#possible starter
sharpedgeslikeglass · 2 years
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                                                 ~Open RP~
Towa had left Murase Clinic some time ago and was on his way to his favorite haunt. Roost. Upon walking up to the familiar, defaced door, he pushed on it gently and it opened. The inside of the establishment had a very different feel on the inside.
Lowly lit, purple-pink and blue hues from the above lighting mixed to create an almost otherworldly atmosphere. What would draw the eye next would probably be the dim daylight saucer lights that lit each shelf that contained the bottles of liquor behind the bar. On the brick wall next to the bar on both sides were paintings, who’s vibe matched the place spectacularly.
A crucified man, the head of a demon, and a person tied up in an upright fetal position. Interestingly enough, one of the artists that had their works displayed here, had just entered the building. Going to sit on the barstool in the middle of the bar, he reached into his front pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
As if sensing his presence, the bartender, and owner of the establishment had come from the back room just beside the liquor shelf. He had a purple mohawk and his eyes were hidden behind full black tea shades. As if to match the atmosphere of the bar itself, he also had a large black tribal tattoo on the right side of his head.
His head declining to Towa, he smiled as if he were seeing an old friend.
“Surprise me.” Towa replied simply, yet firmly.
“Of course.” the manager nodded as he turned to get to work.
As this began, pale fingertips dipped into the crumpled pack of cigarettes and took one out. Placing it between his lips, Towa flicked the lighter and took a drag. He blew the ashen haze to his side, so as not to hit the manager directly.
It was moments after this that the manager put a dark red coaster stamped with the bar’s emblem in black onto the wooden bartop before Towa. An ombre orange becoming red liquid in a martini glass was placed before him.
“Here you are.” the manager affirmed with a small smile on the corner of his lips.
With the drink now in front of him, he placed his cigarette in the ashtray beside him and pinched the stem of the glass between his fingers. Tipping the rim to his scarred lips, Adam's apple bobbing as he took the liquid down his throat.
One of the good things about being a regular at a bar is the bartenders often will learn your preferences. The manager being one of those, so even if Towa didn’t know what he wanted, the manager would bring him something he liked every time.
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the-green-gem · 2 years
"Have you ever tried to skate through blood? Lemme tell ya, it's best to wear knee and elbow pads...okay?" She placed the shot glass neatly back on the bar.
"Now why I was skating through blood? Mind ya business, just know I busted my ass okay?"
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meamiiikiii · 5 months
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mirabelle with two swords!! :D
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lenislynx · 1 year
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Fun silly acrylic charm concepts! If any of you would be interested in seeing them as physical merch, let me know.
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nach0 · 1 month
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wanted to draw fanart for @remxedmoon's isatscryption au but i realised i didn't actually know the plot yet which. whoops! so i settled for chucking my oc at it
OH YEAH INSCRYPTION IS 60% OFF ATM!! Consider this my official propaganda to go get this game
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banisheed · 3 months
It has come to my attention that it is "pride" month and as the most proud, I believe I have won this month.
As such, I expect to be worshiped posthaste and/or free your bones from your sad, fleshy bodies.
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jolteon-rph · 2 years
A bundle of seasonal starters for winter, unrelated to any particular holiday.
Feel free to change the prompts and/or sentences as you see fit, or combine them to make a new prompt.
TW: Swearing/cussing.
Emoji prompts:
❄️: Our muses are caught out in the snow together.
⛸️: Our muses go ice-skating together (at an ice rink or frozen body of water).
🔥: Our muses make a bonfire together.
🏔️: Our muses take a winter hike together.
🛒: Our muses go winter shopping together.
🥾: Our muses go camping together in the snow.
✨: Our muses go stargazing together.
☃️: Our muses make a snow sculpture together.
🧥: My muse offers your muse their coat to keep them warm (add a ‘+’ for the reverse).
✋: My muse puts their cold hands onto your muses back to surprise them (add a ‘+’ for the reverse).
🌨️: My muse throws a snowball at your muse (add a ‘+’ for the reverse).
♨️: My muse offers your muse a warm beverage (add ‘+’ for the reverse).
🧤: My muse catches your muse as they’re about to slip on some ice (add ‘+’ for the reverse).
🧣: My muse gives your muse their scarf (add ‘+’ for the reverse).
Sentence prompts:
“It’s colder than a witches tit out here. Should’ve brought a coat.”
“Your face is all red from the cold...”
“Feel how cold my hands are! Feel them.”
“Aren’t you cold in just that? I’m freezing in my coat!”
“Maybe it’s time we head back inside... I think I’m going to catch a cold if we sit out here all night.”
“The snow is so pretty when its freshly fallen. Shame it gets ruined by the time everyone’s trodden in it.”
“It’s a bit nippy. You’re gonna need a scarf, at least.”
“I don’t feel the cold. I just power through it.”
“Maybe we could get some hot chocolate from that cafe, over there?”
“Are you looking forward to the new year?”
“I have a... slush on you. Or does ‘I glove you’ sound better?”
“Quit playing in the snow. We’re not kids.”
“The star’s are so pretty in the winter. I love it when the sky is so clear.”
“You know what? There’s... snow way out of winter... hehe.”
“What if I pelted you with a snowball. Would you cheer up then?”
“I think you need to get some better shoes. You’re gonna slip and slide all over the place in those things, with all the ice around.”
“I can’t stand how dark it gets, so early, this time of year!”
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bwoahtastic · 2 years
More A/B/O - Omegaverse starters
Made another of these a while ago (found here) and decided to give it another shot.
Feel free to reblog and use, but do not repost here or outside of tumblr!
"Betas shouldn't be able to get pregnant" "Well, here we are anyways."
"The scar on my neck? My Mate broke our bond and left me."
"You're even more obnoxious in your wolf form!"
"We can't have you in our Pack anymore."
"Can you please join my nest?"
"I would happily be the father/mother to your pups."
"Stupid Alphas with their stupid fights for dominance."
"Present for your Alpha..."
"Stop your hissing, I know you're happy to see me."
"No one has ever touched me there..."
"I never wanted to have pups, but I love our little one so damn much."
"You reek of sex. Where did you sneak off to, little Omega?"
"I shouldn't say this, but whenever [Pack Alpha] growls, I slick up so much."
"If I win this fight, you're Omegas will be mine."
"I surely can't be pregnant!" "You are literally in labour as we speak!"
"You are not related to them by blood" "I don't care if they don't share my genes, they are my pups!"
"I have never belonged to a Pack before, I don't know what is expected of me."
"I'll have you know that I won my regional nesting competition 5 years in a row!"
"I'm scared of my Heat." "Don't be, I'll take care of you."
"Who left slick all over the couch again?!"
"This Pack would fall apart without its Betas."
"How can they be Pack when they don't speak the same language?" "Rumbles and purrs are universal."
"I can't believe Omega auctions still exist..."
"They are feral!" "They just like to bite people, it's fine."
"I don't want to be owned, I want to be free..."
"Did you see [Pack Alpha] rock the pups to sleep?"
"My Mate passed away. It's just me and the pups now."
"They Mated someone else! I thought I had a chance..."
"It hurts so much, feeling the Mating Mark fade..."
"Your scent glands are all swollen, who neglected you like this?"
"I would be a better Pack Alpha!"
"I think [Alpha] might be going into Rut. I woke up to them humping my leg."
"I don't belong to a Mate, I belong to the Pack"
"I found this pup outside and I'm keeping them."
"I would like to have 1 day in which no one cries in this Pack."
"Did you hear about the Alpha who got knocked up?"
"Your Pack despises me."
"Your Mate doesn't treat you right!"
"Omegas nest together, Alphas just pile up on the sofa and growl a bit."
"Alphas are allowed to cry too, you know..."
"We broke up, my Alpha realised he was only into other Alphas."
"Our last Pack didn't approve of [Omega/Omega, Alpha/Alpha, etc] Mates."
"Have you ever been with 2 [Alphas/Betas/Omegas] at the same time?"
"You are wearing my Alpha's sweater!"
"I love Alpha wrestling as much as the next person, but you really hurt my neck this time."
"I have 3 pups in my belly, excuse me for not being fast!"
"There is slick all over your thighs, love."
"They sure don't look like an [Alpha/Omega/Beta]."
"You cheated on me? With them?!"
"I have always been alone through my Heat. I will manage to get through it again."
"I didn't get the job, because of my status."
"Welcome to the Omega shelter, are you alone or do you have pups with you?"
"I honestly have lost count of how many pups we have in the Pack."
"P-please scent me, I don't want to smell like them, I want to smell like you..."
"Did you meet up with that [Alpha/Beta/Omega] from [Dating app]?"
"I feel ugly." "Darling, you are the most beautiful [Alpha/Beta/Omega] in this room."
"My bump is really starting to show now!"
"You're so small, Omega, I can just carry you around."
"I thought I would have to raise my pups alone. But seeing you with them today, made me realise they had 2 parents all along."
"Your Alpha punched my Alpha first!"
"We had such a great night together, and now I won't ever see them again."
"Wait! Your knot is too big-"
"There was an Omega being threatened and hurt, so I took them home to the Pack."
"Young Alphas should always want to be Pack Alpha." "I don't. I am happy to serve my Pack Alpha."
"Maybe this wasn't the right place and time to knot you..."
"Who scratched up [Alpha's] back so much?" "I might have gotten a little possessive last night."
"I have nothing. No Mate, no pups, no Pack..."
"Silly Alpha thinks they are in charge? How wrong you are..."
"No wrestling in the nest!"
"What happened last night and who did you get Mated to?"
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kaelidascope · 2 months
I think I should clarify that when I say OOC behavior in Toxic Bees AU, I mean like they're still their basic skeletal designs as a whole (I'm not THAT bad of a writer) but they're OOC compared to the versions of them we know today As in I banked hard on certain aspects of their personalities like Yang's self-sacrificing tendencies, Ruby's immaturity, Weiss's arrogance, and Blake's flakiness Pretty much all these attributes are just amplified to shit and there's like no character growth until the final chapters NFJGFNGKF
Yang literally only thinks she's worth what she can physically offer to someone in the form of service (sexually, financially, or emotionally). Her untreated depression and anxiety causes her to internalize her abandonment issues so bad she's creating scenarios in her life that are doomed to set her up for failure from the start, and yet she doesn't understand why people keep leaving her when she can't stop being this disingenuous version of herself
Blake pretends her actions aren't the direct cause of her consequences and therefor justifies her actions because of her consequences. She desperately doesn't want to give a shit about anything but that act's only gonna get her so far before it blows up in her face. She wants to think that she deserves to be mistreated and can't stand the idea of forgiveness or compromise, so she'll sabotage her own life to get a result that's familiar
Ruby's age shows painfully hard in this and reflects on her thought process and maturity. She's 20 and doesn't have a clue, and up until this point has had Yang or her Dad do literally everything for her. Her growth's been stunted just as much as she doesn't actively try to get off her ass and do something about it
Weiss may seem put together, but she's been miserably sheltered her whole life. Home-schooled first and then immediately living with a romantic partner she's far too young for second, who ends up infantizing her more and she doesn't have the tools or communication skills to speak up for herself. She's better about it now, but her bad habits manifest in her inability to get a grasp on reality and treats people like objects because not once did she have a normal human bond in her house
Now take those versions of team RWBY and throw them into a college setting with their very first taste of freedom, absolutely NO proper job or life experience, and nobody to actively vibe-check them on fucked up, ill-intended, and misguided decision-making. THAT'S what makes this an OOC RWBY fic. Because we all were stupid in our 20s living out of the house for the first time
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nylarac · 3 days
hiii pls reblog this post w your favorite pokemon rom hacks/fan games <3 and tell me why they're your favorites if u want!
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ineed-to-sleep · 11 months
I wanted to say, bc I saw someone mention Geralt as an example of a predetermined character in an rpg that works, that yeah, I fully agree it can work! But in Geralt's case, for example, he's a well established character who's fully written before you start the game. He has his own traits, his flaws and shortcomings, history, relationships, etc. He's just as well written as any other character in the story, and the only things you have power over are his choices and a bit of his fighting style(sometimes his hair as well), but everything is made to fit with who this character is as established before the game even starts. Think of the origin characters in Baldur's Gate 3, it's the same thing- they're not customizable, they're established before you even start, and the only control you have is over their journey. None of these are ever meant to be a blank slate, and they're written as such.
With this Phyre character it's like they're trying so so hard to tread the line between "this is a character that stands on their own" and "this is a blank slate you can fully customize". What you end up with is a very "meh" sort of character, who's not one or the other, without enough wiggle room to make your own story however you want and not enough to get attached to them as they are. We get attached to Geralt bc he's a fully written character in the game, you just control his actions. The problem with Phyre is that they're neither a fully written character nor fully yours to write.
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angelsdvsts · 4 months
˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . open starter: to all ˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ .
♡ muse: iridescent choi. early-twenties. ♡ plot: iridescent got tricked to go skinny dipping n her 'friends' left with her clothes
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little naive iridescent, one who always follows rules -- never stays past her curfew, except this time she disobey's it all. running off the the lake in the middle of the night with a group of friends, all agreeing to go skinny dipping. it was fine at first, watching as one girl after the other jumps in. shortly falling into line, except as they go to play a game -- eyes falls close only to be left in silence. she's been left, fuck. hearing a snap of a twig, head spun -- "really guys? it isn't funny anymore.."
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helluvaslut · 8 months
Open Starter : Double Trouble ( Male, Female, Futa )
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It had been years after Kim had graduated from high school. The brunette still continued her spy work, but in order to maintain such a dangerous job. She had to maintain her physique. Things with Ron didn't last long as he decided to explore other endevours. Though something interesting happened after high school. Kim and Shego, slowly became friends. And the two frequent the same gym together. Your muse was lucky enough to spot the two of them in their sports bra and panties. While noticing that Kim was on her phone taking a picture.
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son1c · 1 year
the very real possibility of getting an uncatchable shiny starly instead of the piplup i'm hunting is looming over me like a party city skeleton
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cameoappearance · 29 days
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Going off of this post by modmad, I would probably have had a Shuppet as my starter in the Pokémon universe. 1) I used the Unova dex as my jumping-off point because it's the only existing region on the same continent (albeit the complete opposite side; realistically the Pacific Northwest area would probably be its own region), 2) I lived a very suburban life as a child and didn't encounter a lot of animals so an inorganic pokemon seemed more likely than an animal-like one barring perhaps a bug type or a water type met at the beach, and 3),
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Not to put too fine a point on it but I think my household would have given a Shuppet plenty to work with when I was a kid.
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scatterpatter · 8 months
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Feeling normal again
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