chaifootsteps · 3 months
So thanks to all of this with hazbin I've been revisiting my old stories with the sins and mythology and I remember why I like them. I had them since middle school. A group of demons who rule hell. That and Lucifer was actually prideful. Had a version of heaven which wasn't evil but it's more of a complicated relationship between God and Lucifer. Beezlebulb also being a god. Asmodeus becoming more androgynous over time i had them. Satan being Lucifer second in command. Etc I made so much with them. Though I made them all different colors of the rainbow. I remember why I loved them in the first place.
Hell yeah, good on you! Write your thing and know that it's by default better than Viv's stuff.
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luwupercal · 1 year
art request- erda, amar astarte, alpharius and horus playing together as children, and lorgar getting a hug from one of his brothers.
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here's 1/2 of that request! i am still working on the 2nd half because it is a little more complicated twt idk if i will finish it, but i hope you nonetheless enjoy! you didn't say which brother so, i just chose my favourite and made him really annoyed about having to hug lorgar
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Who are Failsafe and Rookie (sorry I don't know)
They're both Batman-Robots, Failsafe is the villain of the ongoing Zdarsky run and Rookie was Jim Gordon's "partner" and exo-suit during Snyder's Superheavy arc. Rookie's A.I. is rudimentary enough to be more of an autopilot if I remember right, but with some work I feel like they could make a fun good guy foil to Failsafe, who's just a Terminator if it was built during someone's manic episode.
I just think they'd be cute as siblings, there's something appealing about it to me
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celestialvexation · 1 year
One cut of the dead and #alive were cool foreign horror movies. Ringu was also good but I felt tired during like the last third because it was late at night. One cut is my favorite though since a more of a comedy of a zombie movie done in one cut and we get to see how that movie is made and why. It's really cool. Does high tension count as foreign film that was good.
:D !!
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robot-roadtrip-rants · 6 months
Fulgrim's toga
Ok I need to share this with y'all.
So during the war council about the war on Laeran, we get this description:
"The primarch wore a long flowing toga of pale cream, and the dark iron hilt of his sword, Fireblade, was visible at his hip, the blade itself sheathed in a scabbard of gleaming purple leather. The flaring wings of an eagle were embroidered in gold thread across his chest and a slender band of lapis lazuli kept his silver hair from his face."
So far so good. For those keeping track, Fulgrim probably looks something like this:
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But as the council is wrapping up, this happens:
"'Then the word is given, Captain Kaesoron,' said Fulgrim, casting off his robes to reveal his magnificently polished battle plate."
There's a lot to unpack here. First of all, the usage of the word "reveal" implies that his armor was completely hidden. A toga very notably leaves half the chest uncovered. So Fulgrim isn't just wearing his armor beneath his toga, he's wearing it beneath his tunic. And remember...power armor is full plate. It covers more than a classical tunic-toga combination. Let's fix that image:
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But even this image isn't enough. As @lolipop1920 points out, this is what Fulgrim's armor looks like:
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I don't have the art skills to edit this properly, so I want you to pause for a moment and try to picture how a toga-tunic combo would look draped on top of all that. You can leave off the cape.
And remember, the text says describes this moment as a REVEAL. Apparently Fulgrim walked into a room with a tunic/toga pulled on over his POWER ARMOR, and nobody noticed.
But it gets better! Fulgrim casts off the whole ensemble to reveal his power armor! Again, this is what a toga looks like!
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So either he unwound his toga and then pulled his tunic over his head...OR he just ripped the whole thing off his body.
Normally at this point I'd say, "Graham McNeill just doesn't know how this garment works." But check out this bit from a little earlier in the book:
"First Captain Julius Kaesoron was a man not used to conflicting emotions, which made his current situation deeply uncomfortable. Dressed in the triumphal purple of his toga picta and the martial red of his lacerna clock, he cut an imposing figure as he marched swiftly to the Heliopolis...A pendant of fiery amber hung around his neck and nestled between the carved pectorals of his golden breastplate."
Someone's been doing their research! I'd argue that most Westerners have some idea of what a toga looks like, it's a pretty iconic garment, but the different varieties of togas? The Latin name for the cloaks/capes that the Romans wore? Hell no.
(Also note that Kaesoron is also somehow wearing a breastplate with his toga. A toga picta is just a purple-colored toga with gold embroidery. It involves just as much complicated drapery as a regular toga--possibly more, since it's a very formal garment. I guess he could wear the breastplate over his tunic and under the toga, but that still seems like a weird combo).
So yeah, McNeill definitely knows what a toga looks like, and he still wrote this scene. And of all people it's Fulgrim who pulls off this fashion atrocity! FULGRIM! The primarch most famous for his style, elegance, and class. The peacock of 30k. That's the guy who just walked into a room with a tunic and toga pulled on over his goddamn power armor. This is at the war council for Laeran! He hasn't even set foot on the snake orgy planet! You can't blame this on Slaanesh!
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isilrina · 2 months
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Happy Art Monday, everyone! Today, I'm inviting you to take a peek into my daily creative sanctuary with a glimpse of my workspace nestled in our cozy living room.
Because of small size of our apartment, this spot plays multiple roles - from our TV-watching haven for binging YouTube and Netflix to our dining area and occasional video game hub.
On Sunday afternoons, it transforms into our 40K miniature painting retreat, where my husband and I indulge in our shared hobby. A fun tidbit about this particular artwork: I began sketching it right here in the living room but completed it later at my gaming PC desk in the bedroom! 😄 It's all part of the creative journey, and I can't wait to share more updates as I continue to explore different colors and techniques. For this piece, I experimented with using a set of brushes that mimic the texture of markers, adding an extra layer of depth to the composition. As always, I used Clip Studio Paint to bring this vision to life.
I'll use this post opportunity to thank the people who followed me, liked or shared since my last thank you 💖 So big shout out to:
@valkblue @superninjaarbiter @hathorik @libraryshadow @blabberwok @northernwillow @missmichellets @cityofseraphim @p0et-is-my-persona @who-is-riley @feydstan @justabadartistlmao @chlorhexidini @rasaltav @hornetofhallownest @danistotallyuncool @lolipop1920 @profoundlylouddinosaur @little-leech-boy @unearthlore @lord-of-butter @broken-little-bhaal-babe @lilipadxq @lonelybird4 @bronzeageprolapse @viatorem-maris @themidnighttiger
Once again, if your name is not here it's because I couldn't tag you but if you see my post, it is not intentional and thank you.
See you next week ^^
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cav-core · 4 months
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@lolipop1920 Erda and Mal vs Kiriona exclusively
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chaifootsteps · 13 days
I thought Us was okay. In the middle of the film I choked on my spit and scared everyone in the house. The movie kinda became a blur after that
Still scarier than anything that happened in that movie.
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luwupercal · 1 year
I sometimes forgot the primarch age quickly so I sometimes i end up thinking some of their deeds they were still kids. Like guilliman got to be a military leader at 10. So I usually think of this child in over size armour.
amazing philosophical exercise bc it's so applicable... vulkan was 5 when he took a big hammer and started going after drukhari raiders. Imagine the beautiful mental image of a 6-foot-tall kindergartener killing elves. Rotate this in your minds, like the microwave
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luwupercal · 8 months
I feel like Emps doesn't show his true form to the primarchs is because the moment he reveals himself to be a man of normal height and not a giant some of his kids will pick him up and throw him, definitely Angron would do it.
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luwupercal · 11 months
Don't know if I'll ever read horus hersey books. I have some primarchs books but that's mostly it. Its just lots of books and audio dramas. Some are out of print and expensive now, I dislike digital books. And there's like 50 plus siege of terra books. It's just a lot. That and if I want to understand the characters truly I may have to read all of them. That and money I already spend on miniatures.
I respect that tbh! I haven't read all of the heresy books myself lol, just a few of the interesting ones (and i have good few i started and didn't finish for one reason or another! mostly because of lorgar's presence tbh he generates strong emotions in me)
and there's definitely a ton of books... but I think it gets easier if you consider it one character at a time. Fulgrim for example, goes Fulgrim -> Reflection Crack'd -> Angel Exterminatus -> Vengeful Spirit -> Slaves to Darkness and then you're already at the siege; he appears in other novels, but they're either set before/after the heresy or they're fairly irrelevant. it's easier to follow character threads like that. It's difficult to build them, though. maybe I should make it a project to build Heresy threads/reading guides for specific characters taken from the wiki's sources and post them? that might make delving into the series easier...
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luwupercal · 1 year
their is this kinda funny joke I see of Emps having the the last name curze since that's the surname he gave to konrad.
i mean accurate assessment of his effect on humanity lmfao
i will say i do choose to believe the emperor specifically decided to go by a single word no surname bc he was a huge madonna fan
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luwupercal · 1 year
This is mostly a me thing but valdor now probably being called the king in yellow and it being like a leader to a shadow twin of the inquisition doesn't sound right to me. Mostly because I know a bit about hastur and it doesn't feel right. There's no Eldrich thing to him.
oh i feel this so much bc i got like really into the king in yellow(the short story collection) like right around the time i got really into warhammer back in 2019 and i was so pissed already that they were squandering the "king in yellow" moniker on anybody short of the emperor or the deceiver or smth. i did make some art doodles based on the idea of the emperor + the "i wear no mask" quote bc i think its so cool but theyre so old id have to do new ones sigh
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luwupercal · 1 year
Would the living saints technically be siblings to the primarchs since they were created by emperor (kinda since they are kinda greater demons for the imperium and demons are created by their gods) just wondering
my serious answer is that no, i dont think so! i don't consider daemons as being "related" to their gods - or, well, i dont see daemons as having any blood relations with anybody unless they used to be a mortal or something... i see daemons and their gods moreso as bigger and smaller wrinkles in the same fabric, or perhaps even as individual wrinkles vs the fabric's weave itself, depending on interpretation. i also don't think the living saints establish any sort of familial relationship with the emperor like the primarchs do - to the living saints hes "our Father who art in terra", vs to the primarchs hes "literally Just our dad", so to speak. the living saints are reborn through the emperors power certainly but they were their own people before that and they dont really stop being their own people post-death, as far as im aware (though i'm not an expert on living saints by any means)
the funny answer is that yes but ONLY saint celestine bc i think itd be hilarious if when guilliman and greyfax meet guilliman is extremely distracted by the feeling that he should be shovel talking her right now for no apparent to him reason
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luwupercal · 1 year
Abnett When He Put a reference of Emps possibly being Alexander the great probably thought is was a cool thing but I can't stop thinking of Hephaestion's death and Alexander's grief of it, because if we say Emps is Alexander that shows a lot of his old personality if he did change from Molech or time. It showed that he did care once and showed real emotions. And Oll story can still make sense since Alexander is a conquer and did sometimes call himself god I think. That and Alexander actually died about 8 months later after Hephaestion's, at about 32 it puts lots of thoughts of what the Emperor was during it. Sorry for this rambling but this is just really interesting to me. I'm kinda surprise no one is talking about it. Sorry again
NO THIS IS FASCINATING THIS IS FASCINATING I HADNT HEARD OF THIS. i hadnt ever considered the emperor as alexander the great but now that youve put the idea in my brain i kind of LOVE it. thats a very good historical figure to put the emperor as having Secretly Been tbh
in fact in a brilliant moment of serendipity one of my favourite historical factoids is that apparently (APPARENTLY. do not quote me on this. alleged statements & hearsay only no sources) to transport his body for burial they laid alexander the great to rest in like a tub full of honey bc it slows down rotting since honey doesnt rot at all + lemon demon has a song called Sweet Bod about a different practice involving burying corpses in honey (this time for pseudo medicinal purposes) that ive always strongly associated w the emperors corpse and the cult built around it lololol
also do not ever apologize for sending me asks, zero worries, I love to hear peoples thoughts on warhammer even if i disagree lololol. I like to see different perspectives!! It's enrichment to me. like a zoo animal given a hollowed out pumpkin full of hamburger
a lot of times im like ehhh... about the whole "emperor having had compassion once" thing but i do think him having been Alexander the great is actually really good for this. as far as I know this dude (which isnt very to be frank!) he was a guykissing boyking mass conqueror who was a historical figure when julius caesar was alive who died of twink death which ticks a lot of boxes for my thoughts on what the emperor couldve theoretically been while young (super long time ago, still a conqueror, immature in a way that makes a lot of sense with the ways the emperor remained immature to his sorta-death) with the bonus of making him a menliker 360 which as a fellow menliker series x i approve of very heartily. this might be how it works for me.
AND the whole hephaestion thing u say is SO FUN AND INTERESTING as a characterization thing... forget shipping the emperor with malcador or whatever the one person he considered his soulmate died before oily josh was a twinkle in marys grandmothers eye. which is i think so fucking true and real to him. + the like rage of being nearly allpowerful but you still cant bring back the person you loved most who died young slots really well into the emperor i think it gives him an achillean flair just a little bit of. you know when dads casually drop Lore about their life and its the most deranged shit youve heard in your life and hes just made it such a normal part of his life he never really thought to bring up his Backstory. i feel like this is the vibe by 30k. im imagining the custodes furiously sharing memes in their custodes only discord server about every completely bananas Emperor Lore Drop
the questions im mostly bubbling with rn about all of this are stuff like. at what points the historical record was lied to. like in 40ks version of history was alexander the great adopted or did the emperor do a kill and replace w the original alexander (Erebus/Marneus Calgar style) or was the backstory completely different and if so, what were the historical ramifications...... i obviously dk a lot about alexander the great but I just Think it Works™️. It Works Great
thank u Very much for the ask this is cool as hell to think about o7
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luwupercal · 1 year
In master of mankind when emps uses Pinocchio as a way to explain why his sons see him as father even though he doesn't. It feels like he missed the story so much. Like Gepetto saw Pinocchio as his son and love him.
YEAH AGREED... But also are we surprised the emperor has 0 media literacy LMAO hes literally like. yknow the Torment Nexus tweet
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