#lonely moogle kupo
pumpkinmagekupo · 8 months
Treat, Estinien, Amulet/Locket
Hallo! Thank you for the request! (♡°▽°♡) I hope you enjoy.
Stories of Lost Souls:
Estinien -Amulet/locket- Treat
Estinien free from the binds of the Azure Dragoon title and the walls of Ishgard. He had begun roaming. He was heading to the lofty realms of Sohm Al. As he traversed the steep mountain side. Something caught his eye in a nearby tree that hung precariously over the mountain’s edge. It sparkled in the high sun, curious Estinien reached out for it and freed it from the confines of the branch. 
Rolling it over in his palm he saw it was quite old looking, the small portrait in it was intact but cloudy, probably destroyed by the weather. “Perhaps it is enchanted.” Estinien hummed, pocketing the amulet and carried on his way. He made camp a little further up when the sun began to set. 
The small fire crackled in the otherwise silent night. His lance resting against his shoulder, Estinien felt his eyes grow heavy, still focused on the fire as his eyes closed and reopened, he almost didn’t notice someone approaching him and sitting across the fire. When his brain actually realised someone was there he sprung to his feet lance in hand. It was still him and the fire. There was no one else. Moving to sit back down, his foot hit something. Looking down he saw the amulet, the lid was ajar and as he picked it up he noticed the picture now looked a little less cloudy. 
Not thinking too much about it, Estinien sat back down keeping his lance ever closer. 
Drifting in and out of a light sleep, Estinien gripped his lance at every small sound. The sound of feet shuffling towards him, brought him around. He stopped mid-rise as he saw the face of his little brother.
“What trickery-”
The boy grinned at him and turned to run away, looking back over his shoulder with a huge grin still on his face “big brother-”
Estinien leapt to his feet and gave chase “wait-” 
The boy laughed and even though being considerably shorter than Estinien was somehow faster and so much more agile than the dragoon. The fog of Sohm Al rolled in around him, engulfing the path making it hard to see his brother. Estinien followed the sounds of childish laughter. 
The fog cleared and his brother stood waiting for him. “Wait!” Estinien lunged forward only to have a sudden force yank him back, fumbling for whatever was snagged around his neck, he found the amulet, the picture was clear but whoever was in it was now distorted beyond. He looked up from the picture and was faced with a grotesque being.
“I’m so lonely.” it said, the chain snapped and Estinien felt the floor vanish beneath him. The being watched him with a toothy grin as he fell. “Stay with me.”
Estinien vaulted upright and looked around in alarm. He was no longer outside but in a cave area.
“You’re awake, kupo.” Looking to his left he saw a moogle watching him curiously. “You should be more careful. You walked right off a cliff, kupo.” Estinien stayed silent trying to contemplate what had just happened, he checked his belongings quickly but found the amulet was nowhere to be found “you’re very heavy. It took twelve of us to get you to safety, kupo.”
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Day 26 of Fluffvember: Valentione’s. Set during 4.0. Estinien is lonely on Valentione’s until he gets a package from his lady. SFW.
Estinien sipped his beer and rolled his eyes at yet another couple from Eorzea celebrating Valentione’s Day in Kugane. He already spotted a half dozen couples, and it was barely half past noon. If…if she isn’t here, then I don’t want to celebrate that stupid fucking holiday. But if Agi were here, then what would I do? We do? He shook his head and drank the rest of the beer. Best not to think on it. She’s Fury knows where at the moment. It doesn’t matter.
“Excuse meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, kupo!” A post moogle shouted as it collided with the side of Estinien’s head.
The post moogle straightened its hat and held out its small hands. “So sorry, kupo! Are you Estinien? I have something for you from…”
No. It cannot be. Can it?
“Agnes Currai.” The post moogle held out an envelope and a small box. Estinien greedily took both and curtly nodded at the post moogle, who huffed as it teleported. “At least she tips, kupo…” it muttered before leaving.
Estinien tore open the envelope to find a letter.
Dear Estinien,
Happy Valentione’s! If you’re reading this, then I’m still out there somewhere in Doma.
And thinking of you. I’m always thinking of you, love.
I got you a little something before we left Kugane and…something else that I hope you like. If you don’t, then feel free to chuck it out or burn it or whatever.
By this point, we’ve been apart for several moons. I need you to know that you’re the first person I think of when I wake in the morning and the last person I think of before I go to sleep. I love you with all my heart, now and forever. I wish I could be with you right now with your arm around my shoulders as snuggle into you.
Anyways, enough with me rambling on. Be safe, my grumpy dragon, and be well.
Placing the letter on the table, he ripped open the small box and smiled at its contents. Gift certificates for various restaurants in the city, so I may try new things without paying. A lightly scented cream for my hands and feet. A new hairbrush. And…
His calloused fingers touched Agnes’s face on a portrait that she had to have done while in Kugane with her companions. Just her face and shoulders. Wearing a Hingan top I think. She’s smiling. I wonder…was she thinking of me when she sat for this?
Wait a second!
How could she think I’d want to throw this out? Or BURN IT?! Nay, I shall treasure it and look upon it when I’m feeling…
Oh Agi, you know not how much I miss you.
“Ser? Ser?” A young Hingan woman stood at his table. “Ser? Would you like another? Are you well?”
Estinien had not realized he began to cry and wiped the tears from his face. “Ahem, yes please. Another with some more seared squid.”
The woman took the empty glass and bowed and left Estinien to admire the portrait.
Agi, I struggle to find the words to tell you my feelings. I hope I may have the courage to share them, no matter shit they are, with you one day soon. Fury, I miss you. I miss holding you. I miss hearing your voice. I miss you so much, my angel. One day, a Valentione’s in the future, I promise to romance you and give you everything you deserve.
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cakemagemaeve · 2 years
Anyone remember the cat that had kittens in my back yard last year? We still have the mama cat (named Parker Peridot, because she's a thief but also very loud and raspy. She has a lot of emotions and she is going to make them your problem), as well as three of the five kittens (the remaining girl is named Squeaktoy Sassafras Silkyshorts, and the two boys are Moogle Moonshine and Bilbo Buttercream Baggins). This past March one of the two female kittens, Kipo Pixie-Paws, somehow got into the sewing kit and ate a length of string, and despite our best efforts to save her, she ended up dying in my arms a week later. Needless to say, it was completely devastating and honestly, I'm still not over it.
A few weeks after that, we gave the largest of the litter (seriously I swear his father is a panther), Big Bubba Kupo, to a new home. This was also pretty emotional, but at least I knew he was still alive and had a chance at happiness. I was still worried though, because he went from living in a house with six other cats and which almost always has at least one human around to play with him and give him attention to living in an apartment with one other cat and an owner who's rarely ever home at all.
Turns out I was right to be worried, because surprise surprise, he's been lonely and bored as hell and has been tearing up his new owner's place and trying to get outside. So he's coming home tomorrow, and honestly it's the best news I've gotten all year (it's been an awful, awful year). I missed him so so much and I can't wait to see him again. Now if I could only master necromancy so that I can bring Kipo back, too (along with my aunt Beth, my horse Sharif, my dogs Sokka, Bongo and Mac, and on and on)...
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imamooglekupo-blog · 6 years
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The moogle slouched over, head hanging low with antenna drooping forth even lower. It remained standing in the same spot not even making a step forth, today was certainly not proving to be too much of a good day.. “Kupohhh..”
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keykidpilipili · 4 years
I would like to hear about your headcanons about the war between Maleficent and the Radiant Garden Crew between RG's fall and KH1, if you're feeling up for it!!
YES Absolutely! I mostly headcanoned it around an AU that involved Kairi working with the org for several years before ditching them around KH1 and another AU with a revamped Princesses of Heart cast(not just gals) so I apologize if it’s a bit too AU. For more clarity I’m gonna develop each side separately minus the org.
RG Crew, Traverse Town, Mog Network and the Resistance
A few more people but like less than 30 people in total from Radiant Garden managed to escape. Scrooge despite the loss of Della, pilot of the gummi ship that didn’t make it off-world, stayed for a while and helped the refugees settle in from a structural and financial pov. As more worlds fell, it was only a matter of time before refugees vastly outnumbered the tiny local population. Within two years(7 years BKH1), courses to adapt to the most common technology levels or fill in on their education were organized; local newspapers were born with the objective to share information about local facilities, missing people, mental health+ self-care tips and reports of fallen worlds. Lacking in military training and intel on Maleficent’s end goal, the Resistance at first stalled. The arrival of Camelot refugees, and with them a platoon of 30+ trained knights tips the scales in their favor. The defense of Traverse Town could now be insured at the same time as fighting offworld.
The turning point of the war involved the first appearances of the Lavender Knight, a mysterious Keyblade wielder donned in complete armor(5 YBKH1). Due to their help in reducing the numbers of the Heartless army and killing some of Maleficent’s operatives, the Resistance and Traverse Town struggled less despite the info leaks caused by DORIS. The lone knight was also famous among the Traverse Towners as their folk hero in response to their deeds: destroying waves of heartless and members of the Villain Alliance, as well as rescueing civilians during evacuations. The fall of Moogle Land and its trade network slowed down drastically communications and Resistance operations but the Villain Alliance’s supply chain as well. Such is the way of economical crisis. New trade routes were established by the Resistance and wide-spread cells of Moogle Merchants scattered across the galaxy with Traverse Town in a central position.
In the aftermath of DORIS’ defeat thanks to the combined forces of the Lavender Knight, org members and the Resistance(4 YBKH1), the economy started to get back up. The Mognet and morale too were recovering bit by bit. Instant Communication devices, Kupo Phones were developped for intelligence and commercial use as to strengthen trade and the Resistance. Despite the Lavender Knight’s interventions dwindling, they steadily gained terrain against Maleficent till the KH1 era and were even able to defeat a major member, as well as several minor ones, of the Alliance by themselves.
Maleficent’s clique
While the witch spent much of the first period hunting for Royalty of Heart and increasing the size of her heartless army through numerous conquests, Beside the Resistance, Maleficent took notice of mysterious figures spying on her and undermining her ranks, among one of those black coats was a keyblade wielder. Her Villain Alliance grew even stronger with the inclusion of the hat robot DORIS(Meet The Robinsons). Their main goal shifts from capturing Royalty of Heart to taking over the Mognet in order to corner and deal with the Org. The Alliance believed the keyblade wielder in a black coat to be dead despite matching the size of the Lavender Knight due to the help of the Mog in helping the org fake Kairi’s death, for a price of course. The Knight taking on missions solo helped cement this theory as the cloaked wielder always fought alongside a partner of similar cloth. The cons of risking their single Keyblade bearer by sending them out alone vastly outweighted the pros in the eyes of the witch.
Worlds are sunk on purpose by both Maleficent and the org in order to impede the other’s progress. As a result of the intervention of the Lavender Knight who tore open the Keyhole of Moogle Land on the local’s request, the DORIS wasn’t able to take over the Mognet. Its fall cripples the supply lines of the Villain Alliance and more importantly the import-reliant Hollow Bastion. The dire situation forced the org to help the Lavender Knight openly during Operation Scrap(defeating Doris), proving therefore their connection. Losses of heartless and competent ally aside, Maleficent was able to confirm the Lavender Knight’s allegiance as well as the death of one of the black coats. Unfortunately Doris was the most computer literate in the Villain Alliance and with her death the data base became unusable and was scrapped. With both the org and the rising Digital branch of the Resistance in better shape than ever, the witch decided to switch utterly to magical means of trade and communication. Unable to track any leads on the org, she returned to strengthening her cells and Royalty of Heart hunt for the last 3 years pre-KH1.
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jestersreap · 6 years
Get to know the Character! A’uloa Odh ~
Part of me was tempted to use Sakae for this but I really need the kick up the ass to start character building for Loa... here we go LMAO
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► Name ➔    "A’uloa Odh, but call me Loa!“ ► Are you single ➔ “Yep! I haven’t laid eyes on anyone more entrancing than a pink moogle yet” ► Are you happy ➔   “Of course! Who couldn’t be, adventuring through this world!“ ► Are you angry? ➔   “Only when the situation calls for it!” ► Are your parents still married ➔   “That would require them to be married in the first place..”
► Birth Place ➔ “I honestly couldn’t tell you! I would have to enquire about that..” A’uloa stares into the camera. ► Hair Color ➔ “Pale pink with white tips” ► Eye Color ➔ “Peachy keen!” ► Birthday ➔ “The 18th Sun of the 2nd Umbral moon - jot that down, kupo!” ► Mood ➔ “I try to stay optimistic and fun but..” ► Gender ➔ “Girl” ► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer for certain. That’s when all the flowers are out right?” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Both. Both are good!”
► Are you in love ➔ “Currently in love with life! I don’t know many people so..“ ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “I think you can immediately love something on sight, yes! Whether it’s true love or not, you’d have to work on it.” ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “It’s hard to end something that never started!” ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔  "Oh gosh I hope not!” ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “I can’t say, I’ve always gone where the wind’s taken me, so I’ve not had the chance to think about commitments..“ ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “My beloved pink moogle friends, of course!” ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “Well, it would be news to me if I did... isn’t that why they’re secret?“ ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “I’ve always tried to do what I wanted, so I like to think my heart is in good shape!”
► Love or lust ➔ “LOVE LOVE!“ ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “How about warm tea?” ► Cats or Dogs ➔ A’uloa points to her own ears. ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “So far I’ve survived on just a few friends, but I’m always willing to make more!” ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Could the night out be in a forest, or somewhere pretty?“ ► Day or night ➔ “Sunset. That moment in between day and night is magical!”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “No, I don’t believe I was ever caught!” ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Up, down and all directions” A’uloa nervously giggles and scratches her head. ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “I think we all have at one point..” ► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Briefly. I always get called a daydreamer, so I’d like to be in my own world for a while“
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Smiles are the most important!” ► Shorter or Taller ➔ “The same height? I always find those hugs the most comfortable” ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔  “Well.. I’m not too smart myself. I don’t think I could judge either.” ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “What were we talking about again?”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “As well as we can. They think I’m a bit of a time waster though..” ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “Oh, the contrary! I love the explorations I go on. It may be a lonely one, though.“ ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “A few times, but not intentionally. I wanted to chase it..” ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “I try not to aggravate my family..“
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ A’uloa looks into the distance. “There is this one moogle...” ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Well.. they’re not BAD friends are they?“ ► Who is your best friend ➔ “Currently vacant!” ► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Me, myself and I!”
UHHHhhhHH that was hard seeing as I had to come up with things about her on the spot LOL.
tagged by: @red-dawnbringer ❤⃛ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )
tagging: @seeker-of-sights @avwalya @sassysparkylady and uhhHH I’ve run out of people who I think won’t get mad at me for tagging them hMDMGFKJ
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So now we can recruit an optional party member, kupo.
The way to recruit him is kind of esoteric, kupo.
There are some hints in town about moogles and a Yeti, but you can’t get the Yeti yet (but you can see him, kupo!)
You have to go into a little warehouse and chase after Lone Wolf (the pickpocket), who also made an appearance in V, kupo. You chase him to where you fought Kefka before, and he threatens the moogle.
Mog escapes, kupo!
You can choose to take the Gold Hairpin from Lonewolf, but then Mog falls and you don’t get him in your party.
Who could be so heartless, kupo?!
How much stuff did Ramuh influence and what are/were the extent of his powers?
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for-gold-and-glory · 4 years
Weekly Events for Feb 10th to Feb 17
Here are some events G&G Members will be involved in during the week. Or just events that I think are really cool and you should definitely go to. If you’re interested in joining these events just show up or send a message to Aegir, Lirilith, or Aedwen Or join our discord: https://discord.gg/dCRSWTx Tuesday - G&G Weekly: “To Catch a Yeti” @ 7:30pm EST - TBA Tuesday - G&G Extra: To the Matt, Falne! @ 11:00pm EST - Goblet W6, P5 Wednesday - G&G Extra: Bountiful Chest @ 7:30pm EST - Goblet W6, P5 Thursday -  The Big One: The Depths of Zyl'an @ 7:00pm EST - Goblet W6, P5 Thursday -  Sultana’s Breath Shopping Arcade - @ 8:00pm EST - 11:00pm EST - Goblet W18, Sultana’s Breath Subdivision Thursday -  Beastfolk Greet & Meat @ 8:00pm EST -  Goblet W10 P4 Saturday - [*] The Big One: The Missing Member Prologue @ 4:30pm EST - Goblet W6, P5 Saturday -  [**] Valentione’s Date Auction @ Epoch Tavern @ 9:30pm EST - Mist W11, P2 Sunday - G&G Adventure: Of Ardor and Argument @3:00pm EST -  Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre, Old Gridania Sunday - Garlean Weekly: Defiant Reiterations, pt. 4 @ 8:00 PM EST - Castrum Aquilonis Monday -  [***] Companionship Bot Auction @ 8:00pm EST - Rakuza District, Kugane [*] = This plot will have a lot of sophomoric humor and possible strong language.  [**] = This event is rated mature by the event organizers, please check with the link and speak with the organizers if you have any questions! [***] =D This event also has mature themes! 
Tuesday - G&G Weekly: “To Catch a Yeti” @ 7:30pm EST - TBA - Lord Ignemortel has hired adventurers to help travel north to his lands. Why? An elder yeti is rampaging! Will the adventurers survive the cold and the danger? Status: Open RP, wear warm clothes Type: Adventure/Action GM: Cole Ignemorte Tuesday - G&G Extra: To the Matt, Falne! @ 11:00ishpm EST - Goblet W6, P5 - The sounds of fists flying fill the Bountiful Chest’s sparring room. It would seem Zheng Diremite has set up a instructor to get their new member Falne in shape. Let’s unfold some lawn chairs, open some beer, and make fun of her. Status: Open RP, please join us! Note: This RP will start after To Catch a Yeti concludes  Type: Social GM: None Wednesday - G&G Extra: Bountiful Chest @ 7:30pm EST - Goblet W6, P5 -  A small get together and exchange of Valentione’s at the Bountiful Chest. Status: Open RP Type: Social GM: Lepus Hominem Thursday -  The Big One: The Depths of Zyl'an @ 7:00pm EST - Goblet W6, P5 - G&G looking to settle up a large debt has agreed to help Cassian retrieve a shipment of smuggled Alexandrite he had to abandon during the Kestrel Run airship race. Thanks to Iulius and Luc, the company has cobbled together a working submersible to help get the material from the bottom of the sea. This should be easy! Status: Open RP, please join us Type: Adventure GM: Cass Thursday -  Sultana’s Breath Shopping Arcade - @ 8:00pm EST - 11:00pm EST - Goblet W18, Sultana’s Breath Subdivision https://for-gold-and-glory.tumblr.com/post/190776683235/balmung-sultanas-breath-shopping-arcade - Join us and all of our wonderful vendors during our monthly flash sale! Check out our mall directory to see who’s open: https://tinyurl.com/sultana-shoppingBeat the heat with indoor one-stop shopping experience. Merchants have gathered from all over to offer their goods, meals, and services to you!The Sultana’s Breath Shopping Arcade is a market event held in the Sultana’s Breath Subdivisions of Goblet Ward 18. Look for apartments listed with [shop] in their name and come browse our wares! All shop owners are encouraged to be open during the monthly sales event - but be sure to ask about their other operating hours!Once you’re done shopping stop by Mall Square and visit the Saint of Nymeia for a photo! Status: Open RP, please join us! Type: Market GM: Aegir Thursday -  Beastfolk Greet & Meat @ 8:00pm EST -  Goblet W10 P4 https://bowdownoverdweller.tumblr.com/post/189690994032/beastfolk-eat-greet-meat-at-the-black-talon - Feeling peckish? Craving a taste of home? Get all your favourites here!- Beastfolk eat FREE!- Open air market with arboreal and aquatic seating areas!- Employment opportunities!- FREE access to the White Wings Medical Clinic, offering treatments, mineral baths, massage and more!(The Hunter’s Market is open to all, with choice cuts and organ meats available at low prices. All our profits go back into our clinic and outreach work.) Status: Open RP, please check the link! Type: Social GM: Black Talon Saturday - [*] The Big One: The Missing Member Prologue @ 4:30pm EST - Goblet W6, P5 - Professor Jare, a Lalafell scholar and collector of antique eroticism, approached the Gold & Glory some time ago with a treasure hunt of outrageous payout. But the subject matter is also outrageous. The adventurers are on the hunt for Byregot’s True Hammer, a missing part of a Second Umbral statue which is a most... painstakingly accurate depiction of the Builder.  But despite his exhaustive research, Professor Jare only has a few leads on the Hammer’s location. Clues that are almost mystical in nature. Clues that will take our adventurers on a most grand adventure!  Note:  [*] = This plot will have a lot of sophomoric humor and possible strong language. Status: Open RP, please join us Type: Adventure, Humor GM: Aegir + Zheng Saturday -  [**] Valentione’s Date Auction @ Epoch Tavern @ 9:30pm EST - Mist W11, P2 https://for-gold-and-glory.tumblr.com/post/190777198140 -  The second annual Valentione’s Date auction is just around the corner. Forty treasures will take the stage this year to find companionship, romance, or more. In an event so large even the moogles have expressed interest, and will again provide the auctioneering! Note:  [**] = This event is rated mature by the event organizers, please check with the link and speak with the organizers if you have any questions! Status: Open RP, please check the link! Type: Date Auction GM: Epoch Tavern
Sunday - G&G Adventure: Of Ardor and Argument @3:00pm EST -  Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre, Old Gridania - Love is in the air, kupo. And what’s this? The members of  House Valentione have returned to Gridania and they’re doing things a little differently! It would seem Lisette de Valentione has decided to entrust some of her duties to a trio of proteges. But not any proteges. NON-MOOGLE PROTEGES. Doesn’t she know that Moogles are the best judges of affection and ardor? WELL SHE’S GONNA! Three angry moogles need your help to prove that THEY are the true paramours of love spreading! Status: Open RP, please join us Type: Investigation, Humor GM: Aegir   Sunday - Garlean Weekly: Defiant Reiterations, pt. 4 @ 8:00 PM EST - Castrum Aquilonis - TBA Status: Open to members of STELLA. New members welcome! Monday - [***]  Companionship Bot Auction @ 8:00pm EST - Rakuza District, Kugane  https://for-gold-and-glory.tumblr.com/post/190693123080/fustuarium-balmung-companionship-bot-auction - Thrown out of the gates of the Garlean Consulate of Kugane, one enterprising imperial (and his assistant) have taken to the streets of Rakuza to auction off their refined, portable, and mostly water proof love bots. Each lovingly handcrafted (or repurposed) from the finest of imperial schematics. This twisted ‘date auction’ is for all the lonely savages and savagettes of the world who find themselves alone in the wake of Valentiones. All bidding is done with IC money. Please check the document for lot items and auction mechanics! This is a mature event! Because we are selling mature items! Come for the Garlean  ❤Bot. Stay for the Prince Zenos Body Pillow. Document: https://tinyurl.com/t9n52oz Note: This plot has mature themes! Status: Open RP, please read the doc Type: Auction GM: Aegir
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mooglescave · 5 years
Bem vindos a mais um #NewbieOfLight, nosso LET’S PLAY de FINAL FANTASY XIV (Steam) aqui na #MOOGLESCAVE 💕 📑 RESUMO DE HOJE 📑 Depois de todas as tragedias de nossa ultima quest, Minwu tenta procurar abrigo em Camp Drybone com um padre que apoiava os Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Nisso ele reencontra Alphinald que está atrás de Cid e de uma Airship. Para isso vamos até as terras de Coerthas, mas antes de uma Airship encontramos é diversas tretas entre as grandes famílias da região, e como de costume, você que terá que investigar sobre... 💬SIDEQUESTS💬 Lvl. 36 - Toss Fit Workout ↪ Da o emote de /throw ! Lvl. 44 - Fort of Fear ↪ Quest que libera a dungeon Dzemael Darkhold! 💬MAIN QUESTS💬 Lvl. 34 - All Good Things Lvl. 35 - You Can't Take it with You Lvl. 35 - With a Little Elbow Grease ↪ Nessa quest é preciso comprar um martelo de Goldsmith (Bronze Ornamental Hammer) em Camp Drybone! Lvl. 35 - A Tall Drink of Aqua del Sol Lvl. 35 - Bringing out the Dead Lvl. 35 - The Warden Works in Mysterious Ways Lvl. 35 - Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie Lvl. 35 - Eyes on Me Lvl. 36 - He Who Waited Behind Lvl. 36 - Cold Reception Lvl. 36 - The Unending War Lvl. 36 - Men of Honor Lvl. 36 - Three for Three Lvl. 36 - The Rose and the Unicorn Lvl. 37 - Feats of Strength Lvl. 37 - The Talk of Coerthas Lvl. 37 - Road to Redemption Lvl. 38 - Following the Evidence Lvl. 38 - In the Eyes of Gods and Men Lvl. 38 - The Final Flight of the Enterprise Lvl. 39 - Ye of Little Faith → Lvl. 39 - Opportunity Knocks → Lvl. 39 - Factual Folklore → Lvl. 39 - All by Ourselves Lvl. 39 - The Best Inventions Lvl. 40 - Influencing Inquisitors Lvl. 40 - By the Lights of Ishgard Lvl. 40 - Blood for Blood [...] 💥DUTYS EM VÍDEO💥 Lvl. 24 - The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak ↪ Guia: https://youtu.be/8A7zSc8Xt3c Lvl. 30 - Annoy the Void 📚CRÔNICAS DE UM NEWBIE OF LIGHT📚 https://ift.tt/2KUZIX7 💸 COMO NOS AJUDAR 💸 PADRIM • https://ift.tt/2Ht4Pfv STREAMLABS • https://ift.tt/2p2df6G 💻 NOSSAS REDES SOCIAIS, KUPO! 💻 MOOGLE’S CAVE • https://ift.tt/2VaISZv YU • https://ift.tt/2El8UU8 by Moogle's Cave
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Agnes/Estinien. Beauty and the Beast AU. Corrai Currai, Agi’s father, has gone missing near the border of the Black Shroud and Coerthas. She takes her trusty chocobo Horace up north and finds a frozen, desolate land...and a castle... SFW
There once was a prince who lived in a castle in the mountains to the north. He was beautiful but cruel and vain. One night, an old beggar woman arrived at his castle asking for food and shelter. He turned her away, announcing to his court that “no hags shall ever darken our halls.”
The old beggar woman was, in fact, a witch, who showed the prince her true nature. She told him that he needed to learn a lesson---to value the lives around him and not be so shallow. She then cursed the prince and all who served him.
“You have until the Eye of Nidhogg, a great wyrm who was consumed by hatred, has faded to learn how to love. To break the curse, you must find true love. Find the one for whom your heart sings. Without her, you and yours will be cursed for the end of time.” For how long the eye would remain glowing they did not know…and nor the prince care. His life as he knew it was over. The lands he ruled over were now under eternal winter.
His days and nights were spent watching the Eye slowly fade...
Agnes Currai was worried.
Her Da had left with Horace and the cart to bring dried fish up to the markets in Fallgourd Float in the North Shroud five days ago.
He should’ve returned by now. He’s always back within a few days.
Since her Mum died a few years ago, Agnes stopped being an adventurer and traveling healer to stay in Costa del Sol with her Da and help around the cottage. She was currently pacing around said cottage waiting to hear from an old adventuring comrade in the North Shroud to hear if her father had been spotted.
“Hello kupo! Note for Agnes Currai! Urgent kupo!” A delivery moogle shouted as it flew right into the front door. “OUCH!”
Oh no! Agnes grabbed her staff and opened the door to find the moogle on the ground. “Here you are, kupo.” She healed the moogle and picked it up. “I’m so sorry about the door.”
The moogle adjusted its cap and shook its head. “No kupo! I’m a bit of a klutz! Urgent note for Agnes Currai!”
Agnes took the note and read it.
Sorry to say there’s no sign of your Da, but there was a cart (with a broken wheel) found on the road to Coerthas and a lone chocobo that returned here just today matching Horace’s description. He’s very agitated, so maybe come up and see if it’s him.
If there’s ought I can do to help further, please let me know.
Sanson Smyth
Trying to remain composed, Agnes folded the note and put it in her apron pocket. “Thank you so much. Here’s some gil for your trouble, my little friend.” She tried to hand over gil to the delivery moogle, who squealed.
“No, no kupo! Have a good day!” The moogle flew off to its destination, leaving Agnes even more worried than before.
I’ll teleport to Fallgourd Float, speak to Sanson in person, and then…I’ll find Da. I must.
Within the hour, Agnes arrived in the North Shroud with her staff, a small bag with emergency items, and a spare whistle for Horace. As soon as she looked around the aetheryte, she spotted a familiar Midlander hyur.
The shorter man turned and smiled. “Agi! I’m so sorry this meeting is not under happier circumstances. Come, follow me and I’ll show you the chocobo.”
Agnes’s instincts were correct in that chocobo in question was Horace (thank the gods). After giving him some pets and a few treats, she prepared to ride off towards Coerthas.
“Agi, no one has crossed the border in years. There’s stories of a beastly dragon in the mountains—”
Agnes waved a hand dismissively at Sanson. “My Da is out there. Maybe he’s hurt or sick. I’m not leaving him to die. I was an adventurer once upon a time, Sanson.” She said with a wink as she mounted Horace. “Horace, let’s go find Da. Take me to where you saw him last.”
Horace and his mistress rode north, while Sanson sighed.
“I do hope you know what you’re getting into, Agi. Nophica, pray keep my friend under your protection.”
“Fucking hells, it’s cold.” Agnes muttered as she and Horace continued to ride. “It…I’ve heard Coerthas is cold but not this cold.”
Horace let out a “kweh” and stopped. “Kweh! Kweh!”
Agnes dismounted and looked around. This is approximately in the middle of fucking nowhere in a cold forest. “Was this where you last saw Da, Horace?”
There’s a path leading to…somewhere. Wait a second—
Having seen a piece of torn cloth, Agnes realized immediately what it was. “It’s part of Da’s coat!” She held the piece of cloth to Horace’s beek. “Any ideas where he might’ve gone?”
“Kweh!” Horace took a few steps along the worn path.
“Hmmm, maybe Da got hurt and was looking for help? But why not head back to Fallgourd Float? Unless…” Unless he got lost. Oh no. “Alright Horace, let’s follow the path.”
Before long, Agnes and Horace arrived at a castle. The creepiest looking castle I’ve ever seen. It’s almost got black scales over the stone? Very creepy. And are those roses? What a massive garden. But where’s the…front door? Do castles have front doors? Where does one go and knock? “Horace, I see a stable, so why not wait in there for me? Maybe take a nap? I’ll leave some food with you.”
Horace kweh’d sadly as he and Agnes walked to the stable. “See, it’s very nice. I’ll be back in a bit.”
She trudged in the snow to what appeared to be the main door of the castle. Do I knock? And what the fuck do I even say? “Hello, is my Da in here?” Agnes knocked three times with no answer, so then she opened the door. Unlocked…very strange. As she stepped inside, the scent of dust filled her nose. It’s dark. I wonder if there’s a candle or a light or literally anything that’s not super creepy. “Da? Da?”
To her utter surprise, a voice shouted. “AGI! Agi, I’m down here!”
DA?! Staff now at the ready, Agnes tried to follow the voice of her father, noticing a stairwell off to the side. This way? She hurried as fast as she could and saw a sort of cell.
“AGI! Thank the gods, I knew you’d come lookin’ fer me!” Corrai Currai yelled as Agnes used magic to break the lock. “I knew—”
“Da, we have to get out of here. Horace is outside. You can ride him, and I’ll follow. Let’s go!” We can reminisce later!!! COME ON!
Just as Agnes turned, she bumped into something. Having looked up, she saw an upright dragon. FUCKING HELLS! Without a second thought, she readied her staff to cast Holy, but the dragon reached with its massive claw and snapped her staff like a dry twig. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! “That was an expensive staff, asshole!”
The dragon roared.
Fuck. This is really bad.
“Who comes to free my prisoner?” The dragon asked, staring at Agnes. “He stole from me. His punishment is imprisonment for life.” He’s got a bit of a lisp and a very deep voice. Sexy voice to be honest...NO.
“Ser, I only wanted to pick a flower fer my daughter. This is her.” Corrai explained. “She’s an adventurer, my Agi is. Agi, I’m sorry…”
Agnes pat her father’s head. “Oh Da, it’s okay.” She then turned to the dragon. “And you! Imprisoning a man for picking a flower is monstrous! Who do you think you are?”
The dragon bared its very very very large fangs. “I am lord of this castle, and my word is law. Leave woman, lest you be imprisoned with your father!”
Fuck that shit. “I offer myself in my father’s place.” She reached for Corrai’s hand and squeezed. “Da, I’ll be okay.”
“No! Agi, no! You’ve got yer whole life ahead of you!” Corrai pleaded. “Please. I can stay.”
Agnes shook her head. “No Da. I’ll stay. You take Horace and go. Ride as fast as you can to my friend Sanson Smyth in the North Shroud. He’ll be waiting.” She squeezed his hand again. “I’ll be okay.”
The dragon rolled his eyes. “Touching. Now, decide thief. Shall you stay or go. Make it quick.”
Go. Please go. I’ll be fine. I can handle this twat.
Corrai sighed and squeezed his daughter’s hand. “I’ll be back fer you, Agi. I promise on your Mum’s grave.”
“LEAVE!” The dragon roared, baring all its fangs. Corrai gathered his coat and quickly scurried away, leaving Agnes and the dragon staring daggers at each other. “You broke the lock on the cell, woman.”
“My name isn’t woman, twat. It’s Agnes Currai---daughter of Corrai and Luci Currai.”
The dragon snorted. “If that man was indeed your father, then I have many questions.”
“I’m adopted, not that it matters. And just who the seven hells are you?”
“As I said, I’m lord of this castle. You may call me…Estinien.”
“Well Estinien, you broke my very expensive staff that I had made at the Carpenters Guild, so you better make me another one SINCE YOU BROKE IT.” Agnes’s anger filled her and her outburst, she thought, is rather unbecoming but fuck it, he broke my staff!
Estinien rolled his eyes. “A prisoner demanding recompense for a staff. How strange. AYMERIC!” He roared.
Who’s Aymeric? Wait a second---is that a bouncing candelabra?
“Forgive me, my lord. Ah, I see we have another visitor. I am Aymeric, milady. His highness’s valet and head of household.” The candelabra bowed, and Agnes blinked several times. “Might I show you to a properly furnished room? Pray follow me. This way.”
I’m losing my mind. I’ve got to be dreaming, right? Right?
“My lady, this way please. I can also have some food brought to you.”
With one last look at Estinien, Agnes followed Aymeric out of the hallway with the cell.
What the fuck is going on here? Lord of this castle? Why is a candelabra talking to me?!
Meanwhile, in Costa del Sol…
“I hath heard a strange rumor, mine friend.” Urianger Augurelt said as he sat to join his friend and companion Thancred Waters. “Agnes Currai left this place to search for her missing father Corrai Currai.”
Thancred snorted as he drank his beer. “That sounds like her---rushing headlong into yet another adventure. Oh Agi, I hope you return soon so that I could court you.”
Urianger raised an eyebrow. “You wish to court Agnes?”
“Of course! She’s beautiful, can cook, is a healer, and she’s tall! Our children would be perfect, wouldn’t you say?”
“I, erm—”
Thancred smirked. “Exactly! Agnes Currai is the woman I’m going to marry.”
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