sure? Never took a pill in Ibiza? Alright that’s gonna be a fun conversation, just saying☺️. I swear with this guy it’s like one step forward and 10 steps back. Also jungkook got MAD, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this angry towards her before. Should I say justified? Eeh I mean he never expressed how he actually felt regarding the Seojoon thing so for him to explode at some point was to be expected. I mean he got mad like at the beginning when the whole Lasagna Gate happened in her apartment but I don’t know, it hits different now.
Also, dr Kim I have a crush on you and the emotional stability you provide. You’re doing god’s work, truly. Even if you make me feel bad for defending Sasha because the rational side of me knows how there is no right or wrong in *most* situations here and everything is on a spectrum buuuut my irrational side is like fuck everything hug Sasha. A week ago we were talking about this in my group chat and I said “I think I empathize this much with her because we share some toxic traits so I try to find justification in her” and my friends (including 🌚) said “you think we’d let you to all the self sabotaging shit Sasha does? Don’t you dare, ESPECIALLY if you’re hooking up with Jeon Jungkook. You’re our key to become millionaires and you think we’d let that go to waste??” So loving and caring, my friends.
By the way I loove the discord channel, that was a great idea. I just need to figure out the time zones so i can text when everyone is awake😵‍💫
NOooooooooooo! I am so sorry! You have so many terrible things going on at once! I'm so sorry for your lost most of all; hopefully you'll be over the worst of covid soon. 💟💟💟
I hope the Flux drama a mental and emotional distraction when you needed it! Get wrapped up in their drama but rest in your own life 😢
I don't see why you would nee to feel bad about defending Sasha, though! Do you mean overall or in this specific instance?
It's been interesting reading commetns because I think we're all just so primed to be like "ok who was most right" in any situation we read, but I intentionally write really gnarled ones where there isn't usually some villain with an evil plan lol. I think too we were all so excited for Jungkook to finally speak up about some things we know he's been holding onto that we've forgotten he made that choice to not speak up about them in the first place and that doesn't excuse his behavior, even if it explains it. He can't hide his feelings and then when it's a convenient defense, finally let them erupt! Even if that's very human to do haha. Like if my kid kicks his brother, he can't just tell me "but he kicked me first" and I say oh ok, you're good to go then. Or even "he called me a poop head three days ago," "ah, got it baby, take him down then." 🤣
As much as we may want a partner to read our mind and notice when we are hurt, it's not fair to expect that and we need to communicate those things if we expect change. Now there are things they've argued about before that might still be happening, so I'm not saying this is just a wash in Sasha's direction either! That's why I had suggested in some other asks, it's really probably best to take things one at a time rather than trying to balance out some grand summation --not just because there are things on both sides, but because even though the context and cause behind things may be cumalitive, that doesn't mean the resulting actions were the mature/right ones. The mature relationship skill isn't to hold onto those things until you've hurt your partner and then whip them all out to deflect. I don't know that he was consciously doing that, but it's not that different actually than what everyone was mad at Namjoon doing. "Forget about X, she did Y so she's not allowed to be mad about Z."
Anywayyyy this is fun and tangled and I suspect mrelationship conselors would be salivating over this scenario LOL. But I'm glad you have friends who are looking out for you and your relationship with JK, even if it's so they can piggyback on your wealth 😂
I hope you get to feeling better soon and my best warm vibes go out to your family, I hope that isn't lessened by the goofy fic talk in the iddle of this ask.
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