#lol only one of my oc's is from the medieval era
7knives · 5 months
hii this is random but ur ocs all seem so interesting and cool and i'd love to know more about them👀 (if you want to talk about them ofc no pressure :D <3)
thank you so much, that’s really nice of you! 💜💜💜i love to talk about them! i have like almost a dozen but the most fleshed out / to me currently interesting ones are: levi, tayuhl, lance and the priest. A brief summary of them would be:
levi (he/they/it/she) is a tma oc. he is like a monster hunter similar to trevor and julia but not an avatar of the hunt. levi loves to cause trouble and annoy people. they do the hunting more so because it messes with people and the ritual plans and not because he wants to get rid of 'bad' avatars. also because levi likes violence lol. most closely it might be aligned with the spiral but he doesn’t have any spiral-like powers. he thinks of itself as unkillable (hence the hubris).
tayuhl (she/her) is a fantasy oc. she lives in a sort of post-apocalyptic medieval fantasy world where magic that went wrong destroyed her world. it draws influences from botw when the guardians went rogue and fantasy in general. she’s fighting similar machines powered by magic and tries to collect knowledge of magic of which a good portion was lost in the destruction of the temples. with that she hopes to figure out how to stop the machines for good. strictly speaking she hasn’t got any magical powers herself (visions aside) and fights with swords and bow and arrow.
venn alancer (she/her) most of the time simply referred to as lance is a star wars oc that has existed the longest out of my current ocs. i came up with her as a teen. she is but a simple bounty hunter trying to make her way through the galaxy. in earlier (flying) accidents she lost both legs and as a young child her left arm and now wears protheses. kind of like han she assisted the rebels in the fight against the empire. her ship is called 'the silver spetum'.
the priest (they/them) is my newest oc and a time-traveling assassin. they were born during the victorian era in london. i haven’t got their backstory all worked out yet but eventually they join/are recruited by time-traveling assassins who in theory can be hired by every person from every time period. but the very frequent time-travelling takes its toll and the assassins can’t die (from natural causes. not as great as it might seem at first. it’s more like bilbo said: 'like butter scraped over too much bread') and have also forgotten a lot of crucial information about themselves. for example the priest forgot their name, who they were before etc. i only picked their name because i thought it sounded cool as an assassin’s name skskks. later i made up a story how they got it (in their first few missions they disguised themselves as a priest and the name stuck) not sure if i will stick with this story though. the reason i choose the victorian era was because i love the suits the men were wearing at the time and i always imagine the priest wearing something classy like this on a day to day basis.
typing all of that out actually made me want to work on the priests back story more so thank you for asking! 💜 id also really love to hear about your ocs if you want to share!
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crusader-kings · 2 years
Hi! I'm a new follower and I'm lost! Was ck/wc? Your ocs are a crossover? Can you explain and give me some background so that I can ask characters questions?
first off hello!!!!!! welcome to my little cove!!!! thank you for sticking! this might be a little long but bear with me!
second: *actual ponctuation mode turns on*
Crusader kings is a grand-strategy war game, it's set in the medieval era (being the two start dates either being 1066 or 867 if you wanna try playing as a viking!) where you play as a ruler of a county/duchy/kingdom/empire and as the lil overseer of your land you have to form relationships with other neighboring rulers, manage your economy because its fragile as an apple product, make sure everyone is getting their basic needs met, etc.
I've always jokingly called it 'the sims for men' because it also has RPG themes to it! You're not playing only as a nation but a ruler, a person, depending on who you're playing as, their personality, culture and religion will pretty much dictate on how they act and while you are in full control of their actions, going against their nature and beliefs will usually make them stressed. You have to make sure your character is making friends, eating healthy, taking care of his mental health and just having his needs met (kinda like a sim... or a neopet).
And yeah there are hundreds of cultures/religions to play as! I can't go much in depth about these because I've never really left my comfort zone, so I've always played with the same religion and similar cultures, its an absurdily well-researched history game to a degree where the game constantly offers you wikipedia links just so you can understand what's going on! You can play as real people, the game incentives you to do it but it has a character creation and I've always preferred to make my own little guys so that's that.
Despite all of this sounding Very Serious it's a very cartoonish stylized games and like mentioned; the sims-esque madness, you wanna appoint a horse as your chancellor? you can do that, you wanna turn into a fucking bear? you can do that! Hell, there's a way you can simply turn your entire population into anthro animals just for the kicks of it, there's witchcraft, werewolves, vampires and just the weirdest shit.
Anyways, if that sounds like something you'd be into; the second game is free on steam, keep in mind that this is considered to be the second most difficult strategy game of all time, and on average can take 2 months to understand the basics, lol.
CK/WC is.. not really a mashup of the two, it's an attempt to introduce warrior cats to a similiar system and hierarchy of medieval kingdoms but still keeping their core values, most of the OCs are mine and based off my characters on Crusader Kings but a few are borrowed from friends (Hell, Ironstar was originally made by my friend but we liked him SO much he became an OC that was later given to me, thank you Loren!) and a few are just NPCs (Holypyre, for example)
We had to make a plethora of changes to the clans so they could still be clans but still more of a kingdom; with no starclan to guide them they decided that the leader's kids would become the future leader because they believe that if starclan once gave their parents their nine lives, they would favor their children more.
Clans can have several camps inside of them and have massive territories, those camps are overseed by pack leaders who do not get nine lives but have to swear an oath to the clan leader to never betray them.
Deputies were reformed to be a medieval king's council, with one true deputy who would assist the leader on every task and others like marshal, envoy and steward who would manage other specific task.
And that's pretty much the basic foundation we build on!
TL;DR: CK is a medieval game where you play as a king who has to take care of his nation, CK/WC is an AU where the clans have adopted a similar style to kingdom life, with there being an absolute king and vassals who serve them.
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shuckleberrysims · 1 year
Sims Tagged Meme
No one tagged me, but I thought it'd be fun to do anyway! :>
 1. What’s your favorite sims death? In the Sims 3, my favorite death has to be the meteor shower death (poor @faeriefrolic's Madeline cannot catch a break with that one xP) and in the Sims Medieval, my favorite one has to be the Pit Monster one! 
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? Maxis Match all the way, there's just something about MM that makes it so appealing. It's so bright and colourful and I love it so much :> (Maybe alpha is just sorta...creepy to me idk?)
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nope, I don't! I love body diversity in my game, however I used to when I used to play the Sims 4! But now, I don't mind any and all body shapes :D 
4. Do you use move objects? I do, but only for decor items so it looks like the space is lived in. Though, one time I did use move objects on a computer and my sim used it as a table to eat her sandwich on.
5. Favorite mod? Definitely NRAAS and the Randomizer mod. NRAAS is a must to keep the game running and I like the well, randomness of the Randomizer mod! 
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? I first got into the Sims when I was given the Sims 2 by my grandmother. I think my first pack I got was Pets, but I honestly don't remember... it was a while ago lol
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? I pronounce it as aLIVE.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? For me, my favorite sims that I've made are actually based upon two OCs that I have - Connor and Leon. They're my babies and I'll love them forever! Plus, I like how Leon's voice sounds as a simbot! If we're talking regular sims though, I have two. One is from my 'N Cheese legacy back in the Sims 4, her name was Blueberry 'N Cheese (I have her as my origin profile!). The other one is Linden, who I sadly had to retire for now as I've been away for several months. Maybe one day I'll return to his save but for right now I don't want to do any challenges. 
9. Have you made a simself? I did once and they promptly died to a vending machine. But like, mood.
10. What sim traits did you give yourself? Dog person, Night Owl, Computer Whiz, Childish, and Family-Orientated.
11. What is your favorite EA hair color? Probably the blonde preset, but other than that one, I just don't like any of them sadly - I prefer the custom ones that I make. 
12. Favorite EA hair? Idk why but I really love that Victorian era one that has a big hat. I actually used to have it as CC when I played the Sims 4 so you can imagine my surprise when I realized it was actually from the Sims 3.
13. Favorite life stage? Young adults and elders!
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Honestly, I love both! I mainly build tiny homes, though but I'm still getting used to Sims 3's build mode. 
15. Are you a CC creator? Technically I am if you count those scuffed clay hairs I made for the Sims 4 years ago, but maybe someday I'll touch Sims 3's modding tools! 
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? I have @faeriefrolic who I met irl before, and she is the sweetest person to know! :D But other than that, I keep to myself but don't be afraid to say hi to me! I know I've been on a hiatus but hopefully sometime in July I can start again, as I've been visiting some family in  America owo
17. What’s your favorite game? TS3! Ever since I've re-visited it, it's one of my favorite Sims games! It's a tie between 3 and Medieval, honestly.
18. Do you have any Sims merch? Uhhh, I had like one Sims-related sticker on my old laptop but I don't know if I'd be able to peel it off without wrecking it.
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? I used to, but I got really self-conscious of my voice so I don't anymore. 
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I was very minimal at first, as people usually are when you first play a game. Then I got into NSB challenges, and I loved the wild hair colors that you could put your sim in! (I got up to the yellow gen in the Sims 4). Now, I'm a mix between banilla and berry sims.
21. What’s your Origin ID? ShuckleBerry662, if you play the Sims 4 - my scuffed builds are on the gallery. :P 
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? Oh shit, uhhh I love a whole bunch of 'em! I love @chazybazzy, @poisonfireleafs for hairs. I love @sweetdevil-sims and I recently discovered @teekapoka's stuff too! (idk why it didn't link but oh well.) Also the lovely @lazyduchess for their smooth patch!
23. How long have you had a simblr? I honestly don't remember, maybe 2016-ish? It was mainly Sims 4 and I abandoned that one sooo uh...yeah. 
24. How do you edit your pictures? I don't edit my pictures at all bc I don't have the patience for Photoshop and my game can't handle reshade sometimes.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? I love Ambitions and University Life! The Ghostbuster career is one of my favorites and I get excited whenever I hear the ghost sound cue. 
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? The 64-bit expansion would be an awesome addition to the Sims 3! 😊
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galaxae · 4 years
3, 7 and 18 for as many as you can answer; btw do you still have an ocs page? like with introductions and all that
wow this took forever oops!
tysm for the ask!! i’ve been meaning to make a carrd or something with oc intros, but i have so goddamn many ocs and so little time now that i’m in college and all that. and i have the code saved from my old pages before i remade, but those are kind of outdated and incomplete
that being said i’m probably gonna end up making that carrd regardless of how busy i am cause special interest indulgence and all that, so i’ll post about it when i do
anyway! i’m putting the actual oc answers under a readmore because i’m gonna try to do all the ocs i listed and it’ll be kinda long lol
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, what’s their voiceclaim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
how does one even describe voices... ok here goes
avani: she’s my character for a ttrpg campaign, so her voice sounds basically like mine (which might not help much cause you don’t know how i talk lol), but when i’m talking as her i pitch my voice up a bit and make it a bit more nasally. she’s not much of a singer, nor can she whistle, but she can roll her r’s pretty well. also, since she’s autistic and hard of hearing, her tone of voice often comes off the "wrong” way
farhan: he’s another ttrpg character i play lol, or at least he will be next semester, so his voice is again kind of like mine. but when i talk as him i pitch my voice down and it’s a bit hoarse. ig his voice would also be more “masculine” than mine but whatever. he can sing and whistle but has a pretty small vocal range (since he’s, like, 13 right now and will be 16 when i rp him next semester)
carter: i imagine his voice as low and on the quiet and raspy end, with a tiny bit of a lisp. he’s way too insecure to try to sing or even whistle or anything like that, though if he practiced at it he’d probably get pretty good
calira: she’s mute so n/a i guess. but she talks pretty formally in her dialect of elvish sign language, which is definitely unusual
sam: they have kind of a low voice that’s also raspy, but with quite a bit of pep and variation in their tone. they can even sing pretty well and they like to whistle constantly while working. that creates some kind of whiplash cause sam comes off as a typical edgy teen a lot of the time
jizoriel: high-pitched with lots of voice cracks, peak pretentious preteen/early teen jerkass. he can’t really sing or do anything similar, nor does he want to very much
victoria: so quiet and raspy that you can barely make out that it’s low and has a soothing and pleasant tone to it. she can sing well, or at least she could once upon a time
rowan: just! the happiest and most cheerful voice you can imagine! so much love behind how she talks! her voice fills up her whole head and the whole room!! and she whistles sometimes while she walks
ace: defies any masculine or feminine labels, smooth and cool in theory but they stutter quite a bit
charity: gruff but with a hint of cheer and clarity behind it that comes out when she’s startled. she loves to sing but can’t whistle and can’t roll her r’s either
jamal: i actually have a voiceclaim for him! it’s this (the voice that sings from 1:51 to 1:58)
kimberly: her voice is a bit high and a bit... idk how to say it exactly... i guess shrill would be the word?
fabián: his voice seems higher-pitched than it actually is cause he talks higher when he’s anxious, and he’s always anxious. it’s a bit hard to describe his voice otherwise tbh. i can hear it in my head but i can’t quite put it to paper oops. oh yeah also he has a great singing voice but never uses it sooo
7. What song reminds you of this oc? Does this match up with the type of music your oc likes to listen to?
this question opens up a wormhole cause i have playlists for many of these guys but instead i’ll just provide one (1) song for each and vaguely describe their music taste, how does that sound
avani: honestly “mr. capgras encounters a secondhand vanity” by will wood is a “her” song to me. her music taste leans a lot more toward older music though (like some classics from the 70s and 80s and such)
farhan: he’s still very new so i haven’t really found a song for him yet. but i know he absolutely loves peppy and energetic pop music and also sappy gay love songs
carter: (slaps my hand away when i try to type another will wood song) “fantasy island” by the shins always launches me into daydreams about him. which kinda roughly aligns with his music taste, he listens to a lot of those “mainstream indie” artists. he’d also listen to will wood because he’s gay and mentally ill <3
calira: one of my favorite songs on her playlist is “maximillian von spee” by dirt poor robins. but the music she listens to is basically all invigorating church-loving stuff with medieval-era instruments lmao
sam: “sometimes” by nick lutsko is an absolute bop and very much a sam song. sam actually doesn’t go out of their way to listen to music though, but when they do they listen to either the most soothing and relaxing stuff or to the angriest metal emo music. no in between
jizoriel: i’ll go the less emo angle here and say a song that reminds me of him is “upside down” by jack johnson. jizoriel’s music taste is like. old choir music and shit plus incomprehensible magical music that doesn’t even sound like music. if he was from earth he’d like my chemical romance
victoria and rowan: i’m grouping these two together here because a song that reminds me very strongly of both of them/their relationship is “human” by dodie. which actually fits very well into both of their music tastes!
ace: again, going the less edgy angle here, “auntie earth” by walter mitty and his makeshift orchestra. but ace mostly listens to uh, classical flute music and flute covers
charity: absolutely “dance and cry” by mother mother, that’s pretty much her theme song. it’s among her favorite songs in canon too
jamal: “tire swing” by los elk, since his arc is about letting go of childhood and all that jazz. he’s more inclined to listen to fun. and other pop artists and rappers and such. he likes janelle monae
kimberly: “best tears” by the happy fits for sure. in terms of her music taste though, her taste is pretty similar to jamal’s. they bond over being janelle monae fans
fabián: by god does “heal” by so much light fit him. his taste is that he rotates through three (3) specific obscure indie artists lmao, so theoretically i guess that specific song is included in there
18. How does your oc see themself? How does this compare to the way other ocs see them?
i am gonna do my best to keep these short cause this is a loaded question for all of them hoo boy
avani: how she sees herself: honestly the worst person alive. unless she spends every moment of her time trying to make up for what she’s done, she’s worthless, and she doesn’t deserve to love herself in any capacity how others see her: her brother (farhan) really looks up to her! most of the time. the superhero team she’s on (other people’s ocs) all think she’s generally smart and capable enough, and her boyfriend in particular thinks she’s incredible
farhan: how he sees himself: as of right now? a misunderstood emo middle schooler who’s still kind of cool i guess how others see him: his sister (avani) thinks he’s quite an impressive and charismatic young man
carter:  how he sees himself: 1/10 awkward and annoying how others see him: carter reminds calira too much of her old self, so she love-hates him. sam thinks he’s weak and cowardly but admires his kindness. and jizoriel clings to him as a caring father figure and loves carter’s passion for natural studies
calira: how she sees herself: it goes back and forth between “i’m the greatest chosen one ever im such a strong warrior” and “wow i’m literal trash why did the gods pick me for this” how others see her: carter is a bit intimidated by her but appreciates her attempts to vibe with him, sam thinks she’s an annoying pretentious self-important bitch (but their opinion softens over time), and jizoriel sees right through her facade and feels comfortable around her because of it
sam:  how they see themself: evil and in need of redemption, kind of similar to avani ig but with 10x more confidence in their skills and also much more violent how others see them: carter knows theyre doing their best even if theyre kind of an asshole, calira is a fan of their strength and determination, and jizoriel Hates Their Guts (at first) because they baby him too much
jizoriel: how he sees himself: a fucking fraud of a prince. all he has going for him is his abilities as a mage, but even then those are shaky how others see him: carter knows he’s very insecure and wants to comfort him, calira admires his magical prowess and noble air, and sam thinks he’s a snarky little pretentious douchebag but also he reminds them of their late brother and they want to protect him at all costs
victoria: how she sees herself: basically dead. only good for interacting with ghosts. not worthy of the human world or of friendship how others see her: she reminds rowan of her old self. rowan sees a glimmer of love and hope in her and wants to bring it out
rowan: how she sees herself: a fucking mess but she’s trying her best and that’s what counts! how others see her: victoria very much appreciates her cheerful air even if she doesn’t act like it
ace: how they see themself: way too weird to be human, way too weak not to be. their self-image changes constantly. theyre very confused about everything please help how others see them: charity is literally dating them lol she thinks theyre the cutest person alive, jamal appreciates how hard they try as a friend, kimberly thinks theyre an alien invader whom she can study and use to get further in life, and fabián knows more about ace than anyone else and loves them for it
charity: how she sees herself: a Teenager who’s struggling. she desperately wants to be young without the burden of her trauma but whether she thinks of herself as emo and sad and angry or not depends a lot on her mood how others see her: ace adores everything about her, jamal loves how cool and fun and sociable she can be, kimberly is annoyed with her rebelliousness, and fabián worries very much for her well-being and can’t shake the image of her as helpless (oops that’s gonna cause some drama)
jamal: how he sees himself: just a chill guy trying to get by. unremarkable. how others see him: ace is grateful for how forgiving he can be but is still terrified of him being angry over [spoilers], charity loves how sociable and fun he is and how protective he can be of his friends, kimberly secretly envies his carefree nature, and fabián sees him as a solid acquaintance to whom he did not give a good first impression
kimberly: how she sees herself: not good! if she can’t grow up fast and do science well then she’s useless how others see her: ace wants to be friends with her but doesn’t know how to do that, charity is annoyed by her rule-bound-ness, jamal thinks she’s cool but should unwind a little, and fabián resents her at first but would still like to play chess with her sometime
fabián: how he sees himself: he has a moral responsibility to help people Or Else. way too anxious and stuck up but he doesn’t know how to change that how others see him: ace fuckin Loves this guy, charity loves him too but she gets pissed when he tries to help her with anything, jamal genuinely thinks he’s a great guy and wants to get to know him better, and kimberly is actually impressed by him and envies his apparent confidence and charisma
ok ok that’s it i promise. sorry this is so long and tysm for reading if you made it this far!! feel free to ask more oc questions literally whenever, that goes for anyone reading this <3
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
hiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! long term RP partner wanted:)
hiii~~ a little about me...
my name is jane and i am currently 19 years old and living in the JPT. i understand that this complicates things for a lot of RP'ers (the time zone difference is extreme) but i've been roleplaying since i was 10 and it really takes the stress of daily life away from me and feeds my hopeless romanticism...hahaha...i'm lonely ;-;.....
SO some things about my RP style: because i am typically on my phone, my replies tend to be 1-2 paragraph's long, but usually match the length of whatever am given. if whatever you give me is too long for my writing skills, will probably let you know on the side and try my best anyways. i prefer not to stress too much about the length but i understand it is an important aspect. i will roleplay anything from OC's to canon characters. i do not mind either!! and i am usually flexible when it comes to playing a pairing that you fancy. with that being said though, i do not RP FxF or MxF :/ UNLESS i am playing the female role. i know that's annoying to some, but that's my preference when it comes to the romance aspect of things. buuuutttt, i do really enjoy MxM and am also okay with playing male side character roles that doesn't involve MxF romance. i think that seems fair.
i think it should also just get this out of the way and say i am looking for romance. and you need to be 18+ if you contact me bc smut is an important aspect for me. like not saying every other scene is going to be smutty but like a good 20%?? some plots off the top of my head that i enjoy include fantasy, medieval and victorian era, a/b/o dynamics (not everyone's cup of tea, i understand), and forbidden love. i am open to other ideas as well, of course :) i am terrible at being creative with the bigger picture but when it comes to going into detail i can usually go all out. 
hehe, now onto the fandoms!! when it comes to some of these, i can sometimes suck at being completely canon, just because i've been roleplaying for so long and i've picked up my own little tendencies at how a certain character should be along the way. so sorry about that! i am really flexible when it comes to pairings!! so...: harry potter, kuroshitsuji, twilight (lol don't judge me), hunger games, LOTR (a lil rusty on canon), vocaloid, homestuck, youtubers, 1D, ohshc...i feel like that's a pretty solid list. 
again, i'm fine with building our own lil world with our own lil characters too c:
other than that, i prefer discussing plots in depth and going over any turn ons/turn offs, kinks, dislikes etc. before we start.
you can contact me a [email protected]
it is the only app i use for RP'ing. i would LOVE u forever if u sent me some plots that you're interested in doing and a little about you and ur preferred RP style :) if you just send me 'wanna rp' i def won't respond hahahaaaa....
:) please get back with me if you're interested!! and if i mentioned something on here that wasn't your style, please inform me! if you're not interested, have a nice day!!
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culinaryphoenix · 4 years
Hi hi~! Welcome to my roleplay blog! ^_^ My pen name is Pai-seez(yes, it’s a different spelling of “Pisces”, XD). You’re free to also nickname me as the character I’m roleplaying as if you like. I’m a 35 year old woman(my birthday recently passed, which was March 9th) who has been roleplaying for 18 years so far. I’ve been roleplaying Jam Kuradoberi since 2004 on various sites since I’m a huge fan of the character and the Guilty Gear franchise itself. ~ I do my best to portray her accurately as much as possible with only some headcanons.. This will be my first time roleplaying on Tumblr since I’ve mainly used it for personal blogging.  The rules and guidelines below is common sense stuff. I may add more depending on if it’s needed.
In Battle
I don’t think this part will be a problem on here, but I list it just in case based on my past experiences.
Please no Godmodding, Autoing, and/or Metagaming
: God-Modding is having your character never taking hits, granting them abilities they can’t do(an example is if your character is incapable of flying, he/she suddenly able to fly out of no where is god-modding), etc. Autoing is similar, but it’s mainly controlling the scenario and other people’s character without permission to have the advantage. Metagaming is your character having prior knowledge about something or someone in the story he/she shouldn’t have. If any of these is done once, I’ll just give a friendly warning. But if done more than once, I’ll unfollow and block.
Following & Not Following:
I’ll follow other mature-minded people who puts their hearts into their writing; both within and outside the Guilty Gear verse. I definitely welcome crossovers from other series set in the future, modern, and medieval fantasy era. Depending on the verse and its lore, I may add a AU(Alternate Universe) story for Jam to fit in its setting and add it to the Verses section. There will be some verses I don’t see my character in like My Little Pony or The Flintstones. XD. I have no problem with OCs(Original Characters), especially creative ones. I also would love to build connections in roleplay and friendly OOC.
One of the reasons I may not follow you is if you’re a minor. Since I’m an adult and this RP page will mainly be suitable for roleplayers 18+ , it’s super important for me to know your real age. It’s to make sure there’s no discomfort when roleplaying and not wanting to do anything inappropriate with underage writers. The main reason that would cause me to not follow and even block is if there’s a huge or repeated instances of creating a negative atmosphere towards me and/or others. What I mean is like being overly confrontational, falsely painting people in a bad and/or harmful way, extremely irrational behavior, etc. 
Note: Things like needing someone to talk to if you’re sad or etc. isn’t considered OOC drama to me, so please don’t be afraid to.
NSFW & Shipping:
There will be NSFW(Not Safe For Work) themes and content written in great detail. It includes things like blood, violence, gore, sexual, and other scenes. I know not all adults like every NSFW scene so I’ll be sure to tag them and discuss what you’re comfortable with if it’s not stated in your rules. And it also depends on the roleplay itself. For myself, I’m 100% fine with mature and NSFW scenes and themes.
Romance is one of my favorite genres, so I love shipping!  Like many other roleplayers, I ship with chemistry. This means how well our characters bond, compliment each other’s strengths and weaknesses, their attraction, etc. I’m perfectly fine with erotica that has a natural buildup to it (I know most people call it “smut”, but I personally don’t like that term because it makes me think about a diseased plant, lol). For now, I haven’t decided whether I’ll be single or multi-ship since I’m waiting to see how things go first.
Please Don’t Steal My Edited Content:
Images on my RP profile like icons and banners are edited by me. I want to have my own unique style so people know it’s me, so please don’t take them.
Writing Length:
My default writing style is multi-paragraph and higher since I love detail. A single paragraph is also fine, but I personally don’t feel inspired when receiving replies or starters less than that(the only exception is if it casual, non-thread type posts like memes, etc.)
Everybody gets busy sometimes. so I don’t mind waiting a while to get a reply. There will be times I either may not be on or not have enough time to reply due to real life. I usually babysit 3 days out of the week(Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday), but sometimes it may be more. I also maybe slow at times because of my tendency to want to give quality replies rather than just quickly. If it gets way too long since my last reply(like a couple months), please remind me. I only occasionally check in after a while to make sure there’s mutual interest.  The last and most important rule is to have fun!^_^ If you have any questions, please ask me!
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bxrrows-blog · 7 years
How to: Write a disabled character.
(written by a real life disabled person)
I’ve been RPing for a few years now in various fandoms, and there’s one thing that seems to just continually happen in the RP community that I’ve never seen addressed.
Not in the “lol disabled people succ” way, but in the “I’m going to make my character mute! But I’m going to stress that everyone around them can easily read their lips even though lip-reading is a complicated skill you have to learn but let’s just omit that because I don’t want to actually RP a mute character.” way. That way. That very very common way.
If you want to make an OC that’s disabled, that’s fantastic. But you have to realize something: If you do not have that disability yourself, you are going to have to do some research on it, and by the Nine you are actually going to have to try. This is non-negotiable if you want to seem at all credible in your RP. I don’t care if you think you know that blind people can’t see (which is somewhat false; there are varying levels of legal blindness and not all blind people experience a complete lack of vision aka; just black), you should check up on it to make damn sure, because disability is almost never as black and white as it seems.
And beyond your own research into whichever disability your OC is going to have, you also need to keep some things in mind.
Most disabilities cause some sort of hindrance to a person’s life, and a lot of the time it’s a big part of their life. Even with modern accessibility (which isn’t available in many fantasy/RPG/medieval settings), the vast majority of disabled people still experience daily hassles they have to deal with because of their disability.
It takes a toll on people. Ever hear of a spoonie? It’s a term used by people with varying levels of chronic pain, fatigue, and disabilities that cause them. Some disabilities might have symptoms that aren’t widely-known (phantom pains for amputees is a great example) and need to be researched in order to be properly implemented. If your character suffers from chronic pain in their leg, walking long distances is going to be painful and difficult, and may not even be possible.
It’s EXPENSIVE. Medication, accessibility, mobility aids, and other methods of support cost money. Not all disabled people are covered either (and even to get covered is a whole hassle in itself), and have to pay out of pocket. In Canada, even on the disability benefits program pretty much nothing is 100% covered and you end up paying out of pocket even for essential services.
Sometimes you can’t work. Disability exists on a HUGE spectrum. Two people can have the same condition and experience it vastly different. Person A can have a relatively good time with it, minimal pain and annoyance, where person B has a difficult time performing even household tasks because of the pain, loss of mobility, or other symptoms. A lot of disabled people have trouble working, and being consistent with their jobs (For example; sometimes I can’t go to work because my joints hurt too much for me to be able to walk. This costs me money and strains my relationship with my employer). It’s very nice and dandy to assume all employers are great people who want to go the distance for their prospective disabled employees, but that’s just not the norm.
Sometimes you can work! Accessibility exists in the workplace and can be done, but for a lot of disabled people it HAS to be done. And not all employers (especially if we’re living in a medieval-like era) are willing to provide them. Sometimes it takes a fight. Sometimes it takes a lot of searching. It’s really hard for a lot of obviously disabled people to find work.
Independence isn’t guaranteed. If your disability is a physical one, it can limit your mobility. A blind person will have an incredibly difficult time navigating somewhere they’ve never been. Someone with joint issues is going to have a lot of trouble walking places and might need a ride of some sort. Even going out to get groceries can be almost impossible for some people to do without help.
Independence is possible though! And a lot of the time it takes accessibility aids, or other extra things done in order to provide adequate independence for yourself.
This is a DROP IN THE BUCKET. Seriously, please believe me when I say that disability is something that directly and heavily impacts your life, but also exists on such a broad spectrum that there is no definitive “how to” guide to writing a disabled character. You have to just use common sense, and research out all the information you need to know in order to write it. I have no way of speaking for every disabled person in the world because I don’t know about every disability in the world. Neither does anyone.
If you’re choosing to RP a disabled character because it makes them seem interesting, or because it makes them unique, stop yourself and ask these questions:
Are you going to consistently portray them as they are? Or are you going to omit symptoms when it’s convenient for you to? Are these symptoms mere accessories to their character and only show up when it’s dramatic/funny/sad/etc?
Are you willing to actually research the disability your OC has in order to properly RP it? Are you willing to go beyond the very brief & simple description that google gives you?
Are you going to great lengths to implement things that erase most or all symptoms of said disability? Is that actually viable in the verse you’re writing in or are you jumping through hoops to avoid inconvenience?
Again, there is no definitive one-size-fits-all guide to writing disabled characters, but seriously. Let me just tell you, as a disabled woman who’s been in a lot of disabled circles for her entire life, we know when you’re doing it for attention. We know when you have no idea what you’re doing. It’s annoying, transparent, and shreds your credibility. PLEASE take the time to research whatever disability you’ve chosen, and put the effort into portraying it well. There’s no point in putting such a huge life-impacting thing into your OC’s profile without actually thinking about it.
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inxight · 7 years
Headcanon 6
Throwing in some Vileblood headcanons in here~ or at least the way I think Lucia’s parents went about naming their children.
So like I haven’t really talked or expanded on my reasoning behind why I had given Lucia her name---let alone her sisters. Since I’ve stated in previous headcanons, I like to think that the Vilebloods do have a very medieval point of view on things (even if Bloodborne takes place during the Victorian era). With that being said---pretty much the Royals during the 14th century were very dedicated to their faith---which at the time was Catholicism (Especially in France and England---errr well later on King Henry VIII would change it later---but I won’t go too much detail into tudor history. lol). So yeah the Catholic Church in just from a historical stand point was pretty powerful during the time...but to get to my point of the headcanon. I like to think that the parents named their children after saints and martyrs.
Hence how Lucia got her name...however another aspect is that her name is also the feminine form of the masculine name Lucius (which is conveniently the name of her father lol). So technically Lucia is named after a Martyr Saint and her Father. It can be taken either direction but I just thought it was an interesting thing to point out. But yeah, ultimately most of the idea of Lucia’s character backstory is heavily influenced by the patron saint of the blind, and martyrs. Like in Lucia’s background story, the saint did lose her sight but the story varies to either she took them out herself to ward off a suitor or she was tortured. 
On to her younger sisters...Cecilia Mignonette Le Fleur and Thérèse Alexandra Le Fleur are also named after saints. Cecilia is a martyr, who is the patron saint of music, poets and France... and Thérèse is the patron saint of florist, Gardeners and loss of parents and France as well (there are other things listed that they are patrons of but I don’t feel like going into detail). 
Ultimately, choosing the name Lucia for my Bloodborne OC was set in stone when I played the game itself. I wanted to stick with the Gothic theme of the story---but I didn’t want a cliche name like Victoria(which was one of the name choices lol!!)...I wanted a name that had rich history. That and thinking ahead as well when I was fleshing out her character for RP... I wanted a name for my character that I could draw parallels from and as well as the meaning behind her name. It felt only right to name her after a saint. 
Anyways~ that’s all I wanted to say~ Thought it would be interesting to share some of the research behind the names of the characters.  u w u 
That and the thought of the Healing Church Executioners being disgusted over the fact that a Vileblood is named after a saint was interesting. XD 
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