hairringtonsteve · 7 years
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(steve harrington x reader)
summary: financial aid sucks. studying to be a nurse can suck sometimes. you know what doesn’t suck, though? a cute guy working at a coffee stall with nice hair and black ray-bans.
headcanon for steve and y/n work at stores across from each other at a mall and they think each other are cute and smile at each other everyday and then they actually meet. (may or may not be based from what is currently my life sans actually meeting and it's probs one sided)
I have a request for a steve x nurse! or nursing student! reader if thats okay? i love your work x
word count: 1, 358
a/n: this is for @lomlbarnes and her 3K followers writing challenge! this is also for my lovely mall anon, who requested a headcanon for this ages ago and i decided to turn it into a fic.
Financial aid was a bitch. There was no conceivable way to get around that. If you wanted to go to college to become a nurse, then that meant dealing with financial aid - which was the literal devil. For months you had poured over the paperwork, trying and trying to figure out just what you were going to do to pay for your schooling. The financial aid office had told you that you would have enough to cover your tuition, dorm fees, and books.
But did you?
Which is why you were stuck grabbing a shift at the local mall. Which wasn’t the worst thing on the planet - you were working at a little book store, which was nice - but it still cut into your precious studying time. The owner was nice enough to let you study when no one was around, but it felt like the second you pulled out the giant fundamentals of microbiology text out, someone would walk in.
You’d tried to read over some notes while people were just browsing, but anyone time you got more than four words in, someone would come over and ask where that new Anne Rice novel was.  
If you had to hear one more word about Lestat and how attractive he was, you were going to lose it.
There was one bright side to the whole affair, though, and that was Ray-Bans.
Ray-Bans was the guy that worked in the little coffee stand in the middle of the mall. Almost every shift of yours, within the first ten minutes of you getting there he would strut in, black Ray-Bands perched on his nose as he flipped the countertop up to get into the stall. He was in perfect view of where the check out area was, which meant for four hours in the evening, four nights a week, you got to watch as he grinned and poured coffee for every customer. Every so often, he’d even glance up and shoot one your way.
Which was nice, it really was. Your heart would flip and you’d grin back. You could feel your cheeks get warm whenever he’d do it, and you were positive he kept doing it just to watch you duck your head and grin.
Sometimes he even winked at you.
And it was nice, it was all nice. But the fact of the matter was that you were three months into the semester and that was it. He hadn’t come over to say anything to you, hadn’t talked to you on his break, nothing. And you couldn’t, because by the time you were done for the night, he was already done with his shift.
That all changed, though, the week of finals.
You’d begged with your boss to get off for a week. You had finals in four out of five classes, and a seven page research essay due in lieu of the fifth course. You hadn’t gotten more than four hours of sleep a night in the last week and a half, and you just needed to study. If you didn’t get at least a B in all of your classes, it meant that there was a chance of being cut from the program.
Sometimes, you really wished that you’d went into a major that didn’t cut people from the program.
It was the second day of finals week. You were sitting at the cash register, plastering on a smile for every customer that came up. Someone asked for Chaucer. Someone asked for that Lestat novel. By the first hour in, there were tears stinging at the corners of your eyes.
Blessedly, the place was empty. You reached into your bag to pull out your bioethics textbook, and instead pulled out the microbiology text instead. You were going to be sick. A whimper left you as you stared down at your bag.
“Fuck,” you breathed out. Your forehead hit the cool top of the counter. A few seconds later, someone was clearing their throat. “Can you give me a second, please?” You said, trying to keep that customer service voice going. The idiot didn’t get the hint, and cleared their throat once more. “Look, I’m really sorry, but I just need-” Your words caught in your throat as you raised your gaze and saw who it was.
Ray-Bans, holding a cup of coffee in each hand and giving you a small smile.
“You looked like you could use a pick-me-up,” he said. “I wasn’t sure what you drank, so we’ve got coffee with a splash of milk-” With that, he raised his right hand. “- And a vanilla latte.” He raised his left hand.
“Uh, vanilla latte, please.” You were blinking at him, trying to wrap your mind around what was actually happening. “You - I - Why?”
Ray-Bans shrugged his shoulders as he held out the coffee to you. “You were looking a little upset, so I figured I’d try and make you feel better.” Your fingers brushed as you took the coffee from him. “Plus, this woman left here and came to grab a coffee from me, and I heard her say something about Lestat and her quivering, so that automatically earned you a free drink.”
“Is that an actual thing that you guys have over there?”
“Uh, yeah, we do. It’s on a sign near the recipes. If Lestat and quiver are used in the same sentence, someone deserving of it gets a drink on the house.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Looks like I lucked out, then.” You took a sip of the latte, grinning at the taste. It wasn’t bad.
“Are you alright, by the way? You did seem a little upset.” He offered you a smile as he took a drink of his own coffee. He leaned up against the counter and your heart gave a little squeeze.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve just got finals this week and I need to study and… It’s been a long week.”
“Oh shit, I’m in finals too. What are you majoring in?”
“I’m going for nursing.” His eyes widened.
“Holy shit, that’s impressive. I’m still undecided. I thought that I was stressed out for finals week, but nursing? That’s a whole other animal.” He had this little smile on his face, one that was making you feel  warm all over. “I’m Steve, by the way. Steve Harrington.”
“I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you, Steve.” He looked like a Steve. Your roommate was going to flip when it came out that you’d finally met Ray-Bans.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Y/N.” His smile was wide and toothy. “You know, I honestly wasn’t sure if I was ever going to make it over here?”
“Yeah. I mean, I wasn’t sure if you were ever going to pick up on my attempts at flirting.”
“You call looking over at me and smiling flirting?”
Steve laughed. It was nice and loud, and he tilted is head back when he did it. “I guess not, then.” He sobered up a little, turning to face you head on. “You think I should up my game, then?”
You tapped your finger on your chin, as though you really had to think about it. “I don’t think it could hurt.”
“In that case, what do you think about grabbing dinner tonight, after we’re done working? I know that you’ve got to study, but there’s this nice place near campus?”
“I have a final at eight tomorrow morning,” you said, your chest twisting. Why oh why did he have to ask then?
“Oh, no worries. We can grab breakfast after? Or lunch? Or dinner after finals?” He paused. His cheeks were as red as the side of a firetruck. “Am I coming off as too eager?”
“Yeah, but it’s alright. It’s kinda cute.”
“You think I’m cute?”
“Yeah, but it’s probably the Ray-Bans.”
Steve smirked. “So about that meal?”
“I wouldn’t mind a celebratory breakfast, if I’m being honest.” He started to nod his head enthusiastically.  You had a feeling that the two of you would be seeing a lot of each other in the future.
“Breakfast it is, then.”
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Summary: Billy finds out that he is having a baby girl.
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Author’s Note: Killing two birds with one stone with this fic! It was requested, but also for Amanda’s 3,000 follower celebration! Yay Amanda! Love you!
Billy leaned against the doorframe as I stood in front of our daughter. She was sitting on the bathroom counter, playing with my necklace as I tugged her hair up into pigtails on top of her head. Though she had my hair color, she had gotten Billy’s ringlet curls.
        “Alright, silly Millie.” I sighed when I was finished, hoisting her off the counter and into my arms.
Today was her first day of soccer, and she couldn’t be more enthusiastic. Billy, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck. Every bump, bruise, and fall she had ever suffered was made worse by his overreaction. She would fall over and be fine until her dad gasped and came flying over to her asking if she was okay.
His panic drove her to cry more often than not. Which is why I was contemplating making him stay home for the duration of soccer practice, knowing he would lose his mind whenever she went down. I passed Millie over to him as I exited the bathroom, he peppered kisses on her cheek, making her squawk.
Billy followed me as I went into her bedroom, pulling out a pair of knee high socks with red bands around the top. I tossed them to him. He struggled to get her feet in them as she kicked fiercely, giggling the whole time.
        “Hey! Save the kicking for practice, will yah?” He exclaimed.
        “Mmm. No!” She cackled.
He rolled his eyes, flipping her upside down so her feet stuck up in the air,
        “Teamwork!” Billy hollered, holding her legs still while I shoved the socks over her feet.
        “That’s cheating!” Mille protested, crossing her arms as she hung upside down, her pigtails dangling.
He flipped her right side up again, throwing her over his shoulder.
Billy Hargrove had somehow straightened himself out since he was in high school. My suspicion was that it was entirely to do with getting away from Neil. Despite being flat broke, when he turned 18, he moved out and into an apartment down the street from my childhood home. We met when he came to my door when I was home from college on spring break. Without his mullet, he was nearly unrecognizable. If it hadn’t been for his signature smirk, I wouldn’t have known who it was.
        “Oh, hey, Y/N.” He greeted, “Jeez, it’s been a couple years, hasn’t it?”
        “Yeah. It has.” I replied, looking him up and down.
He and I never really got along in school. He relied too heavily on his fists to get his point across, though, despite that, he had never shown an ounce of hostility towards me.
        “So, uh, what brings you here?”
        “Oh, yeah. Sorry. I just…” He wavered, “Saw you and you got me all distracted.”
He blushed, drawing his lip between his teeth. I placed my hands on my hips, recognizing his flirtatious ways.
        “I’ve been taking care of your parent’s lawn for a while. I just wanted to come over and see if they needed help with anything.”
        “Oh, yeah. Uh… Come on in, I’ll go find my mom.” I told him, stepping aside so he could come in.
He studied the walls of the house, tucking his thumbs into his pockets as I trotted to the living room where mom sat with a book in her lap.
        “Hey, mama.” I notified, “Billy’s here.”
        “Oh, Billy!” She beamed, drawing herself from her seat.
She brushed past me, meeting him in the entryway and pulling him into a hug.  I was taken aback by the gesture, especially as Billy gladly returned the hug.  
        “How have you been?” She sought, rubbing her hands up and down his biceps.
        “Good! Good!” He smiled down at her.
        “Got a girlfriend yet?” She asked, making his cheeks go red as he shook his head. Mom motioned over her shoulder to me, making my cheeks turn an equally dark shade of pink.
        “She’s still single, and I want grandbabies.” She whispered, nudging him with her elbow.
        “MOTHER!” I exclaimed.
        “WHAT!?” She retorted, “YOU CAN’T WAIT FOREVER.”
        “I’M ONLY 22!” I shouted back.
        “I was 21 when I had you. Gotta use that uterus while it’s still good.”
Billy could hardly contain his amusement as he watched my mother and I stare each other down.
        “Well. I don’t have any work for you to do yet. But, I have something to give you.”
She traveled into the kitchen, getting a pan out of the freezer and handing it over to him,
        “Lasagna.” She told him, “I’m tired of seeing those takeout cars going down the street to your place every night. Eat some real food, will ya? I don’t know how you keep your gut with how you’ve been eating.” She jabbed him in the stomach.
Despite our awkward reunion, Billy somehow managed to overlook my mother’s constant talk about grandbabies long enough to ask me out on a date. To say I was reluctant would be an understatement, but the way my mother talked about him persuaded me. She insisted he was hardworking and kind. Told me an adorable story about how he found a bunny nest in the backyard and ended up taking the little creatures to a wildlife rescue.
But when I finally accepted his request, I saw what she was talking about. His rough edges had softened over the years. He even managed to come up with kind things to say about his stepmother and Max.
After I finished college, he proposed to me. And a couple weeks later we found out I was pregnant. Billy went into freak out mode, insisting that he was going to turn out just like his own father. I had to grab him by the face in the middle of him ranting to make him look at me,
        “You are nothing like that bastard, do you understand me?” I hollered, “And if I had even an ounce of doubt about that, I wouldn’t be with you.”
He subdued for the next couple of months, only having another freak out once we figured out the gender. A baby girl.
        “What- What am I supposed to do with a baby girl!?” He roared, pacing back in forth in the nursery, awkwardly stepping around deconstructed furniture.
        “Babe. Chill. It’ll be okay.” I reassured, lounging on the recliner with a bag of bugle chips, supervising while he was supposed to be putting the crib together.
        “No… No, no, no, no.” He stuttered, “Nope. No. I know how girls are, okay. She’s gonna fall in love with some asshole and get her heart broken.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at his outburst, earning me a scowl.
        “Billy, she’s not even as big as a softball yet, and you’re worried about her future boyfriends.”
I didn’t bother to look up at him, placing the chips over the ends of my fingers as he continued to pace around.
        “I’m gonna run that asshole over in my car. Then I’m gonna end up in jail. I’m going to end up in jail and I can’t go to jail, I’m too pretty to go to jail!”
I rolled my eyes, holding my hands up with the bugels on the end and wiggling my fingers,
        “I’ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too.” I cackled, doing my best wicked witch of the west impression.  
        “Actually, honey, it would be vehicular homicide, unless you do a good job and make it look like an accident.”
        “I’m gonna go to jail.” He repeated.
I let out a sigh, throwing a bugel at him and hitting him on the cheek,
        “The only person going to jail is me when I murder you for being irrationally worried about this.” I threatened, “And then you’ll be gone and I’ll have a baby in prison. And then she’ll have to go live with my mom.”
        “Oh no.”
        “And you know what my mom is gonna do to her?”
        “Dress her up in those freaky doll outfits.” He gasped.
I pulled him down to sit beside me, resting my head on his shoulder and patting his chest reassuringly.
        “What if she doesn’t like me?” He whispered, scarcely audible.
        “What do you mean ‘if she doesn’t like you’?”
        “I mean… I don’t know… I’m just…” He sputtered, “I don’t know. I’m kind of an asshole.”
        “Yeah. I know you are. And I still let you knock me up.” I replied, finally getting a laugh from him, “She’s gonna love you. I know she is.”
He nodded,
        “Got any name ideas?"  
I shook my head,
        “How about…. Joan? Or Bonnie?”
        “WHO SAID THAT’S WHY I PICKED THOSE NAMES?” He defended with a gasp.
        “Is that why you picked those names?”  
        “That’s what I thought.”
        “What about Joni?” He offered, “Combo of Joan and Bonnie.” 
I rolled my eyes, 
        “We’re not naming her after Joni Mitchell either.” 
A few months later, we decided on the name Millicent, after his mom’s mother. And a few months after that, we got to meet Millie for the first time. She instantly took a liking to Billy, for a while him being the only one able to rock her to sleep. Literally. Rock her to sleep. He sang rock songs to her, and the only requirement on the song was that it had to have the word ‘rock’ in it.
        “Here I am, rock you like a hurricane.”
        “I love rock and roll, put another dime in the jukebox baby.”
        “We will, we will rock you.”
        “Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus, Amadeus, oh, oh, oh Amadeus, Come and rock me Amadeus.”
        “I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day. I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day.”
He’d creep out of the room, shutting the door carefully behind him,
        “You know, I really should start recording you when you do that because it’s disgustingly adorable.”
Despite my refusal to name my daughter after Joan Jett, Billy had taught Millie to love her and she now knew the words to most of her songs. They sang it in the car on the way to soccer, her tiny voice standing out against the chorus.
We pulled up to the park, watching other little girls in pigtails clamber out of their cars and run into the field, soccer balls tucked under their arms.
Millie was playing in the youngest league, only being three years old. Billy pulled her out of her car seat and carried her onto the grass. Once we reached the field, she squirmed to be put down. As soon as her cleated feet hit the grass, she took off running to the group of toddlers that was kicking the ball around before practice had even started.
        “She’s too big now.” Billy lamented, coming up behind me and resting his head on my shoulder.
        “Yeah, that’s what happens.” I sighed, watching her make quick friends with a girl who had matching socks with her.
We waved to her as she turned back around, giving us a thumbs up before returning to play. The coach finally rallied all the girls together, which was about as difficult as herding cats. Within a few minutes, she had them kicking the ball up and down the field. Billy had a grin plastered on his face. Until Millie fell, that is. She landed face first in the grass, dirt sticking to her cheeks as she looked up in horror. Billy let out a gasp, attempting to run towards the field. I snagged him by the back of his shirt, preventing him from going any further.
The girl that Millie was playing with earlier ran over to her, helping her to her feet. She brushed the mud off her face before hugging her. Not a single tear was shed on Millie’s part, the first time she’s fallen without Billy there to catch her.
        “See. She’s fine.” I reassured, “She’s a strong girl.”
        “Told you letting her listen to rock music would turn her into a badass.” He smirked.
I gave him a playful smack in the gut,
        “Oh, please. You were closer to crying than she was and you’ve got 23 more years of rock music than her.”
        “I guess she must take after her mama then.”
        “Yeah. Uh-huh. Whatever, you big baby.”
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a/n: YIKES THIS IS MY FIRST FIC. so I took the idea of time and interpreted it as “snippets of life” for this fic (they’re not in any particular order). Hopefully it works, and hopefully you enjoy! (also there may or may not be a hella lot of soft!Billy because I am self-indulgent) Sorry for any OOC Billy!
For @lomlbarnes 3k Writing Challenge
Warnings: Violence, references to domestic abuse, implications of smut
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There were many things that Billy felt the need to hide in order to protect his reputation in Hawkins. Contrary to popular belief, he was incredibly intelligent; prior to his mom’s death, he was set on going for a basketball scholarship, and he needed to work hard to get good grades in order to achieve that.
He’s always had a love for books- the plots, the complexity of the characters, everything. It was a love that was instilled in him also by his mother at a young age. They allowed for an escape from his world, even if only for a while.
He also loved the sound of your voice. It soothed him like gentle sea foam, a warm blanket that provides security. It’s part of why he enjoyed hearing you ramble: not only did you talk a lot, but you did so with such happiness that it spread to him.
The two of you were in bed one Sunday morning with a tape playing in the background. You were sitting up with Billy’s head in your lap, a book in one hand, and a hand in his curls. It was one of those moments of perfect serenity that you wish you could capture forever because right now, he was surrounded by an air of innocence and calm that he rarely ever got to experience.
You felt a slight shuffle in your lap as Billy tiredly mumbled out “Y/N?”
“Hm?” you replied without looking down from your book.
“Can y’read t’me?” he slurred sleepily.
You peered down at your lap only to see him staring up at you with those soft blue eyes and a lazy smile that made your heart melt. This was your Billy, the Billy that you felt was your secret- the one that didn’t have any reason to hide his joy.
You returned the smile and began aloud.
“’I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life…’”
It was about a two months into your relationship when you and Billy first had sex. Contrary to what most people said, he never pressured you into anything that you didn’t want to do. Your parents were gone for the weekend, and the two of you had made out a lot before (things got very heated in his car a few times), but last night was different. It wasn’t some crazed lust-fueled frenzy; it was intense and passionate, but also gentle. You stayed up for about two hours after, talking about anything and everything, and before going to sleep, you had put on Billy’s shirt and curled up next to him.
He woke up a bit earlier than you did, back to his chest and his arms around your waist. The sunlight was peeking through the blinds and hit your skin, and to him, you looked like some ethereal being that he only heard about in movies and fairy tales.
Remembering last night, he began chuckling lightly to himself: you looked so small in his shirt, and he saw a splotch of color on your collar bone. You were going to kill him when you saw the mark. It was a wonder that there weren’t any more, but he knew that it was a hassle for you to cover them up (and he also knew that you would probably kill him and threaten to never do this again, but that’s beside the point).
Typically, you wearing his clothes was something that would drive him crazy (and would potentially result in the two of you making out in the nearest secluded area), but right now, he was overcome with an aura of innocence emanating from you. You looked like the most comfortable person in the world at that moment, and that alone made Billy smile more.
He gently tried to pry your arms off of him so that he could go to the bathroom as to not wake you up. He never saw you stir, so he left. As he came back, he tried to be quiet as he came in, but he bumped into your dresser, causing you to stir.
So much for small miracles.
You grumbled out his name, pouting and making grabby hands at him, and he’d be damned if the sight of you didn’t warm his heart. He climbed back into bed and pulled you in, smiling as you nuzzled his chest.
“Hey you.”
“Mornin’ princess,” he started. “How’d you sleep?”
“Well see, I had quite the disturbance last night, so not very much.”
“Oh is that so?” he asked jokingly as he began to pepper kisses on your face and down your neck. The peals of laughter that you let out made his stomach do front flips, and he knew that that was still the sweetest sound he would ever hear.  He got down to your lips, savoring in their softness before you pulled away. Laughing at his pout, you pecked him again.
“See, as much as I love you and waking up with you, I need my coffee.”
“But babe-“
“No buts, William. Only coffee.�� With that you rolled out of bed with Billy at your feet. You reached behind you without looking back, smiling as he took your hand.
You padded across the kitchen to the coffee machine and Billy followed, wrapping his arms around you from behind as you got it ready. He rested his chin on your shoulder, pressing a chaste kiss where your shoulder meets your neck and smiling.
He never had anyone to be domestic and loving with him since his mother died, but like always, you were just this ray of warmth and sun in his life, bringing him everything he wanted and never knew he needed.
His train of thought was broken as you turned in your place, grabbing his hands and kissing them before resting them under your chin.
He could get used to this.
A few months ago, if you had told Billy Hargrove that he would be worrying about someone at a party and carrying a girl out without the intention of sleeping with her, he would have laughed in your face.
Until you came along, Billy never looked out for anyone but Billy. With you in the picture, he had this sense of protectiveness always lingering in the back of his mind. Are you good? Do you need me to beat someone’s ass up? Do you need anything?
Billy was taking you home from one of Tina’s infamous parties after you had had one too many drinks. Billy was always able to hold his alcohol, but you, you were a completely different story.
He pulled up to your house, your older sister opening the door for him, first with a look of concern, but then with amusement and slight annoyance once Billy told her that you drank too much. As he began walking you to your room, you were roused from your sleep.
“Mmm, where ‘m I?” you slurred, pulling your head out of Billy’s shoulder.
“Hey there, hotshot. Brought you back home ‘cause I was pretty damn sure you were ready to pass out with your head in the punch bowl,” he retorted, setting you down on the bed.
“Ugghhhhhh I’m soo tiiireed, Billy.”
He just sighed in relief that nothing was actually wrong. His attention was then caught by you grabbing his hand, pouting and patting the spot next to you. He smirked and sat with his back against the headboard and your head in his chest, comfortably snuggling into his warmth. No matter if you only saw Billy as a friend, no matter how many times the two of you were in this position- whether it be after a movie night or after one of the nights where Neil gets too rough- moments like this made Billy’s heart race. He wanted to be able to hold you like this every day.
He was broken out of his trance by you poking at his chest, trying to get a reaction out of him. “Billy. Billy. Billiam H-hargrove.”
He gave in to your prodding after a few more pokes, each one progressively slower and weaker. “Yeah, princess?” he asked as he looked down at you.
“Y’know, if you keep calling me princess, that makes you my prince or my knight in shining armor. Wait…” You gasped as if you had suddenly had an epiphany. “You’re too pretty to get hurt! Billy, you’re more like a princess!” Your peals of laughter and joy filled the room. “You’re a princess!”
He was trying to push back the grin that threatened to show on his face. Billy Hargrove was macho and testosterone personified, but goddamn if the sight of you giggly and staring up at him like he hung the moon and stars didn’t make him feel fuzzy.
“Your eyes. Issjuss… they’re so pretty. Like- like I’m swimming in the clearest ocean or something like that.” You paused to hiccup before tearing up. Billy began to internally panic over your sudden mood change because What the hell do I do when a girl is telling me that I’m pretty and starts crying what the fuck?
Your voice is wobbly as you start to reach for his eyes. “Your eyelashes are so fuckin’ long and pretty and perfect and it’s not fair,” you pouted. “Do you know how many girls would kill for that? Do you? Doooo youu, Billy?”
“Sorry, princess, but not all of us are blessed with long lashes,” he chuckled. A moment of courage rushed through him as he unconsciously brushed hair out of your face. “Even then, you’re beautiful enough, sweetheart. Don’t worry about it.”
He didn’t hear a reaction from you, causing him to grow worried about whether or not he said the wrong thing. Did he fuck this up too?
He looked down at you, ready to try to brush it off with a joke or some other Billy-like comment, but he saw that you were sound asleep against his chest. He kissed your forehead before gently trying to slide out from under you.
Looking back at you before turning off the lights, Billy felt himself warm up at the sight of you all cozy and innocent.
“Good night, sweetheart.”
You could barely count the amount of times that you had been asked to be a merciful soul. Multiple times a day, you would have someone come up to you and beg you to forgive Billy; given your stubborn nature, you declined.
At the start of the semester, your Chemistry teacher had assigned everyone partners, and you got paired with a boy named Joey Carter. He was outgoing with everyone, which included you. The two of always managed to have fun, but you worked efficiently. Now in the middle of the semester, he was someone that wasn’t just your lab partner, but also your friend.
One day the week before, the two of you were talking animatedly about some new movie that had just come out, both of you smiling and laughing. As you started to walk to your next class, you tripped on your shoelaces. You let out a yelp, but you never hit the ground because Joey managed to catch you. You both paused and then burst into laughter.
“Can’t help falling for me, can you?” he joked, and you let out another laugh at his antics.
Suddenly, Joey’s paled a considerable amount, causing you to worry. You turned around, only to be met with Billy, but what startled you was the rage in his eyes. You knew that this would not end well, so you tried to maintain the peace.
“Hey Billy,” you greeted.
He ignored you, glaring daggers at Joey. He stalked forward and asked the other boy with a menacing tone, “So, Carter, what are you doing here with my girl?”
“Um, well, we were just talking about the new movie that came out”.
You hoped that it would suffice, but then Billy got up in Joey’s face and his voice exuded rage that was barely being contained.
“See, but that doesn’t explain why you were holding her so close when I got here, Carter.”
“I was just helping her when she tripped, Hargrove.  I don’t see what your problem is here.”
In that moment, you knew Joey wasn’t walking out of this unscathed. In a flurry of motion, Billy pinned Joey to the lockers behind him before you could stop it.
“My problem here is that you thought it was okay to touch what’s mine, and I don’t like sharing.”
“Billy don’t-” you began, but it was no use.
With that, Billy hit Joey across the jaw. Joey was never one to fight back, but he also wasn’t one to sit there and let himself get hit. He tried to push Billy off of him, but Billy grabbed him and shoved him to the floor. Billy walked and reached down to Joey as he tried to scramble back up. His fists found purchase on Joey wherever they could and you looked on, horrified. You quickly came to your senses and tried to get Billy off of him, but as soon as you tried to grab at him, he shoved you back, not realizing that it was you.
People gaped as you lost your footing and hurt your ankle. Your cry of pain seemed to sober Billy up as he began to put the pieces together. He got off of Joey and tried to reach for your hand, but you snatched it away before he could.
“Babe-,” he tried.
“Don’t you fucking ‘babe’ me, Hargrove.”
“Hold on. Let me help”
Someone from the crowd was helping you up, but you were too foggy-minded to realize who, but not enough to spit back at Billy. “I think you’ve done enough.” You turned away from him, not seeing the self-hatred and sadness running over his face.
So that brings you back to now. You were on your way home, having gotten a ride home from a friend. Dread filled your stomach as you saw the blue and black Camaro in your driveway. You figured with a sigh that you might as well just face the beast now, brushing off your friend’s concern.
Your mother came out from the living room to the door.
“Sweetheart, Billy’s upstairs. I don’t know what happened but he looks about as bad as you have these past few days. Talk it through with him sweetie, please.” She pulled you in for a hug, kissing your forehead. “I just don’t want to see you stay this upset anymore.”
You hugged her tighter and then pulled away with a sigh. You made the trek up to your room, met with the sight of Billy fiddling with his rings on your bed, a tic you noticed that only manifested itself whenever he was nervous.
“What the hell are you doing here, Billy?”
“Iwantedtoapologize” he mumbled quickly, but you weren’t going to let him off without making him pay a bit with his ego.
“Look I’m sorry for what happened earlier, especially because you got hurt, but Carter was grabbing you and flirting with you! What was I supposed to do?”
“Well for starters, you could not beat him up like some Neanderthal! Just because a guy is talking to me doesn’t fucking give you the right to beat their face in, Billy! And what the hell was up with that ‘touching what’s mine’ bullshit? I’m not your possession and you sure as hell can’t control who I talk to. I get you being protective but this is different, and these are the things you have to get under control!  You know I love you, but I can’t keep dealing with this, because if you can’t handle it, it’s just going to bottle up and escalate. I’m here for you, but only as long as you make an effort here.”
He looked at you with the eyes of a kicked puppy, making your heart wrench, but you stood your ground. The ultimatum of a breakup clearly sobered him up and shook him. He collected himself before speaking again.
“Can I just explain something really quick? Two minutes, then if you still don’t want me here, you can kick my ass to the curb.” You motioned for him to continue.
“Look, I know that! I do. It’s just-,” he took in a shaky breath before continuing. “Every time I think about you, my brain short-circuits because you drive me crazy in the best way possible, and whenever I’m around you, I feel like I’m happy and that I do deserve this, but every time….” You didn’t interrupt, knowing that it was practically costing him an arm and a leg to talk about his feelings.
“Whenever I see you around some other guy, I just start thinking about how you deserve so much more than me, and that one day, you’re gonna realize that and go. And every. Damn. Time…”
Breathe. Pause. Recollect.
“All I hear is my dad in my head telling me that I’m not worth this and that I’m going to fuck this up.” At this point, tears were building in his eyes and his voice was a watery and raspy whisper. “I’m just so fucking terrified that one day, I’m going to turn out like him. One of these days, it’s gonna build and I’m gonna snap and do something. Hell, I already made you hurt your ankle today. What if I do something worse?  I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I ever did anything to you again.”
You walked closer to him and took one of his hands in both of yours.
“You. Are. Not. Your. Father. Not unless you let yourself turn into him, Billy. I’m not justifying what you did, but I’m just saying that it’s something that you need to deal with in a better way. For starters, you don’t just apologize to me. You apologize to Joey, too.”
“I know, I know. And I will. I’m just-“
“I know, Billy.”
“So are we good? I get if you don’t want me here right now, but I just wanted to-”
You pulled him in for a tight hug. “We’re good for now, Billy”
Driving off to watch the stars was always something that you and Billy did. You would always bring some sort of food (and alcohol, more often than not) and a blanket to lie on. These nights were among your favorites with him because he let down the walls of his mind with you. Every one of his dreams and his insecurities and memories came out to you on these nights, and you would cherish them forever.
Except right now was a moment where it was more insecurity than anything else. It was fear and hopelessness and surrender in such a calm statement. The two of you had started talking about what would happen after graduation, and Billy had hesitated before confessing his worry.
“I don’t know, I talk a big game about leaving after high school, and I do want to, but what’s out there for me anyway? Like I think that everything happens for a reason and I don’t know if this is the universe paying me back for being a shit person.”
You noticed how that devil-may-care tone in his voice wavered, and your heart felt like someone was squeezing it with the hope of popping it. You wanted nothing more than to get rid of that look of pain on his face and replace it with the smile hotter than a California sun.
“You know, there’s this thing I read that sounds really cheesy, but it makes a lot of sense.” He turned his head toward you, prompting you to continue.
“So there’s this law in science that says that energy can’t be created or destroyed. It changes from one form to another. Some person said that since that’s true, we all have so much in us. We’re made of stardust and fire and all this other shit and, I guess what I’m trying to say is that you aren’t a bad person at all. Like I don’t want to sound like some lame motivational speaker, but you are made of those beautiful things, too. ”
He just kept staring at you with an indescribable look in his eye that made you flush. Quickly, you broke eye contact and shook your head, mumbling, “You know never mind, it was kind of dumb.”
Billy grabbed your hand and turned to look at you in the eyes.
Have they always been that blue?
“It wasn’t dumb, princess. It was what I needed to hear.” He pulled you in close, burying his face in your shoulder. His scent filled your nose- one that was all smoke and cologne and just distinctly Billy.
In that moment, holding you close, Billy knew he couldn’t hold back.
It was something he tried shrugging off since the two of you became friends, but he never knew what he was up against. He knew that he felt something for you, but he never used the L word. He couldn’t. All he did was break and break and break, and he couldn’t afford to hurt you. He would give you the world, but to him, even that wouldn’t be enough because you deserved the universe.
But after watching you laughing and screaming the lyrics at the top of your lungs as you drove here, as he watched the warmth in your eyes when you talked to him, as he was holding you and breathing in your smell, Billy knew that you were it. You were his best friend and you gave him an escape from the hell he lived in. You made him want to be a better person.  Yeah, he moved to a shitty Indiana town with his shitty dad, but he’d never go back to change it because the shitty Indiana town gave him you.
With you, time didn’t matter. In fact, time didn’t even exist around you because whenever he was with you, he felt frozen and infinite, and he decided that these snapshots with you meant more to him than anything else.
All of that fueled his brain and prompted Billy to cup your face in his hands and kiss you, and as soon as he did, he mentally punched himself because, holy shit, why hadn’t he done this sooner? That multiplied as he felt you start to kiss back and wrap your arms around his neck.
Billy had always thought that the fireworks thing was bullshit, but now, he felt them and bombs and electricity as he kept kissing you, and he never wanted it to stop. This was a whole new rush that nothing in the world had ever given him and that nothing ever would again. Upon him, you brought the calm of the sea and the ferocity of an ocean swirling at the same time, and if it was dangerous, he would gladly drown.
But breathing exists and life isn’t fair.
You pulled away first, a panting laughter leaving your lips. A grin that matched yours grew on Billy’s face and he rested his forehead on yours.
“That was-” he trailed off.
“Overdue?” you laughed.
He briefly kissed you again, murmuring on your lips “I guess you could say that.”
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ceasertheday · 7 years
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This is my entry for @lomlbarnes 3k writing challenge it is Billy Hargrove and it is prompt 17- Don’t walk away from me. Hope you guys enjoy.
"Hey" You shout at Billy as he walks out of his stupid obnoxious blue '79 Camaro. "Hey beautiful" Billy says flashing his signature smile all pearly white teeth and charm. "Don't call me that creep. We need to talk." At this point you were face to face. "You are a monster you tried to kill Steve and my brother’s friends." "What do you mean princess.” There was a slight pause then a look of realisation crossed Billy’s face. “You mean the geek busters. How are you related to one of those losers? Wait! Your brothers a perv too right. Tommy told me all about his photos of Steve and Nancy." "Don't bring my family into this Hargrove." "Sure, whatever Princess." He turned his back and started walking away. ""Don't walk away from me! I'm talking to you." He didn’t stop. You had enough. “We’re done Billy.”  With that he stopped you finally made Billy Hargrove stop and slow down no one had done that before.                                                        “Don’t say something you’re going to regret when you start thinking straight.” Billy warned.                                                                
“I am thinking straight Billy. I knew that you were trouble I knew that it would end this way” And with that you walked away.
 Two months have passed since you ended it with Billy. What you hate most is he was right you do regret it. Hate seeing him with all those over girls throwing themselves at him and you, you were back to be the Byers freak. No longer princess or beautiful just Byers or freak. You see him every day and every day you want to say sorry, but you can’t not know after everything that’s happened.
 You opened the door and to your surprise it was Billy.
“Oh. It’s you” He said looking at you with disgust “Where’s my sister.”
“Their playing D&D. But I don’t think they’ve finished their campaign.” You say him following you into your house.
“Oh my god you’re such a freak Byers.” He said smirking slightly. “I kinda love it.” He whispers loud enough for you to hear. You don’t know where it came from, but the words seemed to force themselves out of your mouth.  
“I miss you Billy.” He turned and looked at you shocked.
“Are you admitting you were wrong princess.” He said raising his eyebrows at the fact that you the most stubborn person he had ever met was apologising.  Even though he couldn’t bear to say it himself he missed you too. Sneaking through your window when things with his dad got too much someone actually seeing him as something other than a bully or a piece of crap. You made him feel like a person and he, he made you feel whole.
“I miss you too.” He whispered barley loud enough for you to hear. He was embarrassed by the fact. “I need you. I think I love you.” The last words seemed foreign in Billy’s mouth the first time he’d uttered the phrase in years.
“I love you too Billy.”
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joaquinwhorres · 3 years
Stranger Things Masterlist
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All stories are listed in order of release.
♥ - Favorite        ✉ - Requested
Bad Days written for hairringtonsteve Emma’s having a bad day. That is, until Steve comes along.
Genius Bar written for stevesdacre There is nothing good about the Genius bar. Except Steve Harrington.
True You and Steve Harrington run into each other while picking up your respective children from the Snowball.
Definitions (Hargrove!Reader) ✉ Much like your brother, you hate Steve Harrington. Which makes being paired up with him for a group project that much more intolerable.
Idiot (Hopper!Reader) ♥ ✉ Steve Harrington is an idiot. You know this. Your friends know this. Even your dad knows this. But that doesn’t make him any less cute.
Just For Christmas Eve & For Every Christmas Eve (Henderson!Reader) ♥ You lie to your family, assuring them you have a boyfriend and he will be at the annual Christmas Eve party. After a panicked search, you have to rely on your younger brother’s cute friend to help you out.
Growing Heart ✉ Finding Steve Harrington passed out in your backyard was the last way you expected to start your day.
Good Deeds: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 After a minor altercation with Billy at a holiday party, you ask Steve to drive you home.
Careless Whisper  1♥ / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 After a minor altercation with Billy, Lucy asks her ex-boyfriend Steve to drive her home. Her act of desperation dredges up painful memories.
Dangerous (Mayfield!Reader) ✉  1♥ / 2 / 3 Ever since you were little, people tended to underestimate just how dangerous you were. But you’re way more than just a pretty face.
Hold for Release 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / Choose Your Own Adventure. Hawkins Lab is coming back to town, and for the most part, everyone seems ok with it. Except for you.
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Tides ♥ for lomlbarnes3kchallenge You promised yourself you were done with these late night drives to the beach with Billy Hargrove. You had promised yourself that four times.
Strange Love ✉ You’re tired of everyone at Hawkins High trying to pry into your life. Especially when it comes to your relationship with Billy Hargrove.
Smiles ♥ for hargroovin You bonded with Billy Hargrove over cars, and even though time goes on, not much has changed.
Broken Wings (Hopper!Reader) 1♥ / 2 / 3♥ / More Nothing in your life has ever been normal. From your birth, to adopting a telekinetic sister, to your relationship or whatever with that asshole Billy.
Hold for Release 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / Choose Your Own Adventure. Hawkins Lab is coming back to town, and for the most part, everyone seems ok with it. Except for you.
America’s Sweetheart Blue / Red Faced / White Knuckled Everyone had stories with you. Everyone knew all of the stories about you. You were nobody’s sweetheart. Except for the new boy in town with the blue eyes and blonde hair.
Billy On Roadtrips ✉ ♥
Needy Billy ✉
Jealous Billy ✉
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