#not after those dissapointed and angry outbursts
ramayantika · 2 years
It's been probably a month now but even then after all that I will never stop feeling guilty of using my parents money
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Traumas and Confessions (tealer x frill) @waluigis-massive-fucking-tits @that-gay-crow
(Ok so i was originally gonna make this wholesome, but decided to make some angst at the beginning. Also im not a good writer so sorry if cringe. Also this si my first time writing angst)
It was a month after the "incident". An incident that changed everything.
A murder.
Tealerland closed, its doors probably never opening again. Left to rot. Forgotten.
And tealer could not help but feel disgusted at himself. He fully believed it was his fault.
He alongside the others, willow, frill and tacey, were moved underground so they would not suffer from vandalism.
But in reality they were put in there becuase of them. Not safety for them, but safety from them.
The corpse of the victim was found inside him. Or more like pulled from him. If tealer could vomit, he would have. He still remembers most of it...
Tealer opens his eyes, or well, activates them. He was under maintinence, and was getting checked up by one of the workers. Keyword was.
"Hm? Whats this?" He said to himself. He felt heavy. He also noticed something that caught him off guard.
The worker was nowhere to be seen, instead, he saw frill looking at him with something he never saw frill have.
Fear. Fear and disgust.
He then heard his voice. "Tealer, please." Frill said with Dont. Look. Down." Frill said with emphasis on every word. Tealer got scared, because he has had experiance with an angry frill, and seeing him like this scared him.
But tealer ignored him, and looked down.
Now he knew why he felt so heavy. He saw a very human looking arm sticking out of his stomach. He also noticed the blood on his fur.
Did he......?
Tealer started shaking, and felt like he was choking. He never felt this way what is happening?
"Tealer?" He could hear frill's voice. "Tealer!? TEALER!?" Frill screamed his voice multiples times. Each time he sounded further away. He then heard the sound of a door opening.
"TEALER!!!!" "EEEEK" Tealer practically jumps and screeches. He then noticed where he was. 3 animatronicas were there with him. A wyvern, a smaller dragon holding a doll, and a mime treceratops.
Willow, tacey, and mischievous were looking at him worried.
"Tealer are you ok? You looked like you were spacing out." His younger brother, mischievous looked at him with worry.
"Huh? Oh im fine buddy!" Tealer tried acting happy to try to not worry them. "I feel better as ever! I was just thinking about good jokes to tell that is all!" Tealer said with a grin. The other 3 did not buy this at all.
"If you were thinking about jokes, you would have not screamed like that when i called you the 7th time." Willow said with a serious look on her face, which was rare. Tacey also looked serious.
"Are you really ok tealer? Be honest please." Tacey tried being as polite as she could. She alongside mischievous, did not want to see their elder brother hurt.
Tealer felt terrible, because he knew he was worrying them. But he did not want to worry them further. "Im serious! I really do fee-" he was interrupted when he felt a hand grab his shoulder. He looked behind him and saw frill looking at him with a face that meant business. Did he anger him again?
Frill looked at the other 3 "i need to speak with tealer in orivate. I hope you dont need him?" He says looking at willow.
"No, but please be careful with him, he just spaced out." Willow said. Tealer gave her a "what are you doing!?" Look, while frill glared at him.
"Come. Now." Frill says walking away. Tealer follows suit horrified.
"Did you have to tell frill that? He looked even more mad now." Mischievous asks willow. Willow looks at him.
"I know what im doing. Trust me."
Frill and tealer are currently in a supply closet. It was an udnerstatment to say the frill was angry.
Tealer was scared, because he knew what frill was going to say.
"S-so, W-what did you n-need?" Tealer was shaking.
"How many times did i tell you? How. Many. Tealer." Frill said with his arms crossed. "If you dont feel ok, come to me." Frill looked at tealer with a more calmer look.
"R-right. Sorry." He really did forget. But he did not want to worry frill.
"So, what happened?" Frill asked.
"I was thinking... about it." Tealer responded looking down at the floor.
"The... corpse?" Frill said with caution. Tealer nods. But then he says something that pisses frill off.
"My muerder victim..." tealer says looking down. He then hears loud footsteps and ths souns of armor. Frill was infront of him looking at him wirh anger.
"What did you say?"
Tealer shakes his head "i-im sorry i did not-" tealer winces as frill slams a hand in the wall beside him.
"Why are you apologizing!? ITS NOT YOUR FAULT!" Frill screamed. And tealer out of nowhere, felt angered.
He looks at frill angrily. "It IS my fault." Tealer says with a glare. "I dont even know why you even care for a murderer like me..."
"Stop that..." frill threatens tealer. "Dont say that. You know its no-"
"NO!" tealer pushes frill, knocking him to the ground. "I AM A MURDERER FRILL! A MURDERER! WHY YOU EVEN STILL CONSIDER ME A FRIEND IS WEIRD!" Tealer pants cause of his outburst. He then realized what he did.
Frill started standing up and tealer prepared for the worst. But what happened next will always be remembered by tealer.
Frill looked at him, and proceeded to hug him. Tealer was frozen in schock, he did not expect this. Before he could protest, frill spoke.
"Listen to me. Please." Frill said in a calming voice, something he never saw frill do towards him. Tealer could feel calmer in his embrace. "You are not the murderer. You were framed." Frill pulls out from the hug and teal saw that frill no longer had a angry look, but a sad one. Tealer took time to process what he said. This whole situation has tealer confused.
"By who?" Tealer asks, his anger gone.
Frill sighed, and the words he proceeds to say surprsie tealer.
"David artel." Frill said as if it was taboo. "He, was the one that killed him and... pushed the corpse inside you..." frill said with clear disgust.
"I-i-" tealer could not speak properly. He knew frill is not lying, frill would never lie about these things. But instead of feeling happy that he was not the murderer, he felt another way.
Betrayed. David, his creator, framed him for a murder.
"It hurts." Tealer said looking down. "I thought he cared about us. And this is what he does?" Tealer was not even mad, just dissapointed. But at the very least, tealer could be at some peace since he did not kill someone.
But something other than the incident has been bothering tealer.
Tealer noticed that since the incident frill has been the one helping him. Yes the others did help him too, but frill has been since day one taking care of tealer. He was also the one that was there with him in the incident. Its not that he does not appreciate his help. He just never understood why.
Frill has been known to not be the nicest lizard. He is always serious or very strict. But when he is around tealer, he is very kind or calm with him.
In fact, he was the one helping tealer during panic attacks, as the others did not know what to do.
And so he took the chance that they were in private.
"Thank you frill. I really am grateful you told me this. But i still dont understand something." Tealer said looking at frill in the eyes. Frill raises an eyebrow.
"Why do you care so much about me?" At this question frill narrows his eyes. "O-oh i m sorry if that was out of line!" Tealer quickly apologized, and his fear returned.
"Its fine. In fact, im glad you asked." Frill said smiling a bit. "That was the reason why i was looking for you in the first place."
Frill looked at tealer in the eyes. "When we first performed together, i for some odd reason had my eyes on you. Seeing you happy, playing around with the children, laughing." Frill smiles as he remembers those moments. "Honestly, i thought you were to cute for your own good." Frill chuckles a bit. Tealer blushes like crazy, but he did not say anything so he did not interrupt frill.
"You really are an amazing dragon tealer. You always made the others smile, even me. Everyone here loves you." Frill then sighs. "So when i found you in that room, with the body inside you, i panicked. Not only did something horrific happen, you were hurt and blamed for something you did not do." Frill then scoffs. "Its an understatment to say i was angry when i found out it was david. I almost killed the bastard." So thats why david has not returned. Frill got him tealer thought. "I then noticed how this changed you. You were not always as happy as before, and dont pretend i have not heard you crying alone." Tealer lowers his head cause it was true. He did cry in secret.
"To be honest, i did not understand either why i cared so much about you. But yesterday i realized why." Frill approached tealer.
"Tealer. I love you."
Tealer, surprised beyond imagination, simply stood there looking at frill.
"Everytime you laughed or smiled, something inside me told me i must protect you. And soon i began seeing you in a different way. I wish to cherish you and your smile. I want to be the one to make you smile. And i want to be the one to help you in your darkests times." Frill then proceeds to kneel.
"Tealer, willl you let me be the lizard to make you happy?" Frill said looking at tealer.
Tealer begins to cry. "Frill i-" he does not how to respond, so he too kneels and proceeds to hug him. He then proceeds to sob. "Frill, *sniff*thank you. Thank you so much." Tealer, with teary eyes looks at frill with a smile.
"Let me be too the one to make you happy." Tealer says as a response to frill's earlier question.
Frill smiles like an excited child as his eyes to start to tear up. " Is this a yes!?" Frill says as his long tail begins to wag in excitement.
Tealer laughs at the sight. "*sniff* yes you dork!"
Frill then kisses tealer.
He widens his eyes and gives tealer an apologetic look. "Im sorry i just-" tealer kisses him back.
As they break the kiss tealer giggles. "Its fine. I liked it." They both stand up. Frill's tail was still wagging in happiness. "Look at you all happy. And then you say im the cute one!" Tealer give frill a playful jab. Frill laughs.
"Well sorry to break it to you jester, but you are the cuter one!" Frill says as he procedss to give a head pat to tealer. He then notices how tealer begins to wag his tail aswell. "Aha! You just proved my point!"
Tealer simply snuggles with frill. But they heard squeals from outside the door
"Mischievous, tacey! They are gonna find out!" Willow whispers.
"Sorry!" Tacey and mischievous apologize quietly.
Tealer and frill look at each other, and proceed to exit the room. They then saw tacey, mischievous and willow in the hallway. They both knew why they were there.
Frill sighs. "Let me guess, willow decided to spy on us and and ypu two joined." Frill said looking at the clown and mime. They both nod scared.
"Aww c'mon frilley, they were gonna find out soon enough!" Tealer said, making frill blush at the nickname. Then tealer looks at the other 3.
"Now then, may we know how long you were here?" Taler said crossing his arms and tapping his legs on the ground like a mad parent jokingly.
"We arrived when frill started his confession. And i have to say frill, you should become a romance writer!" Willow said giggling. Frill blushes even more with a now grumpy face.
"Oh you are buring at the stake today witch!" Frill with sword in hand, was about to charge at her when he felt someone grab his tail.
Tealer, gripping frill's tail, pulled him back. "If you attack her, no cuddle later." Tealer said in a fake angry tone. Frill gasps dramatically and then looks at willow.
"You are safe this time. But know that this is not the end." Frill sheaths his sword.
After that silence.
"So, want to play go fish? I found some cards earlier in one of the offices." Mischievous says trying to break the silence.
They all agree and proceed to go back to one of the offices. They noticed tealer and frill holding hands, and tried all they could not to squeal so they dont anger frill.
(Quick note: t lure and deterrent are not activated yet.)
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Separated (Zuko x Reader)
Characters: Zuko, Iroh
Fandom: Avatar The Last Airbender
Tags Reader Insert, Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: Spoilers about Zuko’s character and backstory
Word Count: 1,7k words
Summary: Y/N and Zuko are constantly arguing because of his stubbornness, and it isn’t until they are separated that they truly realize how much they need each other.
A/N: I’m not completely sure the timelines match, but I had this idea that explored Zuko’s character and I loved it, so here it is! I’m quite proud of this one! Hope you enjoy reading :D
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Zuko x Gender Neutral Reader
Iroh cheerfuly hummed as he served you tea. Both Zuko and you refused to look at each other. You had run out of patience, and so had he.
Perhaps his uncle was more benevolent and lenient, but you weren’t. Like Iroh, you had realized Zuko’s struggle, and you saw the good and kindness in him as well. Unlike his uncle, however, you were fed up with his demeanor. Zuko held on to so much anger and resentment, all aimed at the wrong person.
It wasn’t the Avatar that would bring his honor back, couldn’t he see? His father had showed his position quite clearly when he burned Zuko badly enough to leave him scarred for life. And not only because of the mark in his face.
“I’m tired of waiting” Zuko muttered, showing his impatience once more. 
“Patience is a virtue, dear nephew” Although Iroh was clearly taking to him, his kind eyes fell over you as well.
“Don’t bother, Iroh” You said nonetheless, unable to contain your bitterness in regards to the prince’s demeanor as of late. It had only gotten worse these last few days. 
Your comment earned you a bad look from him. You turned your face away. In reality, you were only trying to hide how much it pained you. How deeply it hurt you to see him deny the truth and go after someone who only wanted to help people.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Zuko barked back, dedicating you a challenging glare and demanding a reaction from you.
“It means you are being stupid and stubborn!” You said, slamming your cup on the ground. “Capturing the Avatar won’t-”
“If I bring him to my father, he will restore my honor!” He interrupted you, raising his volume much louder than you.
“No, he won’t!”
“Don’t talk about what you know nothing of, Y/N!”
“I do know! No offense, Zuko, but your father is a jerk”
“He is not!”
“Whatever you say…”
“Yes, I am the prince and-”
“You are a banished prince whose father doesn’t care for!”
“That’s enough!” He abruptly stood up, and his face contorted in the angriest grimace you had ever seen. “If you’re not going to help, leave right now!”
“I will!” You threw the cup of tea at his feet in an outburst of fury. “I don’t want to be around you anymore!”
Just when you had already turned your back on him, you realized what that implied. Just as your foot hovered in the air before you took the first step, you paused. Looking over your shoulder, you locked gazes with Iroh. It wasn’t fair to him either. His eyes were laced with sadness, almost begging you not to give up on Zuko. Without looking at the prince, you shook your head at his uncle. You didn’t have the strength to believe in him anymore, not when he continued to push you away like that.
Making your choice, you continued walking away from them. Away from him. Silence lingered for a bit longer until you were out of reach.
“Y/N called you Zuko...” Iroh whispered, still saddened as they both watched how you left without looking back. “Not Lee...”
“So what?” He replied with a shrug, even if his voice broke. Deep down, he knew what that meant. Even if his uncle didn’t give him an answer either.
To you, he wasn’t Lee anymore. He wasn’t that person you had grown so fond of, that you had met so long ago and had decided to help. That you had continued to address like that because that was the boy you knew and cared about. No, he was Zuko to you now. The angry prince from the evil Fire Nation, someone you could’t rely on anymore. You thought of him like everyone else did.
Facing his back to his uncle, Zuko frowned. He tried to hide how much that thought hurt him. Hide it even from himself.
Every time a sound came, his heart raced. Zuko looked for you in every shadow, in every face he came across, in every vaguely familiar voice he heard. You had been separated for what felt like months, even if only a week had gone by. Each minute that passed only filled him with more regret. 
As he returned to where Iroh was waiting for him, Zuko dragged his feet. His heart felt heavy, but he tried to straighten up and pretend like it didn’t.
“You’re back!” Iroh warmly smiled at his nephew, even if the gesture faded at the sight of a crestfallen Zuko. 
He had been patiently waiting for him to return from his search for you, and when he finally did it was alone. What was worse, Zuko didn’t seem to want to stay. Your argument heavily weighted on him, it was easy to tell. A part of him was glad that Zuko regretted what happened and was adamant on finding you. On making things right. The other part wished he would stay by his side, where he was safe and accompanied.
“I’m sorry, uncle, but I came only to speak to you” Zuko told him, hanging his head low. “I was hoping Y/N had returned and met with you, but...”
"I wish I could give you good news, prince Zuko” Iroh shook his head, confirming that he had not seen you at all.
“I need to find Y/N” The thought of something horrible happening to you was too awful to bear. It was all the more terrible when he remembered how your last moments together went. 
Zuko clenched his fists, hating that you had that perception of him. That you were tired of fighting to bring the good in him, that you truly thought he didn’t care about you. That you left him forever without knowing how important you were to him.
Only dedicating his uncle a last resigned glance before leaving again, Zuko sighed. His feet began mindlessly moving as his head wandered. 
Maybe you and Iroh were right. Maybe the firelord wasn’t worth all this trouble, maybe the Avatar wouldn’t restore his honor. Maybe, like you said, he was only a boy trying to help people. 
If only he could talk to you one more time... It was his only thought, repeating over and over again, as he continued moving. He didn’t even watch where he was going, he was just trying to leave that feeling behind.
“Lee?” Zuko halted at the sound of a familiar voice. However, and unlike many other times during that week, when he looked up he wasn’t dissapointed this once.
“Y/N” He uttered, watching you from a distance, almost thinking it was too good to be true. 
Something, however, stopped him from taking another step. He knew it wasn’t the shock of seeing you. It might have been his pride, or that eternal struggle within him, or the fear of being too vulnerable in front of you. It didn’t matter. All of these obstacles became insignificant when he realized something. You were hurt, there were bruises all over your face. Just then, your knees buckled and you fell to the floor.
“Y/N!” Without even thinking, Zuko ran to you and took you by the shoulders. “Are you okay?”
Despite your weak state, you managed a faint smile as you looked into his amber eyes. He frowned in concern, but you didn’t mind him.
“I found you” You muttered, feebly leaning against him.
“You’re injured” Frozen in place, he didn’t allow his arms to wrap around you quite yet, even as your forehead rested against his shoulder. “What happened?”
“I got in trouble, big one” You paused for a moment, exhausted. “I should have been more careful, but I couldn’t focus and-”
“This was all my fault” He interrupted you, urgently taking you in his arms now. “None of this would have happened if-”
“If I had been more patient” Breaking away just enough to look into his eyes, you were quick to cut his guilt. Your hand cupped his face, your thumb gently caressing his scar. “I haven’t given up on you, I never did... not really. I was just angry and frustrated and...”
“Forgive me” One of his hands moved to brush a knuckle against a nasty looking bruise in your cheek. “I know you only had my best interests at heart”
There was a pause in which he desperately squeezed you against him, trying to confirm that you were there with him again. That you were alive and well. You broke the silence, uncomfortable with the thoughts that undoubtedly plagued his mind. 
“Did your uncle nag you about this?” 
“He did”
“I owe him a hug then”
“I’m sorry, Y/N...” Zuko couldn’t bring himself to just accept your attempts and pretend like nothing had happened. The guilt still clutched on to his chest. “I let my anger separate us, but these days apart have really made me realize...”
“Enough of that...” You didn’t want him to dwell on it, so you tried to give him a smile again. “I’m tired”
“You’re so rude” You locked eyes with him, chuckling a little. “You didn’t even say hello, Lee”
“I told you my real name a long time ago...”
“Shut up and say it”
A glint in your eyes finally made him understand. You had forgiven him, you did soon after being separated. He had shown regret, he had shown that he cared, that he was at least willing to listen now. And if not, Iroh would help in nudging him in the right direction. Zuko relaxed, also loosening his subconscious tight grip on you, and nodded his head.
“Hello, Y/N” Not letting go of you, he helped you to your feet. “Welcome back” 
You sighed in relief and leaned your weight on him. Those days had been long and scary, but you were back. You were safe, with people who cared about you. With people who would protect you and nurse you back to health.
Zuko didn’t think twice to wrap an arm around your waist to support you. You needed him, and he wouldn’t let you down this time. 
“I hope Iroh has some tea ready” You groggily said as you two slowly walked back to him. “I could use some right now”
“I’m sure he does” Lee smiled. “He’ll be happy to see you”
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn​ / @lotsoffandomimagines​ / @lotsoffandomstoimagine​ / @undercanonthots​ / @niphredil-14​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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grazieschillivera · 4 years
You sort the boys into their hogwarts houses which leads to you arguing about your latest problems with one another...
Author note: maybe a bit self- involved
Word count: ca. 2000 words
,,No.You can't be serious even that one?Thats the silliest theory from all.'' you said when you entered with the boys your hideout.On your way back from a mission you and Hughie realised that the both of you had a lot in common especially considering geeky subjects.
You both were the only ones , who could have a happy conversation after this day.Butcher was furious due to some complications and Frenchie was dissapointed at him for not taking his advices.Hughie was a bit unsure owing to their fight, while you tried to stay positive, unlike Kimiko and M&M, who were just tired.
Later that afternoon, when everyone of the group sat together and ate you came back to your topic, due to the boring stuff on the TV and the remaining bitter mood.
,,What about Harry Potter?'' you asked Hughie breaking the silence.
,,Nah not the biggest fan.'', said Hughie still occupied with his food, that you looked at sometimes.
,,Not the biggest fan?Thats one of the most iconic book series since the last years.The spells, the love stories, all the background information, the castle, the house sorting!You don't know your house  yet!Thats almost like not knowing your purpose in life.'' you said.
,,Jesus, Y/N calm down.'' said Billy, when you didn't take a breath while enumerating your reasons.
,,I have to defend Y/N.The books are actually good.Whats your favourite one mon amie?'' Frenchie asked you, earning a lowkey challenging look from Billy.
,,Uhm to be honest.I only had read the first one and than only some parts from the rest of the books.'' you said embarassed, earing laughter from all sides.
,,But see thats also a point, that speaks for the books.The house sorting is truly effective.I bet Frenchie is a Ravenclaw he just read the whole series, while I know you can only read a certain amount of book and due to that have to chose wisely.''
,,Or you just start to read.'' said Frenchie with a grin leaning back in the couch.
,,See again, thats typical of a Ravenclaw'' you said pointing at him, already convinced.
,,What kind of fucking bird?'' asked Billy now giving up on enjoying his food in peace.
,,Its a made up name for one of the four houses.The sorting head, brings not only into account what your main trait are, also what you want to be.'' you said.
,,And Frenchies main trait is stubborness?'' asked Billy.
,,Come on Butcher, that one time after always listening to what you thought was right.'' Frenchie said still frustrated about the mission.
,,No Frenchie's main traits are wisdom and creativity according to his house.'' you said to prevent the situation from escalating.Fully of pride Frenchie smiled, like he wanted to thank you for those words.
,,Is that so?Can you also tell what I'm good in love?'' Billy asked you, with is typical grin.After some seconds with you being lost in his gaze you focused again and turned away.,,Besides everything I planed worked out just fine.'' he added to Frenchie.
,,Thats because Hughie and Y/N always prevent you from getting killed, while I'm doing the rest.'' Frenchie said.
,,Alright you know what? We won't argue tonight, I can't always hear the same stuff again and again.We will end this tonight.With the power of magic.'' you said with your brilliant idea in your mind, that just came in.
With still hot cheeks you sat down next to Frenchie on the couch and started to discuss who belonged in which hogwarts house.You kept your discussion as quiet as possible , while the others gave you and among themselves strange glances.Only after some minutes and no disagreement you came to your results, that Frenchie revealed whenever you held your hand above the head of each person, everyone besides M&M who went to sleep immediatly after you all got back.
Billy belonged to Slytherin, Hughie to Hufflepuff and Kimiko to Gryffindor.
,,And what do I get when I know that I'm a stupid snake?'' Butcher asked when Frenchie was done with giving quick information about the house colours, traits and animals, immediatly irritated with the Syltherin.
,,A Gryffindor does what is brave, a Ravenclaw what is wise, a Hufflepuff what is good and a Slytherin what is necessary.In other words you're very ambitious and cunning.'' you said, earning an approving eye roll from Billy as response.
,,At least someone.''
,,Wait aren't Hufflepuffs just those extras?'' asked Hughie earning a dissapointed gasp from you.
,,No we're not!We are the most adaptable ones!Just because no one expects much of from us doesn't mean we can't compete with the rest.'' you said.,,Quite the opposite.''
,,Oh Poufsouffle of course!'' said Frenchie to you and you made an exxagarated bow.
,,But Hughie has a point there.Hufflepuff might be the kindest ones but tend to be a bit useless.''
,,What about Cedric Diggory?He could beat Harry Potter, before Voldemort could achieve that, almost won the Triwizard tournament due to his pure talent.While a Gryffindor and a Slytherin try to kill each other, there is a Hufflepuff with almost the same power to get involved... before he gets killed.There is really no point in making us look misserable.'' you said with sad addition.
,,Hush!'' said Frenchie and held his hands on Kimikos ears.,,No spoilers.We will read the books mon coeur'' Frenchie said, the last part to Kimiko, who clearly had struggles to follow that conversation.,,Besides that only happened in a Quidditch Battle – you would know that better, if you had read the books.Thats speaks again for a Hufflepuff.''
,,But we are very good finders.'' you said to help Hughie accept his house with a bit more pride and ignored Frenchies pridness.
,,Finders huh?Then please tell me why the fuck you couldn't seem to find the compound V today, when the rest of us was a bit occupied with other stuff.'' Billy said.
,,Easy there Butcher.Y/N was clearly busy with saving your ass, once you had decided to change the plan.'' said Frenchie.
,,But again that wouldn't had to happen when you could cooperate with one another.Hugie and I can't always have an eye on you just in case you decide to mess up again.Oh and also, Hughie, we don't need to kill someone to make our stand.Thats something I find very good.'' you said to Billy.
,,Wait love.If you wanna say something to your defense about today then tell it to me in my face not via some fucking witch stuff.'' said Billy, who could find the reference in your words, that only got admired with an eyeroll.
,,I don't know, is there something I need to defened myself against?Again?'' you asked arms crossed but still with patience in your behavior.
,,Stands your Hufflepuff also for passive aggressiveness or for no ambiton?That would explain why you can't fucking arm.And I say it again Frenchie can't take advices'' said Butcher.
,,Same goes for you Butcher.You're way too stubborn to take my advices.If you had listened to me we could have the compound V.'' said Frenchie earning your agreement.
,,Stubborn?I just do what is necessary.'' said Butcher giving your a creepy smile, when he made his reference.
,,No one said that the necessary is always the best'' you defended yourself and formed a sorry with your lips.
,,Good!Because Frenchie does a poor job of doing what is wise, when he always runs after Kimiko, whenever she does the fuck she wants.'' said Billy that lead to Frenchie defending her.
,,It's also good that I don't always follow you, because even your plans aren't always the best Butcher.'' you said between their fighting.
,,Oh you even called me 'Butcher' you must be really mad at me now.'' said Billy with an angled head and mocking grin, making you already quiet again.You hated it to become angry.
,,I can't take this Bullshit.'' said Hughie standing up and leaving the hideout.
,,No Hughie come back we need to do this.'' you said but with no success.
,,Thats so odd, you being so commanding and present.You know what Y/N if the fridge wouldn't be empty every three days, I wouldn't even notice you in our group now and then.'' said Billy.
You gasped at his harsh words.
,,Don't you dare say that.Recently I dont eat at all.And thats all because of you and all the pressure you give us, I'm sometimes so angry at myself for not doing better, that I simply will stop eating.'' you said without acutually wanting to admit it.
,,So you lied to me!All the times I asked you whether you have already eaten , you lied to me!No wonder you're so tired and unfocused.'' said Billy angrily at you.
,,Alright let us calm down.'' said Frenchie.
,,No Frenchie.Y/N needs to do that.She always stays quiet.God knows what she all wanted to say.Let it all out love.'' said Billy to you looking at you with encouragment.
,,I mean it boys, we have to make a compromise about how we wanna approach our plan, always fighting fire with fire can't work out!Frenchie is sometimes way to proud to follow Billy ,when necessary and Billy does a terrible job at listening to the rest of us.And I suck at preventing those situations when they begin when I deicide to not become loud with you.And Kimiko could at least try to cooperate a bit more with us – but she is at least making good progress.'' you said and wanted to strenghten your point with another Harry Potter example but Billy stoped you right there.
,,Y/N is right we're just ignoring this situation.'' said Frenchie.,,Maybe we could have just stayed out of it.''
,,Well we might have started this situation, we can't go back now.'' said Butcher, offering you his asian food.First you hesitated but he insisted on you eating something.
,,Good.If you do that again I might buy you some of the candy you like.'' said he with the slightliest mocking tone but still seemed relieved.
,,Shut up Billy.'' you said ,even though the idea made you smile.
Nevertheless the emotional outburst and the words off you seemed to have an effect on the group.After some moments of silence Kimiko started to apologize for her running out of line, followed by Frenchie apolizing for his pride at the wrong times, after he had translated for her.Thats when you promised to not suppress your thoughts anymore and kick their asses when they would start to mess up again theirs missions.Everyone looked at Billy with a waiting glance until he said he would start from now on to listen more to your thoughts and plans.
The mood lifted immediatly after all of you had talked about your struggles and promises.After that you walked outside to bring Hughie back inside, telling him what had happened.Billy had followed you and looked after Hughie until he disappeard again, while stoping you from following him.
,,You're cute when you get angry.Maybe I should have done that a bit earlier our plan seemed to work out quite good.'' said Billy satisfied.
,,Our?It was me who started with the house sorting to- you little piece of-'' you said but always stoping yourself too occupied with processing the information.,,shit'' you said remembering your promise.
,,Ah carefull love, seems that Slytherin and Hufflepuff are quite good at working together.'' said Billy leaning against the door, still not letting you go inside.
,,You manipulated me.I thought I managed to reconcile ourselves among one another.'' you said now being disapointed.
,,But you did.Who else would be better in that than you?I just gave the necessary push to do it.'' said Billy with a grin on his face, you couldn't help yourself but giggle.
,,Did you also lie to me about not knowing Harry Potter?'' you asked.
,,Pff.What comes next the scarf of sexual preferences?'' asked Billy pushing himself from the door, leaving you a bit speechless.
,,You're still hungry?'' asked Billy giving a nod at his car's direction.With an eyeroll you closed the gap between the two of you and kissed him.
,,Was that for the question or for our secret team work?'' asked Billy keeping you in his arms.Clearly confused about your effection but also not disintrested.
,,Both.'' you said with a smile and looked up to his face, now knowing exactly why you liked him.
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cxptain-rex · 4 years
Conflict {Commander Wolffe}
pairings: wolffe x reader
prompt: 25. “You’re the only one I wanna wake up next to.” 27. “Drop the attitude.” 29. “I’m worried about you.”
warnings: kinda angst
this was requested by @painkiller80 hope you like it hun! Enjoy XX
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The mission failed.
You have been leading the 104th on the siege of Anaxes, Master Plo putting you in charge of his boys. Yet this particular mission set you on edge as you engaged Separatist forces blindly.
The loss had been devastating and the number of dead clones became too much for you to handle. Anger and fear travel through your veins like a fire licking up a tree. Destroying everything on its path. You only saw red when the droids kept gaining the upper hand.
A growl erupted from you as you advanced forward, walking and then sprinting. Slashing your way swiftly, block, deflect, slash and bury the blade of your saber on a droid. Repeat. The droids keeped advancing, this time surrounding you. The clones long forgotten.
“Fear is the path to the dark side.
Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering."
You listened to Yoda’s last advice and ignored it. Fear has taken you prisoner. Fear for losing your men. Fear for dissapointing your master. Fear for yourself. With a snarl you closed your hand making the droids crush into themselves.
The firing of the blasters has died. Regaining a bit of conscious you looked around. The battlefield beloes with smoke and fire. The 104th look at their Commander in disbelief perhaps in fear.
Meeting Wolffe’s worrying gaze, you roll your eyes as you unconsciousness envelops your senses. The last thing that you see is Wolffe running towards you as you collapsed amongst the remaining of the battlefield.
It’s been days since that happened. The 104th and yourself have been stationed on the newly remade Triumphant.
You spend your days meditating or trying to avoid the Wolf Pack. Said clones have become worried for you. They never saw you lash out on droids, not in the way that you did back on Anaxes. Wolffe stands amongst those who are worried for you. He couldn’t explain how his heart dropped when he saw you collapse. Or the way your fiery gaze drank him in, he shudders at the thought.
Wolffe took the freedom of telling Master Plo of your sudden actions. The Kel Dor knew that something had gone wrong when the gunship landed on the hangar of his cruiser. He saw Wolffe walk out with your limp form. He thought the worse and immediately felt guilty.
After that, you were sent by the medic who attended you to recover back to your quarters and that you did.
Days passed and you recoiled around your quarters. The fear of hurting someone being eminent to your thoughts.
A knock startled you. You thought wether to ignore it or take it. You elected to do neither and just watch the door.
“Commander” Wolffe
He stood outside of your door, it became something normal on these days. Wolffe would come, knock on your door, call you only to receive silence. Today it is no different as you don’t open the door. The trooper sighs looking down the ship’s floor.
Leaning forward he lays a hand on the door, “I know you’re in there Y/N. Let me in” he mumbles loud enough for you to hear. Nothing, you do not answer the door.
Wolffe takes a deep breath, he thought this through and now he doesn’t feel very sure about it. Until he parts his lips and words come barreling through.
"If you personify love even in times of trouble, of hardship or war, then you are truly one of the mighty. I see how no matter the stresses laid upon you, that you show more grace than many do in times of plenty. It is in those moments of pain and fear I see right to your soul and know that my faith in you, my love for you, is eternal.” Wolffe says looking around until he continues. “You are brave, kind, always giving of yourself. I want you to know that I will be the same for you; I will be your mirror, bring you what you give others, true love, the lasting kind.” He says closing his eyes, he doesn’t regret telling you how feels. He just wishes for you to react upon them.
“Cyar’ika, you’re the only one I wanna wake up to. I’m fighting this war to be by your side once it’s over” Wolffe mumbles one last time and he is sure that you just listened to him pour out what he feels.
The trooper walks away dejected, for he just spoke about his feelings. He broke hundreds of regulations just for you and yet you didn’t opened up.
Alarms scream all around the Triumphant. You run towards the bridge, R6 (your Astromech) follows you beeping erratically. You elect to ignore the droid as the doors open upon detecting you. Around the holotable stand Commander Wolffe and General Plo. They raise their gaze to meet yours as you stop infront of the table.
The blue light doesn’t make justice to cover the shadows underneath your eyes, the glow which always shimmers in you appears to be dying and you seem out of place but determined. “Master, what is going on?” Even your voice sounds different, not sweet anymore now it’s angry and raw.
The Kel Dor notices every detail that embrace you now and he fears. He fears for you and that perhaps you’ve lost yourself to the ties of the dark side. But hope, the small thing that makes wonders also clings to his heart. He knows you’re stronger than any of this.
“We’re being under attack, I need you and Commander Wolffe to guard the prisoner. Grievious is here for him” commands your Master. You nod turning away from the table to walk out of the bridge. Wolffe stumbles as he follows your retreating form.
You sprint towards the brig, the prisoner still there. “At ease, men” you say as the troopers guarding the brig salute you. The prisoner, a mere bounty hunter with a lot of information regarding the separatist forces. He was caught the same day you’ve had your outburst.
Wolffe catches up to you, easing his men to leave you and him. The Astromech following some seconds later, erratic beeps emerging from him directed towards you. As you turn around from looking at the prisoner you meet Wolffe’s gaze.
You remember what he said. Everything comes to you as a slap on the face. The man infront of you is in love with you and you’ve been nothing but downright rude. Now having you cornered down in the brigs only made things awkward. Wolffe clears his throat debating wether to speak or not.
You’re going to hurt him that voice again hisses around your mind, conflicting you. A snarl emerges as you shook your head. Push him away the voice whispers causing you to flinch as you feel something proding your mind. You walk towards the entrance of brig. The voice invading your thoughts growing louder.
“Commander Y/L/N”
“What is it?” You snap unconsciously.
Wolffe’s nose flares as you snap at him. The attitude oozes on your tone. He stands straight crossing his arms. “Drop the attitude” he snaps regaining your attention now. You watch as he stares at the floor in debate. “What I said, you can forget it” he says and your heart shatters.
You didn’t expected for this to happen, perhaps it’s easier this way. Wolffe is a caring man, your master’s voice reasons in your mind hitting you to the core.
Just like that, your facade drops and you sob. You cry for him. In seconds, Wolffe has his arms circling you. He pet yours hair softly, soothing your crying. “I’m worried about you” he mumbles as he kisses your hairline. You sniff laying your head on the crook of his neck. “I’m sorry for everything” you whimper nuzzling into the Commander’s warmth.
“Love, we aren’t perfect, but I'd follow you into hell if that's what it took to keep you safe. I am your protector as you are mine, one to shield the other.” Wolffe reassures cradling your face to clean your tears. Your eyes are filled with tears once again, your heart oozes with pain but it’s almost soothing. You feel as the pain leaves. “Thank you so much” you mumble ignoring the sound of blasters going off as the attack on the ship prevails. “I understand what you go through and I will stay with you” Wolffe reassures holding you.
A new warmth fills you as Wolffe tames the darkness which once surrounded you. Peace, something you haven’t felt in weeks engulfes you.
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum” Wolffe says as his lips meet your forehead. “I love you too, Wolffe” you answer closing your eyes as the darkness in you vanishes from your core. Wolffe is your balance as you feel the waves of darkness coward as you take a deep refreshing breath. You’re able to breath again, with your balance holding you high.
Author’s Note: Hi everyone, I’m sorry I haven’t been very active. My inbox is full with requests and I’ve been very busy with online school. I’ll do my best to keep working on this, don’t worry I won’t leave you guys without some content! As always I hope you enjoyed this piece. Reblog and like for more future content! You guys rock xx
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Hi may I request a Kai x reader where her family is the mafia in America and they have an arranged marriage and when Kai is in a fight she pushes him to protect him and fights for him telling him that she has to protect her husband at all cost no matter the consequences
*screams like a fangirl*
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"Remind me again why you thought was a good idea to insult them, love?" You said behind to your husband in your front, crounched down and creating spikes with his quirk, coming towards his target while Chrono took care of the others along with Rikiya and Rappa.
"They're sick, they should know at least the true about their insignificant lifes." He growled in irritation at seing the guy dodged his attack.
"Still. I lost count of how many times your honesty put us on trouble." You snickered before shooting another subordinate coming at you guys direction.
"Do I have to remind you about your own stupidity on times like these?" He growled again sending a one side glare at you.
You merely shrugged with a smile before widening your eyes in terror that in one second that he was distracted, by you nonetheless, a man; stature similiar with Rappa; had conjured a knife and was inches close to your husband.
"KAI WATCH OUT!" you shouted, grabbing without second thoughts Chisaki's forearm and pushing him out of the way, so you vould take the damage instead.
The man ended up pircing the knife in your shoulder and lushing all the way up, you screamed in pain before falling to the ground with a curse as you holded your wound.
"(Y/N)!" You heard your husband shout before you turned your face away from the splash of blood... Chisaki just had ised his quirk on your attacker.
"I'm okay..." you muttered between teeth as you felt golden eyes glaring at you but still one gloved and other bare hand holded your shoulders while helping you up.
"Definitely. A major bleeding is nothing to worry about, right dearest?" He said sarcastically, words spilling like the venom of a snake fangs...
He was infuriated and you knew it... but he at least was safe... without a injury.
"That was a close one Overhaul. But all the targets are erradicated." Chrono commented while patting his clothing with one hand as the other put his gun back to place.
Chisaki didn't even seemed to care about Kurono's information as he still glared at both of your wound and your eyes, which by the way were pierced on the ground... never looking up at his face.
You winced when his bare hand came in contact with your shoulder, his quirk already being applied.
"Filfh..." he growled quietly before you let out a breath of relief when he ended, walking away from you and grabbing a handkerchief from his pocket to clean his hand.
You gulped the air in your throat as both Chrono and Mimic looked at you, silently wondering what happened before Chisaki's commanding voice told you all that it was done, so you could go back home.
"You fuck up?" Mimic asked and you only breathed out a heavy sigh.
"By her reaction... yes." Chrono comented, internally feeling pity towards you.
Chisaki haven't even spared a glance at you all the way back to the yakusa. Not a word... absolutely nothing.
When Kai was still talking was a signal that things weren't that bad but when he went in complete silent is a allert that he is truly holding himself back to not just overhaul the intere fucking base in rage.
The moment you stepped in the house your husband said, coldly, for you to follow him. Only with a signal of hand, and not even looking at your direction.
You followed him and entered you guys bedroom first as he oppened the door for you.
"You are simply the most out of brain creature that I ever laid my eyes on." You flinched at his monotonous but enraged tome of voice as you hesitantly looked up at his eyes...
Wrong move. His golden eyes shined with a mixfure of emotions... Rage, dissapointment, disbelief... worry.
"Have any idea what could have happened if I didn't have this stupid quirk? You've could get infected, die by the bleeding. Anything. And you still had to do that."
"Well I'm sorry if I spare you from the pain, Kai." You spitted back and he twitched one of his eyes.
"Just like I did with you stupid I would do this to myself. I lost count of how many times this happened."
"But I don't want to see my husband in pain! It doesn't matter if you can fix it later Kai! It still hurst when you use the overhaul and you know it!"
"Stop yelling." He growled, eyes darkening as he glared you down "We aren't raising our tones of voice because of a mistake of yours."
You laughed bitterly before bringing a hand to push your hair away from your face to glare at him back.
"So protecting the one I love is a mistake then?"
"I can protect my own self."
"Really? Because you were clearly going have a fucking stab on your back if I didn't had pushed you way mister 'perfect'!"
"I said to stop yelling." He growled darkly.
"No I won't! All my damn life I learned that the life of my husband is valuable so I won't let your stupid dumbass get hurt Chisaki!"
He pinned you to the wall one hand holding both of your wrists together as his jaw clenched in rage, his other hand trembling in his side.
"What makes you even think that you can answer me like that?"
"Maybe because your dumb skull will only finally understand if I scream in your ear that your life is valuable!"
You flinched while your eyes went open wide at hos outburst... Chisaki was never a man to yell, so this showed you how truly angry and worried he was at the situation.
He took a shaky breath before he released your wrists, golden eyes staring at both of you guys feet...
You rubbed the skin that was pressured as you took a hesitant look at your husband, whose was still looking down yet caging you between him and the wall with his arms on either of your sides.
"Kai I-"
"I can't." He interrupted with a mutter before he touched foreheads together, eyes closed and surprisingly his arms wemt to wrap themselfs around you in the same instant.
"I can't lose the only light of my dark life, angel... I can't lose you." You squeaked quietly as his embrace only tightened.
"You always protect me, why can't I do the same thing?" You whispered, holding him back as he burried his face on the top of your head with a sigh.
"Because your view of protecting me is even giving your own life away... this is... stupid and ridiculous." Even with his mask, you shivered as you felt his covered lips move woth each word as his warm breath spreaded in your head, giving you pleasant chills.
"Angel. I know you have the purest of the intentions." He interrupted you again "But if I lost you by any chance... I would be or totally miserable or worse than the Devil itself."
You blinked, wiping away one tear of yours with one hand, shortly after burring your face in the crook of his neck.
"And I won't use my quirk on you evertime you get injured... I would rather much prefer that you stay safe." He separated to look down at you, eyes sorrow as one of his hands tilted your chin up to look at him back "And unharmed."
You sighed before prefering to change your gaze to his white tie.
"But you also don't give much care when you get injured... or worse."
He sighed in annoyance before flipping your forehead, grinning at that cute yelp of yours.
"For your information. My life is not only dedicated to the yakusa anymore, is also for the only person that can make me feel... like this."
You snickered at his comment before he took you by surprise, lowering his mask down while his other hand grabbed on your chin, yo give you a direct kiss, moments after using his control on your face to part your lips and connect his tongue with yours.
When he separated you almost fell to the ground, such intensity he put on those that always made your knees weak and mind go to the clouds.
"A shower will be needed." He said while making his way to the bathroom and opening the door for you to pass first "We're sweaty and that's disgusting."
That's the man you fell for...
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tinygaysheep-blog · 7 years
OKAY OKAY SO LISTEN  There’s a lot of discorse about the new season and that’s understandable BUT I want you guys to look at something with me for a second. 
 I wanna talk about Keith and Lance. We all know Keith’s going through a lot, the blade of marmora is convincing him his own life matters less than the mission, that if he died it would just be for the greater good of the cause. So he’s pulling away, trying to make it so that Voltron doesn’t need him so that he could be... disposable. 
So Keith talks to Shiro and tries to get him to go back to being the black paladin. And *cough cough* fake *cough* Shiro tells him to buckle the heck up and stop whining and just be the black paladin. He doesn’t see, in that moment just what Keith is trying to do. So he gets mad. 
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This is a face of pure dissapointment in Shiro. And Keith sees it. He really sees it, and feels it too. But he doesnt know what to do about it.
He’s the lone wolf, right? He doesn’t know how to function in a team properly. In the B.O.M he’s much more independant. Yes, he gets orders and people he goes on with missions but if you really watch most of those missions involve very little teamwork. 
So Keith is pulling away, but at the same time he’s getting the rejection from everyone in the team that’s pushing him away. When he shows up late in the begining of episode one Hunk, Pidge and Lance are super pissed at him, right? 
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No, go back and look at Lance. He’s not angry. He’s worried. 
Yeah, he says “Are you even taking this seriously?” But think about it. Keith is someone who throws himself into missions. He takes everything he does seriously and he puts a 100% of himself into what he does. He doesn’t half ass things, and it pays off. He gets results. 
Lance is used to seeing Keith do well. At the Garrison he was top of the class, when he was still with Voltron he usually spent his free time training. And now, all of a sudden he’s late to missions, falling behind while he’s the leader. 
Not only that but remember this scene? 
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 Again,everyone looks super pissed right? No look at Lance. 
And remember the dialogue?  Allura:You keep saying you’re sorry but your actions say otherwise. Do you realise that your actions put the entire team in jeoprady?  Lance: And not Just the team but the refugees too. 
and again, look at his face as he says it. 
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He’s not angry. He’s confused there. Think about it. What did Keith tell Pidge when she tried to leave? That other people’s lives were at stake if she left. Keith cares about the people he’s out there protecting. Lance understands that this is not how Keith normally is. 
We know that they got closer in season 3 with Lance opening up to Keith and all and you might even call them friends. Sure he’s not as close as (the real) Shiro is to Keith, but he’s close enough to see Keith isn’t himself. 
But what if... what if Keith did open up. 
I get that this might be somewhat of a reach BUT if you watch Keith’s vlog, it’s very likely he wasn’t alone when he filmed it (he looks like he’s talking to someone off camera. but also tells them to get them out of there. Not only that but the camera turns off and from how emotional he got and the way he was walking its unlikely he turned it off and if you watch Allura’s vlog, she definitely gets closer to turn it off). Now my first thought would be that seeming it’s tech related it would be likely that Pidge would be with him. 
But it doesn’t seem like something that Pidge would be into. Sitting and making vlogs with the paladins. Not her style. 
Okay so maybe Coran? He was the first to upload a vlog, and the camera might be some castle gear? Sounds reasonable enough. But why only be there for Keith’s vlog? Allura was definitely alone during her’s. Also, I dont see them having the kind of bond where Keith would say any of that to Coran. No offense Space unc, we love you. 
OKAY so not Coran or Pidge... so maybe Allura? 
No, the bond isn’t strong enough. As someone who is pretty similar to Keith in defense mechanisms, I don’t see him trusting her to a point where he’s this open with her especially after what happened the last time he opened up about his Galra identity. 
(We all know where I’m going with this, but for argument’s sake; I will keep going. Feel free to skip ahead.) 
Okay so Hunk maybe? He has the tech know-how and stood up for Keith during the whole Galra thing. Even if he did tease him a little... Okay but even then they haven’t really had much bonding since then. I suppose it’s possible if Keith was feeling particularly vulnerable and whatever. But... Would Hunk really bother Keith to make a vlog? and would Keith ask Hunk to help with a vlog? 
It doesn’t really seem in character. Yes, they’re closer but still... not close enough. 
So that leaves Shiro and Lance. First, lets look at why I don’t think it’s Shiro. 
As we know Shiro is someone Keith looks up to. He’s always extremely respectful towards him and it shows in his facial expressions and way of speaking. 
but then look at this; 
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Thats not a face Keith would make at Shiro.
You know who he does make faces like that at? 
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L A N C E 
So lets think about this. Does Lance have the tech know how? Well he’s always stealing Pidge’s shit so I’mma go ahead and say, yeah to that one. Allura seems equally technically inclined as Lance, so seeming she has no trouble with it that makes sense. 
And even if Keith didn’t ask Lance to help him with his vlog, you know what does seem Lance like? Suggesting Keith makes a vlog. 
So lets asume here, for a moment that Lance knows about Keith’s abandonment issues. That would explain why he looks so worried in the screenshot from before, right? He knows Keith is feeling rejected by his team and he knows that Keith’s behaviour has changed since he started working more with the blade. 
But while they got closer in season 3, and Lance has a better understanding of Keith now, I also think Keith was eager to put some distance between them after that outburst. So he starts working with the blade a lot, right? Meaning Lance hardly sees him. 
So they take a few steps back in their friendship.
And then Kolivan calls Keith to a mission that they all know will be dangerous and look at Lance’s face. 
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Yes, you could read it as Lance not wanting his spotlight gone BUT remember that Lance isn’t as shallow as he seems at first glance. He’s not the loverboy he pretends to be and few realise it, but he masks a lot of his emotions. 
Yes, Lance thrives on attention. But do you really think that he would prioritise a show over a mission that could give them a great boost in power? No, this isn’t about the show, this goes deeper. He’s worried. He’s worried about Keith. 
He doesn’t want him to go. He needs him around. But he cant tell him that. Especially not in front of everyone. 
So what does Lance do? 
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He makes a stupid argument, its not much, but it’s all he’s got. “We can’t razzle dazzle the crowd with four lions.”  We need you, I need you. Thats what he’s trying to say. 
And Keith refuses. 
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So Lance has that same expression. He’s looking at Shiro in dissbelief this time because he can’t believe he’s letting him go. 
So what we’ve established thus far is the following; 
-Lance definitely feels closer to Keith than he used to.  -Lance was probably there during Keith’s vlog. -Lance isn’t as straight forward as people think he is.  -There’s probably some distance between them right now.  -Lance has noticed Keith’s change in behaviour. 
So with all that in mind, do you really think Lance doesn’t see that Keith is in a bad place. He knows something is up. He can feel Keith pulling and he’s trying to tell him that they need him around but he doesn’t know how to say it. And then... then Keith tells them he’s leaving. 
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yeah, everyone looks sad, but look at Lance. He looks deep in thought. What do you think he’s thinking? He just realised he lost Keith. And he gets it. Suddenly it all makes sense. Keith more or less reforced the bond between Black and Shiro and he was acting strange, showing up late. This is what’s been up with Keith and Lance finally figure out that this whole time, he was losing Keith. 
But he gives it one last try. 
Who am I going to make fun of? 
It’s so much more than a playfull jab. Think about it. Really think about it. 
“Who am I going to make fun of?”
Who am I gonna talk to? 
Don’t go. 
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mylutteoheart · 7 years
No Quiero Sentirme Un Cobarde
So it’s officially the last day and I had so much fun reading and writing, I hope you guys had fun too. I am sad that it’s over but at the same time Soy Luna will be back in exactly one week so that’s a good thing I guess. Btw I had a hard time picking one scene out of all of them because I feel like they messed up so many scenes for Lutteo. I do hope we get a lot of romantic scenes between these two in the second part to make up for the drama in the first part and I also hope that they have some episodes where they’re an an actual couple because I know how much they like drama, especially between the main couples. I wanted to say thank you again for all the nice things you said about my fics, it means a lot to me and I do hope you keep enjoying my writing because I’m not planning on stopping anytime soon.
So this fic is how I wanted one particular scene to end up in the first part of season 2. It was in episode 33 where they were all just done with school, I think and Matteo was about to tell Luna how he feels but then Fer sent hm a video about Luna and Sebastian pretending that he’s asking her out and Matteo thinks they are together.
prompt: fix it fic day (where you fix one canon scene to your liking)
Matteo walked with Gastòn out of school and followed Luna to make sure he will catch her to be able to talk to her. He was very nervous and he couldn’t quite believe what he was about to do. He knew that the following conversation will be the most honest he has ever had with Luna, thinking about it, made him even more nervous.
They both stopped in their tracks to prepare Matteo for what’s about to come. He watched her walk away, trying to build up his confidence.
“Are you sure about what you are going to do?” Gastòn asked one last time to make sure that Matteo was sure about his choice.
“Yes.” Matteo smiled at the thought. “I don’t have any doubts. I’m going to tell her everything that I feel” he kept looking at her with admiration while he was saying this.
“Okay, then good luck.” Gastòn and Matteo did some kind of bro shake with their hands. “I’ll be there if you need me.” His best friend told him and then he left to sit on one of the benches nearby.
Matteo walked to Luna full of confidence and anxiousness. He was nervous about the way she would react and he not so secretly hoped that she won’t reject him and tell him everything she feels.
“Luna!” He called out to her.
She heard him and turned around because she wasn’t sure who called out her name. But she assumed that it was him and when she turned around and her assumption was confirmed.
He walked to her smiling and happy to finally tell her how he really feels about her, Luna had no idea what was going on so she looked at him with confusion and wonder on her face while he was walking towards her.
Then, suddenly. He heard his phone. He had a message and he stopped to check who it was from. He took a quick glance at her before he looked on his phone. Luna just kept standing there, waiting for what he was going to tell her, she frowned because she didn’t have a clue about what was going on.
Luna frowned even more when she saw Matteo’s face full of confusion and wonder while he was looking at his phone.
He looked at his phone and it was a message from Fer but he didn’t check what the content of the message was because he didn’t want anything to get in his way right before he could tell her what he wanted to tell her.
“Matteo.” Luna called out his name and he looked up from his phone. He forgot the message instantly. He smiled at her because he was so happy to see her but she didn’t return it, that made him a little dissapointed but it didn’t stop him from his mission.
He started walking towards her again. He has to do this now, he can’t postpone it anymore. He needs to tell her now.
He finally stood right before her and he couldn’t stop smiling but she still had that look of wonder on her face.
“What do you want to tell me?” She didn’t even try to hide that she wanted to be anywhere but here.
Matteo started sweating and his heart was beating so fast. He got more nervous by the minute. “I… Don’t really know where to start.” He admitted shyly.
“Why not start at the beginning?” She said sharply.
“Okay.” He needed a minute to think. “I’m sorry, Luna.” He tried to start.
“Sorry for what? For lying to me about having a girlfriend? For pulling away from me for no apparent reason?” She gave him an angry look.
“I’m sorry for everything.” He said with all sincerity.
There was something in his eyes that made her believe him and she knew she wanted to jump in his arms and kiss him but she resisted the urge. She stopped because she remembered all the pain that he put her through.
“You really think you can just apologise to me and think that everything will be alright after that?” She was getting angrier now.
“No, you’re right. An aplogy is not enough. I know that. But just know that everything I did, I did for a reason.” He tried to explain.
“And what could possible be the reason for doing all of this to me?!” She started yelling a little.
“I did all of this because I love you.” He said, trying to stay calm to her outburst.
“What kind of reason is that?” She didn’t believe him.
“I love you and I wanted to protect you and I realize now that I approached the situation in the wrong way.” He pleaded.
“How is lying to me a protection for me?” She didn’t understand a thing.
“I lied to you because I didn’t want to hurt you.” He sighed, he had to tell her the entire truth. There was no way going around it anymore. “My dad is pressuring me to go to Oxford next year. I thought it’d be better if you forgot me because I knew that it would hurt you if I left. You would have fought for me until I got on that plane. I didn’t want us to be together and making all those amazing memories with you to leave you afer that and never speaking to you again. I just couldn’t do that to you, you don’t deserve that.” He looked at the ground because he was a little ashamed of everything he did.
“Matteo, that’s nonsense. We were able to be together during the summer when you were miles away and we were both okay with the situation. We did a long distance relationship before. What makes you think that we couldn’t do this again?” Her voice was softer now.
“During summer, we knew that we would see each other again but who knows if we ever get to see each other again when I leave again.” He explained.
“We would have figured it out. I know that for sure. I know we are so much stronger than this and you know that. Maybe you were afraid, afraid that it wasn’t going to work out and that it would end more painful than when you just broke up right after you came back. You were afraid of getting hurt because you know that what we have is special and unique. You knew that if we ever started dating for real, it would get serious and your feelings would grow even more and you knew that you’d be heartbroken if it didn’t end well between us. I think you were afraid of that pain because it would be too much for you to bare, it would be too much for us to bare.” She looked at the ground as well, she was getting sad of that image. “But you know what, Matteo? I’m not afraid. I know that we’ll get trough everything that would be thrown at us. I know that we’re strong enough to get through it together.”  
Matteo was a little startled by her words but he did manage to get out what he’s been wanting to say all this time: “Luna, I love you so much and I tried everything to forget you but nothing worked. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you. I know what I did was stupid and I acted like a coward and I don’t want to be that anymore. I’m willing to fight for you, no matter what it takes. I really hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and I want us to try again and this time I’m all-in. No matter the circumstance, no matter the obstacle. I will fight for you, for us. I promise you that.” There was a spark of desperation in his eyes and Luna couldn’t resist the sadness mixed with regret and desperation in his eyes. So she leaned in and gave him a huge hug. Matteo was surprised by her move but he was happy about the outcome of their conversation. He pulled away slightly to be able to look into her eyes to find something but all he could see was love and that’s all he needed to lean in and kiss her with all that he’s got. She kissed him back instantly. The kiss turned deeper and with more desperation like they need each other to be able to breathe. Their kiss slowly turned into a make-out session and they stayed like this until they needed air to breathe. He now knows for sure that he made the right move to talk to her and he knew he needed to do a lot to be able to regain her trust again and he was willing to give everything for him and he made sure she knew that as well.
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