#lonelyearth writes
eostre94 · 8 years
[Fanfic] Laid to Rest
Fandom: Overwatch
Characters: Jack Morrison/Soldier 76, Angela Ziegler/Mercy
Pairing: Mercy 76 (Jack x Angela)
Concepts: RoleReversed! AU for Mercy and Soldier 76 in which it was the former who "died" and came back as the vigilante Nemesis. The latter would be under the code SC - 76.
Preface: Greetings everyone! It's been quite a while since I wrote something like this, since I have been very busy with stuff happening (ie. LoA in Med School, seeking help, trying to now find work, etc.). I just hope to anyone who wants to read it to enjoy really. If you happen to like it, feel free to tell me. Comments/reviews/PMs? will be greatly appreciated (criticisms will be fine as well as long as it is fully meant to be constructive, let's all be nice here)
P.S.: I still want to say big thanks to the people who brought like Mercy76 around for me to enjoy being hopefully a part of! Big shoutout to people like @ynartistic, @xavirne, @angelicsoldier who made amazing fanart and fanfic that I wanted to contribute in the way I can. Hope to also meet more people! I also hope to put some more time into writing in general now!
It was dark for 2PM in the afternoon. Way too dark and cloudy for a supposedly nice Tuesday out. If I can recall, the weather omnic from the local news said that there would be a storm coming around Friday. I guess even today, with some much advancements in, weather reports can still get it wrong.
Tugging at my overcoat's collar more, careful not to ruin the thing I held onto, I continued my walk to where I needed to be. It was nice for the former higher ups to keep hush about where all the things were laid to rest. It was also nice that a lot of supporters still allowed the place to be kept nice and well. It was the same for those who remained to be here without welling up in anger and or sadness.
I continued my walk around the place, thankful that there weren't many people around the place. It was always a hassle when people noticed who I am. It was nice at first to be remembered as "The Poster Boy" for what was once loved. Then be hated, destroyed and now after so long, to have resurfaced. I shudder at the thought that history might repeat itself again, but I am confident at the new path the recall. Hoping it will lead a path much different from before.
'Not that I was of any fucking help.'
I groaned in my head for letting that bit of self-depreciation blurt out in me, not that there wasn't any truth to it. Being here right now in this place is a testament to what had happened.
This place that held so many memories and now is a place of remembering those memories.
A memorial.
A memorial of what was once the Swiss Headquarters of Overwatch.
The memorial for the members that fell when it fell with them.
When she fell with them.
I had to stop for a bit from my steady pace along the way, trying to make sure I don't well up in tears. I even look down to see the thing I was holding on my left that made me miss her more.
'Some soldier you are.' My thoughts tease back at me when I try to wipe any excess moisture on my eyes. I take take a steady breath, feeling the slight chill that signals rain coming sooner than later.
"I better hurry up and see her before I get the brunt of the storm." I muttered to myself. I decided to make a hasty pace along the other parts of the long walk in the memorial. I did not even stop by to pay tribute to monument that engraved various members who fell.
I made an internal nod to these people who died for their cause, but I needed to reach a specific statue in mind.
One that was dedicated to the humanitarian views of Overwatch.
One who fought for the right in the organization to focus more on helping the needs of others. A goal on humanitarianism rather than more on the militaristic views.
The one they used to call the Angel of Overwatch.
"Angela." I whisper it out her name once I finally reached where she laid to rest, or at least where she was last seen.
A beautiful row of white and yellow flowers were lined it lead up to a marvelous statue of clean cut gray marble. The statue was like Michaelangelo's La Pieta. It had an unnamed Overwatch soldier cradled by the angelic beauty herself. Her features still showed grace as her hair was in the usual ponytail, accompanied by her halo. Her suit accentuated her lithe body and her wings were very detailed and real. It would have seemed the statue would very much have taken flight with the fallen comrade. Her right hand caressed the soldier's nape to lift it up while her left held the thigh. Her bio-tech staff held as well upright, to illustrate the action she was known best for.
The power to heal and protect. To very much bring those close to death's clutches back to life. A gift that spoke volumes upon volumes to how amazing of a woman she was.
I walk close enough to see the pedestal the statue was placed, embedded in it was a golden metal plaque that wrote:
"Angela Ziegler, M.D.
Code name: Mercy
Born: XX/XX/2039
Death: XX/XX/2070
Truly an Angel amongst Men.
'Heroes Never Die' - Mercy"
Her famous words engraved next to an engraving of her signature next to it. As I walked towards the plaque, my gloved hand traced the neat and cursive strokes of her signature. I imagined that she was saying those words she always does that quite literally brings life.
"Heroes . . . Never Die." I muttered under my breath, as though her words would have brought her back.
Taking a step or two back, I marveled at the tall statue more up close, how it had captured her image down to her calm smile. Major respect to the sculptors who made this statue. It was so well done, that it was always a lot harder to confront her resting place every time I go to see her.
I steadied my breath and began.
"Hey Angel." I stated out, hopeful that it was not loud enough for anyone to hear, despite being somewhat empty. The slight tinge of a cool breeze acknowledged my greeting, prompting me to continue. The scenery was starting to become more dark-gray.
"It's been a while since I last came here. I have been busy." Trying to keep this awkward one-sided conversation going, I tried to keep going. Thinking like she was still here listening which would pretty much be as awkward as before.
It was a good 5 or so minutes of random idle chatting when I finally felt the chill of the air become more prominent. I huddled in my overcoat more, and realized I was still holding onto her gift while I tried to ramble on.
"I brought you these. I hope you enjoy them . . . wherever you are now." I placed the beautiful piece next to where I usually placed them whenever I had the time to visit. I am thankful the cleaners of the memorial in having kept the area clean from any dried ones from before. Sitting down in front of her statue, I tried to find myself comfortable.
"I hope you love them. I know you like these flowers, apart from the ones the people planted in front of your resting place." I look back the row of flowers of white, orange and yellow only to look back at the rather large an elaborate bouquet.
"They're called Gladiolus. They reminded me of like those tiger lilies from before and I thought you'd like them. More so since I remember how you'd always tease me for not knowing flowers." Chuckling from remembering how she would chuckle at me from the instances I bought her flowers saying the incorrect name, to which she would laugh her beautiful hearty laugh.
I remember how she would laugh with a slight snort when she finds something hilarious. How she would shake her head slowly but have that smile still grace her face when she sees an embarrassing moment happen to me and my antics. How she would have a radiant yet unkempt glow in her face when she wakes up after our nights together, something that drew me in more and more to her. How she would scrunch her face in concentration when she patches my wound, partly due to being angry with me for wounded, despite knowing my job description. The little things that she does that makes her more and more amazing.
Remembering them all makes me yearn for her so much more, even after 5 or years of being 'dead' I still miss her. I find myself comfortable in sitting in front of your statue, not even giving a flying heck if the storm rolled in right now and drenched us in its cold unforgiving deluge. I wouldn't care anymore because while they said that time heals all wounds, it still hurts knowing I caused the fall of Overwatch, I caused the tensions to happen between Gabe and I, and that I caused the love of my life to die when I should have died during the end.
"It shouldn't have been you, Angela. It's been around 6 years and I still can never forgive myself for having killed you." I looked back up to the angel in the statue, thinking it's still her, looking down upon but not in anger since I know she would have hated hearing me say that.
"I hope wherever you are, you are happy; that's all I can now hope for and while I don't believe in an afterlife, but maybe . . . just maybe, I'll get to see you again." The breeze picks up more as slight moisture form droplets which signal the start of dark stormy days. I look up to the sky and see that the dark cloud have finally rolled in, welcoming me with light rain that will only be the first wave before the storm kicks in.
"I . . . I have to go now. The storm's coming soon and I am probably going to have to leave the country as well since I have to continue helping out in the new Overwatch. The one I've told you about a couple of times? Yeah." The rain started to drop harder than before, telling me to wrap this up. Picking myself up from where I sat down, I continued to look at the statue as it was still her.
"I'll see you soon okay, Angel? I promise you that." I started to feel tears form in my eyes again, trying to hold it in before I finally say what I needed to say to her again.
"I-i . . . I love you so very much Angela. I hope you can hear me say them." I felt the nearby trees and shrubs rustle, but I didn't bother to look since it's probably the wind picking up and or some animal trying to hide now from the weather, nor did I care anymore as tears starting rolling down my eyes, not giving a care anymore who was watching a grown man, a soldier nonetheless, cry his heart out. Wiping my eyes from any tears, I started to walk away, hoping though that the bouquet will be fine. Probably not, and it was probably a stupid idea for me to leave them there when a storm is practically approaching, but in the end, it's not going to be there the next time I have time to meet with her again.
Walking back to my vehicle was a good 5 or 10 minute walk since frankly I wanted to savor my time in the memorial, even when the gust was getting stronger and the droplets were becoming heavier. I didn't want to leave, but I knew I had to. As long as there's still things Overwatch can do to make the world better, then I have to put my service again.
As I finally reached my vehicle, the breeze mitigated a bit and the rain wasn't as heavy which meant that it was a momentary calmness before the second wave. A calm before the storm as one would say. I looked straight up to expect a slight rain droplet or a patch of light shining through the dark gray clouds, but what I somewhat saw was something completely different.
I could have sworn I saw a silhouette in the sky that looked like a large black bird, or rather something that looked like it had arms along with wings. It was hard to decipher it rushing past in the dark sky, coupled with the fact that the darkness of the clouds made it even harder to even see if it was even a black bird at all. What was the strangest of them all as what fell on my nose as it sped past from where the memorial was.
I felt the texture of what fell on my nose, seeing it as colorful in my nasal visual field. It felt like a big velvety paper confetti, colored in bright off pink. Taking it off my face for better observation, I was even more perplexed by the thing that fell on my nose.
It was a flower petal.
A pink gladiolus flower petal.
Looking up back to see where that flying thing flew, I could barely make out anything in the sky as it started darkening once again, signaling the end of the calm and the start of the real beginning of the storm. As I start the engine of my vehicle, I still look at the petal now at my dashboard. I am starting to have weird ideas that are way too exhausting to entertain at the moment. All I know is that she heard me.
My Angel heard me, wherever she is.
Everything has been strange.
Well, if you count the things happening to my life one can make a notion that it is strange. Dead but not really dead. Working in the shadows to heal people, but have no longer much qualms about taking down those who wish to harm others. Once a physician to stop wars throw at us, now turned to an adversary with the sole mission to cut the bud before more terror happens. Skilled with now both medical technology and the blade, I find myself wondering why life couldn't throw me a bone and not make even going to a place not be something that ties my past together with a neat bow.
Case in point, finding myself along the memorial which was once the Swiss Headquarters of Overwatch.
Second case in point, having to hide and be silent as I see someone walk towards the famous statue of my 'final resting place' with what appeared to be a large bouquet. That someone was greeting my and rambling as though I was there listening to him talk. Interesting how I was also getting interested in what he was rambling on about in this one-sided conversation.
Final case in point, said someone was my former lover who brought me a beautiful and large bouquet of pink lilie-
"They're called Gladiolus. -"
Sorry, a beautiful and large bouquet of Gladiolus flowers perched upon my statue. I see him comfortable sitting in front of it, marveling at the statue that depicted me in a way that was me, but no longer me.
"It shouldn't have been you, Angela. It's been around 6 years and I still can never forgive myself for having killed you." I hear him state it as though it was fact. I almost found myself wanting to glide towards him and prove him wrong, but I know that would jeopardize everything I have worked hard on.
"I hope wherever you are, you are happy; that's all I can now hope for and while I don't believe in an afterlife, but maybe-"
'Maybe what, Jack?' I find that voice within me ask in hope. It was a voice I haven't found in myself for so long. It was the voice of Angela, the woman who was still very much alive and very much in love with the man in front of me.
". . . just maybe, I'll get to see you again."
"Oh Jack . . . if that were only that simple." I mumbled to myself, finding my heart to still beat in ecstasy to see the man who should have moved on after my 'death' 6 years ago, still love me and want to see me again.
The wind started picking up once again, accompanied now with slight moisture and droplets; it was practically telling us that it had to be wrapped up soon. I find him get up from his spot, telling 'me' that he needed to go soon. I felt a wave of sadness wash over me as he said that, knowing that this was the situation we both now live in: The living who still loves the dead and the 'dead' wanting to stay hidden away from the living, but still very much alive for vengeance.
I almost lost my grip at the tree and shrubs I was leaning onto, almost ruining my position for him to have noticed, thanking the heavens he must have mistaken it for the wind picking up. It would have been completely unjustifiable when in battle, but what he said before he finally left just threw my seriousness out the metaphorical window.
"I-i . . . I love you so very much Angela. I hope you can hear me say them."
'I love you.'
'. . . hope you can hear me say them.'
It was almost like those words now in my head taunt me with how he just said those words, almost as though he knew I was there all along and wanted to throw this charade we were playing. But it wasn't the case since I see his figure walk away from the statue.
Brisk walking my way to my monument, I found myself drawn to his bouquet. It wasn't like I didn't know he hasn't visited before with flowers, but this might be the first time I catch him in the act. Oh how fate can be a cruel and make my life even more strange.
I take the bouquet with me, but not before flying up to be at eye-level with the statue of my former self. The way the sculpted my face well that it even had the same expression I used to have when I would heal a person with my skills in peace. A peace that for some reason no longer resonates for me.
'Angela Ziegler is dead. Only Nemesis remains.'
The last thought finally brought me back to my conviction and resolve. I am who I am now because of what happened here. I cannot for the life of me back down now.
"I must fulfill my goal. Even if it means making necessary sacrifices." I whispered to myself in somewhat comfort. Looking back up to the sky I see that there is a brief calmness before the breeze and rain continue, to which I should take that as my signal to finally leave this place.
I jettison my way out of the memorial site, bouquet held tight with my right hand as I fly away from it all, back to where I need to pack my equipment and continue my goal. To fly away from my former life. To fly away from the name Dr. Angela Ziegler. To fly away from Overwatch's Mercy.
I can do all of that.
I felt slight moisture pool under my eye, thinking at first it was rain droplets once again, but I know that my visor will have prevented weather from hitting my eyes. I know it's my tears from the last thought I had but I don't want to acknowledge it enough to finally think of the answer for it like the others.
"To let go and fly away from the man I love." I mumble to myself as I continue flying away past the road that connects the memorial, and a parking lot for the visitors. Just thinking about the visitors of the memorial brought me back to him again, and what he said before he left.
"I hope you can hear me say them."
Thinking back to those words, and I am letting that inner voice within me answer it, since I know I can't even begin to think of it right now.
'I did hear you Jack Morrison.'
'I heard you loud and clear.'
The last one was enough to even get me smile at the thought as I continue flying past everything, eventually nearing my hide-away.
"Your Angel still heard you."
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eostre94 · 8 years
[Original] Left In decision
Hello everyone who decided to read this, I guess this is something I wanted to write for many reasons: 1.) It’s been many months since I wrote something due to Medical School, but after taking the Leave of Absence to re-find myself, I guess I know have this much time to do what I love to do which is write... not well but still write!
2.) It’s kinda my contribution so far for like NANOWRIMO... even though it’s not a novel at all. It’s more of my group of friends who wanted to write using prompts for this whole month wants to make this more lax and fun and more approachable for people like me who are still iffy about considering novel writing.
3.) I just wanted to write this idea out and I feel like in doing do I finally got that kick I have been missing since last week in trying to go back to writing and I am happy that I can hopefully continue writing and of course improve in my abilities.
NOTE: This was not at all edited so due mind the grammar, tense usage and the like... sorry! 
There's always something new on my newsfeed as I skim through the never ending wall of my Facebook. It's not a bad thing per se, but it does drop your heart when all the news seems to be drowned on and on about protests happening regarding an issue, with some people only seeing or only wanting to see the supposed dichotomy of the situation. Other news stories tells legalities against moralities and moralities against legalities.
Oh, and at least one cringe worthy half a minute to three minute video of either some stupid advertisement or some wannabe rising star using social media to boost them to some sort of stardom. Basically, it's the usual for people like me to see in their walls when friends, or "friends" in the Facebook space, share to sound or actually be actively being aware of issues or just sharing for the "lol"s and "tagging xxx" purposes when somethings funny and or cringe-worthy comes along the way.
That and photos of their endeavors. That obviously makes up a huge portion of not just Facebook but various social media platforms. It's a thing obviously to not just post one's photos but to also retell the story that unfold in the image. It retells the story of the activities or the day was like for the people and how much they either enjoyed it or not.
You can't help but feel the slight tinge of disappointment at how you wish you were in a similar situation now. How you wish you were there when friends come decided to hang out and have a great time.
You wonder if your own friends, and I do mean friends not just within the confines of Facebook, remember you when they post their time without you.
Do they even remember you?
Did you ever fleet in their heads when they say the word friend?
Are you enough for the clique you may or may not have intentionally or unintentionally grown out of?
A cog now no longer needed or wanted in a machine that works so well now can speak to you and I so well.
I guess in the end you can only blame your own circumstances. Being busy with your own priorities and the lack of resources to find the time or the effort to find the opportunity to seek them out with a 'you guys want to hang out?' has always been your reasoning and flaw to initiate when you wish to do so.
It sucks doesn't it? Now you are left with your reasons still covering up to the point where it has become a reflex to not even try. You are scared to initiate since you may feel as though you come off as seeking attention (or maybe is it?) and you know the trouble of having to plan this stuff out with all the stuff already going through your head like getting your permissions and approvals and the like.
You are left in a decision that spirals from wanting more to accepting this complacency you placed yourself in.
As you continue to scroll past the photos, maybe reassuring anyone when you comment and or like it with a 'miss you guys' or a 'you guys look like you had fun, wish I was there tbh' sealed with a smiley face, you can't help but want to say:
I wish I was there with you guys again and make me feel like I still belonged. I am sorry I wasn't there enough to make myself still someone who can still be acknowledged with a heads up. I am sorry that maybe I am just a bad friend.
But you can't even fathom that and only end up to yourself with this:
I am sorry for being left in decision.
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eostre94 · 8 years
[Fanfic] ASEAN goes to School!? - Chapter 2
Previous Chapter <~
Next Chapter ~>
Fandom: Hetalia (Specifically Hetalia ASEAN)
Characters: Original Characters that were inspired and based on not only from Himaruya Hidekaz but also from other amazing fan-art such as Maaf by Dinosaurusgede but with my own certain headcanons like names and certain personality tidbits.
Main characters are Indonesia and Australia featuring New Zealand and Wy. While Australia, Wy and New Zealand are already canon, I will add my head-cannon names and age for them: Australia, New Zealand and Wy are Jett (‘age’ 21), Christian (20) and Gwendolyn ‘Wendy’ (12-13) Kirkland respectively. Australia also goes by Aussie while New Zealand goes by Zea (pronounced Zee). Special mentions of East Timor, Sealand, the ASEAN and the Nordics.
Pairing: AussieNesia (Australia and Indonesia)
Concepts: Hetalia Academy. Platonic best friends while one of them not-so-secretly harbors feelings for the other.
Some headcannons: - The dorms/residence halls the nations live in are by continents with Asia hall being close to Oceania hall and Africa hall. America hall is for both North and South which is close to the Europe hall. - Micro-nations, who were once prohibited from attending the Academy, can now attend but are part of a special program that still coincides many a times to the more recreational classes of the nations such as arts and sports. - Malaysia and Philippines are roommates with the room at one side of theirs occupied by Indonesia and East Timor while the other side by Vietnam and Laos. Across Malaysia and Philippines’ room is Brunei and Singapore’s room and the room across Vietnam and Laos’ is the room of Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand. Australia and New Zealand are roommates in the Oceania hall while Wy has her own room in the Micro-nations residence area (which is surprisingly near Oceania hall).
Preface: It’s the second chapter!? Oh my glob! What awaits us in this chapter . . . Well I mean if you read the stuff above it you’d have an idea already so yeah . . . Anyways! I had fun writing this on the spot and very out of the blue since I was planning to write this chapter about prepping up for school as a more filler type of chapter. But I guess one of my ships have sailed today!
“I-i can’t do this!” Indonesia huffed out in exhaustion.
“Come on Nesia! Just-- ughh . . . just a little bit more.” Australia panted out in response as he was just as exhausted as her from their actions. It was enough that it got the more rambunctious Australia to not joke as they carried on. Holding as much as she can, he can hear Indonesia whimper.
“Uhh . . . steady will you!? I may be tough but this is giving me a pounding!” Indonesia barked back before trying to catch her breath once again.
“I just-- need to finish this now! Please, just a-a . . . a little bit more!” Australia hastened his pace, more than she can handle. One scream from Indonesia later, and they ended where they are now.
Sitting on the floor, taking the mess they just made in view. The bed frame lay forgotten to where they dropped it as they were trying to lift it with on top of it laid other stuff they tried to lift along with the bed frame and mattress. Said stuff now littered the floor after their failed attempt to carry everything. Despite the strength both nations had from being quite active in sports, both Indonesia and Australia were no match for the items and bed they tried to haul all of it from his car 2 flights of stairs below in one go as they both sat on the floor trying to catch their breath after doing the task.
After finding their breaths already, both friends looked at one another and found the only thing necessary as what to do now.
“. . . ehehehe . . . hehehehe . . . Ahahahaha . . . Ahahaahahaha!” Indonesia and Australia couldn’t stop finding themselves lose control to their fit of laughter as both just laughed.
“Why are we-- ahahah . . . why are we laughing in this mess we-ehehehe-- made in!?” Indonesia tried to string out a sentence but laughter still caught her as she continued giggling.
“I-- ahaha-- I don’t know. Bloody ahahahahahahaha . . . fuck!” Australia sputtered out as he remembered something. Getting up from his place on the floor, he looked at his phone and paled at the message he saw.
“What’s wrong Aussie?” Indonesia questioned as she finally got up from the floor and tried to pick up some of the stuff littered on the floor.
“It’s Zea! He’s coming over soon . . . and if he sees the room still messy like this . . . Cahya, we need to clean this A-S-A-P!” Australia practically dropped his phone as he started pushing the bed frame to the corner side it was already near to as Indonesia questioned his sudden responsible self. Based from his now hushed and dreading tone and now panicked but organizing actions with calling her human name, she knew New Zealand, or Zea, is not going to be kind to Australia if he hasn’t finished fixing their dorm room while he went out to grab Wy’s bed frame and her stuff along with said micro-nation.
‘New Zealand is one of those people you don’t want to anger. That I can tell from Australia’s stories enough.’ Indonesia thought out as she decided to pick up some clothes strewn about to be put into the closet.
“Wa-wait! Nesia, you don’t need to handle ‘those’ things!” Australia stuttered out after seeing her touching his clothes, underwear and socks and all while he was grabbing the bedding for his bed and also the books for his bookshelf.
“Huh? Why? Are these not clean?” Indonesia peered at a pair of drop bear designed green boxers she was about to pile up to her other hand holding onto his other clothes.
“No, I mean . . . it’s just.” Australia looked away, flushed at her being so nonchalant about picking up his clothes as he continued trying to place the notebooks at the bookshelf.
“Jett . . . don’t tell me you’re embarrassed that I’m helping you clean up your clothes?” Indonesia teased which only made him refuse to look at her longer. His silence was enough of a confirmation for Indonesia to continue.
“You are! Aww . . . Jett!” Indonesia jokingly swooned at Australia/Jett as she noticed him walk towards her and grabbed his clothes.
“Shut it Cahya! Just . . . I’ll handle my clothes and you can help organize the box of Zea’s stuff since I doubt he’d actually trust me to put his stuff in his place.” Taking his clothes, Australia picked up his bag containing his clothes and properly placed it in his closet while Indonesia just smiled at him while walking towards New Zealand’s stuff to arrange at his side of their dormitory room.
Since the academy has the nations live in dormitories or residence halls as they call it, many have opted living together. It also helps as the halls are unisex, having the halls made for the different continents as to make it easier for neighboring countries. So that’s where they are now, in the Oceania residence hall where Indonesia, after finishing the living arrangement of her and East Timor’s shared room 2 days ago, decided to help Australia fix his. She’s happy that despite being from the Asia residence hall, the halls is very close to the Oceania residence hall so that means it won’t be too far to pay her best friend Australia a visit.
Taking a box cutely labeled ‘Christian’s prized collection . . . which means don’t even think about it, Jett!’ with a sheep sticker next to it, which obviously meant New Zealand’s prized possessions of sheep and or LOTR themed items, she quickly went to work to place the soft wool pillows and duvet over Zea/Christian’s bed and placed his little sheep and Smaug figurines at his wall shelf along with his books. After finishing up her share of helping for about 50 minutes, she noticed that Australia had sat on the edge of his bed after putting on his own duvet, which meant things were finally finished for him as well.
“We finally did it!” Putting her hand out, Aussie met it with a high five.
“Hell yeah we did! Thanks Nesia, you shouldn’t have!” Australia wiped his brow while smiling back at her, his bandage still adhesive despite his sweating face from the labor he did.
“It’s no problem! . . . Question though. Why did Zea make you fix the whole room if you could have only done your part?” Indonesia asked as Australia started putting his finger to his cheek while looking away from her like a child finally confronted by his mother for a wrongdoing he had committed.
“Well . . . Zea was already super pissed at me for . . . err . . .” Australia stated out as he tried to not look at her right into her inquisitive eyes.
“What? What did you do this time!?” Indonesia asked him with a snicker. Almost anything he does always get him into trouble, but enough for Zea to be super pissed already for him to do chores like this that would have increased by who knows how many if he hadn’t, Indonesia needed to know. Taking the green swivel chair from Aussie’s desk, she sat down and scooted it closer to her best friend’s position.
“I . . . I might have accidentally launched my drop bear to one of his favorite sheep.” Australia practically muttered out the last part but it was enough for Indonesia to hear and be surprised at.
“You did what!?” Indonesia was surprised but the ‘O’ in her mouth was starting to come off as a smile started to form at the hilarity of the situation she was hearing.
“I mean . . . He was already trying to attack my face when I paid Christian a visit to his fields and I might have . . . flung him to Christian’s prized greying white sheep . . . Gandalf the Grey.” Still not directly looking at the awestruck eyes of Indonesia, he stated out his reason shamefully.
“You flung your drop bear at his old yet prized sheep named Gandalf the Grey!?” Repeating what he just said, Indonesia reeled back into the swivel chair in silent laughter as she clutched her stomach in the pain of the voiceless laughter she was experiencing. Indonesia couldn’t even bear looking at her best friend without ensuing laughter once again.
“It wasn’t that funny y’know!?” Australia blurted out as he saw his friend get up from his chair and joined him at the edge of the bed, sitting close to him as she finally stopping her laughter. Putting her hand onto his shoulder, she gave him a comforting smile and whispered out.
“You’re right. It is not funny.”
Before questioning her sudden change of mood, she whispered in all seriousness.
“It’s downright hilarious!” Before bursting out in loud cacophonous laughter that would probably piss off his neighbors.
‘Figured as much from someone like Cahya.’ Flatly thought Australia as she started chortling like she was choking on her own joke.
‘Well two can play at that game!’ He thought out before acting upon his new plan.
“Come here you!” Tackling and tickling her down to his bed, both friends laughed as Indonesia tried to stop him from tickling her and Australia laughing at their antics which probably is getting them a noise complaint as they spea-- laugh. Stopping from his tickling, he found himself surprised by how very VERY close they were as they laid on his bed facing one another. The way she looked at him with her courteous smile and happy half lidded eyes practically beaming as strays of hair caught onto her light brown skin. For Australia, she looked like a enamored goddess.
“What? Is something wrong, Jett?” She seemed to have whispered out to him while trying to lightly tuck the strays back to the side of her head.
‘Oh god, she even whispers my name like a sweet dream.’ Australia found it harder for him to not stop looking at her like he was completely awestruck.
“I-i . . . uhh--” Was all he could muster out while his mind was freaking out at his own lack of voice.
‘For fuck’s sake! I can’t even say something to her when she’s this close!’
“Hey Jett?” She whispered it out again and feeling himself turn more into jelly as she closed her eyes a bit as though she was resting and smiled more.
“Yes . . . Cahya?” Finding his voice once again, Australia tried to swallow the lump growing in his throat at what she could possibly say next.
“We should take a shower--”
‘Together!?’ Australia thought out before willing his nose to not explode in red before she finished her sentence.
“since we were arranging, cleaning and moving shit all day. Plus I wouldn’t want to ruin your nice bed sheets with our sweaty stenches!” Snickering at the last part, Indonesia finally sat up from her position on his bed. Before saying anything else, she quickly got off and started texting someone on her phone.
“Hey Australia, I’m bac-- oh hello Indonesia! Thank you so much again for helping him fix our room!” Hearing Zea’s voice, Australia quickly got up and out of his bed to see Indonesia greeting New Zealand and Wy by the door. Both were carrying boxes with them as they peered to the side where they saw Australia scramble to where they were.
“Hey Aussie, I have to go back since I need a shower from helping you out but I want to know if you, Zea and Wy wanna join me for dinner later? The others bailed on me since they went outside the academy and won’t be back till late.” Indonesia asked him as both Wy and Zea await his reply.
“Uhh . . .” Australia couldn’t even complete his incoherent answer as New Zealand answered for him.
“We’d love to Indonesia, but Wy and I have already agreed to meet with Sealand and the Nordics. Why don’t you go with Australia? We’ll just finish setting up Wy’s room and he can meet up with you around . . . 7PM? At the fountain area?” New Zealand quickly covered for Australia’s bumbling as Indonesia nodded and texted back to someone, probably Philippines. Placing the box down, he quickly looked over to give his friend a notion to nod which he did.
“Okay then! I’ll see you later Jett!” Indonesia waved lightly as Wy decided to accompany her out as she dropped her box on top of Zea’s.
Silence permitted the two roommates before New Zealand, with his ever present smile, questioned Australia.
“Do I want to know when I ever had a old yet prized sheep named Gandalf the Grey?” New Zealand questioned before picking up the boxes he and Wy were both holding.
“I-- uhh . . . sorry?” Australia reasoned out poorly. New Zealand could only shake his head in defeat at the state his friend was in.
“Honestly Jett! You were practically pushing me out of the door to pick up Wy when it’s usually your job just so you can have Indonesia help you out and wanted to have some time with her. Did nothing happen or did it not go accordingly?” New Zealand asked with sincerity as he passed by his friend; walking over to place the boxes’ content at his wall and book shelf, all while impressed by how arranged the room was.
“It’s not like that Christian . . .” Australia tried to reason falteringly from what his friend told him.
“Of course it is.” New Zealand only muttered as he finished putting the stuff away and stuffing the boxes away to the side. He looked back to his friend.
“Hey, I am not saying you shouldn’t do it but I don’t want you to chase empty dreams . . . because I don’t want anybody getting hurt from all of this.” New Zealand told him as Australia took the message with a nod and started silently shuffling through his closet to get a clean shirt to change in.
“I know.” Australia whispered only enough for Zea to hear as Wy came back with the last of the boxes of New Zealand that she placed by the owner as he went to putting the final touches to his side of the room.
“Hey, I’m going to use the rest room for a bit and then we’ll be on our way to your room with your furniture, okay Wendy?” Australia asked back in his usual enthusiastic self to his ‘sister’ as Wy/Wendy smiled at him.
“Sures! But don’t take too long! Goodness knows you might get sidetracked again while in the bathroom!” Wy jokingly teased as he went in. The female micro-nation looked to see New Zealand give his usual concerned yet smiling look at the door where Australia entered to freshen up.
“Big Brother is such an idiot as always . . .” Wy sighed as she could tell from her walk with Indonesia that she didn’t seem fazed at all with her time with him, so nothing went to what she wanted for them to have attained.
“I wouldn’t be too quick to judge what happened, Wy.” Zea whispered out so their friend inside wouldn’t hear their little conversation.
“What do you mean? Did you notice something.” Wy whispered in a somewhat happy tone at the possible news he might have.
“Well not exactly.” Zealand scratched his hand in his reasoning which gave him a leer by the micro-nation before he continued.
“But I can tell you right now that something did happen while they laid down together in his bed.”
“Wait what!?” Wy loudly whispered at the news.
“Yes. I don’t know what happened exactly but I know those two were laying down together before Indonesia greeted us at the door. And if what I think is right, I made the right call to have them be together for tonight.” Zea finished his rationale as both acted casually again to their subject of the matter, who came out looking refreshed in a new tee shirt that literally said ‘I love Bali’.
‘How utterly poetic.’ Both nation and micro-nation thought out loud when they saw it worn by him at this context.
“What’cha guys talking about?” Australia asked as he picked up his keys and wallet whilst they walked out of the room and towards the parked car containing Wy’s items.
“Oh nothing. Nothing at all.” Both his friends seemed synchronized in answering their clueless designated driver as Australia started the ignition to go to Wy’s room and finish setting it up . . . and then get ready for his meet up with Indonesia again later. His mind was already starting to tick at the realization of what had really happened.
‘Meet Up’
‘Just the two of us’
‘Only the two of us’
‘That’s . . . that’s a-- a da-date!?’
Panic initially overcame Australia at the notion but when he remembered that moment he had with Indonesia at his bed, he felt more confident, if even for just a little.
‘Preparations are definitely in order for later.’ Australia thought determinedly as they drove the pick-up truck to the micro-nations residence hall. Someone’s got a meet up with his best friend and he wanted to be there on time and prepared. Words truly ironic for someone like him, but who knows. Stranger things have truly happened between these two.
Who is to say chasing a dream, not empty, cannot be one of them?
P.S.: If you guys enjoyed this please let me know what you think! Comments/reviews/PMs? will be greatly appreciated (criticisms will be fine as well as long as it is fully meant to be constructive, let’s all be nice here) and I hope to continue writing more of these soon when I find time during med school!
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eostre94 · 8 years
[Fanfic] ASEAN goes to School!? - Chapter 1
CHAPTER 1 - Admissions
Next Chapter ~>
Fandom: Hetalia (Specifically Hetalia ASEAN)
Characters: Original Characters that were inspired and based on not only from Himaruya Hidekaz but also from other amazing artworks such as Maaf by Dinosaurusgede that goes even to personality and look descriptions but with my own certain headcanons like names and certain personality tidbits.
Main characters are Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and East Timor. Supporting characters would be the other ASEAN characters Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar. Other characters (both OC and canon) coming soon!
Pairing: No pairing yet, but it will come soon since I am shipping trash!
Concepts: Hetalia Academy where the nations now have to attend World Academy W (The school seen in both the Seychelles dating game and in the anime/manga itself). They would follow the high school like setting more than the university/college one despite their ‘ages’ as more to university, but some university/college-esque ideas are still here.
Preface: Greetings to anyone who decided to read this! I have had multiple ideas in my little idea notepad (not only for Hetalia but for other fandoms as well) but many of them I realized were old ideas for Hetalia itself. So I wanted to write them all down, but many were Academy concepts so instead of just writing multiple oneshots, I thought why not try to compile it into one multi-chapter fic that may or may not exactly have a linear plot, just a collection of all things Hetalia ASEAN + ships? Therefore, I am making it like this so it would be smoother for me!
I have yet to fully make a proper headcannons post or list, but as of now (and to avoid lengthening this) please go check out my fanfic Recollect for what I placed there so far)
“I can’t believe we’re doing this!” Malaysia couldn’t help but groan as she looked out from the car window. She does not accept this one bit! She downright refuses to believe this is the compromise for all of them when she herself has done nothing wrong!
‘I mean, seriously!? I am one of the more productive members! Why am I included to be subjected to--’
“Oh c’mon Laysia! Schooling for Nations in the World Academy W will be fun!” Philippines jabbed at her from where they are situated at the back seat of the car. Seated at the back of where they are seated were East Timor and Indonesia as they shared an earphone each to listen to some music while at the front was Singapore and Brunei taking the role of driver and shotgun/navigator respectively.
“I agree with Malaysia though. Why are some of us being subjected to this when we clearly do our jobs right as nations during the meetings.” Singapore grunted out as he showed his distaste for their bosses’ collective consensus for the nations to attend private schooling due to ‘reckless behavior’ and ‘inability to organize, report, and communicate as personified nations’.
‘Reckless behavior my ASS!’ Singapore internally screamed out loud that actually unfocused him enough that he felt a tug from his side that re-positioned him from swerving too much off the lane. He looked to see a twinge of annoyance from Brunei as he let go of the steering wheel to look back at his map. Clearly defeated by his own actions from his thoughts, he just looked forward again as he listened in, albeit still focusing on the road, to the back.
“Hey c’mon Malaysia! It can’t be that bad!?” Indonesia quipped as to give her two cents on the conversation as they both continued playing out the music in her phone. “I still just think that this is not right when clearly no one seems to understand the stupidity in our bosses’ plan.” Malaysia huffed out as she continued looking out the window.
“I actually understand what you mean Laysia.” Philippines smiled to Malaysia before continuing.
“I am no exception at times for literally sleeping on the job, even though I still get my stuff done, but we have to understand that our bosses just don’t like the overall behavior of the personified nations. We can actually be quite reckless, both in and out of the meetings, so they planned this schooling thing to reintroduce us to not only some stuff we should know and be refreshed at , like economics and politics which depends on the nations, but also certain traits and values we all should universally have to be considered professionals and to uphold our statuses as personifications of not just our land but also our society, history and culture.”
Philippines ended her speech only to see everyone looking at her with wide surprised eyes. Even Singapore tilted the rear view mirror just enough to look at her all while her sisters behind her took down their earphones to look at Philippines as though she grew a second head.
“Wow . . . I am just . . . wow.” Malaysia stuttered out while still looking at Philippines, all while Philippines herself was starting to feel the pressure of everyone’s gaze upon her.
“What!? I just stated it as it is! Don’t think I can’t make meaningful speeches like that!” Philippines huffed out angrily as she tried to shrink herself into her seat from embarrassment as the others lessened their stare at her and went back to the activities as they neared their destination.
“Anyways, since we are doing this we might as well enjoy it right?” Indonesia quipped to lessen the tension. Taking the inquisitive looks from everyone, sans the focused Singapore who was really listening, Indonesia continued.
“I mean . . . None of us have really fully experienced a schooling life like a lot people ‘our’ age. I mean sure we dabbled into information and even some retouch to our history and culture in our free time, but have we ever really had a full school experience? Think about it! I am talking gym classes, after school clubs, varsities, mean professors whom we beg for good grades, awkward group projects and reports, school dances that are even more awkward, and horrible cafeteria food!” Indonesia announced out.
“How is this selling us to enjoy going to school, kakak?” Malaysia asked incredulously as she looked at Indonesia and the starry eyed look she is making as she finished her selling pitch.
“I think she means that the schooling experience is something we will at many times dislike, but overall we cannot just forget as it became a big and important part of our lives . . . which is ironic because we live very long ones.” Brunei chuckled as he pointed Singapore to an open parking spot to the side. Parking it properly to the spot, they disembarked the vehicle to stretch after being on the road for so long.
“Okay guys! Since we’re here let’s go find the administrations office, figure out what the hell do we need to do to prepare, call up our bosses for help since we’ll be living in dorms and or apartments nearby, and overall . . . let’s have fun!” Indonesia announced to everyone, as usual for her supposed role as the big sister, and supposed leader, of the Maritime ASEAN group as she calls their ragtag group of friends. Everyone just nodded as they followed Brunei or their forever responsible navigator who actually read up the handbook + map of the academy to the admissions building. Making a beeline to what appears to be the main building of the massive expanse that is the World Academy W, they entered to see--
“‘susmaryosep! Why is there only one counter for all of Asia and Africa!? Do they know how many that is!?” Philippines was dumbfounded by the sheer line that already made a somewhat S shape as Asian and African personified nations alike lined up to get their registrations on.
“Yeah, one of the employees supposedly at the African counter is calling in late, so African nations had to share with Asia . . . which is pretty dumb on their part since Oceania is the least.” A voice answered Philippines’ outburst as they looked to see the end of the line for the source, where a 2 certain people were at the last of it.
“Oh hey Viet and Laos! Where are the boys at?” Malaysia walked over to them as the others lined up behind her with accepted defeat. The boys she was referring to were the other Mainland ASEAN consisting of Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia.
“Oh you know how they are. One moment Cambo looks away and the next he had to drag Burma away from trouble he caused, all while Thai had to mitigate the problem and the conflict between the two brothers, which then causes both to gang up on him for trying to look cool and responsible as the ‘older brother’ of the ASEAN. You know, the typical.” Vietnam stated it quite aloof as she flicked her hands to state it as the norm already. Laos only giggled before sighing as she tried to look if the line had started moving once again.
“It seems the line has finally started moving. I just hope the others get back on time.” Laos quietly proclaimed as they did notice the African counter had finally opened, which allowed many to move to their respective line and make the line less all while the their own line finally started moving again.
“Huh . . . no wonder the line took long. China seemed to have registered all of his ‘students’ such as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and even South Korea.” Singapore peered from his place to see China finally taking a stack of papers and walking out. Hearing footsteps, they found their 3 males companions make their way to the line and the space given to them by Laos and Vietnam.
“I guess this is where we’re going to begin our roles as personified nations turned students, huh?” Indonesia stated out to those who were listening. Everyone just nodded, either from happiness and enthusiasm from the prospect, such as Philippines and Thailand, to the more accepting defeat like Myanmar and Singapore.
“Yay!” Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand cheered out loudly while East Timor, Laos and Brunei cheered but without the increased voice.
“Yay” Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar flatly cheered and or with less enthusiasm as they all think this is going to be a drag for all of them.
“Well, I guess this would be something huh?” Malaysia chuckled quietly as they finally got to the front.
What would be awaiting them?
Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia, Vietnam and Malaysia only saw the needed refresher classes on needed information such as politics and economies.
Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, East Timor, Philippines and Indonesia only saw the fun, and or trouble, they were all going to get from being an actual student in the World Academy W.
But in the end, they are going to garner something from all of this.
Experience worth while.
P.S.: If you guys enjoyed this please let me know what you think! Comments/reviews/PMs? will be greatly appreciated (criticisms will be fine as well as long as it is fully meant to be constructive, let’s all be nice here) and I hope to continue writing more of these soon since this was fun to do.
Also, yes I do know as of now East Timor is not part of the ASEAN, yet the term itself has more or less meant all South East Asian Nations in the fandom. That and I know East Timor has been applying already to join, so there's that.
Extra Information: - 'susmaryosep is a Filipino slang term which is an exclamation for fear, surprise and or annoyance. It comes from the names Jesus, Mary & Joseph from Christianity which is the predominant religion in the country.
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eostre94 · 8 years
[Fanfic] Recollect
Fandom: Hetalia (Specifically the Hetalia ASEAN group)
Characters: Original Characters that were inspired and based on not only from Himaruya's sketches but also some others' OC's/headcanons (ie. Dinosaurusgede's Maaf) that goes even to personality and look descriptions but with my own certain headcanons like names and certain personality tidbits. Their human nicknames are mainly for like close friends or when they really mean something serious.
> Philippines (19 'age') = Maria de la Cruz, also goes by Phili or by her human nickname MD.
> Brunei (19-20) = Adhi Saif Haris (which roughly means Important Sword Guardian), goes by Adhi.
> Indonesia (21-22) = Cahya Dewi (Illustrious/Radiant Goddess), goes by Cahya or just Nesia.
> Malaysia (19) = Maya Sita Fatma (Captivating Lady of Illusion), goes by Maya or Laysia.
> Singapore (20-21) = Darren Leonard Ong (Great Lion Waters), goes by Leon or Sing (pronounced as Sing-gh like Singapore)
> East Timor (14-15) = Maristela Ada Marvilha (Adorned Marvelous Star of the Sea), goes by Timor or Stella.
Other characters are just mentions of both canon and non-canon such as Germany, America, Canada, France, England, Pakistan, India, China, Nigeria, Spain, Romano/South Italy, Ukraine, Liechtenstein, Hungary, Mexico and Ecuador.
Pairing: BruPhil ft. SingaMalay
Concepts: There's a lot to say to cement my headcanons but I don't want to overwhelm people too much so I will try to enumerate as concise as I can as of now. Many of this was heavily based on the comic Maaf by Dinosaurusgede (please check her stuff out, it's amazing!) (*Warning Spoilers if ever)
> Philippines doesn't remember fully her pre-colonial history; hence, when she says that she experiences 'those memories', it means memories she doesn't remember properly but can only say those are her memories from before. She has tried to ask the others but seem to be a very sensitive subject so she figures it out on her own. The necklace she wears is very important to her.
> Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia along with East Timor are related as sisters. Indonesia is the eldest with East Timor being the youngest. My headcanon is that Malaysia and Philippines will jokingly argue over who is the real youngest (but for my headcanon it really is Malaysia but she chooses to not believe it).
> Singapore and Malaysia are a power couple (they always try to beat the other in almost anything) and one of the only 2 couples in the ASEAN who are sexually active. Philippines and Indonesia know of their activities and actually wingman them! (I am shipping trash so yeah)
> Malaysia has characteristics of a tsundere and kamidere while Indonesia has those of an older sister archetype with slight yandere who also loves to see her sisters be shipped. Philippines is actually along the lines of deredere and giddy ditz at first glance but when you get to know her more she shows to be more complex than that. Singapore is like those characters who always seems to have a resting bitch face but is actually a cool person to hang out with. Brunei is a traditional and conservative gentleman. East Timor is a curious yet always energetic like her sisters. (More work on this some other place and time).
Preface: Hello to anyone who decided to read this. First of all, I am surprised that I decided to go back to one of my old fandoms. It's been around 5 years since I started joining the Hetalia and 4 years since joining the ASEAN Hetalia bandwagon after reading Maaf. I know it's been pretty inactive but with this renewed vigor to contribute to one of my favorite fandoms, I wanted to write this since not only was Maaf a really well done webcomic about the Hetalia ASEAN but it really gave me better appreciation and respect for my nations' history, especially the pre-colonial history.
"You look beautiful."
A voice rang out from her head as it shook her awake when she realized she let her mind wander off from the meeting. She wasn't so sure where she heard that voice before or when for that matter, all she knew was that it sounded familiar like from someone from her past calling her from a memory. Or rather it could be something that no longer applies to her present. Philippines could never shake the uneasiness when she allowed that voice to ring from her past memories, or rather fragments of what she can only hopefully assume were her past memories.
'I hate when I can't remember 'those' memories!' She stated to herself as she decided to try as pay attention but to no avail as it made her deft back in thought.
'I mean I'm trying really hard, y'know!' Fighting with her own thoughts, Philippines didn't realize that the UN meeting of nations-personified had ended; not the way many like Germany would have wanted, but still ended for a 2 hour lunch break. It was only due to a tap to her shoulder did she stop herself from debating even further.
"Phili? Hey! Nesia wants to know if you want to eat with us outside the meeting place? Said there was a really good Indonesian restaurant nearby and you know her and her love for her culture . . . and or herself." Looking up she saw her sister Malaysia as she continued on its her announcement.
"Sing will be with us along with Timor." Shrugging at the thought of their over excited older sister Indonesia, or kakak and ate Nesia for both Malaysia and Philippines respectively, the modestly dressed Malaysia looked down on her still unfocused olde- sister of indefinite closeness to her 'age', with a lack of patience for a response.
"Huh? Oh . . . uhh, sure. Let me just get ready Laysia!" Springing out from her chair, Phili- Philippines smoothed out her black knee length A-line skirt and her slightly wavy mid-back length hair; all which accentuate her blue sleeveless collared blouse and black stilettos. She looked, as how Malaysia would say, acceptable enough to her aforementioned younger sister who was watching her with slight amusement at the fuss she was doing in fixing herself and packing up her papers to join them.
Malaysia still wished that Philippines' attire had covered her up more though, but then again Philippines was always the more 'fashionable', or so Phili says, one out of the three of them when it comes to looking her finest even when it was just a meeting with the other nations; all while happy Malaysia herself decided to go for her dark red baju kurung, or a loose fitting full length Malay dress, with a plain white headscarf that still showed off bangs from her long silky straight hair and matching white open toed heels to secure her traditional yet stylishly modern look.
"Come on Philippines! I want to get this over with before we run out of break time!" Huffing out an exasperated breath and hands on her hips with her impatient tone, she was starting to get annoyed when her sister looked like she was taking her time.
"OR . . . rather, someone wants to 'coincidentally' leave her sisters alone while 'coincidentally' the only guy, AKA Singapore, in the meet-up also leaves at a 'coincidental' time. And I am betting a 6 months' supply of dried mangoes they will both 'coincidentally' arrive at the same time while both seem to be 'coincidentally' flustered with maybe bruised lips, tousled hair and or clothing. Am I wrong or am I 'coincidentally' right . . . Maya?"
The flushed and angry/embarrassed look from Laysia, especially calling her out using her 'human' name, was enough for a victory for Philippines after sarcastically making her claim against her annoyed sister.
"Whatever M.D.! Just hurry up!" Walking out the door with still a red hue that could have rivaled her dress, Philippines, or M.D. as her 'human' nickname, couldn't help but be internally giddy at the actual prospect of Malaysia and Singapore coming back after a heated . . . you know?! You know what she means.
Walking out of the door and following her sister after Malaysia calmed down, they walked for a good 3 minutes out of the main building to the garden area where 3 people awaited for them.
"Finally! I have been wanting to go since forever!" Getting up from the bench she was sitting, their older sister Indonesia, Cahya as her human name, stood up to walk up to her slow sisters. Her ponytail and outfit of a light brown business pants suit and matching pumps made her look like the boss, which suited her very well.
Over to where she left them were Singapore in his dark blue business suit with black dress shoes, sans jacket as it was folded on his lap and glasses as he was cleaning it while waiting, and East Timor in a short sleeved tea length orange dress and dark brown wedges with her chin length curly hair adorned with a Chinese rose hairpiece, similar to her older sisters' usual floral themed hairpieces of Indonesia's moth orchid, Philippines Arabian jasmine and Malaysia's hibiscus, which the three all opted to not have on during the meeting.
"Sorry we were late, ate! I hope you guys weren't waiting too long." Giving her older sister a smile, she walked passed Indonesia after her apology to greet the others while Malaysia asked Indonesia to fetch a taxi enough for all 5 of them.
"Hey Leon!"
"'Sup MD, took you a while." Singapore's, or Leon's, uninterested look yet with a raised eyebrow at her really meant more to the unfamiliar eye, which really could be his patience wearing thin as bad as Nesia's, just not as noticeable as hers.
"Yeah! The meeting was a bust and the tea they gave was enough for India to gag at!" Joked the youngest sister of the sisters trio East Timor, or Stella as she goes by in her human name.
"I know right!? Man did India look like he was about to bust an artery when England said it was just right!" Philippines joked back to her at that moment, while Malaysia came back to join in on the conversation.
"Ahaha! The look on England's face when he was tackled by not just India but Pakistan as well was very tweet worthy!" Malaysia chuckled, and secretly did tweet it when it happened.
"And I was surprised China was allying with them as well because of his love for good tea! Who knew England's remark would be enough to have almost caused a world war against him?" Singapore remarked with a smirk as everyone laughed at the idea. Walking back to them, Indonesia gestured to the group that their ride was here.
"So, Laysia says we're going to an Indonesian restaurant for lunch?" Philippines inquired as their ride started driving out to the main road.
"Yup! But that's not really all! I have a surprise for you guys later after we quickly eat!" Indonesia quipped as pairs of eyes widened to her view in inquiry to what she could possibly mean.
"I am not telling you guys yet! We'll just need to make sure we eat not too slow so I have enough time to show you what I mean!" Smirking in victory at how she wouldn't budge, the very pairs of eyes deflated and accepted to wait for the surprise, whatever it could possibly be that Indonesia was having in store for them.
Letting the others talk to one another, such as East Timor and Indonesia, or using their phones for possible work or a more private conversation, such as Malaysia and Singapore, Philippines decided to just continuing looking out from her window seat, seeing the scenery pass by quickly.
She always found silent and long car rides soothing, as long as the smell of pollution or the feeling of rain on skin were removed. She started finding herself back into letting her mind wander, maybe to parts of her memories again that she has yet to fully piece together, like a puzzle that's not fully giving her the picture from where she sees it. A memory fragment that was calling her to find its missing pieces to connect hers to it again.
"I can't leave you here alone!"
"But you have to leave. I wouldn't want to see you hurt as well."
"Please come with me!"
. . .
"You look beautiful."
"Hello! Earth to Phili! C'mon, we're he- hey, are you alright." Indonesia's voice, from her usually ecstatic to a more familial concerned one, shook Philippines awake as she realized the others had already started walking into the restaurant while Indonesia kept looking at her from outside the car with worried eyes.
"Huh? Oh-oh yeah! Sorry, I must have fallen asleep on the ride here!" Laughing off the worry, Philippines got off from the car and walked together with Nesia, still slightly concerned.
"Well if you're sure, but don't be too scared to tell me or even Malaysia, okay?"
"Okay." A quick hug from both sisters before they continued their walk towards their table inside the restaurant, seeing their other three companions with menus on hand looking through for their orders.
"So what's the recommended from your amazing cuisine ate Nesia?" Philippines asked as they finally joined the others in ordering.
Walking out from the restaurant with content smiles and content stomachs, Philippines couldn't help but notice something was missing. Like someone-
"Hey where was Brunei again? I forgot as to why he wasn't able to join us for lunch." Indonesia questioned to the couple in front of the group.
Philippines wished to face palm herself for not realizing sooner that Brunei wasn't with them at all, not even remember seeing him when they dismissed the others for lunch.
She didn't want to say that his presence doesn't make him known around like America's brother, but she knows that he's always so kind, gentle, well mannered and docile that maybe she can admit to herself that he doesn't as much stand out for her as from the people she usually interacts, from the more enthusiastic and zealous like America and Spain to the more sarcastic and blunt like Mexico or Australia. But she shouldn't deny Brunei's presence just because of her inability to observe!
She can tell that he really means well, and not just because every other SEAN (South East Asian Nation) thinks so. He's her friend, a friend who is patient and quiet with her despite her more vibrant and easy going personality that has been in many instances clashing with his traditional like way of living. She loved his calm an quiet demeanor and so that doesn't mean she should have forgotten him like that.
'Ugh! I should apologize when I see him for not noticing him being with us! Great MD!'
"I believe he had some paperwork to do with Thailand and Vietnam since they'll be working on the ASEAN conference next month as they'll be the ones hosting those 3 days in their respective countri-"
Philippines found her head meeting the iron pole of a pedestrian crossing sign a little too close as she didn't notice it when she basically walked into the post when she was both listening to the reason of Brunei's absence and her letting her mind still scold her for her forgetfulness. This would now count as part of the scolding.
" 'tang ina!" Philippines muttered angrily as her friends looked back at her. Covering her hit forehead, she tried to smile and pass it off as nothing.
"Heheheh, I accidentally bumped into this street post! Silly me!" Walking past the concerned looks of her friends and trying to not further her embarrassment, she tried to press on something else for them to look at besides her.
"Uhhh anyways! Indonesia! You said there was something you wanted to show us as a surprise?" Philippines practically pleaded to have them stop staring at her back as she tried to still rub off the pain.
"Oh-oh right! C'mon, it's this cute little open market by the park near our meeting place! It had some cool looking stalls that were selling knick-knacks. Wooden figurines, porcelain dolls, antique jewelry! I even noticed some stalls selling stuff from our places! It'll be fun to go around and shop!" Which authentically caught the attention of Philippines and East Timor.
"Or at least we can all silently judge the authenticity and creativity of the stuff as we laugh and maybe eat some ice cream while we are at it!" Which piqued Malaysia and Singapore's interests. Indonesia always did show those parts in her that can worry others. People can be caught of guard by Indonesia and her slightly darker and crueler side.
"The last part sounds fun, let's go." And then there's people like Singapore who are into passive aggressive or straight up snide criticizing without even looking the part. Good friend for ate Nesia indeed.
"The stall and ice cream part sold me, let's go feto bin boot!" East Timor quickly grabbed Indonesia's hand as they started flagging a taxi again to drive them back more or less to the meeting place so they can check the open market near it.
Getting on a taxi, the group got on and with some miracle that must have praised them, they didn't get stuck on the road despite being the usual lunch rush.
Philippines had to be careful as to not space out again like before, knowing the others have become concerned of her. She doesn't blame them because while she knows that she can be quite flighty and a bit of ditz, she doesn't allow herself to be so unfocused and clumsy to the point of worry unless something is really worrying her and or something is conflicting in her mind. In this case it's the latter, and she couldn't stop worrying how the others during the car ride side-glanced upon her to and even as they finally walked to the park would glance at her if they would find her spacing out while walking.
"Guys, wait. I want to say something before we go in." Philippines stated out that caught the attention of the others in front of her. Readying her voice, she continued.
"I'm . . . I'm sorry for making you guys worry about me. I can tell you guys know something is off but I don't want to worry myself because you guys are worrying about me." Finding her voice once again much sturdier, Philippines smiled and started speaking again.
"Tell you what? I'll try to lessen whatever is going through my head that's got me all wrapped up on it and if ever I space out too much, let me know and I'll promise to stop. Okay?"
Silence followed as Singapore, East Timor, Indonesia, and Malaysia thought about her words. Before any of her sisters could say anything, Singapore beat them to the punch.
"Good to know, MD. We worry that you'll accidentally face plant yourself onto cement only realizing it when it hardens if we're not careful." As usual of his demeanor, Singapore said his words in a very nonchalant tone yet she can see the ghost of a smile on his face that meant 'Thank goodness!'. Beggars can't be choosers!
"Aww Leon! You do care!" Coming up to hug the man, only for him to put his hand out to stop her from even going near him, Philippines just giggled that finally seemed to relieve everyone from the tense air.
"Not to break everyone's releived mood, but let's go check out the stalls . . . and the free ice cream!" East Timor remarked as she still giggled at Philippines' attempt to hug their male friend.
"Huh? Who said it's free?" Malaysia questioned, as she looked away from the silliness to look at East Timor's eyes. She started noticing a sort of Cheshire grin appear in both Stella and Cahya's eyes that could only mean one thing.
'Mental agreement for a scheme.'
"Well duh! . . . Philippines is going to treat us for making us worried. Right bin boot Cahya!" Running away with Indonesia in tow, Philippines realized what they said and looked exasperated at the two running to the nearest ice cream vendor.
"Wa-wait!? I-i didn't say I'd pay for all of you!" Stuttering out her words, she noticed Malaysia and Singapore walked towards the two schemers. So much for backup!
After hesitantly giving in and paying for all of their ice cream, Philippines enjoyed her time in the open market. It was bustling with people of all ages, enjoying what the place had to offer. She even saw many of the other nations using their break time to also look around the open market as she saw America and England arguing as always with France and . . . someone who looks vaguely like America with a polar bear cub on his hand watch at the sides near one of the food stalls. She saw Spain and Romano put on funny looking hats for a photo booth, or rather Spain with already funny hat trying to convince Romano to join in. She also saw some of the female nations like Hungary, Ukraine and Liechtenstein eat parfaits at a small set up cafe. Overall Philippines was having a blast.
Looking around, she noticed her group had decided to go on separate paths with Nesia and Timor enjoying the photo booths at the side where she can still see them and Laysia and Sing have "coincidentally" disappeared from her view all together. Not even bothering to look since she knows they would try to be discreet in their "coincidental" disappearance, she
'Called it!' Giving herself a mental high five, Philippines decided to go window shopping around the stalls, maybe finding something like a new piece of jewelry or a cute little figurine as a decoration would get her mind out of the mental rut. One particular jewelry and antique stall caught her attention as she noticed the designs of the cloth decorating the stall were designs she knew were from her and neighboring nations' cultures.
'Aww they have malong around the place.' Decided to stop by, she went in the small makeshift store to look around the items. Pieces of pearl jewelry adorned one side and she couldn't help but envy the black and pink pearled ones. She was actually pleasantly surprised by how many of the pearls were not imitation pearls, getting sick and tired of being chided to buy fake ones when she goes shopping along Divisoria and the like.
'Though I'll never part with you, y'know.' Fiddling with the single pearl strung on her necklace to mean it, Philippines does find the piece of jewelry she always wore as something she can never really part with as she knew it has been with her since even before. When 'those' memories were still her life.
"Find anything you like, iha?" The kind middle aged looking woman spoke to her as though she was family. Smiling back to the store owner, Philippines found herself speaking in her language.
"Ay, pasensya na po! Nagagandahan lang ako sa mga alahas ninyo." Finding herself speak in full Filipino, the woman laughed and seemed to understand her. A Filipino woman in these parts of the world is not surprise anymore for Philippines. She couldn't help but smile at the idea that maybe the woman doesn't know she's basically talking to the human personification of where her roots lie.
"Okay lang 'yan. Hindi ko na lolokohin yung mga may gusto kasi alam ko na totoo yung mga perlas namin! Baka may makita kang ma-accentuate yung itsura mo at para matching pa sa iyong kuwintas!" Pointing to her necklace with a smile, the woman had to stop their interaction short as someone seemed to bring her lunch and more customers were looking at the front of the store where the woman was also selling some wooden figurines and Filipino sweets.
Looking around for more of the jewelry, with one of the pink pearl earrings as a possible buy already, she found a jeweled hairpiece that she felt she needed to have. It was a delicately designed jeweled hair clip. She was amazed that it looked authentically steel and silver with little white pearls arranged like white petaled flowers on the curved metallic surface. She found herself wondering how such an intricately beautiful hairpiece would find itself being found by her, not that she doesn't trust the seller's items since she seemed to have real jewelry as opposed to fake ones. Lost in thought, she started hearing those memories and voices again.
"You look beautiful."
"Please come with me."
Fragments of voices from possible memories came rushing in to bother her but she still found herself compelled to buy it. Philippines nonetheless did so along with the pearl earrings. Walking out of the store she found Indonesia and Timor by the exit, seemingly waiting for her.
"Hey! We should go back now so we don't get late for the afternoon meeting. Maya and Leon will catch up since they have some stuff do." Timor stated to Philippines as they started walking across the street to reach the building for their meeting.
'They're possibly doing something alright.' Philippines and Indonesia snickered at the same thought, leaving their younger sister Timor to question their synchronized expressions. Reaching their meeting area quite early, they found some of the other nations hanging around to either chat or actually do some work to be done. While Timor and Indonesia were chatting, Philippines fiddled through her purchases to get the jewelry she bought.
"Ooh, what's that you bought there Phili?" Indonesia asked as she saw the pink pearl earrings that she was putting it on.
"Oh. It's just some jewelry." Seeing the meeting for the afternoon was about to begin with Germany once again initiating the rules, Philippines finished her answer quickly and placed her bag back below the table to begin listening in on the meeting.
Or at least try to if she can stop herself from taking a siesta. Which rarely lets her succeed.
"Phili is out cold again huh?" Timor whispered to Indonesia as they both looked at their sleeping sister across from them already resting on her table with her arms cushioning her sleeping form.
"Her, Mexico, Ecuador, Greece, Nigeria and even Spain himself are all just napping in front of America's another-superhero-to-save-the-world plan which is not much of a surprise for either." Indonesia whispered back while biting back a cringe at how America was munching on his burger while also stating his plan.
Looking back at their sister, and at the slight glance of two certain people trying to sneak in back into the meeting room, Indonesia still worried whatever was going on Philippines' mind, and it certainly didn't help seeing her look like she was still debating it even more in her sleep.
'MD, what's going through your mind now?'
"M- , there you are!" A boy that looks to be the age of 12 came up to her view. He seemed to be dressed in robes and in a hat that looked like a black fez. Something prominent was sticking out of his hair; it looked like a long wire that bends at the tip and sways as he walked fast towards Philippines. Only did she realized as he finally stopped to catch his breath did the wire she thought was on his head was actually an elongated piece of hair, or an ahoge as Japan would call it. His robes were akin to something she remembered seeing Singapore would wear for cultural shows. When he finished catching his breath, he smiled back at her.
"I am glad I caught up with you M- !" Philippines didn't seem to catch the last part as she seemed to have nodded and laughed at his antic.
"It's alright. I was hoping you would show up as well actually." She found herself speak in a higher pitched and younger voice and only then did Philippines realize that the boy who looked younger than her was at least a good few inches taller as well. Something struck her familiarity when she looked at the boy.
'Are these 'those' memories? Am I remembering something? He looks lik-'
As if to note the sudden realization, the memories started to fizz out in disproportion and seemingly the memories started to distort to various images of places, people, and happenings that she could barely keep up.
'Me and my big mental mouth!' Seeing everything go to black as only voices again can be heard; they're barely comprehensible as sounds akin to loud radio static reverberate around her and she couldn't help but try to shut it out while trying to make sense of what she's hearing.
"M- . . . I-i a . . . am gl-gl-gla- . . ."
"Did you li- ke your . . . co- . . .?"
"I ho . . . pe w-we-we can . . . st- . . . toge . . . rrh."
The sounds have become to the point of ear shattering as she she tried to cup her ears but to no avail in her dreams. It all seemed lost for her when she felt a light shine down and Philippines could start hearing things now in hushed whispers.
"Phil- ines? He- llo?" The voice sounded familiar as she started to see the light getting closer and brighter. But before she could fully be engulfed in it, she heard something once again. The same lines she's been hearing.
"You look beautiful."
"Please come with me!"
"Miss Philippines? Are you awake now?" The voice asked as Philippines finally straightened from her chair to see the empty meeting room.
"Oh no I overslept until midnight again!" Panic shot through her head as she started looking through her phone for the time, but was calmed when a hand rested on her shoulder and calmed her down. Looking to the source of the voice and comforting touch, she was greeted by.
"Brunei?" As to confirm her speculations, the man she knew as Brunei let go and smiled back at her. He was in a surprisingly western ensemble of dark slacks, black shoes and a white dress shirt with a yellow and black striped tie under an off gray blazer, but his usual plain black cap or songkok was still on his head. His signature lock of long hair or ahoge sticking way out of his head still ever confirming his identity to her. Getting up from her chair and picking up her stuff, she looked back at her friend.
"I am assuming the meeting is finished huh?" Philippines couldn't help but feel embarrassed yet again for sleeping on the job. She was not exactly happy at the prospect of meeting her boss, despite being new, only to be disappointed in her.
"Yes, it finished about 20 minutes ago." He answered as they both walked out of the room.
"Where are the others?" Philippines continued questioning. It was nice getting to talk to him as they walk along the hallway. While she was fiddling through her bag to put the stuff in and bring out her cellphone and the like, Brunei answered her.
"Ms. Indonesia and Ms. East Timor had to go back to the hotel early since they have to catch their flights early with Mr. Myanmar, Ms. Laos and Mr. Cambodia. Malaysia, Singapore, Mr. Thailand, and Ms. Vietnam are meeting up with their respective bosses for some new tasks. I am currently free and noticed that you were still asleep. I hope that answers your question, Ms. Philippines." Brunei looked back at his walking companion as she tried to multitask her bag.
"Uh, do you need help Ms. Philippines?" He asked her. Looking up from his question, Philippines unintentionally spilled out a majority of her bag's content out.
'Oh god! Can this get anymore embarrassing?!' Philippines thought out in her head before crouching down enough start picking up the papers in front of her.
"Here let me help you Ms. Philippines!" Brunei crouched down to help her. After two minutes or so of picking up the stuff, Brunei faced his flustered friend.
"Oh my god, Brunei I am so sorry for making you do this!" Philippines looking ashamed.
"It's quite alright Ms. Philippines." He smiled back at her still reddish face.
Grabbing onto the stuff he was holding, she placed the papers back inside her bag when she accidentally tipped the plastic bag of her bought jewelry to the side, causing the hairpiece to fall. Thankfully Brunei quickly grabbed it before it met the floor once more.
'I am such a klutz!' Face palming herself when he wasn't looking, she noticed him looking at it intently. He seemed to be in deep thought when looking at it.
"Oh! Sorry Ms. Philippines. Here you go!" Brunei sputtered out when his attention was broken.
Taking his hand to take the hairpiece, they found silence as they stared at each other, both having the same familiar feeling as though they seem to have remembered something during their interaction.
"Do-do you mind if- if I put it on you?" Brunei almost whispered to her.
"Sure. I'd li-like that." Taking her answer to continue, he acted upon it. Tucking a piece of hair away, Brunei placed the Pearl hair clip onto her right side of her hair. Looking back at her, he was awestruck by how she looked.
"You look beautiful, MD . . . " Brunei couldn't stop himself from saying it out loud, not that it wasn't true at how she shyly smiled and blushed before she stared back at him with surprised eyes. Something caught her attention.
"What did you say?" Philippines couldn't help but remember those vague lines from the voices she heard from her daydreams. And as to confirm her internal suspicions, he stated it again and when he said it, both voices came into synchronization.
"You look beautiful."
"You look beautiful."
Finding her voice once more, she smiled and answered him.
"Thank you . . . Adhi." Philippines answered back to his compliment and both found the other hard to look at without feeling flustered in their face.
Silence filled them once again as both blushing Asians were still trying to lessen their redness. Brunei finally broke the silence after a few seconds. Walking in front of her, he held out his hand in a well mannered gesture. Always a gentleman, Brunei was.
"Ahem, I know this might come off straightforward of me but . . . I am going to have dinner at a cafe nearby. So uhmm . . ." Brunei started finding himself hard to continue his word yet Philippines helped him to it.
"Brunei, are you asking me out for Dinner?" Philippines couldn't help but grin at the proposal.
"Well uhh . . . Yes. I mean if you are busy or you do no- "
"Yes, I will take you up on that dinner date!" Answering him before continuing again.
"And Brunei?" Philippines looked back at his hand before allowing him to speak.
"Yes, Ms. Philippines?"
"You can drop the formal Ms. and Mr. if you're with your friends. Heck, you called me by my human nickname when you complimented me. You know you could just call me Philippines, Phili or MD like you did."
Red in the cheeks, she continued her words for him.
"As like I can call you Brunei or Adhi . . . Unless you really don't want to." Philippines ended her statement with slight hesitation.
"No!" Brunei blurted out before he pressed on in a more steadied voice.
"I mean no. You are right about dropping the formal addressing if it's just you and my friends. And I don't mind being called either Brunei or Adhi since you are my dear friend . . . MD."
"Alright, Brunei!"
Taking his hand, she walked along with him out of the building. Silence was enough for until they got to his parked car by the parking lot did she quickly stated out something.
"Hey Adhi?" Philippines questioned as they sat in his car when he was turning on the ignition and both were strapping on their seat belts.
"Yes, Ms- MD?" He bit back that formal habit as he gave the car a bit of time to prepare before reversing out the space.
"I am really glad I came with you." She answered him with sincerity in the tone that Brunei couldn't help but remember asking her a similar request. Looking at her, he remembered words he once said a long time ago.
"Please come with me!"
Finding himself back to reality after hearing such a long forgotten voice of himself and noticing her somewhat concerned look, Brunei smiled and started reversing while he answered her.
"I am very glad you decided to come with me." Brunei gave her a heartfelt yet blushing smile before he looked back to the road in front of them.
"I do too." As she smiled back at him, smoothing her hair to feel the pearls' texture from the hairpiece placed by him.
And somewhere from this moment, a moment had been relived for the two of them.
But with a different outcome: she came with him.
P.S.: If you guys enjoyed this please let me know what you think! Comments/reviews/PMs? will be greatly appreciated (criticisms will be fine as well as long as it is fully meant to be constructive, let’s all be nice here) and I hope to continue writing more of these soon since this was fun to do. I hope to continue in the hopes that maybe, just maybe the heyday of Hetalia ASEAN will return with both old and new enjoying this amazing fandom.
Extra Information:
- Baju Kurung is a traditional Malay costume which loosely translated as "enclosed dress". This type of costume is the national dress of Brunei and Malaysia.
- National flowers of Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, and East Timor are the Moth Orchid (one of the 3), Arabian Jasmine (also Indonesia's), Hibiscus, and Chinese Rose (not official) respectively.
- The hat that Brunei would wear is called a songkok which is a hat worn by males in the Muslim communities of South East Asia.
- Languages (I am terribly sorry for my butchering!)
> Bin Boot in Tetum (Timor language) means Older sister while feto is to state a plural
For Filipino:
- iha = daughter, an endearing way of calling a young woman
- Ay, pasensya na po! Nagagandahan lang ako sa mga alahas ninyo. = Oh, I am so sorry mam! I was just amazed by your beautiful jewelry.
- Okay lang 'yan. Hindi ko na lolokohin yung mga may gusto kasi alam ko na totoo yung mga perlas namin! Baka may makita kang ma-accentuate yung itsura mo at para matching pa sa iyong kuwintas = It's quite alright. I won't bother trying to fool my cutomers since our pearls are genuine. Maybe you can find something to accentuate your look and also to match your necklace.
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