#lol im probably mispronouncing her actual name too
ri-translates · 4 years
Translation: Itaru Chigasaki [Schoolhouse at Dusk] - Heart-Throbbing! Kasugamine Academy Part 1
Izumi begins her first day at as a student teacher at Kasugamine Academy.
NOTE: This backstage story correlates to parts of the play in the event, “I Come With the Night.” Please be aware of potential spoilers aside from the fact that this backstage story itself is a spoiler to EN LOL
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Part 2 || Part 3
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“School. It’s not just a learning institution, but a place where youth awaits with many wonderful encounters. ….Today is the first major step to my teaching dreams! It's the start of my work as a student teacher at the private school Kasugamine Academyーー...!”
Izumi: But all of a sudden, I oversleptーーー! Being late to my first day of hands-on teaching would be a huge problem-! Ahh, I don’t even have time to make breakfast!
*she runs out*
Izumi: *munch munch* ….Of course, I gotta have curry bread for breakfast! If I make a dash for it while eating curry bread, I should be able to make it in timeーー!
???: Uwahh!!
Izumi: Kyaa!! Owww…
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???: Ouch… Are you all right? I’m sorry. Because I was looking at my phone, I wasn’t looking ahead properly.
Izumi: It’s fine! I’m sorry as well.
???: Ah, you dropped your curry bread.
Izumi: I’m sorry, thank you very much! (Thank goodness! It didn’t touch the ground because it was inside the bag!)
???: Then, I’ll be off.
Izumi: Of course!
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Teacher: We will now begin with the school-wide morning assembly.
Izumi: Haa...Haa… (I-I made it just in time, somehow… The line for teaching staff meets up over there right?)
From today onwards, I’ll be moving locations to work as one of Kasugamine Academy’s student teachers. 
It’s a very popular school in the area.
I think teaching will be difficult, but rather than that, when I think about getting one step closer to being the teacher I’ve dreamed of becoming, I get excited!
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Shinbashi: Haha. Morning, Izumi-chan.
Izumi: Shinbashi-kun!
This is Shinbashi-kun, a guy who was in the same teaching major as me in university. He also happened to get a job here as a student teacher as well.
Shinbashi: Ah, your bangs are disheveled. This is our first impression on the students, so you have to take care of your appearance. Did you also come eating curry bread today?
Izumi: How did you know I had curry breadーー
Shinbashi: That’s cuz you’re always eating it… Ah, hold on a second.
Izumi: ーー!! (H-His face is close…! ...Shinbashi-kun’s fingers are long and beautiful, but they also have a manly feeling…)
Shinbashi: ….There you go. You had something stuck in your hair? Probably bread crumbs from the curry bread.
Izumi: Eh, wait….where’s my mirror!
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Shinbashi: Don’t worry. I took it off so it’s fine. ...Yep, you look pretty today too.
Izumi: !! (Shinbashi-kun’s smile from point-blank range…! M-My face is turning red.) Th...Thanks….
Shinbashi: ーー! S-Sorry. I just thought your bangs looked even and pretty….is all.
Izumi: Ah, yeah… I just got them cut yesterday…
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Shinbashi: ….So that’s why you’re even prettier today.
Izumi: ….Huh?
Principal: ーーAnd that’s all I have to say.
Teacher: Next, we will introduce the student teachers who will be working here from now on.
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Kondo: Shinbashi-sensei, Tachibana-sensei, please get up on stage.
The one who just spoke up is Kondo-sensei, the P.E. teacher. Because of his refreshing appearance, I thought he was the social studies teacher, but he’s actually the physical education teacher.
Izumi: Ah, yes! Understood! (It’s time for the greeting, huh. I’m getting nervous…)
Teacher: Please start us off, Shinbashi-sensei.
Shinbashi: Nice to meet you, everyone! My name is Shinbashi Shin. I believe that coming to this school and meeting everyone will surely beーー
Izumi: (Shinbashi-kun’s greeting really carries his passionate feelings across. I can’t lose, I have to do my best!)
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Teacher: Thank you very much, Shinbashi-sensei. Next up, Tachibana-sensei, please.
Izumi: Y-Yes!
Shinbashi: Do your best!
Izumi: Yeah, thanks! I’m Tachibana Izumi, a-and from today onwards, I’ll be working here as a student teacher! At this school, there’ll be various things to learnーー (My voice is shaking due to nervousness. But yesterday, I thought I’d give it my all so I have to do my best until the very end…..!) ーーSo I want to become a theather everyone can count on! …! A-A teacher everyone can count on… [1]
Student A: Ahaha!
Student B: Hehe. Sensei fumbled her words, how cute~!
Student C: Haha! You can do it~ Tachibana-sensei~!
Teacher: Shinbashi-sensei, Tachibana-sensei, thank you very much. Everyone, please give these two a big round of applause.
Izumi: (I’m so embarrassed I messed up at that part, my face is flushing. Rather, it’s on fire. I want to crawl into a deep hole…)
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Futami: Haha.
Izumi: (Eh? No way...H-He’s laughing at me….!?)
The person laughing at me right in front of me is Futami-sensei, the modern Japanese studies teacher. His bangs are so long, I can’t read his expression at all. He’s an enigmatic person.
Futami: Whew…. There’s still some bread crumbs stuck on you.
Izumi: !!
Futami: I’m kidding. ….Shouldn’t you quickly get back in line?
Izumi: Eh….Ah, my apologies! (Messing up my words is my fault, but why is he treating me with that kind of attitude? It feels a little creepy….)
TL notes and comments
[1] Izumi says “...先生になりたいでしゅっ!……!な、なりたいです……” where she basically bites her tongue and mispronounces it at the end. I translated it this way because I felt like it sounded more natural this way in English.
It’s the 24th of April here in Japan so HAPPY BIRTHDAY ITARU!! I don’t have his other birthday story (and I believe his Playback story has already been translated) so here’s his Mixed Troupe Event Card story! A big shout out to my friend @hanevma​ for sharing the story with me and letting me translate it! CHUCHUS U LOVE U MEDU!!
As always, if you spot any mistakes or errors in the translation, please don’t hesitate to let me know! Keep in mind that I’m not a professional translator/localization pro by any means, so take this translation with a grain of salt. Thanks for reading! Parts 2 and 3 will be up soon!
Part 2 || Part 3
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Seventy-Three: A Joyous Moment ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Seven years...seven years she’s been waiting for this moment. Since that fateful day her sophomore English teacher assigned them all penpals from all over the world to help improve their English.
Hinata, oddly enough, wound up with someone from her ancestors’ lands. Though a second generation American, she and both her parents (as well as her sister) all bear names from Japan. Which, yes, got her teased (and goodness knows how many times both first and last have been mispronounced…), but she’s proud of her heritage.
Which meant a kind of excitement at being matched with a student from Japan. While the project would only last the semester, she hoped to learn more about the lands where her bloodlines came from.
Uchiha Sasuke was his name, as it would be said there. The same age as herself. At first, of course, it was rather...stiff. Formal. Especially since Sasuke’s English was a bit...well, by the book. Slang was nearly non-existent. Not that she minded. That was the point, after all: to give them someone to help practice the language with. They talked about their schools, their lessons, their friends, their family...all rather basic, predictable things. Sasuke would talk about his brother, Itachi...and she in turn spoke of her sister Hanabi, and cousin Neji. Sasuke also had a cousin, Shisui...and apparently many more where that came from. The Uchiha were rather populous in their city.
When Hinata admitted to knowing very little of her extended family, or of knowing many others with such heavy Japanese descent, it was then they hatched a plan: someday, he would come to America, and meet her in person.
Of course, back then - given how young they were - it felt like an empty promise. Surely it would never actually happen. After all, they’d stop talking once the project was done with.
...wouldn’t they?
As the weeks slipped by and Sasuke’s English improved, Hinata found herself melancholy. In truth...she didn’t want to stop talking. She’d grown rather attached to her penpal. So as their final letters were exchanged, she slipped an extra piece of paper alongside her letter. On it, her email was scribbled.
...would he send her something…?
When several days passed with nothing to show in her inbox, Hinata couldn’t help a feeling of disappointment. Maybe he hadn’t felt the same: that they were friends beyond the project. Had all he said only been because it was for a grade…?
Did she really not matter to him…?
Boredly scrolling the internet one night, she glanced to the pinned tab as her email gave a ding. By then, it had almost faded from her mind. Probably just more junk mail she didn’t give a hoot about…
...wait...she doesn’t recognize that address…
Is it…?
Barely daring to hope, she opened the message...and found a note from Sasuke at last! He apologized for the delay - he and his family had gone out of town and he’d been without any wifi. But he did indeed want to keep talking…!
Brightening, she wrote out a reply as fast as she could, insisting there was no need for an apology: that she was just happy to hear from him.
From then on, every few days almost without fail, the pair would exchange a message. At times it would dwindle as life got busy, or slow. When they were away. But even as they both left high school behind and began university, they kept up the correspondence. Tales of their new educations, new friendships, changes in their family.
And yet, oddly enough...neither of them ever had one particular topic to share.
Neither managed to date.
Hinata, of course, didn’t feel it all that odd. She was too shy, and (in her opinion) too plain to warrant a significant other. Besides, school kept her busy, and she didn’t need the distraction. But surely Sasuke would have found someone by then, right? He’d often complained about clingy girls that annoyed him, but...apparently none ever struck him as someone he’d tolerate enough to try dating.
...part of her was curious.
And part of her dreaded the day.
Hinata had convinced herself it was because if Sasuke ever found himself a girlfriend, he wouldn’t have time for her anymore. College was time-consuming enough, and they typically only had time for brief blurbs of updates between projects and exams. And she didn’t want to have to lose time talking to her...friend.
...yeah. Friend.
Then, finally, her graduation date was approaching. Sasuke himself had done so the year before, but her own degree had required a bit more time after a university switch resulted in lost credits. Teasingly, she asked him what he was going to send her as a congratulatory gift.
“Well, what do you want?”
“Hm...I don’t know. I’ve never been good at asking for gifts…”
“Neither have I. It feels...selfish. Too forward.”
“But that doesn’t answer my question.”
“Sasuke, I was just teasing you. You don’t have to get or do anything for me.”
“But you sent me that card! The one you made?”
“It was just a card…”
“But you made it. It had your heart within it.”
The IM earned a pause, blushing behind the screen. Was that...what he meant? At times he’d still mix up words and meanings in English. Her heart was in it…? Well...yeah, maybe it was. He was her very good friend, after all. And friends make their friends nice things. Especially for something as important as graduation!
“You could make me one!”
“I’m no good at crafts...you would hate it.”
“No I wouldn’t! If you made it, then...your heart would be in it, too.”
A few minutes passed without reply.
“...do you remember the promise we made when we first began to talk?”
...promise? “Um...you mean about you visiting?”
“...yeah, I remember.”
“Would that be a good gift?”
Her jaw dropped. “You...you want to come all the way here for my...graduation?”
“But...that’s so much more than a card! I would feel so bad!”
“You forget I want to see you, too. We could call it even, Hinata.”
...he wanted to see her…
“...if it’s not too expensive, or out of the way, and you...really want to, then...yes, that would be a good gift. The best gift I could ask for…!”
“I will look into it. Keep your hands crossed!”
Giggling at both the prospect and his slip of phrase, Hinata had collapsed back on her bed with a smile as wide as the horizon. He might be coming…! She might get to see him at last! After so long…!
A week later, after exchanging dates and times and locations...it was set. He had his ticket, inbound a few days before her ceremony. And though it was still weeks away, her stomach filled with butterflies. What would it be like, finally seeing him in person? Sure, they would video call sometimes. She knew well what he looked like, as he did her. There wasn’t much mystery left between them, but...the distance no longer would be.
...would she...finally admit to how she felt?
...no, that felt like a cruel thing to do. He would be stuck here, after all, with her confession...if he rejected it, he couldn’t leave until his flight. It might ruin the rest of their meeting. And she couldn’t do that to him.
...and yet…
If he accepted it - if he felt the same - then wouldn’t there be no better time than being together at last? They could make the most of finally being able to see one another, touch one another…!
...but...and yet...if they…?
Even now, standing waiting for him to emerge from his gate, Hinata battles herself. What should she do? What should she say? Even her outfit took hours to decide: a white sundress and matching sandals, little bag over her shoulder. Not too much, and...hopefully not too little. Nice, but...not too nice.
...ugh, this is a nightmare…
But it’s too late to turn back now. People begin filing off the plane, and Hinata’s heart leaps to her throat. Short as she is, she struggles to see the moment he disembarks.
And then...there he is.
Bag over his shoulder, he looks around the airport curiously, and then starts scanning the crowd, a kind of anxiousness in his eyes.
Trying to push her way forward, Hinata calls, “...Sasuke?”
With a snap, he looks to her.
...it’s just like those cliché movies.
Suddenly trapped, unable to breathe, she stares at him. He stares back. Then they take a step...another...walk, jog, run! Arms find her waist, bringing her close with a laugh. Going so far as to squeeze her and lift her up, he earns a surprised eep before setting her down.
...this is just like she imagined…! A joyous moment of meeting, at last.
Parting, they look to each other with faces pinkened with happiness...and a bit of embarrassment.
“I...have waited so long to see you,” he admits, giving a flicker of a grin.
“Yeah...m-me too.” Her fingers start to fiddle at her front.
“It feels a bit...unreal, huh?”
“Yeah...it does.” Pause, then giggle. “I...I-I dunno what to say!”
“Neither do I. You’re...shorter than I thought you’d be.”
Her cheeks puff in a pout. “Well...you’re taller!”
Sasuke laughs. “Maybe I should pick you up again? Give you a better view?”
“N-no! I’m j-just fine here on the ground!” Her hands wave insistently.
“Well, then what would you have me do?”
“Um...we need to go get your luggage, right?”
“Yes...just one bag. I travel light.”
...another pause.
“Would you...show me the way?”
“Of...of course! Here, it’s -” As she gestures, something warm touches her hand.
It’s...it’s his hand. Enveloping her own as he waits to be led.
Pale eyes stare at it.
“...is this...not okay?”
She flounders. “Uh...n-no, that’s...that’s fine…”
“Good…” He gives her a soft smile. “...because I have wanted to do that for a very long time...Hinata.”
Pink creeps back into her cheeks...and then she gives a giddy smile in return.
“...yeah...me too.”
     I...really like this one xD Maybe not as well written as it could be, but I had a rather busy day, so...as usual, that means writing late, and I'm a lil tired lol      I love the concept of penpals becoming friends and falling in love x3 So of course I had to do that lil trope with these two, haha! Otherwise tho...not much to say, I guess. I'm...pretty tired, and tomorrow will also be busy.      So on that note, I'ma hop off - thanks for reading!
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runeunknown · 4 years
1-50 😁
I enjoy learning new stuff about anyone. Sorry if it's too much!!
No you're fine!!! 😁
1. My socks are light Gray! Haha.
2. I've never lied about my age or felt the need to.
3. Something I regret in the past month, hmmm. Maybe a few things I've done in public I felt were embarrassing? Otherwise not much.
4. I dunno how I feel about love at first sight. I wanna believe in it but I just don't know lmao. Though I know plenty of people who swear they've experienced it.
5. The last time I wrote someone a letter on paper was probably 3+ years ago.
6. I was probably like 8 or 9 when I learned how to ride a bike. My dad taught me.
7. I do get along with my parents most of the time. With my dad we rarely fight. With my mom things can switch pretty quickly but our relationship has gotten better over the years.
8. My favorite season is fall. All the dead leaves and chilly air.
9. Ooooooooooo yeah I do.
10. I haven't used a ouija board and never plan on it. Lmao.
11. The last song I sang is "I'm drunk and I miss you still" by savage ga$p ft 1nonly and lilbubblegum.
12. My favorite scent is probably anything lemon/citrus.
13. Mothman is by far my favorite urban legend.
14. A bad habit I have is grinding my teeth. 😅
15. A strange habit of mine is I mess my gauges like all the time. I do it while drawing, driving 😅😂
16. I learned to play the flute first actually. Lmaooo. Sometimes I forget I spent any time in band growing up.
17. I guess my type would be people who are kind and understanding??? Haha. I don't feel like I have a type.
18. I almost always would rather stay in. Lol.
19. "Thank you, love you" is the last thing I said to my mom I'm pretty sure.
20. I've done it, dunno about it again. Lmao.
21. Not in the normal teenager way, but yeah when I was a kid my younger brother convinced me to sneak out to watch the sunrise with him. Lmaoo. Otherwise no. I lied about where I was going a lot tho.
22. I don't think I can sing well. Lol.
23. Ooooooo i think my neighbors saw my ass 😂😂😬 that's probably the most embarrassing thing to happen this week.
24. Sledding!??! Probably 8+ years now. Haha.
25. Yeah I have liked someone like that, but I think everyone has at some point?
26. Hahahahahaha yes people mispronounce my name constantly. It's fairly unique so. Haha.
27. Yes I would love to live in another country lmao.
28. I looooove ghost hunting shows.
29. Mmmm my sister, im pretty sure.
30. I wish I was better at expressing my feelings and opening up.
31. Yeah I've stayed up to talk to someone who was sad, and always will.
32. Adobo chicken is the last thing I cooked.
33. Hahaha. Yeah I do.
34. Yeah I have trouble sleeping every night.
35. At her house I imagine.
36. Less than 30 minutes.
37. I try to go to bed by midnight.
38. Hahahahaha i cried last night, cause I was worried about my cat and everything surrounding it.
39. Yeah over the phone and I panicked and gave it to a friend and they claimed it. Lmaoooo.
40. Yeah I'm ok at drawing. Hahaha.
41. Yeah I'd date someone I met online.
42. I ate pizza last.
43. Hahahaha I dunno if I'd be a good girlfriend. I try??? I'm a shit show most of the time tho so 😭
44. No I haven't had a near death experience thankfully.
45. I hope they think positive things about me but I have no actual idea. Hahaha.
46. Leigh-anne. And yeah, plus my niece is getting it as hers after me so it makes it a bit more special idk. Haha.
47. Yeah I'm close to my parents.
48. Hahahaha no. But I'm learning to like myself so getting there.
49. I have 4 face piercings. My hairs green and purple. I'm very very white. I have tattoos. And my eyes change from blue to gray to green depending on a few things.
50. Hard-headed. Stubborn. Passionate. Intense. And I guess kind?? I try at least lol.
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ronandreams · 7 years
tagged by @bellameblake, @wcndamaximoff, and @nymqhdora, thank you bbs!
Rules: you must answer these 83 statements and tag 20 people
Last… 1. drink? coffee 2. phone call? big sister kayla 3. text message? a message to my friend chris, i was ranting. or you mean the last one i got? it was “mmh no problem” after i thanked him for telling me to have sweet dreams 4. song you listened to? pillow talking - lil dicky 5. time you cried? a couple hours ago haha
Have you ever… 6. dated someone twice? nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it? yeah haha 8. been cheated on? not technically 9. lost someone special? yes 10. been depressed? yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up? nope, i can get drunk and never throw up its great lol Favourite colors: 12. red 13. purple 14. green..or greenish blue..or blue sorry i like too many colors In the last year, have you… 15. made new friends? a little  16. fallen out of love? kind of? yes 17. laughed until you cried? yeah 18. found out someone was talking about you? yes 19. met someone who changed you? yes 20. found out who your friends are? yes 21. kissed somone on your facebook list? yes my now current ex lol  22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? most of them are from high school, or from my current city so, about 150. with a few internet friends in there 23. do you have any pets? kitty and a dog 24. do you want to change your name? i mean i wont do it but i do wish i had a more normal name so i didn’t have to constantly have people mispronounce it  25. what did you do for your last birthday? i dont really remember, nothing special  26. what time did you wake up? late af 27. what were you doing at midnight last night? talking to a cutie named michael and probably watching friends 28. name something you can’t wait for: live action mulan? i guess. and death 29. when was the last time you saw your mom? 17 hours ish 30. what are you listening to right now? im not listening to anything 31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom? definitely 32. something that is getting on your nerves? PEOPLE that keep breaking my heart  33. most visited website? tumblr, and youtube 34. hair colour? brown 35. long or short hair? long 36. do you have a crush on someone? i dooo but i aint getting my hopes us cuz they live in a different state 37. what do you like about yourself? my willingness to see the good in everyone, which i’m starting to think might be a flaw and not a good thing 38. piercings: just in my ears but i haven’t worn earrings in forever 39. blood type: A+ 40. nickname: chance
41. relationship status: single 42. zodiac: cancer 43. pronouns: she/her 44. favourite tv show: the 100, teen wolf 45. tattoos:i want one 46. right or left handed: left 47. surgery: nope 48. sport: what is sport? ha jk but no 49. vacation: yea right 50. pair of trainers: what even is that? shoes? 51. eating: nada 52. drinking: coffee 53. im about to: clean shit. or scroll tumblr 54. waiting for?: i think i answered this, but. when tf is taylor swift gonna put out a new album? also i swear i’ve been waiting for the fallen movie to come out, based off the book series by lauren kate 55. want?: some hugs. i never have hugs :( 56. get married?: if that day ever comes yes. but tbh when i think about actually getting married and walking down the aisle, it gives me major anxiety. so idk i might just do a courthouse wedding 57. career?: yea right... idk 58. hugs or kisses?: hugs 59. lips or eyes?: eyes 60. shorter or taller?: taller 61. older or younger?: older 62. nice arms or nice stomach?: nice arms 63. hook up or relationship?: relationship 64. troublemaker or hesitant?: hesitant but i have my moments for sure 65. kissed a stranger: i mean. i kissed a friend of a friend after only knowing them for a couple hours. but not an actual stranger 66. drank hard liquor: yeah 67. lost glasses/contact lenses: dont need em 68. turned someone down: yeah 69. sex on the first date: it happened. but normally no 70. broken someones heart: not really. ive turned people down but usually before i start dating them.  71. had your heart broken: YES  72. been arrested: no 73. cried when someone died: yeah 74. fallen for a friend: yeah Do you believe in… magic 75. yourself? haha no 76. miracles? maybe 77. love at first sight? no 78. santa claus? no 79. kiss on the first date? it depends  80. angels? yesss 81. current best friend’s name? what’s a best friend? wish i knew 82. eye colour: brown 83. favourite movie: comet 2014, emmy rossum and justin long at their best
i am going to tag: @rowofstars, @sebbys, @rihardgansey, @lupins, @purgatoan, @novampiresbutyou, @slayerstark, @elizabetbenneth, @chaol-westfall, @opheliawaits, @marthajoness, @reysjedi, @lydias-martin, @lenitass, @hestiajonees, @isabellenightwood, @isabellaswanns, @bellascooby24, @ronankavinskys, @peteir, @queens-clarke.
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surveysofdayspast · 7 years
Survey from: May 3, 2010 @ 1:03am Today: May 3, 2017 – 4:54pm.
Your last ex finds out you've fallen in love with another person? 2010: no ex lol
2017: Technically the above answer is a lie—I once dated a boy for a day in grade 7 or something. So I DID, in fact, have an ex. Technically. But anyways, to answer the question, I imagine he would just be happy that I’m happy (the most recent ex, not the grade 7 one…).
Would you fall apart if that last person you kissed walked out of your life? 2010: oh yes.
2017: Well I’m pretty sure I’m standing here, in one piece, better and happier than ever. So…no.
What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had? 2010: wo-ta-ta (water) :)
2017: Literally just had a sip of water before typing this. Or “wo-ta-ta” as I apparently used to say.
Your mom finds used condoms in your room, you tell her? 2010: lmao she doesnt need to worry about that right now hahaha
2017: “Well, it looks like someone broke into our house and had sex in my room, because you KNOW it wasn’t me.”
Do you prefer pasta salad, or coleslaw? 2010: pasta salad im thinkinnn
2017: This feels like one of the more random questions I’ll encounter in this survey. I like pasta salad if it’s not the kind with tuna, and coleslaw is also great if it doesn’t have too much dressing. In terms of which one I prefer, the answer appears to be…neither. They are equally great under the conditions specified above.
Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? 2010: yeah probably, not like ive had it up to now, if i just kept not drinking..id be fine :p
2017: My naïve 16-year-old self doesn’t even know what she was missing. I definitely COULD live without alcohol, but I think my life would be much less interesting if I made that particular choice.
Who's bed were you on last? 2010: mine lmao 
2017: Same, younger me. Same.
When was the last time you changed in front of someone? 2010: lol no clue :p
2017: I just thought of old lady Rose from Titanic saying, “It’s been 84 years.” I’m gunna go with that, I think.
Last person you kissed, have you cried in front of them? 2010: yesss i haveee
2017: It feels REALLY early into that relationship for me to have cried (literally one month in), but hey, who am I to judge? Since we’re speaking of the same human, the answer is still yes.
Do you think the last person you kissed is nice? 2010: yes :)
2017: Yes.
Does anyone call you babe? 2010: on occasion :p
2017: I spent some time trying to think of clever answer to this—but I couldn’t so the answer is no.
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating? 2010: yes for sure
2017: Well, I managed for 12x that so I don’t think staying faithful is really a problem for me.
Do you think the last person you kissed is a player? 2010: nope hahaha
2017: No.
Do you believe exes can really ever be "just friends"? 2010: its possible, ive seen it :p
2017: So many spelling and grammatical errors…it’s so hard not to edit them all out... Yeah, it’s possible. I’ve seen it happen. I think it greatly depends on the circumstances of the break-up, however, and perhaps long they were together, etc.
Your ex wants you back? 2010: no ex :p
2017: I feel like this question could be received in two different ways. But no to both contexts.
Anyone say they want to be with you forever? 2010: nope
2017: Yes.
Ever dated someone who was gorgeous but they had a conceited personality? 2010: nope
2017: No.
Last person you had a deep conversation with? 2010: twitter? hahahahaaaaa :p
2017: My conversations with Twitter are significantly less deep than they are ridiculous nowadays. But I used to have a REAL tweeting problem in high school. That’s why my tweet count is over 15k or something insane like that.
Anyways, I have pretty deep questions with my best gal pal Kelsey, because lives and personalities parallel each other in a lot of ways (and also because she’s awesome and easy to talk to).
Even more recently, my mom and I have spent a significant amount of time theorizing about who killed Jason Blossom on Riverdale because I guess we just think we’re Sherlock Holmes and John Watson or something. These conversations, while seemingly arbitrary, are actually SURPRISINGLY in depth.
(P.S. we think it was Hal Cooper). Is there a member of the opposite sex on your mind? 2010: yes, literally more than half the time :)
2017: Why didn’t I ever capitalize my sentences?
And sure, but only of the fictional and unattainable variety. Did you reject or accept your last friend request? 2010: accepttttt
2017: I’m not going to lie, I think I rejected? Because #strangerdanger. I really don’t remember, though. 
Would you prefer being locked in a room with your ex or your worst enemy? 2010: no ex, and i dont really have an enemy...unless its just someone i hate, which would be the penguin..and id rather shoot myself in the face then be locked in a room with her :p (not to be overly dramatic or anything :p)
2017: That was definitely dramatic. To clarify, the “penguin” I refer to in this answer and in some answers and surveys to follow probably, was my grade 11 English teacher. I did a weird thing where I nicknamed some of my least-favourite teachers after an animal I thought they looked like. At the end of the day, this is a pretty rude thing to do but I won’t pretend it never happened! This particular teacher was a genuinely bad one, however, so I only regret judging her by her appearance, but will never regret judging her lack of teaching abilities.
Moving on—I choose my ex, since I don’t have an “enemy” to speak of (probably because I’m a real person and not a fictional character archetype) and some potentially awkward conversation is significantly less awful than a possible duel to-the-death. Have you kissed someone in 2010 that means a lot to you? 2010: yes!!! <3
2017: Given that it is no longer 2010, I technically can’t answer this question in the here-and-now. I will, however, answer it for this year?
The answer is no. Do you want your ex to be happy, even if it means not being with you? 2010: lack of ex ahahaha
2017: Definitely.
What would happen if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? 2010: OMG Juno?!
2017: That would be significantly awkward for a number of reasons.
Would you prefer a kiss on the cheek or neck? 2010: ahahaha doesnt matter :p kinda depends i guess :p
2017: “kinda depends”—Oh boy.
They’re both nice. Would it hurt seeing the person you last kissed kissing someone else? 2010: oh yes
2017: Look how the times have changed. No, it wouldn’t.
If the last person you kissed bumped into you at school, what would you say? 2010: good morning! :) like usualll? lmao :p
2017: “Why are you at school? Why am I at school? Aren’t we adults now?”
Do you have a member of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? 2010: yupp pretty much :)
2017: Yeah, I suppose I do.
Do you believe your latest ex thinks about you? 2010: lack.of.ex.
2017: I really couldn’t say, as I do not, in fact, live inside his brain. 
Has the last person you kissed, met your family? 2010: yes, yes he has :p
2017: You bet.
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? 2010: lol i should hope so :)
2017: I was about to say no but then I realized that would probably be a lie. It just isn’t mutual.
I don’t want to talk about it… Youre insanely drunk stumbling through the streets, slurring songs, who are you with? 2010: this hasnt and probably wont be happening for a while now :p sooooooooooooo i have literally nooo idea :p
2017: I could see this happening with Rachael or Sasha to be honest.
Next time you will kiss someone? 2010: tomorrowwww :)
2017: Only Father Time knows the answer to this question.
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? 2010: [name redacted] :)
2017: Kelsey! 
Do you like to cuddle? 2010: yes :)
2017: Yeah, my cat and I cuddle all the time.
If an ex said they hated you, you say? 2010: no ex! :p
2017: “That’s nice.”
I don’t know, it just isn’t something that would happen unless I manage to be a really terrible human being. Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you? 2010: probably not hahaha :p
2017: Sure. Probably not “just to see me,” though. If I was in need for whatever reason I definitely have people.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? 2010: mehh probably :p obviously nothing crazy though? hahahaa
2017: You bet! Ah, life. 
Is there someone you used to talk to every day that you don't talk to at all? 2010: yeah sort of
2017: Ah, life (once again). Adult life, in particular.
Could you ever be friends with the person who hurt you most in life? 2010: mehhh wouldnt want to be lol
2017: I’m genuinely curious to know who I was speaking of in 2010.
The old answer holds true nonetheless. Although thankfully I can’t recall ever being hurt to a point where I thought I was beyond repair. Can you have more than one best friend? 2010: of course!
2017: “Sigh”
Yes. Has anyone said they love you in the last week? 2010: parents ahahaa
2017: Once again, the 7-year-old answer holds true.
Last compliment you received? 2010: not suuuure!
2017: I don’t fully remember but I think it had to do with my hair!
Are you starting to realize anything? 2010: i dont know? ahahaha :p
2017: What a vague question. I don’t even know how to answer it, to be honest. There are so many things that I could be “realizing” that I just feel really overwhelmed and confused while I try to figure it out.
Aren’t we constantly realizing and learning things? Isn’t that what life is?
This question might give me an existential crisis. Who was the first person you talked to today? 2010: [name redacted] technically, textinggggg! :)
2017: Kelsey via text, Dad via…real life.
Have you ever known someone that just creeped you out? 2010: who hasnt? :p
2017: Yes, unfortunately.
Do you hate it when people mispronounce your name? 2010: yeah, because you really think it wouldnt happen, oh but it haaasss :p
2017: My name card at my college grad had the pronunciation of my name (Jaime) as “HAY-may” and I kind of wish I didn’t make the correction.
I don’t hate it, it doesn’t happen often at all. Misspelling it, on the other hand, is a completely different story. Although that doesn’t bother me too much either because it happens almost every day of my life. I’m probably too chill for my own good.
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