#lol there's me who took a lot of rants and angry outbursts
ramayantika · 2 years
It's been probably a month now but even then after all that I will never stop feeling guilty of using my parents money
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bnha-mha-imagines · 5 years
Best Two Out of Three
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Ahh this was just going to be a drabble and I might have gotten a little carried away ^^”
Bakugo x Reader
Word Count: 3625 
Warnings: Cursing (obviously lol), fighting, touchy-touchy pda, hotdog vs sandwich dispute (ugh)
Summary: Bakugo reacts poorly when you defend yourself against an insult. He challenges you to a fight but can’t deny the attraction he feels to you leading up to it…
When you were first accepted into UA you were ecstatic. Finally months of intense workouts, studying, and preparing for the admission process had paid off. In your previous school you were renowned as the notable scholar; after all, you had to uphold a good reputation if you planned on getting into UA. That meant that it was absolutely necessary that you earned the highest marks in and out of class. However, this also meant that a lot of your old classmates thought you were stuck-up and too intense. Admittedly, it was a bit discouraging to have such a poor social life, and you vowed to change that once you entered the 1-A hero course. 
After the first day of class, it became very clear to you which students were the hard-workers and which ones tended to slack off more; you made a mental note to approach the latter group. You found yourself beginning to relax and settle in with your new classmates, becoming fast friends with Kaminari, Sero, and Mina. You could sense that while the three were skilled up and coming heroes, they did lack a certain motivation to be better than everyone else. That’s what attracted you to them after all. And, like you had hoped, you began to fall under their influence and slack a bit on your studies. That wasn’t to say you weren’t doing well, you still had better grades than a good majority of the class. However, you no longer found yourself caring as much if you choose to skip a work-out session in favor of going shopping with Mina. 
Sitting at your desk, you were currently in an intense discussion with Sero and Kaminari about whether hotdogs were sandwiches or not. You, an intellectual, knew better than your friends. “Look,” you said, “A hotdog bun is one connected piece of bread. Sandwiches require two slices in order to be called a sandwich.” Sero chewed the tip his pencil in thought, nodding slowly as this fact seemed to sway him. Kaminari however, quickly began to counter-argue.
“What about sub sandwiches?” he mouthed a bit too loudly, though it was harmless enough with Aizawa still 5 minutes late to class. “The bread on those are never cut the whole way through, so technically it’s still one piece of bread!” You rolled your eyes as Sero let out an audible “ohh”, again, nodding with this new information. 
“The fact that you need to call it a “sub sandwich” suggests that society has already been socialized to accept this exception as a legitimate sandwich. Hotdogs, though? No one calls it a hotdog sandwich.” Sero, eyes wide, mumbled a small “that’s true” as Kaminari quickly scrambled for a refute, but upon finding nothing to say, crossed his arms in a huff. You felt the corners of your mouth upturn in a victorious smirk, but they quickly fell as someone “tched” behind you. Craning your neck back, your eyes met with the fierce red gaze of Bakugo two seats away.
“I can’t believe your dumbasses actually got a place at UA,” he growled, propping his head up against his hand. Your eyebrows furrowed at this, and he took this as a challenge. “Hah, don’t even try to deny that you don’t belong here. You extras never even try, it’s a shame that you’re in the same class as me.” 
Behind you, Sero laughed nervously. “Well, guess we’re just lucky!” he said light-heartedly, not particularly concerned as he turned back to Kaminari. Sure, everyone was used to Bakugo’s bad moods, but this particular comment irked you. You worked your ass off to get into this school, you definitely deserve to be here as much as anyone. 
“Really?” you spoke to him, lips pursued in a firm, thin line. “Well then what does that say about you if you have to try ten times as hard just to get into the same class as a bunch of “dumbasses”, ‘ey Bakugo?” You knew you were playing a dangerous game. Yes, you had grown to accept the blonde’s outbursts as background noise over the weeks, but with this specific insult you couldn’t help but defend yourself. 
Both your friends and Bakugo seemed surprised at your comment, Sero and Kaminari hushing and Bakugo’s head whipping back toward you. You felt your throat tighten as he leapt from his desk, face scrunched in fury. Baring his teeth at you, he slammed his hands on the desk between you, small sparks shooting out from under his palms. “What did you say, you damn idiot!?” You swallowed, leaning back slightly. Lord, what have you gotten yourself into? Luckily for you, Aizawa chose that exact moment to open the door.
“Bakugo, take your seat,” Aizawa grumbled as he slowly walked into the classroom. Bakugo was not deterred, shoving a pointed finger into your face. 
“Alright then,” Bakugo snarled, “You and me, the end of the week, we’re going to have a fight! We’ll see who really belongs here!”
Aizawa glared at Bakugo as he waited in the front of the room. “Bakugo,” Aizawa warned in a low voice. Bakugo’s eyes never left you as he finally backed off, taking his seat once more. You felt yourself exhale a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding, timidly rotating yourself to sit face-forward at your desk. As Aizawa began to lead an instruction, you noticed Kaminari shoot you a pitiful look. You didn’t need to turn your head to know Bakugo was still glaring daggers at you; you could feel the heat of his gaze shooting straight into the side of your head. 
Quietly sweating, you glued your eyes to your notebook as you began to take notes more diligently than you had all school year. It seemed that you had pissed off the school’s most notable hot-head and your fight was inevitable. Five whole days. That’s all the time you had to prepare the best fight you could muster, and if you were going to lose, you were going to at least get a few good hits on him. 
The instant class was finally dismissed, you rise from your chair, feverishly packing the notes you took. You heard Bakugo snort from two seats over, and knew without a doubt that he thought he had you on the run. You held in your annoyance as you zipped your bag up and slipped it over your shoulders. Waving goodbye to your concerned friends, you hurried down the halls to get to the gym. You had work to do. 
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“Don’t you think you were a bit hard on them?” Kirishima commented, cocking his head at Bakugo. “It’s not exactly manly to yell at cuties.” Bakugo scoffed, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he walked down the hall with his red-headed idiot. 
“(Y/n) is not cute, dumbass,” he murmured, hiding his white lie behind a signature eye roll. So what if he thought you were cute? Kirishima didn’t need to know that. “They’re infuriating, even just comparing themself to me! Who the hell do they think they are?!” Kirishima smiled sheepishly, throwing a hand on Bakugo’s shoulder to calm his friend. Bakugo shrugged it off as they entered the boys locker room, tching softly. “Whatever,” he muttered, opening his locker. “It’s not as if they’ll waste too much of my time. You know how their group is. They never train or anything.”
Kirishima quietly listened to Bakugo’s rant, changing into his workout clothes. “Are you actually going to go through with the fight?” he asked, already knowing the answer. Bakugo never backed down from a fight. 
Bakugo scoffed, closing his locker harshly. “Of fucking course I am! And I’m going to win.” Kirishima shrugged, dropping the topic. There was no helping it. Following Kirishima into the gym, they walked toward the weights to go through their usual workout routine. Scuffing his shoes lightly, he looked up as Kirishima muttered something. “What?”
“Well I’ll be damned. Thought you said they never trained?” Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, Bakugo followed Kirishima’s eyes toward one of the weight machines. His eyes widened as they landed on you pumping iron on the bench-press. Quickly swallowing his surprise, his lips upturned into an angry sneer.
“Fucking dumbass thinks they actually have a shot against me!?” he growled, feeling ten times hotter as Kirishima laughed light-heartedly. 
“Guess you better get to work, Bakugo, they’ve got quite an impressive bit of weight on there. You might get your ass handed to you yet!” Ignoring his friend’s teasing, he stomped over toward your side of the gym. 
“Idiot’s gonna kill themself,” he grumbled under his breath as he made is way over.
Your arms shook slightly, face red as you pushed the weights up above your head. Your exercise clothes stuck to the bench beneath you, soaked through in your sweat; it was an embarrassing reminder to how much more time you should be spending here to train. Your bench was still impressively high, but the soreness setting into your chest was already proving just how much muscular endurance you had lost in the past month. 
Suddenly the bright lights above you darkened, and you blinked in confusion as you again lifted the weights high above your chest. Gasping, your arms nearly gave out as your eyes met with Bakugo’s face glowering down on you. “Fuck,” you breathed, steadying your grip on the bar. “What are you doing here?” you seethed, out of breath. Squinting up at Bakugo, there was no mistaking his signature scowl.
Bakugo settled himself above your head, toned arms prepped and held out in front of him. “In case you didn’t know,” he sneered, “it's common practice to have a spotter when you’re lifting. If you were here more often, you’d know that, dumbass.” Oh? So that’s what he was playing at? 
Lowering the bar again, you tried to pick up the pace under his observance, pumping out a quick set of reps despite the screaming soreness in your arms. “I don’t need you to spot me,” you breathed out in between reps, staring straight up at the ceiling. 
Bakugo glared down at you, trying not to stare at how attractive you looked with a sweat worked up. The way your muscles flexed and moved, the way your chest heaved up and down… Feeling heat rise to his face, he coughed. “Yeah right,” he muttered, lurching forward to catch the bar as you struggled to lift it and setting it down on the guards.
Your arms fell to your stomach as you caught your breath. After a few seconds, you sat up, turning to look at Bakugo. “Thanks,” you said, begrudgingly. “But if you’re trying to intimidate me it’s not working,” you muttered. A blatant lie on your part. It was definitely intimidating to see him standing over you like that. Bakugo snorted, turning away from you.
“Whatever, idiot,” he grumbled already walking away. Voice rising, he added, “Don’t get in my way dumbass!” You sighed, swinging your legs over the bench to move toward the ellipticals. He didn’t need to worry about any of that. You were going to avoid him like the plague. 
The days following fell into a similar pattern. Before class you no longer spoke to Mina, Sero, and Kaminari, instead choosing to diligently read the notes you borrowed from Midoriya regarding Bakugo’s fighting strategies. Peering over your shoulder, Mina glowed. “Wow! Who knew (Y/n) was such a good student?” Kaminari shrugged, leaning back in his seat.
“I mean, they were top in their class last year, right? I just wish it didn’t take up so much of their time.” Kaminari stretched his arms above his head, stifling a yawn. You tried to ignore the conversation of your friends. True, you hadn’t been paying much attention to them as of recent. You had to cancel plans and drop everything in order to study and train in preparation for Friday’s fight. Your friends were understanding however, Mina even dropping off some ice and water to your dorm after one workout left you particularly sore. 
By now the rest of 1-A had begun to pick up on the impending sparring match, it quickly becoming the next hot topic much to Bakugo’s irritation. He didn’t understand why everyone was making such a big deal about it when it seemed obvious to him who was going to win. The fact that people were speaking so often about it meant that some of his classmates actually thought you might have a chance. 
Admittedly, it was hard to ignore how much work you put into your preparation. Bakugo couldn’t remember the last time someone took one of his threats so seriously, and while he would never admit it, he was impressed with your sudden resolution. Surely you knew he was a daunting opponent, but the fact that you weren’t backing down was almost cute. At least he knew you’d be giving him your all, and that’s all he could ask. 
Sitting next to Kirishima, Bakugo glanced at you, noticing even now how focused you were on your papers. Staring at you, he couldn’t help but imagine how good you had looked when your shorts rode up on your thighs yesterday during training… grumbling angrily at the thoughts stuck in his mind, he clenched his fists. 
Much to his agitation, Bakugo couldn’t deny how much you had been on his mind as of recent. It was easy to play it off as just excitement for the upcoming fight, but Bakugo knew deep down that he felt an attraction to you. He couldn’t deny how cute you looked each time he spotted you during weight lifting, the way your lips pursed in a pout at his assistance. Or how your banter seemed to ignite little sparks in him each time you spoke. He hated the way you affect him. He should be focused on becoming number one hero, not on how attractive your diligence was! Growling to himself, he focused his eyes away from you. The sooner this fight came, the sooner he could kick your ass and get your stupid face off his mind. 
Sooner than expected, Friday came rolling around. You felt your stomach hit the floor as Aizawa finally dismissed class for the day, the students around you already chattering excitedly about weekend plans. You jumped as a hand fell on your shoulder, looking up to meet eyes with Sero. Beaming, he gave you a big thumbs up. “Good luck today, (Y/n)!” he cheered quietly. 
Mustering a smile, you thanked him. “Are you guys going to watch the fight?” you asked, eyes hopeful as you peered up at your friends. Kaminari barked out an amused laugh, squashing all hope within you. 
“And get our faces blown up? Sorry, (Y/n), but no one’s going anywhere near the gym today. We’ll save you some froyo for after the fight tho!” Kaminari paused. “That is...if you’re able to eat in Recovery Girl’s office. OW!” yelping, Kaminari rubbed the side where Mina painfully elbowed him. 
Right… Watching them pack their things, you began to do the same. Your muscles were still sore from yesterday’s training, and your mind was buzzing with all the tips you had picked up from Midoriya. There really was no backing out of this, huh? Nervously, you left the classroom. Your bag felt like it was full of bricks as you trudged to the changing room. Beginning to change into your clothes, you noticed how empty the locker room was. Kaminari hadn’t been lying. No one dared to show up to train today. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you ignored the impending doom settling in your stomach. 
You didn’t have the luxury of fear at this point. Worried as your were, you hadn’t been completely focused on training the past week. Rather, it had become harder and harder to focus with Bakugo around. As irritated as you were with him, you couldn’t deny that working out with him had been really tense. Whether that was due to his constant glares or how hot he looked in that slim fitting t-shirt, you didn’t know. Patting your cheeks slightly, you dismissed any stupid thoughts from crossing your mind. “Focus!” you cursed yourself. 
Taking a deep breath, you forced yourself to finally leave the locker room. Stepping into the gym, your heart dropped at the silence. Across the room, Bakugo stood in the ring designated for sparring. Even if you weren’t using quirks for this fight, you were intimidated. Noticing you, Bakugo turned his body to face you. “Finally. I thought you had chickened out,” he called from across the room.
Feeling your irritation rise again, you stomped down your nerves. “Bet that would have been a relief, huh?” you taunted, walking in a direct line toward the ring. Bakugo’s lips pulled up to reveal his teeth in a fierce grin. Cracking his knuckles, you felt his eyes staring you down like a piece of fresh meat. You forced yourself to hold his eyes. 
Once you entered the ring, you each took a moment to stretch out and ready your bodies for the fight, starting on either side of the ring. 
Bakugo stared at you as you took a second to pull your hair back, licking his dry lips. You did that on purpose, didn’t you? Trying to distract him like that, that was a dirty move. Stepping forward, he waited for you to do the same. After a moment, you stepped forward. Not wasting a moment, Bakugo began to advance toward you, not giving you much time to think of a strategy. Your mind raced as he charged you, trying desperately to remember what Midoriya had told you. The right hook, right! Looking up, you were startled to see how close Bakugo was, already coiling his arm back. 
Gasping, you dodged under his arm just in time to avoid the powerful blow, instinctively kicking your leg out into his side. Stumbling back a pace, Bakugo hissed at you angrily, “You’ve been talking to that damn Deku, haven’t you?” Bakugo couldn’t ignore the fury he felt deep down when he imagined you spending time with Midoriya, and neither could he place why he felt so strongly about it. Channeling his anger, Bakugo charged at you again, raising his fists into an onslaught of attacks. You may have gotten one kick on him, but he’d be damned if he let you get another. 
Eyes wide, you quickly find yourself on the defense. Bakugo was known to be viciously offensive, and his onslaught of close ranged attacks was a quick reminder to that. You managed to dodge the first few, but Bakugo didn’t give you even a moment’s breath as he hammered fist after fist on you. Finally landing one straight into your chest, you felt the wind knocked right out of you as you flew back and landed directly on your back. Gasping for air, you felt pain settle deep in your chest before looking up, managing to half roll out of the way before another fist collided with the ground where your head had just been. 
With Bakugo on top of you, you quickly panicked, driving your knees up and colliding it into his behind in an attempt to off balance him. Off balance him it did, forcing his front half even further toward your face. Caught off guard, Bakugo reacted just in time, hands landing on either side of your head to catch himself from falling directly on top of you. He seemed to pause, eyes wide and staring down at you with an intensity so strong you felt light headed. Your chest ached, and you held your breath. After a moment, you bite your lip, eyebrows furrowed as you quietly prodded him. “What?” you asked in a dangerous whisper. 
Lowly, he snarled at you in a way that sent shivers down your spine. “Shut up, idiot.” You didn’t have time to react as he suddenly attacked your lips with his own. You were surprised at how much pent up frustration and intensity the kiss held, but even more so at how quickly you responded to it. Closing your eyes, you quickly pushed back into him, raising a hand to grab at the back of his head and fill your fingers with his ashy blonde hair. 
Reacting off this, Bakugo growled into the kiss, becoming a bit rougher as he bit at your bottom lip. To this you opened your mouth obediently. Feeling his tongue enter your mouth, you quickly took advantage of his vulnerability and heaved your body up, flipping him onto his back so that you were now straddling him. Never breaking the kiss, you fought for dominance, his hands tangled in your hair. You couldn’t deny how excited you felt, or how well your body was reacting to him. You hadn’t even realized how long you had been aching for this very moment, and at this point you had no idea who was winning or losing. 
After a few seconds of wrestling, Bakugo managed to pin you once again, damn your sore muscles. Pulling back from the kiss, you both panted heavily, clearly out of breath from the work out. Taking a few seconds to relax his raging body, he huskily breathed into your ear. “I win.” 
Eyes lidded, you stared up at him, feeling as though you might have just been the winner. Breathily, you moved your lips to speak in a hushed tone. “Best two out of three?” Bakugo’s lips turned up into a competitive smirk, the spark lighting back up into his eyes as he let out a deep chuckle.
“You’re on, dumbass,” he breathed, leaning his face back down to yours.
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